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The Heroes That Are Needed

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes I am asked these recurring questions such as:

1. When are the UFO's coming to save people?
2. Cobra when are you going to get into the laser beam cannon and extinguish the baddies?
3. When will the Gods come to save everyone and we live happily ever after?

These questions are not the important questions of this path or this path the Joy of Satan has laid across on which we are all walking.

The Heroes that are needed are all of you, all of us here. You have to enlist into this and you have to grow yourself, while simultaneously, on whatever cards you have been dealt in your life, you do your part.

We must defeat our weaknesses, increase our power, manage our lives, become better and happier entities, while simultaneously, we also conquer our common goals.

We all have different levels and layers that we must act in, but each of us has to work their own saga and story in order to become a greater being.

Lastly, I want to bring your attention to another matter. These Ancient Greek Statues you see and all, these resemble human beings. They are supposed to give an insight into the mathematical and spiritual ideal.

You are supposed to look at them and not grovel over them, even if admiration and love for the Gods is very high, but you are supposed to think to yourself on a future where you yourself is better. This is the key to this path, with the external relationship with the Gods being of guidance, inspiration, help and assistance.

We become what we become when we ourselves do it. Nobody else will; we will do it. What nowadays seems insurmountable or or impossible, does not really matter; what matters is that we overcome the present impossibilities.

One more thing: We know the knowledge the Gods have shared with us. So what exactly is anyone here whining about? What higher knowledge exists, than that? One has a quintessential beginning to start improving, that nobody else has. It's there.

Everything that is now the case in JoS was "impossible" a few years earlier. Just debate that one. If you are a Spiritual Satanist for even a few months and you adhere to the path, you likely see back and you consider the improvement previously "impossible".

The heroes would think, is it? Clearly, we can do everything we set our minds to. So, we must.

Fiery Pluto said:
Heroes one becomes through small actions until one is capable of great deeds.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Fiery Pluto said:
Heroes one becomes through small actions until one is capable of great deeds.

Exactly. Even a small action, is a big action.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Brilliant Sermon as always HP, you’re a badass! It’s cool that you posted on this topic actually, because I recently put a thread on the forum looking to get your opinion and the opinions of other vets here about The National Justice Party. I’m not the greatest researcher myself, but I understand you’re stacked in that regard. These NJP guys seem almost like a dream come true despite them not being fully awake.
Nobody is coming to save you. Nobody will live and advance for you. We are given knowledge, we are shown how to use it, and we are guided, but no one will have everything done for them.

At the end of the day, we are all individuals and one is supposed to look after themselves, do the best possible thing for themselves, and achieve the most with the time one has on this Earth.

Not everyone, but most people reading this sermon cannot seriously look me in the eyes and say that the enemy somehow has stepped on their neck and prevents them from advancing.

So what will change if tomorrow the Gods descend on Earth? How will your life change in the slightest, given that you have the same opportunity to advance now as you would if they were here?

The next thing people would be saying then is "Well, we were all originally intended to be like the Gods, so now that they are here they might as well make everyone immortal too."

Human beings are truly incredible in every way, that includes also incredible laziness, ignorance, and stupidity.

This is much like how anyone can look up in 5 minutes how to lose weight, how to become an incredible athlete, how to increase their income etc. It's all available for free.

Even then, with all the knowledge at one's disposal, even among those who need it most, there will be those who choose not to apply it, simply because they are not willing to pay the price to achieve the outcome i.e. put in the work.
Powerofjustice said:
So what will change if tomorrow the Gods descend on Earth? How will your life change in the slightest, given that you have the same opportunity to advance now as you would if they were here?

Some people have this idea that the Gods will descend, then knock on their front door and offer them personal spiritual training, and all sorts of other benefits.

In reality, the situation will likely be similar to know, which is that they are already available for contact and guidance. Any of these other benefits will only be made as a result of humanity's efforts here on earth.

Also, I don't mean to spook people, but the threat of failure and death is real. You have to be working on your problems, otherwise they will just get worse. Taking a break from everything is ok for a day, but not for months at a time, or entirely.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
2. Cobra when are you going to get into the laser beam cannon and extinguish the baddies?

