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The Knowledge Of The Gods: "Forbidden Knowledge"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyone here has to keep in mind, all the information of the JoS, has been for centuries nothing else but "Forbidden" information. The penalty of having this knowledge, was death.

Generations passed without people knowing any of it. As a result, after centuries, whole countries, peoples and Nations have dwindled, like trees that were left without their much needed water. The same goes for individual souls.

Now, it is out. The well is here and open, and those who want can drink. The second category, is those destined to drink - if you have been brought here, you will understand this in your heart.

In regards to how we are treated for sharing this information, we are like black sheep, renegades, many other things that the average person would label us as: Nothing positive.

We will change this sentiment in time. People will change their mind over this. It will take time, but eventually, humanity, or at least those who matter, will understand. It's important first however, that we ourselves understand it.

Regardless, that is against their own interest, but they don't understand their own interests, as many of them have effectively no self awareness.

This knowledge has been an inheritance of the spiritual sons and daughters of the Gods. It's part of being part of this spiritual family. It's more than a curriculum. It's the inheritance the Gods give to their children.

One must remember, no matter how difficult times they might face, or how good times, that they are always part of this family. This knowledge is a gift, and it must be utilized for betterment of one's self and advancement.

People who do not take this seriously in this path, are doing a great mistake to themselves. You can do it, and you know you can do it - yet sometimes the mind can interfere. It's important for the soul and heart to overreach the mind, control it, and do what is necessary. The Gods love us for our potential, and we need to actualize this.

When you do magick and spirituality, the mind may tend to forget. After a point, quite a few people take things for granted. Nothing of this is for granted. This Divine Knowledge could be lost, were it not for people to preserve it, defend it, but above all, practice it.

We here have a community to hold together, so that this knowledge lives on. This knowledge is like the egg of a phoenix, eventually, it will hatch again and give life to the people that practice it. Those who practice, know it already. Others will find in time.

This knowledge is pure power, and also, separates all of you here, from the people that do not know. One therefore becomes even more different to the people outside. Wisdom is advised in using this.

You must also bear in mind, that those who are accomplished and keep practicing, *WILL* receive the fruit of labors of what they try. It always comes. It just takes, as with any other application of knowledge, time.

The most joyous time in Spiritual Satanism, is when one uses the knowledge provided by Father Satan, and advances in one's life and existence. In this path, you regain your soul, mind, spirit, and control over your being and destiny. Eventually, power over other affairs.

It must also be remembered, that each and everyone of us here, is a guardian to this knowledge, not only so that it's not adulterated and ruined [the enemy poisons the true knowledge, this is why we labor intensively to give out only evaluated True Knowledge]. We are also, by the mandate of the Gods, also destined to preserve it.

The best way to preserve this and care for this, is to apply. Then, it is to share and inform [within the context of safety for the era] about the existence of this knowledge. Eventually this knowledge will give birth to a newer and more beautiful world.

As a final note, all Spiritual Satanists, despite of how events may turn [life can be chaotic], are all invited here for a very specific reason. One of this, is because the Gods want to give to the souls that have been with them in the past, the knowledge to live and rise again.

It does not matter what has been going on in one's life - you can turn this around with this. Practice is essential, but also character building.

Just entering this place should be seen in the eye of the beholding Spiritual Satanist, as a gift from the Gods themselves. Many will could in theory deserve this, no doubt, in this world, but not everyone may be given these.

We are all tied by bonds of the Gods, divine knowledge, a mission, a soul brotherhood.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is a great pleasure to be a Spiritual Satanist! :D Going as high in power as posible is my goal and finishing the Magnum Opus (the imortality meditation) one day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You can do it, and you know you can do it - yet sometimes the mind can interfere. It's important for the soul and heart to overreach the mind, control it, and do what is necessary. The Gods love us for our potential, and we need to actualize this.
This is true. I have 2 problems

one is consistency and I think I can resolve it by absorbing the earth element - Which I believe helps in consistency if you know a great way to do this, or a better method of having ocd like consistency please Share :D

Two is generally having a short memory. And this can be reflected in my schooling. It's not that I never attended the classes it's just that I could never remember as much as students that scored A's, is there some sort of meditation for this ??. As I have a goal for learning computer coding like JavaScript and python and more if possible.. all on my own. But it's kinda pointless cause of memory

Lots of love to ALL my brothers and sisters bonded by blood. And I thank you HP Hooded Cobra for your knowledge which is always a blessing.

