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Are there sources from before the Eddas of Norse Mythology?
Sorry for necroing this, but today i got curious about Lilith (regarding to the new Diablo IV trailer, and how the mage that summoned her was white, while other characters were not. + in the end he said "Save us mother")

I found out that her symbol is an owl. Which is the same as the symbol of Minerva. That was curious, cause i stumbled upon some (((people))) on 4chan talking that Minerva and Moloch is the same god and that she is worshipped by jews. But I know that Moloch (pathetic yahweh) is being worshipped by jews indeed and his symbol is bull. So apparently this is bullshit. As a lot of in this site.

So i started my investigation (with the help of open resourses) from the start. And i started with the thing that was confusing for me. Its the names of Beelzebub. Because some call him Baal, which is wrong (for example quote from (((wikipedia))) "The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal". . Because Baal just means "owner," "lord" and in case of Beelzebub it means that he is the "owner" and "lord" of everything that FLIES. (which is another story, because in russian version of wikipedia it just says that Beelzebub is a lord of FLIES. Can you see the difference? sic!)

The TRUE Baal is the god of jews, our enemy. Quote from wiki "Baal (/ˈbeɪəl/),[47][n 4] properly Baʿal,[n 5] meant "owner" and, by extension, "lord",[52] "master", and "husband" in Hebrew and the other Northwest Semitic languages.[53][54] In some early contexts and theophoric names, it and Baali (/ˈbeɪəlaɪ/; "My Lord") were treated as synonyms of Adon and Adonai."
And another juicy quote "Most modern scholarship asserts that this Baʿal—usually distinguished as "The Lord" (הבעל, Ha Baʿal)—was identical with the storm and fertility god Hadad;[9][19][12] it also appears in the form Baʿal Haddu.[13][20] Scholars propose that, as the cult of Hadad increased in importance, his true name came to be seen as too holy for any but the high priest to speak aloud and the alias "Lord" ("Baʿal") was used instead, as "Bel" was used for Marduk among the Babylonians and "Adonai" for Yahweh among the Israelites."

Reminds you of someone?
After some more research it became clear that ALL mythological beliefs have a common core. (you can check it yourself, all information is open)
And that:
1. Beelzebub is Enlil - Ullikummi (?) - Hades (and wikipedia lies that he wanted to eliminate humanity with flood, it was Anu more likely since its suspicious that both are god of weather and storms, and their lineage smells fishy. Hence most if not all researchers are jewish)
2. Satan is Enki - Aranzah (?) - Poseidon (hence his Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer)
3. Astharoth is Inanna - Tasmisu (?) - Hestia

Which rebelled against cruel dictator and our enemy
Anu - Teshub - Zeus - Jupiter - Tinia - Teshub - Attis- Yahweh - Moloch - Tarhunna - Thor - Marduk
and his wife (who at the same time his sister [those pesky inbred jews ;)])
Ki (Uras, Antu) - Sun goddess of Arinna - Hera (Demeter) - Junona - Uni - Hebat - Cybele

Thanks for attention.
I'm probably wrong, so if someone can correct my post, i would be glad.
P.S. i know that using wiki for proving anything is not a good option. to say the least, but im doing what i can. Jews love to mix lies with truth, so something must be right about all this.
Note the name Mammon and how close it is to Maum the mantra for the crown. These are mantras for the crown and the mythos are dealing with opening the crown.

HauptSturm said:
Academic Scholar said:
Which Demon is Thor?
HP Mageson666 said:
With Thor's actual meaning He is the third rune the Thor rune. He was called Jupiter by the Roman's.
The Romans regarded Jupiter as the equivalent of the Greek Zeus,[6]
English Thursday, German Donnerstag, is named after Thunor, Thor, or Old High German Donar from Germanic mythology, a deity similar to Jupiter Tonans

