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The Path Towards The Godhead: Happiness Of The Righteous

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Bright Truth said:
I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.

A common misconception that many humans have, is that the more ignorance for a person, the more 'happy' they are. In this sense, this is like calling a painter without eyes or eyes that cannot discern color, as a happy painter. Their concerns about their art would be less.

The more one sees, understands, or comprehends about painting, the more one may find mistakes, want to do corrections, will be able to imagine better things, and utilize better methods.

If one could also only see one color, they would assume that that's all there is to life. This is how many human beings think. For example, to many, pleasure is a thing that they understand only on the lower spheres of mind.

If one then becomes able to see more colors, only seeing let's say red, will then start looking null to them. At first, they might even think that seeing more colors is some sort of illness. Eventually the beauty will be understood as the mind expands.

The more the mind grows, the situation is similar. In fact, a lot of knowledge and awakening, like a birth, can come at first with pain. It's a shattering pain to understand many things in this world and life.

You feel like you are carrying burden at this level. If anything, this burden can be crashing, because you understand a lot of things others don't.

The untrained mind brought to training, the obese body exercising towards health, the dull mind being sharpened by reading - all of these react and one feels the resistance at first. One might even feel upset over this, or even sad.

However, as one advances, they understand that these pains of labor are only a part of nature. If anything, they also represent a very beautiful part of nature, which simply because our culture is retarded and created by very low level humans, we cannot comprehend more of life.

A common lie, is that "happiness" is the sole aim of existence. The lie second to it, is that happiness is just an emotional state of just feeling what we broadly refer to as "happy". When people chase this, they find out that this was untrue, no matter how much they achieve in life. Millionaires and billionaires have had everything that was claimed to make them the happiest people, or give them the lasting happiness, others had partners, others have fell in love with ignorance thing this was the key.

By definition, these physical humans that are only engrossed on the lower dreams, cannot experience any lasting true happiness. The first level of our development is in the Samsara and there we only see shadows of happiness here and there.

They could have everything this planet could offer a thousand times, yet because of the cyclical aspect of the lower consciousness, they might be happy to an extent, but not experience true, in-depth wellbeing.

In a sense, women undergo of this pain when they do the most beautiful thing on this earth, which is to give rise to new life. The pain goes away as the life grows. Then it is forgotten and a thing of the past. The only thing that remains is one's beautiful child.

The same is the situation with consciousness. As much as our consciousness grows, our past self and past ignorance is broken. Oftentimes, it shouts and complaints in the worst way, because our present smaller ego is maimed with it.

In the Ancient Greeks there was a myth of the black and white horse. Respectively, these horses represent the logic and the emotions. These two forces are never at ease with one another. To illustrate an example:

You want to go to the gym. Part of you always doesn't want to go, it wants you to be lazy and to sit down. Then, if you satisfy the entropic end of the mind and sit your ass down, your logical mind starts to complain: "but if I sit down i'll lose my gym day and never have the body that I want!". Then, if you get up to go to the gym, the other part of the mind strikes again "maybe it's not that important to go anyway".

No matter what decision you make, one part of you will be disappointed. The part you want to always disappoint is this part of the soul that wants you to remain an eternal worthless slob.

After this part of the mind is tamed properly, then it will start giving you incentives to do the things that you want, not the other way around. But to bring this to that level, you need to whip it and bring it into place. In the myths, this is the taming of a very wild horse. It can only take you to places after you tame it. The more you deny taming it, the less places you will be able to go.

Those who ignore this battle get nowhere in existence, and the entropic and negative forces of nature overtake them, causing depression and all sorts of inner destruction.

Those who are true lovers of truth and power, will take this pain and complaints from the inferior part of the mind, and decide that this pain is more worthwhile than a lifetime of ignorance.

In fact, for the true Satanic soul, it would be an impossibility to be blissfully ignorant or be content with utterly failing.

The moral outlook that leads a person to Satanism in the first place, is more about love of knowledge and power, and truth, rather than love of convenient ignorance.

Strangely, the Satanist always starts as a camel: the heavy burden of ignorance, suddenly starts hurting the back of the asleep. Then, it becomes back breaking. A Spiritual Satanist has to be a strong camel first and foremost...But why?

Because the first power here is this: To endure.

Progressively, despite the pain, you realize all this effort is slowly turning you into something. In the beginning you don't really see it, but it becomes clearer with time...You start to see glimpses of the lion that is going to be. In the beginning this is only little flashes, here, there, almost too little to believe you will even get there. As you hold the burden, these visions are only appearing little. The burden increases, but the visions don't seem to increase in the beginning.

