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The impact of drugs on body and psyche


Active member
Sep 22, 2017
Yogic Supreme
Note: I have wanted to share this for a while, but chose not too, for whatever reasons. A fellow SS recently asked for help, and HP Hooded Cobra responded quickly and well, so did many others. I want to share this knowledge regards the use of drugs and alcohol in order to educate and spread awareness among all Spiritual Satanists. It is imperative to keep clean and healthy both spiritual and physical! This is what I have learned through a course I am studying at college. Save, copy, use and share this all you like. You have my permission.

Some of the information given in this post may appear strange, strange to understand or that the wrong words are used in the wrong places and have the wrong form of inflection. This is because my native language is not English and I have a pretty different culture from most people in here.

Alcohol problems:
Alcohol is the most widely used and available drug in the world. Some people are more prone to addiction as a result of genetics, personality traits and / or trauma. This can create major consequences and problems for many. This includes the person concerned, relatives, the workplace and society in general. As there are many degrees of substance abuse, it provides smooth transitions to what goes against the social norm. Many can be alcoholics without being seen/known. Someone also may be addicted to other drugs that are not visible.

An intoxicant is a natural or synthetic product that has a psychoactive effect where the intoxicant affects perception, thoughts, emotions and behavior. They are further divided according to the effects they give.

Sedatives are drugs that provide a relaxing effect. Stimulants are drugs that have an activating effect. And then there are hallucinogens that affect sensing and perception. Some drugs can fall into several categories.

Calms the central nervous system. The effects will be relaxation, drowsiness, decreased concentration, impaired thinking, judgment and motor skills. Benzodiazepines are sedatives that go under anxiety and sedatives. Opioids e.g. heroin and morphine have effects such as painkillers, feelings of euphoria, fatigue, impaired reactivity. Alcohol is also a sedative drug. At lower doses you get excited and cheerful. At higher doses you become lethargic and sleepy.

Activates the nervous system. The effects will be increased energy, happiness, reduced need for sleep, lower appetite. An example here is cocaine which provides increased alertness, increased self-esteem and increased mood. Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs and is very harmful to health. Another example is the stimulant amphetamine. At lower doses, amphetamine will calm a person, concentrate and increase work capacity. At higher doses, the effect will cause euphoria, increased energy and physical restlessness. Amphetamine is also highly addictive. The effect of Ecstacy / MDMA is satisfaction, you become more empathetic, you become more open and you become talkative. At higher doses of ecstacy / MDMA, this can have hallucinogenic effects by affecting the senses and perception.

Affects our senses and provides perceptual changes. An example is an experience of seeing or hearing things that are not there (psychosis-like symptom). An example is LSD which provides amplified emotions and sensory deception. Negative effects are strong anxiety, paranoia and an experience of loss of control. Another example of a hallucinogen is cannabis (marijuana and hashish). Cannabis is the most common drug among illegal drugs. It gives a relaxed effect, mild confusion and enhanced sensory impression.

Consequences of substance/drugs/alcohol abuse:
Increased risk of physical illness such as cerebral haemorrhage, epilepsy, dementia, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, oral cancer, high blood pressure, heart attack, enlarged heart, heart rhythm disorder, weakened heart muscle, diarrhea, colon cancer, fluid in the abdominal cavity, osteoporosis, osteoporosis…just to mention a few. At the population level, there is a complex connection between alcohol use and violence. Parental intoxication can adversely affect children. The drug addict will have greater sickness absence and reduced performance.

The drug experience is a result of how the drugs affect our nervous system. This is because the drugs affect our nerve cells by affecting the effects of various neurotransmitters. Drugs affect different neurotransmitter systems and therefore have different effects. A common effect is that they affect the reward system in the brain. You experience a feeling of euphoria, happiness or well-being. The reward system is a system in the brain that gives a good and comfortable feeling that is central to motivating us. This reward system is activated when we eat, have sex, are in love, etc. That is, when we do or expose ourselves to something that gives us a comfortable feeling. All drugs and almost all behaviors that have an intoxication or addiction component affect this system. Examples of addiction are sex addiction, gambling addiction and / or drug addiction. Drugs lead to increased dopamine release which enhances the reward behavior. The drugs that affect dopamine emissions more directly are the drugs that are also most addictive such as cocaine and amphetamines.

