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The Jews Cannot Withstand The Power Of Our Combined Spiritual Power

Lolo Bardonik

Mar 22, 2006

these are some thoughts I've been having over the past few months. They've been maturing in my mind. Each day becoming more and more clear.

Today I have the urge to share them. I feel that they are important for this impending attack.

This is a really long post, as I've tried to explain my thoughts as clear as possible (knowing that Mercury is Retrograde and this is impeding any form of communication, I'm hoping that my message is clear to all). Please take the time to read and consider them, as I believe that this is important knowledge for everyone.

I feel that, IF these thoughts aren't the exact truth, THEN they are very close to the truth. I know that the JoS clergy will correct me if I'm wrong in any way.

So, as always, do your own research and don't take my words for granted.


Each of us that have seen a jew up close, we've felt the disgust, we've felt their emptiness, we've felt that they are soulless. I've been an SS for a long time and each time I've seen one of their kind up close, I've felt that I could crush their existence just by thinking about it. And I can feel that they can feel it too. Like a disgusting bug feeling that their demise is imminent.

If you've ever met one of these filthy parasites, you know it too. They don't even dare to look us in the eyes. They run away like a cockroach that knows that a foot is going to crush them out of their existence as soon as we see them.

You've probably have read that, "The eyes are the windows to the soul".

You've probably realized that this is true.

If you have tried to bear the disgust and looked at the eyes of a jew-
if you managed to observe their behavior when a strong Satanic soul is near them-
if you realized what are they so scared of when we are near them-
then... you know...

You know, that they are soulless, their eyes are empty.
That they have no power, the are scared by our proximity.
That they are afraid of us, they try to run away and hide.

Like rats, when you've discovered their nest, they run and try to hide wherever they can trying to save their filthy little lives. They hide and try to plot. They cannot meet our power directly and so they try to use dishonorable tactics to undermine our power.

They try to corrupt our knowledge. They try to corrupt our well being. They try to corrupt our sources of power.

But they cannot succeed in this.
And they have nowhere to hide now.
We've been observing them for years.

We know their tactics.
We know their lies.
We know the TRUTH.
We know Father Satan.


But let me tell you my thoughts about it. And I'm talking from experience. Most advanced and experienced members know of this already and/or have felt it, so please bear with me.

When we do any major ritual/working, we (1) amass energy, (2) we program it (3) and we send it to work on its own.

This is magick, and the process is simple, because anything truthful... is simple. Magick is natural for all gentiles. The powers of the mind, the Siddhis, are the gifts of Satan to us.

These powers are unique to us Gentiles. We and only we Gentiles can use these powerful abilities. But the filthy jews cannot. Keep this in mind.


Let me explain what I have understood. And try to visualize what I'm trying to describe here.


When we perform a working/ritual we use THREE kinds of energy. And the difference between these three kinds is their frequency and their power.

It's like a music piece that contains a lot of frequencies at the same time.

It has the bass, the middle and treble frequencies. Some instruments produce bass notes, some middle, some treble. And their combined effect creates the "magick" of the music that is affecting our emotions.


In magick it's the same logic...

The first kind of energy... is the one that we amass/collect/channel. When we build our energy before the rituals, THIS is the first kind of energy that we're talking about. We can amass this kind of energy in a natural way, just like breathing. We can channel the energy of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, or our own build-up energy.

This first kind of energy is swirling like a vortex around us. It is like an energy field. Imagine that this energy is like a tornado and we're standing in the center. We're in the eye of the storm controlling this tornado.

The first kind of energy is the magnetic/passive/female part of the ritual. This gives the power and the "capacity" to the ritual.


The second kind of energy... is being instilled within the first kind of energy when we FOCUS our INTENT. When we visualize the end result- When we are chanting/saying the affirmations- When we draw upon our willpower- THIS is the second kind of energy. The stronger our willpower, the stronger the second type of energy will be.

The second kind of energy is the directed part. It's like numerous thunders are being cast from ourselves towards the tornado around us. The thunders are empowering and are programming the first kind of energy.

The second kind of energy is the electric/active/male part of the ritual. This gives the polarity to the amassed energy and infuses the "current" to the ritual.


The third kind of energy comes from our SOULS. This is the advanced power that Father Satan has gifted us with. This is the Satanic power that is being poured from within our souls.

The third kind of energy is what FUSES the male and female energies together and makes them one. It's like an alloy of metals that are bound together creating an unbreakable sword. This is what gives endurance and permanency to our magick. This is what infuses a part of our soul inside this energy, in order that this amassed and infused energy can work on its own.