Hail Satan!!
My faith in The Gods is the only reason I am still alive when i should have been gone a long time ago.

Hail Satan!
Being a spiritual satanist is the best thing that has ever happened to me.I am forever grateful to Father Satan ,the gods and the Jos Clergy for giving me a chance in life again .When I came here in 2012 I was at rock bottom many thoughts it's was the end of me ,me too I thought it's was the end but when I look back now it's was actually the beginning .Thank you to the clergy for giving such a blessed life .There is no greater blessing in life than being a spiritual satanist .This path is really not for the weak it's has its challenges but I always win no matter comes way I just trust in Satan and the gods .May Satan and the gods bless all of you spiritual satanist and keep you strong in your faith.In Satan we trust .All hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Beautiful sermon! It reminded me the power for progress is in my hands. Thanks for the sermon, HPHC!
Wonderful words!! We are taking back what is ours...
Yes who knows what's around the corner. South Africa totally in social breakdown. Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal all malls and shops looted and trashed. And all stores. It's blamed on former president Jacob Zuma going to prison.

But it's not. Everything in both major cities all hit at once? It's totally planned.

There is the planned food shortages with wharehouses emptied and shops wrecked and emptied. The supply chain going down as they say.

Things look okay now. But we're not going back to normal.

Things may get worse before they get better.

There was a clip on Max Igans, 'The Crowhouse.' Video on Bitchute. 13 minutes in the latest he has a clip of new great big concentration camps, quarantine prisons being built right next to crematoriums.

Unprecedented and uncertain times. We must not play and do our stuff we need to now.

We are the lucky ones, we have this knowledge.

What I like about this community is that like me many of us were different as young children.

We have a more awakened consciousness. I'm with my people on here. Old Souls.

We have won. But as the saying goes. It's always darkest before the dawn.

Keep doing the RTR's and cleaning and protection.

Even if the power goes off be prepared.

Hail Satan
Personal Growth said:
Yes who knows what's around the corner. South Africa totally in social breakdown. Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal all malls and shops looted and trashed. And all stores. It's blamed on former president Jacob Zuma going to prison.

But it's not. Everything in both major cities all hit at once? It's totally planned.

Hail Satan

They are trying to make people rip each other apart. The situation is quite negative. Could you please write a post with details? Or any person from SA for that liking?
I typically dont share alot of my accomplishments, because I know as Cobra stated, life is chaotic and things can resurface.
But for me, I feel as though I am not even the same person I was before I dedicated.
Here are some of the things I feel I have made great progress in:

Eliminated Cigarettes and other drugs
Elimination of Homelessness/Alcohol Abuse
Elimination of Misogyny/Homophobia
Elimination of fear from the spiritual
Elimination of negative racial programming
Elimination of Video Game Addiction
Elimination of negative sexual fetishes
Elimination of homicidal ideation
~5 Years of Hatha Yoga(the benefits are phenomenal)
~3 Years of Skateboarding
I have recently begun to Dance and am taking Jiujitsu lessons
Weight train or Calesthenics multiple times a week
Healthy Diet
Ability to smile at strangers
Confidence with men, women, and children
Total respect for nature and animals
Constant awareness of my thoughts
These are just a small portion of things.
The true mass of changes have been the knowledge and wisdom Satan and the Daemons have guided me to understand.
Application of this wisdom is what has allowed me to achieve the above.

