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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The high ranks of the enemy well know the deepest aspects of the human mind and that what we focus on tends to manifest in the real world as long as the thoughts are physically feasible. This is why they want us to constantly focus on apocalyptic scenarios.
Obsessive thoughts tend to manifest like energy. This is why the enemy is obsessed about convincing us that the apocalypse is coming in so many ways. AI, weather, pandemics, war, economy and in many other forced ways that do not constitute any priority missions for us. They hope to use our collective mind as an antenna or emitter as the power of collective thought is far more powerful than that of a single or few individuals.
Rather than focusing on those thoughts, humans should focus on thoughts such as what we would like the world to look like. This goes especially for us, considering we know the natural ways of the world and do not have our perceptions distorted by a pathogen in human form.
To put it simple, thought energy searches for the fastest and easiest way to manifest, but easiest in this context does not necessarily mean in a positive way. This is why when doing affirmations for a certain working, it is often good to specify “in a positive way”. You would not want to earn money by inheriting it from a dead relative.
So, the easiest way would be to focus on the end goal and how it would normally look like, but there is no harm in throwing in details in one’s thoughts. As negative people always dream and imagine themselves in a post-apocalyptic world, try instead to imagine yourself in a world without the enemy where the efforts are put into family, law improvement, economic growth and opportunities, medical research, energy optimization, sports and physical growth. One could constantly spend their continuous daydreaming time in imagining themselves with a spouse and kids, having a nice house same for them as for their close friends. One could imagine himself growing financially, physically and spiritually in an ethno-state while the West is in good relations with the other continents and the races of the human species are separated in terms of purity, but in good relations and communication while prospering and respecting each other.
Our minds are an endless spring of imagination so, we should use this carefully to our advantage. When one element is too sick to live our dream, then we should focus our minds and efforts on removing that threat.
One can also imagine a strong military empire, alliance or coalition that by its strength and might provides us with safety and the impossibility of another major war. Same goes for economy and trade alliances. The fast transportation, advanced communication and modern technology of our times set the stage for a humane globalist world order instead of the enemy’s vision. This invalidates the previous historical reasons for war and conflict if managed properly, not forcing the need for land and resource control as people simply trade for what they need and exchange goods and services. Corporations and institutions are not what cause conflict, but their managers.
Unfortunately, there are still many people who think globalism itself is the problem, dismissing the enemy and pushing for isolationism. Well, there are bad news for those simple-minded individuals as you will end up with no NATO or EU, but with the enemy still leeching on their nations and being even thrown in major wars just like recent historical eras.
Manifesting thoughts should be just done as a pleasurable daydreaming when one has the time for that. This should not become a burning obsession as in expecting results in a certain timeframe or deadline. This can bring a lot of disappointment. Just enjoy the visualizing whenever you have time and let go of it when you get back to reality and mind your usual business.
Objectives and ideas can be both collective as the ones mentioned above or individual. Each one of us has their own missions, some being more or less pressing. For example, acquiring the dream house is done over time, but fixing a health issue should be a process that requires immediate start. One should always set priorities.
Thoughts are always easier to manifest over time if accompanied by day-to-day affirmations such as “my circulatory system is perfectly safe and healthy” or “I am earning wealth, material comfort and property in an easy and positive way”. On top of that one can also add runes, mantras and numerology. As SS, we are knowledgeable in using those tools to increase the chances and quantity of success. The Joy of Satan community’s sites provide excellent information in regards to those spiritual methods.
One can use a rune or a set of runes which’s nature correspond to their needs and goals and vibrate that set of runes by a multiple of times that is divisible with each rune’s corresponding number, then state their affirmation nine times. For example, one would use the rune ISA for workings related to self-defense or justice, OTHAL and FEHU for workings related to wealth and WUNJO for health improvement.
An adept can also use colors and visualize the energy’s color for their purposes as each color has a certain nature and meaning. Red is a color of aggressivity for example. For wealth and protection workings one should use the gold energy and visualize it around themselves when stating affirmations. In a working for hair growth for example, an individual could visualize drawing green energy to their scalp while inhaling and affirming that their “hair is growing thick and healthy in a very positive way”.

