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The Final Stages Of The New World Order Are Here

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The Final Stages Of The New World Order Are Here

The Jewish leadership is attempting to bring about the coming of their Messiah, which is their king. The move that Trump made to recognize Jerusalem was the march towards one thing and that one thing is what the Jewish leadership is planning to do to bring about their Messiah.

The temple coin the Jewish, Knowledge of the Temple Institute, in Israel put out to commemorate the date of the Jerusalem move:


The temple coin relates to the half shekel every Jewish man in Israel would have to pay to the Jewish temple once a year and Trump is put next to the ancient Persian king, Cyrus who himself in Jewish history is famous for allowing the Jews to return back to the Levant and build the second temple.

The Jewish leadership is planning on attempting to use Trump to build the Third Temple and bring about the Messianic conflict in the Middle East. The Jewish presses mention how for Jews and for the evangelical Christians who support Trump, there must be some kind of a uniting event for this. A Rabbi from the Knowledge of the Temple Institute, stated during an interview with Benny Hinn the popular evangelical leader that event would be reclaiming the Ark of the Covenant which the Rabbi claimed is hidden away under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem when the first temple was destroyed. This confirms the Jewish presses stating bringing out something like the Ark would unite Israel for the Messianic conflict in the Middle East. Note however the original Jewish temple is known to have been built at the Gihon spring not the current Dome of the Rock, any such relic would be fake, the Jewish temple was never there. The western wall is from the Roman fort that housed the Tenth Legion.

The Jewish text the Zerubabbel states the Jewish Messiah will fight a war with Iran and this is the war Israel has been pushing for. Trump's administration has been stacked with Zionist Christians like Pompeo and Neo-Con war hawks from Bush's regime like Bolton, these two were put into Trump's administration by the Jewish Zionist billionaire, Sheldon Adelson who is the funder of Trump's campaign and boss on the administration from all reports. Kushner the other major leader in Trump's administration is a member of Chabad a radical Zionist organization dedicated to bring about the Jewish Messiah. From reports Kushner is attempting to bring about a deal behind the scenes to build the Third Temple.

This is all happening as numerous attacks on oil tankers are occurring in the Gulf of Oman which is a drumming to war with Iran and how its being used by Bolton and others. The American military famous operation Jade Helm was training for a full invasion of the entire Middle East for Israel.

The Jewish leadership have already planned on recreating the UN and moving its headquarters to Israel and they have already built in Jerusalem the headquarters of international law this is all going on when the Jewish Sanhedrin has dedicated the altar in Israel for the Third Temple. All of this is following what the first Prime Minister of Israel, Ben Gurion stated. That Israel would become the global seat of international law and administrator of the New World Order courts ruled over by the Rabbinical Sanhedrin by the law of the Talmud.

The Jews have built the infrastructure for the One World Order religion the Noahide laws. The Talmudic law the Rabbinical Sanhedrin will administer from Israel, globally is the seven Noahide Laws. Which are written within the Talmud in Sanhedrin 54-60. The punishment for violation of any of the seven is beheading.

The Jews in Israel put Guillotines on display to celebrate the coming of the Jewish Messiah, its the symbol of the Noadhide Laws that will be imposed upon the Gentiles:


The Noadhide Laws were already passed into American law in 1991 by the former President Bush:


The Jewish Rabbinical movements have been working around the world building the Noahide movement as well. These are the "righteous Goyim" that will serve the Jews upon the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

Israel is also the worlds capital for technology and all the major tech companies have their bases in Israel. Kushner and other Jewish leaders own the tech companies building the microchip that is designed to be put into humans, which is how the Noahide laws will be imposed globally, the microchip. All the AI is also being developed in Israel as well and Silicon Valley in America is run by Israeli's. Its Israel that is the major partner and hand behind the Chinese Beltway protect which is building the new Smart Cities which are Big Brother cities with thousands of camera's that use facial recognition technology that scan and identify everyone. They are the building the techonological police state now and its all out of Israel.

The Jewish leadership is enacting the last Messianic series of events to bring about their global New World Order. The reason the Protocols of Zion seem prophetic is because the Jews made them happen its a self fulfilling prophecy, the Protocols, the original documents were based on the Torah and Talmud. The Jews have always been working out of the Bible to bring about their plans. The Jews are working the same to bring about the final Messianic conflict and series of events to bring about the end of our world. The Jews are using the Christians to manifest this as well and the creation of the Messianic age of the Jews, which is why the Jews created the Bible and Christianity. The earthquakes, economic disasters the social implosion and other "End Times" prophecies the Christian leaders go on about in their books and sermons have been artificially created by the Jews to manifest their Bible into reality this includes how it connects into the mass mind to manifest all this as one large ritual working they direct all of this is to bring about "The End Of Days."

However with events as they are we must remember there is a reason the Jews hate ancient Rome. The last Messianic war the Jews had was the Bar Kokhba war. It ended in the near destruction of the Jewish race and the destruction of the second temple at the hands of the Romans. If one reads the Jewish Bible prophetically it was always the Pagans [Satanists] that defeated the Jewish races attempts at bringing about their final plans. The Kabbalah mentions that the Jews "god" must become strong enough to defeat the Guardian Deamons of the Goyim the Nations to bring about the Messianic New World Order of the Jews. The Jews "god" is the Guardian angel of the Jews, the energy of the 22 Hebrew letters which generate their YHVH. The Jews mention how they bind the Gentiles with the Torah many times in their Kabbalah writings to bring this about. Without the YHVH the Jews can not win.
(((Make Israel Great Again!!!)))

Sorry I meant America.
Trump never hid the fact is he is Zionist, that is also expected in American Right wing politics, however the Jerusalem act that Trump enacted was passed in 1995, Obama made the same promise to the Israel lobby in 2008 to do what Trump did. No President would do such for the reasons of how it would effect things.

The Trump administration is the Jews just coming out and dropping the mask, they are now making the final push to bring about the final Messianic event. The Kabbalah time table is the Messianic age started in 1948 with the creation of Israel. However I don't know how far Trump wants to push things, Adelson was whining that he was not blowing up Iran for Israel fast enough.

When the Jews come out like this that is when its the most dangerous it means they are making their full strike. Hitler warned about such. However I wonder if the Jews at the top are getting desperate because they not building a back up they are going all the way no fall back.

The failure of their Messianic war will be the end of them.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(((Make Israel Great Again!!!)))

Sorry I meant America.
But will they ever accomplish such notions as the JNWO, scenarios?

I mean the March 28th sermon with Azazel announcing how terrible things will occur in nature. I mean doesn't that give conviction to "Oy vey goyim obey the lieble cause end times are here".

I mean we always hear the end times every step drummed into christards not understand the occult message of "When you become immortal "end times are achieved"".

So my question is the jews are going to keep at it. There is no major resistance against jews in such an open fashion as in late '10s-'40s. But non the less what exactly IS gonna happen that is suddenly gonna make this 6,000 year wet dream be more of a wet dream and a pie in the sky than ever before.

