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The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


New member
Sep 10, 2007
I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Quoting the scam artist, cheat and communist kike [is there any other kind], Einstien. As some great genius [when he was not]. Is a dubious deal and pushes the jewish supremacist line of bullshit. Albert Einstein: Plagiarist and Fraud

by Ian Mosley

Albert Einstein is today revered as "the Father of Modern Science". His wrinkled
face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius and "his" famous E
= mc^2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for something scientific and
intellectual. And yet there has for years been mounting evidence that this
"Father of Modern Science" was nothing but a con man, lying about his ideas and
achievements, and stealing the work and the research of others.
The most glaring evidence against Einstein concerns "his" most famous equation.
One website notes "The equation E=mc^2, which has been forever linked to
Einstein & his Theory of Relativity was not originally published by Einstein.
According to Umberto Bartocci, a professor at the University of Perugia and a
historian of mathematics, this famous equation was first published by Olinto De
Pretto …two years prior to Einstein's publishing of the equation. In 1903 De
Pretto published his equation in the scientific magazine Atte and in 1904 it was
republished by the Royal Science Institute of Veneto. Einstein's research was
not published until 1905… Einstein was well versed in Italian and even lived in
Northern Italy for a brief time."
It is unheard of to pass over the original inventor of an equation and to give
credit to someone, who claims to have derived it AFTER the equation and its
derivation have been published. The equation "E=mc^2? should be called the "De
Pretto Equation" not the "Einstein Equation."
This raises the question: "What sort of man was Einstein?" Is there evidence
that he may have been prone to unethical behavior? One website reports
"Einstein… was still far from the ideal husband. A year before they married,
Maric gave birth to a daughter, Lieserl, while Einstein was away. The child's
fate is unknown – she is presumed to have been given up for adoption, perhaps
under pressure from Einstein, who is thought to have never seen his first born.
After the marriage, Mileva bore two sons but the family was not to stay
together. Einstein began an affair with his cousin Elsa Lowenthal while on a
trip to Berlin in 1912, leaving Mileva and his family two years later. Einstein
and Mileva finally divorced in 1919, but not until after Einstein sent his wife
a list of `conditions' under which he was willing to remain married. The list
included such autocratic demands as `You are neither to expect intimacy nor to
reproach me in any way'. After the divorce, he saw little of his sons. The
elder, Hans Albert, later reflected `Probably the only project he ever gave up
on was me.' The younger, Eduard, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and died in an
asylum. Einstein married Elsa soon after the divorce, but a few years later
began an affair with Betty Neumann, the niece of a friend… Accusations of
plagiarism aren't limited to Mileva – it's also been claimed that Einstein stole
the work of a host of other physicists. One question which may remain moot is
quite how much Einstein drew from the work of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincare
in formulating the theory of special relativity. Elements of Einstein's 1905
paper paralleled parts of a 1904 paper by Lorentz and a contemporary paper by
Poincare. Although Einstein read earlier papers by the two, he claimed not to
have seen these later works before writing the 1905 paper. One apparently
damning fact is that the 1905 paper on special relativity had no references,
suggesting that Einstein was consciously hiding his tracks."
One source notes "David Hilbert submitted an article containing the correct
field equations for general relativity five days before Einstein." Another
source notes "Einstein presented his paper on November 25, 1915 in Berlin and
Hilbert had presented his paper on November 20 in Göttingen. On November 18,
Hilbert received a letter from Einstein thanking him for sending him a draft of
the treatise Hilbert was to deliver on the 20th. So, in fact, Hilbert had sent a
copy of his work at least two weeks in advance to Einstein before either of the
two men delivered their lectures, but Einstein did not send Hilbert an advance
copy of his." Apparently Hilbert's work was soon to become "Einstein's work."
The historic record is readily available and the truth is known to many
scientists and historians, even if they are afraid to say anything. The idea
that light had a finite speed was proven by Michelson and Morley decades before
Einstein. Hendrik Lorentz determined the equations showing relativistic time and
length contractions which become significant as the speed of light is
approached. These gentlemen along with David Hilbert and Olinto De Pretto have
been airbrushed out of the picture so that Einstein could be given the credit
for what they had done.
Einstein appeared to latch onto his first wife, a much more talented student
three years his senior, to compensate for his own limited abilities. Another
website notes: "…in 1927, H. Thirring wrote, `H. Poincare had already completely
solved the problem of time several years before the appearance of Einstein's
first work (1905). . . .' Sir Edmund Whittaker in his detailed survey, A History
of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Volume II, (1953), included a chapter
entitled `The Relativity Theory of Poincare and Lorentz'. Whittaker thoroughly
documented the development of the theory, documenting the authentic history, and
demonstrated through reference to primary sources that Einstein held no priority
for the vast majority of the theory. Einstein offered no counter-argument to
Whittaker's famous book. . ."
Einstein was a minor contributor at best and in any case an intellectual thief
and pretentious braggart. Einstein was still alive when Whitaker's book was
published and he said NOTHING about it. No libel suit, no refutation, no public
comment at all.
Einstein was the first great fraudster and idea-thief in modern science. His
theft of Olinto De Pretto's equation E = mc^2 gave him considerable scientific
credibility which he built a career on. De Pretto was not a career physicist and
spent his life as an industrialist, passing away in 1921. De Pretto had
published his equation twice before Einstein and was no doubt amazed that
someone could claim credit for his work. Einstein used and eventually discarded
his first wife, Mileva, who was a much more brilliant student than Einstein and
is suspected of writing much of Einstein's early work. (She may have been
reluctant to expose Einstein since he was still the father of her children.)
David Hilbert's work on the equations for Special Relativity was submitted for
publication before Einstein and was sent to Einstein as correspondence. Einstein
claimed credit for the equations which Hilbert derived. (David Hilbert passed
away in 1943.)
Some university professors have stolen work from their graduate students and it
would be interesting to see if any of Einstein's students complained of such
thievery. A plagiarist seldom stops plagiarizing especially when he keeps
getting away with it. Complaints against Einstein however seem to disappear down
the Orwellian memory hole. Einstein is clearly a sacred cow to many. A few have
even used the word "heresy" to describe serious well-documented criticism and
charges of plagiarism against Einstein. The truth eventually wins out and
Einstein will someday be best known as a great fraud instead of a great
   -------------------------------------------------------Albert Einstein Plagiarist Of The Century

About the Author

Richard Moody, Jr, has a Master's Degree in Geology, is the author of three
books on chess theory and has written for the Mensa Bulletin. For the past four
years, he has done intensive research into Albert Einstein. He can be contacted
by email at Slmrea@...

Einstein plagiarized the work of several notable scientists in his 1905 papers
on special relativity and E = mc2, yet the physics community has never bothered
to set the record straight in the past century.


Proponents of Einstein have acted in a way that appears to corrupt the
historical record.

Albert Einstein (1879 -1955), Time Magazine's "Person of the Century", wrote a
long treatise on special relativity theory (it was actually called "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", 1905a), without listing any references. Many
of the key ideas it presented were known to Lorentz (for example, the Lorentz
transformation) and Poincaré before Einstein wrote the famous 1905 paper.

As was typical of Einstein, he did not discover theories; he merely commandeered
them. He took an existing body of knowledge, picked and chose the ideas he
liked, then wove them into a tale about his contribution to special relativity.
This was done with the full knowledge and consent of many of his peers, such as
the editors at Annalen der Physik.

The most recognizable equation of all time is E = mc2.

It is attributed by convention to be the sole province of Albert Einstein

However, the conversion of matter into energy and energy into matter was known
to Sir Isaac Newton ("Gross bodies and light are convertible into one
another...", 1704). The equation can be attributed to S. Tolver Preston (1875),
to Jules Henri Poincaré (1900; according to Brown, 1967) and to Olinto De Pretto
(1904) before Einstein. Since Einstein never correctly derived E = mc2 (Ives,
1952), there appears nothing to connect the equation with anything original by

Arthur Eddington's selective presentation of data from the 1919 Eclipse so that
it supposedly supported "Einstein's" general relativity theory is surely one of
the biggest scientific hoaxes of the 20th century. His lavish support of
Einstein corrupted the course of history. Eddington was less interested in
testing a theory than he was in crowning Einstein the king of science.

The physics community, unwittingly perhaps, has engaged in a kind of fraud and
silent conspiracy; this is the byproduct of simply being bystanders as the
hyperinflation of Einstein's record and reputation took place.

This silence benefited anyone supporting Einstein.


Science, by its very nature, is insular. In general, chemists read and write
about chemistry, biologists read and write about biology, and physicists read
and write about physics.

But they may all be competing for the same research dollar (in its broadest
sense). Thus, if scientists wanted more money for themselves, they might decide
to compete unfairly. The way they can do this is convince the funding agencies
that they are more important than any other branch of science. If the funding
agencies agree, it could spell difficulty for the remaining sciences. One way to
get more money is to create a superhero - a superhero like Einstein.

Einstein's standing is the product of the physics community, his followers and
the media. Each group benefits enormously by elevating Einstein to icon status.
The physics community receives billions in research grants, Einstein's
supporters are handsomely rewarded, and media corporations like Time Magazine
get to sell millions of magazines by placing Einstein on the cover as "Person of
the Century".

When the scandal breaks, the physics community, Einstein's supporters and the
media will attempt to downplay the negative news and put a positive spin on it.

However, their efforts will be shown up when Einstein's paper, "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", is seen for what it is: the consummate act of
plagiarism in the 20th century.

Special Relativity

Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 - 1912) was a great scientist who made a significant
contribution to special relativity theory. The Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy website says that Poincaré:

"sketched a preliminary version of the special theory of relativity"

"stated that the velocity of light is a limit velocity" (in his 1904 paper from
the Bull. of Sci. Math. 28, Poincaré indicated "a whole new mechanics, where the
inertia increasing with the velocity of light would become a limit and not be

suggested that "mass depends on speed"

("formulated the principle of relativity, according to which no mechanical or
electromagnetic experiment can discriminate between a state of uniform motion
and a state of rest"

"derived the Lorentz transformation"

It is evident how deeply involved with special relativity Poincaré was.

Even Keswani (1965) was prompted to say that,

"As far back as 1895, Poincaré, the innovator, had conjectured that it is
impossible to detect absolute motion", and that "In 1900, he introduced 'the
principle of relative motion' which he later called by the equivalent terms 'the
law of relativity' and 'the principle of relativity' in his book, Science and
Hypothesis, published in 1902".

