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To all ''SS''


New member
Jun 20, 2020
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.
If I was a 4channer I would say "cope" and "seethe" but this is all I know.

SS is just a short and neat way to refer to Spiritual Satanist/ism.

Keep to your RTR's? Fuck off maybe

You're being a downer and a downy. It doesn't exist anymore, but this does and is full of Europeans like you and me. I don't know how you think people can just join the Waffen SS if it doesn't exist, are you on something?
Your whole post collapses just by the fact that we don't call ourselves SS based on the Schutzstaffel but by the fact that it's an abbreviation of Spiritual Satanist.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

With SS we often mean Spiritual Satanists and not Schutzstaffel.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

Why hello there, it's not every day we get those with special needs. Dont worry! I will break it down for you.

SS means Spiritual Satanist.

But as for Americans, they possess 393 million guns....lol

Also I understand someone handicap believes everyone here is American. But let me explain little boy. There are multiple countries worth of citizens here. The fourth reich is going to start in Europe, not in America.

While it's true many Americans are weak, plenty of others are not. The same thing could be said about any Generation. In the 30s, they were thought of as weak, because they didnt compare to previous generations. They showed otherwise.

It's okay though not everyone is smart, and thinks alot of nonsense. Please dont Hesitate to contact me, if you're having any more trouble understanding basic things.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

Doesn't matter what you say, to everyone who may ever know us on this Earth with hatred, we're going to legit be called Nazis anyways and you honestly know you can't deny that.

I don't know what instigated this but members here know it in the positive light and embrace as such. An image, a symbolical force to take up a mantle of, you don't have to be a real hardened soldier to find courage from that in related cause to help keep strong on this path and find personal strength of the self and will. Hitler is the anti-christ and we're part of that direct cause. We're all real Nazis.

I don't think you understand either that we are SS, the Schutzstaffel, translated as the Protection Squadron/Echelon, which we most certainly are for the whole of humanity right now. Hitler's time of the SS were the physical soldiers, we are the spiritual soldiers of that same likeness for this era as many of us were reincarnated as such in this specific time.

Clearly you don't have the experience of the brutal attacks the enemy bombards more vital or steadily progressing members of the ministry every single day, there is no shortage of 'war' on the spiritual side either, from psychic attack after psychic attack to direct spiritual and even physical threats by the enemy, I don't even know where to begin in how much I and others have had to fight through even with our own selves; I assure you it can even be considered harder in the logistics of it than a physical battle on a war field because it's not about fighting with the strength of your body, the speed of your sprint, the quickness of your hand-eye coordination, it's all the mind, pinpointing the direction of energy, controlling your own thoughts (so much as getting a song stuck in your head and not being able to get it out is considered a lack in power and skilled discipline ability as a spiritual warrior), manifesting properly the means of defense and counter attacks when most people even after years find it difficult to even so much as sit quietly and calm themselves with intent enough to get in a light trance. It takes an incredible amount of time to discipline the mind to direct magic and spiritual warfare, and you have to facilitate all of this by maintaining and balancing your soul's forces and elements, preventing stray of energies and stability, there's an honest training manual for spiritual warfare, practicing the directing of energy, how to combat an attack, how to organize counter assaults, disciplining and grounding the mind and senses.

It's taken very seriously and personally in honestly devoting to this I in my own experiences can have little time in my day for 'fun' or 'games' or 'movies' at all and it's typically the opted choice of sorting what my priorities are and sticking to them. I cannot have fun until I get done what is needed to be done and if I procrastinate and delay or give in to any doubts or other related ilk that causes such meditations and efforts to drawl on because I can't stop until I get it right even if for but a second, then I can end up dragging the whole day of my spare time out until sleep, so then there's no 'fun' at all and that's the 'negative counterweight' that pushes me to put in effort. Andras is my guardian demon and he trains warriors, if I'm told to get up as to not sleep in then I get up, if I'm told to eat healthier then I have to eat healthier, if I'm told to exercise, I have to exercise, if I'm told I need to put more spiritual effort in something then I have to devote to that, I've been urged even to do my daily house chores 100% instead of half-assing them because it's an instilling habit of the mind, I can even be interrupted in the middle of any fun either by an attack or as a deliberate 'trial' and am told and urged strongly to forget about what I'm doing and focus spiritual efforts to fix the problem and defend myself to which I then have to and do.

You can't get much more of a military life than that, this is war and shit happens in war, and some people glorify the 'warrior' image here in spirituality even as all aesthetic and 'cool' factors but the reality of being a warrior is you must apply the grounded act of actually doing the work and not just wearing the image with no real strength to it underneath and not everyone can handle that, but there is no soul more important to Satan than that of a warrior, rewards/gifts, protection, guidance, teaching, assistance, a dedicated warrior is prioritized in providence. You are constructing yourself as a weapon, you are a force to an effective means for the safety and protection of your people and no it's not exactly fun, you just do it because it's necessary. The idea of such can seem overwhelming at first but it's all built to in time at each designated individuals own pace, we have fun and relax when it becomes necessary to, I'm typically taught work first, everything else is an "after" matter but for the most part it is just work.

All of this is for disciplining the self spiritually and physically which comes in time and with patience, I'm never given or told to do something that I can't handle, everyone is different and different things come in time, that is just an example of what it can be like for my end. There is no less 'realness' to this, this is a real spiritual war we're in not some imaginary playground pretending to be fighting something, we come under real attack and we don't have simple protection from trenches or sandbags or even the walls of our everyday home or workplace, our protection is only as strong as our AoP, the astral shields we build around our home and the closed defensive barriers of our chakras. The gods help us with what we can't handle or cover which is a lot when you're newer or if you're dealing with garbage like planetary or health issues among other things. For real spiritual progress and advancement, you need good health and physical strength and stamina overtime, you WILL and DO become built like a legit soldier and you very much do train like one, and yes I do also mean physically not just spiritually.

