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The Fast Path: Meditation In JoS

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Jack said:
Generally a student of Yoga goes through Initiaton then is conditioned in spiritual literature, and then proceeds to the actual spiritual practices when he's deemed worthy. But according to the Bhagvat Gita it is stated that once you reach a certain level and are unable to complete the liberation, you will be reborn and you will be allowed to skip all formal learning and start where you left off pretty quickly.

In this day and age with so much corruption in the literature, I believe all of us mediators from the Previous life are starting off and getting powers quickly so we continue our saved file from where we left off.

That is correct. Satan has explained to me numerous times that there are many people of ranging levels in JoS. We all know how that is. It's a big family here.

Some people are new, others are joining this whole thing now, but primarily, the JoS serves as a lifeboat for souls who have done advancement in their prior lives and need a "Fast Path".

That is also the reason the Gods pay so much attention to JoS people, and generally guide people that much here. They adore this place, because of many factors, included also that we fight the enemy and that we are serious about all this.

Through the JoS, one can get a very special relationship with the Gods. Those who follow these dictates and practices, and follow this path, are really favoured.

Many people can spend 25 years reading things all over the world, yet they don't attract all this attention from the Gods.

New meditations, releases, and a formalized construction of the system will also help people who are advanced accelerate faster, but will also help for future souls who are newer to establish strong foundations that others might have established in a previous time.

Lastly, no progress is ever lost and anyone who tries in this path will be taken seriously. Back when I joined I considered this the greatest opportunity in my existence, and I still consider this so.

I am thankful everyday for finding the Joy of Satan. Part of all that I return to it is that I am thankful to the Gods that I could find the proper and fast path, compared to infinite bogus nonsense that do exist in this world.

I am certain those who are advanced past a point completely can relate to the above.

Thank the Gods for all this, and thank Satan.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
everyday i love jos more...

im sorry for being toxic.

or leaving this community before.

the gods have been with me thru all. i want to give back to JOS
The counciousness retains the pillars created and molded by which clusters of thoughts, emotions, memory and tendencies flower and root further in the councious sphere when activated.

The plane of thoughts are like a galaxy of “memory” strings interconnected. These strings light up when the consciousness applies to them, but even when they are not switched on and lighting, they are still there, and in the future, some bad strings might connect with the good ones, and some might seed themselves close to the "core of the Galaxy", and suddenly they cannot be ignored anymore as they flare up like a multiple suns. At that point, they are hard to be put off and are connected to so many other strings, might seem impossible to destroy them without having other good strings wounded. Being this is just an illustrative concept and the mind and self are what we actually address about, these traumas of the mind and soul forge deficiencies and delusions, illusions and anything off from a clarity of reality. The opposite is also true and the basis of growth in this.

The mind is an instrument of process, appliance, pursuit but not of identification, rather a discriminatory instrument in which the counciousness resonates with the fruits of it.

The fruits that come into existence, as a conclusive certainty, where always seeded and grown. Once they flower, they imprint forever the being and soul. Not all seed flower, but those that do, they really do.

Any effort in any life is a progress that is retained in the souls memory, and manifests at one point, no matter the good or bad of it.

The bad is rectified by action and reflection.

The action is shaping and directing the mind field, by tehniques, meditation and physical mirroring. Reflection is discovering and harmonizing these. Both of them purify and clarify, before power meditating and making these thoughts literal thunders in the brain.

Everything that comes from within was there before and was only stimulated and discovered recently by the conscious state. Your consciousness encompasses everything that is for the individual, and the potentiality added onto it, by the assumption and its capacity to expand.

The Universe has laws such similar as these strings of thoughts, direct ways of nature, unalterable. We have these strings in the mind as well, some pillars for other thoughts to gather around and cluster a web of memory, experience and information.

Having pillars of primary thoughts and concepts to anchor other benefic thoughts is key in shaping a well structured realm of the mind. This happens naturally by the mind.

For example a pillar by experience and study is a certainty: I am of Satan, Satan and His Gods are the perfection and the supreme aim.

From this pillar everything structures around it. A simple example.

Isolating all the sense from the thought, leaves the thought in a state felt like potentiality, and a mere pointed stimulation blocked in a present time. From this the thought is understood as the life force itself trying to manifest, and us the creative forces of which mold this manifestation and judge the process of it.
Spiritual Satanism is the best choice in my life. As I said in a soon-to-be-published message, it is everything my soul has been longing for. And I didn't know that SS existed! My only regret is that I did not dedicate myself sooner.
It means so much, I miss the words!

