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The Vegetarian Myth.


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Feb 22, 2008
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Why The Enemy Pushes Vegan Diets 
Veganism is nothing new its actually from Christianity it used to be called the Hygienist movement and was openly based on Fundamentalist Christian doctrine of the Garden of Edin where they ate plants. This is where the Seventh Day Adventist come from. Christian movements have pushed Vegan type diets for hundreds of years. The enemy RHP programs in the east such as Jainism push the same. Buddhism which is Jainism in origin does the same by declaring anyone who slaughters the animal is going to Buddhist hell or one who orders it slaughtered for them directly. Hinduism as Indian scholar's note is covert Jainism. And Jain doctrines form the majority of the Sermon On The Mount. Get the picture. Its known Vegan, Vegetarian diets where not part of the Primordial Tradition. Vegetarianism is only 1600 years old in India as enforced diet on the populace. Some ancient sects still are not vegetarian nor have they even been.Note this link from a vegan source from pro vegetarian sources which still admits the over all abnormality of a Vegan diet in between the lines. B12 supplements are not going to work long term. Its a supplement only, common sense do you live on vitamin supplements only, no.Dangers of vitamin B12 deficiency.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpfNcYenz9cNote the mention of the degeneration of the spinal cord, neural problems, nervous system issues. Among other serious issues. This is just B12, not to list everything else a Vegan diet is deficient in.Keith from reading her book was a Vegan for almost two decades and even being on B12 supplements still suffers from serious degenerative conditions she stated literally her "spine fell apart." She like other women also lost her fertility on a Vegan diet. She also mentions the traditional Chinese doctors she went to, told her the Vegan diet is not workable and is causing all her problems. They where right. Veganism almost killed her.The reality of how Veganism destroys your health from a former long term Vegan.Lierre Keith: The Vegetarian Myth:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WemanmrAYvgWhile I don't agree with all the diet conclusion the healthiest people on earth the Okinawan's eat a diet of around 70 percent sweet potato, some rice and the rest is animal products. People are over eating on animal foods and under eating on vegetables. But the Okinawan's are not Vegan or Vegetarian. As Keith is right in stating meat is vital for the human diet.From the ancient Vedic Texts:With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."
Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance.""Consumption of meat improves one's mind inner energy and strength; and that the consumption of fish restores one generative power." The Yoga of Power.As we know practice of the spiritualizing tapa's of the serpent power is linked to the spinal cord, nervous system and physical body. What kind of ability to carry higher bio electrical energy generated by these practices going to have on a diet lacking the very important substances needed for vitality and the healthy functioning of such systems.fake name angryshaman666:More people need to see this. I've known many new ager idiots and all of these vegans are weak and crippled and most of the vegans we had in the army never made it through boot camp.
The ones who did still SUCKED AT LIFE!Zenkichi zenkichi91:I've seen a lot of chinese vegan these days are very very fragile and weak, also some of them their skin are quite pale like a sick person, and when i asked them, they said they've commited sin against their so-called "GOD" and they said being a vegan can cleanse their sin. I tell them that being a vegan only makes you more weaker and vulnarable, and their so-called "GOD" Never Exists to Began with.'S.S. 666':I may add : in my country I have seen popping up some small and chep restaurants selling vegan food only. The owners are often vegans and they are pale, skinny, weak and they also most often push communist no-violence crap in their shops, they organize meetings with people, etc. The point is these restaurants are always full and they seem to make very good business, of course the enemy is NOT stopping them on the contrary it seems enemy entities are helping them to catch "normal eaters" and convert them. Some sort of "food churches" I may say.
This makes me upset.They also try to mix organic food and veganism, trying to fool people that organic = vegan that is NOT true as I eat organic eggs, meats and cheese.So important to underline this imo:
organic varied diet = healtier
vegan diet = unhealty
mageson666:Veganism does not work and causes major problems the longer a person is on it. Its not about individuality its about the actual fact dietary laws of the human are as real as any other natural law. 
My cat is not vegan he is a carnist? I get a lolz at all the shut up words the jooze create to silence debate and free thought and criminalize all opposition. Weegan's are not ridiculous in their pseudo scientific claims which are easy to debunk and thus their entire ideology [which they are]......No, no your just a Racist!!!!!! Carnist!!! Some shit about slavery and holocostanity and a chicken wing. This is how they carry on.