Because of the burden kept, and how you have carried it for long, you develop power. The more this happens, you grow stronger and stronger...Eventually you see more of the lion everyday. It is the result of what was previously hated, the first pleasant fruit of overcoming.

At this level, obstacles are starting to be conquered. Opposition starts to look easier to move above. You start to win against what used to burden you, when this path is taken seriously. Slowly but assuredly, the stronger aspect of the soul and of the human spirit, comes to your rescue.

The battle against yourself start earning you victories. The camel that loved it's burden, now is also becoming a lion that starts to love it's strength. But how would the lion ever arrive if it were not for the burdened camel?

It says while coming: "I am here to help you with your burdens". It never would appear to you if you had no burdens. For this reason, those who have no burdens at all, and always seek the most convenient routes, are never lions: Because they were never camels.

Then, the question arises: But I have learned to endure, and I have learned to overcome and to fight. What more is there to learn, if anything?

And here arises the secret of this path: a very obvious, but well kept secret in this path. This is when you finally turn into a child, fresh and new, and born anew. Nietzsche had a glimpse of this.

What was I or have ever been here for so long, but a camel? And how many camels have there been, and how many lions?

And how much joy inside all of it, that one is finally advancing?

In the Gita of the Hindus, it's related that those who advance far in meditation, will open the "Well of Life" and also the Pineal Gland and the 3rd eye. The levels of bliss bestowed upon an individual, will never be experienced by normal human beings.

They are undeserving, so the Great Goddess will lock the door for these individuals. They will be condemned to only experience the lowest joys in life, and even these, will not sit with them. Their life will be a painting without all the detail that it could be.

They will endure, and like a bacterium that feasts on enduring, they will transmute these that others called a "hardship" into gold. To others this will appear like a mystery. The suffering of overcoming the self has become a way of life, and with it, power will increase.

The event of awakening "The Great Goddess", is extolled with the greatest and most beautiful words, such as drinking the divine milk and honey, or being blessed by the divine cows and bathed in "butter" [the secretion of the gland]. Further words are added on how all pains will go away, how every part of the soul will heal.

The serenity and peace that this path will bring to a human, is beyond compare to anything one has experienced before. The joy of settling one's mind, gaining control of it, and cleaning it out of dross, is the sweetest taste of the universe, and it will make a person appreciative of being a human being.

More and more one goes into this path, you will be seeing the difference between your own clean soul and that unclean of others who are ignoring everything in "Blissful ignorance".

In the higher levels of this path, the righteous are rewarded with extreme bliss and understanding. This bliss is also physical, mental, and spiritual, at the same time.

You will become a child, a lion, and a camel in this path: It is all according to the master plan of awakening the human soul and bringing it to perfection.

You will suffer, you will die, you will be in bliss, and resurrect. You will above all, have a soul that is alive.

When this light is awakened within, no external darkness will scare you or put you down, and everything you are going to see as another part of an unfolding script of a darkness that is going to be defeated.

Wars will feel weightless, and life will look most innocent. The pleasure of the righteous is the gift of the revelation of this path.

Satan reveals Himself in the Seventh Heaven.

The vigor and innocence of childhood, the power of a lion, and the enduring power of the camel, all have now been mastered:

The creation of creations is complete, the purpose of purposes has been achieved: Man is walking towards the Godhead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood and experienced this under other terms, as already stated many times, that the duality of things needs to exists in every fragmentation. The pain of the most horrible life events in any life is nothing to a SS, if advancing. In the way that the pain and hard reality, will and should be by far experienced already in spiritual journeys.

If one meditates upon himself, upon the Serpent. I doubt the Serpent won't show the reality. The reality by Serpent incentive is far worse than you'll ever experience in terms of "the realization" of pain, and also of bliss, by linear human experience.

The violent nature of the realization in spiritual interactions and advancing of the counciousness is far far more amplified versus the mere linear experience of life. The realization of the heaviness of the souls for one, makes you indiferent to the smaller pains of life, which are to be experienced. The tragedy of one is only a simple needle to other and so on. This leveling of the scales is also never ending, and the "pain" and "bliss" are a given to the amount one is dedicated to life itself.

The most painful thing however is not anything but being guilty of own pain, undoing and ignorance. Not even the death of another one is greater than that, if anything it is just an egotistical approach to pain and life.

