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The Jewish media! 5G! And about harmful rays

Fire Kobra

Jul 20, 2020
There have been some serious discussions and rebuttals here on the forum in the last few days.
The topic of discussion has been about the thermometer, but other things have also been discussed.

I brought up the subject because I knew that even among Satanists there are some people who have absolutely no idea what the enemy has done with thermometers.

I wanted to help my own comrades to inform, and also to provide the SS with a solution.

What did I get in return?

Humiliation!Contempt! Laughed at! Spat in the face! And the like.
And they did all this to a Satanist!

There's no excuse for this!

I have explained, in a perfectly understandable way, that the enemy has taken hold of everything, and is sickening and killing humanity to the most horrible degree.
They use three things! Chemical weapons! Beam weapons! And biological viruses!

(And when I talk about weapons, I'm not just talking about firearms,
(I say this for the weak minded).

The clergy is right that many members are unconscious and don't understand all the things that are being said.
In addition, there are some people who don't even know how to do a real thorough research.

You don't just have to search the internet!

I will now clarify, and say it in the clearest possible way, with logical reasoning, what the enemy has done in this area too.

Let's start with 5G!

There went those claims about 5G being a misconception that it is harmless.
Well! Let's look at the truth!

Who owns the mainstream media?


Now let's also look at the Zion minutes!

It is through the press that we have acquired the power to exert our influence, while we ourselves have remained in the background. Protocol 2

The bottom line is that the Jews have the entire mainstream media in their hands!

As the weapon of the enemy! Obviously they do not put things in the public domain that would expose them.
What interest do you think they have in telling society that 5G is a lethal weapon?
They have no interest in it.

Of course, they can use it as a scare story to scare the public and move their agenda forward.

But the fact is that the Jews are deeply silent on this!

Let's go on and see what the media is promoting!

Advertisement - by TV


They start the ad by saying that the "Thanksgiving of the Tettes", "helps digital unity!"
Specifically, they make the viewers believe that this network helps and is safe.

And other things to push this product on people.

And well not only is 5G being advertised and programmed into the viewer,but also Christianity,+ the ridiculous idiotic behavior,+ their touch screen phone,gmo hamburger eating.
And they project more Jewish pink mutt bullshit in the viewers.

The goal is to get people to buy the product and use it.

By pictures/poster:



Let's move on because the story is not over yet!



Where does it come from? From China!
Which is under full Jewish influence!

The Huawei company is communist, as is the head of the company, Chen Cheng.

Its financiers are the Jews themselves! They run the whole thing in the background!

Now if the communists are the source of 5G, then what doubt do I have?

And there are other Kosher companies producing technical products that already work with 5G.

The previous Gthz networks were indeed harmless, but 5G is not.

I point out something else important!
The number five! 5
And the G - Which is the seventh letter in the English alphabet!

5+7=12 Or! 5x7=35 3x5=15 1+5= 6

Already linked to Hebrew numerology!

It should be clear to everyone here that it is all in the hands of the Jews!

Let's move on!

Now for real information on 5G and more!

David Icke interview!


Wifi, 5G, Nano technology - Alcyon Pleyades video


About harmful rays! What the Jews are using against humanity!
This is faster footage!


The website:

I think that should be enough to understand the plague that is plaguing our planet Earth.

The Jewish scourge!
Most of the stuff on 5g (including likely what you posted) is nonsense and a distraction I think. I don't even know what to think about it anymore but usually whenever anyone says 5g I skip over that part it's become kind of tiring reading stuff that is so obviously not true.

