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The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
  The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft     This will be the first in a series of articles, explaining how the enemy uses their bible to rule over the world. There is nothing "holy" or anything for spiritual advancement or the betterment of humanity in the bible. Look to the numbers, the books, the scriptures, and the contents and you will see it for what it is really for; it is a book of jewish witchcraft of which they use liberally, way at the top, to advance their agenda and to enslave the masses. The whole point of this article is to explain in every day simple terms on how they do this.   To understand how this works, I am going to use an example of throwing a powerful curse here. This is simply to explain how energy operates and this first example here has nothing to do with the bible. The powers of the mind, soul and work on the astral; because one is using one's subconscious mind, the energies and the effects are often quite subliminal. One will find this fact to be true with advancing in meditation, which increases awareness.   Many are familiar with the 1969 Tate and Labianca murders in Los Angeles, by Charles Manson [who believed himself to be jewsus christ] and his hippie cult, as this case received extensive publicity and even movies have been made about it. If you are not familiar with this, just type in the above into any search engine, it is all over the web, in libraries and everywhere else.   Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey worked with director/producer Roman Polanski as a temporary adviser for the 1968 movie "Rosemary's Baby." LaVey wanted to play the part of the Devil, but this part was given to someone else. According to certain sources, one source being the movie "Polanski," LaVey was also insulted and shunned by colleagues of Polanski who were also working on the film. LaVey became very angry and threw a curse through Satanic ritual.   Now, Manson family member and murderess Susan Atkins [who I might add was seriously strung out on hard drugs, such as LSD], temporarily worked for Anton LaVey in San Francisco, doing a nude act where she emerged from a coffin for entertainment purposes. Atkins, because of extensive drug use and personal flaws, proved to be extremely unreliable and would not show up for work, making things difficult on the others, the show, etc., and this angered LaVey. He eventually canned her.   LaVey also hated the hippies. In early August of 1969, LaVey threw a curse against the hippie movement. Now, here is an example of how powerful energies can work when they are not thoroughly directed. Like things tie in. LaVey was angry at Polanski for how he was shunned and treated during the filming of Rosemary's Baby. LaVey was angry at the hippie movement and he also had a strong dislike for Susan Atkins. All of this came together in August of 1969.   After throwing some powerful curses, everything was set in motion. Susan Atkins along with other Manson family members, broke into Polanski's home when he was away in Europe making a film. His wife, actress Sharon Tate, who was 8 months pregnant, along with some other friends were present at his home when this occurred. All of the occupants were butchered, shot, beaten, and stabbed multiple times to their deaths. Sharon who was 8 months pregnant was butchered by Susan Atkins, who even claimed publicly after being caught, how she wanted to carve the baby out of Tate's stomach. This all ties in, as we can see. LaVey knew both Atkins and Polanski and then the film "Rosemary's Baby" – look what happened to Polanski's baby. The above is a graphic example of how a powerful working; the energy always takes the easiest way out unless it is properly and thoroughly directed. Given the gravity of the murders, the hippies lost their popularity shortly thereafter, as the public began to associate them with this sort of thing and faded from history.   My point is how all of this ties in.   Some of you may remember here how after the 9/11 incident, many people were folding $20.00 bills a certain way, as the twin towers could be seen in flames, given the bill was folded, then viewed a certain way. The $20.00 bill is the most commonly used of US currency. Shortly thereafter the 9/11 incident, the $20.00 bills were very rapidly replaced with a new version. They all disappeared very quickly. The excuse used before the public was that they could be easily counterfeited. The real reason was because of the design of the bill and the subliminal vibrations it carried.   The number eleven is a number of chaos, destruction, and disintegration, according to the bible. Because that filthy bible is in nearly every home, so many people adhere to xian teachings, and put their faith in it, like the $20.00 bill, it is a very powerful subliminal tool, much more so than the $20.00 bill. Thus, when Jews at the highest levels work their witchcraft, they use the numbers and verses in the bible to accomplish their ends. From what I understand, some of the verses are vibrated in Hebrew in boustrophedon, meaning read in zigzag. They also bob back and forth when they "pray" in groups. The numbers 10 and 12 in the bible are supposed to be perfect numbers.   * The 12 sons of Jacob minus Joseph ["one is not" - Genesis 42:13] without whom the other 11 would not have survived. Note* Genesis is the first book of the bible; Genesis = 1 + 42 + 13 = 56, which reduces to 11. This is in addition to the verse itself.   * King Jehoiakim [2 Chronicles 36:5-6] reigned 11 years before Nebuchadnezzar carried him away into captivity [his downfall and the end of his rule]. * King Zedekiah [Jeremiah 52:1-11] reigned 11 years before Nebuchadnezzar imprisoned him, murdered his family, and mutilated him.   * In the 11th year of the Babylonian captivity Ezekiel prophesied of the fall and the destruction of Tyrus, [Ezekiel 26:1-5].   * In the 11th year of the Babylonian captivity Ezekiel prophesied of the fall and the destruction of Egypt [Ezekiel 30:20-26].   Note also in the above scriptures, if you do some more reading on them, they all rebelled against the Jews and were punished for it. The above serves as an example...there are many more.   