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Things We Know And Things We Dont - Russia/Ukraine Situation [March 8th - UPDATED - BIOLABS?]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
UPDATE: MARCH 8th 2022

Apparently, after reading more and listening to the news, all one is listening is the following:

1. Zelensky Hero Jew Super Jew Super Hero, blah blah. Nobody comments objectively in his complete carelessness to guard or build anything in Ukraine. His neglience made the Nation flattened in like 15 days. It is only the military and the Ukrainian people that hold anything together.

Of course, Jews will extol jews in the media, despite of their tragic failures that almost look like literal setups. After all, it's one Goyim Nation that has burned to ashes because of this.

Yet you will see literal nonsense about how "A holocaust memorial" was burned, when people literally get displaced in the millions...With these jews, you cannot even read the fucking news without their kvetching. Millions can perish or be displaced, hundreds of millions might suffer financially, and in the end of the day, it's the Jew and his shit holocaust "Memorial" that we have to care for.

The Jewish propaganda through all the Media, calling up for NUKES NUKES NUKES, "MUH REFUGEES" (and showing literally Black People from Ukraine) and "Our Hero Jew 24/7", is of course, more jewish nonsense for the masses at this point. It's all based on lies.

Even stranger bullshit is the statements from Zelensky, who comments all day long on if Russia has bombed a memorial of the Holocaust? Seriously, what kind of movie are the jews running on top of this world again? Why should anyone give one inch of a fuck about any "Holocaust" memorial? Is he scolding Putin for attacking something Jewish that is their mutual culture?

One feels as if one is watching a Netflix script with these statements. Of course, the REALITY of the war is paid by the innocent Ukrainian and Russian people.

I wouldn't be surprised if Zelensky literally pretends he died while holding a selfie stick at this point, does fly on a private jet on Israel, then gets a plastic surgery, and then goes down in history as a symbol of the most careless jew to ever pass as a head of a Nation, making it fall within 10 days and going skiing while he should be leading the Nation during a red alert time.

2. The information from the "West" about the claims of Putin's "reasoning" doesn't add up. It's all sensationalism. They merely call Putin "insane", "dictator", "maniac" and all these related pointless arguments. The objective assessment of the situation is not explained, such as real geopolitical reasons.

Putin has been leading for so many years, and didn't show signs of "insanity" before. It is very difficult to believe this narrative that makes him sound "insane". Personally, I find this to be non accurate.

3. There is no real information about why Putin literally rushed into Chernobyl and other Nuclear facilities. Disarming these makes sense, and that makes sense within the context of the "De-demilitarizing" of Ukraine. But is there anything else going on here? Why did he literally rush into these so swiftly?

There is no real information about other claims that biolabs from NATO and Ukraine were preparing strange concoctions on the region, which is the true reason Putin invaded. There are reports about these biolabs and other claims about these in the region.

If this is true, that would change everything of the narrative about Putin and the whole narrative about what is really going on, or the triggers of this event.

4. Another question mark is the timing of all of this. The Ukrainian/Russian situation has been heating up for more than a decade. Economic hardship and projected economic failures that are the outcome of the Co-Vid situation, are known to Nations. The US appears to be almost happy that something like this happened, and the timing is simply uncanny.

5. Sanctions are going to harm the Russian people and everyone in the world. Jews of course celebrate this as the great "victory" against, I guess, the people of all Nations. In regards to Putin and his regime, they look prepared.

6. Putin is not being upfront or honest about his invasion reasons either, but so aren't the United States. In fact, tracking the true actual "reasons" or even a "realistic pretext" into this whole event that is available as "Reasoning" by either the Russian or the Western media, one always ends up with unconvincing information.

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Elvira666 said:

Anything else you will be told is Jewish disinformation.

I agree with you!
Also those pseudo-nazis were totally brainwashed and their leaders were directly ordered to threaten and attack Hungarians too who have been living in Ukraine because of treaty of Trianon...


These "Nazi" organizations are only shill jewish organizations and that should be obvious. A jew sitting on a literal chair in Ukraine, wouldn't at any cost allow any real "Nazis" to roam a country, arm themselves, and become like a literal Taliban inside Ukraine. They clearly made these on their own.

These were probably on the bankroll, or the creation of another function, such as the Western Agencies, or even Russia. It cannot be that they would allow this. They also used them as pretext to go in and to cause ruins. The "De-Nazification" simply means ((("stop these shills that we ourselves created"))), from doing what we instructed them to do. That was the primary pretext for the first invasion.

Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.

National leaders taking selfies and streaming on Instagram...And Bin Laden and others literally couldn't hide 1 mile beneath the ground with 80's technology, and they were found with infrared. But wait, Zelensky is here fighting the enemy superpower and taking selfies, he's a hero that takes selfies and went skiing two days before the literal invasion while having the National Security level at about below zero, as if literally allowing the invasion to go in.

Jews are creating a Netflix series in front of our very eyes. They have caused a war for literally no reason whatsoever, just to kill people and to agitate global order in accordance to the Great Reset monster plan.

The problem is, REAL people and REAL civilians do die, and real lives get destroyed - all for NOTHING.

All of this is literally a Jewish Circus that legitimately is getting people killed left and right, only to usher the "Great Reset" and accelerate the downfall of the West and other things they want to go down.



Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:31 am

As one can imagine, a lot of "news" and other things we think we know about this conflict are not true. Therefore, consider and share information in the comments here, in case you have observed something different or particular things are off.

The situation is not only a tragedy, but we are being told lies and more lies by the media. Look what the Jewish media have done with Co-Vid. One can imagine, what flasehoods and lies of the media [they promote their own agenda] can do at such a delicate time for world balance.

It makes one think, back in WW2, how are we so sure that Hitler was this or that, or anyone for that liking, when even compared to the "Era of Information", we have such limited knowledge of real facts behind an event?

Even nowadays with the internet, it has become really weird, even difficult, to find TRUE information.

What about back then? When information was so strictly controlled. How easy was it to write falsehood and write history as a winner back then? Chances are, extremely easy.