The most basic and almost absurd thing to hear to this is "Deal with it". Do that and move on. When you are up there, move on again and again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A common misconception that many humans have, is that the more ignorance for a person, the more 'happy' they are...
I particularly hate when people say that they supposedly would not want to be immortal because the enemy basically told humanity for centuries that immortality is something bad and unnatural. These people when asked if they would want to be immortal would probably answer something like "I would not want to see everyone else die" or either "It would get boring". This is for the most part Hollywood's fault, as there are plenty of movies and series where the theme of immortality gets explored by one or more immortal characters than carry this trait like if it was a burden. First example coming to my mind is the character Cain from the popular TV series Lucifer, which I guess it's cool that they explore a non-evil version of Lucifer, but everything else is just straight garbage. Even Highlander has the same theme if I remember well. Holy fuck, what a horrible message that movie has, these immortal beings fighting each other and the prize is mortality.
This path is definitely difficult at first, and I still have to master being a camel. It's as you say, I have seen glimpses of the lion within.

I have also seen the effects of not striving to be better than a camel. Consequences come on their own. With no one to blame but one's self.

It feels as if nature is taking on the role of a father. Even in my darkest days, I feel like I'm not alone.

I've learned to be thankful for my prominent chart placement of Saturn. It keeps me from straying too far, and smacks me across the face when I'm not giving my life the effort it deserves.

Great, much needed sermon, High Priest.

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A good friend of mine has been a coward and ruled by fear of change for a long time. I desperately want him to feel the things you mentioned here. He's been denying hard work In meditation for years even with all the encouragement. Is there any hope for these stubborn guys who are scared to commit? And what can I do to help, am I wasting my time here?


There is hope for everyone it's just that people have to get over this progressively and just leave these previous wrong setups behind. This can happen but they have to actively go after this, it doesn't happen on it's own, neither other people can do it. Other people can definitely help lots however.

In this case if you pressuring him is of no use, they might as well be left and experience the outcome of their own decision which was inertia. This might be seriously negative for them, and they will understand it. Everyone does eventually.

If you are a better example then they will follow up easier.
Great sermon. I was just re-reading that part you mentioned in Thus Spoke Zarathustra today. Whenever i feel like "is the pain worth it?" is starting to set itself in me, i remember this three transformations. End goal feels like justification for everything and gives me energy to push myself again and again in every path i take. Thank you for the encouraging sermon, this one will definitely stick with me for years.
I already intuitively understood and knew at the last part about this. I always remembered that teaching in my soul. What I didn't know was that this had much to do with spirituality I thought it was just a mindset or philosophy that you can convert people into. Tried on just about evetyone not always even bringing up the spiritual and almost always failed to get anyone to grasp what I was pushing for.

I guess this comes with being on a higher spiritual level. Which I was a higher vibration always and had a higher level of consciousness but kind of blocked in spiritual abilities and power. I still have to work on that part.
As always, thanks for the great post HP. Posts like this always remember me of my past and present self aside from reminding me to persevere on this path. A little backstory, I had a weak, fragile body as a child with some pathologies. But I wanted to be like other kids, as in doing the same toxic crap to myself like other kids did, I also was heavily addicted to videogaming and porn that I ignored going to the toilet. And at some point, my health went down the cliff, I was having dialysis sessions 3 times a week waiting for a kidney donor, and this continued for years. Exactly at this time around, when I was weak, unable to do anything for those who I care about, the ones I love were hurt by friends and family alike, abused by those in power and those who had money, and the sense of growing uselessness and frustration led me to seeking ways to heal myself, which eventually brought me here, because the only way to heal myself for me was the occult. As soon as I started the 40 days meditation program and dedicated my soul, the hospital called me telling me they found a donor. Walking this path made me realize many things, but most important of all, it taught me how to stay strong, and be even more stronger, in all possible ways. I'm already a lot stronger than when I started on this path, I had trouble doing the breathing exercises and yoga or to practice daily, I couldn't properly organize my time around it, as I sometimes let the passive part of my mind take control and was procrastinating. Also, stretching, holding my breath and emptying my lungs felt so hard at start, but looking back now, my mind and body were just adjusting, as I had less and less difficulties as I started taking control and started meditating and doing yoga on a daily basis without sitting back.
This is the best sermon I have ever read in my life. I hope I get there (the Godhead).

Hail Satan!
I once had a friend whose father was an entrepreneur. He would start with an idea and build a business around it. When that business was worth $1,000,000 he would sell it and start all over again barely touching the money he made from previous businesses. When asked why he didn’t just keep growing the original idea and expand, he said because the challenge makes me happy, not the final goal. He has plenty of friends who are rich and living off of their investments and have nothing to do and they are miserable. It’s the journey.
Great sermon, thank you! :D

I have noticed that when working on my pineal gland, I will randomly feel good throughout random parts of the day (and think to myself "I feel happy for some reason!").