Einstein acknowledged none of this preceding theoretical work when he wrote his
unreferenced 1905 paper.

In addition to having sketched the preliminary version of relativity, Poincaré
provided a critical part of the whole concept - namely, his treatment of local
time. He also originated the idea of clock synchronization, which is critical to
special relativity.

Charles Nordman was prompted to write,

"They will show that the credit for most of the things which are currently
attributed to Einstein is, in reality, due to Poincaré", and "...in the opinion
of the Relativists it is the measuring rods which create space, the clocks which
create time. All this was known by Poincaré and others long before the time of
Einstein, and one does injustice to truth in ascribing the discovery to him".

Other scientists have not been quite as impressed with "Einstein's" special
relativity theory as has the public.

"Another curious feature of the now famous paper, Einstein, 1905, is the absence
of any reference to Poincaré or anyone else," Max Born wrote in Physics in My

"It gives you the impression of quite a new venture. But that is, of course, as
I have tried to explain, not true".

(Born, 1956)

G. Burniston Brown (1967) noted,

"It will be seen that, contrary to popular belief, Einstein played only a minor
part in the derivation of the useful formulae in the restricted or special
relativity theory, and Whittaker called it the relativity theory of Poincaré and

Due to the fact that Einstein's special relativity theory was known in some
circles as the relativity theory of Poincaré and Lorentz, one would think that
Poincaré and Lorentz might have had something to do with its creation. What is
disturbing about the Einstein paper is that even though Poincaré was the world's
leading expert on relativity, apparently Einstein had never heard of him or
thought he had done anything worth referencing!

Poincaré, in a public address delivered in September 1904, made some notable
comments on special relativity theory.

"From all these results, if they are confirmed, would arise an entirely new
mechanics - would be, above all, characterized by this fact that no velocity
could surpass that of light - because bodies would oppose an increasing inertia
to the causes, which would tend to accelerate their motion; and this inertia
would become infinite when one approached the velocity of light.

No more for an observer carried along himself in a translation, he did not
suspect any apparent velocity could surpass that of light: and this would be
then a contradiction, if we recall that this observer would not use the same
clocks as a fixed observer, but, indeed, clocks marking 'local time'."

(Poincaré, 1905)

Einstein, the Plagiarist

It is now time to speak directly to the issue of what Einstein was: he was first
and foremost a plagiarist. He had few qualms about stealing the work of others
and submitting it as his own. That this was deliberate seems obvious.

Take this passage from Ronald W. Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times (there are
no references to Poincaré here; just a few meaningless quotes).

This is how page 101 reads:

"'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies'...is in many ways one of the most
remarkable scientific papers that had ever been written. Even in form and style
it was unusual, lacking the notes and references which give weight to most
serious expositions!!!".

Why would Einstein, with his training as a patent clerk, not recognize the need
to cite references in his article on special relativity? One would think that
Einstein, as a neophyte, would over-reference rather than under-reference.

Wouldn't one also expect somewhat higher standards from an editor when faced
with a long manuscript that had obviously not been credited? Apparently there
was no attempt at quality control when it was published in Annalen der Physik.
Most competent editors would have rejected the paper without even reading it. At
the barest minimum, one would expect the editor to research the literature to
determine whether Einstein's claim of primacy was correct.

Max Born stated,

"The striking point is that it contains not a single reference to previous

(Born, 1956)

He is clearly indicating that the absence of references is abnormal and that,
even by early 20th century standards, this is most peculiar, even

Einstein twisted and turned to avoid plagiarism charges, but these were

From Bjerknes (2002), we learn the following passage from James MacKaye:

"Einstein's explanation is a dimensional disguise for Lorentz's. Thus Einstein's
theory is not a denial of, nor an alternative for, that of Lorentz. It is only a
duplicate and disguise for it. Einstein continually maintains that the theory of
Lorentz is right, only he disagrees with his 'interpretation'.

Is it not clear, therefore, that in this [case], as in other cases, Einstein's
theory is merely a disguise for Lorentz's, the apparent disagreement about
'interpretation' being a matter of words only?"

Poincaré wrote 30 books and over 500 papers on philosophy, mathematics and
physics. Einstein wrote on mathematics, physics and philosophy, but claimed he'd
never read Poincaré's contributions to physics.

Yet many of Poincaré's ideas - for example, that the speed of light is a limit
and that mass increases with speed - wound up in Einstein's paper, "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" without being credited.

Einstein's act of stealing almost the entire body of literature by Lorentz and
Poincaré to write his document raised the bar for plagiarism. In the information
age, this kind of plagiarism could never be perpetrated indefinitely, yet the
physics community has still not set the record straight.

In his 1907 paper, Einstein spelled out his views on plagiarism:

"It appears to me that it is the nature of the business that what follows has
already been partly solved by other authors. Despite that fact, since the issues
of concern are here addressed from a new point of view, I am entitled to leave
out a thoroughly pedantic survey of the literature..."

With this statement, Einstein declared that plagiarism, suitably packaged, is an
acceptable research tool.

Here is the definition of "to plagiarize" from an unimpeachable source,
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition,
Unabridged, 1947, p. 1,878:

"To steal or purloin and pass off as one's own (the ideas, words, artistic
productions, etc. of one another); to use without due credit the ideas,
expressions or productions of another. To commit plagiarism".

Isn't this exactly what Einstein did?

Giving due credit involves two aspects: timeliness and appropriateness. Telling
the world that Lorentz provided the basis for special relativity 30 years after
the fact is not timely (see below), is not appropriate and is not giving due
credit. Nothing Einstein wrote ex post facto with respect to Lorentz's
contributions alters the fundamental act of plagiarism.

The true nature of Einstein's plagiarism is set forth in his 1935 paper,
"Elementary Derivation of the Equivalence of Mass and Energy", where, in a
discussion on Maxwell, he wrote,

"The question as to the independence of those relations is a natural one because
the Lorentz transformation, the real basis of special relativity theory..."

So, Einstein even acknowledged that the Lorentz transformation was the real
basis of his 1905 paper.

Anyone who doubts that he was a plagiarist should ask one simple question:

"What did Einstein know and when did he know it?" Einstein got away with
premeditated plagiarism, not the incidental plagiarism that is ubiquitous.

(Moody, 2001)

The History of E = mc2

Who originated the concept of matter being transformed into energy and vice
versa? It dates back at least to Sir Isaac Newton (1704).

Brown (1967) made the following statement:

"Thus gradually arose the formula E = mc2, suggested without general proof by
Poincaré in 1900".

One thing we can say with certainty is that Einstein did not originate the
equation E = mc2.

Then the question becomes:

"Who did?"

Bjerknes (2002) suggested as a possible candidate S. Tolver Preston, who,

"formulated atomic energy, the atom bomb and superconductivity back in the
1870s, based on the formula E = mc2".

In addition to Preston, a major player in the history of E = mc2 who deserves a
lot of credit is Olinto De Pretto (1904).

What makes this timing so suspicious is that Einstein was fluent in Italian, he
was reviewing papers written by Italian physicists and his best friend was
Michele Besso, a Swiss Italian. Clearly, Einstein (1905b) would have had access
to the literature and the competence to read it. In "Einstein's E = mc2 'was
Italian's idea'" (Carroll, 1999), we see clear evidence that De Pretto was ahead
of Einstein in terms of the formula E = mc2.

In terms of his understanding the vast amount of energy that could be released
with a small amount of mass, Preston (1875) can be credited with knowing this
before Einstein was born. Clearly, Preston was using the E = mc2 formula in his
work, because the value he determined - e.g., that one grain could lift a
100,000 ton object up to a height of 1.9 miles - yields the equation E = mc2.

According to Ives (1952), the derivation Einstein attempted of the formula E =
mc2 was fatally flawed because Einstein set out to prove what he assumed. This
is similar to the careless handling of the equations for radioactive decay which
Einstein derived. It turns out that Einstein mixed kinematics and mechanics, and
out popped the neutrino. The neutrino may be a mythical particle accidentally
created by Einstein (Carezani, 1999).

We have two choices with respect to neutrinos: there are at least 40 different
types or there are zero types.

Occam's razor rules here.

The Eclipse of 1919

There can be no clearer definition of scientific fraud than what went on in the
Tropics on May 29, 1919.

What is particularly clear is that Eddington fudged the solar eclipse data to
make the results conform to "Einstein's" work on general relativity. Poor
(1930), Brown (1967), Clark (1984) and McCausland (2001) all address the issues
surrounding this eclipse.

What makes the expeditions to Sobral and Principe so suspect is Eddington's
zealous support of Einstein, as can be seen in his statement,

"By standing foremost in testing, and ultimately verifying the 'enemy' theory,
our national observatory kept alive the finest traditions of science..."

(Clark, 1984)

In this instance, apparently Eddington was not familiar with the basic tenets of
science. His job was to collect data - not verify Einstein's theories.

Further evidence for the fraud can be deduced from Eddington's own statements
and the introduction to them provided by Clark (ibid., p. 285):

"May 29 began with heavy rain, which stopped only about noon. Not until 1.30 pm
when the eclipse had already begun did the party get its first glimpse of the
sun: 'We had to carry out our programme of photographs on faith...'"

Eddington reveals his true prejudice: he was willing to do anything to see that
Einstein was proved right.

But Eddington was not to be deterred:

"It looked as though the effort, so far as the Principe expedition was
concerned, might have been abortive"; "We developed the photographs, two each
night for six nights after the eclipse. The cloudy weather upset my plans and I
had to treat the measures in a different way from what I intended; consequently
I have not been able to make any preliminary announcement of the result".

(Clark, ibid.)

Actually, Eddington's words speak volumes about the result. As soon as he found
one shred of evidence that was consistent with "Einstein's" general relativity
theory, he immediately proclaimed it as proof of the theory. Is this science?

Where were the astronomers when Eddington presented his findings? Did anyone
besides Eddington actually look at the photographic plates? Poor did, and he
completely repudiated the findings of Eddington. This should have given pause to
any ethical scientist.

