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The Fall Of Lucifer

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The Fall Of Lucifer


The Gnostic teaching of the Fall of Lucifer that after the war in heaven Lucifer's crown with an emerald fell to earth. This emerald became the grail. The Bible talks about the fall of Lucifer and has curses against Lucifer in the New Testament declaring that Lucifer is fallen from heaven to earth forever with the Triumph of the Nazarene.

What does all this mean?

Lucifer the name is the key. Luc is the name of the serpent and Fer is from the ancient term Far which means ones own Shakti energy or soul energy the power of the light of the soul. Far is the energy of the Light Body. Heaven is symbolic of the crown chakra but also the higher spiritual realm that the ascend soul the light body being is always shown existing within in the west and east.

The jewel the emerald in the crown is the symbol of the fully open crown chakra and the risen serpent that manifests this and it is also what is called in the east the Diamond body the ascended state. Hence Lucifer in Heaven is the soul in the ascended state the Light Body. The fall of Lucifer is the serpent being driven down to earth the root chakra by the enemy and the fall from heaven is the fall of the being from the spirituality ascended state of the Light Body into the state of entropy to be imprisoned in matter by the enemy in what the enemy calls Klipoth.

This is the ancient terminology of spiritual knowledge.

The Hindu's, Greeks and Egyptians warned if the soul stays trapped in this state of entropy this will cause the physical and eventual spiritual death of the individual. The way out is by freeing the soul by the magnum opus which fully transforms the soul and body into luminous being. The Light Body or Lucifer. The Greeks showed this by the symbol of octaves one in the lower state imprisoned in matter and one in the higher state transformed by spiritual light.

Lucifer is the spark of spiritual light within us that has been imprisoned by the enemy in a state of entropy. Lucifer is the serpent energy the chakra's and the nadis its the spiritual power of light and thus the light of wisdom.

Lucifer is also the Daemonic consciousness of Sophia the awakened spiritual consciousness of the individual and ones own energy which is this Daemonic consciousness. The mind purified by wisdom.

Lucifer rules the planet Venus as Venus is both the properties of the sun and moon the union of body and soul into one form. The union of male and female chakra's and nadis the inner union of the serpent. Venus is the energy of the chakra's transformed into the one the unified soul by the inner union of the soul when all the chakra's transform their energies into each other freely flowing into White Light the Light Body, Lucifer. Venus rules the currents of pranic energy of luminous ether the breath of life that flow thought the nadis, chakra's and mind the soul and being. Lucifer is the Light Body.

The ancient Gnostic's worshipped the serpent agathodaemon which means "The Good God" the symbol of Venus which is Lucifer and the name of Dionysus who is Venus to the Greeks. Dionysus was Jonnes in Greek and this is Onnes in Babylon another name of Enki and this Jonnes is Jana Pandita in the east a title of Murrgan who is called Venus as well in Sanskrit and the God which rules the Light Body teachings of Yoga in Hinduism. The sigil of Lucifer is the ancient symbol of the Agathodaemon.

The Gnostic's called Lucifer, Amor which means "Love" and stated that "Love Conquerors Death". Lucifer as the God of Love applies to Venus. Love is the inner union of opposites into one. The union of the chakra's, nadis, body and soul into the Light Body, Lucifer conquerors death with granting immortality with the Magum Opus.

The worship of the Agathodaemon was the internal worship of the inner Daemon or Lucifer, ones own luminous being with the practices of methods to awaken the serpent energy and chakra's and nadis and transform the elements of body and soul into the ascended state of the Light Body or Lucifer. Worship meant Workship on the soul. Gnosis is an ancient term for the awakened and risen serpent. The Pagan Gnostic school had four levels of initiation based on the four levels of the Magnum Opus.

