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TIKTOK BANNED & The Anti Israel College Protests are the MOST IMPORTANT TURNING POINT of the Century against Israeli Occupation of the US

Dec 3, 2022
Understand this. The young people of the Elite Universities are the Statesmen of Tomorrow. Its just Tick-Tock Tick-Tock now till the Jews launch a World War. Because they need to take Iran out before the Support COMPLETELY runs out. They are literally running out of time. But make no mistake. The Right and The Left. Not the Old Guard. The NEW Youthful group that is emerging. they will Coalesce and they will not stop. The Youth of Today will be MORE ANTI JEW in the next 6 months than America has been in 70 years.

The young people are angry against the Jew for taking away their TikTok which works in redpilling them about why > Because the massive coverage was pro palestinian on TikTok. And the Jews couldnt have that.


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The Jews can put down One. Two . Three protests.

But they CANNOT STOP Hundreds of THOUSANDS of people whose hearts will be inspired by these protests. Which will surely turn into Massive George Floyd style rallies against the Jew across the United States.

The Right Wing MUST JOIN THESE PROTESTS. Regardless of what Ideology or beliefs the various people have. We must all coalesce against and take out the common enemy FIRST - THE JEW.
These students, albeit believe in idiotic anti-white nonsense, are specifically vocally being against the jews with power who are supporting the genocide of Palestinians and NOT attacking regular jews minding their own business.

The Trump supporting independent journalists are believing the lies of the jewish owned media and saying regular jews are being attacked. Even the jews are turning against their own. Not to be trusted but jewish students are coming out and saying these reports are false and they are only protesting the colleges who work with businesses who are sending money to israel,

The jewish owned Left are reaping what they sowed. They pushed this cult like mentality and unleashed it on regular working people and now this monster have turned around on them. Lol
In my opinion, it can evolve like with christianity.
The protestant variant of christianity was created and this was one of the first breaking points of christianity. Over time it became acceptable to be able to choose to be catholic or protestant.
And in our day, it is something that is becoming completely irrellevant in the world.

The same thing is happening with so-called 'anti-semitism', it is now possible to be 'anti-semitic' or at least socially accepted.
In time, jewish oppinions and influences will be completely irrellevant and we can concentrate on improving our countries.

This process will be faster than in the Middle Ages and with more factors to consider.
Unfortunately, the anti jew rhetoric that is rising right now, is strongly based on the foundation of jihadism and pisslam... so many of the "pro palestine" people are basically the same muslims who want to completely Islamize Europe and the US, and the foolish white people who follow them.
On the other hand, we have the conservatives who albeit knowing the real danger of pisslam, are heavy jew sympathizers, or jews themselves most of the time...

Again, both sides seem to be heavily controlled by the enemy.

Capitalism vs communism all over again.
In time, jewish oppinions and influences will be completely irrellevant and we can concentrate on improving our countries
Lets hope that these Muslims don't replace jews in terms of influence and power, because let me tell you islam is a very seriously dangerous virus.

A thousand times worse than xianity, HPS Maxine herself said she has never seen anything more depraved, and she is totally right. It is so vile and chaotic that it has turned back on its jewish creator, like a dog that's starting to bite the owner.
These people oppose israel not because they're jews but because they see them as "evil western colonizers"
Lets hope that these Muslims don't replace jews in terms of influence and power, because let me tell you islam is a very seriously dangerous virus.

A thousand times worse than xianity, HPS Maxine herself said she has never seen anything more depraved, and she is totally right. It is so vile and chaotic that it has turned back on its jewish creator, like a dog that's starting to bite the owner.
In a way, I hope so.

The jews with their agenda are trying to create a Dark Ages 2.0 with steroids and invasive technology, look at schwab's plans or the post "your life under the jewish world order" (can't remember if that was the title of the post).
These would be the plans to start the Age of Aquarius proposed by the enemy.

This process will come crashing down on them, especially considering all the other rituals that will have to come out.
I may have a limited perception on this, but I see many protests against israel are based on communist feelings, and they do involve leftist organizations. It seems, the jews are trying to handle the wave of hate towards israel through their communist program, that partially works.
I think this is just the begninning of a wider anti-jew feeling that will spread thanks to our RTRs so it's a good sign.
For now they blame the jews but want to legalize cannabis, promote veganism, borderlessness, and peace all around as a form of reaction, they even call the jews "nazi" (!).
One step up, anyway, in the path of crushing enemy aura of protection letting people feel they are "good".
Altough this generates confusion, I am quite interested in watching how this will develop in a more focused general reaction against the kikes.
These people oppose israel not because they're jews but because they see them as "evil western colonizers"
It doesn't matter. Any movement that opposes the Jews in ANY way must be supported. The issues these people have with the West in whatever way can be debated after the Jews are ousted from the Positions of Power.

And remember the most important thing - In 2024 , Whites could never have started a Mass Movement targeting the Jews organically.

Providence and the Powers that be ,had to necessitate a bunch of Women, non Whites and Communists to start the Movement. Because they are the protected class that the JEWS created which has now TURNED on them.