One can also add astrological days and hours for specific works. For a better focusing capacity, a working can be started on the day of Mercury and to add extra power it can be started on the hour of mercury as well. A parallel to this astrology schematic there is also a table of chakras and their corresponding hours on each day for working on each chakra which in turn can help corresponding organs and abilities. As previously elaborated, many components of the human biological body as well as the soul are correlated and link to each other.
More powerful workings can be formed for example as a set of runes with their corresponding affirmation, then being started on the correlated day and hour and being carried out daily for at least 40 days. This created an energy momentum that manifests way stronger.
Astrological transits can also be used to empower one’s workings such as a Mars in Aries for strengthening up and becoming better in physical defense.
Magikal squares or planetary squares are a similar method, but have a certain fixed number of days which is a square number, hence the name of magical squares.
Such a work is best started on the day and hour of its planet and the corresponding mantras must be vibrated based on the numbers and directions of each square.
For improving in areas such as communication, understanding, hearing, speaking and other abilities related to intellect and sensorial capacity it is a good idea to do a Mercury square as this planet corresponds to those areas.
For issues relating to aggression, fighting, defense and conflict resolution it is a good idea to do a Mars square and for healing or wealth a Sun square could help a lot.
To better understand how planets, astrological signs, colors, energy, organs and chakras link to each other one must think about what traits, natures and details he knows about any of them, and they may be able to draw the lines even without consulting the Joy of Satan main site. But if not sure, it is always better to check the site and information. In time, this knowledge may come easier.
Manifesting goals comes better if one is consistent in what they focus on. Even after a major 40 days plus work has been done, the affirmation can be done sporadically, from time to time if not daily, to put momentum on an already moving train. This will almost certainly trigger the mind to act in the physical realm as well.
Spiritual workings are what motivate us to take action in the physical world. One can do a working to find a love partner, but if the opportunities and circumstances present themselves, it will not do much good if they do not take advantage of those opportunities.
Some outcomes happen with both hidden means as well as with the necessary real-life actions and some just with the hidden spiritual means. The individual in question must be wise enough to know when and how to act. What comes first is the will to do so. If there is a lack of desire, then the working has a poor chance to be carried out until the end. The person must determine how to acquire the will or if the goal in question is really what they desire. This could explain the lack of desire. Desire and motivation are two different things. One could have the desire, but not enough motivation.
But at other times, some may have both the desire and the motivation, but the means may lack. In solving problems, we must always look with a logical line of thought and ask ourselves “what do I need to solve this issue?” What is lacking and must be acquired before proceeding or continuing with our mission?
It could be an issue relating to various material circumstances or in many more cases than we could think, it could be something relating to health or physical discomforts. Such obstacles can place tremendous negative pressure on our objectives. Often, we compare ourselves with others and how they can solve the same issues faster and we think we are not made for this or that regardless of how much we desire those goals. It seems it comes way easier for others than for us and we become discouraged. In my case it took a lot of time, patience, maturity and experience to be fully able to assess myself and come to the conclusion that I lived with a set of physical discomforts that made certain goals harder to get. One must determine what are those areas that lack power and go about solving them one by one.
Some abilities may be relating to physical predispositions, genetics, astrology, and life experience while some disadvantages are related to very specific small issues that one lives with and gets used to them which often makes them very hard to detect. One thinks this is their full potential, not noticing they have a branch stuck in their wheel.
The examples I am about to detail are some of the issues that I faced and others are from friends and acquaintances which I worked with to better understand them and solve them. We shared experience and knowledge and managed to help each other as well as ourselves.