Here are some quotes from Poor's summary:

"The mathematical formula, by which Einstein calculated his deflection of 1.75
seconds for light rays passing the edge of the sun, is a well known and simple
formula of physical optics"

"Not a single one of the fundamental concepts of varying time, or warped or
twisted space, of simultaneity, or of the relativity of motion is in any way
involved in Einstein's prediction of, or formulas for, the deflection of light"

"The many and elaborate eclipse expeditions have, therefore, been given a
fictitious importance. Their results can neither prove nor disprove the
relativity theory"

(Poor, 1930).

From Brown (1967), we learn that Eddington couldn't wait to get it out to the
world community that Einstein's theory was confirmed.

What Eddington based this on was a premature assessment of the photographic
plates. Initially, stars did "appear" to bend as they should, as required by
Einstein, but then, according to Brown, the unexpected happened: several stars
were then observed to bend in a direction transverse to the expected direction
and still others to bend in a direction opposite to that predicted by

The absurdity of the data collected during the Eclipse of 1919 was demonstrated
by Poor (1930), who pointed out that 85% of the data were discarded from the
South American eclipse due to "accidental error", i.e., it contradicted
Einstein's scale constant. By a strange coincidence, the 15% of the "good" data
were consistent with Einstein's scale constant. Somehow, the stars that did not
conform to Einstein's theories conveniently got temporarily shelved - and the
myth began.

So, based on a handful of ambiguous data points, 200 years of theory,
experimentation and observation were cast aside to make room for Einstein. Yet
the discredited experiment by Eddington is still quoted as gospel by Stephen
Hawking (1999).

It is difficult to comprehend how Hawking could comment that,

"The new theory of curved space-time was called general relativity. It was
confirmed in spectacular fashion in 1919, when a British expedition to West
Africa observed a slight shift in the position of stars near the sun during an
eclipse. Their light, as Einstein had predicted, was bent as it passed the sun.
Here was direct evidence that space and time were warped".

Does Hawking honestly believe that a handful of data points, massaged more
thoroughly than a side of Kobe beef, constitutes the basis for overthrowing a
paradigm that had survived over two centuries of acid scrutiny?

The real question, though, is:

"Where was Einstein in all this?"

Surely, by the time he wrote his 1935 paper, he must have known of the work of

"The actual stellar displacements, if real, do not show the slightest
resemblance to the predicted Einstein deflections: they do not agree in
direction, in size, or the rate of decrease with distance from the sun".

Why didn't he go on the record and address a paper that directly contradicted
his work? Why haven't the followers of Einstein tried to set the record straight
with respect to the bogus data of 1919?

What makes this so suspicious is that both the instruments and the physical
conditions were not conducive to making measurements of great precision. As
pointed out in a 2002 Internet article by the British Institute of Precise
Physics, the cap cameras used in the expeditions were accurate to only 1/25th of
a degree. This meant that just for the cap camera uncertainty alone, Eddington
was reading values over 200 times too precise.

McCausland (2001) quotes the former Editor of Nature, Sir John Maddox:

"They [Crommelin and Eddington] were bent on measuring the deflection of light"

"What is not so well documented is that the measurements in 1919 were not
particularly accurate"

"In spite of the fact that experimental evidence for relativity seems to have
been very flimsy in 1919, Einstein's enormous fame has remained intact and his
theory has ever since been held to be one of the highest achievements of human

It is clear that from the outset Eddington was in no way interested in testing
"Einstein's" theory; he was only interested in confirming it. One of the
motivating factors in Eddington's decision to promote Einstein was that both men
shared a similar political persuasion: pacifism.

To suggest that politics played no role in Eddington's glowing support of
Einstein, one need ask only one question:

"Would Eddington have been so quick to support Einstein if Einstein had been a

This is no idle observation. Eddington took his role as the great peacemaker
very seriously. He wanted to unite British and German scientists after World War
I. What better way than to elevate the "enemy" theorist Einstein to exalted
status? In his zeal to become peacemaker, Eddington lost the fundamental
objectivity that is the essential demeanor of any true scientist. Eddington
ceased to be a scientist and, instead, became an advocate for Einstein.

The obvious fudging of the data by Eddington and others is a blatant subversion
of scientific process and may have misdirected scientific research for the
better part of a century. It probably surpasses the Piltdown Man as the greatest
hoax of 20th century science.

The BIPP asked,

"Was this the hoax of the century?" and exclaimed, "Royal Society 1919 Eclipse
Relativity Report Duped World for 80 Years!"

McCausland stated that,

"In the author's opinion, the confident announcement of the decisive
confirmation of Einstein's general theory in November 1919 was not a triumph of
science, as it is often portrayed, but one of the most unfortunate incidents in
the history of 20th-century science".

It cannot be emphasized enough that the Eclipse of 1919 made Einstein, Einstein.
It propelled him to international fame overnight, despite the fact that the data
were fabricated and there was no support for general relativity whatsoever.

This perversion of history has been known about for over 80 years and is still
supported by people like Stephen Hawking and David Levy.

Summary and Conclusions

The general public tends to believe that scientists are the ultimate defenders
of ethics, that scientific rigor is the measure of truth. Little do people
realize how science is conducted in the presence of personality.

It seems that Einstein believed he was above scientific protocol. He thought he
could bend the rules to his own liking and get away with it; hang in there long
enough and his enemies would die off and his followers would win the day. In
science, the last follower standing wins - and gets to write history. In the
case of Einstein, his blatant and repeated dalliance with plagiarism is all but
forgotten and his followers have borrowed repeatedly from the discoveries of
other scientists and used them to adorn Einstein's halo.

Einstein's reputation is supported by a three-legged stool.

One leg is Einstein's alleged plagiarism. Was he a plagiarist?

The second leg is the physics community. What did they know about Einstein and
when did they know it?

The third leg is the media. Are they instruments of truth or deception when it
comes to Einstein?

Only time will tell.

The physics community is also supported by a three-legged stool.

The first leg is Einstein's physics

The second leg is cold fusion

The third leg is autodynamics

The overriding problem with a three-legged stool is that if only one leg is
sawed off, the stool collapses. There are at least three very serious
disciplines where it is predictable that physics may collapse.

Science is a multi-legged stool:

one leg is physics

a second leg is the earth sciences

a third, biology

a fourth, chemistry (e.g., cold fusion)

What will happen if, for the sake of argument, physics collapses? Will science


Bjerknes, C.J. (2002), Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist, XTX Inc.,
Dowers Grove.

Born, M. (1956), Physics in My Generation, Pergamon Press, London, p. 193.

Brown, G. Burniston (1967), "What is wrong with relativity?", Bull. of the Inst.
of Physics and Physical Soc., pp. 71-77.

Carezani, R. (1999), Autodynamics: Fundamental Basis for a New Relativistic
Mechanics, SAA, Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics.

Carroll, R., "Einstein's E = mc2 'was Italian's idea'", The Guardian, November
11, 1999.

Clark, R.W. (1984), Einstein: The Life and Times, Avon Books, New York.

De Pretto, O. (1904), "Ipotesi dell'etere nella vita dell'universo", Reale
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Feb. 1904, tomo LXIII, parte II,
pp. 439-500.

Einstein, A. (1905a), "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper" ("On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"), Annalen der Physik 17:37-65.

Einstein, A. (1905b), Does the Inertia of a Body Depend on its Energy Content?",
Annalen der Physik 18:639-641.

Einstein, A. (1907), "Über die vom Relativitätspringzip geforderte Trägheit der
Energie", Annalen der Physik 23(4):371-384 (quote on p. 373)

Einstein, A. (1935), "Elementary Derivation of the Equivalence of Mass and
Energy", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 61:223-230 (first delivered as The Eleventh
Josiah Willard Gibbs Lecture at a joint meeting of the American Physical Society
and Section A of the AAAS, Pittsburgh, December 28, 1934).

Hawking, S., "Person of the Century", Time Magazine, December 31, 1999.

Ives, H.E. (1952), "Derivation of the Mass-Energy Relation", J. Opt. Soc. Amer.

Keswani, G.H. (1965), "Origin and Concept of Relativity", Brit. J. Phil. Soc.

Mackaye, J. (1931), The Dynamic Universe, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, pp.

Maddox, J. (1995), "More Precise Solar-limb Light-bending", Nature 377:11.

Moody, R., Jr (2001), "Plagiarism Personified", Mensa Bull. 442(Feb):5.

Newton, Sir Isaac (1704), Opticks, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, p. cxv.

Nordman, C. (1921), Einstein et l'univers, translated by Joseph McCabe as
"Einstein and the Universe", Henry Holt and Co., New York, pp. 10-11, 16 (from
Bjerknes, 2002).

Poincaré, J.H. (1905), "The Principles of Mathematical Physics", The Monist,
vol. XV, no. 1, January 1905; from an address delivered before the International
Congress of Arts and Sciences, St Louis, September 1904.

Poor, C.L. (1930), "The Deflection of Light as Observed at Total Solar
Eclipses", J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 20:173-211.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Jules Henri Poincaré
(1854&endash;1912), at http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/p/poincare.htm

Webster, N. (1947), Webster's New International Dictionary of the English
Language, Second Edition, Unabridged, p. 1878.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09:06 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

There is no complexion. If things seem complex to someone, they need to raise their awareness to understand and thats it. So everything is relatively simple, if you have the awareness to go along with it and understand it. I agree with your post and of course, Silence is Golden.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@... wrote:

I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.
 Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...
 Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

  That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.
 Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Light <yc28@... wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Great post DamnplanetSaturn. Thanks for sharing! Hail Satan!
From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Light <yc28@... wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

Thank you for posting this HP Don. I love reading your posts because I always learn something new from you. I really appreciate you sharing this information. Thanks again
Hail Satan!

Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
Quoting the scam artist, cheat and communist kike [is there any other kind], Einstien. As some great genius [when he was not]. Is a dubious deal and pushes the jewish supremacist line of bullshit. Albert Einstein: Plagiarist and Fraud

by Ian Mosley

Albert Einstein is today revered as "the Father of Modern Science". His wrinkled
face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius and "his" famous E
= mc^2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for something scientific and
intellectual. And yet there has for years been mounting evidence that this
"Father of Modern Science" was nothing but a con man, lying about his ideas and
achievements, and stealing the work and the research of others.
The most glaring evidence against Einstein concerns "his" most famous equation.
One website notes "The equation E=mc^2, which has been forever linked to
Einstein & his Theory of Relativity was not originally published by Einstein.
According to Umberto Bartocci, a professor at the University of Perugia and a
historian of mathematics, this famous equation was first published by Olinto De
Pretto …two years prior to Einstein's publishing of the equation. In 1903 De
Pretto published his equation in the scientific magazine Atte and in 1904 it was
republished by the Royal Science Institute of Veneto. Einstein's research was
not published until 1905… Einstein was well versed in Italian and even lived in
Northern Italy for a brief time."
It is unheard of to pass over the original inventor of an equation and to give
credit to someone, who claims to have derived it AFTER the equation and its
derivation have been published. The equation "E=mc^2? should be called the "De
Pretto Equation" not the "Einstein Equation."
This raises the question: "What sort of man was Einstein?" Is there evidence
that he may have been prone to unethical behavior? One website reports
"Einstein… was still far from the ideal husband. A year before they married,
Maric gave birth to a daughter, Lieserl, while Einstein was away. The child's
fate is unknown – she is presumed to have been given up for adoption, perhaps
under pressure from Einstein, who is thought to have never seen his first born.
After the marriage, Mileva bore two sons but the family was not to stay
together. Einstein began an affair with his cousin Elsa Lowenthal while on a
trip to Berlin in 1912, leaving Mileva and his family two years later. Einstein
and Mileva finally divorced in 1919, but not until after Einstein sent his wife
a list of `conditions' under which he was willing to remain married. The list
included such autocratic demands as `You are neither to expect intimacy nor to
reproach me in any way'. After the divorce, he saw little of his sons. The
elder, Hans Albert, later reflected `Probably the only project he ever gave up
on was me.' The younger, Eduard, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and died in an
asylum. Einstein married Elsa soon after the divorce, but a few years later
began an affair with Betty Neumann, the niece of a friend… Accusations of
plagiarism aren't limited to Mileva – it's also been claimed that Einstein stole
the work of a host of other physicists. One question which may remain moot is
quite how much Einstein drew from the work of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincare
in formulating the theory of special relativity. Elements of Einstein's 1905
paper paralleled parts of a 1904 paper by Lorentz and a contemporary paper by
Poincare. Although Einstein read earlier papers by the two, he claimed not to
have seen these later works before writing the 1905 paper. One apparently
damning fact is that the 1905 paper on special relativity had no references,
suggesting that Einstein was consciously hiding his tracks."
One source notes "David Hilbert submitted an article containing the correct
field equations for general relativity five days before Einstein." Another
source notes "Einstein presented his paper on November 25, 1915 in Berlin and
Hilbert had presented his paper on November 20 in Göttingen. On November 18,
Hilbert received a letter from Einstein thanking him for sending him a draft of
the treatise Hilbert was to deliver on the 20th. So, in fact, Hilbert had sent a
copy of his work at least two weeks in advance to Einstein before either of the
two men delivered their lectures, but Einstein did not send Hilbert an advance
copy of his." Apparently Hilbert's work was soon to become "Einstein's work."
The historic record is readily available and the truth is known to many
scientists and historians, even if they are afraid to say anything. The idea
that light had a finite speed was proven by Michelson and Morley decades before
Einstein. Hendrik Lorentz determined the equations showing relativistic time and
length contractions which become significant as the speed of light is
approached. These gentlemen along with David Hilbert and Olinto De Pretto have
been airbrushed out of the picture so that Einstein could be given the credit
for what they had done.
Einstein appeared to latch onto his first wife, a much more talented student
three years his senior, to compensate for his own limited abilities. Another
website notes: "…in 1927, H. Thirring wrote, `H. Poincare had already completely
solved the problem of time several years before the appearance of Einstein's
first work (1905). . . .' Sir Edmund Whittaker in his detailed survey, A History
of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Volume II, (1953), included a chapter
entitled `The Relativity Theory of Poincare and Lorentz'. Whittaker thoroughly
documented the development of the theory, documenting the authentic history, and
demonstrated through reference to primary sources that Einstein held no priority
for the vast majority of the theory. Einstein offered no counter-argument to
Whittaker's famous book. . ."
Einstein was a minor contributor at best and in any case an intellectual thief
and pretentious braggart. Einstein was still alive when Whitaker's book was
published and he said NOTHING about it. No libel suit, no refutation, no public
comment at all.
Einstein was the first great fraudster and idea-thief in modern science. His
theft of Olinto De Pretto's equation E = mc^2 gave him considerable scientific
credibility which he built a career on. De Pretto was not a career physicist and
spent his life as an industrialist, passing away in 1921. De Pretto had
published his equation twice before Einstein and was no doubt amazed that
someone could claim credit for his work. Einstein used and eventually discarded
his first wife, Mileva, who was a much more brilliant student than Einstein and
is suspected of writing much of Einstein's early work. (She may have been
reluctant to expose Einstein since he was still the father of her children.)
David Hilbert's work on the equations for Special Relativity was submitted for
publication before Einstein and was sent to Einstein as correspondence. Einstein
claimed credit for the equations which Hilbert derived. (David Hilbert passed
away in 1943.)
Some university professors have stolen work from their graduate students and it
would be interesting to see if any of Einstein's students complained of such
thievery. A plagiarist seldom stops plagiarizing especially when he keeps
getting away with it. Complaints against Einstein however seem to disappear down
the Orwellian memory hole. Einstein is clearly a sacred cow to many. A few have
even used the word "heresy" to describe serious well-documented criticism and
charges of plagiarism against Einstein. The truth eventually wins out and
Einstein will someday be best known as a great fraud instead of a great
   -------------------------------------------------------Albert Einstein Plagiarist Of The Century

About the Author

Richard Moody, Jr, has a Master's Degree in Geology, is the author of three
books on chess theory and has written for the Mensa Bulletin. For the past four
years, he has done intensive research into Albert Einstein. He can be contacted
by email at Slmrea@...

Einstein plagiarized the work of several notable scientists in his 1905 papers
on special relativity and E = mc2, yet the physics community has never bothered
to set the record straight in the past century.


Proponents of Einstein have acted in a way that appears to corrupt the
historical record.

Albert Einstein (1879 -1955), Time Magazine's "Person of the Century", wrote a
long treatise on special relativity theory (it was actually called "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", 1905a), without listing any references. Many
of the key ideas it presented were known to Lorentz (for example, the Lorentz
transformation) and Poincaré before Einstein wrote the famous 1905 paper.

As was typical of Einstein, he did not discover theories; he merely commandeered
them. He took an existing body of knowledge, picked and chose the ideas he
liked, then wove them into a tale about his contribution to special relativity.
This was done with the full knowledge and consent of many of his peers, such as
the editors at Annalen der Physik.

The most recognizable equation of all time is E = mc2.

It is attributed by convention to be the sole province of Albert Einstein

However, the conversion of matter into energy and energy into matter was known
to Sir Isaac Newton ("Gross bodies and light are convertible into one
another...", 1704). The equation can be attributed to S. Tolver Preston (1875),
to Jules Henri Poincaré (1900; according to Brown, 1967) and to Olinto De Pretto
(1904) before Einstein. Since Einstein never correctly derived E = mc2 (Ives,
1952), there appears nothing to connect the equation with anything original by

Arthur Eddington's selective presentation of data from the 1919 Eclipse so that
it supposedly supported "Einstein's" general relativity theory is surely one of
the biggest scientific hoaxes of the 20th century. His lavish support of
Einstein corrupted the course of history. Eddington was less interested in
testing a theory than he was in crowning Einstein the king of science.

The physics community, unwittingly perhaps, has engaged in a kind of fraud and
silent conspiracy; this is the byproduct of simply being bystanders as the
hyperinflation of Einstein's record and reputation took place.

This silence benefited anyone supporting Einstein.


Science, by its very nature, is insular. In general, chemists read and write
about chemistry, biologists read and write about biology, and physicists read
and write about physics.

But they may all be competing for the same research dollar (in its broadest
sense). Thus, if scientists wanted more money for themselves, they might decide
to compete unfairly. The way they can do this is convince the funding agencies
that they are more important than any other branch of science. If the funding
agencies agree, it could spell difficulty for the remaining sciences. One way to
get more money is to create a superhero - a superhero like Einstein.

Einstein's standing is the product of the physics community, his followers and
the media. Each group benefits enormously by elevating Einstein to icon status.
The physics community receives billions in research grants, Einstein's
supporters are handsomely rewarded, and media corporations like Time Magazine
get to sell millions of magazines by placing Einstein on the cover as "Person of
the Century".

When the scandal breaks, the physics community, Einstein's supporters and the
media will attempt to downplay the negative news and put a positive spin on it.

However, their efforts will be shown up when Einstein's paper, "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", is seen for what it is: the consummate act of
plagiarism in the 20th century.

Special Relativity

Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 - 1912) was a great scientist who made a significant
contribution to special relativity theory. The Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy website says that Poincaré:

"sketched a preliminary version of the special theory of relativity"

"stated that the velocity of light is a limit velocity" (in his 1904 paper from
the Bull. of Sci. Math. 28, Poincaré indicated "a whole new mechanics, where the
inertia increasing with the velocity of light would become a limit and not be

suggested that "mass depends on speed"

("formulated the principle of relativity, according to which no mechanical or
electromagnetic experiment can discriminate between a state of uniform motion
and a state of rest"

"derived the Lorentz transformation"

It is evident how deeply involved with special relativity Poincaré was.

Even Keswani (1965) was prompted to say that,

"As far back as 1895, Poincaré, the innovator, had conjectured that it is
impossible to detect absolute motion", and that "In 1900, he introduced 'the
principle of relative motion' which he later called by the equivalent terms 'the
law of relativity' and 'the principle of relativity' in his book, Science and
Hypothesis, published in 1902".

Einstein acknowledged none of this preceding theoretical work when he wrote his
unreferenced 1905 paper.

In addition to having sketched the preliminary version of relativity, Poincaré
provided a critical part of the whole concept - namely, his treatment of local
time. He also originated the idea of clock synchronization, which is critical to
special relativity.

Charles Nordman was prompted to write,

"They will show that the credit for most of the things which are currently
attributed to Einstein is, in reality, due to Poincaré", and "...in the opinion
of the Relativists it is the measuring rods which create space, the clocks which
create time. All this was known by Poincaré and others long before the time of
Einstein, and one does injustice to truth in ascribing the discovery to him".

