Olá, obrigado pelo interesse. Eu sugiro começar com esses três sermões que vão para o nosso novo site:
It is important for any of our members to understand, the the enemy is the source of what we call fundamentally as "evil". Evil, except of a natural situation of natural laws that are put there to cause opposition so that they are to be overcome. The situation of "evil" in nature is a wrong...
... Looking at this overall I understand that there are lots of folks who dont take the concept of Priesthood seriously at all but I gotta say what the world is today is a very bleak picture and the kind of dedication your talking about is very much all consuming making this an even more bleak...
And if so then what's the specific need of a 'Dedication ritual'? What's really the purpose does it serve to a Gentiles who is dedicated in comparison to one who is not? The Dedication Ritual is a holy and spiritual rite where you change sides and align yourself with the Gods on a direct...
Mantenha a lógica das nossas outras traduções, por ex. títulos sempre com iniciais maiúsculas, "Sumo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666" etc., sem ficar muito diferente das que já existem.
Vou marcar nosso Guardião que lidera os tradutores para te adicionar depois que tiveres concluido:
@The Alchemist7 [JG]