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Threats On America 2019-2020

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It appears with the present state of America, the enemy has smelled fire, as in them getting revealed, and for once, not snowballing and doing anything as they see fit, in their rampage to take down America. Trump has been at the center of this.

The behavior of the enemy towards America is simply that of a slaver losing his influence, and trying to force people hopelessly into submission.

Crucial events are coming in for America, one being Trump and his necessity to satisfy his voters base, and also, provide campaign promises, which, the minor politics aside, boil down to a larger reality. The reality of Nationalism in contrast to Globalism, and how this interplay is playing out presently in the political arena.

America is literally struggling both for it's survival, and we are in the front of a global change in regards to either the forced Multi-culti enemy crap, or a softer return to more level headed Nationalism, which will be a big loss and reversal of fortunes to the enemy's agenda.

The jews have took the matter with Trump at heart, because if America and the average American wins anything out of this, the jews lose, and this loss will resonate globally, as the deadening song of a withered jewish witch who always was used to getting things done her way, and now has lost her coercive ability.

The jews are essentially threatening Trump with financial collapse next year, and they are trying to blow the whistle on an upcoming financial recession in 2020, if one is reading along the lines in the news. Basically some financial evaluation houses have already went open about this. Let us be clear, I do not believe this is truly the case personally, but that's besides the point - they are literally flexing in front of Trump and everyone else on what will happen if anyone is not beaten down to submission in regards to jewish will.

The financial system on it's own has large issues by design, but this is far from the case and blaming such is only the smoke-screen, as everything can be artificially both collapsed and corrected, if there is said will to do so, which in this case, there is not.

That way, the jews can collapse economies and blame 'circumstance', but they can also point the finger to Trump, which is what is going on, and threaten American people on what will happen if America withdraws it's blessings from over Israel. But, knowing the jews, this is basically an open letter to President Trump in regards to how they will try to pull the plug on the USA completely.

The Great Depression they also likewise tried to blame on some sort of circumstance, but no expert on the subject or intelligent person was convinced of such, as simply, this was never the case. The jews are collapsing economies and they are aggressively trying to dominate people into full subversion by their handed ability to define economies. So long they define the rules and regulations of economies, this will always be a looming reality.

Then of course, the finances aside, they are leaving the USA without a working government. Even reporting the weather from weather agencies can become affected, work payments, even potentially taxes, public services, same as any movement or anything within a country, if there is "Government shutdown". While this is technical of a term, the situation here is, the jews are flexing in front of Americans on what they can do when their filthy desires are not followed to the letter, such as for example, when the jews desire that America is messacred by invading hordes of foreigners who have no right to be in America.

Since people are waking up, the jew proceeds with the usual terrorism, threats, coercion, and retaliation.

Then, they are threatening to pull to financially retaliate against America if one reads the news from September to today, and 'predictions' about the financial year 2020. Socially speaking, the media is going full throttle with the usual poisons, and all of this wrestling is simply the jews flexing themselves in front of the innocents they torment.

Trump has to fight to get a re-election in 2020, in order to increase his power in order to be influential enough in the Government to go ahead with certain reforms he wants to do, such as the creation of the Border Wall, a major campaign promise. This cannot be done without him gaining popularity, which the recent Government shutdown is only making worse, as many people are suffering financially as a result, especially, those working for or into their government.

These people and their support is crucial to the empowerment of presidents, and through this Government closure and democrat games, civilians and many others are going to slowly suffer. But all of this behavior is typical as the jews and "globalists" in power, have it for nothing literally to strangle innocents and their host populations if their whims are not instantly satisfied. As it's clear in the recent gov shutdown, the jews aren't allowing the creation of this wall, as they aren't allowing every other necessity for life, survival, public health, and safety for American people for decades.

The situation with the jews in general, is that if they are not disassociated from a country, they will constantly reduce it's power, strain it, and of course, when they are in politics of said country, stranglehold it in every possible way in order to serve their own native land of Israel, and their so called "Values".

After Trump also requested the American forces to withdraw from Syria, by a huge 'coincidence', American soldiers were killed in the region. Everyone here knows who created "ISIS" (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service parading as a "terrorist organization"), and this is the jews merely trying to hold America with full teeth on the region to keep the billions costing massacre of innocent people going to the graves, both Americans, and other locals.

