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Thoughtforms creation

Mo Tian

New member
Aug 26, 2024
I've been thinking about creating a servitor for a while now but I discarded since there was an issue I was struggling with.
But after a few the idea of making came back again. So I decided to ask those here who are knowledgeable in this topic.

My goal is to make an assistant that could me for certain tasks while I focus on other tasks myself.
For example the working to obliterate saturn will take half a year to complete and since I also have my daily meditation I do not wish to spread my energies too much and it would be difficult to find the time to rest so my assistant could focus on the areas of relationships, money or health.

Now what I want is an assistant that could be repurposed for other tasks once the first one is completed.
I've read the informations on the website and it says I should create it using energy and colour specific to the task but I can't do that since I first want to create it, store it and feed it for a month before deciding the task I'd give him first.

I read it was possible to create it as a ball of energy using the palm chakras and there was no colour mentioned. So technically it's doable to create it like that, name it and possibly vibrate Ehwaz to bind it tightly before storing it and feed it every day for a month.
Can someone give me a guide for doing it like that since I'm totally new to thoughtforms and I want to get it right.

Also when I decide to give it a task, could you guide me on how to do it? Can I vibrate runes specific to task in the assistant?
I want something a bit more detailed than what I read on the website.

What are ways to strengthen the assistant aside from ectoplasm? Are there runes that I can vibrate, maybe Sowilo and Uruz?

To feed it I just need to raise my energies, go into trance and imbue it through the palm chakras in the assistant right?
Aside from that how can I make sure my assistant is fed if I'm incapable of doing it?

I'm struggling with chronic illness but thanks to knowledge from JoS I can keep it in check but it's not perfect and sometimes I can still fail to keep it at bay and since I would be physically disabled if it happens and my energy would be low I want to know if there are other ways to keep the assistant fed.

Also can someone explain how the assistant is stored, I mean the process of putting it into a receptacle. I want to understand this too.
And is it possible to change the receptacle if I find one that is more suitable?

Beyond that if anyone has advice or any intel that could further improve my understanding before I start it'll be great.
I really want to understand this topic.

Like I said I did my research on the website but I am seeking more detailed and reliable informations before starting it.
What are ways to strengthen the assistant aside from ectoplasm? Are there runes that I can vibrate, maybe Sowilo and Uruz?
The more energy you collect in it, the more powerful it will be.
To feed it I just need to raise my energies, go into trance and imbue it through the palm chakras in the assistant right?
Feeding it in the same way you created it seems like a better idea.
You must clear bad karma off of your soul yourself. Nobody but yourself can do it. The Gods don't go around clearing everyone's problems, they want us to grow and do it ourselves so we become independent.

Why don't you use a thoughtform for something else? Like attracting money or healing minor issues on your body or acting like a guard against enemy entities. I knew someone who was advanced who used thoughforms for healing and guarding him.
Feeding a thoughtform for a month without programming it is a very bad idea, thoughtforms without directions take on characteristics of their environment or the sort of energy you put into them, meaning it would be getting programmed regardless just not by you, as you can imagine that end disastrously and once strong enough without proper affirmations early you wont be able to reassert control over it.

A thoughtform will be severely limited by how strong your soul is, in essence a thoughtform can't often do much thats very important, for instance you want a thoughtform to clear negative karma, but that is well beyond the capacities of even an advanced thoughtform, it wont have a strong concept of what negative is beyond what your impress upon it, which would require you to very consistently do, furthermore it may be linked to you but it isn't you and thus your soul would resist it and so quite easily as thoughtforms are limited by the strength of their creators (most of the time).

A thoughtform isnt dissimilar to a working, its like a persistent working that needs to be regularly maintained, its essentially a working that is external to your soul most things a thoughtform could do a regular working could do better and easier, thoughtforms are more for lets say keeping other thoughtforms at bay or providing protection to a loved one, banishing depression from those you care about, or yes cursing your enemies, its like a mobile working you can redirect easily without disrupting its power and thats is the strength of a thoughtform over a typical magical working, you cannot simply transfer a runic working of happiness to someone else but you can do so with a thoughtform, if you have no intention of using the thoughtform on anything but yourself there is basically no point and you should just do a regular spell.