So forgive me if I'm evidently insulted by this blatant ignorance of yours with us just 'keeping to our RTR's' and nothing more as if there are those of us who have never even tasted the air of a 'real soldier', especially Clergy like Maxine and Cobra. The next time you're going to start spitting insults mindlessly talking the talk without walking the walk, perhaps you'll keep your mouth shut and show less arrogance in some respect for the sheer amount of people in this ministry that have suffered through real hardships in this fight. Those of us who have been here for a very long time with steady effort, we do know what we're doing, where we're going and what it's going to take, what is needed though is in fact action on this, and for most people cementing that habit of personality in a society full of 'everything is easy, fast and done for you goyim' takes time. But it must be done in some way every day even if for but a couple of minutes.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.
Some dude with a kabbalistic name should tell you how to fight this war. Come on goys, no matter how bad it gets, don't do anything about it on the physical.
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.
Almost everyone (other than Hitler and a few top people who got resued by the Gods and maybe a couple who haven't found us yet) who was in the orgional SS is here btw. Most of them reincarnated to fight again in this war. So you complain but you dont realize this isn't a military war of any kind right now. There are people on this site who are in or have been in various Armies around the world and have phyical training.

It was a differnt generation under different circumstances. Our Job is not military style fighting against the enemy at this point anyways and for many of us it never will be. Because once the Jews are exposed enough even the average person on the street will want their head. We will mostly just be spiritually backing them up.

The fourth reich will have an army and SS most likely. Some of us will be in that and be trained for it. We don't need that kind of thing right now though.

This just sounds like bragging and you think your better than everyone or most people here.

Not true. Advance and fight like the rest of us. If you're better you must prove yourself and make yourself that way not just brag about it. A really advanced person would not brag about it anyways they would be above that immaturity.
Ghost in the Machine said:
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

Doesn't matter what you say, to everyone who may ever know us on this Earth with hatred, we're going to legit be called Nazis anyways and you honestly know you can't deny that.

I don't know what instigated this but members here know it in the positive light and embrace as such. An image, a symbolical force to take up a mantle of, you don't have to be a real hardened soldier to find courage from that in related cause to help keep strong on this path and find personal strength of the self and will. Hitler is the anti-christ and we're part of that direct cause. We're all real Nazis.

I don't think you understand either that we are SS, the Schutzstaffel, translated as the Protection Squadron/Echelon, which we most certainly are for the whole of humanity right now. Hitler's time of the SS were the physical soldiers, we are the spiritual soldiers of that same likeness for this era as many of us were reincarnated as such in this specific time.

Clearly you don't have the experience of the brutal attacks the enemy bombards more vital or steadily progressing members of the ministry every single day, there is no shortage of 'war' on the spiritual side either, from psychic attack after psychic attack to direct spiritual and even physical threats by the enemy, I don't even know where to begin in how much I and others have had to fight through even with our own selves; I assure you it can even be considered harder in the logistics of it than a physical battle on a war field because it's not about fighting with the strength of your body, the speed of your sprint, the quickness of your hand-eye coordination, it's all the mind, pinpointing the direction of energy, controlling your own thoughts (so much as getting a song stuck in your head and not being able to get it out is considered a lack in power and skilled discipline ability as a spiritual warrior), manifesting properly the means of defense and counter attacks when most people even after years find it difficult to even so much as sit quietly and calm themselves with intent enough to get in a light trance. It takes an incredible amount of time to discipline the mind to direct magic and spiritual warfare, and you have to facilitate all of this by maintaining and balancing your soul's forces and elements, preventing stray of energies and stability, there's an honest training manual for spiritual warfare, practicing the directing of energy, how to combat an attack, how to organize counter assaults, disciplining and grounding the mind and senses.

It's taken very seriously and personally in honestly devoting to this I in my own experiences can have little time in my day for 'fun' or 'games' or 'movies' at all and it's typically the opted choice of sorting what my priorities are and sticking to them. I cannot have fun until I get done what is needed to be done and if I procrastinate and delay or give in to any doubts or other related ilk that causes such meditations and efforts to drawl on because I can't stop until I get it right even if for but a second, then I can end up dragging the whole day of my spare time out until sleep, so then there's no 'fun' at all and that's the 'negative counterweight' that pushes me to put in effort. Andras is my guardian demon and he trains warriors, if I'm told to get up as to not sleep in then I get up, if I'm told to eat healthier then I have to eat healthier, if I'm told to exercise, I have to exercise, if I'm told I need to put more spiritual effort in something then I have to devote to that, I've been urged even to do my daily house chores 100% instead of half-assing them because it's an instilling habit of the mind, I can even be interrupted in the middle of any fun either by an attack or as a deliberate 'trial' and am told and urged strongly to forget about what I'm doing and focus spiritual efforts to fix the problem and defend myself to which I then have to and do.

You can't get much more of a military life than that, this is war and shit happens in war, and some people glorify the 'warrior' image here in spirituality even as all aesthetic and 'cool' factors but the reality of being a warrior is you must apply the grounded act of actually doing the work and not just wearing the image with no real strength to it underneath and not everyone can handle that, but there is no soul more important to Satan than that of a warrior, rewards/gifts, protection, guidance, teaching, assistance, a dedicated warrior is prioritized in providence. You are constructing yourself as a weapon, you are a force to an effective means for the safety and protection of your people and no it's not exactly fun, you just do it because it's necessary. The idea of such can seem overwhelming at first but it's all built to in time at each designated individuals own pace, we have fun and relax when it becomes necessary to, I'm typically taught work first, everything else is an "after" matter but for the most part it is just work.

