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The New Aged Movement

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The New Aged Movement

The New Age Movement is not anything new it got started in the 1800's with the Christian spiritualists movements and sects. Theosophy was the most prominent of such. Blavatsky said Theosophy's purpose was to create a Mystical Christian sect. Around this time also came a flood of literature from Masonic writers the most famous such as Pike pushing a Judaization of esoteric themes and histories. Which is what Theosophy also promotes, Blavatsky had connections to Judaizated Free Mason's with deep pockets and contacts. The term New Age comes from this time in reference to the Aquarian Age and their attempt to create an Aquarian Christianity from the previous Aeonic model of Pisces. From the 19th century came the designed Theosophical dominance in the spiritualist movement and societies with the rise of famous figures as Leadbeater, Bailey, Hall and on. The Church also had censors such as Muller and others mistranslating and committing adulteration of texts coming in from the East into the enemy narrative. What made it past their hands. The Theosophical agents ruined. Sir John Woodroffe who was a Tantric initiate and an excellent Sanskrit scholar in his later editions of his work "The Serpent Power" wrote a condemnation of the Theosophical corruption of this knowledge and the absurdist interpolations they injected into it. This was back in the 1920's.

To note the National Socialist's in Germany where not Theosophists. The leader of the Thule Society Dietrich Eckart and Hitler and many other National Socialists opposed Rudolf Steiner who was the head of the German Theosophical Society and who created his own Theosophist branch incorporated under a different name. Eckart stated Steiner was a Jew and Hitler called him a tool of the Jews, thus a Judaization agent working against the German Volkist spiritual movements that where of organic character. The conflict ended up with Steiner packing up and leaving Berlin. The National Socialists also banned the Free Masonic Society for being a organization front for World Jewry and Communism. Steiner spent most of his lectures attacking National Socialism.

Someone also made sure the Indian Theosophists such as Yogananda where put out front in the public display to pedal their wares of Theosophy masked as Christinduism. The World Theosophical Society main headquarters are in India. Where the same society worked hard to get enemy Buddhism rebuild in Sri Lanka. And pedaled to a western audience. This was done as there was a increasing interest in the East during the later 19th century so the attempt to dissolve and control this was put into place. If you note part of this propaganda is they take the image of the Nazarene and give him a wardrobe and hair make over and viola its St. Germaine or any other of their claimed ass-ended masters. They always put the Nazarene at the top of their list of masters and even scammed Hindu Deities and Buddha's mixed in with the Judaization narratives. Its subversion by synthesis. The blending of opposites with the enemy narrative in control. They went as far to create another ass-end master Mahavatar Babaji by their Indian Theosophical agents. This is simply blending the Hindu God Shiva with the phoney Nazarene to create a subversive icon. As part of cultural warfare on the Hindu People as well. Which was in constant swing for centuries. You can tell Lahirī's books announcing this fake character to the world obviously wrote in English not just his native language. Is a total fictional work like the proven fraud works of Castaneda. Yogananda's book "Autobiography of a Yogi" as well has been called out for being a fake. To target a mainly English speaking audience for subversion. But Yogananda got to live in a luxury Mason in California for it, where charges of sexual predation on young women followed him everywhere.

In the later 60's and 70's with the social changes in America this all got mainstreamed further to where we are today. Where nothing has changed. The New Age market place is controlled behind the scenes by Jewish publishers, agents and money. The most prominent New Ager at this time has a Jewish agent and handler and looks partially Jewish himself. While being promoted to the top spot light for pushing Judaizing conquest doctrines of Communism with a pseudo metaphysical covering. And working openly with other Jews to push lies and disinformation to further confuse people and rake in the shekels. Always pushing the Nazarene at the top of it. Jews are trying to put themselves in charge of any information on ET's within this paradigm as well. They don't want people understanding the truth of what is going on that level as well. It was their Catholic program that worked to remove any knowledge of ET's which was part of cultures around the world forever. When they do admit it as a necessary evil for them to stay as gate keepers, they push as much lies as possible to confuse the Goyim.

The New Age Movement is simply a new sect of Christianity. Its full of Jews in the leadership roles and other frauds always sharking the masses for shekels, fame and subversion. This is how the Jews take something over they Judaize it by mixing their physiological warfare doctrines with their target cultures and information. This allows them to conqueror the host with the larger program of Communism in our time and Christianity in the ancient world. The Jews did this to the Masonic Society taking it over from the inside and Judaizing it to control it and to neutralize them. Then where Communism took over the Masonic Lodges and non Jewish members where liquated with a 9mm attitude adjustment to the back of their head by the Jewish Commissar's and all their texts disappeared along with them. Like in Tibet. Why is the Dalai Lama a proclaimed Marxist now? Trace the money back to his pay masters and handlers. He has been on one group or another's pay roll for decades. They will even use him to push their ultimate doctrine of Communism.