Orgasm is as far as I am aware the best way to feed a thoughtform assuming its a beneficial thoughtform that you want strong attached to your soul, hand chakras could also work I see no issue with your method in that regard.

You store a thoughtform just by kinda visual sing it being stored and affirming that it should stay there until you command otherwise, I dont really see the point of doing it though personally, its not like it takes up space or needs it, so it seems a bit more done for the sake of drama than anything else.
You must clear bad karma off of your soul yourself. Nobody but yourself can do it. The Gods don't go around clearing everyone's problems, they want us to grow and do it ourselves so we become independent.

Why don't you use a thoughtform for something else? Like attracting money or healing minor issues on your body or acting like a guard against enemy entities. I knew someone who was advanced who used thoughforms for healing and guarding him.
Clearing bad karma off my soul, healing or pushing back enemy entities are things I consider my duty in the advancement of my soul.
Attracting money is a task I'd like to give my thoughtform, but healing is a personal matter for me, something I'd like to address personally
Feeding a thoughtform for a month without programming it is a very bad idea, thoughtforms without directions take on characteristics of their environment or the sort of energy you put into them, meaning it would be getting programmed regardless just not by you, as you can imagine that end disastrously and once strong enough without proper affirmations early you wont be able to reassert control over it.

A thoughtform will be severely limited by how strong your soul is, in essence a thoughtform can't often do much thats very important, for instance you want a thoughtform to clear negative karma, but that is well beyond the capacities of even an advanced thoughtform, it wont have a strong concept of what negative is beyond what your impress upon it, which would require you to very consistently do, furthermore it may be linked to you but it isn't you and thus your soul would resist it and so quite easily as thoughtforms are limited by the strength of their creators (most of the time).

A thoughtform isnt dissimilar to a working, its like a persistent working that needs to be regularly maintained, its essentially a working that is external to your soul most things a thoughtform could do a regular working could do better and easier, thoughtforms are more for lets say keeping other thoughtforms at bay or providing protection to a loved one, banishing depression from those you care about, or yes cursing your enemies, its like a mobile working you can redirect easily without disrupting its power and thats is the strength of a thoughtform over a typical magical working, you cannot simply transfer a runic working of happiness to someone else but you can do so with a thoughtform, if you have no intention of using the thoughtform on anything but yourself there is basically no point and you should just do a regular spell.

Orgasm is as far as I am aware the best way to feed a thoughtform assuming its a beneficial thoughtform that you want strong attached to your soul, hand chakras could also work I see no issue with your method in that regard.

You store a thoughtform just by kinda visual sing it being stored and affirming that it should stay there until you command otherwise, I dont really see the point of doing it though personally, its not like it takes up space or needs it, so it seems a bit more done for the sake of drama than anything else.
It seems I was misunderstood, my apologies. My english is worse than what I initially thought.

I don't wish to give a thoughtform the task of dealing with the bad karma I've accumulated. This is a matter so personal that I want to face it personally, no thoughtforms involved and crushing the bad karma on my soul will become my pride and my greatest joy.

But it'll take time, just the working to obliterate Saturn shared by HPS Lydia will take me half a year and that'll be just to erase any hang ups I might have on money for example, there'll still be Relationships and Health left and probably many others hiding in the dark.

While I deal with the matters concerning my body and soul, I'll need the help of a thoughtform to bring me the money I want, cursing my foes and handling my love affairs with the people I desire.

This is my purpose and the reason why I want more detailed informations from knowledgeable SS.

For example you said feeding a thoughtform for a month without giving it a task is bad idea and you explained what you meant by that, I didn't knew that.