I know people who are interested in meditation, but unfortunately they can't see the end goal, so all they care about is doing magick for money, or overcoming a personal problem (eg a psychological trauma - things that would be overcome anyway by cleaning and empowering the aura and chakras).

On another note... There is this song whose lyrics really make me think of our Family here. Especially the chorus:
We are the warriors who learned to love the pain
We come from different places but have the same name
'Cause we were, 'cause we were
'Cause we were, 'cause we were
Born for this, we were born for this
We are the broken ones who chose to spark a flame
Watch as our fire rages, our hearts are never tame
'Cause we were, 'cause we were
'Cause we were, 'cause we were
Born for this, we were born for this
The song is called "Born for this" by "The Score".

Another song of them makes me strongly think of us and the enemy (it's called "Stronger" by the same band). I don't know if the singer is a jew... but god damnit, their lyrics are insanely powerful.

I don't know about you folks, but I find that songs can very often give a person strength to go on when all hope seems lost.
thebigcheesesixmillion said:

Depends on what exactly he fears. If by fear of change, you mean from an earth-based perspective, then maybe playing on the ideas of him being neglectful or irresponsible of his advancement might spur him (if he already knows the power of the soul).

You can also show him how there are runes for his problem(s). Sowilo yields victory, success, and confidence, so what does he have to fear? Fehu can secure his material existence if that is what he would rather work on. Nauthiz can help in the development of a proper work ethic and facing the reality of things.

I would not say you are wasting your time, but you do have to prioritize. There are people elsewhere who may quickly jump onboard JOS, but simply are unaware and only need a link, or some rudimentary guidance.

You might need to just tell him that you feel like he is getting left behind and you don't want that to happen to him. Perhaps get him to open up and elaborate on his feelings more, then go from there. Maybe simply read or link this post to him.
I thought about self care/caring for self 2 days ago. I came up with 3 aspects.
The first is pleasure, pleasure is important.
The second is nurturing. And this has to do with making sure one'self is not lack, is healthy, is having. A good outlook on one'self.
The Third is about the future. And this is where pain and sacrifice is necessary because there is a price to pay for growth, for progress, and so if one must move forward, they should embrace the pain if there is any just to get to the goal. Getting there and becoming better will bring the happiness.
I observed that all these is Love towards one'self.

Thank you HP! :)
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
Great sermon. I was just re-reading that part you mentioned in Thus Spoke Zarathustra today. Whenever i feel like "is the pain worth it?" is starting to set itself in me, i remember this three transformations. End goal feels like justification for everything and gives me energy to push myself again and again in every path i take. Thank you for the encouraging sermon, this one will definitely stick with me for years.

To remember, all I have to do is remember ;the Camel, the Lion and The Child. This Sermon means alot to me.
This was very motivational for me. The translation project is putting a lot of pressure on me. Im that Camel for now. Some days i want to giveup but my logical mind fights it.This has been going on for some time now. For some reason i feel pressured to complete it quickly and thats not gonna work. It takes a lot of mental effort for me to sit down and do it as i should and its exacty as you say...I dont want to manually translate a 600 page book but i also really want to and the work that its takes is tremendous but the rewards for me personally out weighs it. Now its really just a test of endurance. Im gonna put some fire under this camels ass thank you HP Cobra this post is what i needed.
Captain666 said:
I once had a friend whose father was an entrepreneur. He would start with an idea and build a business around it. When that business was worth $1,000,000 he would sell it and start all over again barely touching the money he made from previous businesses. When asked why he didn’t just keep growing the original idea and expand, he said because the challenge makes me happy, not the final goal. He has plenty of friends who are rich and living off of their investments and have nothing to do and they are miserable. It’s the journey.
This is the cage of this current society, people's only motivation is money, and when they have the money they have nothing left to chase. If an SS with wisdom had that money he would then have the possibility of advancing without jewish monetary chains on his ankles.
Excellent sermon, as always. I have been experiencing more and more of this lately. I lived years struggling with myself, refusing to be conscious about myself, even though I knew deep inside me that this was the greatest blessing of all, some part of me thought of Satanism as some sort of "curse" because I couldn't live in the "normal" world knowing what I know... Yet I couldn't still improve. But what I failed to realize when I was younger is that such a life is not worth living in the first place, and believe me, I tried living as the NPC, even though I knew... And obviously I could never reach happiness and that never worked for me. I was too scared to look inside and conquer my own self. And in truth I never really understood what Satanism is all about. I just thought I did. And that always brought me to failure.