Satan gives us the knowledge to become independent and free. He directs us to be masters of our own lives and destinies. Satan and his Demons are always there to help us when there are things we cannot yet handle.
The TRUE goal of Satanism [the root word/name "SAT" of 'all names and variations of Satan' means "TRUTH" in Sanskrit, which is one of the worlds oldest languages], is to advance our souls and to empower ourselves. Meaningless crap such as references to certain 'morality' and 'personal conduct' should be weeded out as dross. These in truth have nothing whatsoever to do with obtaining the powers of the mind and soul. Knowledge and application of that knowledge is the only key.
Personal Growth said:
Hail Satan

I live in *** natal the.my place is one of the most affected areas it's hard to even get bread now .malls ,factories have empty shelves .In my entire life I never experienced anything like this and worst of all now there are racial tensions between blacks and indians which has took more than 20 lives in 1 day .The riots alone took 212 lives in both provinces .The whole thing is blamed on the former president supporters who are calling for him for to be released in prison after he was arrested for contempt of court without a trial .The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Yes who knows what's around the corner. South Africa totally in social breakdown. Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal all malls and shops looted and trashed. And all stores. It's blamed on former president Jacob Zuma going to prison.

But it's not. Everything in both major cities all hit at once? It's totally planned.

Hail Satan

They are trying to make people rip each other apart. The situation is quite negative. Could you please write a post with details? Or any person from SA for that liking?

I don't know enough to make a post. There is a site: www.riotarchive.com with lots of video footage of it.

I'm living in Scotland now but called home and spoke to my stepfather.

He's a really strong person. And says, 'South Africa is not for sissies'. He's a real man.

How his voice was trembly. That he was shaken it shook me.

He said it's not the residential areas. It's only Johannesburg and Natal. The two major cities. So they're not targeting people's homes, not yet!

Just all the infrastructure. Like whole malls totally looted and trashed. And any small privately owned shop and businesses totally looted and trashed.

That lots of people have died like locally when the looters were burning trucks and people clashed when trying to stop them.

So trucks are getting burnt out. The roads are strewn with debris and impassable. So deliveries cannot be made. There's been not a single car on the main road there for three days.

Shops still standing in the residential areas have very long queues. People are limited to how many items they can buy. And the shops are bare.

There are rumours of them planning on blowing the dams up and take out the water supply. He's worried the electric might get taken out. He's never seen such devastation and it's totally shocking.

He said it's not organic. That's it's too obviously planned.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Yes who knows what's around the corner. South Africa totally in social breakdown. Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal all malls and shops looted and trashed. And all stores. It's blamed on former president Jacob Zuma going to prison.

But it's not. Everything in both major cities all hit at once? It's totally planned.

Hail Satan

They are trying to make people rip each other apart. The situation is quite negative. Could you please write a post with details? Or any person from SA for that liking?

It must be very hard for people to survive in SA right now.

Lockdown to financially devastate businesses. Then trash businesses after they're bankrupted from lockdown just to kill them off for sure.

It's all part of the planned Hunger Games Society. Masses of the population living in destitution and servitude. With the enemy firmly in control because the people are dependent on the enemy for their survival.

That's why it's important the RTR's and meditation we do. It's about our survival.

It's always said South Africa leads the pack in where the globalists want to take the world.

Always be prepared. You don't know what the enemy has planned for other areas of the globe.

I told my stepfather to stock up before. He chuckled and said there's plenty of food there. Now he's like damn. Worried about how long stuff in his deep freezer will last because no food or milk or anything can be got.

The more you empower yourself. The more things go your way. Prepare in the calm before the storm.
Superb as always HPHC my bro
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Yes who knows what's around the corner. South Africa totally in social breakdown. Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal all malls and shops looted and trashed. And all stores. It's blamed on former president Jacob Zuma going to prison.

But it's not. Everything in both major cities all hit at once? It's totally planned.

Hail Satan

They are trying to make people rip each other apart. The situation is quite negative. Could you please write a post with details? Or any person from SA for that liking?

Swaziland, Eswatini is also in a similar state to south Africa. The king there, Mswati III seems to be laying low, and people, military soldiers are just going crazy in the streets with confrontations, gun fire, tear gas, burning buildings, civilians shot.

Mswati III has a long history of treating his people poorly and people seem to have completely had enough.

