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This is not a conspiracy

One Wire Phenomenon

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
I actually feel this is very important for people to see.
I could be right about what I said about the veil. I just read it now and it frightened me a bit. I will only open new topics that are important things. My finds and how I interpret them will be posted in my thread.

Mind reading
Probably no more “intrusive and persistent” method of obtaining information about a person exists than reading their mind.1 Research on mind-reading has been vigorously pursued by US government agencies and various academic centers since the 1970s, and continues to this day.

Since 1973 DARPA has been studying mind-reading with EEG hooked to computers, using scientists at the University of Illinois, UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Rochester.

They developed a system that could determine how a person perceived colors or shapes and were working on methods to detect daydreaming, fatigue, and other brain states. Although the device had to be calibrated for each person’s brain by having them think a series of specific thoughts, the calibration was quick.

In 1974 another very basic mind-reading machine was created by researchers at Stanford Research Institute. It used an EEG hooked to a computer which allowed a dot to be moved across a computer screen using thought alone. When interpreting people’s brainwaves, it was right about 60% of the time. During these tests scientists discovered that brain patterns are like fingerprints, each person has their own. So, each computer would have to be calibrated for a specific person.

Another method to address this issue was to store a large amount of generic patterns on the computer, so when it encountered a brain pattern it didn’t recognized, it used one that most resembled it. Since then, DARPA has sponsored Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and mind-reading programs at Duke University, MIT, University of Florida, and New York State University, Brooklyn.

The Human Computer Interaction group at Tufts University has studied mind-reading funded by grants from a government research and education agency known as the National Science Foundation (NSF). Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University, and the MIT Sloan School of Management have studied mind-reading. The Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in England has developed mind-reading machines based on facial expressions.

Other academic institutions that have participated in mind-reading projects include the University of California, Berkeley, University of Maryland, and Princeton University in New Jersey. Microsoft has studied mind-reading using EEG to better accommodate its users. Emotiv Systems built a mind-reading gaming device which uses EEG to infer the mental states of video game players. Honda Motors and Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) have studied mind-reading.

Neuroimaging Devices
Scientists discovered that the neural code of the human brain is similar to the digital code of a computer. To some extent, they have deciphered this code. Prior to this, they assumed that it was necessary to identify the neurons associated with specific acts, which would have made mind-reading much more difficult.2

They now understand that it’s not necessary to monitor billions of neurons to determine which are connected to a particular thought or act. Only a small number of them need to be monitored to accomplish this. To monitor these neurons researchers use neuroimaging devices. They include event-related optical signal (EROS), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), functional near-infrared imaging (fNIR), magnetoencephalography (MEG), and positron emission tomography (PET).3 These devices may be combined for a more accurate reading.

There are basically two types of measurements, direct methods and indirect methods. Direct methods measure changes in electromagnetic fields and currents around the brain which are emitted from the surface of the scalp, or they monitor the neurons themselves. Indirect methods measure hemodynamic (blood movement) changes of hemoglobin in specific tissue compartments.

Both of these methods are almost simultaneous with neuronal activity. Regarding sensors, there are invasive ones which must be implanted, and non-invasive ones which can be worn on the scalp, in the form of a headband.

Electroencephalography (EEG) provides a direct method for determining brain states and processes by measuring the electrical activity on the scalp produced by the firing of neurons in the brain. EEG has been around for over 100 years. EEG is commonly used in neuroscience, cognitive science, and cognitive psychology. It is inexpensive, silent, non-invasive, portable, and tolerates movement.

Wireless EEG which uses non-invasive sensors that have physical contact with the scalp can transmit the signals to a remote machine for deciphering. Although, in 1976 the Los Angeles Times reported that DARPA was working on an EEG to detect brain activity several feet from a person’s head, which was to be completed in the 1980s. EEG normally produces only a general indicator of brain activity.

However, in 2008 Discovery News reported that a company called Emotiv Systems developed an algorithm that decodes the cortex, providing a more accurate measurement. “We can calibrate the algorithm across a wide range of technologies with the same resolution you would get from placing an invasive chip inside the head,” said Tan Le, president of Emotiv Systems.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures the blood flow in the brain in response to neural activity. Active neurons use oxygen, which is brought to them by blood. The more active a region of the brain is the more blood flows in the area. This movement of blood is referred to as hemodynamic activity. FMRI can detect which areas are receiving blood, which indicates that they’re processing information.