I'm aware our rituals. In fact I actually can't wait for the yom kippur offensive. It's gonna be over a year since we pumped the F-RTR along with kol nidre RTR at that point. And the hakkunah offensive is on our grounds starting on Yuletide height December 23. But I'm really itching for the new ritual coming up next year for the 2020 offensive.

But at the end of the day the enemy still has so much control, money, finances, wealth, and manipulation of technology. That it begs the question at this point how do we even get the jews off our backs long enough to recover from major surgery as HP.Cobra stated in one of his sermons.

I mean those scenarios of the past like Egyptian akenathon assault and the assault on the levant. Or Romans slaughtering the jews and whatnot. Those haven't happened to levels of extincting the jews for centuries nearly a millennium if not over a millennium since such notion. People are more communistic, stupid, retarded, judiac, and whatnot than ever. I recall HP Cobra stating he believes at this point nearly if not over 350 million jews exist world wide and most jewish census are probably censured Israel might be at 14-20 million jews country wide hell maybe more.

So without sounding like an asshole exactly what WILL manifest that makes people really wise up. I mean we live in times dominated by jews, I'm not saying they won or are winning but it seems kinda disheartening walking around and to quote Hitler and his Generals "I can't believe my own Generals believe in fairytales".

Fairytales about rabba krast and his goyim domination which people do not seem to care. At this point the human race is just that uncaring. I know we should kinda ignore the human race a bit and focus on our selves but as an altruistic person. I just can't help but think Fellow Goys; Goyim Y U act like Goyim.

So what exactly are all these machinations going to do? Slow down the Gods and waste their time taking several decades or centuries more to convince mankind of the truth and how it better serves them to be on the right side.
Gear88 said:
But will they ever accomplish such notions as the JNWO, scenarios?

I mean the March 28th sermon with Azazel announcing how terrible things will occur in nature. I mean doesn't that give conviction to "Oy vey goyim obey the lieble cause end times are here".

I mean we always hear the end times every step drummed into christards not understand the occult message of "When you become immortal "end times are achieved"".

So my question is the jews are going to keep at it. There is no major resistance against jews in such an open fashion as in late '10s-'40s. But non the less what exactly IS gonna happen that is suddenly gonna make this 6,000 year wet dream be more of a wet dream and a pie in the sky than ever before.

I'm aware our rituals. In fact I actually can't wait for the yom kippur offensive. It's gonna be over a year since we pumped the F-RTR along with kol nidre RTR at that point. And the hakkunah offensive is on our grounds starting on Yuletide height December 23. But I'm really itching for the new ritual coming up next year for the 2020 offensive.

But at the end of the day the enemy still has so much control, money, finances, wealth, and manipulation of technology. That it begs the question at this point how do we even get the jews off our backs long enough to recover from major surgery as HP.Cobra stated in one of his sermons.

I mean those scenarios of the past like Egyptian akenathon assault and the assault on the levant. Or Romans slaughtering the jews and whatnot. Those haven't happened to levels of extincting the jews for centuries nearly a millennium if not over a millennium since such notion. People are more communistic, stupid, retarded, judiac, and whatnot than ever. I recall HP Cobra stating he believes at this point nearly if not over 350 million jews exist world wide and most jewish census are probably censured Israel might be at 14-20 million jews country wide hell maybe more.

So without sounding like an asshole exactly what WILL manifest that makes people really wise up. I mean we live in times dominated by jews, I'm not saying they won or are winning but it seems kinda disheartening walking around and to quote Hitler and his Generals "I can't believe my own Generals believe in fairytales".

Fairytales about rabba krast and his goyim domination which people do not seem to care. At this point the human race is just that uncaring. I know we should kinda ignore the human race a bit and focus on our selves but as an altruistic person. I just can't help but think Fellow Goys; Goyim Y U act like Goyim.

So what exactly are all these machinations going to do? Slow down the Gods and waste their time taking several decades or centuries more to convince mankind of the truth and how it better serves them to be on the right side.

The enemy has been checkmated, no matter what they do, they will be fully exposed. What does the enemy have that can stand against the Gods, SS, and 6 billion woke gentiles?
Gear88 said:
But will they ever accomplish such notions as the JNWO, scenarios?

I mean the March 28th sermon with Azazel announcing how terrible things will occur in nature. I mean doesn't that give conviction to "Oy vey goyim obey the lieble cause end times are here".

I mean we always hear the end times every step drummed into christards not understand the occult message of "When you become immortal "end times are achieved"".

So my question is the jews are going to keep at it. There is no major resistance against jews in such an open fashion as in late '10s-'40s. But non the less what exactly IS gonna happen that is suddenly gonna make this 6,000 year wet dream be more of a wet dream and a pie in the sky than ever before.

I'm aware our rituals. In fact I actually can't wait for the yom kippur offensive. It's gonna be over a year since we pumped the F-RTR along with kol nidre RTR at that point. And the hakkunah offensive is on our grounds starting on Yuletide height December 23. But I'm really itching for the new ritual coming up next year for the 2020 offensive.

But at the end of the day the enemy still has so much control, money, finances, wealth, and manipulation of technology. That it begs the question at this point how do we even get the jews off our backs long enough to recover from major surgery as HP.Cobra stated in one of his sermons.

I mean those scenarios of the past like Egyptian akenathon assault and the assault on the levant. Or Romans slaughtering the jews and whatnot. Those haven't happened to levels of extincting the jews for centuries nearly a millennium if not over a millennium since such notion. People are more communistic, stupid, retarded, judiac, and whatnot than ever. I recall HP Cobra stating he believes at this point nearly if not over 350 million jews exist world wide and most jewish census are probably censured Israel might be at 14-20 million jews country wide hell maybe more.

So without sounding like an asshole exactly what WILL manifest that makes people really wise up. I mean we live in times dominated by jews, I'm not saying they won or are winning but it seems kinda disheartening walking around and to quote Hitler and his Generals "I can't believe my own Generals believe in fairytales".

Fairytales about rabba krast and his goyim domination which people do not seem to care. At this point the human race is just that uncaring. I know we should kinda ignore the human race a bit and focus on our selves but as an altruistic person. I just can't help but think Fellow Goys; Goyim Y U act like Goyim.

So what exactly are all these machinations going to do? Slow down the Gods and waste their time taking several decades or centuries more to convince mankind of the truth and how it better serves them to be on the right side.

I can't remember the sermon or comment where HP Cobra said there are over 300 million of them. I suppose those are the mixed ones which if true it is very bad. Are you sure about this?
Oak said:
Are we totally fucking screwed? Is this the frightening thing that Maxine is talking about? O_O
This is just the enemy going into panic mode. They will fail thanks to The Final RTR.
I believe the frightening times HP Maxine spoke of would be the drastic changes in climate that will occur in the coming years before the Gods return.
About the Bar Kokhba war.

What were the astrological events(major ones) at that time(132CE-135CE)?