From numerous conflicting claims and reports, the situation on why this occurred remains unclear. We are talking about the basic reasons pertaining to the event, not for a larger plan. It appears the larger reasons, are known to world leaders, maybe Putin and Joe Biden, Zelensky and others.

The public is, as always, given other false alarms as reasons. The West for example, is not really saying the Truth, and it shows. It's not that Putin one day woke up and decided to invade Ukraine because he's an Evil "Nazi". Something else entirely is going on, and we are not being told anything.

Certain people do say that Russia did the invasion because they were afraid of Nuclear power being used against them over then next months, but also, to "de-militarize" Ukraine as they had, they claim, active progress to get into NATO and the prospect of building American Military Bases.

That claim, is however a long shot, as a Nation has to even declare about this even being in the conversation, let alone being so quick to be made into a plan. Even if we say the Russian secret service got information on under the table talks [of which Zelensky is famous for doing], it all has to be a multi faceted decision and couldn't be that simple.

The above could be real to an extend, but looks like not all the facts. The above rhetoric says that Russia had to invade to protect it's living space from an impeding NATO attack closing further and further on their borders.

Putin's claims about "Nazis" and other "Denazification" talk is because of attacks of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, or so was this claim, about certain attacks towards Russian people close to the borders with Ukraine. These, they claim, had to do with rebel "Nazi" [Right winger ethnic nationalist] factions.

Ukraine's president, looks a lot like he is acting around. He is an actor by profession, a comedian. He has for years been too overconfident, almost as an actor that literally has a script to play, wanting to provoke aggression.

I do not understand how such a big importance target is literally doing selfies in front of the Parliament, which is repeatedly reported [maybe falsely] to be surrounded by Russian Spetsnaz units and special forces, and hasn't been found yet.

Something doesn't add up here. He is probably not there at all. If he is is there, then it seems he is purposefully delaying negotiations after his monumental failure to just allow the siege to keep going. Kyiv will get attacked mercilessly as a result. The people do not want to surrender, but his denial to engage into talks and negotiation is making the situation harder.

Him and his Vice President are literal Jews that have an Israeli passport and were probably planted there by the Globalists and Jews to trigger specific events. Agitation of Russia seems to have been a literal plan here. The details of this remain unclear to the general public, however.

We also here know that this person is a literal Jewish person that could be a Rabbi. We are not even talking about a crypto jew here. Let us not forget, that this Jew, also was the main proponent in other fake scandals involving Trump and played a pivotal role in his replacement with Joe Biden.

On the other hand, Mr Poroshenko is indeed on the literal arms. How's that for a contrast of actual presidents like Zelensky? Knowing jews and their role in triggering WW1, one cannot reasonably call this a coincidence.

I want to also remind of people about Jared Kushner and how he was literally itching on the Trump administration for all dangerous things that may have led to wars, such as the Israeli Embassy in Jerusalem. They just love dragging Nations into wars and upsetting them.

About Zelensky, it is difficult to assume that he wasn't doing NATO negotiations under the table, or something similar. Still, the attack appears to have been mostly undeserved. The entry to the Russian Forces on Chernobyl, is really weird, and strategically speaking, they would never bother with the place unless there was something really serious going on there.

In regards to Joe Biden, he is the most incompetent leader in possibly the history of the United States. He lost a whole Nation to the Taliban [the media dropped silent now as if this didn't even happen] and now, he is destroying NATO and his weakness will start a war. It is doubtful that any Nation would engage in these moves if Biden was respected even on a baseline.

Germany, recently announced, with France, that they are sending armed vehicles and other things inside Ukraine. Long story short, if Russia wants to continue this in any direction, they can always make a claim that they are helping Ukraine, and that they have war with them too or strained relations.

In regards to Finland and Sweden, they were threatened to not join NATO, but the situation is, even a fake claim or rumor, might be enough to facilitate more events. With the jewish media and opinion makers in control of the transfer of the messages, and with the complete lack of independent journalism, we are at high risk of the situation continuing.

Through all of this, the only positive assessments of the situation, is that apparently, the Russian military is not doing a war of retaliation [ie, not a war only to kill people and only slaughter civilians]. They also do not attack civilians. And on the other hand, the Ukrainian people are brave and strong, showing determination.

It is clear however, that Russia has the most powerful military might between the two, which hopefully, nobody will allow at full expression, let alone on civilians and random people. So far, it appears from the onset, that there are warnings for air raids and other moves that generally fall under the idea of warfare, and not retaliatory senseless warfare.

It is bitterly painful and disappointing to see yet another Brother War in the European continent. There is so much work to do in this world...

Going to China is sitting on the side lines, doing soft condemnations for Russia, as they understand, that the US, even under Biden, has a very powerful military. The Chinese Government however is probably looking at this situation and salivating, as three of it's main antagonists are about to start ripping each other to shreds. Let us not forget, Billy Gates, Fauci, and the Chinese Government, authored the most recent meme of "Co-Vid".

Needless to say, looking behind Nations and claims, we can see that this is all a plan of the Globalists. While there appears on the surface to be right and wrong in either side, the only real thing is that there is a humanitarian crisis going on for the people of Ukraine right now.

Even worse, all these events, "Sanctions" and all these measures the West is taking against Russia, are going to be detrimental to possibly all of the Global economy, despite of what is expected.

Klaus Schwab and others, after the so called "Pandemic", are also lining up everything for claimed Cyberattacks [which COINCIDENTALLY ALSO STARTED OCCURRING EXACTLY AT THE VERY SAME TIME WITH THIS WAR], and a list of all their other declarations of what will "occur" in order to usher the "Great Reset". The series of these events is anything but coincidental, it is planned.

COINCIDENTALLY also, exactly after Jews were getting exposed for doing Co-Vid fraud and having exposed whole Nations to catastrophic financial and social realities, oh, look, suddenly a war that has the potential to flatten and "Reset" the whole world happens. Let's talk about perfect timing...