The fMRI provides an indirect measurement of brain processes. It is the most common method of neuroimaging, and can produce 2 and 3-dimensional images. It is non-invasive, and can record signals from all brain regions, unlike EEG which focuses on the surface only.

Functional near-infrared imaging (fNIR) provides an indirect measurement of brain activity by detecting hemodynamic changes in the cortex. Although it is based on different principles, in that it uses light, it functions in the same manner as fMRI. FNIR can provide an almost continuous display of these changes in the cortex. It is inexpensive, non-invasive, and portable. A wireless headband with sensors exists for this device.

Event-related optical signal (EROS) is a brain-scanning device that focuses near-infrared light into the cerebral cortex to detect the density of neurons indicated by the transparency of brain tissue. Because it can only detect these changes a few centimeters deep, it can only image the cerebral cortex. Unlike fNIR, which is an optical method for measuring blood flow, EROS detects the intensity of neurons themselves and provides a direct measurement of brain activity. It is very accurate, portable, inexpensive, and non-invasive. A wireless headband with sensors exists for this device.

Mind-reading can be accomplished by first having a computer learn which brain patterns are associated with specific thoughts, then store the decoded information in a database. This machine learning is accomplished using a type of artificial intelligence (AI) called an algorithm. A very basic algorithm is a spell checker, which uses a database of common mistakes associated with a particular sequence of letters to present suggestions to a user.

“The new realization is that every thought is associated with a pattern of brain activity,” proclaimed neuroscientist John Dylan Haynes, in Newsweek International on February 4, 2008. “And,” says Haynes, “you can train a computer to recognize the pattern associated with a particular thought.”

In a January 2000 issue of US News and World Report, Lockheed Martin neuroengineer Dr. John Norseen announced, “Just like you can find one person in a million through fingerprints ... you can find one thought in a million.” This can be accomplished using AI and HCI, or what Dr. Norseen calls biofusion.

The decoded brain signals can be stored in a database. Then when someone is scanned, the computer detects the pattern and matches the signals to the database of known meanings. But it’s not necessary to scan a brain to decode its signals for every single thought, such as a picture.

Instead, after the machine has learned how to decipher patterns associated with specific thoughts such as images, more images can be added to the program and the computer can use the process it used for the other images as a model to somewhat accurately detect additional thoughts.

Both words and images can be detected using mind-reading devices with varying degrees of accuracy. This can occur for words and images being viewed by a person on an external display, such as a book, or words and images just being thought of with no external stimuli.

“It is possible to read someone’s mind by remotely measuring their brain activity,” announced New Scientist in their Mind-Reading Machine Knows What You See article of April of 2005. The Computational Neuroscience Laboratories at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) in Kyoto Japan, and Princeton University in New Jersey, proved that by monitoring the visual cortex with fMRI they could determine which basic objects (sets of lines) a person was looking at.

When the objects were combined, they could even determine which one was being focused on. According to the scientists, it may be possible not only to view but also to record and replay these images. They announced that the technology could be used to figure out dreams and other secrets in people’s minds.

Vanderbilt University in Nashville has conducted simple mind-reading tests using an fMRI/Computer, which learned what basic images a group of test subjects was looking at. They were able to predict with 50% accuracy which objects the test subjects were thinking of when they were asked only to remember what they had seen, without being shown the images.

On March 6, 2008 ABC News reported that neuroscientists at the University of California at Berkeley accomplished mind-reading by monitoring the visual cortex with an fMRI connected to a self-learning (artificial intelligence) computer program.

First, they used 1750 pictures to build a computational database for the computer to learn with by flashing the pictures in front of test subjects connected to an fMRI. This allowed the algorithm to decipher the brain patterns and associate them with the images.