When are we reaching those same events?
more in depth article that also mentions Putin's possible role and potential offer to build the Temple, in lieu of War with Trump


Great Sermon HP it help me understand the bigger geo political picture ,, also makes me worry about the Revolutionary Guards w/ false flags etc truly dangerous times
HP Mageson666 said:
The Final Stages Of The New World Order Are Here

The Jewish leadership is attempting to bring about the coming of their Messiah, which is their king. The move that Trump made to recognize Jerusalem was the march towards one thing and that one thing is what the Jewish leadership is planning to do to bring about their Messiah.

The temple coin the Jewish, Knowledge of the Temple Institute, in Israel put out to commemorate the date of the Jerusalem move:


The temple coin relates to the half shekel every Jewish man in Israel would have to pay to the Jewish temple once a year and Trump is put next to the ancient Persian king, Cyrus who himself in Jewish history is famous for allowing the Jews to return back to the Levant and build the second temple.

The Jewish leadership is planning on attempting to use Trump to build the Third Temple and bring about the Messianic conflict in the Middle East. The Jewish presses mention how for Jews and for the evangelical Christians who support Trump, there must be some kind of a uniting event for this. A Rabbi from the Knowledge of the Temple Institute, stated during an interview with Benny Hinn the popular evangelical leader that event would be reclaiming the Ark of the Covenant which the Rabbi claimed is hidden away under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem when the first temple was destroyed. This confirms the Jewish presses stating bringing out something like the Ark would unite Israel for the Messianic conflict in the Middle East. Note however the original Jewish temple is known to have been built at the Gihon spring not the current Dome of the Rock, any such relic would be fake, the Jewish temple was never there. The western wall is from the Roman fort that housed the Tenth Legion.

The Jewish text the Zerubabbel states the Jewish Messiah will fight a war with Iran and this is the war Israel has been pushing for. Trump's administration has been stacked with Zionist Christians like Pompeo and Neo-Con war hawks from Bush's regime like Bolton, these two were put into Trump's administration by the Jewish Zionist billionaire, Sheldon Adelson who is the funder of Trump's campaign and boss on the administration from all reports. Kushner the other major leader in Trump's administration is a member of Chabad a radical Zionist organization dedicated to bring about the Jewish Messiah. From reports Kushner is attempting to bring about a deal behind the scenes to build the Third Temple.

This is all happening as numerous attacks on oil tankers are occurring in the Gulf of Oman which is a drumming to war with Iran and how its being used by Bolton and others. The American military famous operation Jade Helm was training for a full invasion of the entire Middle East for Israel.

The Jewish leadership have already planned on recreating the UN and moving its headquarters to Israel and they have already built in Jerusalem the headquarters of international law this is all going on when the Jewish Sanhedrin has dedicated the altar in Israel for the Third Temple. All of this is following what the first Prime Minister of Israel, Ben Gurion stated. That Israel would become the global seat of international law and administrator of the New World Order courts ruled over by the Rabbinical Sanhedrin by the law of the Talmud.

The Jews have built the infrastructure for the One World Order religion the Noahide laws. The Talmudic law the Rabbinical Sanhedrin will administer from Israel, globally is the seven Noahide Laws. Which are written within the Talmud in Sanhedrin 54-60. The punishment for violation of any of the seven is beheading.

The Jews in Israel put Guillotines on display to celebrate the coming of the Jewish Messiah, its the symbol of the Noadhide Laws that will be imposed upon the Gentiles:


The Noadhide Laws were already passed into American law in 1991 by the former President Bush:


The Jewish Rabbinical movements have been working around the world building the Noahide movement as well. These are the "righteous Goyim" that will serve the Jews upon the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

Israel is also the worlds capital for technology and all the major tech companies have their bases in Israel. Kushner and other Jewish leaders own the tech companies building the microchip that is designed to be put into humans, which is how the Noahide laws will be imposed globally, the microchip. All the AI is also being developed in Israel as well and Silicon Valley in America is run by Israeli's. Its Israel that is the major partner and hand behind the Chinese Beltway protect which is building the new Smart Cities which are Big Brother cities with thousands of camera's that use facial recognition technology that scan and identify everyone. They are the building the techonological police state now and its all out of Israel.

The Jewish leadership is enacting the last Messianic series of events to bring about their global New World Order. The reason the Protocols of Zion seem prophetic is because the Jews made them happen its a self fulfilling prophecy, the Protocols, the original documents were based on the Torah and Talmud. The Jews have always been working out of the Bible to bring about their plans. The Jews are working the same to bring about the final Messianic conflict and series of events to bring about the end of our world. The Jews are using the Christians to manifest this as well and the creation of the Messianic age of the Jews, which is why the Jews created the Bible and Christianity. The earthquakes, economic disasters the social implosion and other "End Times" prophecies the Christian leaders go on about in their books and sermons have been artificially created by the Jews to manifest their Bible into reality this includes how it connects into the mass mind to manifest all this as one large ritual working they direct all of this is to bring about "The End Of Days."

However with events as they are we must remember there is a reason the Jews hate ancient Rome. The last Messianic war the Jews had was the Bar Kokhba war. It ended in the near destruction of the Jewish race and the destruction of the second temple at the hands of the Romans. If one reads the Jewish Bible prophetically it was always the Pagans [Satanists] that defeated the Jewish races attempts at bringing about their final plans. The Kabbalah mentions that the Jews "god" must become strong enough to defeat the Guardian Deamons of the Goyim the Nations to bring about the Messianic New World Order of the Jews. The Jews "god" is the Guardian angel of the Jews, the energy of the 22 Hebrew letters which generate their YHVH. The Jews mention how they bind the Gentiles with the Torah many times in their Kabbalah writings to bring this about. Without the YHVH the Jews can not win.

Your looking for a cure for your world that is on a miserable state? Tired of kikes And Christards And mudslims? Just want to utterly ANNIHALITE The JWO, sorry mean NWO?

Then your ULTIMATE answer iiiiissss: FINAL RTR!!

This INCREDIBLE Spiritual Superweapon annihalites, crushes, brutally murders, tears, disintegrates and exterminates ALL of your worlds insects And Bugs(kikes)!

Do The FINAL RTR today and Be The change you want to see in The world!

The whole universe thanks you for your INCREDIBLE work!
When a chip is implanted there is no going back, right? But what does it mean? is it a permanent prison where the soul is trapped forever? or can one's soul be saved? What if one dies with the chip? He can be saved, right?
EasternFireLion666 said:
Gear88 said:
But will they ever accomplish such notions as the JNWO, scenarios?

I mean the March 28th sermon with Azazel announcing how terrible things will occur in nature. I mean doesn't that give conviction to "Oy vey goyim obey the lieble cause end times are here".

I mean we always hear the end times every step drummed into christards not understand the occult message of "When you become immortal "end times are achieved"".

So my question is the jews are going to keep at it. There is no major resistance against jews in such an open fashion as in late '10s-'40s. But non the less what exactly IS gonna happen that is suddenly gonna make this 6,000 year wet dream be more of a wet dream and a pie in the sky than ever before.

I'm aware our rituals. In fact I actually can't wait for the yom kippur offensive. It's gonna be over a year since we pumped the F-RTR along with kol nidre RTR at that point. And the hakkunah offensive is on our grounds starting on Yuletide height December 23. But I'm really itching for the new ritual coming up next year for the 2020 offensive.