The New Age Movement's job is to do what was done to the Masonic Society on a larger scale. For the same ultimate purpose. True Spiritual doctrine and knowledge is the ultimate threat to the enemy. They always seek to destroy it by confusing it which is how they remove it and then eliminate it totally in time. This allows them to take the host over totally. As when Peoples spiritual eyes are opened from the Serpent power of Satan and they can see what is going on and they are under attack on the spiritual and physical level by Jews and their ET masters the Grey-Reptilian cabal who is trying to turn our planet into a global factory farm under a Jewish Communist banner, this is their ultimate program. The Jewish Cohen gene has reptilian DNA in it. The Jews state they come from a separate, special blood line of Yahweh and this Yahweh even in the Torah is mentioned as physical corporeal being that comes down lives among them, eats at the table with them and gives them direct orders. And requires other beings to act as spies to give him information. This is not an all knowing, omnipresent, ethereal being. Mason's in the enemy societies mention summoning Angelic beings of Yahweh and Greys always showed up. Crowley in a deep medium trance drew a picture of Yahweh it was a Grey. This was before anyone knew about such things. Greys are reptilian in their DNA.

Satan is the God of our planet and all humanity upon it. Satan and the other Demons are the Extraterrestrial race of Orion Nordic's. Who are actually what is called in the Sanskrit language they gave humanity, Maha Siddha's. They are spiritual perfected Beings. Who all Gentile humanity is descended from when they had their civilization also on this planet in the Golden Age, before this solar system was attacked and this long war started. These Orion Nordic's are our original Gods who have been fighting to help humanity for centuries against this enemy menace. This is why the Jews are always lying about Satan and the Gods and then trying to fully erase our memories of them and the purpose of human destiny to evolve to Godhood ourselves which is the heart of the metaphysical teachings the Gods gave humans when they where on earth. The enemy needs to remove all this so they can make us brutalized slaves and cattle. The Jews want to make us unconscious cattle, Goyim as they call us. Because as the statement goes until we become conscious we can never rebel. Satan and the other Gods want us to be free and obtain the highest level of true freedom, spiritual liberation and its super consciousness which comes from raising the serpent of Satan.
I feel more free being a new person to this and I've gotten more creative since I've started praying to Satan I can wait to talk to him one on one. ? I had my head phones on the other day with no music and asked if Satan was here and and electric sound went through my head phone and I felt it was this him and real it jolted me.????
On Mar 19, 2015 4:47 PM, "mageson6666@... [JoS4adults]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The New Aged Movement

The New Age Movement is not anything new it got started in the 1800's with the Christian spiritualists movements and sects. Theosophy was the most prominent of such. Blavatsky said Theosophy's purpose was to create a Mystical Christian sect. Around this time also came a flood of literature from Masonic writers the most famous such as Pike pushing a Judaization of esoteric themes and histories. Which is what Theosophy also promotes, Blavatsky had connections to Judaizated Free Mason's with deep pockets and contacts. The term New Age comes from this time in reference to the Aquarian Age and their attempt to create an Aquarian Christianity from the previous Aeonic model of Pisces. From the 19th century came the designed Theosophical dominance in the spiritualist movement and societies with the rise of famous figures as Leadbeater, Bailey, Hall and on. The Church also had censors such as Muller and others mistranslating and committing adulteration of texts coming in from the East into the enemy narrative. What made it past their hands. The Theosophical agents ruined. Sir John Woodroffe who was a Tantric initiate and an excellent Sanskrit scholar in his later editions of his work "The Serpent Power" wrote a condemnation of the Theosophical corruption of this knowledge and the absurdist interpolations they injected into it. This was back in the 1920's.