Just a little note on the third kind of  energy.

This kind of energy is limited for each person. It's being consumed in rituals, in workings and our daily efforts in work/school or any action that calls for our effort in order to achieve. This kind of energy is our spiritual reserve.

The third kind of energy is being build up through the daily meditations. The lower vibrations of the meditations --visualizations, mantras, pranayamas, asanas-- create resonating higher frequency vibrations. And these higher frequency resonant vibrations are the ones that charge our souls with this third kind of energy.

That's why the JoS clergy states repeatedly the importance of daily meditations!


Continuing on the subject...

The third kind of energy is the moment the "tornado energy" and the "thunder energy" become "plasma energy". The "plasma energy" is the same kind of the Kundalini energy. The moment that the first two kinds of energy, using the third kind of energy as a catalyst, BECOME something entirely new and extremely powerful.

The third kind of energy IS THE KIND THAT THE JEWS DO NOT HAVE AND COULD NEVER HAVE. Because they don't have a soul, they cannot draw upon this kind of energy. It's like they are "blind" in these higher frequency levels of energy.

The third kind of energy has the most higher frequency. It's the blue Satanic kind of energy. This is in the Ultraviolet levels of frequency.


Since the jews CANNOT work the third kind of energy, the SOUL ENERGY, they cannot perform strong magic. They don't have a soul. They cannot tap into these kinds of high frequency energies. They cannot achieve permanent effects just by working their own magic.

Remember that the higher the frequency is, the more effective it is. That's why the JoS clergy has stated that before the rituals/workings "we raise our energies". Because we want our magick to be at it's most effective state.

We raise the frequencies. We raise the effectiveness.

Anyone that has studied the way the jews work, and/or if you've read the sermons of the JoS clergy, you've probably understood that the jews are purely physical beings. They have no soul and cannot understand anything spiritual. They work in the purely physical levels of existence.

They know that spirituality is the Gentiles' weapon. Through the centuries the have understood (with their physical brains, like a math way of calculating things) that magick is a powerful weapon that they cannot use it in an innate way. The only ones that have this innate ability to work magick are we, the Gentiles.

They are completely powerless in the higher levels.


So the jews know that they cannot use magick. And any kind of magick they can use is not powerful enough to counter the Gentiles' magick. So what do their little calculating minds have came up?!

The realized that they could "farm" the powerful spiritual power of the Gentiles.


So, they created the filthy programs of xianity and islam. They used their only powers they had (the control of their physical abilities) in order to further their plans.

They killed and massacred everyone that knew how to use their magical abilities (that's most of the Gentiles at the time). They tortured, raped, and abused most of us and created serious wounds in our souls (wounds that still remain in our souls and most of us, still try to heal through meditation). They destroyed our texts, books and corrupted any kind of knowledge they could find, so that we Gentiles cannot search in the physical planes to find our old and true ways.

They enforced their programs of xianity and islam to us Gentiles while they kept the spiritual knowledge. They brainwashed the Gentiles to direct their powerful energies (including the third and most powerful kind of energy) towards their false gods. And they then could direct this energies to their own purpose.

The JoS clergy have explained multiple times the above.


After centuries of lies, murders and abuse the jews had established a "farm" of spiritual power. The were farming the spiritual power of the Gentiles. THEY are the ones that USE OUR SOULS and they accuse Father Satan for this.

What a shameful kind of filth they are.

They had found a physical way of tapping into our soul power. But they couldn't direct this power whenever they wanted. The bible was written a long time ago, and the "programming" that they had done within it, was working for the ancient times.

They needed a way to perform more "custom" rituals. Where they could find a way to tap into the Gentile power of the soul. And direct the powerful Gentile energy towards their specific needs.

And here comes the next step in their jewish filthy ways. They started sacrificing Gentiles to empower their worthless and powerless magick.

And so, they've stolen the Gentile traditions and knowledge and found a way to tap into the third kind of energy --the most powerful kind of energy-- by sacrificing Gentiles and using their soul power to fuel their filthy magic.

By reading the ancient text (that they stole from us Gentiles) they realized that the power of these ritualistic sacrifices are more powerful during specific times of the year.

So, they perform ritual sacrifices in specific times (like the equinox in 23 September) and they use the energy of the Gentiles. They usually use Gentile babies or little children that are abducted for this purpose.

The jews have been evicted from many states just for that reason. They abducted Gentile babies/children to use for their filthy rituals. The JoS clergy have mentioned about this in their sermons.