But at the end of the day the enemy still has so much control, money, finances, wealth, and manipulation of technology. That it begs the question at this point how do we even get the jews off our backs long enough to recover from major surgery as HP.Cobra stated in one of his sermons.

I mean those scenarios of the past like Egyptian akenathon assault and the assault on the levant. Or Romans slaughtering the jews and whatnot. Those haven't happened to levels of extincting the jews for centuries nearly a millennium if not over a millennium since such notion. People are more communistic, stupid, retarded, judiac, and whatnot than ever. I recall HP Cobra stating he believes at this point nearly if not over 350 million jews exist world wide and most jewish census are probably censured Israel might be at 14-20 million jews country wide hell maybe more.

So without sounding like an asshole exactly what WILL manifest that makes people really wise up. I mean we live in times dominated by jews, I'm not saying they won or are winning but it seems kinda disheartening walking around and to quote Hitler and his Generals "I can't believe my own Generals believe in fairytales".

Fairytales about rabba krast and his goyim domination which people do not seem to care. At this point the human race is just that uncaring. I know we should kinda ignore the human race a bit and focus on our selves but as an altruistic person. I just can't help but think Fellow Goys; Goyim Y U act like Goyim.

So what exactly are all these machinations going to do? Slow down the Gods and waste their time taking several decades or centuries more to convince mankind of the truth and how it better serves them to be on the right side.

I can't remember the sermon or comment where HP Cobra said there are over 300 million of them. I suppose those are the mixed ones which if true it is very bad. Are you sure about this?

I don't remember that sermon either but the good news is these are not the spiritual people. The people they have that really even give a fuck to keep the thoughtform going are very few that is why the energy is getting better fast. There are more of them than you might think I already knew that. Many of the criminals are a mix of Jew blood at least the dedicated hard core ones that push the drug lifestyle and property crime etc. 300 Million maybe that's a stretch but maybe it's not. However they are not all in one place I would assume. Just be careful in your day to day with people that seem a little different in looks or off and you get a little vibe off them that's bad you most the time can tell. Also don't worry we are winning. From my experience those numbers probably are not that inflated but if only a few thousand are actually doing spiritual work and the rest don't care we are winning. There is probably no way they can change that. I don't think many of them would be proud to defend who they are anyways or have the motivation or desire to keep it going after they know they are losing that's why you have some of them trying to side with the Gods.
Cyrus was a henotheist which is what Zoroastrianism started as, a proto-Christian form of Henotheism were over time the Spenta's become more abstract concepts from deities under Ahura Mazda. In the end it just spread Christianity all over the world literally.

Sinarstm said:
But,cyrus wasn't monotheist! , wasn't he?
This is the text of his Cylinder :

So what will happen when their Messiah wont show up? Will they just put some random nutcase rabbi and name him their King? :lol:
No matter what they do, they will be shut down. The doors are closed for them. It's too late. Before the RTR, maybe. But now? Hah!

RTR for the win!
There's a lot of panic going on in this thread and that's not entirely surprising, but this is the kind of shit that JoS has been all about stopping for the past two decades and we've been relentlessly going on and on about the shit the Jews would try and do and what could potentially happen should we fail.

Too many people just don't take this as seriously as they should just because it's a 'stealth' war and not one that's an on-going battle where you're constantly reminded of the dangers by gunfire and explosions. We're not cattle here at JoS we are in the direct fire of this war because we are ones that are directly fighting back on Earth, many of us who actively fight the enemy directly deal with frequent attacks.

The enemy knows they are fucked and they are panicking by trying to throw everything out that they've been waiting to do for two thousand years in a rush. They have no time to play carefully anymore and their panic and rushing is where they'll make mistakes but they have no choice. We are beating them down and they know it. When I was growing up you couldn't turn a corner without seeing somebody 'blessing' you on behalf of 'god', nowadays I've never seen such hatred and dislike for xianity and just how much people have grown to hate it. I have personally seen for myself that people are literally offended when someone so much as plays a song that says 'jesus' in it.

Too many are complacent with "Oh this couldn't possibly happen to us, nah, we're the good guys, the good guys always win, we only have to put in minimal effort.", well guess what the enemy is putting in maximum effort and although we are way better able to influence the astral than they are, if we don't do enough then sheer numbers on their side could outdo us and they know this because it was sheer numbers that caused Satan to lose the battle to protect Earth. We all know though that he hasn't lost the war.

Turn any fear you feel into anger and hatred, how DARE they fucking even think to get away with their shit without consequences. We will destroy each and every single one of them and rip them off the face of this planet forever.

Theres a Buddhist tale in the jatakas how siddharta killed a man that tried to murder everyone on a ship,he did this to save the man from the karma of killing and being reborn in Yama's torture chamber.he did this to save the people too.theres a concept of killing in compassion in buddhism.thats why jews must be castrated if they do not desist from their ways.
norwich said:
Theres a Buddhist tale in the jatakas how siddharta killed a man that tried to murder everyone on a ship,he did this to save the man from the karma of killing and being reborn in Yama's torture chamber.he did this to save the people too.theres a concept of killing in compassion in buddhism.thats why jews must be castrated if they do not desist from their ways.

Yea they must be forgiven, because it's only 2700 years of constantly ruining goyim so far, remember the Buddha forgot someone goy, that's all.

Like, grow up to anyone who thinks of that and be ready to defend yourselves. Is it not enough what Israel has been doing in the Middle east to exterminate the natives giving anyone any sense?

Where are all the "Good" and "Forgiving" jews when all the jews have been run all these centuries by cutthroat terrorists and where normal people in their midst are like the worst radicals when it comes to Gentiles?

The jews want to exterminate everyone, and those who are in control are in this consciously to the full extent. If people do not at least defend themselves, the world will become a living toilet, and no Buddha topic and random stinky pencil necks who pretend to be spiritual by going to get extinct into the Atman and eating brocolli only are going to save this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
norwich said:
Theres a Buddhist tale in the jatakas how siddharta killed a man that tried to murder everyone on a ship,he did this to save the man from the karma of killing and being reborn in Yama's torture chamber.he did this to save the people too.theres a concept of killing in compassion in buddhism.thats why jews must be castrated if they do not desist from their ways.

Yea they must be forgiven, because it's only 2700 years of constantly ruining goyim so far, remember the Buddha forgot someone goy, that's all.

Like, grow up to anyone who thinks of that and be ready to defend yourselves. Is it not enough what Israel has been doing in the Middle east to exterminate the natives giving anyone any sense?

Where are all the "Good" and "Forgiving" jews when all the jews have been run all these centuries by cutthroat terrorists and where normal people in their midst are like the worst radicals when it comes to Gentiles?

