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The "Pandemic" Recap - Going Into 2022: Games The Enemy Plays - Waking Up To Them

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Going into 2022, many Nations are being harassed now around the New Years Eve, a situation which points out only in two outcomes.

One outcome is the things some people claim, such as that this whole thing is going to be ending soon. The other outcome as we know after about 2 years that were to last for 15 days, is that the enemy will likely continue the situation indefinitely or until they pull another card.

They either accelerate the end of the hoax [because it's going bad for them] or they are preparing another move in the short term [Saturn will go into mid Aquarius soon] and they are planning another assault on the freedoms of humanity.

Overall, that is totally pathetic of them, but isn't anything that is of misery in this world, that isn't really owned by the enemy? Constantly oppressing humanity is all they are here to do.

Either way, we have to understand that this whole situation requires an analysis from one more perspective. Through this whole "pandemic" situation, one must take a few steps back besides any choice they might have made. If you do this, you will see:

1. Mutual hatred and constant fear energy has been risen, by both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Terror to both groups done on a constant basis.

2. The two groups were put in a form of civil war, where both groups had a certain logical background in regards to why they did their choices.

3. Both groups were ultimately, fooled and forced into doing at least one negative thing the enemy wanted in the end [their purpose was division and social chaos, upsetting economy etc].

4. The two groups were equally trolled, the first were deceived based on the "effectiveness" of the vaccine, and both had their freedoms stolen, despite of their approach of either.

Energy is wasted still on the redirected meme of the jews where people try to pluck each other's eye out in a house that the enemy is trying to set fire: That is global civilization right now.

5. As the above occurred, all the real underlying problems affected both groups. Workplace wise, economy wise, inflation wise, restrictions wise, isolation wise, etc.

6. Both groups were forced in a cycle of hate, directed against each other, rather than the incapable governments or Pfizer types of kikes who sell ineffective snake oil that stopped nothing from the "Pandemic" which has been creeping in as the "New Normal".

In a typical "Goat of Azazel" Ritual, the enemy blamed the "unvaccinated", the "mutations" [which we knew would arrive in the thousands as it's normal for the virus] or even toothfairy and fake CGI created aliens. Anyone but the jew's fault here.

7. The Anti-Vax people were talking about apocalypse, the end, that we are all doomed, and wish for the death of the vaccinated.

8. The Vaxxed people, established themselves in a holier than thou and "die from Corona you conspiracy theorist" group too, doing the same as the above.

10. People in the middle, who, despite of choices in the medical area, understand which is going on, are the only good outcome out of this mess.

10. The mass of dying people comes from both the groups, some dying from vaccine complications that are covered up or from the so called "Co-Vid", but most importantly from the underlying poverty, bad hospitals, low health standards in many Nations etc.

The question was indeed never about "Vaccinated" or "Unvaccinated". As I have reiterated for the last years, this was the tip of the iceberg on the bigger agenda of the enemy that unfolds in front of our very eyes on a daily basis.

11. Kikes profit from both groups one way or another.

Taking turns on Youtube, there is no shortage of Doomsday preacher that wants to sell his supplements to the unvaccinated, and there is no shortage of corrupted doctor that has been promoting the "vaccine" as a miracle solution straight from heaven that would "free us all!".

12. Both groups had their freedoms removed. The false narrative that the two must fight and that they are in antithesis or that one costs the freedoms of the others, is false. It has also sufficiently promoted the loss of freedoms for both.

13. The Governments are costing the freedoms of people with their stupid [so stupid that we might even say utterly deliberate] moves, and the jewing going in regards to cures and everything around the given situation.

People must ask, in either category, of judgement of the jews and Governments. Fighting each other is indeed a waste of energy at this point in time. Many will accept it as we go on, and many already have.

14. The above is also why we never engaged into the "DO IT!" or the "DO NOT DO IT!" business here in the Joy of Satan.

Instead we gave out the information to people and allowed everyone to say what they thought on the subject, without really engaging in the Youtube Doctor business or the Celebrity "Go Run Do Your Vaccine ["while I am just a shit actor, lol, and not a doctor"] type of business.

This choice in itself since the beginning was largely an illusion. Why?

15. Because if people said NO, the Governments would again move in with jewish restrictions, citing full blown pandemic. They could declare for example, a fake Martial Law to "bring back order" after an infinite surge of cases.


They could use similar arguments like they do today to restrain and keep restraining freedoms perpetually based on fake data.


Because there is a plan to enslave us all going on and to limit our freedoms. As we have reiterated here, Saturn is currently in Aquarius, and the enemy has picked this specific time to usher a new decade of restrictions and enslavement, but also conditioning of mankind [this is to formulate a greater war against the Era of Aquarius and they are trying to prepare early].

16. If people said YES, we clearly seen from Spain, Austria etc, that nothing changes, even if certain Nations vaccinate up to 90%. The Co-Vid shots and boosts up the ass continue indefinitely.

17. If people say NO, as we have seen in most world countries, this delays matters, but the enemy also uses this as a perpetual excuse to ramp up the "Co-Vid cases", lie their teeth in regards to deaths, and in the end, massacre and restrain either half of the population or both.

18. The abhorrent creatures of the enemy try to divide even families and human beings based on these decisions to dehumanize us even further, and further dehumanizing attempts are being done all the time in many fronts such as locking people in all the time or keeping them in digital isolated prisons. To be simpler, they want to borg us.