He was known to live a luxurious life style with like a bunch of sports cars, like 15 wives, and a bunch of children, while most swazis couldnt find a job because of the horrible economy and so many remain in complete poverty.

Journalists, anyone who would speak against the king and his monarchy could end up in hot water, some assassinated.

Theres curfews there as well, and harder to get food as well.

The eswatini military has been breaking in people's doors, shooting people in the streets, it's been an absolute nightmare.

If you were a protestor? Some even were breaking down your door and capping you in the head.

Somehow got more rations then you should of been able to get? You are getting shot.

If I recall correctly south african troops are there as well, along with US troops guarding the US embassy.

I have a close friend I made from this country over the past few years, before this all happened I was actually planning to visit the country for awhile.

With all this going on that wont be the case for quite awhile, and I just keep updated with my friend, if she is safe or not in the midst of this.

Hopefully this information I've provided is helpful, not much is mentioned about this country from what I understand, and things there are chaos just like south africa.
SouthafricanSS said:
Personal Growth said:
Hail Satan

I live in *** * the.my place is one of the most affected areas it's hard to even get bread now .malls ,factories have empty shelves .In my entire life I never experienced anything like this and worst of all now there are racial tensions between blacks and indians which has took more than 20 lives in 1 day .The riots alone took 212 lives in both provinces .The whole thing is blamed on the former president supporters who are calling for him for to be released in prison after he was arrested for contempt of court without a trial .The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse

Tragic. I was told the Bluff was spared because there's only two roads to get in and out of it. And they closed those two roads. So they couldn't get there. Edwin Sawales Drive and the other along the harbour and dry dock.

But with the roads all strewn over with debris. And all the trucks they burnt the supply chain is broken and my uncle on the Bluff won't have supplies in the shops for long. I think he said he's limited to 15 items only. And queues down the road and around the block.

It's so tragic. I'm hard but hearing how my stepfather was cracking from the emotion I got a grasp of the situation and the severity.

South Africa is the orchard of the world. South Africa supplies the world. I've just been out to get fresh produce because we may not get the clementines, apples, etc from SA soon.

Hope you have stocked up. I have and severely so. But now I worry my door will be broken.

Good luck.

It was a paradise.
SouthafricanSS said:
The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse.

Indeed it is. I believe S.A. has been under kosher supervision or should I state is being turned into kosher supervision because of S. Africa's lengthy Apartheid existence. On Bitchute there's videos on the Dr.(Verwoerd) who ran S.A. I haven't gotten around to watch the videos but they called him the Hitler of S.A. The only other person I know who I watch from time to time is Tim Pool, he basically state S.A. is going to hell and wealthier Black and White residence are hiring private militia's to protect them from rioters.

I DID watch the economic video of NS Germany, the feed provides videos and Dr.Verwoerd's videos popped up.

If your really from S.A.(Not to sound disrespectful but do note we have lots of trolls around here) whether Black or White you should consider watching those videos especially considering youtube bans such videos. I know Bitchute has gotten Bitjew at some point but non-the less at least not everything is being censored.

S.A. has been a thorn on the jews and anti-bigots side for a long time. But now with the internet even Blacks should watch the videos and realize Racial Separation and Racial Segregation(not American bigot-style) is key paramount to hinder racial tensions rather they should realize the racial agitator is the jew and their shabbos lackeys.

Rabbi Gregory Schwartz(Rabbi George Soros) IS key in said action after all he is most likely Rabbi Rothschild's right hand man. Once Soros establishes power shit begins hitting the fan. Look at the U.S. back a few years ago the riots that occurred people as far away as New York were being bused into the riot areas in the Mid States bringing in as many blacks and other minorities to cause damage.

In reality this is just history repeating itself kinda begs the question how many times and how many empires fell to judendom during their campaigns against Hu's-Man kind. If jewmanity hates Gentiles then this is just typical day in kosher/zog/jog occupied Earth. The only difference is it's much harder to bring about communism the Government of jews to America even though America is CUCKED UP the ass with demoralized people.