All of this is for disciplining the self spiritually and physically which comes in time and with patience, I'm never given or told to do something that I can't handle, everyone is different and different things come in time, that is just an example of what it can be like for my end. There is no less 'realness' to this, this is a real spiritual war we're in not some imaginary playground pretending to be fighting something, we come under real attack and we don't have simple protection from trenches or sandbags or even the walls of our everyday home or workplace, our protection is only as strong as our AoP, the astral shields we build around our home and the closed defensive barriers of our chakras. The gods help us with what we can't handle or cover which is a lot when you're newer or if you're dealing with garbage like planetary or health issues among other things. For real spiritual progress and advancement, you need good health and physical strength and stamina overtime, you WILL and DO become built like a legit soldier and you very much do train like one, and yes I do also mean physically not just spiritually.

So forgive me if I'm evidently insulted by this blatant ignorance of yours with us just 'keeping to our RTR's' and nothing more as if there are those of us who have never even tasted the air of a 'real soldier', especially Clergy like Maxine and Cobra. The next time you're going to start spitting insults mindlessly talking the talk without walking the walk, perhaps you'll keep your mouth shut and show less arrogance in some respect for the sheer amount of people in this ministry that have suffered through real hardships in this fight. Those of us who have been here for a very long time with steady effort, we do know what we're doing, where we're going and what it's going to take, what is needed though is in fact action on this, and for most people cementing that habit of personality in a society full of 'everything is easy, fast and done for you goyim' takes time. But it must be done in some way every day even if for but a couple of minutes.
You cant be a read soldier if you're not in the military. I think you meant this proverbially and not literally, I assume ?
OneWithThousandEyes said:
you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will)

So you are projecting your own cowardice on to me. I’ve been long ready to take up armed struggle against the JWO. So when it does start, I will be very happy.

Yeah we sit around on this forum and do the RTR, it would be a lot better to do [REDACTED] to the nosebergs, but now isn’t the time.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.

Sounds like you have some serious issues with your masculinity or something or your a Jew.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.
When the fighting begins kikes and shills like you will be lined up to camps. The kikes know this and fear us that's why you are shilling so hard for them.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.
Nice try schlomo, go back to your sand hole.
Jack said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
You cant be a read soldier if you're not in the military. I think you meant this proverbially and not literally, I assume ?

The Joy of Satan Ministry is a military, there's reason this forum is not stressed for 'social functions' and why it is discouraged at large, this is a tool of communication for the cause we fight to help others advance and take part as well as learn of our origins and the truth. We aren't organized as a whole construct as such in that of the ministry because of the wide spectrum and it's more like a hybrid organization of spiritual warriors, diviners, healers, psychics, dabblers, learners, though there are better organized 'units' so to speak as covens which can have actual specific targets.

But each individual is part of moving forward our combative goal. This doesn't change the fact that we are an entire order that fights a real spiritual war, remember that wars on other planets with other species is vastly spiritual because physical death to a spiritually strong race means nothing, to truly destroy and 'defeat' a target or enemy you need to destroy the source of their existence which is their souls on the astral; This is no different of the case on our own planet where the enemy for thousands of years has spiritually targeted and weakened humanity, the souls of masses at large are riddled with ails and weakness in strength and power, this is direct assault upon our entire kind, it is war.

Those of us who are old souls and have been with Satan in the past were all reincarnated here in this specific time frame for this war, this was stated by Satan himself to Maxine, we were meant to take part in this to help free humanity and work alongside the gods. There's no other rhyme or reason about it, your definition of 'soldier' is your own, I'm not trying define it's meaning, I don't care about it's meaning, but to undermine the importance and seriousness of what we're doing as a war just because it's spiritual and not physical is how you lose sight of why we're here in the first place 'just doing RTRs' every day.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

My grandpa and his brother both were SS
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

High advanced civilisations don’t wage war with bombs etc. It is something very spiritual, they wage war on the astral. They prevent some events to even manifest. And manifest situations that are very beneficial for victory.

We are far away from that, that’s why we do the RTR, so the world And it’s people do the physical work. Do not worry we will continue.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.




OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.
Amico ti sbagli. Ci sono SS qua' sul forum che sono SS a tutti gli effetti. Pronti a tagliarti le palle per poter sopravvivere!
Ghost in the Machine said:
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

Doesn't matter what you say, to everyone who may ever know us on this Earth with hatred, we're going to legit be called Nazis anyways and you honestly know you can't deny that.

I don't know what instigated this but members here know it in the positive light and embrace as such. An image, a symbolical force to take up a mantle of, you don't have to be a real hardened soldier to find courage from that in related cause to help keep strong on this path and find personal strength of the self and will. Hitler is the anti-christ and we're part of that direct cause. We're all real Nazis.

I don't think you understand either that we are SS, the Schutzstaffel, translated as the Protection Squadron/Echelon, which we most certainly are for the whole of humanity right now. Hitler's time of the SS were the physical soldiers, we are the spiritual soldiers of that same likeness for this era as many of us were reincarnated as such in this specific time.