The strain from treating this stupid "Pandemic" situation as a real war, has many Nations financially and in all ways stressed. Currently, the prices for basic goods and necessities are skyrocketing, inflation is out of control, and in general, all the pre-planned situations for the "Great Reset" are being lined up.

Even the people who doubt there is a plan in all this, that is, only the ignorant who haven't read Klaus's works, will have to face now the reality that there is something sinister taking place.

We must not forget, the real agenda behind all of this, is that neither of these sides is really correct. They are trying to change the world and redistribute things. Winners and losers will come out of this, but every winner in the end will be a loser if the enemy has their way.

In the end of the day, the pretexts and the general plan remains the same, and people have to be vigilant against the enemy as a whole, not only specifically. We have to remember, that we are living and seeing a series of events in a larger plan.

Everyone must insist here and do DAILY the protection workings for Ukrainian or Russian brothers and sisters. Even if they are caught in the jaws of fate, they don't deserve any of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail HPHC!

Thanks for beeing here in these troubling times. It is true that the Gods are allways here with us but it is also very improtant to have a Human Leader/Teacher who is there for us as a community.

It might be hard but you have my sincerest gratitude (and I belive also the gratitude from the big majority of our Borthers and Sisters).

Im not often so emotional, esspeicaly not with people who I don't personaly know, but these days were really stressfull, It is so easy to fall into a negative energy/thought/fear spiral (the collective energy is such a mess right now, so much hate and confusion) and it allways hightens my spirits when i read a new post from you, where you keep motivating us to keep walking forward.

Thank you again for beeing here with us and having patience and understanding for each individual. I don't know YET much about the personality traits of our Gods, but to me this looks exactly like one.

Keep Rocking HPHC!

Just one question, by daily protection for our Russian and Ukrainian brothers and sisters, you mean the current schedule that we are doing, or something extra?

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
HP how will us SS come out winners in this jewish theater? In every jew made "crisis" they steal wealth and redistribute it to their own. Will there be opportunities for our people to start taking our world back?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It is really clear that this is going to change history and directly affect white nations. My heart goes out to our satanic brothers and sisters in Russia and Ukraine, those that have family there, and my own friends and distant relatives.

Everyone keep your eyes and energy to a brighter future, and know deeply that all of this chaos won’t be in vain in the end.
Another thing to note is that the United States was developing Bioweapons in labs all around Ukraine which Russia has been worried about since April of last year.

It looks like they preemptively striked Ukraine to prevent the United States from starting a new Bioweapon pandemic in Ukraine.
The dutch gov has been artificially inflating the price on gas to "promote going full electric". Prices have more than doubled in that regard and families that have been struggling financially have decided that they'd rather be cold...

Recently this thing has been brought up.. is why Im mentioning this.

Over 90% of the dutch households use gas.. Also because it is nice to be able to cook when you do not have electricity due to an outage.. Which often happens at least once to everyone every 2 years.

The network is also not calculated on so many people delivering electricity back (mostly in the summer months or daytime) which would also cause outages apparently.
Back a few years ago in May 2019. You(HP.Cobra) made a sermon called "What was the National Socialist financial system?"

You basically said studying the U.S. and it's debt-based system. Basically the U.S. economy cannot be reset, it just doesn't work that way.

I know full well if the U.S. goes down economically it just drags everyone with it. But at this stage in the creation of rabbi Klaus. COULD he even reset the U.S.?

Is this gonna be a situation whereby as the next few years and really this year especially the ominous Super Shemitah and the Super/Hyper-inflation in the spring due to the transit. Can at this point the U.S. even be reset?


Also I want to point out something Jack mentioned in a thread about bio-weapon facilities in various parts of Ukraine. It seems the U.S. may have been wanting to push a Coof-19 situation as with China.

At this point I find it very weird the Chernobyl memetics are coming back. It seems like something weird was happening there. Even Tim Pool was basically like "Why is Russia in Chernobyl?" They inasmuch understand you need to pass by that area to get to the capital but why are they pursuing the situation there.

There's a lot of people talking some shit about that. I don't know but Chernobyl has been a topic in many communities especially the gaming community with the STALKER series and other games and even movies not just documentaries. I'm sure in Russia/Ukraine they may have even national films of activities like the radioactive monster or something. Anyone from the those areas know if the people make movies about such stuff? Like hollywoodesque type horror films or just films of intrigue?

Finally I'd like to ask are the actions that are occurring in Europe another brotherly war. Are by any chance the enemy trying to push the war into a global breakout. There's talk about the Bear-Dragon alliance and there's talk of Middle Eastern pact situation. I know Israel wants war everywhere except in it's nation. At this point Syria and allies are kinda like the sword being held in combat position against Israel. Let's not forget that during Trump and I'm not sure about Biden but I do believe there may be rogue elements of the U.S. military operating without paying attention to Biden.

But under Trump the Syrians basically rejoiced at regaining the lost territory after one of the mach 20-25 buster Hypersonic cruise missiles struck the Israeli/ISIS bunker that held the entire territory in check against Syria. I believe for the first 2-3 days after the strike various probing defenses of the territory the Syrians found the enemy to barely fight back and pretty much within two weeks retook the Golan area since 1967 incident. And as you can imagine they instantly filled the area with a huge missile defense system from Triple-A, Manpads, and various AAM systems.

Is this a situation jews, davos, and israel WANT war and are rejoicing at the goyim slaughtering each other. But realize SHIT if anything happens and the World goes haywire. Syria and company strike us or loom over us waiting for any weakness.

I'm assuming israel isn't all too happy eretz israel did not occur since the 9/11 attack 21 years ago when the JNWO puffed it's feathers and believed we can drag the World to build the kingdom of god.

I find Gentiles and xtians and shabbos very surprising they want to build the kingdom of god. If god is omni-giga super why not tell god to manifest it after all he is omni-giga super. Is god too lazy to build things? I thought jews commanded god? No? Also if god is omni-giga super why is it he didn't build it in the first place like you know he created the Universe but allowed evolution, weird? I thought things just pop into existence, poof magick? No?
Oh excuse me it was Specter not Jack although Jack has provided good info at various times.