This can now expand with the Antisemitic Right joining this Movement that has already spread to all parts of the United States. Which will essentially do what we all want.
1) Sideline the Zionist Right as being Israel First.
2) Sideline the Zionist Left as being Israel First.

Netanyahu came out and gave a speech in English DEMANDING the Protests be shut down immediately because he understands the Situation very very well.

Once the Youth of America regardless of Politics - The Fuentes, Alt Right ,Pagan Right and The Communist Left ,Women and the Blacks let go of the Secondary Social Issues and Coalesce on the Single Most Pertinent Topic - "The Jewish Question", it's OVER for the Jews. All of these other Social Issues are downstream from "The Jewish Question".

I suspect in one of these protests someone will be killed and the protests will turn into BLM Style rallies around America.

There will be only one Political Test going forward - Do you support The Jews or Not ?
These people oppose israel not because they're jews but because they see them as "evil western colonizers"
The amount of exposure that the jews are going through right now is insane. What you say is true, many muslims blame this on white people. The job of many "anti-Zionist" jews is exactly this as well, to shift the blame on the "West", calling Israel a "Nazi" state, saying "they are not real jews" and so on. But the influence that the jews have worldwide is getting exposed more and more. The brutal reaction to these protests alone shows to people what kind of influence Israel has on the US. People are starting to see what AIPAC has been doing over the decades. Also, many muslims are actually aware of the jews and so are many whites. Twitter/X is full of anti-jew posts with massive engagement everyday.
It doesn't matter. Any movement that opposes the Jews in ANY way must be supported.

Yeah but, when anti Semites are the mob, I would say it isn't much better either. It will be very confusing for more cleaver people. They will see some facts about Jews, but they will also see how retarded ones are the anti-semites. In fact it's the same today, almost every more intellectual people think that skinheads are the only "nazis" and that they are retarded.

Also, this is not only about hating the Jews, but defending Islam which is deeply connected to the Jews. Most of these protest are about "Free Palestine" and not "Jews must pay for their crimes" or something. Some Jews that controls Jews, can also control this Islamic mass-mind. I just hope the Gods bind these "important" figures and that would be a solution.
Providence and the Powers that be ,had to necessitate a bunch of Women, non Whites and Communists to start the Movement. Because they are the protected class that the JEWS created which has now TURNED on them.

I gotta say, I always wondered why it was the left that was exposing Zionist Pissrael, and the Catholic church's mass graves of Amerindians intentionally with their churches and boarding schools built over them, which puts patriotic conservatives who share the same anti-Pissrael views on quite a quagmire.

I voted for Trump in 2016, but back in that day - I was ostracized by the other trump supporters for opposing pissrael.

I have heard that many evanglical xian gentile groups are starting to wane their support for pissrael.

The thing is....the gentiles need a plan on what to do with post-zionist palestine. I would hate to see them end up like the White Russian warlords or Northern Chinese warlords of the 1920s who opposed the communists but were too embellished in personal rivalries against one another and selfish desires which internally destroyed the nationalist camps of both nations and was used by the commies as ammunition.
Yeah but, when anti Semites are the mob, I would say it isn't much better either. It will be very confusing for more cleaver people. They will see some facts about Jews, but they will also see how retarded ones are the anti-semites. In fact it's the same today, almost every more intellectual people think that skinheads are the only "nazis" and that they are retarded.

Also, this is not only about hating the Jews, but defending Islam which is deeply connected to the Jews. Most of these protest are about "Free Palestine" and not "Jews must pay for their crimes" or something. Some Jews that controls Jews, can also control this Islamic mass-mind. I just hope the Gods bind these "important" figures and that would be a solution.

Correct - I share your same views, no nationalist or "truther group" is going to be any successful without spiritually-advanced Gentiles with benevolent intentions. Many times nationalist groups formed by non-spiritual souls just simply didn't last long, or are controlled opposition. It becomes evil vs. evil at that point. Once the physical manifestation of the anti-jew crowd starts to show up in people's faces, there's going to many going around targeting anyone that may simply "look jewish" or committing other atrocities. The White Russian officers of the Russian Civil War and the northern Chinese warlords of the Northern Expedition weren't free of atrocities or malignancy.

Just like how a lot of the anti-vax or anti-mask crowd tended to be retarded toxic-minded chainsmoking xians who get wasted every weekend at biker bars. You should watch Penguinz0's videos on school board meetings.....that's a perfect example, I feel that targeting those "niche" to feed the truth behind vaccines or masks was intentional to destroy the truther movement from within.

I feel like when it comes to Satanic souls operating Islamic countries - you would aim for the Sufi crowd since I've heard that while putting on a "Muslim face" they're in reality, worshipers of Melek Ta'us.

In the case of the Orientals, there are many societies that refer to themselves as "Buddhist" but are in reality - Bon religion or other Asian pagan groups.
Lets hope that these Muslims don't replace jews in terms of influence and power, because let me tell you islam is a very seriously dangerous virus.

A thousand times worse than xianity, HPS Maxine herself said she has never seen anything more depraved, and she is totally right. It is so vile and chaotic that it has turned back on its jewish creator, like a dog that's starting to bite the owner.

