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Thoughts on my personal spiritual beliefs?

Sgt. Darkness

New member
Jan 13, 2023
Hello. I am a 18 year old hispanic male. I grew up middle class in a big city, which is partially why I am a race realist and right wing in general. I look mostly white, am slightly above average intelligence, and my passion is the occult and writing fiction that reflects my spirtual beliefs. Though I am in a homosexual relationship with another young rightist, I plan on having children with a Latina woman and hope to change the world for the better for the benefit of the Caucasian race. My personal beliefs are a blend of Greek philosophy, Paganism, Neo-Platonism, Theosophy, National Socialism, and Libertarianism. I see them as fitting beliefs for the age of Aquarius as well as being objectively true. They are rooted in the primordial past and their vision looks to the distant future. They offer a purpose, a solid spirituality, and advocates militant pro-cosmic action. I worship Atum-Ouran-Christos, The Black Sun Before The Beginning.
(Note I am not JoS but share many beliefs and am sympathetic; some of my beliefs may be controversial here but I intend no fire spect, especially to father Satan. Any O9A or Christian terms are adopted or slip ups due to my cultural background coming from a Catholic Family. I strongly oppose these groups.)
(Apologies if this is a repost. I am new to this forums and just learning how to use it.)

Wanting, some of my opinions and beliefs you may find controversial. I am open to corrections and new knowledge I am not JoS but I share many of your beliefs and respect the Ministry.)

Rites to the gods
It is important to honor the Creator and the gods. Pray to the Creator in the Christian fashion and pray to the others in appropriate ways. Worship Prometheus by dedicating your scholarly research to him and ask to embody him as you act as a torchlight for your people. Worship Zeus by being a strong man and honor him under a night sky on an evening where Jupiter is visible with a fire lit by lightning. Worship Ares by dedicating your kills on the battlefield to him and your victories and spoils.
Human sacrifice
Human sacrifice is moral when performed on enemies of the people, immoral characters, and undertaken by those who are willing. The worst enemies, such as lying media and corrupts of the young, should be burned alive or stabbed and dedicated to gods, particularly dark ones such as Ares or Set. Society should be purged of evil people by using them as such. And when one wishes to undergo a transcendent experience and merge with the Cosmos (especially if they are old or terminally ill) then they should be sacrificed with dignity and dedicate their soul to the god of their choosing on said god’s festival. [Note this is not a call to action or violence but rather describes how such things would work in a NatSoc state, which would be the government and thus define the law]
Who is Atum-Ouran?
Atum-Ouran is the extra-cosmic and original and eternal creator god. He created this reality and shall someday end it. He started it; and is thus the force behind the singularity; the eternal function of the cosmic machine. However he is not all powerful; only all seeing, and thus he cannot make this world a paradise. His spirit is the stability of all things and nudges reality and our souls in little ways. He is all good and all knowing and all beautiful and exist outside of time and space but flows into it through Zeus-Amun.