Henu the Great said:
Artanis said:
I know that Putin is a jew and a communist(an UNofficial one oc), but he has said, that this is a special military operation, where russian forces cut militarily any and all ties between the separatist regions and Ukraine. And i havent seen any news/evidence YET, that contradict this.

Could someone give me any? :roll:
Well, big maybe, this could be about weaponised biotech.


Source is pro-Russia btw, so take that into account.

Another link from this post: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=328215#p328215

I think something is going on in Chernobyl area considering Kiev/Kyiv is the route nearby.
All of this makes me wonder.. Through all this covid shit and now this war, the world seems to have forgotten about the eipstein incident, which is one of the biggest events which exposed the enemy. They were all going down hill and very quickly until the covid shit started. Hell of a coincidence huh!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I know it's irrelevant, but doing 20-30 merkaba a day would be effective even if the energy field becomes permanent. I really want to make incredible progress in spirituality.
The jews play with the mental stability of people through the media, before the war it was covid 24/7 on the news, now it's war 24/7, and the weak ones who constantly watch tv are gonna pay with their sanity.
“We are now a stupid country because of Biden,” Trump said recently. I also believe that Biden is a very incompetent leader.

By the way, Biden talked about fighting with Russia, that is, the 3rd world war.

Does Russia have a soviet plan?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I hate it when left and right sides of the political stage are passing the Hitler ball on each other. "Oh Putin is Hitler!" "NO! Ukraine is 'neo-nazi'!" "Oh, this war is good because Trump, who's basically Hitler would have done way worse!!! Fuck Ukraine as long as my political agenda lives!!! Muahahaha!", says some psychotic ex-voice actress for a show named Evangelion(Somebody black out all her accounts!). This is a really tense reality. I still remember how this is all a kabbalistic setup the same way the holocaust lie could have been said by some crazy rabbis who then refabricated crap to make themselves stronger.

Not helpful stuff, just noticed a lot of annoying hot potato with the holy swastika(I wish it's legal and sane to blow their brains out), this is the mass mind empowering a lie I hope falls sooner. I have massive doubts sometimes that things are going to blow up the bad way if one of us screws this up right now. I'm really on this business because my country started talking about trying not to interfere or Russia is going to include us in the nuke list.

This is insanely depressing, but thanks for the motivations a while back on this situation.

Jewdimir Putin: We will liberate you all from 'neo-nazism' dear ukraine, this is for your own good!
also Jewdimir Putin:

To those in Ukraine, I want to know if Jew-Putin definitely wanted civilians dead for his hopes to win easily, if he did then what an absolute motherfucker. Did the Russian government really bomb a civilian apartment?

From a Filipino, I call him Vladimir Putanginain from now on.
This is a great summary what is going on.

I feel a deep sadness towards the russian people because they do not kill civilians and either Ukraian Army .
Ukraians can surrender without any bullets fired.

I saw a video where Ukraian Army fire RPGs like they have infinite ammo because of the Other nation sending this stuff to kill white russians and protect this USJEWIS Zelenskys state.

-No one understands that Russians neighbour states must be independent from the West.
-Nowadays the word is One-Sided pro West. In our state (middleEurope) you can go to Jail if you promote russians as winners.
-Here States ban and take down all the Pro Russia websites, informations and Cry about Ukraine all day long.
-This was selected in the Parliament very very fast .

Die Putin , Die Zelensky , Die Jews but dont send White people to wars. This is another form of Genocide . The Kikes must be very happy these days.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They also do not attack civilians.
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Videos exist on FB that clearly show suburbs, hospitals and apartment buildings under heavy rocket fire or destroyed in explosions.
There are also videos shot by ukrainian troops of captured russian boysoldiers saying on camera that they were ordered/railroaded into doing this what was supposed to be an excercise. Young boys with no previous combat experience. Is it some sort of gambit to weaken/drain the ukrainian forces?
At the same time, nato forces are fortified in all other member countries close by. It may well be that russian schlomos together with schwab have planned to start armed conflicts under the pretext of muh oppressed russian populace. From there on, they may use nato armed forces to enter phase 2 of immunization (ie. finalizing it).
Am I delusional?
Brothers! I am writing through an interpreter.

Russian troops are firing at civilians. Almost every city in Ukraine is under fire. Everyone has been to a shelter at least once.

On the side of Communist Putin are outspoken Chekists and Chechen Muslims.

The Ukrainian army, volunteers and ordinary people are fighting the aggressor together.

On our side are and actively defend the country real pagan NS! Putin has declared them as enemies (((of the people)))). Among them is the famous Azov.

The Russian Federation is suffering very serious losses, many equipment and manpower have already been lost. The Chekists are at a loss. They planned to take over Ukraine in 1-2 days.

There are already rumors of negotiations in ISRAEL!!!
Arngeirr9 said:
Brothers! I am writing through an interpreter.

Russian troops are firing at civilians. Almost every city in Ukraine is under fire. Everyone has been to a shelter at least once.

On the side of Communist Putin are outspoken Chekists and Chechen Muslims.

The Ukrainian army, volunteers and ordinary people are fighting the aggressor together.

On our side are and actively defend the country real pagan NS! Putin has declared them as enemies (((of the people)))). Among them is the famous Azov.

The Russian Federation is suffering very serious losses, many equipment and manpower have already been lost. The Chekists are at a loss. They planned to take over Ukraine in 1-2 days.

There are already rumors of negotiations in ISRAEL!!!
Thank you for the misinformation.
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They also do not attack civilians.
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Videos exist on FB that clearly show suburbs, hospitals and apartment buildings under heavy rocket fire or destroyed in explosions.
There are also videos shot by ukrainian troops of captured russian boysoldiers saying on camera that they were ordered/railroaded into doing this what was supposed to be an excercise. Young boys with no previous combat experience. Is it some sort of gambit to weaken/drain the ukrainian forces?
At the same time, nato forces are fortified in all other member countries close by. It may well be that russian schlomos together with schwab have planned to start armed conflicts under the pretext of muh oppressed russian populace. From there on, they may use nato armed forces to enter phase 2 of immunization (ie. finalizing it).
Am I delusional?