But like a friend of mine stated to me recently. You might have As Above, so Below but As Within, as Without or in other words As Within the Microcosmic, As Without the Macrocosmic. In other words what my friend meant was you should study yourself and figure out what Demoralization you posses before looking at external Demoralization i.e. other people.
KnowingtheSource said:
There are no extraterrestrials once you know the Source. Lol, we even call each other illegal aliens.

There are. The "Source" Is only the Brahma and the Atman field. Species come out of this and organize, form colonies etc.

Try to invade the pride of lions and see how it goes, or jump into bees.

Respecting the universe means to respect the limitations, too. These are also from "The Source", aren't they?
thank u for all u do. I appreciate.

ill always say: yes, this was a great post.

thank you cobra, u make me braver.
Personal Growth said:
SouthafricanSS said:
Personal Growth said:
Hail Satan

I live in kwa Zulu natal the.my place is one of the most affected areas it's hard to even get bread now .malls ,factories have empty shelves .In my entire life I never experienced anything like this and worst of all now there are racial tensions between blacks and indians which has took more than 20 lives in 1 day .The riots alone took 212 lives in both provinces .The whole thing is blamed on the former president supporters who are calling for him for to be released in prison after he was arrested for contempt of court without a trial .The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse


SA could easily keep existing were it not for the jewish tensions created there all the time. They manipulate people to civil warfare, as they do in the United States and everywhere. They love to put people living in a Nation as enemies, because this rips apart the Nation.

We will do more protection rituals next schedule, our members from SA will benefit from this.
SouthafricanSS said:
Personal Growth said:
Hail Satan

I live in *** natal the.my place is one of the most affected areas it's hard to even get bread now .malls ,factories have empty shelves .In my entire life I never experienced anything like this and worst of all now there are racial tensions between blacks and indians which has took more than 20 lives in 1 day .The riots alone took 212 lives in both provinces .The whole thing is blamed on the former president supporters who are calling for him for to be released in prison after he was arrested for contempt of court without a trial .The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse

Brother ramp up that protection daily. Without fail, every single day.

Soros has been eroding SA for decades now.
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Yes who knows what's around the corner. South Africa totally in social breakdown. Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal all malls and shops looted and trashed. And all stores. It's blamed on former president Jacob Zuma going to prison.

But it's not. Everything in both major cities all hit at once? It's totally planned.

Hail Satan

They are trying to make people rip each other apart. The situation is quite negative. Could you please write a post with details? Or any person from SA for that liking?


Many innocents will be harmed in this. The enemy breeds chaos and this takes down the life of many. Wouldn't be a bad idea, since you have spiritual power, to do an Aura of Protection to your friend.
KnowingtheSource said:
There are no extraterrestrials once you know the Source. Lol, we even call each other illegal aliens.

Aren't you tired of repeating meaningless communist New Age propaganda for more than a year?

KnowingtheSource said:
LHP/RHP, we all need the path or the Way. The Source is like water & we are droplets. The Source ways aren't our way but it is always the Way (funny that manna comes to mind). At the end of the journey is oneness & godhood. Transcend jew/gentile (titles) unto the new Man.


KnowingtheSource said:
Who/what are ufos - angels,demons, Satan, Yahweh or etc.? If there were Martians on Mars & we flew overhead, would we be considered ufos? If our kids never knew us & we flew overhead, would we be considered a ufo? Can a stranger be our best friend? Are we more than just a Jew or Gentile? Who/what is the Source of Lucifer?

One Love & Legion

Here is Spiritual Satanism. Not some New Age group. The "source" is not a god, and oneness is destructive. Satanism is about striving to maintain your separateness, individuality and distinctness. And jews are our cosmic enemies. We're not "more than" gentiles or jews, implying that they are the same as us. That's communist bullshit. Jews even have different souls. We will not "transcend" or try to see the "oneness" because that's delusional bullshit. There's no "one" thing, everything is separate and if you believe in some New Age "oneness" bullshit go somewhere else to push it.

I mean, even your name shows that you're a communist New Ager.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel that if somebody doesn't have a printer, they should at least write down the RTRs and essential meditations, by hand. Along with an explanation as to what kind of inheritance it is and that it's from the Gods. A reminder of who the real enemy is must be included.