Substance Abuse Disorders:
Most men develop alcohol problems, and most women develop drug addiction. It brings with it a number of somatic / physical ailments. It increases the risk of, among other things, liver disease, cancer and stroke. A comorbid disorder between drug and mental illness is normal. Substance abuse disorder usually accompanies mental disorders such as mood disorders, anxiety, personality disorders and / or psychotic disorders. There are not always clear lines between how these disorders are affected or reinforce each other. Could it be a common vulnerability that provides a disposition for substance abuse problems or is it a mutual interaction where the different disorders reinforce and maintain each other?

Harmful use is when a pattern of use occurs where drugs cause serious physical and / or mental damage. An example is experiencing episodes of depression, physical pain, such as squeezing and chest pain or abdominal pain resulting from substance abuse.

Addiction syndrome will give signs of strong craving for the drug. An experience that you must have the drug or just have it at all costs. Another symptom is that you have problems regulating your intake, e.g. the consumption. Experience of abstinence. Withdrawals are defined as physiological and behavioral acts as a dealer when quitting or reducing use. Examples are sweating and increased heart rate in alcohol dependence. Increased tolerance is also common. You experience a lower effect of the same dose where you need more to get drunk. Alcohol, opioids and stimulants are at high risk for tolerance development. Eventually, one will develop an indifference to the outside world. Examples of this are that it is not so dangerous that you do not show up for work, dismiss the consequences. The most important is the drugs. Intake is maintained despite obvious consequences. To be diagnosed with addiction syndrome, one must complete three or more of these symptoms in the last 12 months.

What explains addiction development? Is it a choice? A disease? A consequence of the social environment you are a part of? Or a result of biological mechanisms in the brain? Addiction is a complex phenomenon and there is often a need to use several perspectives in understanding it. Our spiritual perspective here is the Neptunian energies working for a negative outcome. Spirituality, mediations, Satan and the Gods is needed to overcome such addictions and problems. Adhering to spirituality naturally obliterate the foul energies of the universe.

Risk factors:
Mental disorders, trauma, school problems, attachment to marginal youth environments or other narcotic environments, heritability?

An interdisciplinary and holistic approach is generally recommended. Detoxification where one is admitted for a period. Motivational interview with a focus on triggering and eliciting motivation for change. Questions may be why Do you want help? Why do you want to quit? What makes it difficult? What is stopping you? Motivational interviews are often combined with cognitive behavioral therapy. Then one also focuses on the role of the mind in removing substance abuse problems. In addition, mentalisation-based therapy is used, which focuses on dealing with difficult emotions without the use of intoxicants.

Some are also offered drug assistant rehabilitation (UNODC). Then you get medical treatment for someone who are addicted to opioids such as heroin or morphine. The health service has guidelines for who can receive such an offer. This will be offered in addition to other interdisciplinary help.

This is an approach based on principles such as self-determination, active participation and meeting the individual with dignity and respect. The focus here is on being a participant rather than, for example, a user or patient who often has a negative association. The focus is that it is possible to establish a meaningful life and good quality of life despite challenges in life. This treatment may vary from different countries, but they should be quite similar regardless. Ask a medical doctor, psychologist or seek out a rehabilitation center if you need help.

Completely end all ties with those who use drugs or are into heavy alcohol consumption, they bring nothing but misfortune into your life.

Focusing on spirituality and Satan is all you need. There is so much positive you can do with your life on the path of Godhood, Satanism, with Satan, and the Gods and Godesses. It is the true path of advancement and healing.


Take care,
Dark Pagan 666.
Darkpagan666 said:

Good post, thank you. I think one can defeat their drug addictions with a combination of physical support (yoga, good diet, acupuncture), emotional/mental support (support groups, therapy exercises), and spiritual workings (munka and anything for detaching).

I think this is a good place to describe the "harmless" effects of cannabis on the body, from the following article:



In Chinese medicine, there are the Three Treasures that constitute our life. These are known as Jing, Qi and Shen. The goal of practitioners of the healing arts is to harmonize the Three Treasures. They are generally translated as essence (Jing), vitality (Qi) and spirit (Shen).