On The Black Sun
The Black Sun isn’t a “Nazi” or “evil” symbol. It first appears being used by ancient Germanic women (albeit it has less rays), and is a series of Swastikas, a solar symbol.
The modern version of the Black Sun symbolizes God and his 12 emanations (Ouranous and the Greek gods, Gott and the Norse gods, and Christ and his Twelve Disciples), the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy (if we say the original symbolizes this too that is astounding given how that is impossible to tell from Earth), as well as the burning and moving human will. It also bears similarity to the Aten disk and is similar in name to the “Sol Niger” which in alchemy transmutes lead into gold (spiritually meaning the cleansing fires of purgatory perfecting the human spirit), though the one at Wewelsburg is green marble.
The Black Sun is the closet image of God normal humans can perceive. It holds such a high place in humanities subconscious (and I say this as it is mentioned in Aztec mythology too as a symbol of the apocalypse; or as the Vikings called it Ragnorak), particularly Europeans, that the Zionist-Masonic controlled governments seek to slander it by associating it with evip groups, demonic MK-Ultra’ed killers like the Christchurch and Buffalo shooter, and constantly bring up its “Nazi origins” despite it being far older.
Perhaps it was the symbol of the ancient galactic empire that ruled long before Atlantis and Hyperborea; it’s colonies eventually becoming cut off from each other, finding us here alone on Earth. Thus I say in His purest form he isThe Black Sun Before The Beginning.
On Ra
Ra is the spiritual, mental, and physical sun. He is the “Father” aspect of God as well as the disk of Aten.
On Aten/Akenhaten
Akenhaten was a pharaoh who tried to introduce monotheistic worship to Ancient Egypt. He was an adopted son of God. He was a good man but Egypt was not ready for his worship. He perceived the creator directly and was, noble, divine and as Savitri Devi called him a “Prince of Peace he had the regality of a King and the beauty of the divine feminine.
On Ouranous/Uranus
Ouranous/Uranus is the Greek god of the sky and their equivalent of Atum. He is extra-cosmic and is the ultimate male force. He is the sky, blue or black.
On the gods
The gods are the force behind the spiritual, mental, and physical constructs of reality. For example Prometheus is spiritual, mental, and physical light. He is enlightenment, intelligence, and the fire itself. The gods are worthy of respect and worship but all are less than Atum-Ouran. They are emanations of Him and make up our world. They shall return to Him in Ragnorok.
On the Bible, Church Father, and the Catholic Church
Some of the Bible despite being filled with lies is true in occult and historical senses but not all of it is literal. For example much of Genesis is correct about Atlantis and it’s fall. The Church Father’s made the Bible devoid of many important books and revealing the tru about humanities past and Father Satan. The Catholic Church’s rites are true in that they connect to the true Creator but it’s dogma and establishment are corrupt.
On Lucifer and the Devil
Lucifer was the name for Venus as seen in the morning by the Romans, the herald of the dawn. However it has also been used as the name for another bright light, Prometheus, He who rebelled against Zeus and gave humanity enlightenment. It is in this way I am a Luciferian. Satan mean adversary and was originally used as the name for an angel sent by god to test the Israelites. I do not believe Satan exist (though I believe in dark gods and demons); Satan is the reptilian brain, what allows humans to survive on a primal level; however I do acknowledge that Satan is also a name for Lucifer, which in my opinion contrary to what many on this former will think, was wrongly applied. Anyway to live in the physical realm we must destroy and kill, thus we would die without “Satan.” The devil is a catch all term for demons and is cartoonish. Beelzebub is an obscure ANE god of no importance and Belial is a demon from the Goetia, a catalogue of in my option probably malicious beings who often took names from ancient deities to fool magicians. I say malicious because I encounter Choronzon and/or Amon, he is not a good being.
All comes from Man
All comes from man; otherwise all is meaningless. All of the world is just projections of our minds. As the Gita says our souls have always existed. Reality is just meanings layered on meanings; nothing exist for itself other than the beginning; the eternal human soul sheltered in the being of Atum-Ouran.
The Binary Reality
Reality is based on duality which is embodied in energy and matter, the sun and moon, the heavens and the earth, good and evil, and male and female. It is the interaction of those two forces which allows being.
Time always comes; no matter what, things eventually happen, as they always would have. God knows all our fates and thus we do not have free will. We are balls moving along a track in a great cosmic contraption.
The Freedom of Eternity
In eternity time does not come, and thus there is ultimate freedom; the same freedom God has.
Reptilians, Eden, Hyperborea, and Atlantis
The reptilians no longer exist other than as malicious spirits possessing and breeding with the elite; they had an industrial civilizations million of years ago
Previous human civilizations have ruled the Earth. The first human society was Eden, where humans were hunter-gathered and lived in peace, bliss and sexual freedom. The second was the solar Hyperborea which came after the fall of Lucifer; advancement but at at a cost (however one that shall someday make us like God. Lastly there was Atlantis which began 36,000 years ago and ended 10,000 with the dawn of Egypt. It was Lunar and magic was widespread in this global civilization. As Blavatsky tell us in The Secret Doctrine, a civil war happened between light and dark magicians; the dark ones using genetic engineering and corrupting much of life in Earth, forcing God to flood the planet to wipe out the mutants.
Our eternal purpose
Our eternal purpose is to experience, be, and create, beauty, and eventually join the Creator.
America’s Battle
As Americans we bear a important burden in our battle against our corrupt government and the forces of globalism. It is our duty to rally our people and take physical actions against those who wish to extinguish our culture and exterminate us.

