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The Truth of Quetzalcoatl


Dec 20, 2019
The Truth of Quetzalcoatl

Recently I’ve been really drawn to digging into the history of many stories and ancient religions that I will be posting soon.

The Mayans called this God Kukulcan or Ququmatz while the Aztecs referred to him as Quetzalcoatl which I will do throughout this writing.

Idiotic mormons believe that he is christ himself, and later reincarnated as their nazarene, which goes against the bible entirely, but nonetheless their ignorance lacks to show them that they are terribly wrong which I will prove.

His name translated to “plumed/feathered serpent” because the feathers represented freedom to travel between worlds. It’s easy to see the correlation to the Peacock of Melek Taus and the colorfulness of the Magnum Opus.

He is known as the morning star, (the correlation to Lucifer the Morning star is seen here) the patron God of Aztec Priesthood, learning, truth, and knowledge.

“...the Toltec pantheon that represented the Zenith Cosmology was Quetzalcoatl, whose earliest astronomical association is with the Pleiades...The Pleiades were known as the serpent's rattle, and the flight of the Pleiades into alignment with the zenith sun evoked the image of a flying serpent."
John Major Jenkins, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012

The earliest known recording of this deity is depicted on Stela 19 at the Olmec site of La Venta, which was built in 900 BCE.

“To be Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan is to know the seven forces (chakras) that govern our body - not only know them but also use them and understand their intimate relationship with natural and cosmic laws. We must comprehend the long and short cycles and the solar laws that sustain our lives. We must know how to die, and how to be born." 
Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion, Hunbatz Men

In this Book “Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion” it’s revealed that these Mesoamerican beliefs mirror those of astrology, meditation, and roots of creation in Buddhism and Hindu.

"The Maya equivalent of ‘chi’ is referred to as coyopa or ‘lightning in the blood,’ which enables one to perceive within the body messages from the external worlds - both natural and supernatural...There is no one word for this in English, but it means something like, ‘vital force spirit.’”
The Hidden Maya, Martin Brennan

What they knew as coyopa they also called the Shakti energy. This was seen as the Kundalini serpent energy that lies at the base of the spine. This is the lighting bolt of bio electricity within. Raising this would lead to a higher plane of consciousness and enlightenment and empowerment of the chakras. Quetzalcoatl was know as a revered god that symbolized this vital energy within us- becoming a God ourselves. Sound familiar?

Many Mayan elders gather and discuss the prophecies they have been swing unveil since December 21st, 2012.

They note the changes from the transition of the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. They note this as a chaotic period but one that will move further into a greater good and peace of the planet.

Another mention that I may write about is that of the Pahana that referred to him as Hisatsinom Hopi.

* “The Ancient Maya” Sylvanus Morley 
* “The Hidden Maya” Martin Brennan 
* “Secrets auf Mayan Science/Religion” Hunbatz Men 
* Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda “The Hidden Power in Humans”, Ibera Verlag 
* “Wheels of Life” A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, Anodea Judith
National-Satanist said:
Lifeforod1n said:
Thanks for the information!

I really enjoyed the research for this topic and learning about it but I fear the information may be outdated. I recently learned that Thoth is known as Quetzalcoatl so I may be revising this with further research to correct the historical errors.
Many cultural and evolutionary similarities are shared between the Far East/Oceania and the Americas, which led me to believe they were originally connected in the age of Pangaea. Many forget that Earth is a continuous sphere, which leads to confusion regarding the origin of many things.

Take Oceania and South America as an example. Many animals and biomes are similar: koalas and sloths, Haast eagles and harpy eagles, fruit bats, burrowing creatures, deserts, savannas, mountains, rainforests, high temperatures, areas of drought and humidity... the list goes on.
The cultures of the Far East and of the Americas are connected in their roots and origins, since the land was originally connected as well. This can explain similarities between myths like the ones you mentioned.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