The reason I wanted to wait for a month was that I wanted time to think about it's first and feed it to strengthen it because I read a thoughtform fed for weeks will grow stronger and since I'm a patient one I thought it doable for me.
And in the meantime I could use Sowilo and Uruz since they're both beneficial to the growth of bioelectricity and that's what a thoughtform is.

That was my reasoning but again I'm not knowledgeable in thoughtforms.
It seems I was misunderstood, my apologies. My english is worse than what I initially thought.
No problem.
While I deal with the matters concerning my body and soul, I'll need the help of a thoughtform to bring me the money I want, cursing my foes and handling my love affairs with the people I desire.
This is something that can be done but it is highly complex, what your describing is a fairly advanced thoughtform one that will likely develop something of its own sentience in order to be able to perform such a wide array of tasks, there is nothing wrong with this but its not a minor thing to perform, I myself have never done it, I think it would better for you to at least at first to create one thoughtform for one very specific task such as one to protect a person.

To do so breathe in energy all around a desired shape probably white in colour or gold, upon the exhale vibrate SOWILO into the shape feel the vibration in the shape as you do so concenratet and focus on what you want to the thoughtforms purpose to be, after you have done this enough times impress forcefully the thoughtforms name and affirm its purpose such as "you obey me and only me, you will protect whom you are attached to from spiritual harm" and then visualise the thoughtform attaching itself to their aura or instead hovering around them protectively, strongly focus your will on this and then direct the thoughtform away with visualisation and let it work, to recharge and and keep control over this thoughtform say its name 3 times and repeat its creation process except this time it already has shape and colour, simply strengthen it with the old process.

After a while it will develop real power and will be a quick easy way to apply protection to yourself or loved ones, you can extrapolate how to create thoughtforms for other purposes based off this information.

I dont think using a thoughtform to help attract you money would be a good use of your time, as I said any working that will only effect you it is far better to just to do a normal spell, its more efficient and much easier, as for romantic purposes yet again there are spells such as Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah which I would assume would be far more efficient for that task

Think of it this way, would you rather make it so that your soul permanently attracts women and money or so that something else can be directed to do that for you?

Thoughtforms for black magic however are very useful but I am genuinely not sure how much of that information I am allowed to say as I have sometimes overshared and I have received signs to be more cautious in that regard so although I would like to help I don't want to speak beyond my role.
I understand, although I would like to deepen my understanding of thoughtforms, I won't push it if it's inconvenient for you.
In fact you've already given me much and like you said I will use what you said and extrapolate.

Also thanks for Sanskrit mantra for the love, I didn't knew about since I mainly focused on understanding the uses of runes.

A question about thoughtforms, it's nothing much it's about naming the thoughtform.
You said I should forcefully impress the thoughtform's name, it might be silly but is it possible to do it by vibrating its name the same way it's done with Runes or Sanskrit?
Will it have some effect if done that way?
This is something that can be done but it is highly complex, what your describing is a fairly advanced thoughtform one that will likely develop something of its own sentience in order to be able to perform such a wide array of tasks, there is nothing wrong with this but its not a minor thing to perform, I myself have never done it, I think it would better for you to at least at first to create one thoughtform for one very specific task such as one to protect a person.
In my mind I was thinking about reprogramming the same thoughtform for a new task once I'm satisfied with the results of the last one.
In that case I shouldn't need something highly complex right?
You said I should forcefully impress the thoughtform's name, it might be silly but is it possible to do it by vibrating its name the same way it's done with Runes or Sanskrit?
Will it have some effect if done that way?
I would be cautious, using a name as a mantra may have you invoke something you dont intend to, unless the name is truly unique (something very hard to do) you could end up invoking something you dont intend to, for instance how many spiritually sound words are there for suffering or misfortune? Do we know them all? Can you be sure your not invoking a principle or even an entity that is harmful when vibrating a mantra unless you know what the mantra means, so I wouldn't suggest doing that. At least don't do it for a few years maybe when the thoughtform is strong enough and your bond is deep enough you will be able to invoke them in this manner but I would be very careful.
In my mind I was thinking about reprogramming the same thoughtform for a new task once I'm satisfied with the results of the last one.
In that case I shouldn't need something highly complex right?
Might as well just make a new one at that point, they can be reprogrammed but its kind of like wiping a hard-drive, all your previous hard work will be lost only to be left with something you could have just made new and still had your old reliable thoughtform, that is unless you make it a more complex thoughtform but those dont get reprogrammed but as I said they are very complex and they do carry risks, sometimes severe ones.
I would be cautious, using a name as a mantra may have you invoke something you dont intend to, unless the name is truly unique (something very hard to do) you could end up invoking something you dont intend to, for instance how many spiritually sound words are there for suffering or misfortune? Do we know them all? Can you be sure your not invoking a principle or even an entity that is harmful when vibrating a mantra unless you know what the mantra means, so I wouldn't suggest doing that. At least don't do it for a few years maybe when the thoughtform is strong enough and your bond is deep enough you will be able to invoke them in this manner but I would be very careful.