I didn't understand how one could forgive, forget. Everything that was preached by that cursed xtinity. Everything was against nature! I don't forget anything, I only forgive a little because I hate nothing more than injustice and unfairness. I have a lot of heart but injustice demands revenge and to be ruthless. Only Spiritual Satanism, in the image of Satan Great Creator Great Destroyer, has allowed me to understand why it is normal to be these two facets.
I feel at home.
To be able to progress, to learn, to grow, to increase in power, this path full of promises and possibilities is just INCREDIBLE. I was always hungry and Satan, the SS Brothers via JoS, feed my soul.
Thanks to my SS friend, if you read me, for bringing me here. So far.
Thanks HP

And why exactly every time I feel I really need a post from you, I see a new article.
Although I do not even know what I need, I always find the answers between words, thank you.
I have never regretted going down the JoS route. If it hadn't been for that, chances are I would not be alive today. Regardless, I've learned over the years that it's arguably the loneliest path to walk, but my example above shows that it's also the most rewarding.
Thanks to the Gods for their adoration of what we have! Adoration and eternal gratitude to the Gods and all who have advanced and continue to advance JOS. JOS is easily the best, most splendid and awesome thing to have happened to me in my life. Immense love to all who made it possible! Hail Satan!
siatris666 said:
everyday i love jos more...

im sorry for being toxic.

or leaving this community before.

the gods have been with me thru all. i want to give back to JOS

What is that saying something along the lines of fall down ten times. Get up one hundred times.

Some of us here truly are old souls as I remember the elderly saying about me as a small child.

Remember we are not losing anything here by putting in the effort.

It's not work its an investment.

We gain so much by engaging in our Spiritual path here.

This place is my oasis of calm in the craziness of these times.

The world may have gone mad but the JOS guides is back onto the right track.

We are in a good place here and have the tools to strengthen ourselves and advance.

It's the best investment a person can make.
This is why I have faith in our brothers and sisters in regards to potential and achieving godhead in our lifetimes. I think many new members and some old ones forgot that our gods will be returning in just shy of two decades or even quicker depending on our war efforts in destroying the enemy, or should I say weakened them to a tiny gnat for lack of better words.

Many have been in doubt that we cannot even get close to godhead in this lifetime in achieving the Magnum Opus. I beg to differ for many reasons.

When our gods return of course it won’t just be a “I am your genie and servant, give me three wishes you want to accomplish and mote it be”, this is retarded and disrespectful thinking. But have faith in our gods and know that they will be able to help us tenfold even with their busy schedules. They are more powerful than we could imagine. Have faith in Father and our Gods. I am almost certain those of us apart of the JoS that have been fighting and advancing will not go unnoticed by the gods.

I believe many of us will be able to reach Magnum Opus and immortality, regardless of previous lifetimes advancement. Many our worried that it’s “impossible” for most of us to reach godhead so they have lack of motivation, and that thinking is plain defeatist and weak minded. Have faith and keep on the Eight Fold Path. Soon enough when our gods return we will be guided and accelerated with their help.

Thank you for this response and mini sermon HPHC. We are so grateful and honored to have you, anyone that believes otherwise is either a kike troll or has many skeptical hangups that make them discredit beneficial information that is nothing but useful for them. For ones that think HPHC is just some “history lesson teacher” you are truly delusional or like I said before, a fucking like troll; which seems to be in full fledge force as of recently. Why am I not surprised? There are rarely coincidences especially when it comes to you vermin.

Hail Satan and our Gods!
I hope the JOS is around for generations to come. This is why it's so important that every SS takes the opportunity to continue to lay the spiritual foundation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Generally a student of Yoga goes through Initiaton then is conditioned in spiritual literature, and then proceeds to the actual spiritual practices when he's deemed worthy. But according to the Bhagvat Gita it is stated that once you reach a certain level and are unable to complete the liberation, you will be reborn and you will be allowed to skip all formal learning and start where you left off pretty quickly.