19. People if you pay close attention in many Nations didn't really have an objective choice. They were bullied, threatened coerced, and even forced to engage in one decision or the other. They were consistently fed fake advertisement data, and fake promises.

Even worse, scientific debate and opinion certainly didn't happen in any TV, or any News Panel [enemy controlled] and any opinion that aired that was different was only on the Internet.

20. In summa, the problem itself is the delusion people have that they can choose. We must be aware that our choices are limiting by the day, and we must resist the core ideals of this whole subversive cloaked "Communism" or however you want to call it, from rising in our societies.

One step further, the problem is that people are unaware of an agenda to enslave them. Many also do not CARE, which is the worse aspect of this all. Fewer and fewer are people by the day that don't see that this is going to this direction.

Even further, people have to understand: there are certain people in power right now who are criminals and believed that this was the major stepping stone to enforce plans such as the so called "Great Reset". These are the same people that do the Kalergi Plan or are onboard with numerous other bizarre agendas.

Truth doesn't matter to them, and they, if they feel confident enough, will try to enforce anything over any false pretext, ranging from Global Warming to the fact that some person farted and that this will cause a Solar Flare. They will pay people to write that farts actually cause Solar Flares and that the only way to stop this is to sacrifice 1/3rd out of humanity because the New Testament said that this was what the Angel did that would facilitate the Return of Christ.

This segment of those in power are flat insane. This insanity is in part the normal thinking of the spiritually corrupted Judaism system that they follow, and they feel unbridled in their pursuits.

The reality of this subject is that the enemy has decided to play a gamble to usurp anyone's freedoms, irrespective of their choice. Our world is being changed and currently forced to change into something that many thought was a "Conspiracy Theory" sometime ago.

How many freedoms more will they remove? As much as they can. And for how long? Until people start valuing their FREEDOMS and fight to get them back.

And the reality remains that only when people start waking up on both ends from this whole freedom robbing fraud, there is going to be any moving out of this.

Another summary is that all the Conspiracy Theorists have been more or less right, and the same goes for all those who theorized this was a power grab and restrain of freedom, rather than merely a matter of stopping any illness.

The people who perceived this was just a normal situation and a normal event, remain on this category of sleepers, who try to shove their head inside a hole while the world is literally being terraformed over something as not influential such as this.

The jews and others in power revealed once again that all these theories they claimed were "Outrageous", are actually only cards they plan to play.

Good news out of this whole event, is that a strong percent of the population is not only outraged, but that many will remember this for a very long time.

Even a higher percent of people has not only been trying to wake up as a result, but also has been building immunity to the enemy hoaxing techniques and puppeteer techniques.

On the long term, if people adjust this thinking in their lives, this is very good news proceeding in the next era. A generation of free thinkers or at least smarter people might be borne out of this event.

However, at the same time, we will have a strong number of capitulated population who has been revealed to not value their freedoms and liberties at all.

The amount of sleeping stupidity on the plant has been actually reduced from this event. That is the sole good thing that came out of this.

People have to indeed be not trusting or at least aware that we have crazy Jews in our governments or ruling world offices.

The situation has went even further with UFO understanding and people getting shaken out of their conventional false jewtrix thinking.

We are on a fight for freedoms. We are being moved into a world where most people will be literal slaves, not in theory, without any ability of choice at all.

As I have written extensively, all the situation about the vaccines, the virus and the syringes, is an attempt to undermine all the Western foundations of medical rights and freedoms in their entirety.

It has become obvious that this whole sham follows the pattern the enemy has been playing for a very long time. It is not until people wake up to these games, that people can expect real change in this world.

Good news are that they have been exposed like never before with this, bad news are is that people don't understand this whole battle for their freedom is very far from over and will only be over when people will at large masses stop consuming all this garbage they are fed all the time.

The enemy is finished when people wake up sufficiently.

In the end of the day, those who are smart and awake people, even had a good time during these "times" of great upset. There is no shortage of people that used this time to research, learn, change their perspective, and in a sense try to move towards awakening rather than sleep.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
One of the Biggest illusions in all of this as well as many other things throughout the ages is what the governments have given "for your protection" or for "muh freedoms". They do this not only because it keeps people asleep by making them believe that those ruling over them have benevolent and genuine intent, also making them easier to indoctrinate, but also because its is the path of least resistance compared to ruling with a whip where the ones enforcing would probably have to watch their backs, and knowing that mass confrontation with trying to force something can be a daunting thing compared to taking a more easy route with less backlash. If they had their way and got to brainwashing everyone to the point of no return this would however be a non issue. Luciky the reverse is happening and it is only going to get worse for them as they get more trouble with trying to hold the populace under their yiddish thumb of "oy vey for your protection and freedoms."
This is ultra formative for an SS: learning to stay focused to grow, despite the threat of deadly dangers prepared by the jooz.
It makes the challenge so vital.
Learning to trust yourself and the gods.

For those who are without, this is a unique opportunity to accept to lift the veil. To wake up from this endless sleep and rebel to no longer be a slave. Will they do it?
We are fighting for it anyway.

Exciting and dangerous times...

Glory to Satan!
The most saddening thing about covid is that the academic communities should have been home to free thought, science, and research are the places where paranoia and fear run the strongest. Conservative Christian-Muslim bigots resisted more and protested more for their freedom than so-called liberals.
⛧The world is ours.⛧
The Jew is only 6,000 years old and an alien soul.
⛧We have every choice and right over them!⛧
If we have no choice according to them, let us show how wrong they are.