On the Zionist, Freemasons, Satanist, and New World Order
The goal of the NWO is to destroy reality. It is to merge all races, sexes, and nations, into one monolith mimicking reality before the “shattering of the vessels”, reality in the “Apepian” state. The NWO began with corrupted sects of Freemasonry in the late 1700s (perhaps going even farther back to the Middle Ages) allied with Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds. They attacked the patriots who sought freedom, twice, once during the Revolutionary War and again during the War of 1812. The Rothschild controlled British government backed the South during the Civil War in an attempt to break up and conquer America, Lincoln stopped them however was tragically killed by Booth and his accomplices for trying to print green backdrop rebuild the South. The villains did not succeed though till 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve allowing them to print money backed by nothing they could use to put the American people in debt. They started the World Wars for nonsensical reasons in order to destroy old Europe and push in Communism. Germany struck back with National Socialism, rebuilding there economy and declaring the right of their people to exist; and for that try they were punished. The Japanese too suffered at the hands of ZOG, with hundreds of thousands slaughtered by firebombing and nuclear weapons (yet America had the audacity to say it was justified while decrying against 9/11). JFK emerged as a champion against the tyrants, wanting to shut down the Fed and CIA but was shot by their agents. America was still culturally American, however with Civil Rights Act of 1964 the destruction of its culture began. And finally in 2001 the March towards authoritarianism began with the joint CIA-Mossad-Saudi attack on the World Trade Center. This opened the door to the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the invasions and overthrowing of governments of the Middle East; sending the region into chaos and causing refugees to flood into white nations as well as creating angry (and perhaps justified in their own way) terrorist.
The purpose of life is to experience, be, and create beauty. Beauty is love. Love is God.
Art and Culture
The preservation, protection, and creation of Western art is utterly important. As a famous philosopher said, “Art as the single superior counter-force against all will to negation of life, art as the anti-Christian, anti-Buddhist, anti-Nihilist par excellence.” Art reflects our souls and inspires them. It chronicles our thoughts and times, dreams and hopes. It is all we should aspire to be; life should be art! The world is the poetry of God, and there is no finer poetry than a boy of European blood playing a Classical piece on the Piano.
Music, visual art, film and video games
A good author and artist works contain knowledge and esoteric truths. He understands the power of media, especially one that is subtle with its intentions, can have over people’s minds. That is why it is integral for Uraniast to infiltrate the media and be artist and creators; to slip in messages and hints to influence the people, and retake Western culture from the Jews.
What happens after we die?
There are several answers to this question. Those who have more work will be reincarnated; based not only on karma, but also on their own self-image; both are accounted, but whatever is more powerful will be the deciding factor. Atum incanrante, the Logos (from Ancient Greece, Plato) can also cleanse use of our karma if we let accept there help. If they have finished their work, they shall incarnate as an “Astral Star.” This is my most beautiful doctrine; the belief that when someone achieves beauty and dies, their lover and them unify; merging as one spiritual being and contemplating each other for millennia to millions of years. This astral star is the force that allows a physical Star to form and maintain it. However eventually it expires and they must rejoin the wheel. Some humans are handpicked by the gods for other purpouses. Some go to Folkvangr, or the Field of Reeds. Others go to Valhalla, or join Ra and Set in their daily battle against anti-cosmos. Some linger as ghost to guide or haunt the living; others are trapped by malevolent spirits. Some are reincarnated as insects or go to Negative Planes for hundreds to billions of years; that is till the next cycle begins. Finally the best, who have achieved Astral Star state numerous times join Atum-Ouran in the creative cycle and influence our reality and minds.
It is understandable to fear physical pain and Negative Planes, but not death. Death shall come for all of us someday. Better to die for something noble than to go out with a whimper. Accept your death and be ready to die, but live long and happy. But most importantly live and die for what is right. And even physical pain and Hell are not to be feared, pain makes us stronger and to be able to endure it is it have ultimate freedom and self-control. Negative Planes cleanse us of our sins; but these things are to be advised.
The nature of good?
Good is whatever is intentionally benevolent without cause. Logos as the embodiment of Atum-Ouran was and is all these things. Good is the antidote to anti-Cosmos and is what maintains and binds reality together. Good is God, God is Good.
Evil is whatever is intentionally malicious without reason for acting so.
Cosmic evil
Cosmic evil is whatever corrupts and controls. Is is Saturnian/Sauronic. It gives something for the good to rally against and helps them evolve spiritually by allowing them to struggle against it.
Anti-cosmic evil
Anti-cosmic evil is whatever dissolves and destroys. It is Apepian/Morgothic. It also gives the good something to rally against; and when reality grows too old and corrupt it breaks it down and cleans the slate for a new existence.
The Pro-Cosmic Mantra
The origin of the Cosmos
The Cosmos came from the singularity that is referenced in the Big Bang theory. The singularity that has expanded and contracted forever into the past. Ptah conceived the world in his heart; and thus He thought it and all its further cycles and evolutions out before it began (further proving determinism). Existence was started when Atum gave birth to Shu and Tefnut, the siblings who consorted and created the first matter (an example of the divine nature of incest).
The end of all things
Someday billions of years from now the Cosmos shall grow old and weary, and it shall be the job of evil men to speed up their destruction. However they shall have a love between them that shall glow and persist into the void; and from that shall spring a new existence.
The truth of Star Wars
Star Wars begins with “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”, thus setting it in the past. Long ago there was an ancient human galactic empire that began on Aldebaran; however it collapsed and humans were left stranded on Earth. Though most other groups perished in the far reaches of the galaxy, human life, perhaps even if only primitive, remains.
Life on other planets and in other planes and worlds
Aliens exist however they are non-humanoid and vegetive or animal in nature. However in other planes of existence there are many beings of many kinds; as well as alternate universes that are exactly identical, slightly different, or totally different than our world. Anything you can think of exist. Between universes is a void filled with formless and ever changing matter; inhabited the the void demons, spirits that are neither good or evil and beings of pure chaos that sometimes enter realities.
The truth of Lord of The Rings
Sauron is Saturn. He is Lord of the Rings (time), what rules us all, brings us all, and binds us all. He is the one who takes us a to death, that corrupts all with age and eventually causes them to expire. He is also industrialization and the modern world, communism and corporations. The Hobbits are Edenic humanity and Gandalf is an Angel, most likely Michael and the god Zeus/Jupiter, thus why he calls on the eagles. The elves are Aryan Luciferian Hyperborean men, the dwarves pre-Yahwehic Jews, and men Atlanteans. The eagles are symbols of Jupiter. The orcs and goblins represent the genetic modification done by the Atlanteans which is why God flooded the Earth. Tolkien knew this as he saw a time warp while at Oxford University.