In addition to deciphering these brain patterns, the computer recorded the process that it used to accomplish this, and built a model based upon it. Then, without scanning the test subjects, they added 120 new pictures to the program and allowed it to create its interpretation of what the new brain signals would be, based on the previous model.

Then they had the test subjects look at these pictures which they had never seen while being scanned. The computer predicted what they were looking at 72% of the time. The scientists announced that the model could be used as a basis to predict the brain activity associated with any image.

What this means is that it’s not necessary to scan a brain to obtain the meaning of each signal. Once the model had been developed, they could simply add new pictures to the database/dictionary. The scientists suggested that out of 1 billion pictures, the computer would be accurate about 20% of the time.

Images which are not consciously seen by a person can even be detected by mind-reading machines. Researchers at University College London flashed pictures in quick succession to test subjects connected to an fMRI. Although some of these pictures were invisible to the subjects, they were accurately recorded 80% of the time by the computer.

Like a fingerprint, each person has their own brainprint. Therefore, calibration for each brain is necessary. This is accomplished by having the person think a series of specific thoughts. In the case of EEG, this calibration can take less than a minute. However, because the signals which represent thoughts are similar from one person to the next, a universal mind-reading database has been suggested.

Using fMRI, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) discovered that the brain patterns associated with specific thoughts are quite similar among multiple people. This, they stated, would provide the opportunity to create a universal mind-reading dictionary.

Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley mentioned that a “general visual decoder” would have great scientific use. Likewise, the brain patterns associated with specific words that occur when people are reading are also basically the same. This similarity of brain functions associated with words seems to have been an evolutionary development which allowed for an advantage in communication.

A mind-reading machine capable of determining the brain pattern associated with a specific word was developed by scientists at CMU. Brain scans using fMRI were taken of test subjects who were given a variety of words to think of in order to train the computer. An important consideration here is that they were not viewing these words on an external display, only thinking about them. After the computer identified the brain patterns associated with those words, the subjects were given two new words to think about, which the computer accurately determined.

Although, in this particular study only a couple of words were tested, it proves that after a model of how to decipher brain signals was created, AI could accurately determine new words that subjects were thinking about. “These building blocks could be used to predict patterns for any concrete noun,” proclaimed Tom Mitchell of the Machine Learning Department.

In February of 2004 Popular Science announced that a mind-reading computer could, in theory, translate a person’s working verbal memory onto a computer screen. “You could imagine thinking about talking and having it projected into a room 2,000 miles away,” says Professor Craig Henriquez at Duke University’s Center for Neuroengineering, who has studied mind-reading for DARPA. He added, “It’s very, very possible.”

FMRI can be used to determine if someone is reading or writing. Neuroscientists can determine when a person is reading by monitoring their brainwaves. They can almost determine exactly what they’re reading. And because these patterns are similar from one person to the next, a universal device for determining what people are reading is possible.

In March of 2008 both Technology Review and ABC News revealed that an fMRI could in theory be used to display a person’s dreams. Then in December of 2008, scientists at ATR in Kyoto Japan announced that they developed a technology that would eventually allow them to record and replay a person’s dreams.

Emotions from love to hate can be recognized by neuralimaging. The level of stress a person is experiencing can also be measured. Brain states such as honesty, deception, and even self deception, can be measured.

Patterns associated with decisions can also be read. Scientists from CMU, Stanford University, and the MIT Sloan School of Management were able to accurately predict the purchasing decisions of test subjects in a virtual shopping center. They monitored the subject’s level of interest in a product as well as their decision to purchase it.

Neuroimaging can also detect decisions about how someone will later do a high-level mental activity. Neuroimaging can be used to determine if someone is speaking or reading. It can be used to detect areas of the brain that are active when someone is hearing a sound, or touching an object.

Brain patterns associated with specific physical movements, such as a finger, can be deciphered with neural imaging. The mere intention to make a physical movement can be detected before the actual movement is made.

A type of mind-reading is possible with cameras connected to computers. One such device, called the Emotional Social Intelligence Prosthetic (ESP), was developed at the MIT Media Laboratory in 2006. It consists of a tiny camera that can be worn on a hat, an earphone and a small computer that is worn on a belt. It infers a person’s emotional state by analyzing combinations of subtle facial movements and gestures.