What a beautiful thing a Void of Course Moon can be!
"This is the time the universe is full of loopholes. In many cases, this is a time to get away with things."
So mote it be!⛧
Pammy said:
The most saddening thing about covid is that the academic communities should have been home to free thought, science, and research are the places where paranoia and fear run the strongest. Conservative Christian-Muslim bigots resisted more and protested more for their freedom than so-called liberals.

I also found this highly disturbing. We are in front of a dangerous precedent for the global scientific community.

The fact that some scientists really just stood by watching the rest getting completely massacred or fully censored, is a very alarming situation.

I also noticed the very same thing like you: In fact, the Academia was where the most emotions and complete lack of common sense overtook almost anybody, which should have been the either less than this or the reverse in contrast to the normal population. Many everyday people had a clearer or more emotionally unbiased view than even scientists.

I was opening the TV and literally it was "scientists" there of worldwide renown acting like they were Muslim Preachers.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I was opening the TV and literally it was "scientists" there of worldwide renown acting like they were Muslim Preachers.

This is actually quite accurate since people started to view science not as a method and way to the truth but as a religion that they should obey and be good boys/girls by doing what they're told as the right thing to do. Science cannot be the absolute truth. That makes it impossible to improve which is it should be all about: Improving.

That's aside, the behavior of respectable academicians is concerning, and weird. Professors who have spent their lives searching so should be the ones knowing that every researcher can be mistaken and how to read the data are illogically scared and paranoid. In a campus that you have to be double vaccinated to be in, an instructor of mine said ''How could -young and low risk group- students take their masks off to eat?'' I know a dean wearing double masks, changing them regularly. They were both sincerely in fear despite being rational and successful individuals. Again, in the campus you have to be vaccinated at least two times to get in.

Weird. In my opinion, this situation can point to two possibilities. A serious deterioration in the tradition of the Academia which should be cold and logical, or something only about covid and paranoia...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In fact, that is the aim. To create a reality whose foundations and paradigm are nothing like the one we lived in a few years ago. They are destroying what they can, they are causing inflation worldwide, and it is still not stopping.

There is also significant discrimination between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Both groups have the view that the other is stupid and are almost capable of causing people to abandon each other. As long as people buy into this nonsense against them and agree to continue it, nothing will change.

For people, this lie is a form of perceived reality caused by suffering from a lack of development. They don't care, they are used to this lie, they don't think and just wait for new developments, locked in to the virus, with their hands folded.

I don't know when it's really going to end, as you wrote, if a country submits it continues, if a country resists it continues with austerity, really, is this what humanity has come to? To a mass of lies where they try to exclude a large part of the Truth and make people believe things that are not happening, with ulterior motives by the way?
I think people will suffer seriously and then that's when they will realize the whole game and start reacting. Darkest times are coming, right now we are doing what we are doing to reduce the damage, but great suffering for humanity is unavoidable.
To add, these days are difficult and some of our own here may begin to panic.

Just like a working, energy may be built in the astral and the the event will occur after being triggered by a transit.

There are workings I did and forget about them, only to see them manifesting months later after specific transits.

The rituals we are doing are working and some events in the future will happen after specific transits. So let's keep building the energy, we will see more in the future.
Let's not be afraid of daily fake news.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pammy said:
The most saddening thing about covid is that the academic communities should have been home to free thought, science, and research are the places where paranoia and fear run the strongest. Conservative Christian-Muslim bigots resisted more and protested more for their freedom than so-called liberals.

I also found this highly disturbing. We are in front of a dangerous precedent for the global scientific community.

The fact that some scientists really just stood by watching the rest getting completely massacred or fully censored, is a very alarming situation.

I also noticed the very same thing like you: In fact, the Academia was where the most emotions and complete lack of common sense overtook almost anybody, which should have been the either less than this or the reverse in contrast to the normal population. Many everyday people had a clearer or more emotionally unbiased view than even scientists.

I was opening the TV and literally it was "scientists" there of worldwide renown acting like they were Muslim Preachers.

What Pammy said makes also me wondering if this would mean that we will be left with Radical Xians and Mudslims who want us dead. Shouldn't we worry about this as well? I mean, the Golem NPCs (on the right) usually clashes with the Robo NPCs (on the left). But if one sides dies, wouldn't the other change their target toward us?

Pammy said:
The most saddening thing about covid is that the academic communities should have been home to free thought, science, and research are the places where paranoia and fear run the strongest. Conservative Christian-Muslim bigots resisted more and protested more for their freedom than so-called liberals.

Many conservative xtians and Muslims have not gone full borg yet in every way. Despite their beliefs and some anti human tendencies they are still a little attached to their racial memory and pagan values. Yet they try to make them fit into the Bible which is Dumb. The Bible would more be on the side of Liberals.

I would be willing to bet so far at least few to no actual strong conservative xtian or Muslim believers ever made it here and changed. There is something in their beliefs that is reactionary and they make it a part of their identity. But at least they did not go full borg like the Liberals.
Another beautiful post! Thank you HP for encapsulating the entire situation so well. I couldn't 3have done near as well and we're grateful for your wisdom.

The whole progression of these events really has made me wake up even further. In spite of all the doom and gloom there has been such an unveiling of lies. It starts with the current lies, and for those that research and seek truth it leads to the lies of virology, big pharma and nearly everything as a whole. Lois Pasteur, the father of 'germ theory', (as you well may know) was financed by John D. Rockefeller in the mid 1800's which gave rise to homeopathic medicine.