Geopolitically, Israel is in a grim situation, because the new political line that rises in America is that people no longer want involvement in the Middle East. So the whole "We were with jews to fight our common enemies aka innocent kids and people and blast them with napalm cause Israel is God's nation" is just dissipating, same as the jewish works of filth are dissipating. Israel will be gradually left alone, as it's the most dishonest and troublesome of all allies.

It has no real allies. Even America their only actual ally, they treat as a slave, a relation that only consists of Israel stabbing America in the back constantly. America hasn't collapsed cause it's a very powerful nation, but the stabs keep and keep on going, and so does the bleeding.

The jews cannot afford to be left alone in the Middle Eastern region, as everyone hates them, and the only thing really keeping Israel in existence is nothing but the United States. Israel cannot stand on it's own militarily, politically, socially or otherwise, with endless billions and American support flowing into it. America is the big blood donor that gives the Israeli vampire the ability to keep existing.

A lesson has to be learned from observing all this and that is simple. Jews can never be friends, allies, or anything else in relation to Gentiles.

It goes beyond saying the RTR's need to be down more than ever. We have scored victories that are enormous. The enemy is at the losing streak, they are acting as mad dogs, because the world is waking up from them. We are giving a huge defeating blow to the enemy, especially lately. The levels of knowledge from people are increasing exponentially, and from this, unavoidably, will arise lasting and permanent changes. Everything that happens now is drawbacks and the enemy viciously attacking because they are losing power and influence.

The Final RTR must now be done mercilessly, so that the enemy's attempts are revealed and thwarted. This will render them even more powerless, exposed and defeated than they already are.
Something of interest now that u mention this Jupiter will be transiting Capricorn it's fall from dec this year and in 2020 ... Jupiter ruling the political field mostly and the financial state on a global scale I can see these things u mentioning here being something the enemy will try do
BoRn of fire said:
Saturn will also be in Aquarius at the time

It is true. I kept this only based on news that people can read.
Our works on the RTR will be very crucial in the coming years and very near future, we need to work harder than ever or else when shit hits the fan it's going to be catastrophic for us. We need to make it catastrophic for the jews.

I've noticed evident changes in the behaviour of jews I see. They are in a near constant state of anxiety and even the 'unawakened' jews I come across and the one I unfortunately live with seem to feel a sense of loss in control over their surroundings and are becoming more and more withdrawn and reclusive due to innate fear of us gentiles and our souls. They're a filthy hive-mind, they all feel collectively that their grip on us is falling away and fast.

When their reptiloid shitlords abandon them to suffer on Earth alone, they will realize that they are the prisoners here to deal with our wrath and hatred; and I will be tormenting them with glee, enjoying every second that they lose their minds from fear. They will all get everything they deserve.
BoRn of fire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BoRn of fire said:
Saturn will also be in Aquarius at the time

It is true. I kept this only based on news that people can read.
Salute Hp *

Saturn will be briefly in Aquarius, for a very little while, at this time, and station and retrograde. Typically this can signify changes. We will see as the whole events proceed.
Also everyone in addition to doing our RTRS and on the Lunar eclipse coming (in which the RTRs should be SPAMMED) if those of you are raising a lot of energy, please consider giving it to Satan and the gods so that they can use this in America's favor and for gentile humanity to help them stop a financial collapse and the Jewish hold.

I asked the gods on this and they said that they can always use more energy and power. It just adds to our victory. "This is WAR" they exclaimed.
The popular ‘’meme’ going on in the US right now is that “whites are shuttting down the government and trying to build a wall so people can not escape and people can’t get in to save them”. It’s ridiculous.

The fact that there is actually a lot of ‘mexican’ supporters of Trumps wall should tell people something because even these Mexican people know that a ton of all types of crime IS in fact brought from the Mexican cartels and criminals etc.

The US really needs to wake up to the fact that it’s NOT the white man BUT the Jewish ghoul behind the destruction of America.

I will be doubling and tripling my efforts to wake people up to this.
Darksage666 said:
The popular ‘’meme’ going on in the US right now is that “whites are shuttting down the government and trying to build a wall so people can not escape and people can’t get in to save them”. It’s ridiculous.