Rank: Treasurer of Hell
”Mammon" is not his real name. "Mammon" is a Hebrew word for money and nothing more. How this name was applied to a Demon/God was through misinterpretation and ignorance. We found in our workings with the Demons, the Greek God Zeus answers to "Mammon."
Zeus has short platinum blonde hair with waves and very light bluish-grey eyes. He wears a laurel crown, a white toga and is built stocky.
– High Priestess Maxine
The owl is the symbol of the full opened spiritual centers of the mind as the owl can see in the dark its enlightened. The owl is an ancient symbol of spiritual protection from evil for this reason. Minerva and Athena both have the owl and are the Goddess of spiritualized wisdom. Athena carries the spear and was called Spear Shaker, the word spear in the Sanskrit the source of European languages is Shakti the ancients would line up with spears on the battlefields as it was the main weapon and they would shake their spears on mass at the enemy to create a massive buzzing sound to intimidate them. The sound of shaking the spear makes a whirling buzzing noise an electrical noise. This is the inner sound of bio-electricity that occurs with Kundalini. Athena was also shown with the golden serpent of Kundalini and Athena's sacred garment the Pallas was carried in sacred processions in Athena's to honor Her. The Pallas is the symbol of the fully transformed soul with the Magnum Opus. Pallas means breath of life, spirit in Latin means breath the prana life force.

Moloch just means King its still used in Arabic as Melek just as Baal means Lord. In the ancient world local political rulers were called Baal's and Kings Melek or Moloch as well. So its meaningless to be used outside of specific context just as if I used a generic term of God, well what God specifically or if I used the term nation well what nation specifically or the term that person, well what person specifically what is the identity. So what Lord or King specifically.

The Jews in their own Talmudic texts mention Moloch in relate to the specific term of their Yahweh in Jewish texts you will come across the title King Yahweh many times. Which is Molech Yahweh in Hebrew.

Bohemian Grove was original just a summer camp for artists many actors to engage in the recreation of the ancient Greek stage plays and drama's for entertainments. Hence the symbol of Athena the owl. This was part of the Hellenic ideals that were brought back into society. Over time it just got taken over as society was taken over by the tribe and they corrupt everything into Judaism.

Amadel said:
Sorry for necroing this, but today i got curious about Lilith (regarding to the new Diablo IV trailer, and how the mage that summoned her was white, while other characters were not. + in the end he said "Save us mother")

I found out that her symbol is an owl. Which is the same as the symbol of Minerva. That was curious, cause i stumbled upon some (((people))) on 4chan talking that Minerva and Moloch is the same god and that she is worshipped by jews. But I know that Moloch (pathetic yahweh) is being worshipped by jews indeed and his symbol is bull. So apparently this is bullshit. As a lot of in this site.

So i started my investigation (with the help of open resourses) from the start. And i started with the thing that was confusing for me. Its the names of Beelzebub. Because some call him Baal, which is wrong (for example quote from (((wikipedia))) "The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal". . Because Baal just means "owner," "lord" and in case of Beelzebub it means that he is the "owner" and "lord" of everything that FLIES. (which is another story, because in russian version of wikipedia it just says that Beelzebub is a lord of FLIES. Can you see the difference? sic!)

The TRUE Baal is the god of jews, our enemy. Quote from wiki "Baal (/ˈbeɪəl/),[47][n 4] properly Baʿal,[n 5] meant "owner" and, by extension, "lord",[52] "master", and "husband" in Hebrew and the other Northwest Semitic languages.[53][54] In some early contexts and theophoric names, it and Baali (/ˈbeɪəlaɪ/; "My Lord") were treated as synonyms of Adon and Adonai."
And another juicy quote "Most modern scholarship asserts that this Baʿal—usually distinguished as "The Lord" (הבעל, Ha Baʿal)—was identical with the storm and fertility god Hadad;[9][19][12] it also appears in the form Baʿal Haddu.[13][20] Scholars propose that, as the cult of Hadad increased in importance, his true name came to be seen as too holy for any but the high priest to speak aloud and the alias "Lord" ("Baʿal") was used instead, as "Bel" was used for Marduk among the Babylonians and "Adonai" for Yahweh among the Israelites."

