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The Music Industry Exposed... WTF?


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Ok... so i stumbled upon this video series in youtube...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DikoLMfnEgE  (this is part 1)

I haven't seen them all... but i don't know what to think

I feel this isn't the truth and that the enemy is trying to cause confusion in order to bring chaos... what do you think?

Does anyone know more about this? How much of this information is valid?
First off, the 'Illuminati' are not true Satanists. This is another jewish invented [Catholic Jesuit/Jew 'Adam Weishaupt' founder] program, pretending to be 'Satanists' before the publis and to add fuel to the christian accusations against Satanists.

The jews either will work to gain control of any prominent Gentile organization, usually through infiltration, OR destroy it. This is what happened to Freemasonry, which was originally Luciferian and Gentile.

Here is an excerpt from the book “Rule by Secrecy” by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages 58 - 59:

“This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…”
“Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason”
“The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The jews work relentlessly to create confusion and dissension amongst Gentiles. As for the music and film industry, both are dominated by jews. Yes, most musicians and many actors/actresses are heavily into drugs and alcohol. This sort of thing is PUSHED. A prime example is the 70's band 'Black Sabbath.'

Ozzy Osbourne's recent auto-biography for one is very revealing. The 70's band 'Black Sabbath' consisted of four young musicians from England, from poor, impoverished, Gentile working class backgrounds. The kikey agents saw them coming, and ripped them off heavily, all the while pushing drugs and getting them dependent on hard drugs to where they were so drunk and stoned out of their minds, and of course jews 'handled' their money. When they wised up a bit and hired a lawyer [another kike], then the lawyer and the agents worked in collusion [jew to brother jew] to further rip them off and drug them, until the band no longer existed. Half-Jewish Sharon Arden [formerly Levee] took control of his career and eventually married him. After this control, his career flourished.

This is very typical and prevalent in the music and film industries where there is loads of money. Many bands get totally ripped off, drugs are pushed relentlessly and constantly, along with liquor and 24/7 'partying.'

When one is heavily under the influence 24/7, one becomes a blatant target and a victim. The kikes who manage these bands and their kikey brethren who assist them and have all sorts of connections, work to keep these bands with a constant and unending supply of heavy drugs, which they definitely charge for accordingly. The jews then take most of the money and run things the way they see fit- again, through viscious exploitation.

As for the 'Rain Man' this, like many other things, seems to be a fad. Also, with the christian hyping of this 'New World Order,' the 'Illuminati' and their other crap of which they are actually facilitating, this is all over the internet and finds its way into the music industry and lyrics. This is JEWISH IMPOSTER Satanism, NOT True Satanism. It is so obvious how they attack true Satanism, as they have for centuries.

The jews are masters of deception and lies. They gain control through confusion. Young Jews are taught how to argue in their Yeshiva schools.

A prime example, again, Hollywood, how they work to confuse those who are unknowing- most of the Gentile population, with their movies. Most people here are well aware of Jewish communism, how they invented it; it is the main theme of the judeo/chritian bible and all of their 'holy writings'- their program for systematically removing spiritual/occult knowledge and power from the Gentiles so they, themselves can become 'God' and have a Gentile slave state.

One blatant example here, that they use to confuse is the HBO movie 'Stalin' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105462/ [1992] with Robert Duvall and Julia Ormond. Throughout the movie, the character 'Stalin' is made out to be against the jews, and hating of the jews. In real life, this is hardly the case. Stalin's real birth name was József Dugasvilli. 'Dugasvilli' in Georgian, means 'SON OF A JEW.' Stalin's second wife 'Nadezhda Alliluyev' was also jewish. His children were jewish. His eldest son, named 'Yakov' is jewish for 'Jacob.'

Lavrenty Beria was another kike who worked directly under Stalin. In the movie, they also portrayed him to be anti-jewish. Most people- the general populace is unaware and does not read enough to know the facts beneath all of the lies that are thrown at the public.

More examples include 'The Inner Circle' another movie that takes place in the former USSR under Stalin, where blatant persecution of the jews is the main theme. It even goes so far as to show a jewish character getting busted by the KGB for secretly collaborating with the Nazis. What a joke! Then, the movie goes on with more jews in their best roles as professional victims.

Moscow on the Hudson was another one, though only a very short, but blatant part of the movie, they show jews again, with their plackards of stars of david [stolen and corrupted from the East Indian 'Star of Vishnu'], protesting the Soviet communist government. They always scream the loudest. This, as all of the above are just for show and to confuse the daylights out of Gentiles.

The jews, being inventors and promoters of communism, work to try to convice an ignorant public that they are against communism. This is playing both sides of which they are highly skilled at.

The Catholic Church is another blatant example- the KGB of the Middle Ages. The jews again, like with the above, work relentlessly to try to convince the Gentile populace, that they are against christianity, and that they are 'persecuted' by christians and christianity. THIS IS A TOTAL CROCK OF SHIT!

Really now, HOW can any true christian be persecuting of jews? Every single page of that fucking bible has either the words 'jew/s' and/or 'Israel' written on it, the nazarene is jewish from birth to death, his mother and so-called 'earthly father' were BOTH jewish and OBSERVANT OF JEWISH LAWS. His 12 disciples were jewish. The nasty list goes on and on and on....

