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The vertex question


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
Ok I kind of am somewhat knowledgable on stuff but with the vertex I haven't seen an article on the JOS about it. A lot of places it mainly goes to say it is ruling relationships and fated meetings with people mainly. However my intuition also says it can trigger events of various kinds. I am not going to spend time worrying too much over this however in my Solar Return it is activated my whole year. The vertex is on my MC of my solar return. This is interesting to me actually. In February is when the event likely happens that this is referencing or fated meeting or whatever since my vertex is on my Ascendant in that lunar return but also interesting is the MC IC is reversed on the same degree as natal in that chart and there is Venus at 29 degrees in it as well as Mars on my Natal Ruling planet degree.

I can't go to guess this but it looks like some major event is about to happen to me.

Would I guess to say that I need to do a lot of protection cause I am moving soon to be honest I had a really funny kind feeling about the place. I tried to read my future and all I got was that I meet someone to hang out with who has dark hair and is kind of thin. I want to make sure I am not going to be taken advantage of or harmed in someway.

I do notice since near my birthday a sudden shift in the way people interact with me they are all of a sudden really talkative to me and seeming to want to be my friend etc. Also on a dating site I was on I replied to many people all of last year didn't get no response now two people so far emailing me this is just an example. I am more looking for friends to hang out with anyways to be honest than dating but it's a good place to meet interesting people.

I want to make sure what I see is good. I am kind of nervous. I know something major is about to change in my life.

In 2021 an interesting thing is the Full Lunar eclipse happens right on my MC and a couple degrees away from my Venus (which are both Conjunct Antares btw) I mean the moon itself not the node. I guess my life will change very much soon I am kind of nervous I hope all this is good.

I guess I am just rambling on but want to share in case anyone senses anything about what will happen in my life from this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