Someone also made sure the Indian Theosophists such as Yogananda where put out front in the public display to pedal their wares of Theosophy masked as Christinduism. The World Theosophical Society main headquarters are in India. Where the same society worked hard to get enemy Buddhism rebuild in Sri Lanka. And pedaled to a western audience. This was done as there was a increasing interest in the East during the later 19th century so the attempt to dissolve and control this was put into place. If you note part of this propaganda is they take the image of the Nazarene and give him a wardrobe and hair make over and viola its St. Germaine or any other of their claimed ass-ended masters. They always put the Nazarene at the top of their list of masters and even scammed Hindu Deities and Buddha's mixed in with the Judaization narratives. Its subversion by synthesis. The blending of opposites with the enemy narrative in control. They went as far to create another ass-end master Mahavatar Babaji by their Indian Theosophical agents. This is simply blending the Hindu God Shiva with the phoney Nazarene to create a subversive icon. As part of cultural warfare on the Hindu People as well. Which was in constant swing for centuries. You can tell Lahirī's books announcing this fake character to the world obviously wrote in English not just his native language. Is a total fictional work like the proven fraud works of Castaneda. Yogananda's book "Autobiography of a Yogi" as well has been called out for being a fake. To target a mainly English speaking audience for subversion. But Yogananda got to live in a luxury Mason in California for it, where charges of sexual predation on young women followed him everywhere.

In the later 60's and 70's with the social changes in America this all got mainstreamed further to where we are today. Where nothing has changed. The New Age market place is controlled behind the scenes by Jewish publishers, agents and money. The most prominent New Ager at this time has a Jewish agent and handler and looks partially Jewish himself. While being promoted to the top spot light for pushing Judaizing conquest doctrines of Communism with a pseudo metaphysical covering. And working openly with other Jews to push lies and disinformation to further confuse people and rake in the shekels. Always pushing the Nazarene at the top of it. Jews are trying to put themselves in charge of any information on ET's within this paradigm as well. They don't want people understanding the truth of what is going on that level as well. It was their Catholic program that worked to remove any knowledge of ET's which was part of cultures around the world forever. When they do admit it as a necessary evil for them to stay as gate keepers, they push as much lies as possible to confuse the Goyim.

The New Age Movement is simply a new sect of Christianity. Its full of Jews in the leadership roles and other frauds always sharking the masses for shekels, fame and subversion. This is how the Jews take something over they Judaize it by mixing their physiological warfare doctrines with their target cultures and information. This allows them to conqueror the host with the larger program of Communism in our time and Christianity in the ancient world. The Jews did this to the Masonic Society taking it over from the inside and Judaizing it to control it and to neutralize them. Then where Communism took over the Masonic Lodges and non Jewish members where liquated with a 9mm attitude adjustment to the back of their head by the Jewish Commissar's and all their texts disappeared along with them. Like in Tibet. Why is the Dalai Lama a proclaimed Marxist now? Trace the money back to his pay masters and handlers. He has been on one group or another's pay roll for decades. They will even use him to push their ultimate doctrine of Communism.

The New Age Movement's job is to do what was done to the Masonic Society on a larger scale. For the same ultimate purpose. True Spiritual doctrine and knowledge is the ultimate threat to the enemy. They always seek to destroy it by confusing it which is how they remove it and then eliminate it totally in time. This allows them to take the host over totally. As when Peoples spiritual eyes are opened from the Serpent power of Satan and they can see what is going on and they are under attack on the spiritual and physical level by Jews and their ET masters the Grey-Reptilian cabal who is trying to turn our planet into a global factory farm under a Jewish Communist banner, this is their ultimate program. The Jewish Cohen gene has reptilian DNA in it. The Jews state they come from a separate, special blood line of Yahweh and this Yahweh even in the Torah is mentioned as physical corporeal being that comes down lives among them, eats at the table with them and gives them direct orders. And requires other beings to act as spies to give him information. This is not an all knowing, omnipresent, ethereal being. Mason's in the enemy societies mention summoning Angelic beings of Yahweh and Greys always showed up. Crowley in a deep medium trance drew a picture of Yahweh it was a Grey. This was before anyone knew about such things. Greys are reptilian in their DNA.

Satan is the God of our planet and all humanity upon it. Satan and the other Demons are the Extraterrestrial race of Orion Nordic's. Who are actually what is called in the Sanskrit language they gave humanity, Maha Siddha's. They are spiritual perfected Beings. Who all Gentile humanity is descended from when they had their civilization also on this planet in the Golden Age, before this solar system was attacked and this long war started. These Orion Nordic's are our original Gods who have been fighting to help humanity for centuries against this enemy menace. This is why the Jews are always lying about Satan and the Gods and then trying to fully erase our memories of them and the purpose of human destiny to evolve to Godhood ourselves which is the heart of the metaphysical teachings the Gods gave humans when they where on earth. The enemy needs to remove all this so they can make us brutalized slaves and cattle. The Jews want to make us unconscious cattle, Goyim as they call us. Because as the statement goes until we become conscious we can never rebel. Satan and the other Gods want us to be free and obtain the highest level of true freedom, spiritual liberation and its super consciousness which comes from raising the serpent of Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