The fact that there is actually a lot of ‘mexican’ supporters of Trumps wall should tell people something because even these Mexican people know that a ton of all types of crime IS in fact brought from the Mexican cartels and criminals etc.

The US really needs to wake up to the fact that it’s NOT the white man BUT the Jewish ghoul behind the destruction of America.

I will be doubling and tripling my efforts to wake people up to this.

Commie style rebellion by the freeloading hordes of the jews, and other potential invaders is to be expected, against Whitey it seems. Last time the rotten Soros has had mobilized troops and armies with BLM fools around these things.

It's not unlikely they will do the usual Roman recipe of turning the people against the leadership, the enemy is losing, and even if that was to collapse America, they would probably try to do it.

The will happen if the so called "Mexicans" (most of which are not Mexican normal people people but criminal gangs and mobs going in to expand profits and start "bindess") is that the native Mexicans will be taken as traitors, especially those who were decent towards the USA.

If the USA collapses, Mexico is next in line, being the neighboring country. But who cares about that right...

The jews must not walk around unpunished, we have to fire up the RTR's and the information warfare hard now.
Thank you for posting HP Hoodedcobra.

If another recession happens like in 2008, how bad would it be? I need to plan ahead and 2020 is right when I would move to a major city and I don't wanna be anywhere that's not safe, or financially unstable so I need advice on what to do.
In addition to Trump's wall, the jews are also fighting to block the Brexit. Either one would be a devastating step backward for their agenda of a global mixed-race country. The fact that these are even being considered publicly is huge progress for us.
Grin said:
Thank you for posting HP Hoodedcobra.

If another recession happens like in 2008, how bad would it be? I need to plan ahead and 2020 is right when I would move to a major city and I don't wanna be anywhere that's not safe, or financially unstable so I need advice on what to do.

Recessions like that are never admitted to the large public (only a very few will know which will orchestrate these events), this is just the jews flexing in front of Americans on what they could potentially do to America. They wouldn't give anyone a date, as if they did that, then people will hang them in the streets and in the open. The people will grow murderous and extremely angry if that was to be done.

There is no any cause of alarm or anything like that for us. Additionally, Satanists are always protected, even from said perils, so just live a sensible life and try to be independent, live in a safe area, etc.

America can reprint and has control of it's own currency, so long there is political will, so the jews may pluck their own eyes if they do something like that again. 2008 brought all the "Far Right" Nationalist parties and closet Nazis back to relevancy. If they make another 2008, they will be ruined completely, and there will be chaos for the jews.

The most suffering bleeds over in these cases to countries that do not have their own currencies.

The RTR will offset any negative manifestion, and it has to be done mercilessly now and constantly. Nothing is set in stone.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
In addition to Trump's wall, the jews are also fighting to block the Brexit. Either one would be a devastating step backward for their agenda of a global mixed-race country. The fact that these are even being considered publicly is huge progress for us.

I have been reading the news on Brexit every single day, and it's true, they are terrified of Britain and it's leaving of the EU. They want other Nations to be terrified of their exit, and make it seem as they will never actually make it - like it's a waste of time, and so forth.

Eventually Britain will come on top, I believe. They just cannot go back to it, only delay. If they go back to it, they will make fools of themselves, and this will radicalize people even worse.

The jews are really cornered with their same ole' methods
One positive thing about all of this, and I don't know if anyone else has noticed but there is enormously more "antisemitism" on the internet lately, more of which the likes I have ever seen in my entire lifetime. (I put quotes around antisemitism because I hate using that word, it is a word engineered by j*ws)
There is a large awakening and this is shown on the comments on youtube, random forums, even jewbook posts I've noticed that people are beginning to shift their rightful blame towards j*ws. People are starting to realize that blacks are not the problem. Mexicans are not the problem. But instead, the J-E-W. All human races on this Earth are oppressed by one single existence of non-human parasite. There is more information available online now more than ever explaining lies of the holohoax. Just 5 or 6 years ago this information would have been near impossible to find.

Here's a good example just of what I'm talking about.