Other scientists have not been quite as impressed with "Einstein's" special
relativity theory as has the public.

"Another curious feature of the now famous paper, Einstein, 1905, is the absence
of any reference to Poincaré or anyone else," Max Born wrote in Physics in My

"It gives you the impression of quite a new venture. But that is, of course, as
I have tried to explain, not true".

(Born, 1956)

G. Burniston Brown (1967) noted,

"It will be seen that, contrary to popular belief, Einstein played only a minor
part in the derivation of the useful formulae in the restricted or special
relativity theory, and Whittaker called it the relativity theory of Poincaré and

Due to the fact that Einstein's special relativity theory was known in some
circles as the relativity theory of Poincaré and Lorentz, one would think that
Poincaré and Lorentz might have had something to do with its creation. What is
disturbing about the Einstein paper is that even though Poincaré was the world's
leading expert on relativity, apparently Einstein had never heard of him or
thought he had done anything worth referencing!

Poincaré, in a public address delivered in September 1904, made some notable
comments on special relativity theory.

"From all these results, if they are confirmed, would arise an entirely new
mechanics - would be, above all, characterized by this fact that no velocity
could surpass that of light - because bodies would oppose an increasing inertia
to the causes, which would tend to accelerate their motion; and this inertia
would become infinite when one approached the velocity of light.

No more for an observer carried along himself in a translation, he did not
suspect any apparent velocity could surpass that of light: and this would be
then a contradiction, if we recall that this observer would not use the same
clocks as a fixed observer, but, indeed, clocks marking 'local time'."

(Poincaré, 1905)

Einstein, the Plagiarist

It is now time to speak directly to the issue of what Einstein was: he was first
and foremost a plagiarist. He had few qualms about stealing the work of others
and submitting it as his own. That this was deliberate seems obvious.

Take this passage from Ronald W. Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times (there are
no references to Poincaré here; just a few meaningless quotes).

This is how page 101 reads:

"'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies'...is in many ways one of the most
remarkable scientific papers that had ever been written. Even in form and style
it was unusual, lacking the notes and references which give weight to most
serious expositions!!!".

Why would Einstein, with his training as a patent clerk, not recognize the need
to cite references in his article on special relativity? One would think that
Einstein, as a neophyte, would over-reference rather than under-reference.

Wouldn't one also expect somewhat higher standards from an editor when faced
with a long manuscript that had obviously not been credited? Apparently there
was no attempt at quality control when it was published in Annalen der Physik.
Most competent editors would have rejected the paper without even reading it. At
the barest minimum, one would expect the editor to research the literature to
determine whether Einstein's claim of primacy was correct.

Max Born stated,

"The striking point is that it contains not a single reference to previous

(Born, 1956)

He is clearly indicating that the absence of references is abnormal and that,
even by early 20th century standards, this is most peculiar, even

Einstein twisted and turned to avoid plagiarism charges, but these were

From Bjerknes (2002), we learn the following passage from James MacKaye:

"Einstein's explanation is a dimensional disguise for Lorentz's. Thus Einstein's
theory is not a denial of, nor an alternative for, that of Lorentz. It is only a
duplicate and disguise for it. Einstein continually maintains that the theory of
Lorentz is right, only he disagrees with his 'interpretation'.

Is it not clear, therefore, that in this [case], as in other cases, Einstein's
theory is merely a disguise for Lorentz's, the apparent disagreement about
'interpretation' being a matter of words only?"

Poincaré wrote 30 books and over 500 papers on philosophy, mathematics and
physics. Einstein wrote on mathematics, physics and philosophy, but claimed he'd
never read Poincaré's contributions to physics.

Yet many of Poincaré's ideas - for example, that the speed of light is a limit
and that mass increases with speed - wound up in Einstein's paper, "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" without being credited.

Einstein's act of stealing almost the entire body of literature by Lorentz and
Poincaré to write his document raised the bar for plagiarism. In the information
age, this kind of plagiarism could never be perpetrated indefinitely, yet the
physics community has still not set the record straight.

In his 1907 paper, Einstein spelled out his views on plagiarism:

"It appears to me that it is the nature of the business that what follows has
already been partly solved by other authors. Despite that fact, since the issues
of concern are here addressed from a new point of view, I am entitled to leave
out a thoroughly pedantic survey of the literature..."

With this statement, Einstein declared that plagiarism, suitably packaged, is an
acceptable research tool.

Here is the definition of "to plagiarize" from an unimpeachable source,
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition,
Unabridged, 1947, p. 1,878:

"To steal or purloin and pass off as one's own (the ideas, words, artistic
productions, etc. of one another); to use without due credit the ideas,
expressions or productions of another. To commit plagiarism".

Isn't this exactly what Einstein did?

Giving due credit involves two aspects: timeliness and appropriateness. Telling
the world that Lorentz provided the basis for special relativity 30 years after
the fact is not timely (see below), is not appropriate and is not giving due
credit. Nothing Einstein wrote ex post facto with respect to Lorentz's
contributions alters the fundamental act of plagiarism.

The true nature of Einstein's plagiarism is set forth in his 1935 paper,
"Elementary Derivation of the Equivalence of Mass and Energy", where, in a
discussion on Maxwell, he wrote,

"The question as to the independence of those relations is a natural one because
the Lorentz transformation, the real basis of special relativity theory..."

So, Einstein even acknowledged that the Lorentz transformation was the real
basis of his 1905 paper.

Anyone who doubts that he was a plagiarist should ask one simple question:

"What did Einstein know and when did he know it?" Einstein got away with
premeditated plagiarism, not the incidental plagiarism that is ubiquitous.

(Moody, 2001)

The History of E = mc2

Who originated the concept of matter being transformed into energy and vice
versa? It dates back at least to Sir Isaac Newton (1704).

Brown (1967) made the following statement:

"Thus gradually arose the formula E = mc2, suggested without general proof by
Poincaré in 1900".

One thing we can say with certainty is that Einstein did not originate the
equation E = mc2.

Then the question becomes:

"Who did?"

Bjerknes (2002) suggested as a possible candidate S. Tolver Preston, who,

"formulated atomic energy, the atom bomb and superconductivity back in the
1870s, based on the formula E = mc2".

In addition to Preston, a major player in the history of E = mc2 who deserves a
lot of credit is Olinto De Pretto (1904).

What makes this timing so suspicious is that Einstein was fluent in Italian, he
was reviewing papers written by Italian physicists and his best friend was
Michele Besso, a Swiss Italian. Clearly, Einstein (1905b) would have had access
to the literature and the competence to read it. In "Einstein's E = mc2 'was
Italian's idea'" (Carroll, 1999), we see clear evidence that De Pretto was ahead
of Einstein in terms of the formula E = mc2.

In terms of his understanding the vast amount of energy that could be released
with a small amount of mass, Preston (1875) can be credited with knowing this
before Einstein was born. Clearly, Preston was using the E = mc2 formula in his
work, because the value he determined - e.g., that one grain could lift a
100,000 ton object up to a height of 1.9 miles - yields the equation E = mc2.

According to Ives (1952), the derivation Einstein attempted of the formula E =
mc2 was fatally flawed because Einstein set out to prove what he assumed. This
is similar to the careless handling of the equations for radioactive decay which
Einstein derived. It turns out that Einstein mixed kinematics and mechanics, and
out popped the neutrino. The neutrino may be a mythical particle accidentally
created by Einstein (Carezani, 1999).

We have two choices with respect to neutrinos: there are at least 40 different
types or there are zero types.

Occam's razor rules here.

The Eclipse of 1919

There can be no clearer definition of scientific fraud than what went on in the
Tropics on May 29, 1919.

What is particularly clear is that Eddington fudged the solar eclipse data to
make the results conform to "Einstein's" work on general relativity. Poor
(1930), Brown (1967), Clark (1984) and McCausland (2001) all address the issues
surrounding this eclipse.

What makes the expeditions to Sobral and Principe so suspect is Eddington's
zealous support of Einstein, as can be seen in his statement,

"By standing foremost in testing, and ultimately verifying the 'enemy' theory,
our national observatory kept alive the finest traditions of science..."

(Clark, 1984)

In this instance, apparently Eddington was not familiar with the basic tenets of
science. His job was to collect data - not verify Einstein's theories.

Further evidence for the fraud can be deduced from Eddington's own statements
and the introduction to them provided by Clark (ibid., p. 285):

"May 29 began with heavy rain, which stopped only about noon. Not until 1.30 pm
when the eclipse had already begun did the party get its first glimpse of the
sun: 'We had to carry out our programme of photographs on faith...'"

Eddington reveals his true prejudice: he was willing to do anything to see that
Einstein was proved right.

But Eddington was not to be deterred:

"It looked as though the effort, so far as the Principe expedition was
concerned, might have been abortive"; "We developed the photographs, two each
night for six nights after the eclipse. The cloudy weather upset my plans and I
had to treat the measures in a different way from what I intended; consequently
I have not been able to make any preliminary announcement of the result".

(Clark, ibid.)

Actually, Eddington's words speak volumes about the result. As soon as he found
one shred of evidence that was consistent with "Einstein's" general relativity
theory, he immediately proclaimed it as proof of the theory. Is this science?

Where were the astronomers when Eddington presented his findings? Did anyone
besides Eddington actually look at the photographic plates? Poor did, and he
completely repudiated the findings of Eddington. This should have given pause to
any ethical scientist.

Here are some quotes from Poor's summary:

"The mathematical formula, by which Einstein calculated his deflection of 1.75
seconds for light rays passing the edge of the sun, is a well known and simple
formula of physical optics"

"Not a single one of the fundamental concepts of varying time, or warped or
twisted space, of simultaneity, or of the relativity of motion is in any way
involved in Einstein's prediction of, or formulas for, the deflection of light"

"The many and elaborate eclipse expeditions have, therefore, been given a
fictitious importance. Their results can neither prove nor disprove the
relativity theory"

(Poor, 1930).

From Brown (1967), we learn that Eddington couldn't wait to get it out to the
world community that Einstein's theory was confirmed.