His contemporary at the time, Claude Bernard (and the father of 'terrain theory'), purported that viruses and germs aren't a cause of disease but rather disease is caused by nutritional imbalances and toxicity of the internal and external environment. He was the legacy of thousands (if not millions) of years pertaining to holistic research whereby we support our bodies to naturally combat disease over ingesting/injecting man-made chemicals to do the job for us. These antigens that "germ theory" obsesses over are inert and only cause illness in those who are unhealthy. All this money that popularized germ theory occurred during the turn of the 2nd industrial revolution, where "science" became the end all be all and homeopaths were labelled 'quacks', shunned and stripped of their ability to practice medicine. All of it was BS science in my opinion and still is to this day.

It's just like George Carlin once said (to the effect of): "Your immune system needs germs to practice on. If you live a completely sterile life when some germs do come along you won't be prepared. And what will you do when a super-virus comes and turns your organs to liquid $#!T? You will die and you'll deserve it because your f-ing weak and you have a f-ing weak immune system". (Note: are cuss words permitted here? Just curious)

If viruses really do exist (I don't agree they do since they've only been isolated ex-virto in petri dishes containing cells and antibiotics), they shouldn't be any concern to healthy people. It's all part of their fear-porn agenda to make anti-vaxxers fearful which is the ultimate goal. Fear causes negative emotions, such as anger and hatred which of course further divides society. HP is right that those few people who stay in the middle of the debate (not choosing sides) are the only ones making a difference.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It's a very well done summary of what happened for the past 2 years HP! I would also elaborate a bit about the awakening process, how it's done variably in each country/culture, about awakening vs coordination or how the enemy tries to misdirect the faults and effects and more, but those subjects have been more than addressed on our community. For the past months there has been a thought that has been bugging me which made me set an objective at the beginning of 2022. This is: triggering a boost of JoS and/or Ancient Forums publicity and I have a few ideas which I will be sharing on the run. I want to do this in a very simple way without upsetting anyone or triggering any major discomforts. Anonymouslyand legally! There are many things here on our community which I believe many people should see and also people are more prone to accept an idea if the area of the idea is wider and more spread. It's a matter of psychological safety to put it. I am grateful for all you and our community of SS have done lately and I wanna at least try my best to achieve this goal as a continuity of all the work. And thank the Gods for all their support in those times :)
Honestly, now with this Omicron situation, that's the result of acting like cultists for 2 years and just pushing on singular solutions like the vaccine. There were many other solutions for this, but nobody wanted to spend any time. We had to promote the QR jew business all the time, as if the QR thing had anything got to do with this.

All data aside, even to the 4th dose, people are filled with Coronavirus and whole Nations have it everywhere now, ie, utter snake oil was what was promoted as a "solution". The last bastion lie is that those who have all the doses get it "milder", but still they get it, transmit it, and possibly whatever of this "virus" adapts in them too like inside anyone else.

Objectively speaking, I see more people everyday getting the Omicron, which appears for now to be weak. But it's almost like everyone, even especially people who had the 3rd dose.

But the issue remains the whole fuckup and the whole cultism about the subject, might trigger a mini actual pandemic in the next months. The above is based on information read, which as anyone knows, there are too many lies about this.

The fact also that most people with this are on the 3rd and 4th dose, and also regular people who are unvaccinated, personally points me to the fact that as we all know nothing was done to solve anything.

Everyone must take multivitamins, precautions, and please pump in at least 1 forty day health working in the next year.
And when we list the whole Greek alphabet, then we list Latin, then Slavic, then Arabic and so on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Honestly, now with this Omicron situation, that's the result of acting like cultists for 2 years and just pushing on singular solutions like the vaccine. There were many other solutions for this, but nobody wanted to spend any time. We had to promote the QR jew business all the time, as if the QR thing had anything got to do with this.

All data aside, even to the 4th dose, people are filled with Coronavirus and whole Nations have it everywhere now, ie, utter snake oil was what was promoted as a "solution". The last bastion lie is that those who have all the doses get it "milder", but still they get it, transmit it, and possibly whatever of this "virus" adapts in them too like inside anyone else.

Objectively speaking, I see more people everyday getting the Omicron, which appears for now to be weak. But it's almost like everyone, even especially people who had the 3rd dose.

But the issue remains the whole fuckup and the whole cultism about the subject, might trigger a mini actual pandemic in the next months. The above is based on information read, which as anyone knows, there are too many lies about this.

The fact also that most people with this are on the 3rd and 4th dose, and also regular people who are unvaccinated, personally points me to the fact that as we all know nothing was done to solve anything.

Everyone must take multivitamins, precautions, and please pump in at least 1 forty day health working in the next year.
Also, new covid-influenza strain found in israel. Lol at this point I'm just laughing when a new variant is found.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Honestly, now with this Omicron situation, that's the result of acting like cultists for 2 years and just pushing on singular solutions like the vaccine. There were many other solutions for this, but nobody wanted to spend any time. We had to promote the QR jew business all the time, as if the QR thing had anything got to do with this.

All data aside, even to the 4th dose, people are filled with Coronavirus and whole Nations have it everywhere now, ie, utter snake oil was what was promoted as a "solution". The last bastion lie is that those who have all the doses get it "milder", but still they get it, transmit it, and possibly whatever of this "virus" adapts in them too like inside anyone else.

Objectively speaking, I see more people everyday getting the Omicron, which appears for now to be weak. But it's almost like everyone, even especially people who had the 3rd dose.