Reminds you of someone?
After some more research it became clear that ALL mythological beliefs have a common core. (you can check it yourself, all information is open)
And that:
1. Beelzebub is Enlil - Ullikummi (?) - Hades (and wikipedia lies that he wanted to eliminate humanity with flood, it was Anu more likely since its suspicious that both are god of weather and storms, and their lineage smells fishy. Hence most if not all researchers are jewish)
2. Satan is Enki - Aranzah (?) - Poseidon (hence his Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer)
3. Astharoth is Inanna - Tasmisu (?) - Hestia

Which rebelled against cruel dictator and our enemy
Anu - Teshub - Zeus - Jupiter - Tinia - Teshub - Attis- Yahweh - Moloch - Tarhunna - Thor - Marduk
and his wife (who at the same time his sister [those pesky inbred jews ;)])
Ki (Uras, Antu) - Sun goddess of Arinna - Hera (Demeter) - Junona - Uni - Hebat - Cybele

Thanks for attention.
HP Mageson666 said:
Note the name Mammon and how close it is to Maum the mantra for the crown. These are mantras for the crown and the mythos are dealing with opening the crown.
Sounds like Jupiter to me... JUPITER is RICH and we all know JUPITER is what you want for riches......
I'm also slightly convinced that Yahweh/JEHOVAH is the equivalent of the Jewish Jupiter but don't quote me on that...
HP Mageson666 said:
The owl is the symbol of the full opened spiritual centers of the mind as the owl can see in the dark its enlightened. The owl is an ancient symbol of spiritual protection from evil for this reason. Minerva and Athena both have the owl and are the Goddess of spiritualized wisdom. Athena carries the spear and was called Spear Shaker, the word spear in the Sanskrit the source of European languages is Shakti the ancients would line up with spears on the battlefields as it was the main weapon and they would shake their spears on mass at the enemy to create a massive buzzing sound to intimidate them. The sound of shaking the spear makes a whirling buzzing noise an electrical noise. This is the inner sound of bio-electricity that occurs with Kundalini. Athena was also shown with the golden serpent of Kundalini and Athena's sacred garment the Pallas was carried in sacred processions in Athena's to honor Her. The Pallas is the symbol of the fully transformed soul with the Magnum Opus. Pallas means breath of life, spirit in Latin means breath the prana life force.

Moloch just means King its still used in Arabic as Melek just as Baal means Lord. In the ancient world local political rulers were called Baal's and Kings Melek or Moloch as well. So its meaningless to be used outside of specific context just as if I used a generic term of God, well what God specifically or if I used the term nation well what nation specifically or the term that person, well what person specifically what is the identity. So what Lord or King specifically.

The Jews in their own Talmudic texts mention Moloch in relate to the specific term of their Yahweh in Jewish texts you will come across the title King Yahweh many times. Which is Molech Yahweh in Hebrew.

Bohemian Grove was original just a summer camp for artists many actors to engage in the recreation of the ancient Greek stage plays and drama's for entertainments. Hence the symbol of Athena the owl. This was part of the Hellenic ideals that were brought back into society. Over time it just got taken over as society was taken over by the tribe and they corrupt everything into Judaism.

Amadel said:
Sorry for necroing this, but today i got curious about Lilith (regarding to the new Diablo IV trailer, and how the mage that summoned her was white, while other characters were not. + in the end he said "Save us mother")

I found out that her symbol is an owl. Which is the same as the symbol of Minerva. That was curious, cause i stumbled upon some (((people))) on 4chan talking that Minerva and Moloch is the same god and that she is worshipped by jews. But I know that Moloch (pathetic yahweh) is being worshipped by jews indeed and his symbol is bull. So apparently this is bullshit. As a lot of in this site.

