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The Joy Of Satan Comes In Peace: Give Us Answers For 26 Questions

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Joy Of Satan wants justice in this world, proper and equal representation. We come in this world as peace makers and certain fighting gestures or language is no different than activism already present in polemic speech by so many other people on this earth.

Therefore, to all "doubters", those who think we have "excessive views" or even "radical views", just because we do criticism, share information, and promote understanding of what we consider an obvious problem in society, you might as well read and try to answer these questions to yourself.

To people who say this: You have no idea who really holds the "actual" fully RADICAL views. This is not us. We merely communicate to people this exists and that people must be aware of this ongoing practice.

Most people are really confused at first to find out this even exists, but it does.

You might read things from the jews in this forum or any site that will likely shock you, especially if you lived in this world where they control information and keep all of this under covers.

When one is exposed to such information, then one might get really angry. Expressions of anger sometimes can be strong.

As one can read from our info we promote self control as a virtue in handling that justified anger, professionalism, and mindful expression with justice as an outcome. Justice is not simply a law of the jungle as preached in the Old Testament of Jews.

We want serious and permanent solving to these issues. We believe that a full on solution must take place where this must never happen again. The full function of Justice is therefore the key to this end.

Clearly most people have no answers and are conditioned to just defend the jews, because they have been conned in numerous examples that they should never be questioned.

Meanwhile, one can question and attack anyone else verbally or at least issue proper criticism on what is our [collapsing] Free Speech based society in the United States.

In regards to persecutions created and manufactured by the Jewish people who want to be beyond any legal, cultural and social immunity, we pose to everyone including their pawns and servants, the following questions:

1. Why have they started persecuting women on a cultural level and mention them in the lowest terms known in history? Information on this forum shows evidently anti-woman sentiment to the highest extents coming by this "culture", which is allowed liberally to operate without any bounds.

2. Why do they form elaborate conspiracies to infiltrate, take over, and run "heathen" Nations, even though they currently have their own "Homeland" which is Israel, a "Homeland" that was itself built on genocide? Their operation and over-representation in our deciding offices is another very obvious fact.

3. Why do they hate people who are of vocations such as bisexuals or gay people, and have created cultural identities based on hatred and social chaos to keep them away from anyone else like they are leprous, while simultaneously promoting decadence to the extremes, such as GBLT, which have went as far as to be used to prey on children and forcibly change their genders?

4. Why do they stand behind NAMBLA and other "pedophile advocacy organizations"? While also always appearing in many of these cases like Epstein and the recent Balenciaga scandal?

5. Why do they have overwhelming presence in banking and there are endless videos of Rabbis vocally declaring financial war and enslavement of Gentiles as the jewish "Gods plan"?

6. Why are jews attacking and assaulting family values on "heathen" Nations, eroding the social fabric, yet at the same time hold nuclear family values for themselves no matter the cost?

7. Why have jewish religions penaltized and falsely claimed that Spirituality will lead people to "Hell", inventing the fear of an eternal torment for those who are not on board with them?

8. Why has the religious culture of the West been overtaken by jewish fables, which in no way represent the ancestry of the people that live there?

9. Why do jews enforce Western policy to always include wars for Israel, which are based on loose geopolitical arguments, and in all cases resemble steps of a genocidal plan towards a jewish geopolitical dream based on genocide under the name "Greater Israel"?

10. Why are there videos from the top and highest Rabbis of the planet, who are the penultimate leaders in Jerusalem and in New York, mentioning that all non-jewish people are Goyim and fit for enslavement or to be wholly murdered, despite of who these people might be?

Except of the above statement, they also include further that they are "aliens from another planet, sent to conquer earth", as Rabbi Laitman has vocally expressed many times. And why is this taken so lightly or this information is constantly censored? Why?

11. Why do they still engage in endless torture of animals for "ritual slaughter", while the animals are put under incessant suffering and brutalized even in butcher houses of Western Civilization?

12. What are their problems with Free Speech and Freedoms in the Western World, and why do they feel entitled to change these rules and enforce policies that censor everyone, even after the Western World in it's own history in which jews do not directly belong, fought to attain these levels of virtues coming from Ancient Greek values? What is the place of the jews to dictate any of this?

13. Why is all criticism of anything in their history or their claims NEVER allowed, or they are defended by laws, that defend them against any criticism?Where are laws about Armenians who got genocided too, or Greeks, or so many other people?

14. Why do they constantly appear behind racial tensions, such as the Black Lives Matter movement that was razing the United States, and don't allow people to exist in a Nation in a peaceful manner?