Having a physical, tangible book or journal is crucial during a power outage. I had an unexplained loss of internet the other day, and having things penned down really saved my you-know-what.

Warning, it can hours, days and so on. So a printer is absolutely preferable.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
SouthafricanSS said:
I live in kwa Zulu natal the.my place is one of the most affected areas it's hard to even get bread now .malls ,factories have empty shelves .In my entire life I never experienced anything like this and worst of all now there are racial tensions between blacks and indians which has took more than 20 lives in 1 day .The riots alone took 212 lives in both provinces .The whole thing is blamed on the former president supporters who are calling for him for to be released in prison after he was arrested for contempt of court without a trial .The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse


SA could easily keep existing were it not for the jewish tensions created there all the time. They manipulate people to civil warfare, as they do in the United States and everywhere. They love to put people living in a Nation as enemies, because this rips apart the Nation.

We will do more protection rituals next schedule, our members from SA will benefit from this.
Thank you.The situation is bad but me ,my family and close friends we were not affected by this as we have enough food and resources I don't know how but we are just fine I guess it's it's Satan and the gods looking out for me and them because they have a spiritual satanist close by .Worst of all my aunt's owns a petroleum garage all the neighbouring shops and factories were looted and torched but her garage wasn't affected at all lol even today she can't believe how her garage survived , personal I know it was the gods protecting its as she is very close to me and she always offer me financially assistance . although they don't know it's they are blessed to have a spiritual satanist around lol indeed a home with a spiritual satanist is a blessed household .All hail satan
Wonderful sermon.
Personal Growth said:
SouthafricanSS said:
Personal Growth said:
Hail Satan

I live in *** * the.my place is one of the most affected areas it's hard to even get bread now .malls ,factories have empty shelves .In my entire life I never experienced anything like this and worst of all now there are racial tensions between blacks and indians which has took more than 20 lives in 1 day .The riots alone took 212 lives in both provinces .The whole thing is blamed on the former president supporters who are calling for him for to be released in prison after he was arrested for contempt of court without a trial .The current government is being runned by the Jews behind closed doors the likes of Soros ...the current president is just a shit Jewish puppets all he did he deployed the arm on to control the situation .South Africa has become a martial law state and things are gonna get worse

Tragic. I was told the Bluff was spared because there's only two roads to get in and out of it. And they closed those two roads. So they couldn't get there. Edwin Sawales Drive and the other along the harbour and dry dock.

But with the roads all strewn over with debris. And all the trucks they burnt the supply chain is broken and my uncle on the Bluff won't have supplies in the shops for long. I think he said he's limited to 15 items only. And queues down the road and around the block.

It's so tragic. I'm hard but hearing how my stepfather was cracking from the emotion I got a grasp of the situation and the severity.

South Africa is the orchard of the world. South Africa supplies the world. I've just been out to get fresh produce because we may not get the clementines, apples, etc from SA soon.

Hope you have stocked up. I have and severely so. But now I worry my door will be broken.

Good luck.

It was a paradise.
Its crazy to think there are millions of private and military personnel that could affect massive change,
they have "unlimited" supplies, and yet, they do nothing...
HP. Hoodedcobra666

Beautiful sermon and informative our forces getting stronger
i notice this when i do the meditations and the feeling of joy.
we have won this war but is not over yet.i know more to tel
but i stop here to many eye,s that see .

Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat.
I am both honored and proud to be here. 🖤 Hail Satan!!! 🐍🔥⚡⚡ And thank you!! For making! All of this possible! 🧩 We are putting the puzzle pieces together!! And learning the truth and sharing it to those who are worthy of Satan and his Gods and demons!! Pulling our Family together in Satan's name!!!🔮⚡⚡🧩 Hail Satan!!! Hail Lilith!!🦉🦚🔥 I LOVE YOU!!!
HI everyone i am new here. Those words made a whole lot of sense. I feel comfortable and am looking forward to reading and participating with my future community.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