Clearly you don't have the experience of the brutal attacks the enemy bombards more vital or steadily progressing members of the ministry every single day, there is no shortage of 'war' on the spiritual side either, from psychic attack after psychic attack to direct spiritual and even physical threats by the enemy, I don't even know where to begin in how much I and others have had to fight through even with our own selves; I assure you it can even be considered harder in the logistics of it than a physical battle on a war field because it's not about fighting with the strength of your body, the speed of your sprint, the quickness of your hand-eye coordination, it's all the mind, pinpointing the direction of energy, controlling your own thoughts (so much as getting a song stuck in your head and not being able to get it out is considered a lack in power and skilled discipline ability as a spiritual warrior), manifesting properly the means of defense and counter attacks when most people even after years find it difficult to even so much as sit quietly and calm themselves with intent enough to get in a light trance. It takes an incredible amount of time to discipline the mind to direct magic and spiritual warfare, and you have to facilitate all of this by maintaining and balancing your soul's forces and elements, preventing stray of energies and stability, there's an honest training manual for spiritual warfare, practicing the directing of energy, how to combat an attack, how to organize counter assaults, disciplining and grounding the mind and senses.

It's taken very seriously and personally in honestly devoting to this I in my own experiences can have little time in my day for 'fun' or 'games' or 'movies' at all and it's typically the opted choice of sorting what my priorities are and sticking to them. I cannot have fun until I get done what is needed to be done and if I procrastinate and delay or give in to any doubts or other related ilk that causes such meditations and efforts to drawl on because I can't stop until I get it right even if for but a second, then I can end up dragging the whole day of my spare time out until sleep, so then there's no 'fun' at all and that's the 'negative counterweight' that pushes me to put in effort. Andras is my guardian demon and he trains warriors, if I'm told to get up as to not sleep in then I get up, if I'm told to eat healthier then I have to eat healthier, if I'm told to exercise, I have to exercise, if I'm told I need to put more spiritual effort in something then I have to devote to that, I've been urged even to do my daily house chores 100% instead of half-assing them because it's an instilling habit of the mind, I can even be interrupted in the middle of any fun either by an attack or as a deliberate 'trial' and am told and urged strongly to forget about what I'm doing and focus spiritual efforts to fix the problem and defend myself to which I then have to and do.

You can't get much more of a military life than that, this is war and shit happens in war, and some people glorify the 'warrior' image here in spirituality even as all aesthetic and 'cool' factors but the reality of being a warrior is you must apply the grounded act of actually doing the work and not just wearing the image with no real strength to it underneath and not everyone can handle that, but there is no soul more important to Satan than that of a warrior, rewards/gifts, protection, guidance, teaching, assistance, a dedicated warrior is prioritized in providence. You are constructing yourself as a weapon, you are a force to an effective means for the safety and protection of your people and no it's not exactly fun, you just do it because it's necessary. The idea of such can seem overwhelming at first but it's all built to in time at each designated individuals own pace, we have fun and relax when it becomes necessary to, I'm typically taught work first, everything else is an "after" matter but for the most part it is just work.

All of this is for disciplining the self spiritually and physically which comes in time and with patience, I'm never given or told to do something that I can't handle, everyone is different and different things come in time, that is just an example of what it can be like for my end. There is no less 'realness' to this, this is a real spiritual war we're in not some imaginary playground pretending to be fighting something, we come under real attack and we don't have simple protection from trenches or sandbags or even the walls of our everyday home or workplace, our protection is only as strong as our AoP, the astral shields we build around our home and the closed defensive barriers of our chakras. The gods help us with what we can't handle or cover which is a lot when you're newer or if you're dealing with garbage like planetary or health issues among other things. For real spiritual progress and advancement, you need good health and physical strength and stamina overtime, you WILL and DO become built like a legit soldier and you very much do train like one, and yes I do also mean physically not just spiritually.

So forgive me if I'm evidently insulted by this blatant ignorance of yours with us just 'keeping to our RTR's' and nothing more as if there are those of us who have never even tasted the air of a 'real soldier', especially Clergy like Maxine and Cobra. The next time you're going to start spitting insults mindlessly talking the talk without walking the walk, perhaps you'll keep your mouth shut and show less arrogance in some respect for the sheer amount of people in this ministry that have suffered through real hardships in this fight. Those of us who have been here for a very long time with steady effort, we do know what we're doing, where we're going and what it's going to take, what is needed though is in fact action on this, and for most people cementing that habit of personality in a society full of 'everything is easy, fast and done for you goyim' takes time. But it must be done in some way every day even if for but a couple of minutes.

I fucking love you :p
Ghost in the Machine said:
Jack said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
You cant be a read soldier if you're not in the military. I think you meant this proverbially and not literally, I assume ?

The Joy of Satan Ministry is a military, there's reason this forum is not stressed for 'social functions' and why it is discouraged at large, this is a tool of communication for the cause we fight to help others advance and take part as well as learn of our origins and the truth. We aren't organized as a whole construct as such in that of the ministry because of the wide spectrum and it's more like a hybrid organization of spiritual warriors, diviners, healers, psychics, dabblers, learners, though there are better organized 'units' so to speak as covens which can have actual specific targets.

But each individual is part of moving forward our combative goal. This doesn't change the fact that we are an entire order that fights a real spiritual war, remember that wars on other planets with other species is vastly spiritual because physical death to a spiritually strong race means nothing, to truly destroy and 'defeat' a target or enemy you need to destroy the source of their existence which is their souls on the astral; This is no different of the case on our own planet where the enemy for thousands of years has spiritually targeted and weakened humanity, the souls of masses at large are riddled with ails and weakness in strength and power, this is direct assault upon our entire kind, it is war.