Let's take a look at how cannabis affects the elements of the body. Using cannabis takes Jing and rapidly turns it into Qi and Shen, thus you lose a lot of essence over time, since you're body is releasing Jing faster than the body can assimilate it. This would be similar to going to college with a large trust fund only to overspend it and find yourself pennyless after a mere two years into your four-year degree. Over spending your allotted Jing makes one understand why people who consume a lot of drugs might look like they are aging faster than is normal.

Wood Disharmony

Cannabis users are many times the deepest visionaries of society. They want to be in deep alignment with their spirit and shine bright into the world. The liver is the General and Force of Direction. The impact on liver yang is that in the short term, there is a creativity and expanded visionary process. Longer term, there is a weakened visionary process and inability to take action. When the liver, an emotional organ, gets upset, red eyes, irritability and depression set in. Women have a disruption in menses with worsened PMS symptoms.

In Chinese, the word for "heart" (hsin) is also used to denote "mind." The Shen resides in the heart, and as one sleeps, blood goes into the heart and calms the Shen. Upon awakening, they feel refreshed. When cannabis goes into fire of the heart, it might seem innocuous at first. While awake, sudden flashes of anger arise and paranoia sets in. Without a strong Shen, one seems "lost" and sleep becomes restless and disturbed with nightmares and heart palpitations.

Earth Scorched

When fire scorches the earth, the yin of earth gets depleted, and the body has similar symptoms of hypoglycaemia; blood sugar drops and the appetite is constantly hungry. If one is not in touch with what nourishes them, then they will eat random things, and might gain weight. Women will be prone to yeast and bladder infections because of the dampness from accumulated sugars eaten.

Metal, Too Weak To Cut

Cannabis affects the lungs, skin and immunity. Specific symptomology are: the lungs and skin get dry and there will be deep red-hot pimples on the large intestine meridians on the face (around the mouth) and chest/upper back area surrounding the lungs. There is typically a chronic cough with mucus. Long term, there might be asthma/eczema or random staph infections. Regular cannabis smokers have respiratory issues such as lung qi deficiency with a heat (sometimes producing little yellow phlegm nuggets in the mornings).

Water Depleted

By tapping into the water of the kidneys, the Jing is depleted. There is fire from the heart meridian and vision from the liver, but not enough energy to produce a result. Long-term users might suffer from lower back achiness, which is a sign that reserves are being tapped heavily. The continuous depletion of the Jing and kidney energy diminishes sex-drive in both men and women. In some cases of over consumption, erectile dysfunction (ED) has been noted in men as early as their twenties.

Lastly, vaporizers are gaining much momentum, but are just as bad as it takes Jing and uses it the same way that regular cannabis smoke does.

Other Issues

Cannabis has a cooling effect over time; it stimulates the liver yang in the beginning, but it depletes it in the long run, so the net effect is cooling, which the body counteracts by producing heat. Thus, women who overuse cannabis might find themselves suffering from hot flashes, similar to that of a pre-menopausal woman. A combination of birth control pills and cannabis has created one of the worst female reproductive health issues of all time with a surge of ovarian cysts, fibroids and dysmenorrhea. Additionally, as stated above, the continuous depletion of the Jing, or kidney energy, diminishes sex-drive.


I was recently told by a patient, "If I don't smoke weed, then I can't shut off my brain. I do calculus problems as I'm trying to sleep, and I never get any rest!" This reminds me of all the genius peers I saw from middle school to college who smoked in order to get some peace of mind. The woman above is a chemical engineering student and mother of three. She was forced to stop smoking when she got pregnant with her third child, and came to me for a cure to stop smoking for the sake of her baby. She was a patient even before getting pregnant. I would watch with interest as she would tell me a story, but as the ending got near, her temper would flare: she would raise her voice (volume, tempo and pitch), as she couldn't control her emotions since her liver fire was out of control. Sometimes she would end shaking and crying, only to move on to another subject almost immediately. As was normal, she would have a reddish hue on her cheeks, and red-hot pimples around her mouth in the large intestine region. I knew she was a regular cannabis user even before she told me.

For herbs, I recommend formulas to calm the Shen or one to raise GABA. GABA is the neurotransmitter in the brain that inhibits panic and anxiety (and quiets the brain). Modern day stress has – for many people - causes a deficiency in GABA. Most people do not get better simply by taking GABA which is available over the counter at most health food stores. Formulas with Magnesium, L-Taurine, Valerian and Lithium, will calm the nervous system. As with the patient above, when I gave her a formula to naturally induce her own stores of GABA, she was helped tremendously. As her body was detoxing from cannabis, she would sporadically experience extremely calm moments similar to feeling "stoned." I have also given these formulas to patients with diagnosed bipolar disorder during their manic phases and patients with extreme anxiety, which also causes a similar feeling that the brain is over-stimulated and cannot power off.