You are not. I saw these videos after doing more research, including one video where one tank did run over a vehicle with an Ukrainian citizen inside it. These constitute crimes and more than likely disobedience of direct orders.

There do not appear to be direct orders to attack and/or do aggression towards any civilian. So we are talking about crimes of war there done by personnel. I hope they are relieved of duty immediately and put to prison.

I do not think you are delusional at all. They have the influence to rally these things into action. By the end of this, and with a bad president, they will completely de-militarize Ukraine and it will probably end up as a puppet state.
Shadowcat said:

This kike was legitimately doing skiing a few days and celebrating as if he knew this was going to happen, just a few days ago. The thing he did was issue provocations to Russia and then go skiing as if nothing was happening. From reports, there doesn't seem to have been any real defensive plan in place, despite of him doing provocations all the time.

That can either be two things: extreme incompetence, or it is all planned out.

Of course, Western Media and Jewish Media will tell everyone how good and brave he is. I believe upwards to 50% of the damage could have been avoided through earlier negotiation, and if this kike even cared 1% about anything.

Apparently they didn't.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Over 90% of the dutch households use gas.. Also because it is nice to be able to cook when you do not have electricity due to an outage.. Which often happens at least once to everyone every 2 years.

At this rate, we should be glad winter is drawing over. But if this issue is not fixed until September, many people will start dying and experiencing all sorts of deprivations from this.

Up to now, there has been no real reduction to the quantity of gas passing through Ukraine or the exports. In other words, all the crisis is price induced and wholly artificial. The same goes for oil and other necessary commodities.

They are currently NOT on a supply crunch, their price is being manipulated and nothing else. This might change in the future, but any rising prices until now are artificial shortages.

Ukraine also has been one of the biggest producers of Wheat for Europe, so to expect prices to double on bread and other basic goods might not be a far reach. Governments cannot do much about this, except of maybe buy wheat from other Nations.
Gear88 said:
Back a few years ago in May 2019. You(HP.Cobra) made a sermon called "What was the National Socialist financial system?"

You basically said studying the U.S. and it's debt-based system. Basically the U.S. economy cannot be reset, it just doesn't work that way.

I know full well if the U.S. goes down economically it just drags everyone with it. But at this stage in the creation of rabbi Klaus. COULD he even reset the U.S.?

Is this gonna be a situation whereby as the next few years and really this year especially the ominous Super Shemitah and the Super/Hyper-inflation in the spring due to the transit. Can at this point the U.S. even be reset?

He directly, he cannot. Not even with all his friends and allies. We would all living in a twilight now if he could. He cannot.

But he can cause events of excessive global manipulation, and lay out a greater plan for people to follow, which he has effectively done. This can cause tremendous damage.

For example, the situation of "Co-Vid" was not really something big or major, but they had enough resources and enough influence to coerce governments into doing specific things. And it worked. They almost put all Nations into an eternal curfew based on fake lies. Thankfully, it didn't work all the way or as intended, but it caused damage.

As I explained in the other post, this damage would cause more damage, and countries heaping on each other. So it has already triggered a chain of events, which are planned and shilled by Klaus.

This is sort of like blackmail but on a whole other level. Klaus and others are blackmailing situations, they couldn't cause these directly until now.

The "National Socialist Financial System" post is a post in regards to the past. We are 100 years in the future now. Clearly, the situation is different now. People who obsess over the past and consider it will happen in the same way, need to adapt in my opinion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There do not appear to be direct orders to attack and/or do aggression towards any civilian. So we are talking about crimes of war there done by personnel. I hope they are relieved of duty immediately and put to prison.
I'd hazard a guess that most western people can't even imagine how brutal and cruel russia can be. Human life is basically worthless, especially for those who serve in the special branches. They are programmed to be like that. Only reflexes, no empathy whatsoever. Regular army service over there can be brutal. First they break your soul to pieces, then they build you back up the way THEY want it. I think I can see the star of divad behind all this. Even the special police forces in my country get their training from learsi, possibly dassom instructors. The emphasis seems to be on speed and brutality.
My guess is that the most brutal russian maraudeurs will get full honors from their jewish establishment IF they manage to return.

On the background of all this mess, WHO is "negotiating" with EU to gain exclusive rights for dictating rules of pandemics response to individual member states.
This agreement, when accepted by member states, will supersede their constitutions if need be.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
By the end of this, and with a bad president, they will completely de-militarize Ukraine and it will probably end up as a puppet state.
Also this:
This basically may mean that jootin will want to restore the former glory of soviet union, meaning Ukraine, the Baltic states, maybe Finland and only Satan knows what else.

Dugin seems to be a joo who indirectly spits out things the establishment of russia is planning. His statements can therefore be used to predict medium and long-term strategies of kremlin.
Truth has become a matter of opinion in 2022.

It's interesting to see the shifting in the pro-Trump movement. Every day I come across something like ''When Trump was a President, he kept Putin in his place''. I wonder if this is part of his agenda to be re-elected in 2026. It's like everything he did in 2020 never happened and people got some kind of strange amnesia and they idolize him.
What is the reason behind that?

Also the selective images of people crying, running to shelters etc just to provoke a sentimental response to the andrapoda. I am not saying that war is a good thing, but the situation in EE has been horrible for women and children for such a long time (extreme poverty, human trafficking, alcoholism, domestic violence etc) and I didn't saw any of those Twitter warriors caring.
They have lesser intelligence than the Twitter bots.

How much time should we dedicate to watching the media? I feel my aura getting filthy if I stay too long.
I am fortunate to be safe from this. My heart goes out to the innocents. Let's keep up the RTR's and praise the Gods for their ever watchfulness.
Demonolater2023 said:
Truth has become a matter of opinion in 2022.