The fact is humans are omnivores so we have to obtain animal products at some point in our diet. Its the simple dietary laws that govern our biological reality. As I stated weegans prove this the most they have to take b12 supplements to stay alive on the no animal products diet. There are a host of nutrients outside of b12 you can only get from animal products. Even on b12 they still develop long term health problems that prove terminal if they don't leave the vegan diet.This is reality, if factory farms where the only place to get animal products from then we would still have to eat them. If they killed the cow with a chainsaw, bat, brick, shotgun, blowing ball, pitchfork, karate chop or ran it over with a tank. Its still got to be slaughtered to eat. Weegans kept trying to distract the issue with what you write below and lead people to a weegan con-clusion, which does not work The best a person can do is vote with their dollar. Support the type of animal farms you desire with what you buy.Since humans need animal products the only debate is how to obtain the highest quality and proper quantity in the most ethical manner. Weegans are clowns.Thinking your daughter is a chicken is already there. This weegan must lay eggs in the local Hen house. They already have to take artificial supplements to the extreme. Walk into any health food store and look at the Vegan foods its loaded with artificial supplements to make up for the lack of normal nutrition.Veganism is a diet where if you don't do major artificial vitamin injections or pills you will literally DIE on it.But yet weegans will still call this the natural diet of people. These people are just jewy liars and the price of believing their lies can be a person's life. People have already paid it. But psychotic weegans hate humans so they don't care. Their arguments are such stellar bullshit they have to invent PC shut words to silence all debate. So they don't have to explain.Druí:I went on the vegan diet some time ago to see what the fuss was about it, after one week on it I felt I was going to die. I was so physically weak and mentally drained and looked like something from the walking dead. I'm almost certain that those who claim to be on the vegan diet and not having problems, are secretly eating meat behind closed doors.HungARYAN:Thanks for posting it!Yes, it's true. Veganism is a fucking jewish agenda! The kikes invented it long ago and now they use it to push their rotten marxist ideology and to victimize the gentile people. The veganism is also strongly related to the chritianity.Unfortunately I was vegan too for few years. When I started it I was unaware of the jews. Later, after becoming satanist I learned the truth so I stopped advocating the veganism because I realized the jewish filth of it. But still there was a little problem with me: I continued the vegan diet but until last month. Although it was not a strict vegan diet because there were times I ate organic eggs and honey too.
Recently I stopped being vegan, and I'm thankful to HP Don because I could learn some new important informations about the risks of the vegan diet. I'm really glad that I'm enlightened fully about it now. The only sad thing was that we had a rude quarrel with Don then...I don't know if someone remembers but once in that vegan thread I mentioned an ancient aryan tribe, the Brok-pa who lives in the Himalayas. I would like to correct myself now : I started to research more about the Brokpa tribe and also the HUNza tribe. They are said to be vegans, but the truth is THEY ARE NOT! They are almost vegetarians which would be the real paleo diet as Don said.The HUNzas are white huns, only 14-15 000 HUNza people live in the Himalayas, they were being separated from the "modern civilizations" for thousands of years. They don't know the cancer and any other disease. Many of them live 100 years or more. Organic tomatoes, onions, garlic, broad bean, sprouts, spinach, turnips, carrots, pumpkins, cabbage, and cauliflower etc. are all regular components of their daily diet. The most beneficial things they eat the apricot kernels which are very healthy and contain a bunch of vitamins including B17. They eat 30-50 kernels per day.AND THEY EAT SMALL AMOUNTS OF MEAT FROM THE COWS, SHEEP AND GOATS THEY KEEP. Meat is lean and organic and generally boiled, which keeps saturated fat levels very low. And they also eat small amounts of traditionally-fermented cheese and butter from goats, sheep, cows and yaks and they also use clarified butter (ghee) for cooking.
So they are NOT vegans! It doesn't matter how the kikes and the xian idiots are trying to make people believe that the HUNzas and other ancient aryan tribes were strict vegan. They were not and are not.
If the vegan diet were natural and normal there would be real vegan tribes or nations today.The filthy jews and their brainwashed vegan puppets want us to believe that we, non vegans, are animal abusers. Many of them are pushing this jewish shit: "If you are not vegan, you are an animal abuser and you are no different from a nazi". Here's the point. Emphasizing and affirming the jewish lies about the nazis and the nazism. Of course the moron vegans don't know or even if they know then they don't believe the fact that the nazis were the first ones who stopped the vivisection (most of the vivisectors are jew!) and also they were those who made the first animal protection laws. Hitler, Himmler and many other nazis LOVED the animals just as our ancestors did. 
All animals were sacred to our ancestors, they loved and respected every of them. Even if they ate some of them and used them, especially when it was really necessary to survive, they still respected them. But they never harmed or tortured them. Indians used to ask permission of the animal's spirit before the hunt...Anyone can easily see the jewish vegan agenda is clearly against the nazism and not only it's smearing the nazism but it's also smearing the white people too. Many vegan think that the white men is the reason of the destroying of the nature as they also believe that being non vegan means racism too.When someone becomes vegan she/he will recognize soon that she also became liberalist and a holocaust-believer.
The vegans can love and help the animals but they are total victims of the jews and they became the main supporters of the jews. It can be also thanked to the fucking 269 life movement which came from Pissrael...I'm sure most of you know those braindead morons who mutilated themselves on their sick branding event.We still can be kind to every animals and we still can help them. It is very important that don't buy any jewndustrial meat and any other animal products. If we can do it we need to buy organic meat, eggs, milk (we don't need so much milk although.)