My brother smokes weed and tobacco, and I find it appalling. He is also a father... I don't know if I can translate and share what you have shared here since it would be "too over the top". TCM concepts and such... I should probably first ask him if he want's to quit. It's a freaking disgrace, drug abuse that is. Sigh... He's probably too weak, damn it.
Henu the Great said:
My brother smokes weed and tobacco, and I find it appalling. He is also a father... I don't know if I can translate and share what you have shared here since it would be "too over the top". TCM concepts and such... I should probably first ask him if he want's to quit. It's a freaking disgrace, drug abuse that is. Sigh... He's probably too weak, damn it.

Something like this looks good: https://www.drelist.com/blog/marijuana-smoking-genetic-damage/

You might have to source each effect individually. Some of the TCM stuff translates easily over, but not all. For example, western med. perceives stomach fire as a healthy gain of appetite, whereas TCM would see that it would eventually lead to stomach yin deficiency.

I would just focus on the easily provable claims. For any perceived health benefits, remind him that there are plenty of safe herbal treatments. Cannabis is dogshit as a medical treatment. Any adaptogenic compounds can be used for stress-relief, for example. Ginger stimulates digestion, and so on.

You can bring up the topic, but he may have reservations. I know a lot of people today feel a bit hopeless with everything, and certainly don't have a higher purpose to aspire to. However, if he is a father, you can ask him if he would quit for his family. Quit now before he gets any serious issues.

However, I think just breaking the veil of weed being completely non-toxic, it kills cancer goy, and it also does the dishes, might be a step in the right direction. Explain that it is just like drinking, where it all catches up to you eventually. Most people falsely believe it literally does no harm.
Blitzkreig said:
Darkpagan666 said:

Thank you for adding an utmost important information.

I am happy you are quite versed in chinese medicine, linking the physical to the spiritual here. It is very interesting as well!
I am really glad we got out of this. The cause of getting into the drug thing was partly me. I was kind of dumb to invoke neptune directly a few times cause I thought it would give me psychic abilities and make me creative. Another SS at the time had told me that was useful. I guess That was really dumb. I was dedicated to spiritual Satanism before doing that. It took a few months before things started going down hill I started wanting to drink and ended up hanging around the wrong people. Then some literal Jew (he had all the Jewish features like big nose kind of off looking body jew smile rat ears etc) suggested I try heroin and crack. I was kind of not in a mindset to resist this as I was kind of for some reason wanting to go along with this. So for awhile I did this stuff. My girlfriend got back into it cause of me but was sober at the time. Cause I wanted heroin. So for awhile we were stuck in this stuff.

Don't invoke the outer planets. Ever I never did that again. Lesson learned I had invoked it by breathing in the energy off the planet.
Some superb posts here a few that must be saved.

Top quality.
Darkpagan666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Darkpagan666 said:

Darkpagan666 wrote: Thank you for adding an utmost important information.

I am happy you are quite versed in chinese medicine, linking the physical to the spiritual here. It is very interesting as well!

*Oops. I quoted you as if you wrote that. My bad. The cons of using a phone. Corrected:

Thank you for adding an utmost important information.

I am happy you are quite versed in chinese medicine, linking the physical to the spiritual here. It is very interesting as well!

Okay..xD I at least tried to fix it. My phone is a bit weird now...
It was a really instructive post.

I was a meta-amphetamine addict for 3 years in my early 20s. First was a fun but after a couple of months it became a horror
movie, where I was the main zombie. From my own experience I can say, this synthetic drug is killing you so fast that you do not even realize it, you start it and you just die if you do not stop it. Let me tell you, the emotional suffering what this drug causes is worst of the worst feelings what I ever experienced. I saw few of my frieds finished in a rehab center for long months of teraphy to get them out from that suffering.
Myself, after 3 long years using meth nearly every day, I stopped to use this shit from one day to another, without any help.
I decided to finish it and I finished it, same with cigarettes, from one day to another stopped smoking.