It's interesting to see the shifting in the pro-Trump movement. Every day I come across something like ''When Trump was a President, he kept Putin in his place''. I wonder if this is part of his agenda to be re-elected in 2026. It's like everything he did in 2020 never happened and people got some kind of strange amnesia and they idolize him.
What is the reason behind that?

I agree on the pro-Trump movement, but as I said in many posts in the past, the only thing he really did, was instate a form of order in International politics. In short, other State leaders respected him way more than Biden, whom they knew as a previous well known stooge that was going to continue an Obama era policy.

With Trump, based on regular logic, nor the Chinese or Russians knew what to expect. Even Kim Jong Un liked him, and he was very good friends with the President of Japan as well. India liked him too. He had a way bigger talent than Biden in any of this as President. Other Nations liked the US and respected the US more during this time.

It's the press that hated him, and generally, he was subverted by a lot of factors.

Some factors, he allowed this to happen over. Then, the vaccine rhetoric was seen by many as a sellout. Internally, he didn't do much. But the fact that he didn't accelerate destruction even more, makes him still a better bet. The last years or so with Biden have been an ever expanding global disaster.

The reason behind this is that people still believe that he tried. We know better here, and we know what's behind the situation, but the reality is as is. Even in wartime, it would be better to have Trump with Pence as heads of State, not Biden and Kamala. The Russians were also quite worried over Pence.

They aren't worried about Kamala and Biden. If they gave a single fuck over this, they wouldn't initiate all these attacks. Biden is generally perceived as senile and even weak externally, with only few liberals glorifying him in an echo chamber. Trump appealed to other people too.
So, I am writing to you as things stand. I am writing from Russia, based on our Satanic views and Hitler's True National Socialism.

What is happening in Ukraine? The Jewish cohort, I believe, conspiring amongst themselves in advance, are planning:
1. To bring for their thoughtforms many sacrifices from the Russian and Ukrainian Gentiles sent to fight.
2. To pit whites against each other.
3. In Russia recently, many people have begun to feel sympathy for Hitler and NS ideas because many migrants are being brought into Russia. The Jews decided to prevent this by exposing NS views in an unflattering light by using mercenary criminals whom the Jews proclaimed to be National Socialists.

Now. As for the misinformation about "real Ukrainian National Socialists" - this is complete nonsense! The Azov Regiment and others were created, controlled and run by JEWS! In order for them to disgrace Hitler's name and to create an opinion in people that we NS are just like them - they torture Russian people in Ukraine, just for being Russian! They persecute them, they kill them. The real NS do not and will not do that. All of these Ukrainian alleged Nazi groups are Jewish, created in order to disgust the NS. Moreover, there is information that not Ukrainians are fighting in these regiments, but mercenaries from other countries for money, and Ukrainians are only a small part of them.

Further. I am pretty sure that both Jew Putin, Zelensky and Biden are in cahoots. This whole war is solely to smear Hitler's name, to show Gentiles that Nazism looks bad, to spill white Gentile blood and to make money from the war.

I am a Russian NS, a dedicated Satanist. And in this war I support solely the YAZZNIKS - the Russian warriors, the YAZZNIKS the Jews sent to fight, not the pseudo-Nazi, denigrating factions run by the Jews.


I only root and worry for the Gentiles involved in this war.

Hail to the Gentile, truly National Socialist Ukraine!
Hail to the Russian wars!
** all the Jews!

Don't blame the Russian people for everything that is going on, because the Russians are white Gentiles, and brave warriors. And don't blame Russia - it's a huge, great country with an interesting history, only temporarily ruled by Jews!

The Russian troops were given orders - not to touch civilians. They carry it out to the best of their ability.

If anyone would like to know more about this situation, feel free to email me
[email protected]

Anything else you will be told is Jewish disinformation.
Demonolater2023 said:

How much time should we dedicate to watching the media? I feel my aura getting filthy if I stay too long.

Depends on one's level of tolerance. Personally I have been used to get all of these sewers that represent our world in order to turn this into an alert or into a positive.

If you feel like your mentality gets affected too much, just close the negativity box which is the TV.
It's true that we don't get the right information on exactly why Putin is acting in this way, other than that he is evil and wants to take over Ukraine out of greed.

From what I understand the reasons are (according to Putin):
* Ukraine has commited genocide on Russians
* NATO is expanding aggressively close to Russian territory
* Ukraine is a threat and thus needs to me demilitarized
* Ukraine is "nazi"

Putins words:
Once again, I would like to stress that any responsibility for any bloodshed will lie with the consciences of the Ukrainian regime.

The continued expansion of NATO infrastructure and the commencement of military development in ukraine's territories is unacceptable to us.

What is happening today does not come from a desire to interfere with the interests of Ukraine or the people of Ukraine. It has to do with the protection of Russia against those who took Ukraine hostage and who are trying to use it against our country and our people.

These are all bogus reasons according to the mainstream media. All they talk about is how many troops have moved in, yadayada and nothing about the real reasons for what is happening. Just classic fear mongering.
In one of HPS Maxine's sermons she mentioned that Putin is jewish, working with other jews to establish communism once again in Russia.

Interestingly both North Korea, China and Iran seem to be supportive and understanding of this Russian attack:

"The main reason for the Ukrainian crisis lies in the thickness and arbitrariness of the United States," North Korea said in a statement on its foreign ministry website.

North Korea says the U.S. has sought "military supremacy completely unabashedly about Russia's legitimate demands for security," while describing the U.S. tendency to interfere in other countries' internal affairs when at the same time ignoring other countries' demands for security as "arrogance and hypocrisy."

One thing is clear though; that is is way more complex then what the mainstream media is trying to tell us.
Not as deep as some of the other replies here but what do the Russians want with Chernobyl? I can kind of see the argument that it's the fastest way to Kyiv or that the Ukrainians could try to sabotage the protective housing around the reactor to force the EU to help or some other crazy theory, but why irradiate your troops and equipment?

They've allocated so many resources and for what? Apparently satellite readings show increased levels of radiation, I'm some places dozens of times the average, and there's been reports that some of the pools housing radioactive waste and debris have been damaged in the fighting.