An extremely important factor in both spiritual meditation as well as in physical training is a VERY GOOD BREATHING CAPACITY! This may be the most important of them all. The Joy of Satan sites clearly state that energy and life are in the breath. So many spiritual practices relate to drawing and visualizing energy by inhaling. The focusing capacity is also directly linked to one’s breathing capacity. Both physical training and spiritual practicing are correlated and both require a good breathing capacity. Here we have, if I dare say so, the most important triangle for an SS’s self-development. Breath, physical training and meditation!
An issue I had until recently was a nose obstruction caused by very big nose turbinates.
“Turbinates play an important physiological role by warming and humidifying inspired air and by regulating nasal airflow, but they also contribute substantially to nasal airway obstruction, particularly in cases of allergy and viral upper respiratory infections.” – National Institute of Health (US Government).
The surgery procedures for such an issue were often more harmful than useful, leaving the nose and throat without the necessary humidity and being in constant need of nose drops. In time, medical procedures advanced and for such an issue I did a radiofrequency-based intervention that leaves the nasal mucosa healthy and intact. After doing this, my overall energy and focus capacity increased enormously and I was able to sleep and rest as never before. This is why it is imperative to get to the point where we are able to assess ourselves and determine which are the areas where we must improve. One might have all the will in the world, if something is strongly impeding us and we do not address that obstacle it can make things close to impossible, if not impossible.
Our journey is a complex path and we must pay attention to all the obstacles by making them into our sub-missions.
That stage of my life made great improvements in my meditation abilities as well as in physical training and all other focus related activities. My concentration capacity has been greatly increased and it serves me well in both my job as well as in my day-to-day activities.
Another issue that could appear here similar to the nose turbinates can be a deviated septum that, if in a bad form, can cause the same type of breathing obstruction.
Further going into the breathing area, we often live in polluted environments and we are constantly exposed to chemicals and allergens that can cause further problems such as allergies or asthma. Some may have allergy-based asthma which is not as grave as the asthma form that can lead even to suffocation, but it does decrease the lung capacity. There are medical treatments for this issue, but there are natural remedies available as well. If one needs an inhalator, by no means they should replace it with a natural remedy except in the case when a doctor can confirm they are able to do so.
Small doses of ginger mixed with honey can create an antihistamine reaction that can sometimes even double the lung capacity in case of an allergy-based obstruction in the respiratory system. After I did my nose intervention, I added a kickboxing schedule on top of the gym as it is one of the most effective martial arts of self defense against multiple opponents. Mixed martial arts and grappling fighting styles such as Jiu Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo or Aikido can be very useful, but nothing is more effective against multiple aggressive opponents such as full striking combat sports like boxing and kickboxing. The power and agility of those are monstrous and should be used only in cases where all other options have failed!
Krav Maga, the Jewish martial art, is a sneaky and cunning fighting style that is also useful to add on top of a more aggressive fighting style. It is not the best idea to start with it, it is better to come as an extension of an already known martial art instead.
When I started practicing kickboxing, the first two sparring sessions were extremely tiring for me. I was getting tired so fast that I could barely hold my hands in guarding position and I let the adversary punch and kick with all he got. This was the least of my problems as the biggest one was that I was barely breathing. I realized then that was not a matter of training, but instead it was related to a limitation I had. I quickly begun researching for solutions to this problem as a spirometry indicated I had a weaker inhaling capacity than the necessary one for my height and weight parameters and I did not want to stop this sport for anything. Before I would start taking a strong antihistamine medicine, I came by this information about the ginger powder mixed with honey which doubled my lung capacity.
The following sparring sessions became a pleasure and at some times, I even agreed with my sparring partner and the coach to go a little more aggressive. I even had my nose bleeding and still I wanted to go on with the fight, I felt better than ever before, much more aggressive and determined. In time I improved my guard, gained some experience and made some friends along the way.
I was about to use a medicine, but found out about ginger just in time. Just one day of patience saved it all and paid off in the end. It also added on top of the ability to visualize energy in meditation.
Other natural remedies to combat allergies are quercetin which acts more on the upper respiratory system and vitamin D. Also, turmeric is a great helper in cases relating to allergies. There is scientific evidence that turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Other herbal treatments for this area include ginseng, garlic and black seed. But again, if the issue is more grave, one should not replace the ongoing medicine with natural remedies, unless a doctor confirms it is safe to do so. There are many incompetent doctors who often prescribe the wrong medicine, but if something seems off about a doctor’s advice one should always try to consult other doctors while natural remedies should come on top of medicine not as a replacement if one is already on a medical treatment.