This will, if I did not have, I think, I wouldnt be here on this forum now, but somewhere in jehovas cube.

Let me finish my short post with my fellow warrior words:

-- Completely end all ties with those who use drugs or are into heavy alcohol consumption, they bring nothing but
misfortune into your life.

-- Focusing on spirituality and Satan is all you need. There is so much positive you can do with your life on the path of
Godhood, Satanism, with Satan, and the Gods and Godesses. It is the true path of advancement and healing.

A very well said truth.

slyscorpion said:
I am really glad we got out of this. The cause of getting into the drug thing was partly me. I was kind of dumb to invoke neptune directly a few times cause I thought it would give me psychic abilities and make me creative. Another SS at the time had told me that was useful. I guess That was really dumb. I was dedicated to spiritual Satanism before doing that. It took a few months before things started going down hill I started wanting to drink and ended up hanging around the wrong people. Then some literal Jew (he had all the Jewish features like big nose kind of off looking body jew smile rat ears etc) suggested I try heroin and crack. I was kind of not in a mindset to resist this as I was kind of for some reason wanting to go along with this. So for awhile I did this stuff. My girlfriend got back into it cause of me but was sober at the time. Cause I wanted heroin. So for awhile we were stuck in this stuff.

Don't invoke the outer planets. Ever I never did that again. Lesson learned I had invoked it by breathing in the energy off the planet.

* What a harsh faith caused by Neptune. I hope all is well and fine with you now. I am glad to see you have overcome it.

My general note for people who struggle with similarities:
When it comes to the people who are influenced by Neptunian energies that causes them to fall into the hard aspects of the planet. Neptune rules deception and poison. Neptune manifests quite subtle, through arbitrary means. This can be through a friend that suddenly offers you a "taste" of a drug. Just for the fun of it. Usually this happens when one is out drunk in the first place or hang around negative vibe poeple. This, with the blotted eye, may seem innocent at the time being. But, think of the greater picture that we have insight in. This can be the very dark manifesto of very bad planetary alignments or a bad energy hit from one planet, waiting to manifest. Or curses from the enemy that you can not see. You find yourself saying yes, when you should just say no and walk away. This also comes from a soul who is yet not strong enough to repel such vast energies. The bad influence may manifest in different ways, and luckily, there are ways in overcoming it.

Yoga for an example is wonderful. Yoga opens energy pathways that are stuck, causing a finer flow of energy. Healing both physically and spiritually, simultaneously. Yoga helps to increase the bioelectricity. The amount of bioelectricity an individual has, determines the degree of their physical, psychological and spiritual health. People, who are ill or depressed, have lesser amounts of bioelectricity. Depression all by itself, is a symptom of too little bioelectricity. When the bioelectricity is heightened, it is important to direct the energies. This should be further programmed into the aura of protection where you are completely and totally safe, secure, protected and healthy in every way for you.

Heightened bioelectricity over time from experience, aslo increases the willpower to withstand and repel against negative vibe people. The negative vibe people are weaker in this case.

Pineal gland:
Pineal gland meditation. When meditating upon the pineal gland it gives you a natural high that can last hours when activated, especially when fully opened. The properties of the Pineal gland is giving you more creativity, opens the mind to comprehend information way more easily. It helps you to become aware of situations that is to be avoided, exploiting enemies and foes and so on. Pineal gland meditation has helped me tremendously, through school, understanding advanced sciences, detests weaknesses in people as well knowing their lies. Also it helps connecting with the Gods easier. Very helpful.



Chanting words of power. Vibration is very powerful. Positive sanskrit words that can be used for a repetition of 108 for 40 days in a row. Planetary alignments are important here. Such as if the moon is rising or waning. Through experience a rising sun/moon is exceptional for protection, empowering things. Following words can be included and all of them are exceptional and all of them strengthens the soul and kundalini:

Visuddhi: VVV - EEE - SSS - UUU - DDH - EEE. For healing and cleaning, removing foul energies. Great for empowering chakras.

Raum: RRR - AAA - UUU - MMM. This one is great and there are multiple techniques with this one. It amplifies a great deal of energy, empowering the soul, removing blockages as well as cleaning it.

Aum Suryae: AAA - UUU - MMM --- SSS - UUU - RRR - YYYAH - EH. For protection spells and cleansing chakras!