I would love to do that and this is one of the reasons why I follow this path. Anymore reptard scum scuttling across the infinite space of our universe will just encourage them to keep doing the bullshit they do to anyone else. Best I wipe em all out like an IRL doom eternal campaign one day. :lol:

There is no savior going to come hold our asses when the reptards, for example, lose their shit and leeroy jenkins this planet by sending their shitty bugling grey drones to do more than psychically earrape us, this is why we've been given all this knowledge by the JoS to protect ourselves in ways we see fit. For me, I don't only want to turtle, I want to one day leave the universe a message on behalf of the roughly seven billion gentile lives that those scaly bozos have condemned ON WHAT HUMANITY IS MADE OF AND WHY WE BETTER NOT BE INVADED EVER AGAIN.

So what do I do? I WORK FOR IT. I'm the type of guy who wants to be number one after all. :cool:
Çok güzel bir vaaz. sizin videolarınızı kanalımda paylaşmaya başladım ve bugün yine bir hristiyan canlı yayınına gittim ve insanlara yorumlarda ŞEYTAN I anlattım. aralarından 3-4 tanesi bana hak verdi yayındaki adam sinirden kafayı yiyecekti .hakaret küfür neler neler söyledi hem bana hem takipçilerine o an içimde öyle bir öfke oldu ki ŞEYTAN BABA YI O KADAR İYİ ANLADIM Kİ sevgili arkadaşlar mesih düşünces Formunu Yok Etme RTR'ı sini yapmaya devamlı devam etmeliyiz. ŞEREF VE GÜÇ EBEDİYEN ŞEYTANA ATFOLSUN.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=457873 time=1691695322 user_id=21286]
Also, I don't mean to spook people, but the threat of failure and death is real. You have to be working on your problems, otherwise they will just get worse. Taking a break from everything is ok for a day, but not for months at a time, or entirely.
Satan: Virtue Δ - Death
Death is near and death is king, the necessary illusion and the realest outcome.

In death, there is no escape. How certain are we that we must escape it, too?

As the great sword of death hangs above our heads, we must remember to live our lives and that we are here to live. We are also here and set to die, so think carefully. Where will we go?

In Spiritual Satanism, death is only more incentive to exist and to grow. Our practices will give us a glimpse of the beyond so that death can be approached in knowledge.
Great talk hp cobra and what you said about no one is coming to save you and every action you do is huge .
I heard this from a hospice nurse when I first went into that field and boy let me tell you I learned very quickly those very words. I came out wiser than when I first started 8 plus years ago. There is a time where you must stand for yourself and fight

Hail father Satan
Hail father bal
PowerofJustice You are so right on! Yes! We are down here to figure things out and Save ourselves! No matter how difficult things are we've got to see be all mad! And keep going. People tend to make things harder than what they really seem! Either that? Add to the difficulty of it? By doubting themselves. Thinking that they need Superman to fly down and save them every time something happens or when the end of the world should hit. ? Nobody is going to come flying out of the sky to save us and rescue us from out of a burning building or every time something happens. I know it's something to think about when you're a little kid at the age of five and it's nice to know that we can have an imagination growing up as children! But as children grow older they also realize that there is no such thing as Superman and Spider-Man! We realize that we have to learn to take care of herself and learn to figure things out step by step the older we get and just keep going and going no matter how difficult the task is. And people should relax and not make things harder than what they are or what they seem but to learn to believe in themselves and to open up their minds and to figure things out as individuals and learn for themselves. Thinking about this..
And preparing! Along with everything we have on here!. One shouldn't hesitate. Satan and his gods and demons do whatever they can to help us and to provide for us the knowledge that is needed and what is necessary! And learning how to work with our own powers and our own energy just the same! And yes we are the heroes! And we are the soldiers! We normally need to prove it to ourselves as individuals but also to our family and those we care about! And to show father Satan and his gods and demons what we're capable of! And taking ourselves to a higher level and doing so! People don't realize the value in this! But one joins the group and figures it out? That is why we are all here is to help each other and to learn! And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to learn to enjoy yourself along the way! Thinking of the possibilities one can do as an individual to save himself and those that he cares about and teaching them how to take care of themselves as well and how important it is to learn and figure things out as an individual right or wrong even when we make mistakes along the way! It still carries us further when we learn about it and accepted as a part of the lesson! Just the same as everything else we learn about in this world! Building up character and building up strength and giving us something more to think about each and every day when we look into these situations that come up! Most superheroes believe it or not are good people! And people that make a difference in their life and in the lives of many others and the influence this person has! The people can learn from one another in that way! And that's what I love and appreciate about being on this group page and on this website! The attitude that people have! And the passion they put into it! Sharing what they know and their knowledge teaching one another on here! I see a lot of Heroes in this group! And that is no joke! We help each other as much as we can but in the same we have to stand on our own two feet as well! Keeping in mind what we know, what we learn every day. And the things that a lot of us could be doing now when it comes down to it! RTR's and meditating and reading! In addition to your daily life! And keeping fit! And it doesn't matter how old you are and it doesn't matter what disability or handicap you have! It's the attitude that you put into yourself and how you handle people! And believing in yourself! And this sense of knowing! And the persistence in doing so when it comes to learning and showing your interest in something! Having a better attitude and a better outlook on life along with the things that we learn on here! Bringing out your own inner hero! And doing the best we can!❤️ Thank you for sharing this!
Indeed we must rise to the occasion we see all their garbage topple over and fail black rock wasted nearly 162 billion dollars on this trans sexual woke agenda crap and it has all come crashing down with many people calling out this utter non sense and all around the world governments are changing in no short thanks to the tyranny that we suffered during the covid lock downs waste and burn your billions trying to promote your slave nonsense jews all the while your home land burns as your own islamic attack dogs maul your heels im very amused and keep sending your torah curses they simply bounce right back at you these days and what did it take a singular old woman from America to found the JOS to assemble a few thousand witches and do what two decades of spiritual warfare and your already waving the white flag I laugh at you scum and imagine what the next few decades are going to be like an age of enlightenment no less you will be crushed under the infernal boot heel that is us and our gods as we march straight over the top of you and you will be left in the dark damp swamp that you made yourselves that the mere thought of your kind crawled out of your dreams of being these false filth gods are done you have come undone and we see your weakness now soon oh so soon we will not have to endure your foul odor any longer.