Another example of an impeding factor is the predisposition of canker sores, scientifically known as Aphthous Stomatitis or Aphthous Ulcers. When those sores are recurring, it can be very painful and the discomfort they create affect our daily life and concentration capacity. It can be very tiring to live with them. They are mainly caused by a deficiency of vitamin B so if one has recurring canker sores, they should take a B vitamin complex and it will reduce their appearance frequency as well as their intensity. Another thing that causes it is the lack of a proper oral flora. It can be the consequence of antibiotics, stiff drinks or other factors that kill off the flora. A proper toothpaste that repairs the flora can have great results as well as foods rich in it.
Another natural remedy for this problem is chamomile tea that also has the ability to reduce inflammation and if taken in the incipient stages of a canker sore, it speeds up its death very fast. The Joy of Satan community is a fertile environment for learning and self-development as well as the ability to help others. I am truly grateful to High Priests Lydia, Hooded Cobra and other members for such great advice on natural treatments.
Vitamin B also helps a lot in hair and scalp health. Hair health is mainly sustained by vitamin B, protein, iron, selenium and zinc. Magnesium is another element that can help in the overall hair health in an indirect way as it regulates stress in the human body and stress can cause various issues with hair.
But let’s dive even deeper into the human body’s physiology. The stomach is the logistical center of the human body as the heart is the energy center and the brain is the command center to put this in a set of analogies. Given this, some issues relating to nutrient absorption can be a consequence of not having enough stomach acid. Therefore, all the nutrients we need to absorb for the rest of the processes in our organism, may be lower. Take the previous examples about the aphthous ulcers and hair thinning. Nutrients such as zinc, protein and vitamin B can be harder to absorb if the stomach acid is lower. Normally the stomach PH should be between 1 and 3 which is extremely acid. This is the necessary level of acid that breaks down the food into the much-needed nutrients and without such levels of acid, absorption is incomplete. When the stomach acid is low, the stomach’s sphincter does not fully close as the closing mechanism is triggered by the high levels of acid therefore causing gastric reflux. This in turn can cause persistent cough and even respiratory or digestive allergies. If both issues are present, it would be best to go solve the one which is the cause, in such a case the stomach’s low acid. This can be treated naturally with either Betaine HCl or with vinegar, taken during the meal in order to naturally raise the PH. Some Betaine HCl supplements even contain pepsin which is a digestive enzyme that helps the breaking down of nutrients and especially protein. Speaking of the center of logistics in the body, without the proper absorption of nutrients due to low acid problems, elements such as vitamin B12, iron, zinc or protein are insufficient for the rest of the body and such deficiencies can cause the previously mentioned issues such as hair thinning or canker sores.
Doctor Eric Berg has a YouTube channel where he talks a lot about solving such problems based on supplements and natural remedies. I recommend watching his content as his videos are really useful and gave me clues on what issues to hunt down and gradually solve.
Hypochlorhydria is the name of the low stomach acid phenomenon.
The digestive problem of low acid can also be caused by a pathogen called Helicobacter Pylori which inhibits acid. Hypochlorhydria effects can be bloating, gas, excessive burping, difficult digestion, acid reflux, cough, psoriasis, constipation or diarrhea, hair thinning, canker sores and any issues relating to a nutrient deficiency. Acid reflux, as opposed to many doctors’ views, is not so often caused by hyperacidity, but by low acid as the mechanism of the sphincter’s closing is not triggered by enough acid and normally the high acid would not even escape the stomach. What we feel is a low acid getting out.
Other related issues include a damaged intestinal flora which can cause either diarrhea or constipation and also, can cause nutrient deficiencies. It cand manifest with bloating and minor pain and discomfort. Such problems are usually solved with yogurts and probiotics.
All those examples serve to give us insight of some of the possible health issues, discomforts or minor handicaps that can be solved. Such problems often make it hard for people to achieve their goals. Pains, lack of energy, discomforts, breathing problems make it hard for us to progress in our lives and make us tired and lack motivation. An individual that goes very often to the bathroom will have a hard time concentrating on their day to day activity and the last thing they will want is setting goals. Often, a person that poses as a life coach or motivator will just preach “try harder” and accuse you of being lazy. Truth is, your will and efforts must be put in logically finding the impediments that hold you back, solving them one by one and letting each small, related progress in your life motivate you further.
Feeling comfortable and strong in one’s own body is fundamental to the development of their body on all fronts be they intellectual, physical or spiritual.
One should make it their mission to self-evaluate the problems which hold them back in achieving their objectives and go hunt them one by one. The solving of those problems is one of the most rewarding moments of life.
Apologies for the no paragraph delimitation, you don't want to know where I wrote this and how I posted it... it was a total adventure :)
A moderator can edit to make it easier to read. Can you help us out here? @Blitzkreig [JG]

It is really admirable that you do your best even in unfavourable circumstances.