I would be cautious, using a name as a mantra may have you invoke something you dont intend to, unless the name is truly unique (something very hard to do) you could end up invoking something you dont intend to, for instance how many spiritually sound words are there for suffering or misfortune? Do we know them all? Can you be sure your not invoking a principle or even an entity that is harmful when vibrating a mantra unless you know what the mantra means, so I wouldn't suggest doing that. At least don't do it for a few years maybe when the thoughtform is strong enough and your bond is deep enough you will be able to invoke them in this manner but I would be very careful.
You're right it's better for me if I don't do it
Might as well just make a new one at that point, they can be reprogrammed but its kind of like wiping a hard-drive, all your previous hard work will be lost only to be left with something you could have just made new and still had your old reliable thoughtform, that is unless you make it a more complex thoughtform but those dont get reprogrammed but as I said they are very complex and they do carry risks, sometimes severe ones.
On the JoS website, I read somewhere that it was a shame to destroy a thoughtform that has performed well in its task.

Since I also want to keep the thoughtform, I thought that I could assign the thoughtform a new task if the previous one is completed.
I didn't understand a complex one was required for that.

Okay, many thanks for the time you spared to educate me on this matter.
I'll use the information available on the website and add what you gave me to plan the working.
On the JoS website, I read somewhere that it was a shame to destroy a thoughtform that has performed well in its task.

Since I also want to keep the thoughtform, I thought that I could assign the thoughtform a new task if the previous one is completed.
I didn't understand a complex one was required for that.

Okay, many thanks for the time you spared to educate me on this matter.
I'll use the information available on the website and add what you gave me to plan the working.
There's no need to destroy any of the thoughtforms, what I am saying is at first you are better off creating multiple simple thoughtforms if you intend them to do different things, in order to keep the thoughtform you can literally just tell it to be on stand by and make sure to keep supplying it with energy and the occasional affirmation, giving them new tasks unrelated to their previous tasks is possible but it develops their complexity and thus makes them harder to control and makes the process of correctly maintaining them more complex.

Its not that creating complex thoughtforms is bad or even hard its just you should start out by experimenting with simple ones, creating a thoughtform is quite a personal experience with a huge amount of complexity, thoughtform creation can go near infinite in its depth so take your time and get a handle on the basics.
There's no need to destroy any of the thoughtforms, what I am saying is at first you are better off creating multiple simple thoughtforms if you intend them to do different things, in order to keep the thoughtform you can literally just tell it to be on stand by and make sure to keep supplying it with energy and the occasional affirmation, giving them new tasks unrelated to their previous tasks is possible but it develops their complexity and thus makes them harder to control and makes the process of correctly maintaining them more complex.

Its not that creating complex thoughtforms is bad or even hard its just you should start out by experimenting with simple ones, creating a thoughtform is quite a personal experience with a huge amount of complexity, thoughtform creation can go near infinite in its depth so take your time and get a handle on the basics.
Thank you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