But the issue remains the whole fuckup and the whole cultism about the subject, might trigger a mini actual pandemic in the next months. The above is based on information read, which as anyone knows, there are too many lies about this.

The fact also that most people with this are on the 3rd and 4th dose, and also regular people who are unvaccinated, personally points me to the fact that as we all know nothing was done to solve anything.

Everyone must take multivitamins, precautions, and please pump in at least 1 forty day health working in the next year.
Also, new covid-influenza strain found in israel. Lol at this point I'm just laughing when a new variant is found.

Omicron is just cold and flu symptoms, if one pays attention... Not a variant of anything :lol:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Honestly, now with this Omicron situation, that's the result of acting like cultists for 2 years and just pushing on singular solutions like the vaccine. There were many other solutions for this, but nobody wanted to spend any time. We had to promote the QR jew business all the time, as if the QR thing had anything got to do with this.

All data aside, even to the 4th dose, people are filled with Coronavirus and whole Nations have it everywhere now, ie, utter snake oil was what was promoted as a "solution". The last bastion lie is that those who have all the doses get it "milder", but still they get it, transmit it, and possibly whatever of this "virus" adapts in them too like inside anyone else.

Objectively speaking, I see more people everyday getting the Omicron, which appears for now to be weak. But it's almost like everyone, even especially people who had the 3rd dose.

But the issue remains the whole fuckup and the whole cultism about the subject, might trigger a mini actual pandemic in the next months. The above is based on information read, which as anyone knows, there are too many lies about this.

The fact also that most people with this are on the 3rd and 4th dose, and also regular people who are unvaccinated, personally points me to the fact that as we all know nothing was done to solve anything.

Everyone must take multivitamins, precautions, and please pump in at least 1 forty day health working in the next year.
Also, new covid-influenza strain found in israel. Lol at this point I'm just laughing when a new variant is found.

Omicron is just cold and flu symptoms, if one pays attention... Not a variant of anything :lol:

They made a new troll line now, about Flu-Rona, a combination of flu and coronavirus. The trolling will never end. Soon we will reach the point where Flurona will be an imagined illness one has to get into a camp in Australia for maybe having or not having, or maybe even believing if it exists or not.
I agree that this omicron variant is a means to further push us into slavery. If sheeple just did some simple Google searches they would see that even the 'maintream' data doesn't make any sense.

Portugal is the third most vaccinated country. Check out their stats, it's unbelievable. Their country still follows all the Covid-19 restrictions yet their cases are skyrocketing.

I hope I don't come across as pushing fear or anything like that. This whole situation simply makes me angry. Not at the people per se, but at their programming and brainwashing. I'm not all that smart yet I can see right through many of the lies. I think people have to be a special kind of stupid to drink the kool-aid.

(I added a couple screenshot for those interested).


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Honestly, now with this Omicron situation, that's the result of acting like cultists for 2 years and just pushing on singular solutions like the vaccine. There were many other solutions for this, but nobody wanted to spend any time. We had to promote the QR jew business all the time, as if the QR thing had anything got to do with this.

All data aside, even to the 4th dose, people are filled with Coronavirus and whole Nations have it everywhere now, ie, utter snake oil was what was promoted as a "solution". The last bastion lie is that those who have all the doses get it "milder", but still they get it, transmit it, and possibly whatever of this "virus" adapts in them too like inside anyone else.

Objectively speaking, I see more people everyday getting the Omicron, which appears for now to be weak. But it's almost like everyone, even especially people who had the 3rd dose.

But the issue remains the whole fuckup and the whole cultism about the subject, might trigger a mini actual pandemic in the next months. The above is based on information read, which as anyone knows, there are too many lies about this.

The fact also that most people with this are on the 3rd and 4th dose, and also regular people who are unvaccinated, personally points me to the fact that as we all know nothing was done to solve anything.

Everyone must take multivitamins, precautions, and please pump in at least 1 forty day health working in the next year.

Wouldnt it be better to make this 40 day health working a schedule thing? Or that a proper heads up is given in the announcements?
I have noticed a lack of festive spirit this season, I don’t think it was ever this low. People seem pessimistic more than ever.

This could be a good thing: people finally realize it’s not gonna get better, they are gonna throw away false hopes and delusions, so they may take the matter into their own hands when they see all other options are ruled out.
It's funny how blown out of proportion this whole situation is. Yes, covid exists, but ASSUMING the very worst case - that every unvaccinated person will catch it - the odds of dying are about 1 in 100 according to the official CDC stats. The odds of dying in a car accident are also 1 in 100. Yet this is just considered a normal risk of life. Workers can't stay at home because driving is too dangerous, but they can because of covid, even though it's equally dangerous. It's obvious that the extreme regulations, lockdowns, and vaccine-pushing are not done for "public safety" or anything of the kind. And on top of this, the CDC stats are skewed toward the worst because many people have such a mild case of covid that they don't even get tested and aren't counted. The real mortality rate is undoubtedly lower than 1%. In contrast, small pox or bubonic plague killed 1 in 3, and were more contagious too. The hysteria for those was justified, but not for "covid".

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pammy said:
The most saddening thing about covid is that the academic communities should have been home to free thought, science, and research are the places where paranoia and fear run the strongest. Conservative Christian-Muslim bigots resisted more and protested more for their freedom than so-called liberals.

I also found this highly disturbing. We are in front of a dangerous precedent for the global scientific community.

The fact that some scientists really just stood by watching the rest getting completely massacred or fully censored, is a very alarming situation.