In this day and age with so much corruption in the literature, I believe all of us mediators from the Previous life are starting off and getting powers quickly so we continue our saved file from where we left off.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello HPHC
this forum is really a tool, that's what I was thinking yesterday. What I thought was progress, but I realized something was missing. Due to my desperation and rush, I did magic work a few months ago for my biological father's death and it didn't work, but now I realized that he was trying to run a marathon without crawling. Now I understand that I can't start running directly without crawling, I will progress slowly step by step. This sermon somehow says that this conviction I made for myself yesterday is true. Thank you very much for this sermon, High Priest.

Praise Father Satan
Praise Mother Lilith
Praise Gods And Goddessess Of Hell

I apologize if there are any mistakes in translation and spelling.

Have nice day ^^
I am thankful for the questions in my mind and the conversations that seeded doubt about the lies of Satan and the spells upon humanity. I too am thankful for JoS as well. I am thankful for all the patience, love and guidance the Demons have given me and continue to give me. My life has turned around for the better in so many aspects. I am so grateful that everything I loved over my lifetime came together in a undeniable Spirituality no mere spell can satisfy. Everything makes sense and continues to become clearer. Thank you all for helping me become a better person and helping this world become a place worth living in.

Hail Satan, Hail Demons of Hell!
I confirm what others have said: finding the JOS has been the most shocking thing that has happened in my life.

I came to Satan at the worst moment of my life, when my existence was nonsense shit. Since I was a child I have had a tendency to cry secretly without knowing why. Now I am healed and moving forward little by little.

Eternal glory to Satan and JOS.
Before I came to Joy of Satan, I was drowning in Jewish lies disguised as Paganism. Jewish Kaballah mixed with Gentile Gods, Jewish tree of life mixed with Tarot, Hebrew and archnagels filth. Many years before I fell into pseudo-Pagan magick book, I had already renounced xtianity and hated Jesus. In the two years when I practiced the magic in that stupid book, my life was full of despair and bad luck. Life seemed to be constantly throwing disasters on me until I fully accepted Satan. I have dediacted to father Satan less than a year ago. The progress that I have achieved in this year is enormous.

I am much grategul for having found the JoS website, even though it took me years to accept God Satan. I am now most eager to share this website with Gentiles interested in witchcraft and spirituality.
Osiris Silvio said:
Before I came to Joy of Satan, I was drowning in Jewish lies disguised as Paganism. Jewish Kaballah mixed with Gentile Gods, Jewish tree of life mixed with Tarot, Hebrew and archnagels filth. Many years before I fell into pseudo-Pagan magick book, I had already renounced xtianity and hated Jesus. In the two years when I practiced the magic in that stupid book, my life was full of despair and bad luck. Life seemed to be constantly throwing disasters on me until I fully accepted Satan. I have dediacted to father Satan less than a year ago. The progress that I have achieved in this year is enormous.


Don't think you are alone in this, it's always the same shit with the enemy spirituality. Most people come here so heavily programmed from the above, that many scoff of everything and try to go their way, simply because they are brainwashed in Jewish gimmick. It's so expanded and everywhere, that it can be difficult and really requires a free mind to look past it.
Fast path is a great way of putting it. People want to be a certain way and idealize it but how do you get there? Left hand path, right hand path, or is there something else? Satan is what's missing. A lot of religions will tell you to be a certain way but not many of them will try to tell you how without making you pay for it. I'm not paying for anything by choosing to sacrifice some things in life to do the right thing especially when I know the rewards and the reason. It's a very strange and very noble path that people resent because it makes you a better person according to their own ethics, oftentimes. But also to where few people would assume it wasn't just that you were born that way if you advance so much you totally level-up. There's no reward for extreme self development, people just assume you were always like that or something about you was "fixed" because of any reason except for Satanism.

I can't tell you how many Christians or whatever have inferred I'm some resentful non-Christian loser for not being a big drug party freak. But not when they talk to me in person. Mostly it saddens me that they could never understand what good this path brings because they were told to repress themselves and we were taught to express ourselves and essentially rebel against everything. They have this entire narrative of how life works that is just untrue and it wastes so much of their lives and sometimes ours too. There is some resentment, but I often just feel bad for xtians and liberals and etc because a lot of them genuinely want to be like us but don't know how and it's sad because it's not like you can have too many allies and we aren't an entirely different race from non-SS. I got into this with much more resentment for people but by this point it's just sad that people won't know Maxine was telling the truth because they're just scared to believe. It's a total net-positive for all of life to advance Satanism and the JoyOfSatan, even for people who reject it just to hear of it at least once.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Before I came to Joy of Satan, I was drowning in Jewish lies disguised as Paganism. Jewish Kaballah mixed with Gentile Gods, Jewish tree of life mixed with Tarot, Hebrew and archnagels filth. Many years before I fell into pseudo-Pagan magick book, I had already renounced xtianity and hated Jesus. In the two years when I practiced the magic in that stupid book, my life was full of despair and bad luck. Life seemed to be constantly throwing disasters on me until I fully accepted Satan. I have dediacted to father Satan less than a year ago. The progress that I have achieved in this year is enormous.