All of their crap is just for show and to confuse and delude the Gentiles. REAL Satanism, as many here are aware is HEAVILY persecuted, suppressed, and automatically banned- LEGALLY in many areas of the world and even in those where the constitution states 'religious freedoms.'

One can see the truth for one's self. Where in the world is there even just ONE open and public Satanic Church? Anything against the jews is 'evil' and they attack it and use their spiritual slaves, such as christians to attack it as well.

Everything the jews do, they twist and pervert and blame it upon Gentiles and any groups that are against them. They infiltrate, imposter and take control.

Wake up people-

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "saripoulonzi" <lolobardonik@... wrote:

Ok... so i stumbled upon this video series in youtube...
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DikoLMfnEgE (this is part 1)

I haven't seen them all... but i don't know what to think

I feel this isn't the truth and that the enemy is trying to cause
confusion in order to bring chaos... what do you think?

Does anyone know more about this? How much of this information is valid?
Go Maxine!

I hate all the stupid videos on youtube that point out the Satanic logos that the Masons use and automatically scream "Satanists!!!!"

They love to use their history to their advantage, of course during interviews they're Extremeley open about their ties to the occult, but never actually say what they do, so that the uneducted (remember the jews goal is to keep us in the dark) person will go ....occult + Satanic symbols = !!!!Yereka! they're Satanists! An Anti-christ is coming!!!! I better pray my ass off!

Then some of these people will ask Freemasons themselves what they are about, and they'll tell them something stupid, because not even they know unless they make up the 5% minority of Elders who hold onto the radical perverted cabalistic views.

1770 was an all around bad year for Satanism, that's also around the time Martines De Pasqually (a catholic jew) infiltrated the Oriental Templar Order and introduced them to cabalistic magic and kyke mystisism. Once again this backs Maxines claim (not that it needed to be backed even more) about the jews taking over everythign they can get their greasy money grubbing hands on.

It's also interesting that a Man named Ruess Steiner (you can tell he's a jew just by name alone) is or was part of the OTO or the masons, this man thouroughly FUCKED HIMSELF by saying that Aliester Crowley (a confused "Satanist") let out the secrets of the Secret Societys, because Crowlet wrote; "Let the adpet take up his magick rood and be armed with his mystic rose." In his famous "book of lies".

The word "rood" is the Old English word for the instument christ supposedley died on, while "mystic rose" represents the whore mary in freemasonry, the parable is obviously talking about magick, but not just anytype of magick, a judeo-christian system of magick. Also not how Crowley puts a "k" on magic, this has to to partially with it being "kabbalistic" magic.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

First off, the 'Illuminati' are not true Satanists. This is another jewish invented [Catholic Jesuit/Jew 'Adam Weishaupt' founder] program, pretending to be 'Satanists' before the publis and to add fuel to the christian accusations against Satanists.

The jews either will work to gain control of any prominent Gentile organization, usually through infiltration, OR destroy it. This is what happened to Freemasonry, which was originally Luciferian and Gentile.

Here is an excerpt from the book “Rule by Secrecy” by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages 58 - 59:

“This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…”
“Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason”
“The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The jews work relentlessly to create confusion and dissension amongst Gentiles. As for the music and film industry, both are dominated by jews. Yes, most musicians and many actors/actresses are heavily into drugs and alcohol. This sort of thing is PUSHED. A prime example is the 70's band 'Black Sabbath.'

Ozzy Osbourne's recent auto-biography for one is very revealing. The 70's band 'Black Sabbath' consisted of four young musicians from England, from poor, impoverished, Gentile working class backgrounds. The kikey agents saw them coming, and ripped them off heavily, all the while pushing drugs and getting them dependent on hard drugs to where they were so drunk and stoned out of their minds, and of course jews 'handled' their money. When they wised up a bit and hired a lawyer [another kike], then the lawyer and the agents worked in collusion [jew to brother jew] to further rip them off and drug them, until the band no longer existed. Half-Jewish Sharon Arden [formerly Levee] took control of his career and eventually married him. After this control, his career flourished.

This is very typical and prevalent in the music and film industries where there is loads of money. Many bands get totally ripped off, drugs are pushed relentlessly and constantly, along with liquor and 24/7 'partying.'

When one is heavily under the influence 24/7, one becomes a blatant target and a victim. The kikes who manage these bands and their kikey brethren who assist them and have all sorts of connections, work to keep these bands with a constant and unending supply of heavy drugs, which they definitely charge for accordingly. The jews then take most of the money and run things the way they see fit- again, through viscious exploitation.

As for the 'Rain Man' this, like many other things, seems to be a fad. Also, with the christian hyping of this 'New World Order,' the 'Illuminati' and their other crap of which they are actually facilitating, this is all over the internet and finds its way into the music industry and lyrics. This is JEWISH IMPOSTER Satanism, NOT True Satanism. It is so obvious how they attack true Satanism, as they have for centuries.

The jews are masters of deception and lies. They gain control through confusion. Young Jews are taught how to argue in their Yeshiva schools.