But wait... there's an even more disgusting truth about the filth in our world that are the jews.




Since the jews found out that they could tap into the Gentiles' third kind of energy by performing ritual sacrifices, they wanted a steady supply of Gentiles for this purpose.

The jewish "science" of MIND CONTROL came about. And they were the ones to take advantage of it for their own filthy ways.

I'm providing some info here for those who don't know anything about mind control. Fell free to skip if you know of this already.


When someone has a serious negative experience (car accident, rape, extreme violence), this creates a trauma. The trauma is a very negative concentration of memories and emotions. The brain/mind makes every action possible to protect the individual and does everything that needs to be done in order to continue living.

If the person would continue to remember these unpleasant experiences of trauma during the healing process, the healing could not be completed and the person would perform suicide because of the pain and the negative memories/feelings.

The brain/mind in these extreme cases of trauma, creates a "local amnesia". It's like a bubble that contains all these memories and emotions, and BLOCKS this from the individual. This part of the brain/mind still continues to exist and works, but the individual cannot actively access this part of his/her own brain/mind.

The jews have found a way to exploit this for their purposes.

The have found out, that if this trauma happens in a child (I think the limit is before the child reaches 7 years old or something) where the brain/mind is still in its forming stages, then an ALTERNATE PERSONALITY IS CREATED.

*warning this is graphic*

This works that same way as the trauma case we explained above. The child is "abused/raped/tortured" and a trauma is created. BUT since the brain/mind of a child is not yet formed, the "local amnesia effect" splits the brain/mind in two parts. This could be done again and again on the child and a lot of these "amnesia departments" could be created in the brain/mind of the child.

Then a mind-controler (the master, that works with the child throughout his/her whole life) programs each "amnesia department" of the brain/mind, thus forming and creating a person that has no recollection of the other personalities that exist within him/her.

[Just a note on the subject. The mind-controlled person has the experience of "lost time". He/she may remember a few years of his/her life, but he/she has a lot of "gaps" in memory. When trying to remember, the memories are blocked and will have no recollection of these "time gaps"]

The child is literally brainwashed in order to believe any made up background story (where he/she grew up, who are his/her parents etc.), brainwashed in order to obey the mind-controller (the master) throughout his/her life, brainwashed to perform anything the mind-controller wants.

I'll stop here for brevity. And if you want to learn more, please do your own research on the subject.


Through the research I've done on the subject of mind-control for the jews, I found out that they have whole generations of brainwashed Gentile children that they control. These children are being grown like farm animals, programmed to remember that they live a "normal life". But in reality they have hidden "amnesia departments" in their brain/minds.

These brainwashed Gentile people grow up and make their own children, always through the control of their mind-controller (the master) and through the control of the jews.

The Gentiles that are chosen for this are usually very special and advanced spiritual people that can tap into the third kind of power and their souls are very powerful.


By literally farming and mind-controlling these Gentile people they achieve two things (that I've found out). First they can have them reproduce and "generate" as many babies as they want in order to "fuel" their sacrificial rituals.

No one will complain about this. No one will call the police about it. No one can trace it.
The mind-controlled people will not remember anything about it.

The second thing is that the mind-controlled Gentile people can be programmed to perform rituals for the benefit of the jews. This is how the jews have managed to tap into the third power. They use the mind-controlled Gentiles as a "surrogate" power.

I know these information are hard to swallow, but don't believe my word. Do your own research.


Since all these are not the best information one would like to know, I want to close this post with a positive message.

We need to remember that the jews will do anything in their power to destroy, exploit and control the Gentile people.

Only through knowledge and advancement we will be able to win.

There's a need for action.
There's a need to counter these jewish attacks against our own people.
There's a need to end this suffering.

We HAVE to fight for our people.
We HAVE to defend our rights.
We HAVE to win.

There is no other option.
There is no other end result.

We are winning.

The jews do not possess the power to counter our innate powers.

We perform daily meditations.
We train our spiritual powers daily.
We are becoming even more powerful every day.

Our spiritual power combined is obliterating the soulless and cowardly jews.

Everyone needs to fight for our people.
The Gentiles are banding together for the common good.

This is a call to arms.
Everyone needs to perform the rituals.

Link here
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ges/144373

Fight for the greater good!
Hail Father Satan Forever!
Thank you for this post I personally believe I have not met a Jew I can't say for sure but hopefully I meet one so I can see the terror in their eyes. Hail Satan!!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