Honestly what a mess.
Aquarius said:
Arngeirr9 said:
Brothers! I am writing through an interpreter.

Russian troops are firing at civilians. Almost every city in Ukraine is under fire. Everyone has been to a shelter at least once.

On the side of Communist Putin are outspoken Chekists and Chechen Muslims.

The Ukrainian army, volunteers and ordinary people are fighting the aggressor together.

On our side are and actively defend the country real pagan NS! Putin has declared them as enemies (((of the people)))). Among them is the famous Azov.

The Russian Federation is suffering very serious losses, many equipment and manpower have already been lost. The Chekists are at a loss. They planned to take over Ukraine in 1-2 days.

There are already rumors of negotiations in ISRAEL!!!
Thank you for the misinformation.
Aquarius, how big is salary in Russian troll army? How long is the working day?
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I hate it when left and right sides of the political stage are passing the Hitler ball on each other. "Oh Putin is Hitler!" "NO! Ukraine is 'neo-nazi'!" "Oh, this war is good because Trump, who's basically Hitler would have done way worse!!! Fuck Ukraine as long as my political agenda lives!!! Muahahaha!", says some psychotic ex-voice actress for a show named Evangelion(Somebody black out all her accounts!). This is a really tense reality. I still remember how this is all a kabbalistic setup the same way the holocaust lie could have been said by some crazy rabbis who then refabricated crap to make themselves stronger.

Not helpful stuff, just noticed a lot of annoying hot potato with the holy swastika(I wish it's legal and sane to blow their brains out), this is the mass mind empowering a lie I hope falls sooner. I have massive doubts sometimes that things are going to blow up the bad way if one of us screws this up right now. I'm really on this business because my country started talking about trying not to interfere or Russia is going to include us in the nuke list.

This is insanely depressing, but thanks for the motivations a while back on this situation.

Jewdimir Putin: We will liberate you all from 'neo-nazism' dear ukraine, this is for your own good!
also Jewdimir Putin:

To those in Ukraine, I want to know if Jew-Putin definitely wanted civilians dead for his hopes to win easily, if he did then what an absolute motherfucker. Did the Russian government really bomb a civilian apartment?

From a Filipino, I call him Vladimir Putanginain from now on.

Well what I said about war crimes being Putin's fault directly is farce now, hahah, that was my mistake but that does not vindicate him for what he decided and served under for Jew world order plans. I'll correct this meme saying that maybe a few grunts are somehow possessed by "some spooky soviet criminal ghosts" that somehow didn't totally wither away but still in the rotting process in the astral all of a sudden :D . Looks like they are too desperate to have a body again and had deals struck on them by hobo looking rabbi necromancers, perhaps Du'at might have not accepted their beyond rotten souls and abandoned them as punishment for being war criminals back in WWII(The soviet regime's war crimes is one massive horror story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MwFu_n9-fQ).

Elvira666 said:
3. In Russia recently, many people have begun to feel sympathy for Hitler and NS ideas because many migrants are being brought into Russia. The Jews decided to prevent this by exposing NS views in an unflattering light by using mercenary criminals whom the Jews proclaimed to be National Socialists.


The Russian troops were given orders - not to touch civilians. They carry it out to the best of their ability.

If anyone would like to know more about this situation, feel free to email me
[email protected]

Anything else you will be told is Jewish disinformation.

Thanks for the insight and answers. Like what HP said, I also hope those grunts posing as modern 'knights of glorious justice' get themselves a swift kick in the ass out of the military. I really hope the kike's antics on the real story of the NS backfire on those reptile noses immensely. I'd like to know more on Russians gaining NS sympathy because this seems less likely to happen. I'll try asking more on how that happened soon through your email as [email protected] because this is something I can't get with a world 98% full of hopeless and mentally stapled people.

The government of Russia sent newbies in the front line according to this captured soldier and this looks like the soviet union didn't die but take another form, there are more videos of POWs getting uploaded online and I hope the dude in the video is speaking truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nifxKIhFSuw I feel sorry for those sent out like this.
Arngeirr9 said:
Brothers! I am writing through an interpreter.

Russian troops are firing at civilians. Almost every city in Ukraine is under fire. Everyone has been to a shelter at least once.

On the side of Communist Putin are outspoken Chekists and Chechen Muslims.

The Ukrainian army, volunteers and ordinary people are fighting the aggressor together.

On our side are and actively defend the country real pagan NS! Putin has declared them as enemies (((of the people)))). Among them is the famous Azov.

The Russian Federation is suffering very serious losses, many equipment and manpower have already been lost. The Chekists are at a loss. They planned to take over Ukraine in 1-2 days.

There are already rumors of negotiations in ISRAEL!!!

I'm from Ukraine. This is the absolute truth. The Russian army, which for some reason mostly consists of Dagestanis and Chechens, is shooting at civilians.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Putin's claims about "Nazis" and other "Denazification" talk is because of attacks of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, or so was this claim, about certain attacks towards Russian people close to the borders with Ukraine. These, they claim, had to do with rebel "Nazi" [Right winger ethnic nationalist] factions.
These retards like the journalists and politicians who call everybody `nazi` for opposing them are really annoying. What is going on is a clearly jewish plot to send whites to death yet the Nazis from 80 years ago are already being blamed for it, this because if Nazis didn't exist then nobody would say today Ukrainians are Nazis or Putin is the new Hitler, which is a plainly retarded statement. Journalists are comparing Putin with Hitler but I haven't seen anybody comparing Putin with Stalin which would make much more sense because both are jewish communists and both ruled Russia/URSS and both have/had expansionist policies and views.

