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Tips for better communication - A guide

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
I felt the need to write this out to help anyone who it may concern. Even for those of you who are naturally well versed in good communication, I hope this post can still be informative and helpful.

The Importance of Good communication - A short guide.

In today's modern age where communication largely happens via the internet, communication skills have rapidly declined. Many people are finding it harder to express themselves or come to valid points during a healthy disagreement without it turning into an argument or leaving some hurt feelings. This is due largely to the fact there is no face to face communication with texting. People have become comfortable attacking and saying nasty things they usually would not, if in an actual face to face conversation with someone else.

This can lead to one party feeling victimized or misunderstood. And it can lead to the other party feeling they can continue this behavior because they have dehumanized the person on the other side of the screen, In their mind they can't see them in person, so therefore no wrong happened in their eyes because they aren't being held accountable. We need to grow out of this kind of behavior. What you say does impact the person on the other side of the screen. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face in person don't say it to them online or through text. It's as simple as that. But common sense things like this are sadly starting to decline.

People need to be reminded that even though technology can be a wonderful thing, it can also bring with it many issues, mainly socializing issues like the ones we see today. So many people feel inconvenienced when having to speak to people in the real world. The safety net of internet communication has made people comfortable with not having to go out and actually talk to people. Which is not a normal thing for us. Never in our history have we had to deal with this sort of thing to this extent, and therefore because we as a society were unprepared for what would happen along with the advancement of the internet and cellphones, we did not take into account how to develop healthy communication skills for this sort of thing, nor did many people take into consideration that it not only increases communication wide and far, but it would also become a double edged sword that would also bring with it the decreasing of personal communication and important social skills.

It has given people a crutch to hang on to, and a screen to hide behind, evading in person conversation. and making them feel a false sense of security. Yes it has also given us great opportunities, with every advancement there will be good and bad things it brings, we can see this unfolding with newer technology like AI. I am not saying all of this as a knock against technology. Without these things, After all, without these advancements Joy of Satan and these forums wouldn't exist. But I am just wanting to address the elephant in the room and shed some light on this important subject. Too many people get easily offended now, much of it is due to poor communication skills, along with other things. Our communication skills definitely need work as a society now days. We can truly learn from the older generations here, They knew what it was like to grow up in times before all of these problems were going on. Some of them have better communication skills in some ways than we do right now because they learned to communicate in a more healthy manner.

This guide is just some tips I have found helpful for healthy and good communication. Some of these can be applied for both in person, and online communications. I hope it can be of some help to some of you here.

Listen and Understand:


It is very important to be open to listening in any conversation, communication is a two way street. Even if you know you are right about a certain topic, you may learn something new, or discover a new way to look at something by listening to other people's points of views. If you continue to talk, or argue over another person, not only are you making them feel invalidated or angry because they can't speak their point of view, but you are missing out on perhaps a new understanding.

It's important to listen, reflect, and then come to a conclusion in a conversation. This will allow the other party to feel heard, and feel calm. And then you can calmly discuss with them, with full understanding, your point of view. If you however, happen to be the person on the receiving end of somebody who is being incoherent, and loud trying to talk over you, even after you try to be calm and explain yourself. LEAVE. You have said your point, they won't listen. Some people have made up their minds that they are always right, and will never listen to reason. The expression it's no use beating a dead horse, applies to these kinds of people.

Your time and energy can be better spent elsewhere amongst people who will listen and communicate in a civilized fashion with you, not amongst angry cavemen who can't be reasoned with. Listening is a valuable part of communication. Take into consideration what would happen if we decided to not listen to the advice that the Gods give us? They would eventually stop trying to communicate to you at all, until you are willing to actually listen. It's no different with us. People who are always "right" end up driving away many people because it is just generally unpleasant being around a know it all. If you don't listen, you can't understand. If you can't understand, you can't communicate properly.