I watched this documentary about banking systems and the federal reserve, and while very informative it was, it largely failed to mention as a collective that all the people who it had mentioned all had one trait in common. I don't exactly blame them, because the video would definitely not be on jewtube if you pointed a single finger towards kikes. The comments on the video did it justice. Lmao! People are starting to finally wake the fuck up.
HPS Shannon said:
Also everyone in addition to doing our RTRS and on the Lunar eclipse coming (in which the RTRs should be SPAMMED) if those of you are raising a lot of energy, please consider giving it to Satan and the gods so that they can use this in America's favor and for gentile humanity to help them stop a financial collapse and the Jewish hold.

I asked the gods on this and they said that they can always use more energy and power. It just adds to our victory. "This is WAR" they exclaimed.

HPS, would it be a good idea to make this a topic in itself? I just ask because any information on RTR timing or increasing their efficiency is important, and I know it's easy for people to overlook individual posts.
HailVictory88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also everyone in addition to doing our RTRS and on the Lunar eclipse coming (in which the RTRs should be SPAMMED) if those of you are raising a lot of energy, please consider giving it to Satan and the gods so that they can use this in America's favor and for gentile humanity to help them stop a financial collapse and the Jewish hold.

I asked the gods on this and they said that they can always use more energy and power. It just adds to our victory. "This is WAR" they exclaimed.

HPS, would it be a good idea to make this a topic in itself? I just ask because any information on RTR timing or increasing their efficiency is important, and I know it's easy for people to overlook individual posts.

I only put out that reminder, and not as single post because the RTRs are doing lots of damage. I think its important to send the gods energy if one has the means. The gods use energy when they are working to protect us, guide us, work in our favor on this earth and take care of the enemy. With that being said, it really makes me want to give some back. It benefit us all.

Exactly, and the funny thing about this too is people are sharing ways to wake other people up :) A good way I just learned the other day is to introduce people to some of the more outlandish 'survivor' stories the Jews have;

Like the 'masturbation to death' machines, the 'roller coaster of death', and other outlandish claims.

When you point out things like that, it breaks people and they fight back (until betrayed or option 2), or better; It becomes a seed of doubt they will NEVER be able to forget. That's how I got here, seeds of doubt, anti-memes made by 4chan, and the subtle guidance of the gods.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Grin said:
Thank you for posting HP Hoodedcobra.

If another recession happens like in 2008, how bad would it be? I need to plan ahead and 2020 is right when I would move to a major city and I don't wanna be anywhere that's not safe, or financially unstable so I need advice on what to do.

Recessions like that are never admitted to the large public (only a very few will know which will orchestrate these events), this is just the jews flexing in front of Americans on what they could potentially do to America. They wouldn't give anyone a date, as if they did that, then people will hang them in the streets and in the open. The people will grow murderous and extremely angry if that was to be done.

There is no any cause of alarm or anything like that for us. Additionally, Satanists are always protected, even from said perils, so just live a sensible life and try to be independent, live in a safe area, etc.

America can reprint and has control of it's own currency, so long there is political will, so the jews may pluck their own eyes if they do something like that again. 2008 brought all the "Far Right" Nationalist parties and closet Nazis back to relevancy. If they make another 2008, they will be ruined completely, and there will be chaos for the jews.

The most suffering bleeds over in these cases to countries that do not have their own currencies.

The RTR will offset any negative manifestion, and it has to be done mercilessly now and constantly. Nothing is set in stone.
Thank you for answering. I'll definitely keep on the RTRs ⛧
Poweredbythesun said:

Exactly, and the funny thing about this too is people are sharing ways to wake other people up :) A good way I just learned the other day is to introduce people to some of the more outlandish 'survivor' stories the Jews have;

Like the 'masturbation to death' machines, the 'roller coaster of death', and other outlandish claims.

When you point out things like that, it breaks people and they fight back (until betrayed or option 2), or better; It becomes a seed of doubt they will NEVER be able to forget. That's how I got here, seeds of doubt, anti-memes made by 4chan, and the subtle guidance of the gods.

What is that zombo nonsense? And it should be a crime to use Flash in 2019.

Kike said:
the jews are done, they filthy kikes

Very convenient username.
Loollllzz Kike calling themselves kikes.
serpentwalker666 said:
Loollllzz Kike calling themselves kikes.

Self aware, self hating jews.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