The jews want to exterminate everyone, and those who are in control are in this consciously to the full extent. If people do not at least defend themselves, the world will become a living toilet, and no Buddha topic and random stinky pencil necks who pretend to be spiritual by going to get extinct into the Atman and eating brocolli only are going to save this.
I am saying that killing jews is compassion.I didnt wan to say to kill them because i didnt know if thats breaking the website's rules.
norwich said:
Theres a Buddhist tale in the jatakas how siddharta killed a man that tried to murder everyone on a ship,he did this to save the man from the karma of killing and being reborn in Yama's torture chamber.he did this to save the people too.theres a concept of killing in compassion in buddhism.thats why jews must be castrated if they do not desist from their ways.

Kikes can't "desisit from their ways". They were created to be psychotic evil scum and that's what they are. The more you learn about them the more evil you see as if it has no bounds.
Fat fuck Boo-duh and his suicidal teachings will not do you any good.
Gear88 said:
I mean we always hear the end times every step drummed into christards not understand the occult message of "When you become immortal "end times are achieved"".
Evangelical Christians believe in an ideology that they have to physically create the rapture by starting a world war against the Muslims in the middle east. These neo - Cohen cocksuckers support Israel in everything they do, and they supported and instigated all of the middle east wars like the Iraq invasion. They believe that when the rapture comes, a hole will open in space,space Jesus will descend and they'll be sucked into that hole to heaven. (Not kidding).
Buddhism has spiritually ruined humanity and allowed the enemy to advance which is why it was created. The Tibetans once ruled a vast empire and defeated all their enemies under their Satanic religion of Bon, which they got from our Gods as they state. After centuries of Buddhism they were conquered by the very people their ancestors had defeated with ease. Under Bon the Tibetans used spiritual warfare against their enemies and destroy them with ease. When the Communist forces of Zion attacked their nation they sat around sending them loving kindness and love, if they had of done spiritual warfare against them the Communists would have been defeated. A lot of Tibetans in exile in Nepal are turning back to Bon because they understand such realities.

All the Jews do is use occult, psychic warfare against everyone and then give us doctrines to weaken us as the psychological warfare program to conqueror us.
norwich said:
Theres a Buddhist tale in the jatakas how siddharta killed a man that tried to murder everyone on a ship,he did this to save the man from the karma of killing and being reborn in Yama's torture chamber.he did this to save the people too.theres a concept of killing in compassion in buddhism.thats why jews must be castrated if they do not desist from their ways.

The thing is we shouldnt have compassion for them after they die. That still means we are brainwashed by xtian ideals. This is just like the person who wanted to save the grey race on the article about Lucifuge awhile back. Its kind of xtian ideals. If we do that we are thinking somehow we can save the Jews from suffering in the end for what they did to humanity after death. The whole point I think as it was stated in one of the articles on here is that I think the Jews will end up in that lake of fire type place they created or be tormented in some way till they are fully dissapated. Now are you telling me that is not justice and you want to be compassionate to them and nice.

I learned we can be as loving and truly good in the sense of the word as to be to the point of almost being perfect in that way and the Jew would still want to kill us. That kind of thinking will not solve anything and will just allow them to take advantage of us. There is no good or evil or whatever there just is what nature created. you get my point. We just have to accept reality as it is whatever is most strong ends up ruling things no matter what. So no amount of being good in the way you created that concept in your mind will save you. It will only make you a slave. What will save you is advancing and doing the rtr no matter what your personality is like.
Remember the movie "Terminator" what did the guy tell Sarah Conner about the Terminator, it will never stop till it achieves his target object, its a machine, a program. The Jews are the same, they are an alien soul and the program of the enemy, they are more cyborg then anything.
Seems like maybe the jews are trying to pull a scenario at sea like they pulled back in August 2, 1964 with the Gulf of Tonkin False Flag. Back then they faked an attack by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on a couple of American Destroyers. This was then used to justify the Vietnam War, where 57'000 or so young white american males lost their lives and another 250'000 vietnamese lost theirs.
Admiral James Stockdale, a recipient of the congressional medal of honor wrote a book called In Love And War in which he describes what actually happened in the Gulf of Tonkin, which was essentially that America (the kikes running washington) launched a war under false pretenses.

Here they are trying the same kind of scenario 60 years later. But they've been trying like mad to start off another world war. They tried to nuke Hawaii, tried to bring down Airforce One with a missile, tried to destroy Syria, tried to use N Korea as the flash point, then Venezuela, They have tried many times to assassinate Trump. I'm of the opinion that the LA Military operation we saw, not the one on the news mind you but the one somebody with a cel phone caught, where there was a biological target extracted from some place called the House of Culture, was a biological bomb, set to go off when the building it was in was demolished in a few weeks. I think that raid happened (if I remember correctly) during Trumps State of the Union Address.

They already have typhoid and fleas showing bubonic plague in LA, I wouldn't be surprised if that biological target had something like that in it. They already had their cover story – blame the homeless. Just imagine the damage a serious major outbreak of bubonic plague in LA would have done.
But it was foiled. All these attempts foiled, So now the kikes are going to try going after Iran. Like you said HP Mageson. Its like in the movie Terminator. It just keeps coming.

Two of the vessels allegedly 'attacked' by Iran were Saudi and United Arab Emirates ships. Well, they were the ones behind the Vegas FF, weren't they?

Gear88 said:
But will they ever accomplish such notions as the JNWO, scenarios?
They try and push it. If we keep up the RTR and online activism they'll fail.

Gear88 said:
I mean the March 28th sermon with Azazel announcing how terrible things will occur in nature. I mean doesn't that give conviction to "Oy vey goyim obey the lieble cause end times are here".

I think that's only one reason. They want to programme the xian mass mind that the "end" or "Jesus" or the "messiah" is coming, which means that the xians put their energies in the manifestation of the jewish global communist government. They pray for their own destruction.

Also, I believe that the jews are using weather manipulation technology to damage this planet as much as possible before they will be fully exposed and destroyed because, apparently, they can't just nuke the entire planet without pushing all the powers into a global war. This is why it was said that the Gods will come here. In that time I think the planet will be so damaged that it will be unable to sustain the life inside it and the Gods will come with some of their advanced technology to help us restoring the planet.

Gear88 said:
So without sounding like an asshole exactly what WILL manifest that makes people really wise up. I mean we live in times dominated by jews, I'm not saying they won or are winning but it seems kinda disheartening walking around and to quote Hitler and his Generals "I can't believe my own Generals believe in fairytales".
Our activism will wake people up. When more and more people are realizing the truth, the gentile mass mind is affected as well and is slowly programmed with the awakening of gentiles. In that case the truth will spread quicker and easier because more and more people are becoming aware of it. When the jews will dissapear, the media, the education, the television, everything will change. All the jewish platforms will collapse. This is gradually happening already with media (CNN for example), xianity, holohoax and so on.