I am thinking these sanctions from the West and threatenings from Putin are planned to escalate until a missile falls in a NATO member state or Rusia invades it or something, which would eventually start WW3.
This is really sad... I have installed telegram and have joined several groups that have videos of the war, the people there... It's so sad. These are just kids... 20-30 years old... They are beating up these Russians to death... the ones who get captured, one was just a kid, 20 years old. Who knows what happened to him. Russians are shooting innocent people out of spite... One guy was approached on the street in Kiev, shot down because he tried to run... One Russian that was captured, was being beaten by a group... he was a Gentile, they all were. I could feel his fear, this poor man's life ended in the most horrible way. Both sides brainwashed to hate the other. Gentiles dying for no reason whatsoever... This is so sad... every time I see one of this bodies (they take pictures and film in detail, sometimes showing the identification of the deceased soldier) I wonder if this is one of my Brothers in Satan who got caught in this and had no where to run... It just makes me cry. This is very sad. I shouldn't have watched these videos... but I wanted to see what was going on in there. I guess this is only the beginning, there is a long road to victory. Putin doesn't seem to want to stop this. Unless Zelensky surrenders, which he doesn't, he just orders all the Ukrainian to run to their deaths. And they do... This is so fucked up.
Please don't trust anything you see in the media without a very good reason. What we have now on the situation in Ukraine is a full-scale invasion of the armed forces in 4 directions with the use of aviation and heavy artillery. There are hundreds of amateur videos with captured equipment, houses shot down and ordinary people who stand and do not let tanks into their settlements. Unlike what the garbage Russian media say, they literally say that the power in Ukraine is the Nazis who captured the Russian population, and Russian troops are conducting a "special operation" here.

The Alt Right media also likes to portray Russia as some good antithesis to the "rotten liberalism of the west". The truth is that Putinism here is the same disgusting Jewish shit on the ruins of the Soviet Union, with its worst qualities.

What we have here is the confrontation of two jewish puppet matrices for the sake of pushing the world into a scenario of a third world war or so.

The Ukrainian military command was indeed preparing for war and many people were mobilized in the first two days after the missile strikes. In my city, ordinary people help dig trenches against a possible army offensive, this should not be taken as a "special operation"; it acquired all the properties of war on the very first day.

Separately, I want to say a few words about the propaganda that the Russians are conducting on the pretext of "protecting" the Russian population in the eastern regions of Ukraine, "denazification" and other labels. Living close to all possible lines of collision even before the events of 2022, I saw how much real grief happened in the lives of people specifically after the entry of the Russian military here and the creation of quasi-states. No Ukrainian government has ever created the conditions for true nationalism, or at least its semblance, simply because of their jewishness. Real, not pocket orthodox-nationalists are a danger to such a government, and they were destroyed in the first half of the year after the events of 2014. All that remains is pure casus belli for the sake of intervention and possible pressure on Ukraine. As before with Georgia in 2008, as before with Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh.

I am writing this not to whitewash the Ukrainian jewish president or government, but just so that the SS from Western countries do not perceive the news for reasons of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and do not look for anything good in Putinism and aggression.
I’ve got a question about How is it Jews Exist https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/CREATION.html


Satan Created life dna we live because of his Power these are the sources That Explain. It he created life our dna and we exist because of satan. But what about the Jews? They are Aliens not even Human Which means satan didn’t Create them, which also means the Jews Have No Kundalini. So my next question is since Satan didn’t create the Jews how did the Jews Come To Have Life? Clearly They have DNA or they wouldn’t Exist in the physical.
Pluto is about to enter Aquarius particularly in 2024,triggering the dawn of the Aquarian Age and arccording to some Hindu gurus a "Golden Age " within the Kali Yuga. Before this can happen they will be some troubles , chaos and so on. As often happens when you are entering into a New age, there is alot of death and so on. Dharma is at its lowest point in the history of the planet. They are trying to usher in their "Great Reset" monstrosity, similar to whay they did during the transition into the Age of Pisces. The fall of the Roman empire, signaled this. Dharma was still present in some parts of the world,so it didn't lead to world enslavement,but it did signify the rise of the Jew leading to the current predicament we are in ,with Jews running things Dharma at it's lowest. Aquarius is coming so they are trying to do ,what they did at Pisces. But given that Dharma is at its lowest ever, humanity has to win
in this coming transition
Into Aquarius or it's complete enslavement. That's why we are winning this transition plus it's literally Satan's personal Age. But it will be rough no doubt but will come out alright. "Millennials" mostly those born with Pluto in Scorpio are about to start ushering in Aquarius it's here , Pluto in Aquarius will be squaring natal Pluto in Scorpio (millennials). Square is action, some conflict. Western Civilization established from Renaissance is coming to an end. The rigging of the American election,the Afghanistan debacle and now this invasion of Ukraine has really triggered it. The Liberal Order has really over reacted with their sanctions,Russia is not Iran. It's a White country whose economy is significant and very interwined with the West and the rest of the world. The sanctions will also hurt them, world inflation is definitely getting worse. From the reaction with the sanctions ,I could be wrong but I don't think Putin invading Ukraine was part of the " Great Reset" plan. Putin no doubt is under Klaus Schwab school of Great Reset, infact most if not all leaders of Nations have signed up to it. But the invasion of Ukraine seemed to have shocked them,they are over reacting. It's Astrological ,Pluto is leaving Capricorn,the liberal order set after the second world war is coming to an end. They can sense it with this invasion ,so they are overreacting with the sanctions,in a bid to save it long enough to usher in Great Reset. From an Astrological point of view what's happening is making sense to me, transitions into Ages are often not "smooth" and in our case it has reached peak point. It's either Dharma or Great Reset. What we are trying to do is make the transition as smooth as possible because the changes are coming nothing will stop them. It's where the pole will swing that's what at stake. But this time we are winning because we have to,it will be tough but we are winning.
" Truth will be the final victor in this struggle ,Truth however is with us" - Hitler.
That's why are winning. The Eternal Dharma,high end rishis say even if they killed all pagans,brought down all pagan temples,killed all satgurus, burnt all occult knowledge and so on. Rishis , satgurus,pagan high priests and so on would still reincarnate re establish the Dharma, rebuild the temples and so on. The Eternal Dharma is unstoppable. No fear ,everything was settled along time ago.
Depends on one's level of tolerance. Personally I have been used to get all of these sewers that represent our world in order to turn this into an alert or into a positive.

Thank you for your detailed responses HoodedCobra.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
