The enemy is not extremely powerful but it is shrewd, sneaky, meticulous, clever. Like attracts like and the enemy knows this, so it works very, very hard in the Physical realm in order to attract Physical success to it, while the top rabbis use low-spiritual practices which are still above most people who don't know of such things.
The jew thinks it is master, and a master needs a slave; otherwise, it can't be a master. Of course, the term "master" has different meanings to the jew than it does in reality. The jew has extreme, infinite contempt, disdain, hatred, dislike for/of Gentiles, and as has been shown it wouldn't think twice about raping - sexually and non-sexually - Gentiles of their life, livelihood, freedom, innocence, etc.
The reason the jew uses Gentiles is to give its reptilian overlords our Souls to sustain them. The jew's overlords gave the jew works and information for materialistic lust in exchange for Gentile Souls, which the overlords use as sustenance. Consider the Dementors from Harry Potter and the Devidians in Star Trek - TNG "Time's Arrow" parts 1 and 2. The Devidians "had no apparent eyes but they possessed an orifice on what most humanoids would call their forehead, that resembled a mouth", where our Third Eye would be, where they suck Souls into; the Dementors also suck the Souls of criminals, or anyone, as well. Like the enemy, the Dementors "do not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way". Both are destroyers of people/worlds. You might also see other productions of Star Trek, the Matrix, Stargate, Futurama...
If you have seen any films or programmes or plays or read stories or learnt things of history, you can see part of the way the jew considers itself "higher" than Gentiles, in various ways. Until Lord Hitler came, the jew was cruising along nicely and conceitedly, full of (sh)itself, but then Hitler was reincarnated and threw a big spanner into the jew's works. Notice now, that after that, everything exploded and increased, picking up speed and going full-throttle.
If the jew was powerful, it would be able to conquer things much quicker than in its 6000-year plan, but remember that the Physical realm is so ssllooww, always lagging behind the Astral realm, so the jew needs time for its weak, shit spirituality to build-up and take over the world. Meanwhile, it likes to enjoy being master, so it gets a lot of shallow, materialistic pleasure in, while the 6000-year clock is ticking down.