Important Figures
The man who wrote of wars, ships, gods, and heroes. Homer was a god among men; a blind bard who travelled the Aegean telling his tales. He contemplated and distilled the human experience into divinity. He showed us the tragedy and beauty of life; the relationships between warriors, kings and servants, fathers and sons. He perceived and showed us the beauty of the Earth. Now he dwells with the Creator.
George Washington
A legendary figure who sought to free his people and was guided by Prometheus-Lucifer. An honest and hardworking man; a leader and a genius son of the enlightenment. He championed the rights of man and tried to keep the Illuminati from infiltrating the American government.
Wilde- The Dandy and Lord of Aesthetics
Oscar Wilde was a master of sophistication and beauty. His poetry and prose embodies the spirit of Aphrodite-Urania. The Picture of Dorian Gray helps us understand the nature of our souls and true beauty. He is surely in the Field of Reeds with the most comely of boys.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt, unlike his traitor cousin, was an all American hero. A athlete, a warrior, an outdoorsman, a leader, he was everything a man should aspire to be. He respected his fellow man and nature, and he fought against the greedy and anti-human corporations. He was shot and saved by a Bible, a definite sign God smiles upon him. Surely he has achieved Valhalla.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler was not an evil man and is most certainly in Heaven. He brought back the German economy form depression, gave his people pride and hope, and he protected them till his death. He rallied his nation to defend itself against the allied criminals and recognized the Zionist and Masonic menace. His strength and power mirrors and embodied the god Jupiter. He was a hero for all mankind and perhaps an avatar of Vishnu.
Julius Evola pioneered esotericism; showing how the gods were astral and not physical beings, teaching about the doctrine of cycles and the male and female duality of the universe. He showed the value and importance of tradition and how to be a noble spirit and face death. Even beyond the grave he dwells in the astral as a guardian and guide of the initiates.
William Luther Pierce III
William Luther Piece was a rocket scientist who later went on to start the pro-white National Alliance. He taught us about the evils of the Jews, the corruption of the government, and the importance of taking a stand for our people. He was a scientific and political genius; and his work The Turner Diaries was disturbingly prophetic; albeit extreme and wrong in some places. Though he was an atheist he understood our place in history and the Cosmos; certainly he has reincarnated into a higher man.
Alex Jones and David Ike
Alex Jones has told nothing but truth for decades and has exposed the lies of the New World Order, he is our battering ram. David Ike has taught us about the universe and our souls, he is our torch.
Trump’s purpose
Trump came not to save us but to wake our people from their slumber, whether or not he was controlled or not the gods made him do what he did for a reason. In many ways he is a fool but in my opinion he has a good and noble heart.