Lately I've realized that the only possible way for growth is to look deep inside and be conscious of what is happening and act upon it accordingly. Astrology helped a great deal. Both in being able to understand why what happened, happened, but also in identifying what could make it work. And it certainly did. I tuned into the positive aspects of Saturn and took advantage of the strong emphasis it has on my chart and made it my life mission to just keep enduring no matter what happens, even if I lose my motivation, my faith in myself, whatever happens, I keep pushing and doing what I'm supposed to do. There were times this was hard and looked somewhat pointless, but I kept pushing. The analogy of the camel and the lion is absolutely accurate. I know I have a long way to go, but the more serious I get about Satanism, more of the Lion reveals itself from the shadows it had been an entire lifetime.

Thank you for everything
I had problems with my ego when I was meditating and empowering myself before.

Like when my mind was sharp I despised people for being zombies. The judgements I would make of them because of my impatience of their slowness. I was always saying 'the lights are on but nobody's home.'

I know I must be egotistical and not even know it. But I was unhappy in my sense of power because I felt above those that lacked power and seemed more disoriented than me by not having the strong focused mind I had.

Aye this is a brilliant post on the pure side of spiritual development. But the ego is another problem when you become sharp minded and feel a sense of power.

Other problems were my emotions being very strong and out of control which obviously is a huge problem.
You shall find yourself and just release the inner tension. Satans seen me at the best and worst its the journey we embark on. As with weight of knowing search for truth we gain n loose eveyday until the embodiedment of self n truth is relised, have no goals for future. Enjoy the ride. I found for myself willing to go back n forth within earth without orion no matter the vast differences of worlds as we stand will it be together. Perhaps ill enjoy the times of not reaching godhead but perhaps ill shall or not shall live again.

Plus whats everyones view of the moment or reincarnation? For me my past lives future lives all lead down the same rabbit hole, in this moment all rolled up into me as i live and breathe. Eg tried the meditations etc all i get is earth void when focusing on past or future renditions of me.
Peace be unto me and warm intent to face the worlds
My little son, who loves Loki more than more brilliant gods like Thor and Odin, heard the legend of the Chimera. He was angry that the hero had imprisoned her in the bowels of the mountain and had long dreamed of freeing her ... Why does a little child love a "monster" with a lion's body, a goat's head and a snake's tail ??? Why he choose a hero who is evil and dark ??? He cried to free Chimera and is 8. In general, after the situation with my son, I thought for a long time and I was stunned by the thought that all three animals (snake, goat and lion ) are present in the main horoscope of my son (ascendant, sun and year of birth. I do not believe in chance, do you?
When I realized this, my whole body vibrated and I cannot understand the reason. My skin was covered with goose bumps and I wanted to cry (but I held back the tears, because I didn't want to worry my son. After all, he really feels me and worries about me. He gets upset when I feel bad, so I hid my tears.He is very gentle and loves animals, but cold and harsh with those who intrude into his space. He is gentle and light at home and very harsh and cruel with strangers. Of course, part of this is my satanic upbringing, but to love a monster instead of a hero and cry with anger because it is still impossible to free her ??? Any child would choose a hero. I know. Our landing party is already landing ... And now I am sure - my son is one of them ... Thank you for being here and supporting our spirit. Please be with us. We really need you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.

A common misconception that many humans have, is that the more ignorance for a person, the more 'happy' they are. In this sense, this is like calling a painter without eyes or eyes that cannot discern color, as a happy painter. Their concerns about their art would be less.

The more one sees, understands, or comprehends about painting, the more one may find mistakes, want to do corrections, will be able to imagine better things, and utilize better methods.

If one could also only see one color, they would assume that that's all there is to life. This is how many human beings think. For example, to many, pleasure is a thing that they understand only on the lower spheres of mind.

If one then becomes able to see more colors, only seeing let's say red, will then start looking null to them. At first, they might even think that seeing more colors is some sort of illness. Eventually the beauty will be understood as the mind expands.

The more the mind grows, the situation is similar. In fact, a lot of knowledge and awakening, like a birth, can come at first with pain. It's a shattering pain to understand many things in this world and life.

You feel like you are carrying burden at this level. If anything, this burden can be crashing, because you understand a lot of things others don't.

The untrained mind brought to training, the obese body exercising towards health, the dull mind being sharpened by reading - all of these react and one feels the resistance at first. One might even feel upset over this, or even sad.

However, as one advances, they understand that these pains of labor are only a part of nature. If anything, they also represent a very beautiful part of nature, which simply because our culture is retarded and created by very low level humans, we cannot comprehend more of life.