So i started my investigation (with the help of open resourses) from the start. And i started with the thing that was confusing for me. Its the names of Beelzebub. Because some call him Baal, which is wrong (for example quote from (((wikipedia))) "The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal". . Because Baal just means "owner," "lord" and in case of Beelzebub it means that he is the "owner" and "lord" of everything that FLIES. (which is another story, because in russian version of wikipedia it just says that Beelzebub is a lord of FLIES. Can you see the difference? sic!)

The TRUE Baal is the god of jews, our enemy. Quote from wiki "Baal (/ˈbeɪəl/),[47][n 4] properly Baʿal,[n 5] meant "owner" and, by extension, "lord",[52] "master", and "husband" in Hebrew and the other Northwest Semitic languages.[53][54] In some early contexts and theophoric names, it and Baali (/ˈbeɪəlaɪ/; "My Lord") were treated as synonyms of Adon and Adonai."
And another juicy quote "Most modern scholarship asserts that this Baʿal—usually distinguished as "The Lord" (הבעל, Ha Baʿal)—was identical with the storm and fertility god Hadad;[9][19][12] it also appears in the form Baʿal Haddu.[13][20] Scholars propose that, as the cult of Hadad increased in importance, his true name came to be seen as too holy for any but the high priest to speak aloud and the alias "Lord" ("Baʿal") was used instead, as "Bel" was used for Marduk among the Babylonians and "Adonai" for Yahweh among the Israelites."

Reminds you of someone?
After some more research it became clear that ALL mythological beliefs have a common core. (you can check it yourself, all information is open)
And that:
1. Beelzebub is Enlil - Ullikummi (?) - Hades (and wikipedia lies that he wanted to eliminate humanity with flood, it was Anu more likely since its suspicious that both are god of weather and storms, and their lineage smells fishy. Hence most if not all researchers are jewish)
2. Satan is Enki - Aranzah (?) - Poseidon (hence his Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer)
3. Astharoth is Inanna - Tasmisu (?) - Hestia

Which rebelled against cruel dictator and our enemy
Anu - Teshub - Zeus - Jupiter - Tinia - Teshub - Attis- Yahweh - Moloch - Tarhunna - Thor - Marduk
and his wife (who at the same time his sister [those pesky inbred jews ;)])
Ki (Uras, Antu) - Sun goddess of Arinna - Hera (Demeter) - Junona - Uni - Hebat - Cybele

Thanks for attention.

Consonant "M" is depicted as owl in Egyptian hieroglyphics (see my profile picture).
Jupiter has a Spanish name, Jove. I think Jove has similarities to Jehovah. Just to make things clear....
HauptSturm said:
Jupiter has a Spanish name, Jove. I think Jove has similarities to Jehovah. Just to make things clear....
Yep, you are right. I read in some old sermons that the Jews of course gived the name of Jupiter to their "God" because obviously for them their "God" has the good quality of Jupiter but not for us...
Arcadia said:
HP Mageson666 said:
As she proves in her book the Christians put this in there along with the christ like Balder as cultural subversion.

I was always under the assumption Balder was simply a Norse equivalent of the Dionysus/Bacchus themes. Considering all of Jewsus Christ is stolen themes and symbols anyway. I never would have thought the entire character was a later invention and insertion. Unless it was a matter of the character existing and then being forced to have Christ-like attributes later on? I have no idea. I'd be curious to know more about Balder, providing there's even anything more to add.

Balder is the Norse equivalent of the Celtic god Belenos, who was the god of the fire and sun and this represents the transforming fire of the kundalini, Beltaine was the holiday in which this god was worshiped, the christians was corrupted the original meaning, to try to equate this with jewsus.
HP Mageson666 said:
But the runes on the Jos for the chakras are correct, right? Ing for crown, Thor for 6th. (I'm asking since you mentioned Thor for the crown).
Orpheus said:
HP Mageson666 said:
But the runes on the Jos for the chakras are correct, right? Ing for crown, Thor for 6th. (I'm asking since you mentioned Thor for the crown).
They are, some sounds like Th can be used for more than one chakras. For example the Thurisaz rune can be used to get rid of blocks in all the chakras. Some rune/mantra's can work for more than one chakras.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
