TheKikeSlayer said:
Is it possible for a satanist to fall in love with a jew? Normally, i am able to identify a jew quite easily with my intuition and analysing their facial features and have this repulsion feeling towards them. So this led me to thought about this question.
A lazy SS who does no AoP or F-RTR can fall for it because they may get influenced by the enemy entities, not only into falling in love with a jew but other bad stuff as well, like porn, race-mixing, drugs and other useless stuff that would consume his/her time, destroy him/her or keep them from advancing. Those enemy entities are not a joke and not weak, especially to the new ones, the newly dedicated SS can get influenced into bad stuff. Although, I believe that the newly dedicated SS get extra protection from the Gods for a while but later, if they get lazy from the good and "lucky" life and ruin their meditation routine, then they may regress into the former state or worse from the former.
Source: Personal experience.
In the beginning I did my AoP and other stuff on time but later in between my journey so far, I got a bit lazy
(mind can sometimes act like a wild animal, you need to master it to control it, you master it through the meditations), I stopped working on my AoP and meditations properly, and later because of weak AoP I definitely got influenced by the enemy entities into porn, some kind of empty feeling and also I had quite a lot of psychic attacks where I could see them for a while. Also saw a vision when I was half asleep, where my left arm was covered with black holes(holes like in swiss cheese but black). I took this as a indication of some kind of problem in my Aura. Not working on AoP/protection is not a joke, it can ruin your life.
If an SS here has become lazy and confused on why they have suddenly become like that, first do the Final-RTR for a few days, you must clean aura afterwards, and if possible do AoP. imo F-RTR helps to break some kind of chain of influence from the enemy's astral entities. This chain may get restored quickly if you stop again. After a few days of F-RTRs, start working on your self again, continue your meditation routine and also do a purification working/cleaning working through runes and mantras on a date that is good to start that working(You can start it right away if you want but a working date is recommended. You can see the dates on the SS calendar). Why after a few days? Cuz from my personal experience I was not able to do any other stuff, I tried but failed, though after a few days I was able to resume my proper meditation routine. It could differ for you though. Good for you if you start working on yourself on the same day when you do the F-RTR.
Another tip, do physical work. Stop the use of automation. Got dishes? don't use the dishwasher. Clothes? Use hand if you got time. Exercise. Yoga is very important, as it is a form of meditation for your muscles, nerves, bones, organs and in general the physical body(read about it on the JoyofSatan website carefully.)
If you[Reader] are struggling with laziness, some kind of bad habit and if don't understand what I wrote above, pardon my english and create a new topic in the forums to get help. It would save you a lot of time and you could achieve many things instead of wasting your time wondering what went wrong.
A tip for psychic attacks: Memorize the sigils of Father Satan and your Guardian Demon, visualizing the sigils in satanic blue flame during an attack can help end it fast or affect the entity harassing you. After the attack do a banishing ritual.
Last but not the least, I am no HP or a trusted member and nor do I consider myself advanced. But all I can say is: new or old, please do work on your AoP guys, and some monthly/quarterly protection workings to keep yourself on the track/path unharmed. And ask for help in the forums if you can't search for the solution to your problem through the search function.
I hope this helps to clear some things for you @TheKikeSlayer.
Hail Satan!