A common lie, is that "happiness" is the sole aim of existence. The lie second to it, is that happiness is just an emotional state of just feeling what we broadly refer to as "happy". When people chase this, they find out that this was untrue, no matter how much they achieve in life. Millionaires and billionaires have had everything that was claimed to make them the happiest people, or give them the lasting happiness, others had partners, others have fell in love with ignorance thing this was the key.

By definition, these physical humans that are only engrossed on the lower dreams, cannot experience any lasting true happiness. The first level of our development is in the Samsara and there we only see shadows of happiness here and there.

They could have everything this planet could offer a thousand times, yet because of the cyclical aspect of the lower consciousness, they might be happy to an extent, but not experience true, in-depth wellbeing.

In a sense, women undergo of this pain when they do the most beautiful thing on this earth, which is to give rise to new life. The pain goes away as the life grows. Then it is forgotten and a thing of the past. The only thing that remains is one's beautiful child.

The same is the situation with consciousness. As much as our consciousness grows, our past self and past ignorance is broken. Oftentimes, it shouts and complaints in the worst way, because our present smaller ego is maimed with it.

In the Ancient Greeks there was a myth of the black and white horse. Respectively, these horses represent the logic and the emotions. These two forces are never at ease with one another. To illustrate an example:

You want to go to the gym. Part of you always doesn't want to go, it wants you to be lazy and to sit down. Then, if you satisfy the entropic end of the mind and sit your ass down, your logical mind starts to complain: "but if I sit down i'll lose my gym day and never have the body that I want!". Then, if you get up to go to the gym, the other part of the mind strikes again "maybe it's not that important to go anyway".

No matter what decision you make, one part of you will be disappointed. The part you want to always disappoint is this part of the soul that wants you to remain an eternal worthless slob.

After this part of the mind is tamed properly, then it will start giving you incentives to do the things that you want, not the other way around. But to bring this to that level, you need to whip it and bring it into place. In the myths, this is the taming of a very wild horse. It can only take you to places after you tame it. The more you deny taming it, the less places you will be able to go.

Those who ignore this battle get nowhere in existence, and the entropic and negative forces of nature overtake them, causing depression and all sorts of inner destruction.

Those who are true lovers of truth and power, will take this pain and complaints from the inferior part of the mind, and decide that this pain is more worthwhile than a lifetime of ignorance.

In fact, for the true Satanic soul, it would be an impossibility to be blissfully ignorant or be content with utterly failing.

The moral outlook that leads a person to Satanism in the first place, is more about love of knowledge and power, and truth, rather than love of convenient ignorance.

Strangely, the Satanist always starts as a camel: the heavy burden of ignorance, suddenly starts hurting the back of the asleep. Then, it becomes back breaking. A Spiritual Satanist has to be a strong camel first and foremost...But why?

Because the first power here is this: To endure.

Progressively, despite the pain, you realize all this effort is slowly turning you into something. In the beginning you don't really see it, but it becomes clearer with time...You start to see glimpses of the lion that is going to be. In the beginning this is only little flashes, here, there, almost too little to believe you will even get there. As you hold the burden, these visions are only appearing little. The burden increases, but the visions don't seem to increase in the beginning.

Because of the burden kept, and how you have carried it for long, you develop power. The more this happens, you grow stronger and stronger...Eventually you see more of the lion everyday. It is the result of what was previously hated, the first pleasant fruit of overcoming.

At this level, obstacles are starting to be conquered. Opposition starts to look easier to move above. You start to win against what used to burden you, when this path is taken seriously. Slowly but assuredly, the stronger aspect of the soul and of the human spirit, comes to your rescue.

The battle against yourself start earning you victories. The camel that loved it's burden, now is also becoming a lion that starts to love it's strength. But how would the lion ever arrive if it were not for the burdened camel?

It says while coming: "I am here to help you with your burdens". It never would appear to you if you had no burdens. For this reason, those who have no burdens at all, and always seek the most convenient routes, are never lions: Because they were never camels.

Then, the question arises: But I have learned to endure, and I have learned to overcome and to fight. What more is there to learn, if anything?

And here arises the secret of this path: a very obvious, but well kept secret in this path. This is when you finally turn into a child, fresh and new, and born anew. Nietzsche had a glimpse of this.

What was I or have ever been here for so long, but a camel? And how many camels have there been, and how many lions?

And how much joy inside all of it, that one is finally advancing?