When an emotional state is detected, the wearer is signaled through the earphone to adjust their behavior in order to gain the attention of the target. The computer can detect 6 emotional states. It can also be adjusted for cultural differences and configured specifically for the wearer.

Around this time, the Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, UK, developed a similar camera-based mind-reading machine. It uses a computer to monitor, in real-time, combinations of head movement, shape, color, smiles, and eyebrow activity to infer a person’s emotional state.

It detects basic emotional states such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust, as well as more complex states. It’s accurate between 65 and 90 percent of the time. “The mind-reading computer system presents information about your mental state as easily as a keyboard and mouse present text and commands,” they announced.

Used for Surveillance
Mind reading exists. The DOD and various institutions have vigorously researched this subject since at least the mid 1970s. “Mapping human brain functions is now routine,” declared US News and World Report, in an article entitled Reading Your Mind—And Injecting Smart Thoughts, of January of 2000.

Both words and images, being viewed or thought, can be mind-read. Various emotional states as well as mental processes such decisionmaking, reading, writing, movement and the intention to make a movement, can be detected with mind-reading devices. Perceptions such as touch, sound, and light can also be detected.

The proposed uses for mind-reading technology are positive. Some include determining if people in comas can communicate, helping stroke patients and those who suffered brain injuries, aiding those with learning disorders, assisting with online shopping, and improving people’s communications skills.

However, other uses that have been suggested include the monitoring of unconscious mental processes, and interrogation of criminal suspects and potential terrorists. Dr. John Alexander mentioned that the recent developments in mind-reading technology would take surveillance to new levels by allowing investigators to “peer into the inner sanctum of the mind,” in order to determine if a suspect has caused, or will likely cause a crime.

Dr. Norseen has sent R&D plans to the pentagon to have tiny mind-reading devices installed at airports to profile potential terrorists. He suggested that these devices could be functional by 2005. In August of 2008, CNN stated that the US military’s knowledge obtained from mind-reading research could be used to interrogate the enemy.

Law Enforcement Technology announced in September of 2005 the existence of a new forensic technology known as Brain Fingerprinting, which has already been used in hundreds of investigations as a lie detector by the CIA, FBI and law enforcement agencies in the United States.

Brain Fingerprinting is admissible in court, because unlike a polygraph, which relies on emotional responses, it uses EEG to see how the brain reacts to words and pictures related to a crime scene. Dr. Larry Farwell, its inventor, says it is completely accurate. According to the report it will be used to help speed-up investigations.


1 Another possible method to obtain information is Remote Viewing. RV is the ability to produce correct information about people, events, objects, or concepts that are somewhere else in space and time, and are completely blind to the viewer collecting the information. It can be used to describe people or events, produce leads, reconstruct events, make decisions, and make predictions about the future. See Remote Viewing Secrets by Joseph McMoneagle. RV tests were conducted by the US government over a 20-year period during Project Stargate, a classified initiative by the CIA which began in 1972 and lasted until about 1994. Most of the 154 tests and 26,000 trials took place at the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory at Forte Meade, Maryland. A majority of the results of the project are still classified. See the Journal of Parapsychology articles, Remote Viewing by Committee, September 22, 2003, by Lance Storm and Experiment One of the SAIC Remote Viewing Program, of December 1, 1998, by Richard Wiseman and Julie Milton. The success of the project varies depending on the source. Allegedly the original tests were conducted under rigid scientific conditions, which had impressive results. However, the same sources describe RV in general as ineffective. See Discover Magazine's article, CIA ESP, on April 1, 1996, by Jeffrey Kluger, and the Washington Post's report, Many Find Remote Viewing a Far Fetch from Science, on December 2, 1995, by Curt Suplee. According to author McMoneagle, an original viewer during Project Stargate, it is accurate about 50 or 60 percent of the time. Nevertheless, RV will be used to obtain intelligence, according to John B. Alexander. See The New Mental Battlefield, which appeared in the December 1980 issue of Military Review. Also see the June 1998 Research Report Number 2 of the University of Bradford's Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), for how RV has been added to the NLW arsenal. According to multiple sources, US government agencies are now using the consulting services of RV professionals. This was reported on January 9, 2002 in the University Wire's (Colorado Daily) article, Clairvoyant Discusses Reveals Details of Remote Viewing, by Wendy Kale, and in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on September 1, 1994, in its report, The Soft Kill Fallacy by Steven Aftergood. In his book Winning The War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-911 World, Alexander had this to say regarding RV: "Since the beginning of history, humans have made anecdotal references to innate abilities to foretell the future, to know what was occurring at distant locations or the status of people separated from them, and to find resources they need without any traditional means of accessing that information." He continued: "Studies have demonstrated beyond any doubt that these nontraditional capabilities exist. … [RV can] radically change our means of gathering intelligence. It holds the promise of providing information about inaccessible redoubts and advances in technology. More importantly, once these skills are understood, those possessing them will be able to determine an adversary's intent and be predictive about the events."