What Eddington based this on was a premature assessment of the photographic
plates. Initially, stars did "appear" to bend as they should, as required by
Einstein, but then, according to Brown, the unexpected happened: several stars
were then observed to bend in a direction transverse to the expected direction
and still others to bend in a direction opposite to that predicted by

The absurdity of the data collected during the Eclipse of 1919 was demonstrated
by Poor (1930), who pointed out that 85% of the data were discarded from the
South American eclipse due to "accidental error", i.e., it contradicted
Einstein's scale constant. By a strange coincidence, the 15% of the "good" data
were consistent with Einstein's scale constant. Somehow, the stars that did not
conform to Einstein's theories conveniently got temporarily shelved - and the
myth began.

So, based on a handful of ambiguous data points, 200 years of theory,
experimentation and observation were cast aside to make room for Einstein. Yet
the discredited experiment by Eddington is still quoted as gospel by Stephen
Hawking (1999).

It is difficult to comprehend how Hawking could comment that,

"The new theory of curved space-time was called general relativity. It was
confirmed in spectacular fashion in 1919, when a British expedition to West
Africa observed a slight shift in the position of stars near the sun during an
eclipse. Their light, as Einstein had predicted, was bent as it passed the sun.
Here was direct evidence that space and time were warped".

Does Hawking honestly believe that a handful of data points, massaged more
thoroughly than a side of Kobe beef, constitutes the basis for overthrowing a
paradigm that had survived over two centuries of acid scrutiny?

The real question, though, is:

"Where was Einstein in all this?"

Surely, by the time he wrote his 1935 paper, he must have known of the work of

"The actual stellar displacements, if real, do not show the slightest
resemblance to the predicted Einstein deflections: they do not agree in
direction, in size, or the rate of decrease with distance from the sun".

Why didn't he go on the record and address a paper that directly contradicted
his work? Why haven't the followers of Einstein tried to set the record straight
with respect to the bogus data of 1919?

What makes this so suspicious is that both the instruments and the physical
conditions were not conducive to making measurements of great precision. As
pointed out in a 2002 Internet article by the British Institute of Precise
Physics, the cap cameras used in the expeditions were accurate to only 1/25th of
a degree. This meant that just for the cap camera uncertainty alone, Eddington
was reading values over 200 times too precise.

McCausland (2001) quotes the former Editor of Nature, Sir John Maddox:

"They [Crommelin and Eddington] were bent on measuring the deflection of light"

"What is not so well documented is that the measurements in 1919 were not
particularly accurate"

"In spite of the fact that experimental evidence for relativity seems to have
been very flimsy in 1919, Einstein's enormous fame has remained intact and his
theory has ever since been held to be one of the highest achievements of human

It is clear that from the outset Eddington was in no way interested in testing
"Einstein's" theory; he was only interested in confirming it. One of the
motivating factors in Eddington's decision to promote Einstein was that both men
shared a similar political persuasion: pacifism.

To suggest that politics played no role in Eddington's glowing support of
Einstein, one need ask only one question:

"Would Eddington have been so quick to support Einstein if Einstein had been a

This is no idle observation. Eddington took his role as the great peacemaker
very seriously. He wanted to unite British and German scientists after World War
I. What better way than to elevate the "enemy" theorist Einstein to exalted
status? In his zeal to become peacemaker, Eddington lost the fundamental
objectivity that is the essential demeanor of any true scientist. Eddington
ceased to be a scientist and, instead, became an advocate for Einstein.

The obvious fudging of the data by Eddington and others is a blatant subversion
of scientific process and may have misdirected scientific research for the
better part of a century. It probably surpasses the Piltdown Man as the greatest
hoax of 20th century science.

The BIPP asked,

"Was this the hoax of the century?" and exclaimed, "Royal Society 1919 Eclipse
Relativity Report Duped World for 80 Years!"

McCausland stated that,

"In the author's opinion, the confident announcement of the decisive
confirmation of Einstein's general theory in November 1919 was not a triumph of
science, as it is often portrayed, but one of the most unfortunate incidents in
the history of 20th-century science".

It cannot be emphasized enough that the Eclipse of 1919 made Einstein, Einstein.
It propelled him to international fame overnight, despite the fact that the data
were fabricated and there was no support for general relativity whatsoever.

This perversion of history has been known about for over 80 years and is still
supported by people like Stephen Hawking and David Levy.

Summary and Conclusions

The general public tends to believe that scientists are the ultimate defenders
of ethics, that scientific rigor is the measure of truth. Little do people
realize how science is conducted in the presence of personality.

It seems that Einstein believed he was above scientific protocol. He thought he
could bend the rules to his own liking and get away with it; hang in there long
enough and his enemies would die off and his followers would win the day. In
science, the last follower standing wins - and gets to write history. In the
case of Einstein, his blatant and repeated dalliance with plagiarism is all but
forgotten and his followers have borrowed repeatedly from the discoveries of
other scientists and used them to adorn Einstein's halo.

Einstein's reputation is supported by a three-legged stool.

One leg is Einstein's alleged plagiarism. Was he a plagiarist?

The second leg is the physics community. What did they know about Einstein and
when did they know it?

The third leg is the media. Are they instruments of truth or deception when it
comes to Einstein?

Only time will tell.

The physics community is also supported by a three-legged stool.

The first leg is Einstein's physics

The second leg is cold fusion

The third leg is autodynamics

The overriding problem with a three-legged stool is that if only one leg is
sawed off, the stool collapses. There are at least three very serious
disciplines where it is predictable that physics may collapse.

Science is a multi-legged stool:

one leg is physics

a second leg is the earth sciences

a third, biology

a fourth, chemistry (e.g., cold fusion)

What will happen if, for the sake of argument, physics collapses? Will science


Bjerknes, C.J. (2002), Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist, XTX Inc.,
Dowers Grove.

Born, M. (1956), Physics in My Generation, Pergamon Press, London, p. 193.

Brown, G. Burniston (1967), "What is wrong with relativity?", Bull. of the Inst.
of Physics and Physical Soc., pp. 71-77.

Carezani, R. (1999), Autodynamics: Fundamental Basis for a New Relativistic
Mechanics, SAA, Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics.

Carroll, R., "Einstein's E = mc2 'was Italian's idea'", The Guardian, November
11, 1999.

Clark, R.W. (1984), Einstein: The Life and Times, Avon Books, New York.

De Pretto, O. (1904), "Ipotesi dell'etere nella vita dell'universo", Reale
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Feb. 1904, tomo LXIII, parte II,
pp. 439-500.

Einstein, A. (1905a), "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper" ("On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"), Annalen der Physik 17:37-65.

Einstein, A. (1905b), Does the Inertia of a Body Depend on its Energy Content?",
Annalen der Physik 18:639-641.

Einstein, A. (1907), "Über die vom Relativitätspringzip geforderte Trägheit der
Energie", Annalen der Physik 23(4):371-384 (quote on p. 373)

Einstein, A. (1935), "Elementary Derivation of the Equivalence of Mass and
Energy", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 61:223-230 (first delivered as The Eleventh
Josiah Willard Gibbs Lecture at a joint meeting of the American Physical Society
and Section A of the AAAS, Pittsburgh, December 28, 1934).

Hawking, S., "Person of the Century", Time Magazine, December 31, 1999.

Ives, H.E. (1952), "Derivation of the Mass-Energy Relation", J. Opt. Soc. Amer.

Keswani, G.H. (1965), "Origin and Concept of Relativity", Brit. J. Phil. Soc.

Mackaye, J. (1931), The Dynamic Universe, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, pp.

Maddox, J. (1995), "More Precise Solar-limb Light-bending", Nature 377:11.

Moody, R., Jr (2001), "Plagiarism Personified", Mensa Bull. 442(Feb):5.

Newton, Sir Isaac (1704), Opticks, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, p. cxv.

Nordman, C. (1921), Einstein et l'univers, translated by Joseph McCabe as
"Einstein and the Universe", Henry Holt and Co., New York, pp. 10-11, 16 (from
Bjerknes, 2002).

Poincaré, J.H. (1905), "The Principles of Mathematical Physics", The Monist,
vol. XV, no. 1, January 1905; from an address delivered before the International
Congress of Arts and Sciences, St Louis, September 1904.

Poor, C.L. (1930), "The Deflection of Light as Observed at Total Solar
Eclipses", J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 20:173-211.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Jules Henri Poincaré
(1854&endash;1912), at http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/p/poincare.htm

Webster, N. (1947), Webster's New International Dictionary of the English
Language, Second Edition, Unabridged, p. 1878.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09:06 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 
From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@... wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@...
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again. Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.       From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Here you are giving it another trolling try.
From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:53:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

I understand both of your points. DamnPlanetSaturn was simply trying to convey the essence of the quote across despite it being said by a jewish fraud. He is not promoting this individual as we all know Einstein is a plaguristic jew.

In order to maintain satanic integrity within the groups, spend more time after writing to think about what you just wrote so there will be no miscommunications between members.

Don, I firmly believe it will be much more beneficial to the groups if you tone down your reaction/s to what people/newbies say on these threads. The clergy are meant to guide us on our paths to godhead, not insult or belittle.

Satan and the demons do not want infighting. This much is understood.

Lucius O


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Here you are giving it another trolling try.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:53:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@... wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Thankfully, I do not share in your confusion.
From: Timothy <lucius.oria@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:07:31 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

  I understand both of your points. DamnPlanetSaturn was simply trying to convey the essence of the quote across despite it being said by a jewish fraud. He is not promoting this individual as we all know Einstein is a plaguristic jew.

In order to maintain satanic integrity within the groups, spend more time after writing to think about what you just wrote so there will be no miscommunications between members.

Don, I firmly believe it will be much more beneficial to the groups if you tone down your reaction/s to what people/newbies say on these threads. The clergy are meant to guide us on our paths to godhead, not insult or belittle.

Satan and the demons do not want infighting. This much is understood.

Lucius O


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Here you are giving it another trolling try.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:53:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

Anonymous, that is a key word.  Hail Satan!