In the Gita of the Hindus, it's related that those who advance far in meditation, will open the "Well of Life" and also the Pineal Gland and the 3rd eye. The levels of bliss bestowed upon an individual, will never be experienced by normal human beings.

They are undeserving, so the Great Goddess will lock the door for these individuals. They will be condemned to only experience the lowest joys in life, and even these, will not sit with them. Their life will be a painting without all the detail that it could be.

They will endure, and like a bacterium that feasts on enduring, they will transmute these that others called a "hardship" into gold. To others this will appear like a mystery. The suffering of overcoming the self has become a way of life, and with it, power will increase.

The event of awakening "The Great Goddess", is extolled with the greatest and most beautiful words, such as drinking the divine milk and honey, or being blessed by the divine cows and bathed in "butter" [the secretion of the gland]. Further words are added on how all pains will go away, how every part of the soul will heal.

The serenity and peace that this path will bring to a human, is beyond compare to anything one has experienced before. The joy of settling one's mind, gaining control of it, and cleaning it out of dross, is the sweetest taste of the universe, and it will make a person appreciative of being a human being.

More and more one goes into this path, you will be seeing the difference between your own clean soul and that unclean of others who are ignoring everything in "Blissful ignorance".

In the higher levels of this path, the righteous are rewarded with extreme bliss and understanding. This bliss is also physical, mental, and spiritual, at the same time.

You will become a child, a lion, and a camel in this path: It is all according to the master plan of awakening the human soul and bringing it to perfection.

You will suffer, you will die, you will be in bliss, and resurrect. You will above all, have a soul that is alive.

When this light is awakened within, no external darkness will scare you or put you down, and everything you are going to see as another part of an unfolding script of a darkness that is going to be defeated.

Wars will feel weightless, and life will look most innocent. The pleasure of the righteous is the gift of the revelation of this path.

Satan reveals Himself in the Seventh Heaven.

The vigor and innocence of childhood, the power of a lion, and the enduring power of the camel, all have now been mastered:

The creation of creations is complete, the purpose of purposes has been achieved: Man is walking towards the Godhead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
How can I get the psalm for Beelzebub in this page: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/BeelzebulHC.html
The page says it contains nothing.
Beautiful sermon thanks cobra i needed to read this it boosted my faith and ksfe me realize
Beautiful sermon Thanks cobra i needed this i see the importance of enduring some of things i deal with HAIL SATAN
Since childhood I've been an antisocial wierdo who was believing that there is more to this life and was trying to get my hand on knowledge. When joined SS I had already made my mind that xianity is a sourse of the most problems and Nazi are bad only because they lost a war and the enemy made them a scapegoat to blameshift their crimes on.
I had plenty of occult experience, but not the good kind. I've been down there, I've seen the worst of it. Almost lost my soul and mind, but I was redpilled already by that experience, except there was a still doubt that I am insane.
After I found Father I've experienced what not many people did. I used to have hours long conversations with our Demons and Father with a help of human medium. All my doubts have been cleared and I've been showed a light from our Father.

Yet I can't really call myself happy at least for now. I became even more isolated, like people stay away from me at a safe distance like I am monster. I barely do anything for my "normal life", like I am not motivated by anything materialistic even though deep down I know that I need to improve my material wellbeing.
I am rebuilding myself spiritually, it's a long processes and it's best for me to stay alone I guess.
I wish some day I will meet someone who will be on the same page as me, because with each day I am further away from goyim and I don't want to stop.
i love u like a wise master. thank u for all. glories to u.

the best path. i read and get hope and motivation.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
This was very motivational for me. The translation project is putting a lot of pressure on me. Im that Camel for now. Some days i want to giveup but my logical mind fights it.This has been going on for some time now. For some reason i feel pressured to complete it quickly and thats not gonna work. It takes a lot of mental effort for me to sit down and do it as i should and its exacty as you say...I dont want to manually translate a 600 page book but i also really want to and the work that its takes is tremendous but the rewards for me personally out weighs it. Now its really just a test of endurance. Im gonna put some fire under this camels ass thank you HP Cobra this post is what i needed.

You have to take it one day at a time. No frying yourself. Just a reasonable amount each day.

You will not abandon your translation project because you're doing it for your people. The Dutchmen, the Afrikaaners.

They are a very fair and spiritual people but extremely enslaved and led astray under the xtianity lie.

The Afrikaaners need to have something they can look at that's the truth.

You will get it done. Just plan a reasonable schedule to do it. Balance is necessary lest a person become unbalanced.

Change your mindset from it being a chore. To feeling great and proud that the translated material will be your work. That it's yours, you did it for your people.