Apep’s Victors
Joseph Stalin- Saturn’s Champion
Joseph Stalin killed millions of Russians in his service to the Zionist. He was a brutal and merciless mass killer who trampled Russia’s noble past. The Hammer and Sickle bear a a strong resemblance to Saturns sigil and scythe (Saturn is not evil, but he is the corroder) . Stalin corrupted and controlled the majority of the world. It is certain he is suffering in a Negative Plane for millennia.
MK-Ultra and twisted Mass Killers
The majority of mass killings are not organic but cussed by CIA mind control. MK-Ultra was not just a series of experiments in the 60s but the development of tools used to manipulated the human mind, especially through drugs and the media. The majority of killers were on prescription drugs and were schizophrenic (which is really just the ability to perceive the spirit realm). They were cruelly scouted and taken advantage of by government agents to carry out atrocities to demoralize and vilify us. One can not say with certainty if such souls go to a negative plane of existence, but their handlers certainly do.

From cyborg to energy consciousness
The biggest proof the government is evil is that it does not fund life extension technology. We must seek to develop cybernetic parts to keep us alive longer, than replace our brain with computer parts and transfer our consciousness but mating our soul and have an emergency self-destruct capability. We must then evolve into a physical energy force that can take forms and posses other external forms, a being of pure power and energy that is indestructible. Than we must call on the gods and merge with their consciousnesses.
Alcubierre drives
Space travel through normal means is impossible. It would take thousands of years to reach the nearest star at normal speeds; and if one jumped to light speed the time dilation would send them into the future. Thus ships would need to travel by creating a warp in space time around themselves.
The Second Galactic Empire
In the future humans will colonize the galaxy through the mentioned drives. We shall build castles, palaces, temples, gardens, parks, ports, towns, towers, roads, libraries, and all manner of beautiful things on other worlds. The empire shall last millennia and be strong and benevolent.