Thank you for this beautiful post and please keep it up.
Interesting description on everyday magick or to be more specific "THINK like a God, ACT like a God or at least a Gentle -man/-woman". In simplest terms Maxine said it best, props are nice and all but sleight of hand is often the better way.

I believe props are better left for the Gods in rituals with them physically on the ground when they decide to appear to mankind. I always wanted to dedicate myself in a proper way with an audience a grand spectacle.

As for BJJ fighting avoid it, 90% of people who are on the ground fighting are police officers. BJJ can easily be countered by laying on top of your opponent, resting in essence, and putting your arm against their throat and chocking and pressing against their Adam's apple. In other words your in the process of using leverage and science against your target.

As for muscles and stamina while great things. My friend always iterated "muscles" are not fighting skill. You can be strong and more powerful but you can still get kicked up and down the street and have your ass handed to you. Why do you think many blackfolk like to "nigger punch" people during robberies.

Anyways I'm very intrigued by the imagination and images presented to my mind. I have a loss of hair on the front of my scalp towards my forehead. And I visualized the green energy brilliantly in a vivid matter. It turned perfectly it felt like my hair turned green it's just an energy feeling but it felt strong. Even if I'm not spiritually advanced and I've kept my meditations simple not to burn out.

BTW your affirmation could use a little work. You stated very positive which is not bad it's good. But MOST positive i.e. the ultimate wording should be used.

Most = the absolute zenith of positivity. In fact in recent times especially after member @Vira. His description of affirmation and redundancy to simplify was great. In fact if it's so positive it could even be perfect. Perfect = Human wise absolute zenith of development or skill | Perfect for Gods = Grandmastery of skill or capability at such extreme levels that forevermore it continues to evolve and progress.

Green energy can even draw in Venus energy or do a verbal working. "My hair is growing thick and healthy in the most positive way for me."

I also want to ask @EasternFireLion666.


What are your thoughts on lasering to a reality in WAY vs producing more realities in WAYS.

I sometimes feel especially personally that doing 1 thing might feel almost like a hallway or guardrails to a specific function. But WAYS gives me more freedom at the cost specific properties. What I'm trying to state is do we center on one place and only one place. Or do we split it up into different properties and give ourselves a varied approach.

EFL666 and others: Thoughts on single vs multiple way/ways?
Interesting description on everyday magick or to be more specific "THINK like a God, ACT like a God or at least a Gentle -man/-woman". In simplest terms Maxine said it best, props are nice and all but sleight of hand is often the better way.

I believe props are better left for the Gods in rituals with them physically on the ground when they decide to appear to mankind. I always wanted to dedicate myself in a proper way with an audience a grand spectacle.

As for BJJ fighting avoid it, 90% of people who are on the ground fighting are police officers. BJJ can easily be countered by laying on top of your opponent, resting in essence, and putting your arm against their throat and chocking and pressing against their Adam's apple. In other words your in the process of using leverage and science against your target.

As for muscles and stamina while great things. My friend always iterated "muscles" are not fighting skill. You can be strong and more powerful but you can still get kicked up and down the street and have your ass handed to you. Why do you think many blackfolk like to "nigger punch" people during robberies.

Anyways I'm very intrigued by the imagination and images presented to my mind. I have a loss of hair on the front of my scalp towards my forehead. And I visualized the green energy brilliantly in a vivid matter. It turned perfectly it felt like my hair turned green it's just an energy feeling but it felt strong. Even if I'm not spiritually advanced and I've kept my meditations simple not to burn out.

BTW your affirmation could use a little work. You stated very positive which is not bad it's good. But MOST positive i.e. the ultimate wording should be used.