Gear88 said:
Fairytales about rabba krast and his goyim domination which people do not seem to care. At this point the human race is just that uncaring. I know we should kinda ignore the human race a bit and focus on our selves but as an altruistic person. I just can't help but think Fellow Goys; Goyim Y U act like Goyim.
That's not the way to act. If we ignore the Goyim and concentrate only on our advancement, we will be conquered together with the Goyim. The jews made people to be so careless. We have to show them the truth and make them care. If you remember the sermon about Lucifuge Rofocal, it was said that his race didn't care at all about microchips. They were ignorant and uncaring just like humans are now and as a result they were conquered and turned into a slave colony for reptilians. Exactly the same will happen to humans if we don't wake them up and push them to act. If we lose this war, is not "humanity's fail", but is more our fail. Most Goyim are not aware at all about this war. Without us they are 100% victims.
Ghost in the Machine said:
There's a lot of panic going on in this thread and that's not entirely surprising, but this is the kind of shit that JoS has been all about stopping for the past two decades and we've been relentlessly going on and on about the shit the Jews would try and do and what could potentially happen should we fail.

Too many people just don't take this as seriously as they should just because it's a 'stealth' war and not one that's an on-going battle where you're constantly reminded of the dangers by gunfire and explosions. We're not cattle here at JoS we are in the direct fire of this war because we are ones that are directly fighting back on Earth, many of us who actively fight the enemy directly deal with frequent attacks.

The enemy knows they are fucked and they are panicking by trying to throw everything out that they've been waiting to do for two thousand years in a rush. They have no time to play carefully anymore and their panic and rushing is where they'll make mistakes but they have no choice. We are beating them down and they know it. When I was growing up you couldn't turn a corner without seeing somebody 'blessing' you on behalf of 'god', nowadays I've never seen such hatred and dislike for xianity and just how much people have grown to hate it. I have personally seen for myself that people are literally offended when someone so much as plays a song that says 'jesus' in it.

Too many are complacent with "Oh this couldn't possibly happen to us, nah, we're the good guys, the good guys always win, we only have to put in minimal effort.", well guess what the enemy is putting in maximum effort and although we are way better able to influence the astral than they are, if we don't do enough then sheer numbers on their side could outdo us and they know this because it was sheer numbers that caused Satan to lose the battle to protect Earth. We all know though that he hasn't lost the war.

Turn any fear you feel into anger and hatred, how DARE they fucking even think to get away with their shit without consequences. We will destroy each and every single one of them and rip them off the face of this planet forever.


A lot of people here have only seen the shit that has been happening through second hand sources or heavily filtered so they don't really know what it was truly like to experience it first hand. They have not lived through things that led up to the rise of Hitler like, "The Great Depression", and the fact that, 'desperate', is not the same as, 'hopeless'. The Depression was a terrible time and there was much doom and gloom in the air for everyone, but thanks to the largely untainted stories of people coming to the country with only the cloths on their back and made something grand from that made the general consensus of the people, "Yeah life is going to be tough for the foreseeable future, but we're tougher. It was this, 'desperation', that gave rise to Nazi Germany as hopelessness would have cause Hitler to be further ahead to bang his head against a brick wall.

For people who are under the threat of not having access to the internet and in turn the Final RTR, you can direct energy to the JOS members to help them perform the ritual or you can visualize the letters as best you can and have them rot away or burn up. While not as good as the actually RTR, and not a replacement for it, this is still very effective and helpful.

Never quit, never surrender and we will achieve victory.
Bravera said:
Gear88 said:
But will they ever accomplish such notions as the JNWO, scenarios?

I mean the March 28th sermon with Azazel announcing how terrible things will occur in nature. I mean doesn't that give conviction to "Oy vey goyim obey the lieble cause end times are here".

I mean we always hear the end times every step drummed into christards not understand the occult message of "When you become immortal "end times are achieved"".

So my question is the jews are going to keep at it. There is no major resistance against jews in such an open fashion as in late '10s-'40s. But non the less what exactly IS gonna happen that is suddenly gonna make this 6,000 year wet dream be more of a wet dream and a pie in the sky than ever before.

I'm aware our rituals. In fact I actually can't wait for the yom kippur offensive. It's gonna be over a year since we pumped the F-RTR along with kol nidre RTR at that point. And the hakkunah offensive is on our grounds starting on Yuletide height December 23. But I'm really itching for the new ritual coming up next year for the 2020 offensive.

But at the end of the day the enemy still has so much control, money, finances, wealth, and manipulation of technology. That it begs the question at this point how do we even get the jews off our backs long enough to recover from major surgery as HP.Cobra stated in one of his sermons.

I mean those scenarios of the past like Egyptian akenathon assault and the assault on the levant. Or Romans slaughtering the jews and whatnot. Those haven't happened to levels of extincting the jews for centuries nearly a millennium if not over a millennium since such notion. People are more communistic, stupid, retarded, judiac, and whatnot than ever. I recall HP Cobra stating he believes at this point nearly if not over 350 million jews exist world wide and most jewish census are probably censured Israel might be at 14-20 million jews country wide hell maybe more.

So without sounding like an asshole exactly what WILL manifest that makes people really wise up. I mean we live in times dominated by jews, I'm not saying they won or are winning but it seems kinda disheartening walking around and to quote Hitler and his Generals "I can't believe my own Generals believe in fairytales".

Fairytales about rabba krast and his goyim domination which people do not seem to care. At this point the human race is just that uncaring. I know we should kinda ignore the human race a bit and focus on our selves but as an altruistic person. I just can't help but think Fellow Goys; Goyim Y U act like Goyim.

So what exactly are all these machinations going to do? Slow down the Gods and waste their time taking several decades or centuries more to convince mankind of the truth and how it better serves them to be on the right side.

The enemy has been checkmated, no matter what they do, they will be fully exposed. What does the enemy have that can stand against the Gods, SS, and 6 billion woke gentiles?

Hopefully we satanist will win in the end
Hail My master High priestess Maxine Dietrich
And hail father Satan aka God
Ghost in the Machine said:
There's a lot of panic going on in this thread and that's not entirely surprising, but this is the kind of shit that JoS has been all about stopping for the past two decades and we've been relentlessly going on and on about the shit the Jews would try and do and what could potentially happen should we fail.

Too many people just don't take this as seriously as they should just because it's a 'stealth' war and not one that's an on-going battle where you're constantly reminded of the dangers by gunfire and explosions. We're not cattle here at JoS we are in the direct fire of this war because we are ones that are directly fighting back on Earth, many of us who actively fight the enemy directly deal with frequent attacks.

The enemy knows they are fucked and they are panicking by trying to throw everything out that they've been waiting to do for two thousand years in a rush. They have no time to play carefully anymore and their panic and rushing is where they'll make mistakes but they have no choice. We are beating them down and they know it. When I was growing up you couldn't turn a corner without seeing somebody 'blessing' you on behalf of 'god', nowadays I've never seen such hatred and dislike for xianity and just how much people have grown to hate it. I have personally seen for myself that people are literally offended when someone so much as plays a song that says 'jesus' in it.

Too many are complacent with "Oh this couldn't possibly happen to us, nah, we're the good guys, the good guys always win, we only have to put in minimal effort.", well guess what the enemy is putting in maximum effort and although we are way better able to influence the astral than they are, if we don't do enough then sheer numbers on their side could outdo us and they know this because it was sheer numbers that caused Satan to lose the battle to protect Earth. We all know though that he hasn't lost the war.

