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Feb 12, 2024

my friend, who seems quite anti black magic, says, that when u make a thought form with anger is can be very hard to control it. I.e it needs feeding with more anger, and sometimes will come back to your aura and feed off you.

It will keep trying to get you to focus on the things that make you hate, to feed it. Is this true? Thanks

hail satan!
I remember reading about raising exterior energy to perform black magic, but you can also use your own anger to cause anxiety and disease in someone can’t you?

If you do this, should you then cut any energetic chord from you to them, or do you sustain a dark chord?
Your friend is just repeating the usual Right-Hand Path lies with no basis in reality. Forget about the thoughtform for a sec, can you control anger? Sure, why not? To not focus on anger and overcome it means to control it. Many people have successfully controlled anger. It does try to get you to focus on it, but you can still overcome it by practice and willpower. The same mechanism is used to direct your anger to an enemy or create a thoughtform using it. Just like you can control your anger you can control a thoughtform based on anger. It's the same energy, a thoughtform is just focused energy. Your friend's reasoning isn't based on facts or his/her experience with such topics, but his/her Right-Hand Path prejudices and doctrine he/she blindly believes which is just wrong. It's like when Christians claim you'll get attacked by "demons" if you practice Reiki, as if you can't use any rituals or protection methods against psychic attacks.

Directing your own anger is different because it's an emotion. An emotion connects you with the other person only if you focus on it. When you use anger in black magick, you release all of it and direct it to the victim so you don't feel any anger/connection to the victim afterwards or think about him/her. That's the way to ensure it you have done it correctly. Anger isn't that bad, there are more dangerous emotions that can backfire, like if you still guilt or remorse after a black magick working it's highly likely the working will backfire. Psychopaths who don't feel these emotions never get any backfire from black magick, but for normal people you just need to be sure you want to curse someone and have no guilt after it.
No one said that black magick is easy. I mean, even the JoS suggests to practice black magick only after you are good at white magick and have a focused mind and can control your emotions. Everyone understands that, and if you are not good at these things try to master them first before using black magick.

The difference between Satanists and Right-Hand Pathers is while we understand that black magick is harder, we still try to master it because it's important. We don't just say "it's dangerous, so leave it be" because that's the attitude of a failure. Satanists work to become the Elite of the Elites, they aren't satisfied with what most normies and normie "occultists" (who fear black magick) do.
No one said that black magick is easy. I mean, even the JoS suggests to practice black magick only after you are good at white magick and have a focused mind and can control your emotions. Everyone understands that, and if you are not good at these things try to master them first before using black magick.

The difference between Satanists and Right-Hand Pathers is while we understand that black magick is harder, we still try to master it because it's important. We don't just say "it's dangerous, so leave it be" because that's the attitude of a failure. Satanists work to become the Elite of the Elites, they aren't satisfied with what most normies and normie "occultists" (who fear black magick) do.
But what happens to the thought form? I guess it just dissipates unless you keep charging it with anger.
But what happens to the thought form? I guess it just dissipates unless you keep charging it with anger.
But if the other guy on whom you sent your thoughform continue to pay attention to the anxiety, fear, paranoia... it provokes, he will continue to charge the thoughtform.
Thoughform are psychic objects created by strong emotions which can survive by vampirization - they have a conservation instinct.
But if the other guy on whom you sent your thoughform continue to pay attention to the anxiety, fear, paranoia... it provokes, he will continue to charge the thoughtform.
Thoughform are psychic objects created by strong emotions which can survive by vampirization - they have a conservation instinct.
And Jehovah is a Jewish thoughtform sustained by prayer, reverence and fear of it. But is destroyed by hate?
And Jehovah is a Jewish thoughtform sustained by prayer, reverence and fear of it. But is destroyed by hate?
(Sorry, it's a bit long. There is many things to say about this mechanism.)

I'm not sufficiently experience on the occult practice to answer correctly.
As far I understood, the RTR works by "deletion". We recite miscellaneous forms of the hebrew letters then delete the letters to annihilate their power/charge.
There is not hate in the process, just disdain and firmness.

When people create worries and sorrows in our life, we create by ourselves a painful thoughform and this pain stops when we stop to think about it.
While we whine, we continuously charge the thoughform which bring suffering.

So, the hate in the sense of resentment charge the thoughform.
But the hate in the sense of disdain break of the thoughform :
"I don't get a fuck about these shits ! Fuck off now !"

But it's often difficult, especially when passion is involved. Hate and passion are low vibrations.

I don't like the word hate because it's ambiguous, blind and stupid. It's an animal emotion without orientation.
I prefer the word anger which implies an understanding of the problem.
At least, in my native French there is this difference between these words.
Anger is hate canalized by the mind. But the strength to fight back is brought by the hate, in the belly, stomach...

About stomach, our psychic strength is in our solar plexus, in the stomach area. We must breath deeply to oxygenate it, not shortly like when we are disconcerted or afraid.
In martial arts like judo, you try to suffocate your opponent by blocking his airways.
Winning a fight is all about managing energies. You energy and the one of your opponent.

A thoughform suffocates us psychically by harassing us by images and thoughts like a fly that feeds on our annoyance.
Obviously, the hate perpetuate the problem instead to lead to resolve it.
For the fly, we must install fly rollers or lure it away.
For the thoughform we must use psychic methods : annihilation or redirection...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