The enemy in their Kabballah state they have bound the Gentiles into Malkuth which they call "The Fallen Realm of matter" this is connected to Klipoth which means husk or shell without spiritual light or energy. This is the state of entropy in matter the Jewish enemy has bound Gentiles into. This is the Demiurge the Gnostics where talking about which they called YHVH. Which is the binding spell of the enemy. By binding Gentiles into Klipoth the jews are stating they have bound all Gentiles into spiritual death. This is the realm the Jews state they have bound Lucifer into which is a code for the Gentile soul. This is also the reason for the curses on Lucifer in the New Testament as which was written by the Jews as well.

The Gnostics where using reversed Hebrew angel names to open the chakra's and raise the serpent upwards to the crown because they knew Hebrew is a binding spell to lock the Gentiles into klipoth and the way to undo a spell in Hebrew is to reverse it in Hebrew. And in their own schools one had to renounce Jesus before being allowed in. The Gnostic's did literally worship and honor Lucifer both inward and outward. One has to understand the ancient Gnostic's where Pagan schools and they read the enemies texts and being educated in the meanings of spiritual knowledge and its uses they saw right away this was an evil program to ruin and destroy humanity. And being psychically open they could still communicate with our gods and they could..... See the enemy on the astral. However some on them put up a Christian dressing in public to avoid being persecuted and being executed by the Church. The Jews who ran the Christian Church demanded the total destruction of the Gnostic's as Pagan heretics. The Catholic Church the Jewish program for their Demiurge order of global control sent entire armies against the Gnostics from France to Norway to try and wipe them out. One can still note the Dragon Churches the Gnostic's built in Norway. Lucifer is called the Dragon in the Bible.

The enemy has falsely portray Lucifer within their Christian systems of Kabbalah which is to bind Gentiles with. With the lie of Lucifer Christos the lie being Lucifer is the lower world of Malkuth the klipoth and the lower nature and Christ being Kether the higher nature on their Kabbalah tree. This is a binding spell on Lucifer meaning the Gentile who is Lucifer is bound in Klipoth and Chirst represents the realm of Kether because that in Kabbalah is the Shekinah the energy of YHVH their binding spell on Gentiles to keep Lucifer in Klipoth. Which is what these duped people are connecting themselves into their own damnation. The entire Kabbalah tree and Hebrew letters these dupes work with is designed to bind the Gentile soul [Lucifer] in Klipoth and not allow the union of the chakras, nadis and serpent to occur which is to obtain the state of Lucifer. The dupes who follow this Jewish Kabbalah system are damned to spiritual destruction.

In the grail story the Hero Percival had to renounce Christ and embrace Lucifer and the places of the dwellings of Lucifer the forests and rivers and groves and avoid churches and Christian rituals to be able to find the grail which is the Light Body of Lucifer.

The emerald that fell to earth is the spark of Lucifer imprisoned within matter the Light Body waiting, that light within is waiting to be activated and to transform you with the Magnum Opus into Lucifer. Like coal to a diamond body.


Lucifer is your destiny.
airy heavens! I vibrate le i ru (uriel backwards) into solar chakra and get feeling of wellness buzz.
occultumlapidem said:
airy heavens! I vibrate le i ru (uriel backwards) into solar chakra and get feeling of wellness buzz.
Be aware on what you vibrate in yourself, it's not like the gnostic would take random Angels name and reverse them and vibrate them...so be aware.

For us there is no need to do that, just use mantra or runes and the Final Rtr (not vibrated in the chakras but done like it should) would take care of reversing everything the jews did to our souls.
occultumlapidem said:
airy heavens! I vibrate le i ru (uriel backwards) into solar chakra and get feeling of wellness buzz.

If someone tells you to jump off a cliff, promising you it will take you to the 'real world of the spirit', will you believe it too?
Just stay with the Final RTR. I have used reverse angel names and the Final RTR is more powerful as it does everything.
they say uriel rules solar plexus. I love this reverse angel idea i want to make it into a song. I wouldn't jump off a cliff but I speak so much that one more vibration won't change much... I can create any reality I can perveive i will try more reverse angel names
The problem is for every angel you reverse the enemy energy field binding you still exists there are many dozens upon dozens of angels names many you don't know and many the Rabbi's have messed up the spellings of so lower tier jews can't access them.