Those of us who are old souls and have been with Satan in the past were all reincarnated here in this specific time frame for this war, this was stated by Satan himself to Maxine, we were meant to take part in this to help free humanity and work alongside the gods. There's no other rhyme or reason about it, your definition of 'soldier' is your own, I'm not trying define it's meaning, I don't care about it's meaning, but to undermine the importance and seriousness of what we're doing as a war just because it's spiritual and not physical is how you lose sight of why we're here in the first place 'just doing RTRs' every day.
I'm not undermining our role, but your confusing your role by trying to equate it with something which doesn't make sense. Our role is not of the 'military ' and this organization is not a 'military '. In the military there is an intense vetting process ,especially in the elite branches (special/black ops). Atleast there's a written exam and a practical exam.Conversely every individual on this planet no matter how worthless can log onto this forum and claim publicly that hes a Satanist and an 'elite' while actually not doing the RTRs and not doing the Meditations and not doing anything in life in general.

This looks like a troll thread but we should remember that this is not a military or paramilitary organization and I'm certain 99.99% of the individuals here have never touched a firearm or heard (or felt) the recoil of live rounds. So far I've only come across 2 individuals who were and currently are in actual military service.

What we are ,is a spiritual organization with no connections to the military or any paramilitary organization and I'll be certain to say that not a single individual on this forum is a member of any paramilitary organization. When you define warrior, we should always remember it is in the sense of being against the Jewish spiritual system and fighting it ,with spiritual weapons like the RTR.

A spiritual warrior. We shouldn't confuse our roles and become delusional, attaching ourselves to unrealistic standards. The majority of the people here(90% ?) have never been in a fistfight, being an actual soldier is a farcry.

National Socialism was primarily a socio - political movement, with the SS part being use to replace Christianity. They eventually planned to create a new Germanic religion for the German people so that people could leave behind Christianity. Also understand that Hitler was elected primarily because he promised employment opportunities to the German people. He wasn't elected because he said he was going to eliminate Christianity. The majority of the German people were Christians, and even the SS was composed of only 1/3rd pagans. It's not like every single person in the SS was a pagan,quite on the contrary. However if it would have continued until now the Europeans would be free of Christianity.

The point being that the suffix "spiritual " should be added infront of warrior or soldier while referring to one who is taking action against jews on the spiritual side. The majority of the people here will never be an actual physical warrior or soldier, which is okay because everyone has their roles. I'd argue the things we're doing are way more important tbh that physical acts because vibration manifests into reality so when we change the vibrations, reality changes.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.

We all know the kikes will send the world into war again. After which we can put them back on the trains and repeat the whole process.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Jack said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
You cant be a read soldier if you're not in the military. I think you meant this proverbially and not literally, I assume ?

The Joy of Satan Ministry is a military, there's reason this forum is not stressed for 'social functions' and why it is discouraged at large, this is a tool of communication for the cause we fight to help others advance and take part as well as learn of our origins and the truth. We aren't organized as a whole construct as such in that of the ministry because of the wide spectrum and it's more like a hybrid organization of spiritual warriors, diviners, healers, psychics, dabblers, learners, though there are better organized 'units' so to speak as covens which can have actual specific targets.

But each individual is part of moving forward our combative goal. This doesn't change the fact that we are an entire order that fights a real spiritual war, remember that wars on other planets with other species is vastly spiritual because physical death to a spiritually strong race means nothing, to truly destroy and 'defeat' a target or enemy you need to destroy the source of their existence which is their souls on the astral; This is no different of the case on our own planet where the enemy for thousands of years has spiritually targeted and weakened humanity, the souls of masses at large are riddled with ails and weakness in strength and power, this is direct assault upon our entire kind, it is war.

Those of us who are old souls and have been with Satan in the past were all reincarnated here in this specific time frame for this war, this was stated by Satan himself to Maxine, we were meant to take part in this to help free humanity and work alongside the gods. There's no other rhyme or reason about it, your definition of 'soldier' is your own, I'm not trying define it's meaning, I don't care about it's meaning, but to undermine the importance and seriousness of what we're doing as a war just because it's spiritual and not physical is how you lose sight of why we're here in the first place 'just doing RTRs' every day.

The Astral is part of the "Material" they are not separate at all. So we are fighting in a real war. Watch what happens on the Material in the next few years. I am not responding to you (I like your response though) so much as adding this for people that might think a material war and spiritual war is different. Its the same thing. In the end this may actually end up spilling over into a material battle like it did with ww2 but right now it really hasn't fully.

Just be sure you take care of protection in the physical though and don't do something dumb that alerts a phyical jew to your beliefs or where you are or anything. Also take care of your health don't do anything bad to your body as much as possible. Cause you lose in the physical you have to start over again and go through a bunch of BS and traumas and nonsense most likely. Find us again if our beliefs are not widely known by the time your that age and miss out on taking part in the war since it may be over by the time you reach age 10 even if you reincarnate right away.

In my mind Reincarnation is like playing Russian roulette in this world. You could get lucky and end up in a really cool life body and situation but most likely your not going too and you really could go through something really horrible. Not worth it.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.

Your actions prove you're the one shitting your pants kike. now begone.
Aldrick said:
The fourth reich is going to start in Europe, not in America.

Really? What country could it be in, Germany again? I doubt that.

I only see a new reich being established through a violent overthrow of the current (((System))). Europe is not armed.

I see a secession of US states both Republican and democrat happening and possibly having it turn into a neo-confederate nation which can then be transitioned into a new reich. Just speculating.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aldrick said:
The fourth reich is going to start in Europe, not in America.