This is it we will using our technology and knowledge of vibration and magnetisum take to the stars and we will become a powerful space race we will join our gods empire and together we will not just crush you filthy jews we will bring our great weapons down upon your dity greys your lizard masters and any other fucking Xeno scum that wants to pick a fight with us.
Nothing ever happens in your life without you putting effort into making it happen. Even if something were spoonfed to you, you'd lose it just as fast as you got it. Your manga isn't gonna draw itself, your snake won't rise with your Starbucks diet, no personal goals of any true, lasting value at all are obtained without a considerable degree of arduous effort, and sacrifice.

And if anything, there's this weird, irreplaceable quality inside something you know you've stuck effort into succeeding and allowing to happen, as opposed to something simply given to you. It's as if the effort you spent on it, and what you sacrificed throughout the way, you can feel resonating back from it, adding just that much to its value.

I guess this would apply to meditation too. You won't gain astral sight without working on and practicing using the powers of the related areas of the soul, you won't fix your telepathy without proper void, clairaudience training, etc...
Merhaba Satanist kardeşim ve emeklerin için teşekkürler, first of all, this is an English-speaking global forum. If you want to speak Turkish, you can come to our Turkish forums. There is another forum for Turkish speaking Satanists called Joy of Satan Turkey:


Secondly, Enki is the name of our Father Satan and I suggest you don't use it directly as a nickname. So my advice is to create a new account with a more appropriate nickname. This would be a better and more respectful action towards the Gods.
The situation is really really bad for another Young Painter to become Humanity's Hope. But you can become your own hope and Keep Moving Forward. Hope will eventually come. And he will be as brilliant as the Last One.

It is you that paints the Canvas of your Life.
The important question is GOD.

In a world where you can fight fights without being conscious. Is a world where you can literally be god.

He can speak through you and speak for you.
You can experience his being.

Try it.

If that’s not the case I am GOD.

I am sure of it.

But still a bit cynical/questioning, if that’s the correct word, the scientist in me I guess.

But I am more than almost certain.

I wonder what your thoughts are.

You can be anything you like. That’s how free we are. And that’s true spirituality. Freedom.

Try being god.

Enjoy the possible fabrications.

And again if it doesn’t work I am GOD.

I wonder what y’all think.

Let me know.
Movie series about Fallen Angels. The person gets 3 wishes.... Wish number 1. ""I free you all now."" In the real world, that is my first wish. ""I wish you all be free now and forever. "" They would consider this person a Hero.
In the past, I judged my actions too much and unnecessarily to the point of not doing anything for not being "great" enough. I couldnt see that doing something is infinitly better than idling.

The mind may not picture something great at the first moment, so one should start from somewhere. Then it will give suggestions with time as one work on a goal.

Also my mindset on working changed. I thought working was just for the sake of reputation, status, fame and money. Despite finding it all cool, personally these reasons were not enough to motivate me. I wanted something deeper.