If you do the Final RTR you reverse all the angel names in existence and everything else of the enemy.

occultumlapidem said:
they say uriel rules solar plexus. I love this reverse angel idea i want to make it into a song. I wouldn't jump off a cliff but I speak so much that one more vibration won't change much... I can create any reality I can perveive i will try more reverse angel names
occultumlapidem said:
they say uriel rules solar plexus. I love this reverse angel idea i want to make it into a song. I wouldn't jump off a cliff but I speak so much that one more vibration won't change much... I can create any reality I can perveive i will try more reverse angel names

The jews themselves also use 'reverse' angelic names and many of their things in 'reverse' for all sorts of purposes.

This should show how dangerous this advice is and to not follow it.

"You can create your reality" but you can also create your damnation, too.
there's so many rtrs I just like holding onto one idea and spamming it I've been doing this one Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


i like it a lot cause it almost says thoth tho-eth. can I just put this here cause I have trouble navigating to find this. but I've got this one bookmarked
Great explanation of the spiritual terms relating to the material and the spiritual worlds.

Malkuth is the fallen and bound spiritual matter.

And Klipoth is the spiritual energy of energy and light.
Klipoth is the realm of binding and destruction of Gentiles its connected to Malkuth.
The Final RTR is the only one to be done now.

occultumlapidem said:
there's so many rtrs I just like holding onto one idea and spamming it I've been doing this one Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


i like it a lot cause it almost says thoth tho-eth. can I just put this here cause I have trouble navigating to find this. but I've got this one bookmarked
occultumlapidem said:
there's so many rtrs I just like holding onto one idea and spamming it I've been doing this one Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


i like it a lot cause it almost says thoth tho-eth. can I just put this here cause I have trouble navigating to find this. but I've got this one bookmarked
I get that you are happy to be here and excited for the many meditations and Rtrs that are here but it has been said that you only have to do the Final Rtr because this is the most powerful way right now to destroy the enemy, so please follow what the HP's sayd.
HP Mageson666 wrote:

fully transforms the soul and body into luminous being.

Are there any disadvantages (we allready know)? Like a loss or change of senses (Listen, feel, taste, ), or being able to talk with voice.

To sum it up is the Magnum Opus only a upgrade?
In your case you would become immortal which means you will be asking people questions like this forever.

BMF said:
Are there any disadvantages...………..
So if reversing Hebrew negates the Jewish power, would it be appropriate to say the names of Jehova, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiak, and similar names backward.
Names backwards:
Jehova = Avohej
Jesus Christ = Tsirhc Susej
Yeshua Hamashiak = Kaihsamah Auhsey
El Shaddai = Iaddahs Le
Yahweh = hewhay
Will constantly saying these names negate their power ?
Decades ago ( i'm 47 ) a preacher said the name of Jesus is impotent ( no power ) because the masses use it with such a common, mundane attitude, even a swear word.
( maybe the Gentile's mass subconscious mind knows the name of Jesus is harmful to Gentiles so it refuses to give any power to it. )
Point being,,,, the preacher was secretly implying that we give the name power with our psychic energy.
So,,,, back on topic: Will saying these 'god' names backwards, cause them to lose their power ?
Just like the RTRs ?
HP Mageson666 said:
In your case you would become immortal which means you will be asking people questions like this forever.

BMF said:
Are there any disadvantages...………..

LOL, Omg, be nice you guys :)
HP Mageson666 said:
In your case you would become immortal which means you will be asking people questions like this forever.

I understand it, I can not contribute anything on your posts so I will stop thinking about stuff.