Really? What country could it be in, Germany again? I doubt that.

I only see a new reich being established through a violent overthrow of the current (((System))). Europe is not armed.

I see a secession of US states both Republican and democrat happening and possibly having it turn into a neo-confederate nation which can then be transitioned into a new reich. Just speculating.

If it were to happen in Europe, I think it would be either from Ireland or Scandinavia, particularly Norway and Iceland. There isn't enough pressure from the enemy in Ireland though to inspire discipline and things like paramilitary groups (although they did have the IRA at one point) unlike USA and the others.

If such a thing did come to pass there it would be a very odd thing. Celtica's great return. Eire in that state would have a lot of stability and power as a nation if it was spiritually supported, it is the 'land of the Aryans' after all...
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aldrick said:
The fourth reich is going to start in Europe, not in America.

Really? What country could it be in, Germany again? I doubt that.

I only see a new reich being established through a violent overthrow of the current (((System))). Europe is not armed.

I see a secession of US states both Republican and democrat happening and possibly having it turn into a neo-confederate nation which can then be transitioned into a new reich. Just speculating.

It has to do with the people, not with weapons.
Jack said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Just because you like to dance in the shadow of Hitler and his creation and contemplate the past doesn't make you an SS. Do you even know what the SS is? The SS is an elite combat unit which specializes in reconnaisance, demolitions, lightning speed attacks, most of which an average Joe can't even dream to accomplish. To be an SS requires bravery and sacrifice and gravel in the guts which most of you soft belly americans don't have (thanks to mcdonalds). It was a different generation, YOU now live in a different generation. Even if you win the spiritual war doesn't mean that you'll win the real one. None of you even have resources or manpower to wage real wars so stop dreaming and keep to your RTR's that's all.

Doesn't matter what you say, to everyone who may ever know us on this Earth with hatred, we're going to legit be called Nazis anyways and you honestly know you can't deny that.

I don't know what instigated this but members here know it in the positive light and embrace as such. An image, a symbolical force to take up a mantle of, you don't have to be a real hardened soldier to find courage from that in related cause to help keep strong on this path and find personal strength of the self and will. Hitler is the anti-christ and we're part of that direct cause. We're all real Nazis.

I don't think you understand either that we are SS, the Schutzstaffel, translated as the Protection Squadron/Echelon, which we most certainly are for the whole of humanity right now. Hitler's time of the SS were the physical soldiers, we are the spiritual soldiers of that same likeness for this era as many of us were reincarnated as such in this specific time.

Clearly you don't have the experience of the brutal attacks the enemy bombards more vital or steadily progressing members of the ministry every single day, there is no shortage of 'war' on the spiritual side either, from psychic attack after psychic attack to direct spiritual and even physical threats by the enemy, I don't even know where to begin in how much I and others have had to fight through even with our own selves; I assure you it can even be considered harder in the logistics of it than a physical battle on a war field because it's not about fighting with the strength of your body, the speed of your sprint, the quickness of your hand-eye coordination, it's all the mind, pinpointing the direction of energy, controlling your own thoughts (so much as getting a song stuck in your head and not being able to get it out is considered a lack in power and skilled discipline ability as a spiritual warrior), manifesting properly the means of defense and counter attacks when most people even after years find it difficult to even so much as sit quietly and calm themselves with intent enough to get in a light trance. It takes an incredible amount of time to discipline the mind to direct magic and spiritual warfare, and you have to facilitate all of this by maintaining and balancing your soul's forces and elements, preventing stray of energies and stability, there's an honest training manual for spiritual warfare, practicing the directing of energy, how to combat an attack, how to organize counter assaults, disciplining and grounding the mind and senses.

It's taken very seriously and personally in honestly devoting to this I in my own experiences can have little time in my day for 'fun' or 'games' or 'movies' at all and it's typically the opted choice of sorting what my priorities are and sticking to them. I cannot have fun until I get done what is needed to be done and if I procrastinate and delay or give in to any doubts or other related ilk that causes such meditations and efforts to drawl on because I can't stop until I get it right even if for but a second, then I can end up dragging the whole day of my spare time out until sleep, so then there's no 'fun' at all and that's the 'negative counterweight' that pushes me to put in effort. Andras is my guardian demon and he trains warriors, if I'm told to get up as to not sleep in then I get up, if I'm told to eat healthier then I have to eat healthier, if I'm told to exercise, I have to exercise, if I'm told I need to put more spiritual effort in something then I have to devote to that, I've been urged even to do my daily house chores 100% instead of half-assing them because it's an instilling habit of the mind, I can even be interrupted in the middle of any fun either by an attack or as a deliberate 'trial' and am told and urged strongly to forget about what I'm doing and focus spiritual efforts to fix the problem and defend myself to which I then have to and do.

You can't get much more of a military life than that, this is war and shit happens in war, and some people glorify the 'warrior' image here in spirituality even as all aesthetic and 'cool' factors but the reality of being a warrior is you must apply the grounded act of actually doing the work and not just wearing the image with no real strength to it underneath and not everyone can handle that, but there is no soul more important to Satan than that of a warrior, rewards/gifts, protection, guidance, teaching, assistance, a dedicated warrior is prioritized in providence. You are constructing yourself as a weapon, you are a force to an effective means for the safety and protection of your people and no it's not exactly fun, you just do it because it's necessary. The idea of such can seem overwhelming at first but it's all built to in time at each designated individuals own pace, we have fun and relax when it becomes necessary to, I'm typically taught work first, everything else is an "after" matter but for the most part it is just work.