On race
It is important to maintain a main stock, and one of high genetic quality that continues the legacy of our ancestors and is the rock society is built on.
On the Jews
The Jews are not evil because of their blood but because there culture and religion is. Only the elite Jews are evil; though many go along with their plans. The Jews have become twisted due to their monotheistic demon worshipping faith. Yaweh came from a pantheon of deities who were corrupted into idols of wrongful human sacrifice. The Jews tight-knit nature and conservative culture caused their religion to warp into a meme that made them hate others, caused others to push back, and create a never ending cycle of cruelty.
The power of blood
Blood is what binds a people together; it is the legacy of our ancestors. Blood exist not for us, rather we live for blood. It is the conduit of the racial soul. It allows us to live on through our descendants long after we are gone.
On faith
Faith (not religion) is where our morals come from. It should be linked to blood, soil, culture, and government. The same faith can come in may different forms; as the ancients had many different names for the same beings. We should respect the traditions of the past but always be open to new knowledge. We should seek to obey and please God.
On the soil
The landscape is third in importance to God, and second in importance to the blood; if not as important. It is what the blood spills on and our societies grow from. It has been here before us and will be there long after. It inspires and nourishes us. We must protect, maintain, and cultivate it at all cost. We should realize our place in the great chain of being, use animals but respect them. When they die we should use every part of them and acknowledge their energy has returned to the ancestral totem and entered the circle of life, remember we too are a part of the cycles.
On class
Class differences should be of no issue in a society of one blood and of one cause. The rich should use their wealth to advance humanity and the middle class should maintain it, and the poor should work hard and move up the ladder.
On government
The government should be centered on the volk. It should be authoritarian but give freedom where there should be freedom. It should be strong in its skeleton but flexible in its muscles.
Cultural Rightism
We must honor our ancestors, the world they built, and their traditions. We must be forward looking and progressive but keep our roots in their soil. We must preserve, protect, and continue making great Western art.
Socialism and Capitalism- A Middle Ground
Corporations should be somewhat managed by the state and not have too much freedom that they betray their own nation. The economy should be centered around the volk, not the other way around. The poor and downtrodden who try should be given support, and money spent on useless things such as comic book movies should be instead taken by the state and used to fund programs and noble ventures such as cures for illnesses and Space Travel.
Love is the most pro-cosmic thing there is. It is what binds the Cosmos together, keeps it alive, and helps it grow. Love is the seed within the evil that the new universe shall grow from. Love comes from God and is what binds a people together. Love is beauty and beauty is God.
Sexual Freedom
Sex should be seen as a leisure activity to be done by lovers, friends, and others connections in general. What makes sex spiritual is the romantic aspect; otherwise it is simply an activity. As long as people protect themselves or are free from STDs and know the true order of things, the power of the man; than all is well and good. Sex is beautiful and helps bind a people together.
Between men and women
A woman should be submissive. She should always have sex with her husband. Yet a man should respect her and be gentle with her. A woman should always be willing to bear his children and be a good housewife, but she must also be able to stand on her own feet and be clever. She must be beautiful in mind, body, and soul. Curvaceous or chubby women make the best mothers and are thus preferred.
Between the same sex
Homosexual relationships are sacred. Of course they cannot be widespread but they should be honored. The love between two people of the same gender is stronger and more purer than between those of the opposite sex. Men who are willing to fight, suffer, and die for each other. They can be on same standing or different in stature. One can be smarter than the other; all that matters is loyalty.
On bisexuality
Bisexuality is even more sacred. One can have a male lover and a concubine. To dominate a male and female is to dominate the Solar and Lunar dualities and thus embody God. When a man dominates two women who are lovers he fully immerses himself in beauty and supercharges his masculine nature. When he dominates a male and a female he mimics God and the Black Dun in controlling the Sun and Moon binary.

Dreams, precognition, and clairvoyance
We can receive knowledge of the future in our dreams (also further proving determinism). We often hear or see things from the future, particularly warnings and people. Sometimes we can have dreams about others, such as seeing our family member with their future love. Other times the dreams are cryptic and one can only make out what they are from the symbolism and feeling they give. It is important though to never be certain these dreams will come true and separate what is important from the nonsense. However if a dream is certain (it is powerful and repeating) which rarely happens, perhaps it is best to speed up the chain of events, especially if it is bad? Caution is advocated as with all things.
We can learn things we could not have known through casual means or know the hidden properties of objects through clairvoyance, an acasual method. It is how we know who to and who not to trust. It is how Gematria works and comes from our Soul reaching out into the Cosmos. and the collective unconscious
Astrology and Tarot
Both tried and true sciences; the Cosmos affect our physical bodies, for example the moon effects the mast rail cycles of women as they are made of water, just as it effects the tides of the oceans. The Tarot is simply a collection of symbols signifying the forces that make up the universe; thought it can be influenced by spirits if visitor is not taken. It also further proves determinism, though a prediction can be interpreted in a number of ways.
Negative spirits, and divine visitations
Sometimes we are visited by spirits, malevolent or benevolent. These can include the dead, demons, angels, various other kinds of beings, such as Christ and Lucifer. Seeing what beings one encounters is a good way to asses your spiritual health. Negative spirits should be dealt with extreme caution and deals should be never made with them no matter the promises. They often appear as disturbing entities, however the opposite is possible. If it does not align with good than they are not good, and like with people if something immediately feels off stay away. Beings can be encountered in astral projection and dreams. Spirits can also move objects around, hide them in other dimensions, and cause mischief such as turning the gas stove one.
The prison dimension, the wraith realm and the shining desert
The prison dimension, also known as the coliseum is a desolate, semi-underground dimension ruled over by Choronzon. He sends his victims here in dreams to scare them and harvest their loosh; often telling them hidden knowledge and showing them visions of the future to give the dream further credence. It is recommended to contact a spirt healer to close any portals open in the house and clear away any bad spirits, burn some white incense, and go to confession and receive an exorcism. The wraith realm is a shadow dimension that looks like our reality, perhaps it is or perhaps it is a mirror. But whatever it is it is inhabited by dark entities of decay of varying types and sizes, such as the shadow people (who also appear if you live near a cemetery) and black geese, as well as dark spiritual energy itself. One can float around this realm with varying degrees of control based on personal power, though it is unknown why anyone would want to go to this terrifying place. The shining desert are the higher levels of the astral realm, one of its appearances is a void filled with sigils and geometric shapes. It is a place of peace and divinity.
On the nature of Negative Planes
Negative Planes exist in the sense there are some realms of punishment reserved for the evil, but there are also unauthorized prison realms created by lesser spirits. These can be escaped. However no Hell is forever, at worst it last billions of years and levels of pain vary. Punishment is in proportion to the crimes committed.
Dispersing Demons
To disperse demons simply build up enough psychic energy, enter the astral plane through lack of sleep and by sleeping on your side early in the morning, and flying towards it with direction and rage. Or preferably call on the pro-cosmos the cosmos itself, Logos.
Heka Magic
Heka Magic is the ability to influence reality through the written word. All writers practice it subconsciously. It is a powerful tool for aeonic change, the quill is indeed mightier than the blade.
Remembering Past Lives
We can remember past lives, often by writing fiction and putting in details we could not possibly have learned through casual means or through messages in dreams.