I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.
slyscorpion said:
I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.
The increase of bandwidth enables this, and it's what they are after. In all honesty network speeds with 3g and 4g are enough for non commercial usage.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.
It has potential as a weapon. 5g emitters have to be densely placed due to the waves dissipating over longer distances. What happens when the strenght of emitting is cranked up with dense network of emitters. I'm not into fear mongering, this is simply statement of a possibility.
No one humiliated you. You actually got a pretty good treatment. Others tried to help you in a constructive way that you could learn from. Sorry to say this to you first, but plain misunderstanding radiates from your replies. Translators are not everything. If you would like to get into discussions and debates try to learn a little better english. :roll:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.
The increase of bandwidth enables this, and it's what they are after. In all honesty network speeds with 3g and 4g are enough for non commercial usage.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.
It has potential as a weapon. 5g emitters have to be densely placed due to the waves dissipating over longer distances. What happens when the strenght of emitting is cranked up with dense network of emitters. I'm not into fear mongering, this is simply statement of a possibility.

Yes the only thing which could happen is that they turn up the power by the factor 1000000 or more, then we would boil from the inside out. If you notice this, wrap yourself in aluminium foil asap😂

But I do not think that those antennas can handle this much power tbh.
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.
The increase of bandwidth enables this, and it's what they are after. In all honesty network speeds with 3g and 4g are enough for non commercial usage.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.
It has potential as a weapon. 5g emitters have to be densely placed due to the waves dissipating over longer distances. What happens when the strenght of emitting is cranked up with dense network of emitters. I'm not into fear mongering, this is simply statement of a possibility.

Yes the only thing which could happen is that they turn up the power by the factor 1000000 or more, then we would boil from the inside out. If you notice this, wrap yourself in aluminium foil asap😂

But I do not think that those antennas can handle this much power tbh.

Maybe not the one thing I do know is it's kind of not needed at all for the stated purpose they made it for. Which makes the whole thing kind of concerning.
I as far as I read 5G poses a higher danger for health because it emmits far stronger radio waves (radiation) compared to 4G, which I read causes the human cell to turn into cancerous, which can severely affect certain people that are already prone to cancer or have a bad health condition, it happened in the past already with many cases due to which 5G antennas were removed from flat buildings. I think most people will adapt like they did to 4G but living in a `cage` of intense radio waves radiation is not healthy at all. Not to mention probably they will cut all trees where 5G antennas are to be placed because apparently trees are very effective in blocking 5G radio waves.
Fire Kobra said:
What did I get in return?

Humiliation!Contempt! Laughed at! Spat in the face! And the like.
And they did all this to a Satanist!
The problem was you made a statement without supporting it with scientific or medical evidence. Also you posted a link that literally goes to google images with the frontal lobe, it doesn't show any negative impact of thermometers over the brain if that was your point. I am 100% sure that if scanning/digital thermometers were dangerous in any way, this would have been exposed or leaked long ago, as way more dangerous or impactant things were exposed. Next time if you want to post about a similar matter, do a good research in advance and gather some scientific studies or similar evidence.
3g sparrows gone from the sky all dead
4g sparrows that somehow survived were gone too and some other birds as well.
5g testing phase = no birds in the sky hardly saw 3-4 birds in the sky and they were wandering like they have lost their directions, all the lizards in my garage and house were found dead and some were shvering to dead, squirrels gone not even a single one not even in the gardens all dead, every metal and person were static charged and felt heavy electric shock when ever touched after every few minutes And some Adverse effects on body as well.
slyscorpion said:
I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.

Your belief is true. The intention is to use the 5G network for IoT devices - establishing connectivity to and collecting data from microchips within practically everything on the planet. Not necessarily humans, but I think that's obviously where we're headed. The public IPv6 address space system will easily accommodate such connectivity.

5G coverage will be extended even further not by only the erection of masts/towers, but also but integration of boosters/emitters/repeaters in every day objects such as street lighting.

This tech was conceptualised many years ago and I remember studying it in some detail. The benefit of IoT devices to consumers are similar to those devices we see that have internet connectivity for those lovely goy features and not much else. E.G. Get a notification when your fridge is opened, or see how your washing machine is doing. For businesses though, it aides tremendously in the accumulation of "big data", which can and will likely be used maliciously.
The Alchemist7 said:
Fire Kobra said:
What did I get in return?