A prime example, again, Hollywood, how they work to confuse those who are unknowing- most of the Gentile population, with their movies. Most people here are well aware of Jewish communism, how they invented it; it is the main theme of the judeo/chritian bible and all of their 'holy writings'- their program for systematically removing spiritual/occult knowledge and power from the Gentiles so they, themselves can become 'God' and have a Gentile slave state.

One blatant example here, that they use to confuse is the HBO movie 'Stalin' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105462/ [1992] with Robert Duvall and Julia Ormond. Throughout the movie, the character 'Stalin' is made out to be against the jews, and hating of the jews. In real life, this is hardly the case. Stalin's real birth name was József Dugasvilli. 'Dugasvilli' in Georgian, means 'SON OF A JEW.' Stalin's second wife 'Nadezhda Alliluyev' was also jewish. His children were jewish. His eldest son, named 'Yakov' is jewish for 'Jacob.'

Lavrenty Beria was another kike who worked directly under Stalin. In the movie, they also portrayed him to be anti-jewish. Most people- the general populace is unaware and does not read enough to know the facts beneath all of the lies that are thrown at the public.

More examples include 'The Inner Circle' another movie that takes place in the former USSR under Stalin, where blatant persecution of the jews is the main theme. It even goes so far as to show a jewish character getting busted by the KGB for secretly collaborating with the Nazis. What a joke! Then, the movie goes on with more jews in their best roles as professional victims.

Moscow on the Hudson was another one, though only a very short, but blatant part of the movie, they show jews again, with their plackards of stars of david [stolen and corrupted from the East Indian 'Star of Vishnu'], protesting the Soviet communist government. They always scream the loudest. This, as all of the above are just for show and to confuse the daylights out of Gentiles.

The jews, being inventors and promoters of communism, work to try to convice an ignorant public that they are against communism. This is playing both sides of which they are highly skilled at.

The Catholic Church is another blatant example- the KGB of the Middle Ages. The jews again, like with the above, work relentlessly to try to convince the Gentile populace, that they are against christianity, and that they are 'persecuted' by christians and christianity. THIS IS A TOTAL CROCK OF SHIT!

Really now, HOW can any true christian be persecuting of jews? Every single page of that fucking bible has either the words 'jew/s' and/or 'Israel' written on it, the nazarene is jewish from birth to death, his mother and so-called 'earthly father' were BOTH jewish and OBSERVANT OF JEWISH LAWS. His 12 disciples were jewish. The nasty list goes on and on and on....

All of their crap is just for show and to confuse and delude the Gentiles. REAL Satanism, as many here are aware is HEAVILY persecuted, suppressed, and automatically banned- LEGALLY in many areas of the world and even in those where the constitution states 'religious freedoms.'

One can see the truth for one's self. Where in the world is there even just ONE open and public Satanic Church? Anything against the jews is 'evil' and they attack it and use their spiritual slaves, such as christians to attack it as well.

Everything the jews do, they twist and pervert and blame it upon Gentiles and any groups that are against them. They infiltrate, imposter and take control.

Wake up people-

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "saripoulonzi" <lolobardonik@ wrote:

Ok... so i stumbled upon this video series in youtube...
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DikoLMfnEgE (this is part 1)

I haven't seen them all... but i don't know what to think

I feel this isn't the truth and that the enemy is trying to cause
confusion in order to bring chaos... what do you think?

Does anyone know more about this? How much of this information is valid?
I have been coming across some of these videos and blogs for a while now and there is no truth to this. This is fear, pure and simple. People love to talk about what they don't know and taking on the Illuminati or what they believe is the Illuminati is just one example. If you go looking for patterns, you will find them. Take The Lost Symbol for instance. There is a part in the book where Professor Langdon shows a map of DC and yes, there is a pentagram. He then goes on to show other places in the US, much less important in status, that also have pentagram symbols in the street. Look hard enough and you'll find what you want. That's all these videos are. Quite honestly, I'm bored with them all. These people work so hard to show that they're much smarter than everyone else and it falls flat. Half of this stuff is so hilarious. The video you gave us the link is more one liners than anything else. If there was truth to what the poster was saying, he wouldn't need one lines to make his point. It is obvious that the poster(s) of these videos want to create hype. Did you watch Part 2 of this? Attempting to connect meaning to Rihanna's video and U2 is insane. I find it interesting that the posters said nothing about the cross and the Star of David in the U2 video, but made the focus the Eye of Providence.

It's all pick and choose. It's almost like all that hype around the Disney movies, seeing the word Sex in the Lion King and looking for other sexual symbols in children's movies. It's all a joke. To answer your question about validity, nothing is really valid without research. These videos aren't research, they're speculation. Always do your own, always ask questions, always seek out the Truth for yourself. You will be surprised at what you find.

Hail Enki!
Hail Eligor!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "saripoulonzi" <lolobardonik@... wrote:

Ok... so i stumbled upon this video series in youtube...
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DikoLMfnEgE (this is part 1)

I haven't seen them all... but i don't know what to think

I feel this isn't the truth and that the enemy is trying to cause
confusion in order to bring chaos... what do you think?

Does anyone know more about this? How much of this information is valid?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