The rune Sowilo: SSS - OOO - VVV - EEE - LLH - OOH. Amplifies energy, protects from destructive energies, cleanses and heals.

To generally empowering the soul and chakras:
Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru: AYKK - OHNG - KAH-RAH - SAH-TAH-NAH-AH-MAH - SHEE-REE - V-HAH-AH - GUU-RUU.

Removing unwanted attachments:
When it comes to removing obstacles from ones life. There are many techniques and methods you can use. Such as using a rosary or whatever that suits you in counting, the Munka meditation. Munka is to be vibrated 'MMUUUUUU-NNNN-YAH-KAH. The "N" is to be vibrated as the spanish Ñ. For a repetition of 108 times for 40 days in a row. This may have to be repeated.
REMEMBER: It is very important to finish with an affirmation that is in the present tense in the way of it *is* doing this, not *will*.


You can use above mantras as well during a waning moon if you want to detach people, things, obstacles from your life as well.


Removing obstacles from your life:

In closing, it is important to balance the soul by opening all chakras and working on all chakras. Not just two or a selected few. It is important to include power breaths and yoga for a steady growth in bioelectricity and the opening of pathways. Always finish with an affirmation after each mediation as the energies tends to find the easiest way out. Energies don't have any will, they must be programmed, guided, taken care for. Or else they will just manifest into forms that is presented like a wild horse.

Create a meditation program where you work slowly but steadily, advancing and reaching the next stages in a healthy and respective manner. I have experienced my self backlashes because of "hero" meditating myself to another level. Which my soul and body weren't really ready for, so major setbacks consequently occurred because of it. HP Hooded Cobra created a most beautiful program that is steady and strong in just about the correct tempo (I can't seem to find it for now, please share if anyone has it).

The use of certain drugs lowers the Consciousness. Because the use of drugs ,consumes the energy of the soul. Daily activity actually consumes the energy of the soul, that's why power meditations and yoga, should be a normal part of someone's life to replenish energy expended. What leads people to seeking drugs or other kinds of addiction,is low energy in the soul. Low energy means lower consciousness,in the hellish Chakras or the qlippoth. This state of consciousness is depressive,and when one is constantly in this state of consciousness ,life feels like a huge struggle. You can see this in people who don't live a life of meditation around you. The internal struggle,many try to put on a brave face,but if reach a certain level of meditation,you can see through that. What people are actually seeking is spiritual energy or chi to raise their Consciousness from the hellish realms , they just don't know it. So they seek spiritual energy in material things,not just drugs,but food, persuit of money,sex e.t.c The problem is you can't squeeze energy from material things to raise the energy of the soul and drugs just further even increase the consumption of energy , further lowering the Consciousness of the soul. To lower realms of consciousness where one can commit murder,with no feeling of remorse. It's no coincidence,that most violent crimes and acts are committed under the influence of drugs. This consumption of the soul's energy plus not meditating just further increases the deficiency of the souls energy, making one even more addicted, because the false high they get makes them think that they have more energy and are in higher state of consciousness. So they seek this "high" ,which in reality is just lowering their Consciousness further, making them more vulnerable to immorality, manipulation,wrong judgement and the like. Now they are drugs like LCD that can tear down the veil of the astral, making one even clairvoyant, some people even develop psychic abilities depending on their past lives. When the snake power went asleep ,the astral and spiritual realms where also closed off, while in the physical body. This is for protection of the soul, because by the fallen snake power,the Consciousness of the soul fell into the qlippoth. There by making one more vulnerable to the influence of Asuric beings or evil spirits. So when one tears the veil, prematurely without a rise in energy and Consciousness these Asuric beings can influence to do terrible things. To the point where because of severe immorality one becomes insane, because flow from the Superconsious/God Conscious mind is obstructed. This is what happens when one is insane,it's the Superconsious mind that keeps the physical conscious mind sane. The physical conscious mind own it's own is actually insanity. Another thing the veil does is one can easily tune out influence of Asuric beings if they feel them, unlike one whose veil is prematurely removed. The solution to this then becomes obvious, people need to live a life of power meditation , doing yoga ,Chi Kung , physical exercise and the like to replenish the energy and raise your energy and Consciousness to eventual realising of the Self God. Which of course is the prime purpose of life on Earth. They are many people who attend AA meetings and the like and such are good. But many fall back into addiction , because they are also not increasing the energy of their souls through power meditation and related practices. You need to work with the Gods also and combined with power meditation,yoga, physical exercise,Chi Kung(energy work) and the like one will overcome such. Which eventually should lead to Realising the Self God. That's what the Ancient saying "Know Thy Self" means to Realise the Self God.......
Anche la sola marijuana che tanto viene apprezzata e difesa ha gravi effetti collaterali a lungo termine soprattutto a livello psichico. Grazie al Satanismo, ai miei guardiani e al mio impegno sono 2 anni che ho detto stop alla dipendenza da marijuana. Hail Satana! No all'abuso di sostanze
Anche la sola marijuana che tanto viene apprezzata e difesa ha gravi effetti collaterali a lungo termine soprattutto a livello psichico. Grazie al Satanismo, ai miei guardiani e al mio impegno sono 2 anni che ho detto stop alla dipendenza da marijuana. Hail Satana! No all'abuso di sostanze
I’ve personally used a lot of heroin and opioids, as this world is extremely suffocating, I was basically driven to the point of being so frustrated in trying to evolve spiritually that I turned to something to numb out and feel at peace with my situation. Much of western society is destroying itself and I couldn’t stand the false morality and bullshit that passes for truth. I was literally at the point of giving up and doing something stupid if I couldn’t find a way to cope. Insanity was right around the corner. However I always told myself that if I could astral project a couple times a week I wouldn’t need drugs anymore and thanks to Satanism and evolution I no longer crave heroin. It shuts down the ability to visualize, which is perhaps the reason its being pushed on white people and westerners, if you can’t visualize you lose a great source of power. These drugs and addictions can be helpful for a persons evolution in the very short term, but long term they will turn you into a shell of human, just like the Jews want.
Wolfsage said:
These drugs and addictions can be helpful for a persons evolution in the very short term