Don't Go Overboard:


It is easy sometimes when in a disagreement to feel the need to go overboard and to over explain yourself, or defend yourself. It is normal to want to defend yourself if you feel you are being accused wrongly, or if you feel you have been misunderstood. The important thing to do during this situation is to step back, let the other person stress their opinion, and calmly inform them of their misunderstanding. If you fly off the handle and go on the attack, this will create unnecessary friction and arguments.

Don't "turn the other cheek" but be rational, and speak your truth in a civil manner. Sometimes the misunderstanding is due to the other person not listening. Sometimes people purposely try to egg you on for a reaction. Some people enjoy causing chaos and making people angry. These people are often times trolls, but not everyone who misunderstands you, or says something in disagreement towards you is a troll! Some people are on different levels of understanding. Some people may be in a bad mood due to a hard day, and they aren't thinking straight. This is why is is so important to not go overboard. It is very important to step back when things are heading in this direction, and think about the situation. Maybe you are the one who is wrongly conveying your message, what can you do to make your point more clear? Did you explain everything in a clear and understandable manner?

Maybe the person didn't pay attention to what you said, maybe they got caught up on one word, and didn't care to read any further. Maybe the person is trolling you, or maybe they just don't understand. REGARDLESS of the situation it is best to remain calm and rational, and explain your side of the story in a manner that is easy to understand. No one wants to read an entire blog post of a reply. Don't go off the deep end with trying to prove a point. Your point will get lost in all of your over explaining, and it will likely tire the other person out causing them to stop listening or paying attention and nothing will ever get solved.

Think before you speak:


This should be obvious, but sometimes we get heated and fly off and say things we likely shouldn't have. If you find yourself in a situation where you have overreacted, or said something that you know you shouldn't have, BE ACCOUNTABLE. Don't play the blame game, don't point fingers. Own up to your mistake and apologize when appropriate.

It is ok, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes there are planetary things going on causing high tensions. We are also always fighting our own personal battles, so sometimes we may get overwhelmed or emotional about certain things. Sometimes things others have said may strike a nerve, or bring up wounds you have gone through in this life, or other lives. The best thing to do is to apologize when you have spoken out of anger for no reason. Don't worry if the other person accepts the apology or not, just speak your peace and move on.

Try to reflect on what made you so angry and speak to Father Satan and the Gods about it as well. Ask them to show you where you went wrong if you can't figure it out. And then learn from the situation so you can grow from your mistakes and not repeat them again. Learning from our mistakes is a sign of maturity. Children often times stamp their feet and blame others and get angry when they are wrong about something, they will cry and throw tantrums. But it takes maturity to grow out of this, and accept accountability and understand when you have messed up, and take it upon yourself to do better next time.

Don't jump to conclusions:


It's easy to point your finger at someone and say they are a kike, or they are a troll when they are acting immature or instigating. We have likely all made this assumption about others from time to time, But remember, some people haven't fully matured or learned how to behave properly yet. Some people come to us from rough upbringings where they are dealing with trauma or they may be mentally ill.

It's not wise to accuse everyone of being a kike just because they may say some outlandish things. Take this into careful consideration. This is why you will see members here trying to offer helpful advice even to people who may seem like obvious trolls. There is always a chance they aren't a troll and they really do need help. If they are an infiltrator they WILL be exposed in time, there is no need to worry. Most of them can only keep the act up for so long. And the Gods will intervene and allow them to be exposed eventually.

If you see someone saying something off the hook, You don't always have to respond. But if you do, make sure to judge the situation accordingly. If they are blatantly disrespecting us and our Gods and saying nasty things then yes they are most likely a kike, or a misguided person who is trying to start shit. But if they are asking a weird question, or saying things that seem off and crazy, if you reply at all, keep in mind they may really need our help, or they may be some kid who is messing around. They may be mentally ill and don't know any other way of talking, Or they could even just be from another country and don't know English very well so they aren't able to communicate very well.