Humiliation!Contempt! Laughed at! Spat in the face! And the like.
And they did all this to a Satanist!
The problem was you made a statement without supporting it with scientific or medical evidence. Also you posted a link that literally goes to google images with the frontal lobe, it doesn't show any negative impact of thermometers over the brain if that was your point. I am 100% sure that if scanning/digital thermometers were dangerous in any way, this would have been exposed or leaked long ago, as way more dangerous or impactant things were exposed. Next time if you want to post about a similar matter, do a good research in advance and gather some scientific studies or similar evidence.

Thank you I am aware they need something like this if they are going to really push this virtual reality thing too.
The reason I mentioned Hebrew numerology is because you can see that the Jews are behind it all.

Not to give him psychic power or anything like that.

If that's what you mean!
Fire Kobra said:
The reason I mentioned Hebrew numerology is because you can see that the Jews are behind it all.

Not to give him psychic power or anything like that.

If that's what you mean!

And can you believe me when the scabies rub their rotting faces in annoyance when I expose their fake shit?
5G should be a matter of great concern to the average person yet I personally believe this won't affect us as much as we have a stronger bioelectric field and connection to Satan and the Gods. It is still worth noting that 5G has the potential to send concentrated/targeted attacks. Such weapons (Directed-energy weapons) have been developed and researched for decades.


I think one important factor is whether or not we have devices connected to 5G near us. They can pinpoint our location this way. As well, devices constantly send back communications to the towers which creates a greater amount of microwaves in our environment. Below are some RF (Radio-Frequency) ranges from studies looking at high-density 5G environments.

High Throughput Layer: (Mast to mast and dense user locations)
- Europe: 23.25 - 27.5 GHz
- China: 24.25 - 27.5 and 37 - 43.5 Ghz
- USA: 27.5 - 28.35 - 28.35 and 37 - 40
- Japan: 27.5 - 28.28 GHz

According to the NIH mobile phones emit 300 MHz to 3 GHz which they say "may be harmful to health" and they purport that "cancer is likely caused by other factors". Basically they're stating they don't know based on lack of comparative analysis and other potential confounders. These studies also don't look at regular use but instead look at "recommended use". I saw a video where a woman who kept her cellphone on in her bra for years developed tumors in that exact region. Even the cellphone companies warn of potential harms and (in fine print) warn not to place your phone against to your head.

Still, we have to think about the big picture. They won't attack everyone at once with lethal force. It's more likely that they would do so sporadically in order to quell suspicion while killing-off everyone else slowly.

One thing that I hope you all get from reading this is to stop carrying a cellphone. If you can't at least get an older one or use faraday cage, minimize use and only use speakerphone or a plug-in headset/earphones to answer calls.
If you want to be over-the-top safe you can also check if your internet card runs 5G by following these steps: https://thegeekpage.com/2-4ghz-or-5ghz/
Chances are extremely low that your computer has 5G capabilities, providing your internet card wasn't recently purchased.
There are ways to disable both your computer and router from connecting to 5G that can be found via any search engine.

Regarding viruses, I love that everyone here has their own beliefs and that none of us will agree 100% on everything. This is a sign of progress and growth and not something to get controversial about. I myself feel certain that viruses are made up. Consider Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a psychologist and MD who holds a BAS in Molecular Biology from MIT. He states that viruses are merely "exosomes" and that no virus has been proven to exist. The video below breaks down the "virus" myth and It mentions how Stephan Lanka won a court case proving this.


I still think there's something to the biological warfare and gain-of-function research being pushed on us. The spike proteins are definitely a part of this. Still, if you research Germ Theory VS Terrain Theory you will know that healthy people are safe from microbes/germs. People should be more concerned about environmental toxins, nutrition and having a clean diet.

That said, we also need to have confidence in our bodies ability to survive. We are programmed to fear everything yet we've survived terrible plagues (caused by environmental factors) and famines. Negativity and pessimism is a major cause of disease however.
The biggest take away I hope you brothers and sisters get reading this is not to allow fear run your life. If this information causes you anger/fear than there's not much else I can say. We need not obsess over the minutia of information. Instead, focus on the bigger spiritual battle that we're facing together.