Um no Heroin is pure death and a very dirty type of thing and energy for the soul. "Heroin and spirituality are pure antithesis to each other" That is a quote of a comment I saw made to something where someone was promoting heroin as something spiritual.

This escaping thing with any drug doesn't help someone evolve at all or advance.

The only thing it might do is just buy someone time if they just can't take a situation and it's going to for sure get better with time.

But with what you said with this particular situation. If you do drugs like heroin till this gets really a lot better in the west and the enemy falls. It's likely you will be dead cause you will be using them for awhile most likely even years. So it's an escape not evolution it didn't help you with anything. The situation is still the same when you got done using than when you started.
I took everything apart from Heroin whilst in prison. (90 percent of population take it) I just thought stay clear of that if i had trouble with cocaine prior then i would be a sucker as they say "oh we only take it in here" kinda stuff got said once you tell the to F off the boys just realise you dont touch it and never ask you again.

Never touched it but the rich mans heroin i have took (cocaine) terrible.

Not worth it guys stick to JOS.
Has anyone tried this?

http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20meditation%20against%20addiction.htm - KY meditation against addiction

How to Do It.

Sit in a comfortable pose. Straighten the spine and make sure the first six lower vertebrae are locked forward. Make fists of both hands and extend the thumbs straight. Place the thumbs on the temples and find the niche where the thumbs just fit. This is the lower anterior portion of the frontal bone above the temporal-sphenoidal suture.
Lock the back molars together and keep the lips closed. Vibrate the jaw muscles by alternating the pressure on the molars. A muscle will move in rhythm under the thumbs. Feel it massage the thumbs and app!y a firm pressure with the hands.
Keep the eyes closed and look toward the center of the eyes at the brow point. Silently vibrate the f ive primal sounds, “Sa Ta Na Ma,” at the brow. Continue 5 to 7 minutes. With practice the time can be increased to 20 minutes and ultimately to 31 minutes.

What It Will Do for You.