I also noticed the very same thing like you: In fact, the Academia was where the most emotions and complete lack of common sense overtook almost anybody, which should have been the either less than this or the reverse in contrast to the normal population. Many everyday people had a clearer or more emotionally unbiased view than even scientists.

I was opening the TV and literally it was "scientists" there of worldwide renown acting like they were Muslim Preachers.
I just talked to a few of them recently (close friends), one is a genetic research doctor and **** and ***** cant reveal them here, they are normal people like you and I. They have jobs and maybe some make our entire year salary in a month, ok. But they profit from the establishment, paid by the governments, and the chain of command is strong and secure. They are bombarded daily by emails from university, research centers, hospitals, in which they work. And raising a doubt about the whole thing among themselves would be suspicious.

So they are fully complacent. When you make 300k a year it is easier to convince yourself that the pandemic is real, than to doubt it and try to find the truth and risk your career, family, friends.

I have no pity for the scientists and the doctors, to me they are a pack of vermin. They profit from the great medicine discoveries made by our white ancestors. We could read a book on surgery and with some equipment perform a heart transplant after some practice on animals. There is nothing special about them and no knowledge they possess should be obscure or deter the profane to inquire and acquire this knowledge on his pastime.
When the going gets tough..🐍 The tough gets going!!🔥💖 Hail Satan!!! We have to JOS!! And our job is cut out for us to do. Here and now!🎁💗 We will just keep going ! Moving forever forward!!🔥🔥🔥
I believe I can answer as to why "Scientists and respected people are freaking out and proselytizing the Cult of Covid".

Remember how on TV in many cartoons, shows, and movies. They show the Scientist as the man of integrity but also the opposite the "mad scientist" that is crazy and wants to dominate people's lives.

For example Family Guy had this they travel back to pre-Soviet Russia and Brian kills Pavlov. Chris goes "YAY!, I want to kill more scientists". Same for 007 if you remember some of the games, sometimes you deal with scientists in lab coats being killed or your killing them. Same for other experimental games(Half-Life series), shows, and movies.

It seems like life imitating art. Some of them ARE indeed the very mad scientist that wants to genocide part of the World's population because somehow life isn't unfair enough and we need to make it a hell on Earth for everyone.

I think inasmuch they believe regular people are the uncouth rabble that should is destroying the Earth.

BTW I keep reading certain people at times stating the enemy is collapsing or the enemy collapses after this year and so and so.

IF the enemy collapses "What then?". There is still gonna be other enemies and like mentioned in this thread radical muzzie/radical xtians around. I also notice from time to time Jack posting stuff like his recent Deagel.com stating sometime a few years ago like 2014 a prediction was made that sometime the next decade expect high mortality rates from biological agents.

But again IF the enemy collapses or WHEN the enemy collapses. It's not all sunshine and rainbow. Rather it seems like Humanity is being led down a darker path than the already established dark layer.

Excuse me for being hypocritical to this organization but I don't think the enemy is going to go down without kicking and screaming to the bitter end.

It seems there are two end game scenarios available either economic collapse, the safer option. OR WW3 and China sure has been rattling their sabers doing maneuvers. Nationalist uprising. And finally the enemies style of collapse which seems strong but even people have mentioned the enemy is in territory even they don't know what to do.

Anyways excuse me for being doubtful but the enemy doesn't seem to just magickally collapse at our whims of rituals.
Idyelle said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pammy said:
The most saddening thing about covid is that the academic communities should have been home to free thought, science, and research are the places where paranoia and fear run the strongest. Conservative Christian-Muslim bigots resisted more and protested more for their freedom than so-called liberals.

I also found this highly disturbing. We are in front of a dangerous precedent for the global scientific community.

The fact that some scientists really just stood by watching the rest getting completely massacred or fully censored, is a very alarming situation.

I also noticed the very same thing like you: In fact, the Academia was where the most emotions and complete lack of common sense overtook almost anybody, which should have been the either less than this or the reverse in contrast to the normal population. Many everyday people had a clearer or more emotionally unbiased view than even scientists.

I was opening the TV and literally it was "scientists" there of worldwide renown acting like they were Muslim Preachers.
I have no pity for the scientists and the doctors, to me they are a pack of vermin. They profit from the great medicine discoveries made by our white ancestors. We could read a book on surgery and with some equipment perform a heart transplant after some practice on animals. There is nothing special about them and no knowledge they possess should be obscure or deter the profane to inquire and acquire this knowledge on his pastime.

This whole mentality that "they make more money than me" and that "makes them useless and immoral" is not an objective view of life. It's the same thing all Christians have in their mind.

Yes, after 20 years of studying neural surgeries, or being the best doctor on the planet, you definitely cannot operate on people based on your feelings etc. Many of the doctors and those in the scientific field are gifted, despite of some having deficiencies. Not everyone can do this.

What I wrote was definitely not to hate on them but rather to criticize them. People expected help, exactly because a civilization puts their belief and hope into the hands of these people due to improved expertise.

Also, not all scientists followed the same path. They are also all restrained by the Government. The shills were actually a minority, like those who were totally shilling things. But others haven't been influential enough to turn this around or promote a debate on the situation.
CandiceLee1313 said:
When the going gets tough..🐍 The tough gets going!!🔥💖 Hail Satan!!! We have to JOS!! And our job is cut out for us to do. Here and now!🎁💗 We will just keep going ! Moving forever forward!!🔥🔥🔥

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Idyelle said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I also found this highly disturbing. We are in front of a dangerous precedent for the global scientific community.

