Greetings, Brother / Sister!
I am sorry for late answer - I just investigated something about Bi-Quintils.
Quintils and Bi-Quintils are 72 and 144 grades. Very numerologicaly interesting: 9 (one of three Tesla's magic numbers: 3,6 and 9, 9 being the "godly" one) in vibration plus 144 is Satanic number of Nadies.
As every fatal/past life/Ancestry related aspect on its higher octave these aspects may do with a talent to be (re)discovered at some point when transits triggered them / when person is ready, and past life / Ancestry talents or talents to be opened in this life. For example, Venus-Neptune might be predisposition either for extreme creativity or for astral / spiritual love for any reason, just at some point when triggered by important transit might occur as Destiny call, especially if there is a Yod or other Destiny calling natal sign is in accordance to it (but then when there is Yod and other Destiny signs it is just norm that all these are endlessly triggered through life since they are many, and people may feel Destiny calls almost all the time - if many fatal/Destiny aspects at very high octave). Or for example, Mercury/Uranus might occur as strong urge at some age (transit trigger, when Destiny calls appear in Returns or transit) to go after a profession specific to Mercury/Uranus topics, again it might not necessarily be talent from past life just fatal desire to go for it. I just gave two examples I saw in real life how it played out yet there were other strong correlative signs to it.
The above examples I provide for highest octaves - exact purpose of Satanic meditation and spiritual advancement. Lower octaves of fatal/Destiny signs in random people might be less pleasant, such as inborn lifelong diseases, if there are many and thus transits lifelong triggering, or other fatal situations. This is when they say: "either you realize the gift or it will undo you".