Sadly even in an alternative history where the Arab and Muslims won the 1948 war - Palestine wouldn't be in any better of a predicament that it is now. It'd be a third-world Islam shithole. It's why any type of stability or a semblance of it in the Arab or Muslim countries can only achieved via dictators, since Islamists love to abuse democracy and freedom into promoting Islamist shithole.
This might sound good, but it's just another peaceful protest... Besides accountability and a well-crafted, what else do these pacifists have that threatens the Jew?

I swear, these people constantly convince themselves they're making the Jews shake in their boots when they really haven't, just to avoid the emotional pain of having their beliefs proven wrong.
This might sound good, but it's just another peaceful protest... Besides accountability and a well-crafted, what else do these pacifists have that threatens the Jew?

I swear, these people constantly convince themselves they're making the Jews shake in their boots when they really haven't, just to avoid the emotional pain of having their beliefs proven wrong.
The cultural shift happening so that 100% of all people will be aware of the jewish crimes against humanity.

All of the jews bullshit crying about that old lady Auntie Semitism is now finished. They have nothing to say, because nobody is listening to them.

The majority of people are somewhere close to worthless. They are pack animals who have no thoughts of their own, and only do what they see the herd doing. Like the "sheep tornados" where the sheep in the front of the pack loop around and start to follow the ones in the back, and now they are all going endlessly in a circle and going nowhere.

The people were afraid of that woman Auntie Semitism, and she has led the pack to all fear the jews, never question them, never mention their crimes, and absolutely never say one word about them. But now the pack has gone a different direction, and the pack is now against the jews. All of the population who are thoughtless followers, by following the pack, are now all led to be against the jews. When it was these unconscious people who used to be as a physical barrier guarding and hiding the jews, now they have turned around and started to examine their crimes.

It is like the muslims say in their books. "Let every rock and every tree all learn how to speak, and call to us 'Look, there is a jew hiding behind me.'" These unconscious herd of people are the rocks and trees, and they have learned how to speak.
Sadly even in an alternative history where the Arab and Muslims won the 1948 war - Palestine wouldn't be in any better of a predicament that it is now. It'd be a third-world Islam shithole. It's why any type of stability or a semblance of it in the Arab or Muslim countries can only achieved via dictators, since Islamists love to abuse democracy and freedom into promoting Islamist shithole.
I dont see how dictatorship can give order to a country. I mean, look at Russia, North Kirea and iran. The people are suffering.
The problem is mainly islam. But even bigger than that is the amount of support musoims get from the communist left. Do you know how much money and artillery, let alone nudes are given to places like Iran by Russia?
I dont see how dictatorship can give order to a country. I mean, look at Russia, North Kirea and iran. The people are suffering.
The problem is mainly islam. But even bigger than that is the amount of support musoims get from the communist left. Do you know how much money and artillery, let alone nudes are given to places like Iran by Russia?
Lol NUKES!!!

fucking hell...
But I dont think it has much difference in this context🤣🤣🤣
Yeah but, when anti Semites are the mob, I would say it isn't much better either. It will be very confusing for more cleaver people. They will see some facts about Jews, but they will also see how retarded ones are the anti-semites. In fact it's the same today, almost every more intellectual people think that skinheads are the only "nazis" and that they are retarded.

Also, this is not only about hating the Jews, but defending Islam which is deeply connected to the Jews. Most of these protest are about "Free Palestine" and not "Jews must pay for their crimes" or something. Some Jews that controls Jews, can also control this Islamic mass-mind. I just hope the Gods bind these "important" figures and that would be a solution.
I'm not talking about loser Skinheads. I'm talking about the emerging Right Wing Movement of the Trump Camp. Majority of them are anti intervensionist and Anti Semitic. Only Old Boomers support Israel nowadys. Statistics show that majority of Young People DO NOT support the Jews.
To anyone complaining about meaningless details, you need to think about the bigger picture here.

You cannot expect 100% perfect out of the blue. It's unrealistic. We live on planet Earth here, not in some urban fantasy novel.

The bigger picture is: people are reacting against the enemy and protesting against them. Nothing else matters at this stage. None of what you complainers mentioned.

If you get caught up in overthinking rubbish, move to HPS Lydia's most recent sermon and work on the technique she described. It will benefit you more in the long-run than your lack of faith.

This is one manifestation of Lord Zeus answering our plea from the Grand Ritual.

Don't let overthinking undermine your faith and mindset for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Stay strong!
General Yeager, thank you very much for this post! It gave me the shivers.

What is surprising and extremely satisfying, is the fact that TikTok was always known as the most deprived media to promote whatever filthy jewish ideology (from sex addicts to race mixing, to dehumanizing women, to feminism, blah blah). It had always been a media that worked in favor for the jews to completely destroy humanity's morals and to decrease people's IQ below zero.

And now... this. This is fucking happening.
A media that worked in favor for the jews (most likely created by them, as well?) has turned 180 degrees AGAINST THEM.

And we're also talking about the youth here, which is the main user of this media!

This is incredible!
Let them destroy each other and then we will finish who is left. I think that Grand Ritual is working perfectly. Don't complain and trust in the Gods.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