All of this is for disciplining the self spiritually and physically which comes in time and with patience, I'm never given or told to do something that I can't handle, everyone is different and different things come in time, that is just an example of what it can be like for my end. There is no less 'realness' to this, this is a real spiritual war we're in not some imaginary playground pretending to be fighting something, we come under real attack and we don't have simple protection from trenches or sandbags or even the walls of our everyday home or workplace, our protection is only as strong as our AoP, the astral shields we build around our home and the closed defensive barriers of our chakras. The gods help us with what we can't handle or cover which is a lot when you're newer or if you're dealing with garbage like planetary or health issues among other things. For real spiritual progress and advancement, you need good health and physical strength and stamina overtime, you WILL and DO become built like a legit soldier and you very much do train like one, and yes I do also mean physically not just spiritually.

So forgive me if I'm evidently insulted by this blatant ignorance of yours with us just 'keeping to our RTR's' and nothing more as if there are those of us who have never even tasted the air of a 'real soldier', especially Clergy like Maxine and Cobra. The next time you're going to start spitting insults mindlessly talking the talk without walking the walk, perhaps you'll keep your mouth shut and show less arrogance in some respect for the sheer amount of people in this ministry that have suffered through real hardships in this fight. Those of us who have been here for a very long time with steady effort, we do know what we're doing, where we're going and what it's going to take, what is needed though is in fact action on this, and for most people cementing that habit of personality in a society full of 'everything is easy, fast and done for you goyim' takes time. But it must be done in some way every day even if for but a couple of minutes.
You cant be a read soldier if you're not in the military. I think you meant this proverbially and not literally, I assume ?

I think he might have meant literal. I train under Cimeries. He's my military officer trainer. So it can be applied when under the gods. I asked Cimeries about joining the military, and he said that it wouldn't be conducive. He offered to teach me the habits, the hand-to-hand combat and other things that are required.

So it doesn't really always fall into the proverbial sense.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
This whatever you call your little league is not going to last and the enemy knows this. Let me tell you that when the real fighting begins you are going to be shitting your pants(I know I will) and it won't matter if you do the meditations or RTR's they will still shut it all down(the internet I mean). This little fanclub of yours will be gone and you are going to be history. And your so called ''spiritual satanists'' will be dragged off to kike owned armies who are going to use you as cannon fodder and no one will ever fucking care who you were.

Lol, apparently you dont grasp Satan being a real being and how we have already over won. If we die in this life, the Gods shall simply eradicate the enemy, and we will be reincarnated. But your kind will wish it never existed.
Egon said:
Thanks for informing, keyboard Überjude, we surely will keep up with the Final RTR. Many here do have the physical capability to be an "actual" SS, but that's irrelevant for the time being, before the Antichrist's comeback, the extermination of kikedom's power will be carried on as usual.

Remember the kikes are shitting themselves. This is just one expressing his fear to us.
Jack said:
I'm not undermining our role, but your confusing your role by trying to equate it with something which doesn't make sense. Our role is not of the 'military ' and this organization is not a 'military '. In the military there is an intense vetting process ,especially in the elite branches (special/black ops). Atleast there's a written exam and a practical exam.Conversely every individual on this planet no matter how worthless can log onto this forum and claim publicly that hes a Satanist and an 'elite' while actually not doing the RTRs and not doing the Meditations and not doing anything in life in general.

This looks like a troll thread but we should remember that this is not a military or paramilitary organization and I'm certain 99.99% of the individuals here have never touched a firearm or heard (or felt) the recoil of live rounds. So far I've only come across 2 individuals who were and currently are in actual military service.

What we are ,is a spiritual organization with no connections to the military or any paramilitary organization and I'll be certain to say that not a single individual on this forum is a member of any paramilitary organization. When you define warrior, we should always remember it is in the sense of being against the Jewish spiritual system and fighting it ,with spiritual weapons like the RTR.

A spiritual warrior. We shouldn't confuse our roles and become delusional, attaching ourselves to unrealistic standards. The majority of the people here(90% ?) have never been in a fistfight, being an actual soldier is a farcry.

National Socialism was primarily a socio - political movement, with the SS part being use to replace Christianity. They eventually planned to create a new Germanic religion for the German people so that people could leave behind Christianity. Also understand that Hitler was elected primarily because he promised employment opportunities to the German people. He wasn't elected because he said he was going to eliminate Christianity. The majority of the German people were Christians, and even the SS was composed of only 1/3rd pagans. It's not like every single person in the SS was a pagan,quite on the contrary. However if it would have continued until now the Europeans would be free of Christianity.

The point being that the suffix "spiritual " should be added infront of warrior or soldier while referring to one who is taking action against jews on the spiritual side. The majority of the people here will never be an actual physical warrior or soldier, which is okay because everyone has their roles. I'd argue the things we're doing are way more important tbh that physical acts because vibration manifests into reality so when we change the vibrations, reality changes.
What the fuck are you talking about. Anyone who does not do their part of the spiritual warfare is not a soldier. Claims are pointless, actions matter. It's glaringly obvious to any serious SS from the beginning that this is a spiritual military, yes military. We are soldiers for/with/of Satan.
Lol I was pretty angry when I made this post really didn't mean anything bad just wanted to tell you that everyone should fight physically not just spiritually sorry. :(
It will be great when the danger is over and so we can identify ourselves with photos and etc., thus avoiding infiltrators and trolls entering the forums here.