Now, the number 9 is a number of endings and finality. Note how the biblical verses that emphasized the number 11, all related to destruction and fall.   I will not make this article too long, as I will have more detailed examples and such in the near future. The book of Job [suffering] is used to curse their enemies in many circumstances. The bombing of Dresden was carried out on the Christian holiday of Ash Wednesday and reduced the city to ashes. I could cite many more examples, but taking a look at how similarities all tie in, we have:   On 15 March 2004, there were exactly 911 days between the Twin Towers attack of September 11, 2001 and the bomb attacks on the trains in Madrid Spain on March 11, 2004.   * Madrid, Spain has 11 letters.   * New York City has 11 letters.   * The American attacks occurred on September 11th 2001.   * The Madrid attacks occurred on March 11th 2004.   * There were 911 days between the American and Madrid attacks [9 + 1 + 1 = 11].   * The Madrid attack occurred on the 11th Thursday of the year.   * September 11th is the 254th day of the year [2 + 5 + 4 = 11].   * After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.   * September 11 has 9 letters and 2 numbers [9 + 2 = 11]   * 11 March 2004 has 5 letters and 6 numbers [5 + 6 = 11].   * Each building had 110 stories [11 x 10 = 110].   * The Madrid train attacks left 191 people confirmed dead [1 + 9 + 1 = 11].   * On September 11, 2002 the names of the 2,801 victims of the World Trade Center attacks were read aloud from Ground Zero [2 + 8 + 0 + 1 = 11].   * The Twin Towers standing side by side look like the number 11.   * The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.   * Flight 11 had 92 on board [9 + 2 = 11].   * Flight 11 had 11 crew members.   * Flight 77 hit the Pentagon [11 x 7 = 77].   * Flight 77 had 65 on board [6 + 5 = 11].   * 911 is the number to call in case of emergency [9 + 1 + 1 = 11].   * New York was the 11th State added to the Union.   * Manhattan Island was discovered on September 11, 1609 by Henry Hudson -11 letters.   * Saudi Arabia has 11 letters.   * Afghanistan has 11 Letters.   Note how the vibration of the number 11 ties all of this in with the 9. Astral energy seeks the easiest way out and like attracts like. It is no wonder that Freemasons, who are controlled by Jewish powers, place their hands upon the bible during their initiation. Given every page of that filthy bible has the word "Jew" "Jews" "Israel" "Jerusalem" and related; the nazarene and company- all Jews and given the Jews proclaim they are the "Chosen of God" and they are held in the highest esteem and exalted in the bible, no wonder they are so powerful and have secretly ruled over the world, unbeknownst to the masses, for centuries.   Satan, himself also showed me how these workings are like a domino effect. Once something is set into motion on the astral, the energies put into motion seek out like energies and things tie in. With the strange and eerie coincidence of the numbers [this is only a sample, there are many more], this reveals this is not a random act, but a dead giveaway that this was an occult working which was deliberate.   I would also like to add the Jewish emphasis on the number 6. Please do not confuse this with "666" which has an entirely different meaning. Just be aware and you will notice what I am saying here. For example, the six million for that holoco$t hoax, Jewish communism has its important holiday May 1st; 5/1; 5 + 1 = 6. With this I could go on and on. Israel has 6 letters. Pay attention to the news and also history; anything connected with the jews and you will see what I mean. In the bible, the number six is the number of man without any spiritual power. The number 7 has to do with the 7 chakras and spiritual power emanating from these and spiritual perfection. 6 falls short. 6 is also a number of hard labor. Work was done for 6 days and the 7th was a day of rest.   "The number 6 is stamped on all that is connected with human labor. We see it stamped upon his measures, which he uses in his labor, and on the time during which he labors. And we see this from the very beginning."   The Jewish emphasis on and use of the number 6, sets up a vibration on the astral for the advancement of their agenda, their communist state and world order. Communism is slave labor. With the communist state, the jews become "god" and all spiritual knowledge is replaced with material atheism. Only the jews at the top know the secrets of the occult and they use their curses and spells on an unknowing, and helpless populace to whatever suits them. Christianity in more ways than one is a stepping off point for communism. In addition, Christianity has made so-called "religion" into such a totally repulsive and vile concept, that many who are unknowing, gladly accept and promote atheism.   In closing, like everything else, this is all blamed upon Satan and the Powers of Hell by ignorant assholes. Most Christians do not have the intelligence or the strength of character to delve into the occult. There are also scriptures in that bible that the jews use to curse and frighten outsiders away from really getting into the occult. I remember when I was new to Satanism, I had a bad experience, but this only drove me on and heightened my curiosity. One cannot be afraid. The Jews and their alien cohorts have used fear as a tool for control for centuries. In communist countries, the populace lives in a constant state of terror. This is also in league with the bible, as is everything else regarding jewish communism.   I will have more information and many more examples on how the bible is nothing more than a book of Jewish witchcraft, hence the numbers; biblical numerology, and how the bible is continuously pushed upon the populace, it is in nearly every home, in hotel rooms and everywhere else. Everyone is familiar with it, and knows what it claims to be.   The world needs to wake up. Please feel free to educate others, distribute this and any other JoS articles and to work hard for Satan. Satan means "truth" in Sanskrit.         High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com            
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