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:55 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

  No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@... wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

The enemy does not feel that egroups are just "pixels" and "words are just wind." Given the thousands of people, jewry admits they hire from their tribe to conduct online activity and propaganda networks 24/7. All the times they have hacked our sites and egroups in the past. All the agents they have sent in month after month for years against us. Also the fact the jews make sure to corner and own the major media networks and educational systems. The power they put into their number one spell book, the bible and its programs.etc The millions killed over ideals and words that carry them into reality. The enemy spends all their time trying to control the words people speak and think in, as words are vocalized thoughts and the perceptions behind them. The jews have created a massive lexicon of termnology for their cultural marxist and other programs. They have conditioned into the mind of the masses very 1984 style. New Speak is New Think. If a person does not get this fact they are either very naive or a fool. And if a person does not like the discipline of knowledge and its expectations carried within it, we have here. They are always free to leave and waste others time. Bullshit is not tolerated. I am sure there is a Wicca group or other sundry yawning club you might like to entertain the blobs members within. With empty wittism and all.    
From: Light <yc28@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:24:01 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

  Anonymous, that is a key word.  Hail Satan!

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:55 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

  No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@... wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!

This is typical bullshitting - someone is mixing truth with lies by pushing jewish garbage, pretending to be soooooooooooooo advanced and knowledgeable (some people here are to promote themselves thus distracting our attention which should be paid to Satan, His Demons and our empowerment).

Alas, when one is exposed, he or she screams like little bitch 'no in-fights' and provides this quote that is abused by the invader - another blatant 'hint'.

Sadly, it is the troll/infiltrator that causes the strife and then turns the tables to prove its apparent innocence (just like a bloody kike).

Ch_3_coo, this is not about some fear of being punished, because if a person is genuine, there is no way that he or she would be "punished" - what for and for what? For being a genuine Satanist and asking relevant questions? For showing they are well mannered and considerate? Nope :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@... wrote:

No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@ wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Satan wants all of his people to work together and unite. We must put aside our personal differences and work together as a team. The Christian “God” and company work to create conflict, discord, and division among Satanists: Mark 3: 26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

Unity is of paramount importance, “One alone, together strong.” Satan DOES NOT APPROVE OF INFIGHTING between his people. Those who experience conflicts with a brother or sister in Satan should go to Satan concerning this and he will handle the situation. Those who throw curses at or slander other Satanists will invite the wrath of Beelzebub. Beelzebub handles those who create problems and disunity and the consequences can be quite unpleasant.

Source:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/COMMANDMENTS.htmlQuote is Father Satans commandmentSecond Part is written by High Priestess Maxine
I know you feel strongly about this Don but this is counter productive to Fathers cause.
Hail SatanHail Azazel
Hail BeelzebubHail Astaroth!

--- In [email protected], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
The enemy does not feel that egroups are just "pixels" and "words are just wind." Given the thousands of people, jewry admits they hire from their tribe to conduct online activity and propaganda networks 24/7. All the times they have hacked our sites and egroups in the past. All the agents they have sent in month after month for years against us.
Also the fact the jews make sure to corner
and own the major media networks and educational systems. The power they put into their number one spell book, the bible and its programs.etc The millions killed over ideals and words that carry them into reality.
The enemy spends all their time trying to control the words people speak and think in, as words are vocalized thoughts and the perceptions behind them. The jews have created a massive lexicon of termnology for their cultural marxist and other programs. They have conditioned into the mind of the masses very 1984 style. New Speak is New Think.
If a person does not get this fact they are either very naive or a fool.
And if a person does not like the discipline of knowledge and its expectations carried within it, we have here. They are always free to leave and waste others time. Bullshit is not tolerated. I am sure there is a Wicca group or other sundry yawning club you might like to
entertain the blobs members within. With empty wittism and all.
So clever of you referring to me indirectly as "a person". Since you don't seem to have the comprehensive ability let me clarify, I'm not saying the knowledge from here isn't valuable, but what is knowledge without action. Also this isn't the first time you've harassed someone because of a silly mistake, maybe you should think about it before you make yourself look bad and since you are a moderator here you make JoS look bad. I saw the Einstein quote and it made me wonder but I tried the meditation and it's legit so I overlooked it, maybe you should think before you accuse someone of being an infiltrator/jew/troll. And please I can't wait for a long angry witty response, or you may not let this go through at all, I don't care either way your words have no merit towards me.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

The enemy does not feel that egroups are just "pixels" and "words are just wind." Given the thousands of people, jewry admits they hire from their tribe to conduct online activity and propaganda networks 24/7. All the times they have hacked our sites and egroups in the past. All the agents they have sent in month after month for years against us.
Also the fact the jews make sure to corner and own the major media networks and educational systems. The power they put into their number one spell book, the bible and its programs.etc The millions killed over ideals and words that carry them into reality.
The enemy spends all their time trying to control the words people speak and think in, as words are vocalized thoughts and the perceptions behind them. The jews have created a massive lexicon of termnology for their cultural marxist and other programs. They have conditioned into the mind of the masses very 1984 style. New Speak is New Think.
If a person does not get this fact they are either very naive or a fool.
And if a person does not like the discipline of knowledge and its expectations carried within it, we have here. They are always free to leave and waste others time. Bullshit is not tolerated. I am sure there is a Wicca group or other sundry yawning club you might like to entertain the blobs members within. With empty wittism and all.

From: Light <yc28@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:24:01 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Anonymous, that is a key word.

Hail Satan!

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:55 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@ wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Rule #2 on the JoS egroup home page:
"2. People who sympathise with and/or *support* the enemies of Satan- [The Jews, Christians and Muslims]- WILL BE BANNED! "
Yes, by now, you've made it clear that you only meant to hold the merit of the words contained within the quote itself.....but frankly, anything that has to do with the jews, as a *rising* Satanist, should make you cringe. You should have left the quote anonymous, and quite honestly, I can't think of an argument to counteract that fact.
You could have at least admitted to that, rather than keeping your sense of pride and defending your mistake.
Btw Ch_3_coo, "making the JoS look bad"? How would the JoS have looked if none of the moderators said anything about it?
"I don't care either way your words have no merit towards me."  So, your saying that the words of one of Father Satan's High Priests, might I say one who has written some of the most lengthy and informative articles and takes the time out of his day to respond to many inquiries on here, means nothing to you?
Ch_3_coo and RipS_Francois, do you REALLY believe the Clergy would bash another Satanists just because he or she is asking questions?

I have been here for some time (4 years actually) so I have seen hundreds of people who are trolls or infiltrators. Their agenda is ALWAYS the same - post direct or indirect bs, confuse newbs and/or promote themselves as some holier than Satan 'Satanists'. It is they who cause infights, and whenever they're exposed, they quote the Al-Jilwah and blame the Clergy that THEY harass those morons, while others remain oblivious of the fact what is really UNDERNEATH the issue. Remaining in this state of ignorance is what the offender WANTS so that he or she looks (apparently) innocent and the Clergy looks bad. You know what it reminds me of? Hitler vs. the jews. This is EXACTLY the same. You see the surface but not the bottom of the case. This is another feature of this world - jump the gun without any reflections.

You seem relatively new so you have not seen much regarding infiltrators and their tactics. HP Don has been here longer so he can see it through.

Now, the question remains, are you simply blind or do you support the jewish crap on purpose? Because this is what this thread is REALLY about. Posting the enemy knowledge and/or promoting jewry is NOT a SILLY mistake.


Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@... wrote:

So clever of you referring to me indirectly as "a person". Since you don't seem to have the comprehensive ability let me clarify, I'm not saying the knowledge from here isn't valuable, but what is knowledge without action. Also this isn't the first time you've harassed someone because of a silly mistake, maybe you should think about it before you make yourself look bad and since you are a moderator here you make JoS look bad. I saw the Einstein quote and it made me wonder but I tried the meditation and it's legit so I overlooked it, maybe you should think before you accuse someone of being an infiltrator/jew/troll. And please I can't wait for a long angry witty response, or you may not let this go through at all, I don't care either way your words have no merit towards me.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The enemy does not feel that egroups are just "pixels" and "words are just wind." Given the thousands of people, jewry admits they hire from their tribe to conduct online activity and propaganda networks 24/7. All the times they have hacked our sites and egroups in the past. All the agents they have sent in month after month for years against us.
Also the fact the jews make sure to corner and own the major media networks and educational systems. The power they put into their number one spell book, the bible and its programs.etc The millions killed over ideals and words that carry them into reality.
The enemy spends all their time trying to control the words people speak and think in, as words are vocalized thoughts and the perceptions behind them. The jews have created a massive lexicon of termnology for their cultural marxist and other programs. They have conditioned into the mind of the masses very 1984 style. New Speak is New Think.
If a person does not get this fact they are either very naive or a fool.
And if a person does not like the discipline of knowledge and its expectations carried within it, we have here. They are always free to leave and waste others time. Bullshit is not tolerated. I am sure there is a Wicca group or other sundry yawning club you might like to entertain the blobs members within. With empty wittism and all.

From: Light <yc28@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:24:01 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Anonymous, that is a key word.

Hail Satan!

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:55 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@ wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Actually Don is being strict about Satanic Creed, which I totally agree with. Weaklings, cowards and especialy lazy ass people who dont do anything with their souls or body, or come up with their `own` schizo ideas of Satanism or sayin something little positive bout jewry can honestly FUCK OFF!!!
Satan does not accept everyone. Only those who are born king shall know victory through downfalls in life, the weak will perish. And confusion is indeed something jews are good at! Satan values honesty as so do I. I remember some idiots in the group discussing about faeries and vampires or even wherewolves to be real:-/!?
They need a reality check for sure, nature is simple; only the strongest survive. What also irritates me is some members are delusional
and believe the Gods do everything for them, for example laziness skipping meditations plus low self esteem, lacking pride. These people Father Satan and the Gods dont need or like. Dont like it read JOS sermons of Maxine carefully! There is a difference with a strong person with Kundalini ascended and a weak person: the weak will go nuts. For all who agree with JOS and Blacksun plus the High Priest/esses and this message a Big Hail Satan and to His coming Fourth Reich!!!
POn Sun, Sep 23, 2012 19:54 CEST Don Danko wrote:

Thankfully, I do not share in your confusion.

From: Timothy <lucius.oria@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:07:31 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I understand both of your points. DamnPlanetSaturn was simply trying to convey the essence of the quote across despite it being said by a jewish fraud. He is not promoting this individual as we all know Einstein is a plaguristic jew.

In order to maintain satanic integrity within the groups, spend more time after writing to think about what you just wrote so there will be no miscommunications between members.

Don, I firmly believe it will be much more beneficial to the groups if you tone down your reaction/s to what people/newbies say on these threads. The clergy are meant to guide us on our paths to godhead, not insult or belittle.