After some years of trying and unpleasant experiences I realised that creating and having goals were important to have a balanced life doesnt matter how great they are. The act of creating has a value by itself. It is the expression of ones individual soul and it will long for that. So repressing this desire is going to create unbalances, it is unhealthy.

There are things that you may get inspired to do that nobody will dream about doing since we have unique souls. That is the importance of knowing ones self and going after manifesting it through actions. Each one carries the needed change inside one's self.
I just want to thank you for sharing this powerful sentiment.

I have been sensing an overwhelming shift in this world lately, and it is surmounting towards total victory. More and more people are waking up and we as SS are becoming stronger by the day. Not just as a unit, but as individuals. Even in ways that are irrelevant to our cause, all of the power we build serves the greatest good. We will overcome our enemy by focusing inward on our personal growth and then using our exponentially-developed power to unveil the true evils around us. Honestly, I haven't felt so hopeful in a very long time.

Despite mostly lurking, I sincerely appreciate your leadership here, and this sermon was particularly validating to read this morning.
I was told i mean nothing and have zero importance. Even afer that i showed I'm sharing JoS stuff.
I do rtrs day and night close to 7000 by w or more. All my spare time i dedicate to rtrs

i bet nobody do as much as i do

When we going to have another group ritual btw?
Hail Satan brothers, HP hooded cobra your wisdow o2s something That cannot be boght, it come from the skies, Im better now than ever, thanks a lot!
Ancient Africa said:
I was told i mean nothing and have zero importance. Even afer that i showed I'm sharing JoS stuff.
I do rtrs day and night close to 7000 by w or more. All my spare time i dedicate to rtrs

i bet nobody do as much as i do

When we going to have another group ritual btw?

Bro is very good That you work a lot, but remember AH quote "compare yourself to others is an insult to yourself" u dont need to bet, focus on improving and beat yourself day after day because i think u understand why, hail Satan!
Sarramixa said:
Ancient Africa said:
I was told i mean nothing and have zero importance. Even afer that i showed I'm sharing JoS stuff.
I do rtrs day and night close to 7000 by w or more. All my spare time i dedicate to rtrs

i bet nobody do as much as i do

When we going to have another group ritual btw?

Bro is very good That you work a lot, but remember AH quote "compare yourself to others is an insult to yourself" u dont need to bet, focus on improving and beat yourself day after day because i think u understand why, hail Satan!

I took off from work this whole week to do rtrs.

Im definitely winning big spiritual battles for myself. I don't want to be born in a world again with Christian parants and people. They destroyed my life. I'm Overcoming limitations of my mind and overcoming obstacles it's scary butz Henu kicked me in the right and showed me the way. Thanks Henu
Thank you for sharing this powerful sentiment.
coffee said:
I just want to thank you for sharing this powerful sentiment.

I have been sensing an overwhelming shift in this world lately, and it is surmounting towards total victory. More and more people are waking up and we as SS are becoming stronger by the day. Not just as a unit, but as individuals. Even in ways that are irrelevant to our cause, all of the power we build serves the greatest good. We will overcome our enemy by focusing inward on our personal growth and then using our exponentially-developed power to unveil the true evils around us. Honestly, I haven't felt so hopeful in a very long time.

Despite mostly lurking, I sincerely appreciate your leadership here, and this sermon was particularly validating to read this morning.

We win! We always do! ❤️

Also Have a coffe from me too ;)


Im Navy, Im 23 :geek:
Im looking for something special :ugeek:

I contacted a lot of witches on Etsy to asking them something unusual : a soul transfer time travel.
It is about to transfering my soul from 2023 to 2020-2021 with a soul transfer time travel spell, or a physical time travel ring.
So, it's about magic, and witchcraft, so I was looking for it for some bunch of wishes, that one is to making great, doing better, choosing smarter. :)

Factually, it is about to transfering my soul/spirit from this timeline, to 2020-2021 first, then acting there in my younger body, bringing with me an USB key, with a LOT of informations. That must be very necessary. So it is truly important, for some priomordial reasons. Time is the real wealth. :eek:

Do you know if that is something possible ? What I need to be care of to prevent the risk. Thanks a lot for those who answer <3
Navy said:

Im Navy, Im 23 :geek:
Im looking for something special :ugeek:

I contacted a lot of witches on Etsy to asking them something unusual : a soul transfer time travel.
It is about to transfering my soul from 2023 to 2020-2021 with a soul transfer time travel spell, or a physical time travel ring.
So, it's about magic, and witchcraft, so I was looking for it for some bunch of wishes, that one is to making great, doing better, choosing smarter. :)

Factually, it is about to transfering my soul/spirit from this timeline, to 2020-2021 first, then acting there in my younger body, bringing with me an USB key, with a LOT of informations. That must be very necessary. So it is truly important, for some priomordial reasons. Time is the real wealth. :eek:

Do you know if that is something possible ? What I need to be care of to prevent the risk. Thanks a lot for those who answer <3
This is not possible, and this is a wrong topic to ask such questions.