15. Why do their religious books such as the Old Testament, boast about genocides on many segments of this work? Why does the same book also preach in the Jewish New Testament about complete compliance and subservience to any actions this race takes?

16. Why have they created incessant lies such as that "God" belongs exclusively to the jews, and that everyone else needs to be destroyed as an "ungodly" person?

17. Why do they constantly try to hide all of the things mentioned here, despite of proven sources of origin, and never actually tried to address them?

18. Everytime even jews have criticized other jews, they destroy them as they are operating some sort of magnified conspiracy, why?

19. Why have they spent all their social and educational energy to always try to convince people that Ancient civilizations did not exist, or that they were "evil", or even deserving of collapse and genocide, but also say the same for Europe or the United States today, despite of living in the "sinful nations" like hypocritical parasites?

20. Why do they keep celebrities and people of prominence by a leash, and attack them and give them public beatings everytime they mention either them or they are against their interests?

21. Why do specific bodies such as AIPAC exist in the United States, where presidents and decision policy makers are influenced directly, and such do not exist for other people, but are also oftentimes criminalized or disbanded?

22. Why do they also happen to appear behind terrorist organizations such as ISIS [who happen to perfectly serve their purpose of cultural destruction of "heathens"], and nobody is supposed to comment on this?

23. Why every-time something happens from any other people, their race and so on is named, but nobody is allowed to name them in this case for equal judgement?

24. Why have they had overwhelming "Creativity" in creating criminal programs such as Communism, which, upon application, have devastated societies for decades and turned them backwards? They of course never apply any of these programs themselves, except when people of overwhelmingly jewish origins and descent and hebrew speakers, applied these on the poor people living in the Nations who lived under these regimes?

25. Why jews are liberally allowed to pursue their interests as "Jews", yet anyone else is a criminal and a racist while doing so, even if they follow the most peaceful methods to do this? And why are jews allowed to BOAST in society they do this, while anyone of any other creed or color is considered a terrorist and a criminal even for the remote thoughts of doing this?

26. What is the point of all this besides an aeons old psychopathy and inherent evil living in themselves, which they also never seen as a "negative" but rather have elevated to "cultural" height? Why do they fear these questions?

Since all of the above "Forbidden" questions are some of the many questions one has to pose to one's self. Personally, by the Gods themselves and the great consciousness of the cosmos, I say it openly that all this injustice and suffering of too many.

The 1% has to be questioned, and nobody will be able to guilt trip us that this is forbidden to do. It might have been forbidden by fake constructs, which are based on slavery and serve them.

The answers should be obvious if one knows the Truth: Some say our world is under occupation by them. The reality that nobody else of all people behaves in this manner, answers enough in itself.

Through information and applied justice, humanity must grow forward from these things, and elevate itself.

The Joy of Satan comes in peace and prays to the highest powers for Justice applied horizontally on them, without exception.

I can easily go to sleep every night and exist with a clear conscience that I defend people from this menace which apparently has went too far that none of this can ever be mentioned or even remotely "insinuated" about the "Holy People".

In the same manner, we don't consider ourselves incorrect to address or defend ourselves from the above things.

If one considers asking us any of the above questions or even fabricating "evil", we specify that we come in peace. Do not confuse us with the Jews. We come in peace to help and save humanity from these evil practices.

We stand clean and as much as we can pure in the eyes of the Eternal Providence and Dharmic Wheel of Justice, despite of the opinion of these evil creatures which are so delightfully and centuries old not only unrepentant, but escalating the violence.

May the Father Satan and the Gods grant this world justice and all these wrongdoings be put to an end.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is very well and eloquently put HP. I doubt there will be any answers to this, just as there weren't for Julian asking the same thing, or any other 'abominable heathens' of history...
NitrateOsfatate666_Reup said:
Besides politics, nothing spiritual related.

Not surprised

Want to hear something spiritual? Wait a little longer and you will be surprised to see what happens when this episode of existence ends. Choosing the wrong side will get you a splendid reward indeed. Sleep tight and happy new year you dumb fuck. Is eternal torment spiritual enough for you?
NitrateOsfatate666_Reup said:
Besides politics, nothing spiritual related.

Not surprised

Go back to your synagogue with your unwashed hair you hook nosed space lizard.

I love how after you went schizo jew mode, you come back to comment here and there like we'd forget or be okay with you or something... LOL.