We're camels in the making of Lions.
HPC, where does the camel, lion, and child originate from?
SigTyr said:
Yet I can't really call myself happy at least for now. I became even more isolated, like people stay away from me at a safe distance like I am monster. I barely do anything for my "normal life", like I am not motivated by anything materialistic even though deep down I know that I need to improve my material wellbeing.
I am rebuilding myself spiritually, it's a long processes and it's best for me to stay alone I guess.
I wish some day I will meet someone who will be on the same page as me, because with each day I am further away from goyim and I don't want to stop.

I guess that's common in most of us... When I was younger I would get really depressed about this. I don't stress much about it these days. It's just the way it is. I have tried having friends and girlfriend, but the thing is, at the end of the day, we have different and not compatible goals. I still have friends, but the more I get deep into Satanism, and do what we're supposed to be doing, less tolerance I have for people who are without, it feels like a waste of my time to be around such people discussing or doing things that are of no use to the cause, especially when I have to sacrifice my work for Satan to be doing such things, which I do not anymore. I can also see through their Jewish-programmed behavior of self undoing. Xian teachings and so on... Which makes me uncomfortable. And that I am certainly not compatible with. In Portugal we have a saying that roughly translates to "better alone than in bad company"... Even my chart says I am a loner by choice which I slowly came to understand why. I guess this trait is more or less common in most of us because we all experience this to some degree. It motivates me even more to spread the truth and do the spiritual warfare.

I don't believe anymore that should be seen as a bad thing, because those who are without may seem "happy" , but deep inside, are they? They are empty. As someone commented above, the lights are on but nobody's home.
Invictus2 said:
SigTyr said:
Yet I can't really call myself happy at least for now. I became even more isolated, like people stay away from me at a safe distance like I am monster. I barely do anything for my "normal life", like I am not motivated by anything materialistic even though deep down I know that I need to improve my material wellbeing.
I am rebuilding myself spiritually, it's a long processes and it's best for me to stay alone I guess.
I wish some day I will meet someone who will be on the same page as me, because with each day I am further away from goyim and I don't want to stop.

I guess that's common in most of us... When I was younger I would get really depressed about this. I don't stress much about it these days. It's just the way it is. I have tried having friends and girlfriend, but the thing is, at the end of the day, we have different and not compatible goals. I still have friends, but the more I get deep into Satanism, and do what we're supposed to be doing, less tolerance I have for people who are without, it feels like a waste of my time to be around such people discussing or doing things that are of no use to the cause, especially when I have to sacrifice my work for Satan to be doing such things, which I do not anymore. I can also see through their Jewish-programmed behavior of self undoing. Xian teachings and so on... Which makes me uncomfortable. And that I am certainly not compatible with. In Portugal we have a saying that roughly translates to "better alone than in bad company"... Even my chart says I am a loner by choice which I slowly came to understand why. I guess this trait is more or less common in most of us because we all experience this to some degree. It motivates me even more to spread the truth and do the spiritual warfare.

I don't believe anymore that should be seen as a bad thing, because those who are without may seem "happy" , but deep inside, are they? They are empty. As someone commented above, the lights are on but nobody's home.
Yeah, empty people don't care about spiritual development in general, most of them believe that they are meat and bones and that they only live once. Not only for us their life seems to be meaningless, but for them it also seems that we are doing something useless.
I was able to conver my ex into SS, she had some passive abilities like medium and 3rd in good condition and I've spent years removing curses from her, while she didn't want to meditate ,hense making my efforts useless. She was corrupted by "normal life", like before that was ignored by people, but after she joined SS for all sudden things changed. So she decided to ditch it all for the " fun".
That's basically the enemy's trick. I fall for that when I was 14, because I believed that I can be "happy". I've touched some powerful xian relic and it sealed my chakras. I've became special for all sudden and yeah I've had a " normal life",but not for long.
This happy illusion turned into nightmare, which was cycled. All romantic relationships ended up with cheating, all friendship with betrayal, and I was chasing death between those moments while being drunk all the time to avoid reality.
I literally went to dark places, as I've srarted to see what is really inside of people. Some dark creatures, part of the xian hive mind.
After they realized that I see them, they stopped hiding. They can literally take over people, say something or do something, even sometimes we had a dialogs with them. Then we wiped memory of the host and I've had to pretend like nothing happened.
My ex was full of that shit, and I l've learnded so much to save her from this. It's been like in exorcism movies, expected instead of xian shit I used runes, pure energy and crystals.

I've helped many people, but I didn't want to help myself, so I guess now I was isolated so I could finally save myself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