Speak Clearly:


Make sure you are speaking or writing clearly. Especially here. People are of all different ages and come from all backgrounds and countries, and are on different levels of understanding. They also come from different religious upbringings with their own traumas they are contending with. Be patient with others. Don't assume you are smarter or better than other people just because they fail to understand your point of view, or because they are on a lower level of advancement and understanding than you. Remember we are all learning here. We are all trying to uplift each other, Not needlessly make enemies and conflicts.

Learning to speak to others in a way that is easy for their own level of understanding is a skill that not everyone possesses. It can be learned by just taking the time to listen to other people, and talking gently to them. I know this doesn't apply to every situation but in a normal conversation, it is important to be patient with the other person. Let them get their points across the best they can. And based on how they respond to you and speak to you, reply to them accordingly based on what will make the most sense to them.

The Gods do this same thing to us, we are each our own individuals with our own understanding. The Gods teach us in ways we each can easily understand. They use signs that mean something to us, they use symbolism that we can easily figure out. Just as a parent teaches a child things that make sense from the mind of a child. We should use this same gentle technique in our own communications with other people. It costs nothing to be kind to other people, don't lose patience with people or get angry at their lack of understanding. Practice speaking more clearly, and remember not everyone will listen and understand. In situations where no matter what you do, the other person still isn't willing to understand you, just end the conversation. No need to keep it going at that point.

In closing, Always keep in mind that the enemy wants to separate us. They want to cause conflict with us. They don't want us to have good social skills and be able to communicate. We are stronger when we are on a mutual level of understanding with each other, when we can teach and uplift each other. They know this. This is why they come in here to shit talk, stir up arguments, and cause conflict. They want to bring out the worst in us so they can point it out, and make a mockery of us. Don't let them bring out your worst. Ignore their instigating just as we ignore intrusive thoughts until they eventually go away all together. They want disunity, don't allow them to achieve this. Practice and maintain healthy balanced communication in everything that you do, and you won't have to worry about falling victim to enemy tactics like that.

We are a family and every family has it's squabbles and disagreements, but at the end of the day we are all on the same boat, sailing towards the same destination of personal advancement, being guided by Father Satan and the Gods. We can agree to disagree, and we can be mature in our relations with each other. We can grow out of xian and enemy mentalities, and we can develop healthy viewpoints, and mutual understanding by the guidance of the Gods. We can look at the world through the eyes of Spiritual Satanism, and live by the Example the Gods give to us. Much love and respect to you all my Brothers and Sisters!

Hail Satan!!


This post dedicated to Father Satan, and Lord Apollo! Without their help and patience with me I wouldn't be here. I am forever grateful to the Gods!
Sunny said:
Excellent article, thank you!

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

Also, I noticed a typeo that I made,

if you see someone saying something off the hook, You don't always have to respond. But if you do, make sure to judge the situation accordingly.

It should say if you see someone saying something off. But I'm guessing autocorrect filled in the sentence with "off the hook"
You are a very talented and very knowledgeable, sister!!

Thank you for this great article! I really needed this. I appreciate the effort you put into this matter!! :)
Abyssos said:

To save on time, focus on the propaganda aspect. When people come around to an idea, then they will act on their own accord to research and test it.

Keep your posts brief and solution-oriented, as this will be more easy to accomplish for the time being.
Very informative and well written. Thank you so much, and I know the Gods and Satan smile upon you!

It's ok, We are all here trying to help people learn the truth. You aren't alone in this, therefore it's best not to shoulder all of this on yourself alone. You aren't hated and ostracized, no one is against you. Not here, we are all a family all on the same path in Jos. The only people against us are the kikes, and people still enslaved by their lies and agendas. But we are doing work here to help solve this.

You don't have to choose between work/sleep or spiritual advancement, You just need to do the best you can with what time you have. Even doing a few workings, a few meditations before bed, and at least one Rtr is doing much more than you think. It's definitely better than doing nothing. Just don't give up!

Also take Blitz's advice as well. Try to focus on sharing brief posts that get people thinking. No need to post long posts that deter people from your initial point. Things that get people thinking and conversing are more impactful.

Good Luck!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