Quality level sermon: 666%

Level of sharpness and demonstration of intellectual-emotional-spiritual ability: ULTRA

Level of Uplifting JoS and members with this sermon:
I'll give you one other question to add to the list:

27. Why is it that throughout the entirety of the Jews when they came on the scene and made themselves known. How come in every single period of time in history they always state less number of existence and do not wish to comply with census orders? How many Jews exist in modern society and from modern times how many Jews existed period in the past? Why does this race of people go to great lengths to hide their population number for many reasons even tax reasons(as in 200 Years Together: a book of Russo-Jewish history; Empire of Russia circa 1700-1800s), why is it even in the ghettos where Jews were everywhere to be seen. They seemingly hide their numbers to census orders?

How come this race not only hides it's numbers. But allows King Solomon to perform a census and Shehameforash praises him? And yet when King David does the same thing, Shehameforash kills 60,000 Jews? Why is God mad? And if mad enough to kill why didn't God simply kill David and spare the lives of 60,000 Jews? And why does God accept and hate census? Is god FOR census or is he against census?

NitrateOsfatate666_Reup said:
Besides politics, nothing spiritual related.

Not surprised

And? What is wrong with politics?

Politics is religion, Religion is Politics. Isn't it strange both go hand-in-hand in societies of around the World? And has been for Millenias of time?
This is beautifully written, put together perfectly! ❤ I honestly think that we could use more spiritual motivation,.. BECAUSE I think it would be awesome!
For those who have talents in music! Playing a musical instrument like the violin or the guitar! And to use their beautiful voice through words feeling and emotions! Expressing the moons and the feelings of being a Satanist! And how you feel about Father Satan. And to kind of push that energy and that motivation outwards! To attract people who are interested in learning! And to let people know! How fun it is! And also to know how important it is! To still enjoy yourself as a Satanist in this day and age and express who you are and all that you are!.. I think Talent is a beautiful voice right there as it is the energy and the passion that each and individual has! Is also a gift from father Satan along with somebody's talents and abilities! Gifts and abilities that were given to us by father Satan himself and his gods and demons letting us know and reminding us each and every day how special we are! And that father Satan has created us each and individually with our own mind and the talents that we have been blessed with and to be able to use them and to enjoy yourself! And to motivate others into action! And to show their gratitude to Father Satan. Making it fun and possible for anybody who wants to learn about spiritual satanism. Energy!!! And Passion is what we need to show on here. And personally I think it's beautiful!. And I think it would be awesome if we could have that in this group! Or Among Us individuals just for the fun of it? Or just because? It is just a suggestion? And I thought it would be kind of fun for this year!.. and also writing poetry! And to open up about your feelings about father Satan and his gods and demons and what you have learned about yourself as individuals on here as well! It is the spiritual energy! That is very healing! And many other things I enjoy about this group!
And the fact that it's growing bigger and bigger every day it seems like... this group never ceases to amaze me! The things that people can do and with everything that I have read! That is very motivating! And the things that people write in the things that people share expressing their knowledge! And what they know! As it is...
And just sit down and to think about what you want to share and what you want to say! I find a very motivating as well! And I think it's very beautiful when you hear about the lessons that people have learned and taking the time to share them your knowledge and your experience! And the personal growth of the individual
This world is very challenging as it is dealing with the everyday of coming problems and the fact that people make things a lot harder than what they really seem! And how the individual learns to look at it all and becomes master as they grow to understand it they grow to understand themselves as well! As we gradually become like that of a god or that of higher intelligence! Working with the gods and communicating with them! As we learn to become like them a more and more.. and that people keep growing and maturing! And it never ends!
And the fact that we keep going and going and growing and growing! This website never ceases to amaze me! The things that you learn everyday is never ending and the possibilities are never ending! Because it is something that we need and it's something that we should have had all along! A website like this that opens up the mind of the individual and get you to rethink and relearn! Working with people like us to become better than what we are. And that nobody quits learning! And that they're always possibilities! And the things that people can do and come up with! Is another thing that amazes me! And one of the things that amazes me about the human race is the talents and the abilities that one has! Whether you are a beginner it's something or intermediate! And it doesn't matter how spiritually and mentally and physically Advanced you are! With whatever it is that you do? It is nice to know that we can sit down and share these adventures and our knowledge! The spiritual motivation! The grabs people's attention! And the power behind that! And the fact that people grow strength and hear more and more everyday mentally and spiritually!... this was not only meant for us to have it was also a gift and a blessing as well! To have the joy of Satan! And how much it has helped us throughout the years! But I also think it's nice to know! How much it has taught people! And how much it has opened up the minds of many and turned the minds around teaching people the truth and what is important! But also the beauty that people have! The spiritual strength and gratitude! And to also to be able to express that in a video with talents a great singing voice! Writing a song about how you feel about