Turn any fear you feel into anger and hatred, how DARE they fucking even think to get away with their shit without consequences. We will destroy each and every single one of them and rip them off the face of this planet forever.


We satanist will win!!!
Think about it
We got the most powerful human of all on our side aka my master High priestess Maxine Dietrich!
Plus lord Hitler and the gods will be back
And we have Father Satan on our side aka God himself

Hail Maxine Dietrich
Hail Father Satan
Hail Hitler
At first when someone requoted my notification menu I thought WHEN did I typed that up. Oh wait 2019.

Anyways it's been pretty much a year since that and I've kinda changed my opinion on a degree of things. With that said I still think a lot of people are asleep and those that are awoke are in a semi-conscious woke.

It's kinda like my lucid dream I wake up inside my dream but the dream still has control and fluctuates or changes based on it's whim not on my whim.

Anyways hopefully with all these protests and these pinko-red spectrum political oppositions; people do wake up. Cause it seems like now it's "All razizts" everything is racist shit.

Ghost in the Machine said:
There's a lot of panic going on in this thread and that's not entirely surprising, but this is the kind of shit that JoS has been all about stopping for the past two decades and we've been relentlessly going on and on about the shit the Jews would try and do and what could potentially happen should we fail.

Too many people just don't take this as seriously as they should just because it's a 'stealth' war and not one that's an on-going battle where you're constantly reminded of the dangers by gunfire and explosions. We're not cattle here at JoS we are in the direct fire of this war because we are ones that are directly fighting back on Earth, many of us who actively fight the enemy directly deal with frequent attacks.

The enemy knows they are fucked and they are panicking by trying to throw everything out that they've been waiting to do for two thousand years in a rush. They have no time to play carefully anymore and their panic and rushing is where they'll make mistakes but they have no choice. We are beating them down and they know it. When I was growing up you couldn't turn a corner without seeing somebody 'blessing' you on behalf of 'god', nowadays I've never seen such hatred and dislike for xianity and just how much people have grown to hate it. I have personally seen for myself that people are literally offended when someone so much as plays a song that says 'jesus' in it.

Too many are complacent with "Oh this couldn't possibly happen to us, nah, we're the good guys, the good guys always win, we only have to put in minimal effort.", well guess what the enemy is putting in maximum effort and although we are way better able to influence the astral than they are, if we don't do enough then sheer numbers on their side could outdo us and they know this because it was sheer numbers that caused Satan to lose the battle to protect Earth. We all know though that he hasn't lost the war.

Turn any fear you feel into anger and hatred, how DARE they fucking even think to get away with their shit without consequences. We will destroy each and every single one of them and rip them off the face of this planet forever.


Exactly GitM gets it. Plus it seems like things ARE winding down for the enemy. Cause even though we SHOULD fight as hard as possible with FRTR and future rituals like the recent 2020 June 88/99 rituals.

Funny enough HP.Cobra changed his methods and mentioned instead of 1 mandatory, 3-5 recommended like a while back sometime in 2019. Recently with evilgoy coordinator he stated 1 is okay, 2 is nice, and 3 is great. So even HP.Cobra is kinda stating the rituals have mutated into such a spectacular thing even just 3 is tops is perfectly fine plus whether coordinated or uncoordinated cause he did say people some people can't be perfectly sync'd, it's still great.

...My own concern...

I do have my own concern this HAS been happening since before the quarantine but my life hasn't been going very well. In fact just recently a family member mentioned why not go to college. I know things are gonna return to semi-normalcy when the thing is lifted up or certain lifts currently right now all education centers including schools and universities are closed both cause of summer vacation and the virus.

But I really don't know what to do nor my talents nor anything. A friend of mind years ago attended college and failed kinda badly at it even though he is quite smart luckily for him he had a college insurance so they refunded about 70% of the costs of his education. Nice that there is SOME socialistic opportunities in this USA even though like the anti-israel meme "The US sends israel 11 million dollars a day. isreal has free education and free health care."

Who the fuck wants to give israel free health care and education. Why not in the US "OH WAIT I know cause we are goyim" and we are talking to machinators of anti-gentile activities.

So at smart people like GitM or anyone who wishes to reply.

What exactly should I be doing with my life at this point in time? Simply meditating, firing off RTR and rituals isn't exactly life as we speak. I guess the question is why am I so anti-life. My astrological chart shows someone who is not nice my astro chart shows someone who is really pist off and full of hate.

A long time ago like 2013-2015 time period I was checking out stock marker speculation and even though HP.Cobra and I believe at one point Mageson basically stated "berg shekels and do your best to help your family, race, and nation' climb as high as possible". But it seems like the market is so controlled by insiders and whatnot that it begs the question "How do I even get in on it?".

I honestly these last few years been asking myself "What do I do?"
Gear88 said:
At first when someone requoted my notification menu I thought WHEN did I typed that up. Oh wait 2019.

Anyways it's been pretty much a year since that and I've kinda changed my opinion on a degree of things. With that said I still think a lot of people are asleep and those that are awoke are in a semi-conscious woke.

It's kinda like my lucid dream I wake up inside my dream but the dream still has control and fluctuates or changes based on it's whim not on my whim.

Anyways hopefully with all these protests and these pinko-red spectrum political oppositions; people do wake up. Cause it seems like now it's "All razizts" everything is racist shit.

Ghost in the Machine said:
There's a lot of panic going on in this thread and that's not entirely surprising, but this is the kind of shit that JoS has been all about stopping for the past two decades and we've been relentlessly going on and on about the shit the Jews would try and do and what could potentially happen should we fail.

Too many people just don't take this as seriously as they should just because it's a 'stealth' war and not one that's an on-going battle where you're constantly reminded of the dangers by gunfire and explosions. We're not cattle here at JoS we are in the direct fire of this war because we are ones that are directly fighting back on Earth, many of us who actively fight the enemy directly deal with frequent attacks.

The enemy knows they are fucked and they are panicking by trying to throw everything out that they've been waiting to do for two thousand years in a rush. They have no time to play carefully anymore and their panic and rushing is where they'll make mistakes but they have no choice. We are beating them down and they know it. When I was growing up you couldn't turn a corner without seeing somebody 'blessing' you on behalf of 'god', nowadays I've never seen such hatred and dislike for xianity and just how much people have grown to hate it. I have personally seen for myself that people are literally offended when someone so much as plays a song that says 'jesus' in it.

Too many are complacent with "Oh this couldn't possibly happen to us, nah, we're the good guys, the good guys always win, we only have to put in minimal effort.", well guess what the enemy is putting in maximum effort and although we are way better able to influence the astral than they are, if we don't do enough then sheer numbers on their side could outdo us and they know this because it was sheer numbers that caused Satan to lose the battle to protect Earth. We all know though that he hasn't lost the war.

Turn any fear you feel into anger and hatred, how DARE they fucking even think to get away with their shit without consequences. We will destroy each and every single one of them and rip them off the face of this planet forever.