This meditation is one of a class of meditations that will become well-known to the future medical society. Meditation will be used to alleviate all kinds of mental and physical afflictions, but it may be as many as 500 years before the new medical science will understand the effects of this kind of meditation well enough to delineate all its parameters in measurable factors.
The pressure exerted by the thumbs triggers a rhythmic reflex current into the central brain. This current activates the brain area directly underneath the stem of the pineal gland. It is an imbalance in this area that makes mental and physical addictions seemingly unbreakable.
In modern culture, the imbalance is pandemic. 1f we are not addicted to smoking, eating, drinking or drugs, then we are addicted subconsciously to acceptance, advancement, rejection, emotional love, etc. All these lead us to insecure and neurotic behavior patterns.
The imbalance in this pineal area upsets the radiance of the pineal gland itself. It is this pulsating radiance that regulates the pituitary gland. Since the pituitary regulates the rest of the glandular system, the entire body and mind go out of balance. This meditation corrects the problem. It is excellent for everyone but particularly effective for rehabilitation efforts in drug dependence, mental illness, and phobic conditions.
Darkpagan666 said:
To generally empowering the soul and chakras:
Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru: AYKK - OHNG - KAH-RAH - SAH-TAH-NAH-AH-MAH - SHEE-REE - V-HAH-AH - GUU-RUU.
Thanks for this! HPS Maxine explained these mantras more in-depth here:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Vibrating words of power/mantras is one of the most powerful in raising energies. This is also an excellent alternative for those who cannot do the physical exercises. Ideally though, physical exercises such as Hatha Yoga, Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, Tai Chi and other internal martial arts forms should be included for anyone who is able to do these, as all of these open up the physical self as well as the soul and work to keep energy circulating freely.

Words of power/mantras should be only as long as a short sentence. These should always be vibrated, never just stated. Each syllable must be vibrated. As with meditations, the effects of specific meditations are often individual and this is something you need to work with and choose for yourself. What may work well for one person may be different for another. The key here is these should feel pleasurable. One can also vibrate these in the mind when doing the holding during breathing exercises.

Here are some words of power that can be used to raise the energies of the soul. Vibrating these just 20 times, like in the morning [or after your main sleep], when you wake up, this can heighten your energies for the entire day:

This mantra is of Serpent Yoga and not only releases energy from and spins the chakras, but also praises Satan as our True Creator God. This is excellent for raising energies:

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru



This mantra is of Amon RA and empowers the sun chakra. It can also be vibrated into the aura:

Aum Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram




To remove obstacles in your life:

SaTaNaMa RaMaDaSa SaSay So Hung




For clairvoyance and opening the mind for more psychic power- what is known as the 'Veil of Isis'
mantra. Isis is an alias of Astaroth:





Source: JoS Newsletter 2011 Sermons and Important Messages (page 19-20)
Academic Scholar said:
Darkpagan666 said:
To generally empowering the soul and chakras:
Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru: AYKK - OHNG - KAH-RAH - SAH-TAH-NAH-AH-MAH - SHEE-REE - V-HAH-AH - GUU-RUU.
Thanks for this! HPS Maxine explained these mantras more in-depth here:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Vibrating words of power/mantras is one of the most powerful in raising energies. This is also an excellent alternative for those who cannot do the physical exercises. Ideally though, physical exercises such as Hatha Yoga, Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, Tai Chi and other internal martial arts forms should be included for anyone who is able to do these, as all of these open up the physical self as well as the soul and work to keep energy circulating freely.

Words of power/mantras should be only as long as a short sentence. These should always be vibrated, never just stated. Each syllable must be vibrated. As with meditations, the effects of specific meditations are often individual and this is something you need to work with and choose for yourself. What may work well for one person may be different for another. The key here is these should feel pleasurable. One can also vibrate these in the mind when doing the holding during breathing exercises.

Here are some words of power that can be used to raise the energies of the soul. Vibrating these just 20 times, like in the morning [or after your main sleep], when you wake up, this can heighten your energies for the entire day:

This mantra is of Serpent Yoga and not only releases energy from and spins the chakras, but also praises Satan as our True Creator God. This is excellent for raising energies:

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru



This mantra is of Amon RA and empowers the sun chakra. It can also be vibrated into the aura:

Aum Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram




To remove obstacles in your life:

SaTaNaMa RaMaDaSa SaSay So Hung




For clairvoyance and opening the mind for more psychic power- what is known as the 'Veil of Isis'
mantra. Isis is an alias of Astaroth:





Source: JoS Newsletter 2011 Sermons and Important Messages (page 19-20)

Satan definitely wanted this knowledge out again for us SS to practice and apply into our lives now. The posts about removing hang-ups, blockages, yoga, aura of protection and raising the energies. This is not coincidental.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