Satan and the demons do not want infighting. This much is understood.

Lucius O


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Here you are giving it another trolling try.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:53:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
Ok. I feel I should say this.

There has been a lot of bickering here. Now, I am not normally on the site but I've subscribed for emails of each post.

1) I understand warning and telling infiltrators are not welcome here. But think about it. Father and the Gods watch and help the individuals truly open to learning and are actively empowering themselves. Therefore, bickering back and forth non-stop is not going to solve much. A truly dedicated and self-empowering person will be fine regardless, and the information on joyofsatan.org is all there. - Personally, I rarely if ever pay attention to this. The empowered and the Gods would know who are infiltrators and they would most likely take action.

2) Read the websites yet be open to learning and experiencing yourself. I have learned of many allegories, texts, kabbalic formulas in many scriptures which can be used when one has the necessary foundation (I'm getting there), also of some symbols, even why they are included in enemy texts. - This will clear much up. When in doubt experience first hand, wait, or ask for help.

3) Empower yourself and again try things yourself. I do this. I have gone through times where I have doubted Father and the Gods, yet it seems they never truly left me. I was practicing the kabbalah the other day and I was given instructions. - I never sided with the enemy however.

4) I'm pretty sure if it were such a big deal the gods would be informing those who should and would post about potentially dangerous infiltrators. - Just now, I heard one say "I would." Mind you, I'm still empowering myself but I can hear astrally at times.

You can agree or disagree, i just felt this should be posted.

To: [email protected]
From: siguarddraconis@...
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 19:31:57 +0000
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

  This is typical bullshitting - someone is mixing truth with lies by pushing jewish garbage, pretending to be soooooooooooooo advanced and knowledgeable (some people here are to promote themselves thus distracting our attention which should be paid to Satan, His Demons and our empowerment).

Alas, when one is exposed, he or she screams like little bitch 'no in-fights' and provides this quote that is abused by the invader - another blatant 'hint'.

Sadly, it is the troll/infiltrator that causes the strife and then turns the tables to prove its apparent innocence (just like a bloody kike).

Ch_3_coo, this is not about some fear of being punished, because if a person is genuine, there is no way that he or she would be "punished" - what for and for what? For being a genuine Satanist and asking relevant questions? For showing they are well mannered and considerate? Nope :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@... wrote:

No one should consider a debate "in fighting", especially in an e-group where we're all mostly anonymous. It seems like there's a fear of offending anyone on here because they're afraid of being punished. I'm all for good manners not superficiality. "Words are wind," egroups are pixels. Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@ wrote:

Don Please just give it a rest. Your not even making any sense. I apologized for writing a quote about Einstien. That I guess was good enough for you. So I was merely saying I dont WANT to bicker like little children back and forth. It was not a threat. Satan does not want infighting and either do I.

Basically I was backing out of this conversation. Because I want nothing more to do with it and its a waste of my time. Im going through an acsension right now and I barely have time to even post things of importance. So, this is my last remark, comment, bicker, complain, talk, email, whatever. I just dont care!! ok.

I have no way of making up for what I did. So then im just damned. So Apprently I have two choices. Either one I go cry in a corner about it. Or two I move on, realize I made a mistake and continue forward. What in the HELL do you want me to do exactly?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

So here you are posting up jewish supremacy, and then after admitting to the fact you knew what you where damn well doing. Pretend to apologize in one sentence and in the next go right back to pushing it again.
Then when I have to address this behaviour twice now. You compare it to bickering like a child and wish to invoke vealed threats in between some mealy mouthed, false compliments.

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:31:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


Ok well Im not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. However, I respect your opinion. If this is the case I suppose the only solution is to drop it. So that this supposed kike supporting post can come to an end. I will Post a revised version.

I would apologize again, but aparently there is no room for error here. So it would inevitably be pointless.

Bickering back and forth like little children will not solve anything. For that would be infighting and I do not wish to deal with Beelzelbub. So if you have any ideas of that, let me make this very clear that I have no intentions of joining you. A man as intelligent as you will see this.

So lets just move on.

And ofcourse as always. Hail Satan!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No excuses you stated you know what this kike is and still prop it up as something great.  Here you are below literally doing it again. 

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:26:24 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I dont like Einstien. I am aware he is a plagaristic Jew. It was merely a simple quote that I think has some merit. Not because it is of him, but simply because the quote itself is good. I dont like to take things and say O I said this, when its somebody elses quote. Which inevitably is what he proboly did.

I was just trying to explain how everything suddenly felt so simple. Then I noticed the words in quotes of others. I realized that others had experienced the same thing. I apologize for the quote.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Light <yc28@ wrote:

And i just noticed the quote from Einstein wonder why... But cool stuff anyways i am trying them out...

Hail Satan!

From: Light <yc28@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

That is understandable, cool, motivational and awesome! I have to thank you now about the meditations that you posted, really cool.

Hail Satan!

From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 2:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Serpent Opens Your Eyes


I see now how this works. Once your kundalini begins to rise, which is very intense and you will have no doubt when it happens. Your mind is suddenly open and you understand. A risen Satanist does not go, Im risen thats cool but how do I do this?

You will simply know. Your mind flashes so much information I have to go Void almost all day. I learned how to do some fifty advanced meditations, and learned how to mix things just within the first couple hours.

I became very over stimulated with energy the other day. My chakras feel like their burning a hole through me. This is when I learned that if at my level these meditations are way overempowering, unless you are at the level to do them, you definetely do not need to be doing them. If you are at the level to do them you would know of them.
So there is a good reason why these meditations should not be posted.

However if theres something I find that Im told to post again, I will make sure to do so. I really want to do all I can to help.

Lastly, I feel like I should write here about the Necronomicon Meditations. Ask Your Guardian to help you decode These as they are very powerful and importatnt.

O yes one more thing. Physical contact with the Gods. Before my Initial Rising I started experiencing this. You close your eyes and enter a trance. Then suddenly its as if your eyes were open, the room looks the same except you actually see the God there and hear him. Very exciting. Basically, get to risen from there its easy. Before risen, thats the hard part. I use to think that once I was Risen I would still need help or something. To become Risen meditate consistently untill you reach a high enough advancement and Satan wills it to rise.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Once you fully understand something it is incredibly easy. The people who try to make it all profound dont really understand it.


Hail Satan!!
I pretty much agree with the fact that everything Kikestein came up with was either stolen or was maliciously intended to put the kabosh on science and technology.  Why don't we have faster than light travel?  Kikestein said you can't go faster than light, that's why.  Instead, we waste our time studying how to go through black holes and wormholes that may not even exist.  Parallel universes?  Another Kikestein fraud, intended to waste spirituality-building time speculating on something that probably doesn't even exist.  I believe it may be possible for multiple higher dimensions to exist, but not parallel universes. Whatever Kikestein said is pretty much a lie.  Would you quote something from the LIE[/B]-ble and present it as fact?  Would you quote something from Christi-SCAM[/B]-ity or PISS[/B]-lam as fact?  Probably not.  Kikestein is to science what Christi-SCAM[/B]-ity and PISS[/B]-lam is to religion.
--- In [email protected], Alex Seville <devillian413@... wrote:

Rule #2 on the JoS egroup home page:

"2. People who sympathise with and/or *support* the enemies of Satan- [The
Jews, Christians and Muslims]- WILL BE BANNED! "

Yes, by now, you've made it clear that you only meant to hold the merit of
the words contained within the quote itself.....but frankly, anything that
has to do with the jews, as a *rising* Satanist, should make you cringe.
You should have left the quote anonymous, and quite honestly, I can't think
of an argument to counteract that fact.

You could have at least admitted to that, rather than keeping your sense of
pride and defending your mistake.

Btw Ch_3_coo, "making the JoS look bad"? How would the JoS have looked if
none of the moderators said anything about it?

"I don't care either way your words have no merit towards me."
So, your saying that the words of one of Father Satan's High Priests, might
I say one who has written some of the most lengthy and informative articles
and takes the time out of his day to respond to many inquiries on here,
means nothing to you?
It's what a person does for the good of SS that matters, not if a few egos get bruised. All the sermons HP Don has posted, especially in the BlackSun666 egroup regarding the truth of the White race, weeding out all the lies that we have been taught by the enemy, that took a lot of hard work on his part.

Harsh words can bounce off, knowledge is treasure.

Hail Father Satan1

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Alex Seville <devillian413@... wrote:

Rule #2 on the JoS egroup home page:

"2. People who sympathise with and/or *support* the enemies of Satan- [The
Jews, Christians and Muslims]- WILL BE BANNED! "

Yes, by now, you've made it clear that you only meant to hold the merit of
the words contained within the quote itself.....but frankly, anything that
has to do with the jews, as a *rising* Satanist, should make you cringe.
You should have left the quote anonymous, and quite honestly, I can't think
of an argument to counteract that fact.

You could have at least admitted to that, rather than keeping your sense of
pride and defending your mistake.

Btw Ch_3_coo, "making the JoS look bad"? How would the JoS have looked if
none of the moderators said anything about it?

"I don't care either way your words have no merit towards me."
So, your saying that the words of one of Father Satan's High Priests, might
I say one who has written some of the most lengthy and informative articles
and takes the time out of his day to respond to many inquiries on here,
means nothing to you?
Rule#8 Please be polite- flaming will not be tolerated.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Alex Seville <devillian413@... wrote:

Rule #2 on the JoS egroup home page:

"2. People who sympathise with and/or *support* the enemies of Satan- [The
Jews, Christians and Muslims]- WILL BE BANNED! "

Yes, by now, you've made it clear that you only meant to hold the merit of
the words contained within the quote itself.....but frankly, anything that
has to do with the jews, as a *rising* Satanist, should make you cringe.
You should have left the quote anonymous, and quite honestly, I can't think
of an argument to counteract that fact.

You could have at least admitted to that, rather than keeping your sense of
pride and defending your mistake.

Btw Ch_3_coo, "making the JoS look bad"? How would the JoS have looked if
none of the moderators said anything about it?

"I don't care either way your words have no merit towards me."
So, your saying that the words of one of Father Satan's High Priests, might
I say one who has written some of the most lengthy and informative articles
and takes the time out of his day to respond to many inquiries on here,
means nothing to you?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