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If one thinks or meditates on the
symbology of the Pyramid ,the answers come. Yoga is simple. There's what's changing and what isn't. The Yoga is to always have this discrimination in mind. If you water the plant it grows. The Pyramid tells you,that Ascension is up ,in and centre (the peak). You meditate on the spiritual centre,(third eye, mid point in the head the Swastika) ,you evolve. It's simple. The reason it seems difficult in this Yuga is because people are not living mostly in their soul body,but are entangled in mind , body. Which is intellectual (astral) , instinctive nature. Yoga is the natural way,is based on the fact that you are the soul body in the Eternal Now. This realisation is inevitable, entanglement in mind,body ignoring the Eternal just delays it.
You are the Sun,it's just in lower physical body consciousness where it's at a distance. Lower consciousness is external,down and off the spiritual centre. As the Pyramid itself tells you space reduces as you ascend (up ,in and centre), the Sun is the immanent , unchanging nature of the soul body. Which is above mind ,body that is astral, physical. Astral , physical is were ego is formed and polarity is. When we centre, the Inner Sun shines more into Astral , the mind and the physical realm will reflect this. In soul body,spirit everything is in Sun God Consciousness. Wisdom is in everyone ,what differs is how one is centred in IT, within themselves. The Yoga is getting centred , IT'S already there ,no one lacks anything. People are just not practicing getting centred,it requires lots of will..
Let's not have a cock eyed view of things but let's see with both eyes. The Sun rises in the East in every nation ,it also shines on your enemies. The Swastika works against Asuric entities because it's many out of the ONE,if there were Two Sources,how would it work? It wouldn't. Many out of the One ,means if one in centred within themselves then they are protected. That's what the Pyramid is also saying.
Satan to HP Maxine "Do you know why the Pyramid has so much power, because it points to the sky."
Meaning it's centred,to be centered is to think on the Eternal ,which is never separate from what's changing. That's the phenomenal Universe ,the changing. How can they be separate? They can't because what's changing is EMITTED out of the Infinite. A part of the Infinite becomes soul and world.
The Yoga is to think on the Eternal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oftentimes I am asked these recurring questions such as:

1. When are the UFO's coming to save people?
2. Cobra when are you going to get into the laser beam cannon and extinguish the baddies?
3. When will the Gods come to save everyone and we live happily ever after?

These questions are not the important questions of this path or this path the Joy of Satan has laid across on which we are all walking.

The Heroes that are needed are all of you, all of us here. You have to enlist into this and you have to grow yourself, while simultaneously, on whatever cards you have been dealt in your life, you do your part.

We must defeat our weaknesses, increase our power, manage our lives, become better and happier entities, while simultaneously, we also conquer our common goals.

We all have different levels and layers that we must act in, but each of us has to work their own saga and story in order to become a greater being.

Lastly, I want to bring your attention to another matter. These Ancient Greek Statues you see and all, these resemble human beings. They are supposed to give an insight into the mathematical and spiritual ideal.

You are supposed to look at them and not grovel over them, even if admiration and love for the Gods is very high, but you are supposed to think to yourself on a future where you yourself is better. This is the key to this path, with the external relationship with the Gods being of guidance, inspiration, help and assistance.

We become what we become when we ourselves do it. Nobody else will; we will do it. What nowadays seems insurmountable or or impossible, does not really matter; what matters is that we overcome the present impossibilities.

One more thing: We know the knowledge the Gods have shared with us. So what exactly is anyone here whining about? What higher knowledge exists, than that? One has a quintessential beginning to start improving, that nobody else has. It's there.

Everything that is now the case in JoS was "impossible" a few years earlier. Just debate that one. If you are a Spiritual Satanist for even a few months and you adhere to the path, you likely see back and you consider the improvement previously "impossible".

The heroes would think, is it? Clearly, we can do everything we set our minds to. So, we must.

Fiery Pluto said:
Heroes one becomes through small actions until one is capable of great deeds.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Please check email hooded

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