Satan..? Or even playing a guitar expressing your talents and your abilities! :D ... and letting people out there know that you're having a good time being who and what you are! But also to give others the chance to go out and do something and enjoy themselves! Taking the time to write a song? Or a concerto!? I'm not some music and genius or anything! But I think it's cool when people can express their talents and their abilities! Writing a poem or writing a short story about Satan and the personal spiritual experience they learn and how much they have progressed! And to motivate people! And I love the power of motivation! And I think that that was what we need! More than anything at this point! It not only gets people motivated but it also brings out your talents and your inner abilities and at least it gives people off of our butts and back into shape and it gives us something to do and think about! Encouraging us to get up for once and for all and enjoy life while we still can and enjoy who we are is individuals and to be thankful and blessed for the talents and the intellect that we have and that we have been blessed with! And to let people know that it doesn't matter how old you are? That you are still capable of doing things! And it never ends and the fact that we can make things happen! Because we can !! Hail Satan!! 💯% and be who we are. And let it shine!!!
In a world run by Jews! Who bitch and scuff about other people because of their intellect? Or because of their talents and their abilities? Making people feel uncomfortable because they know something or because they can do something! And coming up with some excuse to use you and abuse you or punish you? Just because you are who you are! And just because of who and what we are is individuals and the fact that we happen to know something and the fact that we give a shit! And we should have every right to be who we are on all levels! And we should not have to be punished or put to death? Just because we happen to have a brain and know how to use it! And just because somebody has talents and abilities and has that one and need to show the world what he or she can do as an individual and at any age! Without being discriminated or put to shame! I think there should be an example? Or a solution somewhere! We're a person can get on and do a video without having to pay an arm and a leg just to do a video! Or feel like he or she should be scared or shame just because they decided to do a video! Just discussing their own opinions and being who they are? Without the discrimination and for anybody to express their talents through music and art? Without feeling like they have to go to Hollywood and change everything about themselves to become a product of the Jews to be used and abused anything to keep the big million dollar mansion the clothes and the jewelry and the big bling bling!? That you should just be yourself no matter what people think or say about you? There's nothing wrong with having talents and there's nothing wrong with having a job? But people should be able to have their success as individuals without having to go to Hollywood and ruin everything about themselves! That people have their talents and their abilities for a reason! And people should have the right to make their own decisions on them and how they think and feel about themselves and what they feel is right? And what they can do to better Express who they are to either please people? Or to get out and teach people and allow people to learn and live and to be just as happy as the teacher and what he or she knows or what he or she could do? They got them under the spotlight in the first place! The problem is with the fucking jews? Is the fact that they're an empty shell and that they are always a self-centered jealous people! Not only jealous of other people! But always constantly criticizing the other person... and it doesn't matter how old this person is? Even little kids in grade school have the right to be able to get up and sing and express their talents and their energy mind body and soul! Without being put to shame or put to death! Using religion as an excuse to punish people! Just because they want to be able to get up and sing and dance or because they feel good about themselves or because they're in love with somebody and want to enjoy the pleasures of being in lust and get creative with it! Without feeling like they have to get beat to death with the Bible or have to go sit in some church just to get chastised and put to shame! And given a constant guilt trip! Just because we are people! The Jews are always thinking of some nasty way to ruin Society or to make another person feel uncomfortable in his or her skin? Just because we individuals have a right and the fact that we express ourselves very well! And we should be proud of who and what we are! And Satan's name and that we should not be put to shame! That we should be recognized and that we should be given the credit for who and what we are and what we know! And to be able to continue to grow! And live and learn! And it constantly keep yourself fit keeping yourself mentally sharp and physically sharp and strong! By keeping yourself going and fit! Doing the best you can at your own expense or within your own home? There are always possibilities! And the Jews fucking hate the fact that we can do this! And so they try to make everything uncomfortable for us as possible! And that's what pisses me off about the jews! And they're fucking religions that they have fucking created along with their rules and their poison! The we have to put up with every day just because we're living on the same Planet as these creepy aliens! Fucking things up and destroying things for us just because they're jealous!... I am doing everything I can to stay on topic! Or at least to stay on the subject as long as I can! But I honestly think that if we showed more motivation! And get more people interested in the joy of satan! And to be recognized! Being able to express yourself and are talents and abilities! And to be able to put them out there in a video and let the world know who we are and what we can do is individuals! In spite of the enemy!... and continue growing! And teaching people and leaving our life the best we can as a group and as an individual! :D Hail Satan
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
When they're brought in court before us, these questions should be asked.