2 Because neuroimaging technology decodes brain patterns to thoughts, some argue that it technically doesn't read a person's mind. However, because specific thoughts and brain states can be deciphered, here it is referred to as mind-reading. Additionally, most mainstream documents refer to this as mind-reading, despite the fact that it is actually brainwave-reading.

3 Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and positron emission tomography (PET) can also be used to infer a person's neurophysiological state. But because they are impractical for field use due to their large size and harmful radiation, MEG and PET won't be considered here. However, DARPA is in the process of developing a small helmet-sized MEG device which would be connected to a portable computer. See the article Mind over Machine in the February 1, 2004 issue of Popular Science, by Carl Zimmer.

Copyright © 2022 Mark Rich. All rights reserved.

Mark (at) NewWorldWar.org


Volume II Commentary
You’ve seen that a war has been declared against groups and individuals globally who live among the civilian population. The weapons of this war include nonlethal weapons and psychological operations, which are synchronized and used in combination.

The war includes a unified action between a host nation’s NGOs, local law enforcement, federal agencies, and military, which has been called the interagency. The military uses the civilian population as surrogate forces to achieve its objectives.

The enemies now include protesters who are targeted by the military after being labeled extremists and domestic terrorists accused of using information attacks. According to government think tank and military sources, the primary enemies are those who are resisting world integration, and, are thereby interfering with the evolution of our society.

Multiple efforts are in progress to shut down free speech on internet, and initiatives have been launched to identify thought processes that are considered to be extreme and outlaw them. Law enforcement has been educated that conspiracy theorists think that their civil liberties are being removed and that a global revolution known as the New World Order is underway. They are taught that people carrying certain films and patriotic material are dangerous enemies.

Some of the activities of the civil-military force are directed from domestic war rooms known as CMOCs that have been constructed in major cities around the planet. NGOs and IGOs such the UN meet with government officials at these centers to discuss the irregular threats in the area. They are in constant contact with deployed civil-military forces.

The military and DOJ began targeting citizens during WWI and continued up into the 1960s and 1970s with the FBI’s COINTELPRO. Indefinite bogus investigations have been used as an excuse to attack the targeted group or individual. We now have an understanding of what surveillance really means.

People have been placed under 24/7 constant surveillance using advanced technology. The information gained from these investigations was not used for any legal proceeding, only to attack them. An army of informants has also used against them. Their friends, relatives, neighbors, landlords, colleagues, employers, and even the businesses they used, were all brought into the investigation. Their careers and lives are destroyed. These investigations were used to maintain the existing political order.

It has been announced that constant surveillance will be conducted on people during the new war using intrusive methods. Surveillance technology includes tiny proximate sensors that can be placed at the site or standoff sensors that can be used at a distance.

Sensors can detect various environmental stimuli, including anything a human being can sense. They can be used at any level of the battlespace to monitor the environment of the target as well as the target. Sensors are connected to a C4ISR system such as the GIG.

The GIG is a type of communications structure that links information, applications, services, surveillance systems, directed-energy weapons, EW capabilities, and people. It is used to track down an enemy anywhere on the planet. GIG nodes include aircrafts, ships, vehicles, and people, which use cognitive radios or other devices to form MANETs to synchronize their attacks.