With love and respect to you all,

Hail Satan!

(RF Frequency Sources):




A couple things to add:

That video didn't directly mention Stephan Lanka (that was in the subtext/description).

Also, this video contains one major false-flag, that Prescott Bush (George Bush's father) funded Hitler. I haven't looked into it much myself yet being a major banker I'm sure he had money all over the place.

Just another deception for the masses. It's interesting to me that pro-Trump people consider Fox News a major source of truth whenever it fits their biases. I don't trust anything they say. Everything they report is either a lie or a half-truth.

I still think it's still a video worth looking into with an open mind. Every single virus throughout history is really a lie. (Problem-reaction-solution). That's how I see it anyway, that the only virus is the media and the fear it propagates.
slyscorpion said:
Most of the stuff on 5g (including likely what you posted) is nonsense and a distraction I think. I don't even know what to think about it anymore but usually whenever anyone says 5g I skip over that part it's become kind of tiring reading stuff that is so obviously not true.

I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.

It's a subject that is hard to verify, but I can imagine the intentions are not good. IDK about chips, but the vax containing a small concentration of metal could have some negative effect. An EMF in such a case could determine scratches on the blood vessels. But even without the vax as a variable, the 5G could be harmful on the long term if someone is near to it. I did not upgrade my phone subscription to 5G. Constant exposure to higher frequencies is damaging to the cells. The pseudo-science can elaborate all bullshit they want on this, it will not convince me. Enough exposure to waves, no need for more. Also it can affect us during meditations I believe.
EasternFireLion666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Most of the stuff on 5g (including likely what you posted) is nonsense and a distraction I think. I don't even know what to think about it anymore but usually whenever anyone says 5g I skip over that part it's become kind of tiring reading stuff that is so obviously not true.

I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.

It's a subject that is hard to verify, but I can imagine the intentions are not good. IDK about chips, but the vax containing a small concentration of metal could have some negative effect. An EMF in such a case could determine scratches on the blood vessels. But even without the vax as a variable, the 5G could be harmful on the long term if someone is near to it. I did not upgrade my phone subscription to 5G. Constant exposure to higher frequencies is damaging to the cells. The pseudo-science can elaborate all bullshit they want on this, it will not convince me. Enough exposure to waves, no need for more. Also it can affect us during meditations I believe.

Ok but 5g is everywhere too. So it may or may not make any difference having a device or not. This is set up so these frequencies and waves are everywhere. Like you I am unsure of this.
slyscorpion said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Most of the stuff on 5g (including likely what you posted) is nonsense and a distraction I think. I don't even know what to think about it anymore but usually whenever anyone says 5g I skip over that part it's become kind of tiring reading stuff that is so obviously not true.

I do believe though this is the network they are going to use to run the microchips on as well as the internet of things and cyber pods and other stuff they are in the works of creating and planning for us.

I also believe it can be used for harmful things both spiritual and as a material weapon and this is being kept secret. I don't know as it is harmful on its own though.

It's a subject that is hard to verify, but I can imagine the intentions are not good. IDK about chips, but the vax containing a small concentration of metal could have some negative effect. An EMF in such a case could determine scratches on the blood vessels. But even without the vax as a variable, the 5G could be harmful on the long term if someone is near to it. I did not upgrade my phone subscription to 5G. Constant exposure to higher frequencies is damaging to the cells. The pseudo-science can elaborate all bullshit they want on this, it will not convince me. Enough exposure to waves, no need for more. Also it can affect us during meditations I believe.

Ok but 5g is everywhere too. So it may or may not make any difference having a device or not. This is set up so these frequencies and waves are everywhere. Like you I am unsure of this.

True, but the difference is also in the proximity. The phone is in your pocket while the 5G antena may be further which is good.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
