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The number 420

Since you asked the question very vaguely, I can give you several meanings. However, not all of them are spiritual in the true sense of the word.
It depends on which spirituality you are looking at.

For the Jew, 420 in the negative sense is the typical expression of an “anti-Semite” or a “Jew-hostile person”. He pronounces it as אנטישמי (antisemi). For him, it is in this sense a “humiliation, disgrace, degradation” (השפלה Hashphala).
In a positive sense, for him it is the number with which things are “consecrated” on the feast day (קידוש kidush), which is equivalent to “purification” (משעי Maschai)
420000 can be equated gematrically with 420. “Between 1919 and 1948, 420,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine”.1
1 Raphaele Raab, The Oriental Jews as “Victims” of Zionism? Diploma thesis, Graz 2018, p. 17

In the stoner scene, the number 420 is not so much a spiritual number, but rather a kind of “code”. Because April 20, or 4/20, is an important day for the community of cannabis users. However, this is more of a legend. It is more accurate to say that in San Rafael, California, five high school students, who called themselves the Waldos, arranged to meet every day at 4:20 in the afternoon under a statue of Louis Pasteur in search of an abandoned cannabis plantation. "4:20 Louis" quickly became the code word for their treasure hunt. “Louis” was dropped one day (and the guerrilla plantation was never found), but the phrase 420 spread and soon became a euphemism for anything hashish-related.
Gradually, the catchphrase also found its way into pop culture. This is why, for example, most of the clocks in Pulp Fiction (and all of Lost in Translation) are set to 4:20 and the scoreboard in Fast Times at Ridgemont High reads 42-0.

The 420 is a reference to Adolf Hitler's birthday on April 20. In the Anglo-Saxon world, they say 4/20.

Since 420 and 42 have the same gematrial value, for Christians the number 42 points to “the coming of the Lord”, i.e. “the coming of the Son of God to earth”, which I don't want to go into any further, as I don't believe this nonsense. Equally moronic: in the reduction, you get the number 6, which stands for “man”, because according to the Bible, man was created on the 6th day. The Christian interpretation of numbers follows Jewish ideology.

In Greek numerical symbolism, 420 stands for both Isis (ΙΣΙΣ) and Judea (Ιυδεα).

And finally, there is also a numerological interpretation of the number 420. This number connects spirituality with intuition. It can be broken down into the numbers 4, 2 and 0. The sum is 6.

The number 4 stands for action, work, the principle of action, determination, constancy, material necessities, but also the power of love (fourth chakra). It also stands for concentration or meditation and hard work. Negatively, it stands for: excessive practicality, lack of perspective, harsh conditions

The number 2 stands for knowledge (through discernment), for reason, but also for empathic understanding, i.e. intuition and sexual power (second chakra). It is the number of duality and balance. It is negative: the addiction to criticism, doubt or deception

The number 0 is not actually a number, but the origin, the cosmic primordial ground. It is everything and nothing. That is why it unites creative potential and creativity

The number 6 naturally stands for sex, love, eroticism, sympathy, connection; furthermore: for the decision between instinct and obligation. Negatively, it represents temptation, vice and addiction, as well as an undesirable dependency in general.

It is therefore about following intuition and the power of love and growing spiritually through consistency and hard work with the knowledge acquired. This requires creativity and a life of balance, and the ability to discern to dispel doubt and deception.

As often as the number 420 appears in life, it reminds us that we are on the right path to grow spiritually and to constantly turn inwards in meditation in order to get in touch with ourselves, our feelings and our thoughts. It also means finding balance and fulfillment in life through hard work, action and work. It is important to act with determination. The goal, however, is achieved by meditating on the origin. This could also mean tracking down your unconscious through dream work and a dream diary. Intuition and the sexual power of love will then show you ways and means. Addictions can be cleared up in this way.

In the tarot, the number 420 should be considered with the trump cards “0”, i.e. “The Fool” or “The Juggler”, “2”, i.e. “The Pope” or “The High Priestess” and “4”, i.e. “The Ruler” or “The Emperor”.

Just this much: the fool stands for infantile ignorance, which is called avidya in the tantric tradition. For every life begins with the previous life having been extinguished by drinking from the water of Lethe. The “lack of knowledge”, however, is the unconscious will that moves the newborn before the reasons for the desire to live can even be understood. Or as Waddell says of avidya. “Its ordinary meaning is defined in the Vinaya texts ... thus: “Not to know suffering, not to know the cause of suffering, not to know the cessation of suffering, not to know the path leading to the cessation of suffering, this is called ignorance.” But avidya ... is, according to our information, what can be called the ignorant unconscious will to live”. 1

1 L. Austine Waddell, The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism, W. H. Allen & Co, Ltd, London 1895, p. 113

"The Fool" is always accompanied by a dog that bites him on the heel. According to ancient Egyptian tradition, the dog stands for Death, who guards the gates to the afterworld and the underworld, the source of true knowledge.

Celtiberian medals depicted the Lord of Death wearing the same conical cap as "the Fool", the jester. This “Lord of Death” was referred to as “Helmann”, i.e. a man who served the underworld goddess Hel. For the Egyptians and in the symbolism of dreams and myths, this cap was the phallus, which is why in medieval Europe of Tantric origin the carnival king was also called the “prince of love”.

As for the “popess” or “high priestess”, she is the alma mater, the mother of the soul, who was known as luna regia, queen moon. She is the wise woman, the sophia, the female wisdom. This is the Indian Shakti, from which Christianity has made the “Holy Spirit” in its original female form. In alchemical texts, “the high priestess” is equated with the moon, where she addresses the male deity, the sun, directly as follows: “O sun, you do nothing alone if I am not present with my power, just as a cock is helpless without a hen”.1
1 Wayne Shumaker, The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance. A Study in Intellectual Patterns, second printing, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 1973, p. 183

On the tantric wheel of life it is called vijnana: the stage of development of conscious experience through learning.

The “ruler” or “emperor” is the cosmic androgyne of the Upanishads and the Greek Eros or Phanes as a hermaphrodite. The sceptre and the sphere were ancient male and female sexual symbols. The “emperor” only shows the left, i.e. female, half of his face. He carries his sceptre, the fleur-de-lis or fleur de luce, i.e. “flower of light”, which was based on Shiva's lightning phallus, in his right, male hand. Western phallic gods were Jupiter, Hades, Poseidon and Lucifer, who carry a trident. The eagle on the coat of arms fits in with this as the totem for the male spirit, which was associated with fire, lightning and the sun. It is the bird of Jupiter, just as the Horus falcon was the symbol of the reincarnated spirit Osiris in Egypt. This is why the “ruler” is also called Osiris on old tarot cards.

In Egypt, too, the left hand was female and represented the goddess Maat. The right hand stood for her husband Thoth. The Babylonians prayed that the goddess would stand on the left and the god on the right. So did the Greeks. The Jews, who imitated everything, also said that the left hand of God was the female hand. Psychology today says that the left side of the body is determined by the right side of the brain. These feminine qualities are: intuition, imagination, emotional insight, finer perception and understanding.

The crossed legs also represent a sign of Jupiter, which was similar to the hermetic number four. The torchbearers of Mithras Cautes and Cautopates should also be remembered here.

In Wolfram von Eschenbach's Grail cycle, the “ruler” is the “guardian of the Holy Grail”, Parzival, who began his mystical journey as a fool.

If you have paid close attention, you will find all the characteristics described in numerology in the three tarot cards. Only here they take on a much deeper meaning and do not remain on the material level.

I hope I have given you some ideas.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