Don't think you are alone in this, it's always the same shit with the enemy spirituality. Most people come here so heavily programmed from the above, that many scoff of everything and try to go their way, simply because they are brainwashed in Jewish gimmick. It's so expanded and everywhere, that it can be difficult and really requires a free mind to look past it.

Jewish traps everywhere. Those who escape christianity may fall into communism, mages may fall into Jewish magic or stupid kaballah and illuminati. It is exceedingly difficult to be a human on Earth in this kike empire.
I love this group!! And this website!!💖 I call the" JOS"my home,🍍🌺 for a reason! And it's because I feel wanted and appreciated. 💖🙏🐍 And I can grow, and advice " here, with what I am learning about here. And being tought. I can't get anywhere else on social media. And number 1. I feel the spiritual connection here. And the Energetic flow. Knowing that you people are felt , loved, wanted and appreciated. And I feel it here!! VERY MUCH!!!💞 And I have no problems. in reading and understanding the content.🔥 This has been both an advantage and an adventure.🐍🙏 Learning about things you don't learn about or get the chance to read or understanding else where. With out getting in trouble. And I can log back on.. and continue with where I left the night before and move on. And there is always! more to read and look into. And knowing!! That there is always something to do, and something always comes up. When you have a question and need a answer. I always find it. And I also feel Satan's love and support. His Energy is felt! here.. and It's Growing strong!! And we are growing! in numerous ways! in knowledge" and advancement. Taking the time .🐍 and the advantage.Doing things right!! The things we learn from one another is valuable" and priceless!!!🌹🍒😃 I just wanted to share this with HP Maxine Dietrich and the JOS members here. 🔥🙏 And I apologize... for getting out of hand" at times. And I admit!I do have my problems. And yes!!!! I have nothing to hide or he ashamed of. And telling it like it is. As a student! And a proud member. 💖 And a Daughter of Satan. Hail Satan!! Hail Azazel!! Happy Yultide!!!🔥🔥🔥Thank you!!!🙏🍷💖
Black Rain said:
This is why I have faith in our brothers and sisters in regards to potential and achieving godhead in our lifetimes. I think many new members and some old ones forgot that our gods will be returning in just shy of two decades or even quicker depending on our war efforts in destroying the enemy, or should I say weakened them to a tiny gnat for lack of better words.

Many have been in doubt that we cannot even get close to godhead in this lifetime in achieving the Magnum Opus. I beg to differ for many reasons.

When our gods return of course it won’t just be a “I am your genie and servant, give me three wishes you want to accomplish and mote it be”, this is retarded and disrespectful thinking. But have faith in our gods and know that they will be able to help us tenfold even with their busy schedules. They are more powerful than we could imagine. Have faith in Father and our Gods. I am almost certain those of us apart of the JoS that have been fighting and advancing will not go unnoticed by the gods.

I believe many of us will be able to reach Magnum Opus and immortality, regardless of previous lifetimes advancement. Many our worried that it’s “impossible” for most of us to reach godhead so they have lack of motivation, and that thinking is plain defeatist and weak minded. Have faith and keep on the Eight Fold Path. Soon enough when our gods return we will be guided and accelerated with their help.

Thank you for this response and mini sermon HPHC. We are so grateful and honored to have you, anyone that believes otherwise is either a kike troll or has many skeptical hangups that make them discredit beneficial information that is nothing but useful for them. For ones that think HPHC is just some “history lesson teacher” you are truly delusional or like I said before, a fucking like troll; which seems to be in full fledge force as of recently. Why am I not surprised? There are rarely coincidences especially when it comes to you vermin.

Hail Satan and our Gods!

Beautiful post, brother. Even if some of us don't reach immortality in this life, rest assured we can look forward to reincarnating into a Satanic NS world free of the enemy where humanity as a whole will be on a much higher spiritual level and obtaining immortality will be much easier, even for younger souls!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