The fact that some scientists really just stood by watching the rest getting completely massacred or fully censored, is a very alarming situation.

I also noticed the very same thing like you: In fact, the Academia was where the most emotions and complete lack of common sense overtook almost anybody, which should have been the either less than this or the reverse in contrast to the normal population. Many everyday people had a clearer or more emotionally unbiased view than even scientists.

I was opening the TV and literally it was "scientists" there of worldwide renown acting like they were Muslim Preachers.
I have no pity for the scientists and the doctors, to me they are a pack of vermin. They profit from the great medicine discoveries made by our white ancestors. We could read a book on surgery and with some equipment perform a heart transplant after some practice on animals. There is nothing special about them and no knowledge they possess should be obscure or deter the profane to inquire and acquire this knowledge on his pastime.

This whole mentality that "they make more money than me" and that "makes them useless and immoral" is not an objective view of life. It's the same thing all Christians have in their mind.

Yes, after 20 years of studying neural surgeries, or being the best doctor on the planet, you definitely cannot operate on people based on your feelings etc. Many of the doctors and those in the scientific field are gifted, despite of some having deficiencies. Not everyone can do this.

What I wrote was definitely not to hate on them but rather to criticize them. People expected help, exactly because a civilization puts their belief and hope into the hands of these people due to improved expertise.

Also, not all scientists followed the same path. They are also all restrained by the Government. The shills were actually a minority, like those who were totally shilling things. But others haven't been influential enough to turn this around or promote a debate on the situation.
I think there is a system the enemy built in the scientific community, as soon someone starts to say something that is not mainstream they start to first give you a warning and then worse.

I think many are scared to speak out, the few that do may just be for damage controll, they make them look stupid and so the people that follow them look like 'stupid no-vax'.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Honestly, now with this Omicron situation, that's the result of acting like cultists for 2 years and just pushing on singular solutions like the vaccine. There were many other solutions for this, but nobody wanted to spend any time. We had to promote the QR jew business all the time, as if the QR thing had anything got to do with this.

All data aside, even to the 4th dose, people are filled with Coronavirus and whole Nations have it everywhere now, ie, utter snake oil was what was promoted as a "solution". The last bastion lie is that those who have all the doses get it "milder", but still they get it, transmit it, and possibly whatever of this "virus" adapts in them too like inside anyone else.

Objectively speaking, I see more people everyday getting the Omicron, which appears for now to be weak. But it's almost like everyone, even especially people who had the 3rd dose.

But the issue remains the whole fuckup and the whole cultism about the subject, might trigger a mini actual pandemic in the next months. The above is based on information read, which as anyone knows, there are too many lies about this.

The fact also that most people with this are on the 3rd and 4th dose, and also regular people who are unvaccinated, personally points me to the fact that as we all know nothing was done to solve anything.

Everyone must take multivitamins, precautions, and please pump in at least 1 forty day health working in the next year.
Also, new covid-influenza strain found in israel. Lol at this point I'm just laughing when a new variant is found.

They will keep coming up with newer and newer versions as long as people are willing to be vaccinated against them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Also, new covid-influenza strain found in israel. Lol at this point I'm just laughing when a new variant is found.

Omicron is just cold and flu symptoms, if one pays attention... Not a variant of anything :lol:

They made a new troll line now, about Flu-Rona, a combination of flu and coronavirus. The trolling will never end. Soon we will reach the point where Flurona will be an imagined illness one has to get into a camp in Australia for maybe having or not having, or maybe even believing if it exists or not.

Oh c'mon HP, this is a perfect example of the fact that race-mixing is good. If viruses can do it we can do it as well *rubs hands in hebrew*. The virus world is not going to be the monolithic genomes it once was.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
15. Because if people said NO, the Governments would again move in with jewish restrictions, citing full blown pandemic. They could declare for example, a fake Martial Law to "bring back order" after an infinite surge of cases.

Oh, this is what is happening now in Ukraine. Thank you so much HP for this post. This post explained to me in detail many aspects of what is happening now in the world, as well as in my country.
agni said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
15. Because if people said NO, the Governments would again move in with jewish restrictions, citing full blown pandemic. They could declare for example, a fake Martial Law to "bring back order" after an infinite surge of cases.

Oh, this is what is happening now in Ukraine. Thank you so much HP for this post. This post explained to me in detail many aspects of what is happening now in the world, as well as in my country.

Soon, most Governments will simply run out of arguments. They can only keep this up by obvious lying. Everything founded upon lies is poised to collapse.

Thank you for your comment, I am glad the post was of use.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Omicron is just cold and flu symptoms, if one pays attention... Not a variant of anything :lol:

They made a new troll line now, about Flu-Rona, a combination of flu and coronavirus. The trolling will never end. Soon we will reach the point where Flurona will be an imagined illness one has to get into a camp in Australia for maybe having or not having, or maybe even believing if it exists or not.

Oh c'mon HP, this is a perfect example of the fact that race-mixing is good. If viruses can do it we can do it as well *rubs hands in hebrew*. The virus world is not going to be the monolithic genomes it once was.