Exactly GitM gets it. Plus it seems like things ARE winding down for the enemy. Cause even though we SHOULD fight as hard as possible with FRTR and future rituals like the recent 2020 June 88/99 rituals.

Funny enough HP.Cobra changed his methods and mentioned instead of 1 mandatory, 3-5 recommended like a while back sometime in 2019. Recently with evilgoy coordinator he stated 1 is okay, 2 is nice, and 3 is great. So even HP.Cobra is kinda stating the rituals have mutated into such a spectacular thing even just 3 is tops is perfectly fine plus whether coordinated or uncoordinated cause he did say people some people can't be perfectly sync'd, it's still great.

...My own concern...

I do have my own concern this HAS been happening since before the quarantine but my life hasn't been going very well. In fact just recently a family member mentioned why not go to college. I know things are gonna return to semi-normalcy when the thing is lifted up or certain lifts currently right now all education centers including schools and universities are closed both cause of summer vacation and the virus.

But I really don't know what to do nor my talents nor anything. A friend of mind years ago attended college and failed kinda badly at it even though he is quite smart luckily for him he had a college insurance so they refunded about 70% of the costs of his education. Nice that there is SOME socialistic opportunities in this USA even though like the anti-israel meme "The US sends israel 11 million dollars a day. isreal has free education and free health care."

Who the fuck wants to give israel free health care and education. Why not in the US "OH WAIT I know cause we are goyim" and we are talking to machinators of anti-gentile activities.

I was studying finance in Uni when this was happening and literally felt like they were trying to do what they did to Germany back then.

So at smart people like GitM or anyone who wishes to reply.

What exactly should I be doing with my life at this point in time? Simply meditating, firing off RTR and rituals isn't exactly life as we speak. I guess the question is why am I so anti-life. My astrological chart shows someone who is not nice my astro chart shows someone who is really pist off and full of hate.

A long time ago like 2013-2015 time period I was checking out stock marker speculation and even though HP.Cobra and I believe at one point Mageson basically stated "berg shekels and do your best to help your family, race, and nation' climb as high as possible". But it seems like the market is so controlled by insiders and whatnot that it begs the question "How do I even get in on it?".

I honestly these last few years been asking myself "What do I do?"

Uni isnt tough to be honest.
It would also depend on the current education levels you have.
To make millions as advertised in the stock market you would need lots of insider information, but for making margin gains, its not that tough, to earn a living though , you would have to start with a hefty amount. What skills do you have?
How much savings etc do you have?
Fo you really care only about the money or you want to learn from your degree and have a stable income for a majority of the period of your life.
We have magical knowledge as Eric13 mentioned about us having all the knowledge we need to make our lives better.
Just a Uni degree wont equate to financial stability or success. We have millionaire jewtubers who never even attended college. But I do understand this as the ethics part wont allow us to work in these sites( atleast me personally).
Try out maybe some govt jobs with low entry levels and continue studying.
With the kind of times we have now, it would be beneficial to take up some clerical kind of job in a government department to just maybe get through these times as it is only going to get worse, bad weather would equate more instability and with the enemy efforts to shut down the economy or atleast paralyze it , you have to maintain some sort of stability in your income. That is the reason long back I wrote a post about aiming not to spend at all so individuals can learn to prioritize( food , electricity , education , etc).

If you would really so like to invest try maybe the Insurance or medical sector for short term gains with the help of someone you know( the moderator is free to cut this part off :) ). Or maybe healthcare, alternate energy, study the movement of nations( macro economic part ) if you want to go global . But like anything it would require you to study A LOT.
Wait. I never typed that up properly. I never went to university or college or anything.

WTF was I typing.

Anyways ignore my message. Whatever the fuck happens, happens. I hate my life, I hate life and if something happens well good.

No idea what the hell was occurring with that post. Someones probably gonna think I've been hitting the bong.

I think it meant to come out in another way. Perhaps a quote or something to do with the past or something.

No idea why you even bothered to reply.

Usthepeople666 said:
...Ignore my message...

I appreciate the advice even if it's false statement and I question my lucidity in the World perhaps it's all that astrological chart aspect of some neptunian aspect that basically one site calls "The Hallucinator".

Maybe I hallucinated something during typing that up.

Anyways just ignore the post either way whatever occurred I was ranting and on some level I honestly don't care about myself nor my life since I hate it so much.

Like I said if something occurs or pops up okay fine whatever.
Gear88 said:

You have too many ties to negative things that happened/are happening to you in your life, these connections on the astral only grow the more you dwell on them and feed them with hatred and anger/disgust. They leech out the happiness and joys in your soul until you're a hateful husk of nihilism.

Start a Sun Square for spiritual and health matters (first image map). Usually everything feels like dark shit when the solar chakra/your sun is debilitated. Also, I know it seems getting in touch with spirituality and energies is difficult for you, and it's likely because of all this negativity in the way, so the sun square is really the only spiritual thing I'll ask you to truly do on this, but the next one is going to be a bit more physical as you're likely more in tune with things that are more physically manipulated and would find a physical substitute much easier. You're going to need a grey colouring marker, a blank sheet of paper, a large bowl and a lighter. Sounds fun already right?

Here's hoping you're able to do this somehow and it's up to you whether you want to try this or not. So if and when you can, buy/get yourself a grey coloured marker. Then on a Tuesday during the hour of Mars (or any hour I suppose), grab a blank sheet of paper and completely colour this entire paper grey with the marker, both sides entirely. Know and feel that as you are putting the grey colour onto this paper all of the grey and negative energies in your soul are seeping out of you into this paper, all of the misery, hate, sadness, everything, the grey colour being drawn by the marker is the physical manifestation of all this negative energy being put into the paper. Try to 'feel' this rather than visualizing, all the negativity leaving out of you and onto the paper.

Keep doing this until both sides of the paper are completely coloured grey, leave no white as best you can. Now go and get a big bowl and find a ventilated place (preferably away from a smoke detector or temporarily turn it off) and open a window. Put this paper that contains all of the negativity from your soul into the bowl and grab a lighter. Ensure there is nothing near by that might catch the flame and that the bowl is big enough to contain it. Now light this paper of negativity on fire and watch as the flames completely destroy it entirely. Feel and know that fire is of the sun, and this sun energy is completely destroying all of the negativity until it is entirely nonexistent.

Allow yourself to watch the flames and know that as this paper is burning and all the negativity within it is being destroyed, that you are now free from all hatred, anger, misery, sadness, despair, blockages, bindings, everything. You are positively and completely free from all negative thoughts and negative outlooks. Free.

Continue to know this until the flames die out and nothing is left but ashes. As for the ashes, flush them down the toilet, down a sink drain, throw them in the garbage, toss them in a lake, doesn't matter so long as the end result is that they are being thrown away.

You can do this whole thing a second time if you like. You can do it daily even so long as you are reasonable (people might question why your apartment/room/house smells like smoke all the time, not to mention such fumes are not healthy to breathe in so often). Just be smart about it.

I think this more physical approach might work with you better but I still suggest the Sun Square as this will also help immensely.
Is their Messiah a celestial being or just a leader who advances Jewish filth even greater?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