I wanted to be optimistic about something brief, in a few years ...
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Lol I was pretty angry when I made this post really didn't mean anything bad just wanted to tell you that everyone should fight physically not just spiritually sorry. :(

We do not advocate for anything illegal here. Sometimes humanity needs to be beaten and subjugated so that it can advance or learn the hard way.
The Europeans are totally under a total communist rule. Its impossible for the revolution to start there. The place where it starts is the U.S.A,that's a certainty.
NinRick said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aldrick said:
The fourth reich is going to start in Europe, not in America.

Really? What country could it be in, Germany again? I doubt that.

I only see a new reich being established through a violent overthrow of the current (((System))). Europe is not armed.

I see a secession of US states both Republican and democrat happening and possibly having it turn into a neo-confederate nation which can then be transitioned into a new reich. Just speculating.

It has to do with the people, not with weapons.
It has to do with people demanding Secession through revolutionary means, which includes weapons.
Henu the Great said:
Jack said:
I'm not undermining our role, but your confusing your role by trying to equate it with something which doesn't make sense. Our role is not of the 'military ' and this organization is not a 'military '. In the military there is an intense vetting process ,especially in the elite branches (special/black ops). Atleast there's a written exam and a practical exam.Conversely every individual on this planet no matter how worthless can log onto this forum and claim publicly that hes a Satanist and an 'elite' while actually not doing the RTRs and not doing the Meditations and not doing anything in life in general.

This looks like a troll thread but we should remember that this is not a military or paramilitary organization and I'm certain 99.99% of the individuals here have never touched a firearm or heard (or felt) the recoil of live rounds. So far I've only come across 2 individuals who were and currently are in actual military service.

What we are ,is a spiritual organization with no connections to the military or any paramilitary organization and I'll be certain to say that not a single individual on this forum is a member of any paramilitary organization. When you define warrior, we should always remember it is in the sense of being against the Jewish spiritual system and fighting it ,with spiritual weapons like the RTR.

A spiritual warrior. We shouldn't confuse our roles and become delusional, attaching ourselves to unrealistic standards. The majority of the people here(90% ?) have never been in a fistfight, being an actual soldier is a farcry.

National Socialism was primarily a socio - political movement, with the SS part being use to replace Christianity. They eventually planned to create a new Germanic religion for the German people so that people could leave behind Christianity. Also understand that Hitler was elected primarily because he promised employment opportunities to the German people. He wasn't elected because he said he was going to eliminate Christianity. The majority of the German people were Christians, and even the SS was composed of only 1/3rd pagans. It's not like every single person in the SS was a pagan,quite on the contrary. However if it would have continued until now the Europeans would be free of Christianity.

The point being that the suffix "spiritual " should be added infront of warrior or soldier while referring to one who is taking action against jews on the spiritual side. The majority of the people here will never be an actual physical warrior or soldier, which is okay because everyone has their roles. I'd argue the things we're doing are way more important tbh that physical acts because vibration manifests into reality so when we change the vibrations, reality changes.
What the fuck are you talking about. Anyone who does not do their part of the spiritual warfare is not a soldier. Claims are pointless, actions matter. It's glaringly obvious to any serious SS from the beginning that this is a spiritual military, yes military. We are soldiers for/with/of Satan.
This is exactly what I'm saying. The real problem I have with equating ourselves with a military is that there is no divisions and ranks, there is no metric for achievement and there is no accountability, except to yourself.

Compare this to an actual physical military where if you slack off and underperform you get DISHONORABLY discharged and thrown out. It's an extremely organized process where people are accountable through an official process.

A person can proverbially call himself whatever he wants - a soldier, a warrior etc. But calling an organization a military without any metric for equivalency makes it a false equivalency.

For the Joyofsatan to be a military it has to have
1)An accountability system where people get discharged for underperforming.
2)A metric system to separate ranks.
3)Gracious respect being to members who've proven themselves to be an elite class through whatever metric is being set up.
4)An organized form of disciplined action where whininess is not tolerated at any cost.

Do you understand what I'm trying to get here ? Theres a difference when you're proverbially calling yourself something for whatever mental equivalency you've drawn PERSONALLY and trying to equate an organization to another organization without any actual equivalency.

The joyofsatan is simply an information resource where anyone can log on to and get the resource. If they want to do the spiritual warfare they can, and if they don't theres no overseeing body to discharge them from the organization. Without any strict rules and laws, no metric or accountability system we cant set up a foundational structure for a military organisation.

Then when you do the work consistently (which no other person can verify because its anonymous) you can personally call yourself a spiritual soldier or warrior, but you still cant draw the same equivalency to the ORGANIZATION as a whole.

And by the way ,the one thing I want is for people to be accountable. I want every worthless eater and drifter to be unable to access knowledge that we have, unless they prove themselves first. There should be a level system where the higher knowledge is earned through proving yourself. You can have drug addicts, worthless parasites who failed in everything they ever did, those who have never manifested any spiritual working or done the RTRs commenting and trying to one up you when you're disseminating important information.

Do you know what happens when you try to one up a superior in the military ? DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
And do you know how rank is decided in a military ? A metric system where you prove yourself.

Do you know who has a metric organization ? The YESHIVA priests in Israel. You don't get allowed access to the oral Torah until you prove yourself to be proficient under the lower versions. You constantly prove yourself as you get more and more knowledge in their magical system. They don't allow outsiders. They have strict enforceable rules and they kick out useless undisciplined grifters and lazy people. This is probably unenforceable on the internet.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Lol I was pretty angry when I made this post really didn't mean anything bad just wanted to tell you that everyone should fight physically not just spiritually sorry. :(

You’re right but that wasn’t your point. You came here trying to ankle-bite and belittle us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