There's an interesting thought. Maybe a court of true justice with a god or two presiding. And if a case were to be presented than these and some more questions can be posed as an opening to a process that won't last very long because whatever answers are given by the defendants or their representation it won't change the fact of what they've done and who they are - question 10 - a very important one. As for the sentence, I'll leave that up to the ultimate authority.
Shemsu said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
When they're brought in court before us, these questions should be asked.

There's an interesting thought. Maybe a court of true justice with a god or two presiding. And if a case were to be presented than these and some more questions can be posed as an opening to a process that won't last very long because whatever answers are given by the defendants or their representation it won't change the fact of what they've done and who they are - question 10 - a very important one. As for the sentence, I'll leave that up to the ultimate authority.

I've always imagined a symbolic judgment, led by the Gods and Clergy and higher SS assisting next to them and us - all SS watching triumphant and cheering. When the enemy is just informed of their accusations and sentence without right to protest. We can have it out way from then on.
That’s right! If someone trying to make living where it don’t belong, it will not survive long. It is laws of nature. Especially in this reality’s case if they approves that they don’t belong there, in addition to all other complains from them, they should smell already very well, how world is starting to think about them, and what a nice climax of their luck is coming at them, finally.
Gear88 said:
I'll give you one other question to add to the list:

27. Why is it that throughout the entirety of the Jews when they came on the scene and made themselves known. How come in every single period of time in history they always state less number of existence and do not wish to comply with census orders? How many Jews exist in modern society and from modern times how many Jews existed period in the past? Why does this race of people go to great lengths to hide their population number for many reasons even tax reasons(as in 200 Years Together: a book of Russo-Jewish history; Empire of Russia circa 1700-1800s), why is it even in the ghettos where Jews were everywhere to be seen. They seemingly hide their numbers to census orders?

How come this race not only hides it's numbers. But allows King Solomon to perform a census and Shehameforash praises him? And yet when King David does the same thing, Shehameforash kills 60,000 Jews? Why is God mad? And if mad enough to kill why didn't God simply kill David and spare the lives of 60,000 Jews? And why does God accept and hate census? Is god FOR census or is he against census?

NitrateOsfatate666_Reup said:
Besides politics, nothing spiritual related.

Not surprised

And? What is wrong with politics?

Politics is religion, Religion is Politics. Isn't it strange both go hand-in-hand in societies of around the World? And has been for Millenias of time?

Well, hello Gear88 and first, I wish you a full Year 2023 with happiness and success.

Now, onto my question, the Xian God has always been into helping the jews censoring each other and more importantly, it was also helpful to make them stand as individuals who share supposedly "right" so to say about being a race and such.

Just like I heard a lot from the statements of the Jews I think they are more like to play the card and kill one of their allies, in order to pretend that they do not understand each other.

If you want to talk with me more, you can always email me at [email protected]
The questions are well asked. But even if you clearly prove their perversions, such as pedophilia, they will ignore everything and use it against you. In Germany, all the leading politicians are Jews. Many of them are known behind closed doors to be pedophiles. Now these perverts are in the process of completely destroying our country. But no one should dare point out that they are Jews. The true chancellor of our country is Yehuda Teichtal. If you mention this, you are immediately labeled a neo-Nazi or a "right-winger" or, like Ursula Haverbeck, who is now 91 years old, is sent to prison. Everywhere the Jew has infiltrated, he has left behind a devastated country or has been expelled from the country after a short time. He lives by the commandment of his invented "Yahweh" to destroy every nation. He feels that he is in the right because, as a Jew, he belongs to the only people "chosen by God" in his opinion. In the same way, these Jews in Germany award each other medals of honor and increase their salaries at will.

You could ask this parasite a hundred more questions. He will laugh filthily in your face and turn away from you without a word. Despite all the atrocities he commits, he will think he is the victim. By turning their backs on Satan and declaring him their enemy, the Jews have become soulless beings. Unfortunately, that is the bitter truth.
I don't have great answers.

But it is clear that Jews are running the world. And they are getting greedy. And low and behold.. society is become more and more corrupt.

There is no checks and balances.

When massive amounts of money is involved, basic human rights and respect are neglected.

The Light (truth) That Blinds them, causes them to squirm like a worm getting hooked before casted out to sea.

It's sad, actually, that it has gotten to this point. I hope that i won't have to expend more energy on those (jew or not) that inflate the prices of all luxuries with their lazy attempt to feel like they fit in to a culture that will soon no longer exist as it does right now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