Besides organic eggs, and some organic milk products, I started to eat meat again, mainly fish and some organic chicken too. It is really true if we don't have meat in our diet for a long time it can cause problems, often big problems! But when we have it again we really can feel that certain feeling as if the "lights turned on".
[/IMG]<u style="">heart emoticon[/I]卍The King of Kings卐:I think these protesters are crying to the wrong people. The animals are dead by the time they reach the customer. Getting some people to stop eating animal products is certainly not going to halt animal abuse by industrious brands. Tyson isn't God watching everything you do, so making a personal choice like that does not save any animals. Considering the people that are into veganism, they lack the ability to address these companies; they still haven't grown out of their awkward teenage faze.enemyofjeezuz:Anyone that thinks it's cruel to kill animals for food ought to look at what goes on in the wild. Just watch how lions catch their prey. Or watch how crocodiles attack. Often they take a while to kill their prey, but that's nature. And what happens to lobsters when storms bang them into rocks? Yes, it hurts. But that is nature.But what is wrong is the way animals are kept in birth to death confinement. Do you see lions keeping pigs in confined quarters and slamming the babies into cement? Usually, the lion will finish the job and make sure the animal is dead, not leave it to suffer. Do you see lions smashing cattle with bowling balls or pitchforks? Or using forklifts to force cattle to walk because they are too sick to move, caused by confinement and piss poor sanitation? No. And, which animals are usually the ones the jaguars go after? Usually, the sick ones that are suffering, cutting short their suffering rather than prolonging it. I also disagree with practices of keeping lobsters and crabs in tanks for prolonged periods, usually bound and in less than optimal conditions. This is not natural.A vegan diet is usually dangerous and extremely difficult to follow. Usually, you do more damage than good. Those soy burgers are worse for you than beef or pork, because most of the soy bean is toxic (I only trust the lecithin that comes from soy because that is identical to egg or blood lecithin). Soy milk is also toxic. Even worse than pasteurized, homogenized milk with growth hormones. Almond or rice milk is better but still no substitute for real milk. As for vitamin B12, the only vegetable food that I know that naturally has significant amounts is spirulina. And very few people eat enough of that to do them much good. As for the anatomy, humans are not equipped for a vegan diet. Notice the teeth--we have canine teeth (and molars). Check the teeth of most cattle--all molars. Do we have the digestive system of cattle? I don't think so.Now, this is not to be confused with a vegetarian diet that contains some dairy or eggs (or both). People can and do live on ovo-lacto-vegetarian diets for times. Dairy and eggs contain vitamin B12, and may (if humanely raised) be used to supply the factors that meat often provides. Nothing wrong with a little red meat (just not those super whopping steaks weighing a kilogram or more at one sitting). And pork--while some people might eat little or no pork or shellfish for health reasons, I see no religious bias against it. And, much of the danger of eating pork can be prevented if you cook it well and it is raised organically. About the only "human" I would recommend follow a vegan diet would be the kike, if you could call those things "human".Veganism Is Leftard LunacyAs I have stated before and some in the comment sections have as well. Veganism is just social Marxist, radical vegetarianism. The commies even created a dietary version for themselves. But so does paleo Marxism, xianity. Of which Vegan diets actually came from in the last century. Weegan, commie cranks assign all the boogyman terms of social Marxism to some dude who ate a hamburger for lunch and then even make up some more like carnist, and Speciesist. Shit, Pol Pot didn't even go that far.Something I noticed with vegan lunatic's is they have so personified animals they want to assign them a human classification and thus rights. And extend their schizoid, radical, universalist egalitarianism the core basis of Communism, Xianity and the general liberalism of secular xianity, to the animal world. No mistake its Marxist jooz's who came up with most of this garbage then feed it into the goyim minds. Anything to push the jooz agenda. Anyway this is what happens when you grow up in a domesticated society where the only animals you have contact with are personified cartoons on teevee as a kid, a house pet and a trip to the local zoo if your lucky. Having known people who lived in the wild parts of the world they had to keep large, powerful rifles around to protect themselves from bears, cougars, and in some cases Lions and such.Why don't Vegan's who yell all animals are their friends prove this by jumping into a Lion cage at the zoo? Simple because they know the Lion would tear them apart and eat them. This is what happens when the occasional tard actually does this. A funny case was some Xian tard who jumped in the Lion cage at the zoo to prove the power of the holywee spirtard that jebooze would protect him like mythical Daniel. The Lion ripped his arms off first and went from there.Veganism dietary claims fall apart as its built on the lie we are Herbivores when Vegans keep proving we are Omnivores because they all have to take B12 so they don't literally drop dead on the Vegan diet. Humans can only get B12 from animal products in nature. Since humans need animal products the only debate is how to obtain the highest quality and proper quantity in the most ethical manner.This video below is epic lol. This crank thinks a chicken is her daughter.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmfRMeU6pQ8------------------------------------Update even funnier the Social Justice Weegan team is back in action determined even more to prove their totally fucking retarded to the world:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