Most = the absolute zenith of positivity. In fact in recent times especially after member @Vira. His description of affirmation and redundancy to simplify was great. In fact if it's so positive it could even be perfect. Perfect = Human wise absolute zenith of development or skill | Perfect for Gods = Grandmastery of skill or capability at such extreme levels that forevermore it continues to evolve and progress.

Green energy can even draw in Venus energy or do a verbal working. "My hair is growing thick and healthy in the most positive way for me."

I also want to ask @EasternFireLion666.


What are your thoughts on lasering to a reality in WAY vs producing more realities in WAYS.

I sometimes feel especially personally that doing 1 thing might feel almost like a hallway or guardrails to a specific function. But WAYS gives me more freedom at the cost specific properties. What I'm trying to state is do we center on one place and only one place. Or do we split it up into different properties and give ourselves a varied approach.

EFL666 and others: Thoughts on single vs multiple way/ways?
I agree with your stance on BJJ, I would only encourage learning it after already knowing a striking combat sport. If you end up on the ground wrestling with someone, it's not like at the club, the rest of the thugs will kick you in the liver and head.

How you optimized the affirmations is a great way. What I underlined here is just the overall idea, but each individual should think for the optimal affirmation for their specific goals.

As for the WAY/WAYS if I understand correctly, I think here it is up to the individual as some can focus on one thing and do it great while others can do multiple things in parallel. See what works for you.
Interesting description on everyday magick or to be more specific "THINK like a God, ACT like a God or at least a Gentle -man/-woman". In simplest terms Maxine said it best, props are nice and all but sleight of hand is often the better way.

I believe props are better left for the Gods in rituals with them physically on the ground when they decide to appear to mankind. I always wanted to dedicate myself in a proper way with an audience a grand spectacle.

As for BJJ fighting avoid it, 90% of people who are on the ground fighting are police officers. BJJ can easily be countered by laying on top of your opponent, resting in essence, and putting your arm against their throat and chocking and pressing against their Adam's apple. In other words your in the process of using leverage and science against your target.

As for muscles and stamina while great things. My friend always iterated "muscles" are not fighting skill. You can be strong and more powerful but you can still get kicked up and down the street and have your ass handed to you. Why do you think many blackfolk like to "nigger punch" people during robberies.

Anyways I'm very intrigued by the imagination and images presented to my mind. I have a loss of hair on the front of my scalp towards my forehead. And I visualized the green energy brilliantly in a vivid matter. It turned perfectly it felt like my hair turned green it's just an energy feeling but it felt strong. Even if I'm not spiritually advanced and I've kept my meditations simple not to burn out.

BTW your affirmation could use a little work. You stated very positive which is not bad it's good. But MOST positive i.e. the ultimate wording should be used.

Most = the absolute zenith of positivity. In fact in recent times especially after member @Vira. His description of affirmation and redundancy to simplify was great. In fact if it's so positive it could even be perfect. Perfect = Human wise absolute zenith of development or skill | Perfect for Gods = Grandmastery of skill or capability at such extreme levels that forevermore it continues to evolve and progress.

Green energy can even draw in Venus energy or do a verbal working. "My hair is growing thick and healthy in the most positive way for me."

I also want to ask @EasternFireLion666.


What are your thoughts on lasering to a reality in WAY vs producing more realities in WAYS.

I sometimes feel especially personally that doing 1 thing might feel almost like a hallway or guardrails to a specific function. But WAYS gives me more freedom at the cost specific properties. What I'm trying to state is do we center on one place and only one place. Or do we split it up into different properties and give ourselves a varied approach.

EFL666 and others: Thoughts on single vs multiple way/ways?
I agree with your stance on BJJ, I would only encourage learning it after already knowing a striking combat sport. If you end up on the ground wrestling with someone, it's not like at the club, the rest of the thugs will kick you in the liver and head.

How you optimized the affirmations is a great way. What I underlined here is just the overall idea, but each individual should think for the optimal affirmation for their specific goals.

As for the WAY/WAYS if I understand correctly, I think here it is up to the individual as some can focus on one thing and do it great while others can do multiple things in parallel. See what works for you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