This cracked me up "monolithic genome" insane joke :lol:

As for the waking up, I have a friend who told me last month he was not going to take the booster shot cause he heard of a couple of cases in which people he knew experienced some nasty things

Anyway, a month later he goes and takes the booster cause you know we really have no choice and just living inside is no solution(attempted mockery at me)

Ok, at this point, after two years to just say this cause you want to visit some place means you're nothing but a fking snowflake

Your parents lived in the fking communism and in winter when being in the house was colder than outside cause you had no fking heating and food was given in rations like half a bread and a bottle of milk, they could say they had no fking choice cause it was the gulag and even then people found ways around the system

So yeah,

Immortal said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They made a new troll line now, about Flu-Rona, a combination of flu and coronavirus. The trolling will never end. Soon we will reach the point where Flurona will be an imagined illness one has to get into a camp in Australia for maybe having or not having, or maybe even believing if it exists or not.

Oh c'mon HP, this is a perfect example of the fact that race-mixing is good. If viruses can do it we can do it as well *rubs hands in hebrew*. The virus world is not going to be the monolithic genomes it once was.

This cracked me up "monolithic genome" insane joke :lol:

As for the waking up, I have a friend who told me last month he was not going to take the booster shot cause he heard of a couple of cases in which people he knew experienced some nasty things

Anyway, a month later he goes and takes the booster cause you know we really have no choice and just living inside is no solution(attempted mockery at me)

Ok, at this point, after two years to just say this cause you want to visit some place means you're nothing but a fking snowflake

Your parents lived in the fking communism and in winter when being in the house was colder than outside cause you had no fking heating and food was given in rations like half a bread and a bottle of milk, they could say they had no fking choice cause it was the gulag and even then people found ways around the system

So yeah,


Well said. I also have a friend who did not want to take the vax no matter what, but he did it because he could not take it anymore, his wife wanted to go to restaurants all the time... stupid woman and loser simp. As for the ones living under communism, few learned their lessons and are still falling for it.
I feel compelled to write this post for some reasons.
According to recent news, and my feeling, it seems the enemy is quickly turning to the "end of 'pandemic'".
I believe they acknowledged they will not be able to handle a mass reaction to bring them out of power.
So their "speakers" and some "leaders" are rapidly changing tone and announcing Covid is now weak.
The same happened years ago with the Hollywood pedophile scandal, they scapegoated some random jew and Gentile to keep the machine going. Otherwise the whole thing would have been grown out of their control.
I think this is the same now and I hope what I think, will manifest soon.

As HP HoodedCobra said and teached us, we should expect something new event/disaster/etc. from the enemy side to enslave Gentiles.
100 Days said:
I feel compelled to write this post for some reasons.
According to recent news, and my feeling, it seems the enemy is quickly turning to the "end of 'pandemic'".
I believe they acknowledged they will not be able to handle a mass reaction to bring them out of power.
So their "speakers" and some "leaders" are rapidly changing tone and announcing Covid is now weak.
The same happened years ago with the Hollywood pedophile scandal, they scapegoated some random jew and Gentile to keep the machine going. Otherwise the whole thing would have been grown out of their control.
I think this is the same now and I hope what I think, will manifest soon.

As HP HoodedCobra said and teached us, we should expect something new event/disaster/etc. from the enemy side to enslave Gentiles.
That's nothing new, they've been saying that the pandemic would be over in 3 months ever since it started.
Aquarius said:
100 Days said:
I feel compelled to write this post for some reasons.
According to recent news, and my feeling, it seems the enemy is quickly turning to the "end of 'pandemic'".
I believe they acknowledged they will not be able to handle a mass reaction to bring them out of power.
So their "speakers" and some "leaders" are rapidly changing tone and announcing Covid is now weak.
The same happened years ago with the Hollywood pedophile scandal, they scapegoated some random jew and Gentile to keep the machine going. Otherwise the whole thing would have been grown out of their control.
I think this is the same now and I hope what I think, will manifest soon.

As HP HoodedCobra said and teached us, we should expect something new event/disaster/etc. from the enemy side to enslave Gentiles.
That's nothing new, they've been saying that the pandemic would be over in 3 months ever since it started.

Personally I don't really think they will call it off, unless conclusive data tells them they will be killed for certain if they continue it.

This isn't going anywhere basically, it's the last 15 days to flatten the curve for the last 700 days or something. People are fried from this nonsense worldwide.

Regardless, now with all the failed strategy of handling all this [deliberate], they have either an opener to continue the same hoax until people are freaked out and try to stop them, or merely roll some other shit like financial worldwide panic or things like this. Chances are we will see both for 2022, with the two changing from side dish to main dish all the time.

It appears that the situation can hold up until a point. With all these extremely risky conspiracies, they might have too many issues of their own. This "Co-Vid" nonsense bullshit is already trying to pull down and rape the economy, which will turn many of their own jews destitute if this happens. The more this is prolonged, they are pulling in the blade further and further, and it's not good for them.

But they are on a suicidial power trip right now, so they might just continue it. Saturn is still in Aquarius and nothing has changed fundamentally from a planetary perspective.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Regardless, now with all the failed strategy of handling all this [deliberate], they have either an opener to continue the same hoax until people are freaked out and try to stop them, or merely roll some other shit like financial worldwide panic or things like this. Chances are we will see both for 2022, with the two changing from side dish to main dish all the time.

I believe the preparation offensive for the enemy is beginning sometime in early-mid February right around the Valentine era 12-14 area.

I'll post this what Jack has posted from a while back but he kept repeating it again in a recent sermon on the yearly recap.

Super Shemitah offensive February to October 29. Apparently they state 2023 is when their messiah arrives. Funny the jews were stating the messiah is already here back in '20/'21.


It all lines up perfectly with additional force multiplication on the Spring Offensive circa April or so when super/hyper inflation is set to kick in or what I should state is being worked in to create it. Uranus in Taurus(think?).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