A cognitive radio is a computer with an open architecture that can be made to resemble a radio. It has artificial intelligence and is able to learn from and act on stimuli in the environment using its sensors. It can also be programmed remotely and equipped with a GPS receiver.

Cognitive radios are used to form MANETs which foster the real-time communication and synchronization necessary to conduct battleswarms.

The DOD has mentioned that tiny, concealable, hands-free computers can be used to connect people to the GIG. In other documentation it has expressed an interest in establishing direct communication with its agents using microwave hearing technology.

Devices exist for seeing through walls. Satellites are used to track mobile targets. It has been recommended that mind-reading, which has been researched by the DOD since the 1970s, be used as an intrusive surveillance technology.

Advancements in communications allow for close synchronization of information, activities, and attacks on the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. On the tactical level it occurs between all forces in battlespace. It also happens vertically with decisionmakers, up to the strategic level. Synchronization is made possible by a C4ISR system. It is automated, frequent, and fast.

Synchronizing attacks is done to amplify their effects in order to shock the enemy. It can be done by launching multiple attacks simultaneously or a series of them in a particular sequence. Resources that can be synchronized for attacks include all instruments of national power.

We’ve seen evidence which indicates that front groups for the British Crown and Wall Street are actively pursuing plans for global domination. We now have an understanding of how they think, what they’ve done, and what their plans are. A variety of notable figures have warned us that this would occur.

We’ve observed that some of the historical disasters which have affected our society have consistently furthered their objectives. Recently, these crises have resulted in a substantial reduction of civil liberties and an expansion of enemies to include peaceful citizens. Aggressive efforts are now underway to remove existing freedoms.

As they solidify control of the planet, they have extended the battlefield into your neighborhoods. Their primary enemies are those resisting their political agenda, all of whom will be identified, isolated, and destroyed. An inclusion of the pathological factor, however, suggests that a more general class of people who are considered their natural enemies, will be attacked as well.

Now that we’ve removed their ideological mask, let’s have a closer look at the technology and tactics that they have given to the security forces to neutralize the remaining resistance.

Copyright © 2022 Mark Rich. All rights reserved.


Nonlethal Weapons

Nonlethal weapons (NLW) have also been called non-injurious, disabling measures, immobilizers, strategic immobilizers, discriminate force, less-lethal, less-than-lethal, pre-lethal, mission kill, new age weapons, soft kill weapons, limited effects technology, neutralizing technology, reduced lethality weapons, low collateral damage weaponry, etc.

They are used to incapacitate and deter people and to minimize fatalities and damage to equipment, facilities, and the environment. NLW are not required to have a zero probability of producing death or serious injury. Currently, there are several definitions that include a variety of terms, weapons, and tactics.

The Department of Defense (DOD) defines them as: “weapons that are explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to incapacitate personnel or material, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel and undesired damage to property and the environment. … Non-lethal weapons employ means other than gross physical destruction to prevent the target from functioning.”

They are described by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) as: “[The] identification and development of new or improved weapons and other technology that will minimize the risk of death and injury to officers, suspects, prisoners and the public, and contribute to the reduction of civil and criminal liability suits against police, sheriff, and corrections departments.”

NLW cover a wide range of many technologies and tactics, most of which are classified. They include: biological warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW), and psychological operations (PsyOp). Many of these weapons can be accurately delivered at long ranges. The people who operate these weapons are known as users or operators, and the people whom they are directed at are called targets.

These weapons can be organized by function (counter personnel and counter material), or technology (electromagnetic, chemical and biological, mechanical, ancillary, nanotechnology, etc.) Even within these two broad methods of classification there are numerous ways they can be organized.1 For this introduction they’ll be listed by technology, and then subcategorized by application.2 A more detailed description of these weapons will appear later.

Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW)
Microwaves—(counter personnel, counter material, counter function)
Lasers—(counter personnel, counter material)
Bright Lights—(counter personnel)
Holographic Projections—(counter personnel)
Acoustics (includes audible, infrasound, and ultrasound)—(counter personnel)

Chemical and Biological
Calmatives—(counter personnel)
Nanotechnology—(counter personnel, counter material)
Malodorants (nauseating smells)—(counter personnel)
Antimaterial Chemicals—(counter material, counter function, counter personnel)

Physical Barriers—(counter personnel)
Computer Attacks—(counter material, counter function)
Defoliants and Soil Destabilizers—(counter material, counter function)
Weather Modification—(counter material, counter function)
Psychological Operations—(counter personnel)
Used in Combination
NLW are to be used in combination. “These weapons,” says the CFR, “must be deployed coherently, in synergistic coordination with information/psychological warfare technologies.” In both their 2004 Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations and August 2006 Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies reports, NATO has suggested that NLWs should be used in combination to increase their effectiveness.

The NRC described that the synergistic use of directed-energy weapons could maximize effectiveness. According to the US military, the goal is to overwhelm the target by attacking all five senses, plus motor and cognitive functions.

1 For instance, National Defense's March 1, 2002 article, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, by John B. Alexander classifies them by capability and lists them in three basic categories: counter personnel, counter material, and counter capability. Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley, USAF, uses the same classification method in his report, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, but uses only two categories, counter personnel and counter material. Also, one weapon may be used for a variety of purposes. Furthermore, the category in which a weapon belongs can be open to interpretation.

2 This list is just a portion of the NLWs which are known to exist. Weapons such as rubber bullets, bean bags, water canons, spike strips, stun guns, foams, tear gas and pepper spray, multi-sensory devices, and entanglement systems, will not be covered, as this section introduces only weapons which can be more easily used in a clandestine manner. Although, the tactics which use some technologies such as blocking (barriers, entanglement, foams), and combined technologies (multi-sensory, flash/bang devices), will be explored later.

Copyright © 2022 Mark Rich. All rights reserved.

Mark (at) NewWorldWar.org

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I had a thought about this which is meant for my other thread but I think its important to be in this thread as well.


"Computers often have two audio jacks: one for sound input when you record something or talk on a Skype call and one for plugging in your headphones to listen to tunes, play games or whatever other noises you’ve got coming from it.

Anybody who’s looked at the YouTube tutorials on how to turn headphones into microphones knows that the microphones in your earbuds or headphones are two-way streets: it’s simple to switch them from devices you listen with into devices that listen to you.

All you have to do is plug the earbuds or headphones into the microphone jack instead of the headphone jack, start up a recording app, and you’re good to go with picking up whatever sounds your earbuds-used-as-mics can hear.

But it turns out that there’s a hack that spares you that whole switching-jacks thing: instead, you can go behind the scenes to switch the audio ports’ function invisibly, by malicious reprogramming.

In this scenario, an eavesdropper doesn’t even need to get at your earbuds: they can switch your output port into an input port and record you even without a mic attached to the PC.

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The vulnerability – called “jack retasking”- was reported by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Cyber Security Research Center.

They’ve dubbed it SPEAKE(a)R. In a paper (PDF), they note that the reprogramming option is available on audio chipsets from Realtek, which are embedded in a wide range of modern PC motherboards.

In fact, the researchers say the RealTek chips are so common that the attack works on practically any desktop computer, whether it runs Windows or MacOS, and most laptops, too, as Wired reports.

It’s not just Realtek, though; other codec manufacturers also support jack retasking.

The researchers managed to use SPEAKE(a)R to retask a computer’s outputs to inputs, then to record audio when the headphones were in the output-only jack.

Then, the team recorded audio playing 20 feet across a room, as you can see in their YouTube demonstration:

The researchers also compressed the recording and sent it over the internet, as a hacker would. The quality was good enough to distinguish the words spoken during the recording.

The option to retask, or rejack, isn’t new: it’s in the equipment’s technical specs.

Almost no one seems to know about it, though, as noted by Linux audio developer David Henningsson:

Most of today’s built-in sound cards are to some degree retaskable, which means that they can be used for more than one thing… the kernel exposes an interface that makes it possible to retask your jacks, but almost no one seems to use it, or even know about it.

There are no known attacks in the wild at this point.

It’s an interesting vulnerability to know about, but for now, it’s just a proof of concept."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