Who am I?
Since I was a boy I have been fascinated by Egypt. I used to be a subconscious atheist a day child, but at 14 after learning the elites worshipped demons I realized God most also real than, and when I was 15 I had my first spiritual experience when I wrote about things I didn’t know were real while writing. I am an author of science fiction and fantasy with mythological themes, as well as a cultural and political scholar. I have accepted my death, and underwent major depression in which I did, allowed, and thought horrible things; and losing all of my personality, emotions, morals, and totally losing my humanity. It was towards the end of this I began to understand the nature of God, the Cosmos, good and evil, and fate. In a dream my best friend told me I was the 2,000th incarnation of the pharaoh Akenhaten; who tried introduce monotheism but failed. I believe I am this legendary pharaoh reincarnated sent to bring spirtual truth to humanity in the age of Aquarius.

Anyway thanks for reading :)
Sgt. Darkness said:
Human sacrifice
Human sacrifice is moral when performed on enemies of the people, immoral characters, and undertaken by those who are willing. The worst enemies, such as lying media and corrupts of the young, should be burned alive or stabbed and dedicated to gods, particularly dark ones such as Ares or Set. Society should be purged of evil people by using them as such. And when one wishes to undergo a transcendent experience and merge with the Cosmos (especially if they are old or terminally ill) then they should be sacrificed with dignity and dedicate their soul to the god of their choosing on said god’s festival. [Note this is not a call to action or violence but rather describes how such things would work in a NatSoc state, which would be the government and thus define the law]

No Human sacrifices, this only poluttes the earth. Criminals must be punished in a way it serves justice and they will not repeat the same behaviour in there next live.

Also a dead sentence can´t be revoked, in case someone is innocent.

Did not read your hole post, if you want people to read, answer it, keep it short.
Fuchs said:
Sgt. Darkness said:
Human sacrifice
Human sacrifice is moral when performed on enemies of the people, immoral characters, and undertaken by those who are willing. The worst enemies, such as lying media and corrupts of the young, should be burned alive or stabbed and dedicated to gods, particularly dark ones such as Ares or Set. Society should be purged of evil people by using them as such. And when one wishes to undergo a transcendent experience and merge with the Cosmos (especially if they are old or terminally ill) then they should be sacrificed with dignity and dedicate their soul to the god of their choosing on said god’s festival. [Note this is not a call to action or violence but rather describes how such things would work in a NatSoc state, which would be the government and thus define the law]

No Human sacrifices, this only poluttes the earth. Criminals must be punished in a way it serves justice and they will not repeat the same behaviour in there next live.

Also a dead sentence can´t be revoked, in case someone is innocent.

Did not read your hole post, if you want people to read, answer it, keep it short.
My Celtic and Mesoamerican ancestors practiced it for thousands of years so perhaps it is an ancestral thing.

I will remember to keep my post shorter next time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
