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The mind/body/genetic/astral connection.


New member
Oct 25, 2017
The mind/body/genetic/astral connection. I am not going to rehash the obvious link all the studies or occult theories, because if you have even read all the info in the Jos witchcraft site and a few scientific studies you can put it together yourself. No I'm going to give you some personal examples and a few ideas to get you started if you haven't already. Adapt it too yourself.

As a young child, I had warts covering one of my hands, I had a rudimentary occult knowledge and an Idea. I did a simple ''private'' thing with full confidence and the next morning all the warts were gone every single one. The kids that teased me looked at me funny the next day but nothing was said at least not that I know.

A few years later there was this bully that progressively and progressively bothered me, big guy for his age. Well one day we were in, in school suspension together desks side by side and I whispered a certain name under my breath suggested by my friend who is a occultist.

I was reading and a friend on the other side of me poked me and said are you alright? I looked around and others were looking at me. Come to find out the big guy had struck me as hard as he could in the side and I did not even feel it, or even notice until told, just kept reading my book.

I checked later in the bathroom and there was no mark. he never messed with me after that. I had just went back to my book. That one was talked about but they just thought I was tough or whatever.

I have had doctors show stuff up on tests, shadows, that were gone in later tests. My mother had a shadow on her lung as a heave smoker and while I cant be 100% sure I think I helped make it gone.

Likewise everyone close to me in my life who betrayed me for another I really hated has died from, or as the result of some terminal illness within a few years. Coincidence? Who can say in each case? My mother thought I may have been a changeling child it was an uneasy joke between something about expressions I made as a baby smiling too wide and scaring my grandfather, and knowing more than I should, dreams she had...but that was probably for a variety of reasons and in jest, yet who knows? I would be more likely to believe psi abilities, my mother is a born witch.

I can say in my mid 20's I was able to lose body fat and increase my muscles without doing much at all. It had teachers surprised got called into office about questions of using stuff. lol

I reversed the symptoms of a lifetime of smoking through auto hypnosis and still smoke like a chew-cho train with no adverse effects.

I can warm my own body in the cold choose to feel it or not. Speed or slow my own heart, Manifest symptoms of illness by worrying about them to degree. Induce the effect of a substance by recalling how it felt about half way to calm myself or reduce inhibitions. That's just NLP, technique anyone can do it.

I do not think it impossible there for that one could change there genetics. I have an occult friend that can change the color of his eyes from blue to green though not at will.

All this is really not that uncommon. I have read about hundreds of documented cases more striking than mine.

I think one can keep healthy using there mind/energy, more so if demons would help.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