I will not disturb your posts any more. Have a good day HP Mageson666.
occultumlapidem said:
there's so many rtrs I just like holding onto one idea and spamming it I've been doing this one Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


i like it a lot cause it almost says thoth tho-eth. can I just put this here cause I have trouble navigating to find this. but I've got this one bookmarked

I wouldn’t act like I know better than the HPs. As they are HPs for a reason.

The final RTR reverses the Hebrew curses that are on the soul, especially when you visualize the letter(s) being destroyed while doing the Final RTR and then cleaning your soul after.

Also, the JoS already has more than enough words of power for the chakras that aren’t Hebrew. Why try to advance through reverse angelic names when you have the gentile knowledge you need to empower your soul and the ritual you need to remove the Hebrew curses.

I think members should focus more on our Gods and destroying the enemy and advancing their soul with gentile knowledge rather than potentially getting involved in enemy teachings.

Studying the enemy system is one thing, as this can be used to expose the Jews using Kaballah and magick as criminals against gentile humanity.

But it’s definitely better to stay practicing with Satanic knowledge.
HP Mageson666 said:
In your case you would become immortal which means you will be asking people questions like this forever.

BMF said:
Are there any disadvantages...………..
Wotanwarrior said:
What does it mean when in the biblical curse they call Lucifer the son of the dawn?

Possibly Venus Rising

Venus is Satan’s planet

Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer is the convergence to singularity of divine consciousness. A singular convergence is sentient and self aware.

Each action has an equal and opposite reaction, which is the hive-mind communist reptilians. They are convergence to a singularity of the negative aspect of nature. The nordics are individual, creative and proud, which reptilians resent and despise.

In Peace Be Unto Him, Satan states ‘Verily the all-merciful has assigned unto me names, the heavenly-throne, and the seat, and the heavens, and the earth.’ I believe this means that nature is all-merciful for having the law that good is stronger than evil.

This is my belief
So if someone essentially advises you to do Hebrew Kabbalah as a means to potential advancement, but just 'reverse' it, and they put some "Satan" in the justification of this as to why or how, all fine.

Might as well practice the Christianity but reverse Jehovah with Satan and sleep at ease at night you are doing Satanism or something. You do not.

Just for the record, doing these things in 'reverse', doesn't do anything positive for you, it will destroy you. Many are actually in reverse motion what the jews are doing to empower themselves, and not the front one. Another thing is they do a palindrome, and many other things like that. Even the jews themselves tell their own to not do these front or backward as they are going to ruin even them as they are purposefully corrupted.

The results and fruits of these things practiced are self-evident, and pointless.

You do not need to do kosher shit on your soul, front or backward, to attain any power. If you are with Satan, he will direct properly to what needs to do, which is unrelated to this thing. As it is useless, and above all harmful.

The Final RTR simply reverses things with the intention of blotting them out. There is no necessity for anything else.
BMF said:
HP Mageson666 said:
In your case you would become immortal which means you will be asking people questions like this forever.

I understand it, I can not contribute anything on your posts so I will stop thinking about stuff.

I will not disturb your posts any more. Have a good day HP Mageson666.
Don't get offended dude, your question with all honesty and no offense is stupid and makes no sense, it's not like we loose our material body and become some shiny thing made of energy lolz, what he means is that our soul will be perfected and with that our body and they will become shiny as sun.
I typed in " Final Reverse Torah Ritual PDF " and got the pdf download.
It has been said that this, like the other RTRs should be spammed everywhere.
Would it be appropriate to click on the link and paste it in such places as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube comment sections ?
I am assuming the energy in the RTR will have an effect as people see it.
Are there place, sites, organizations where it should not be spammed ?
I am asking because I want to do it the way it is supposed to be done.
jbkbmz said:
I typed in " Final Reverse Torah Ritual PDF " and got the pdf download.
It has been said that this, like the other RTRs should be spammed everywhere.
Would it be appropriate to click on the link and paste it in such places as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube comment sections ?
I am assuming the energy in the RTR will have an effect as people see it.
Are there place, sites, organizations where it should not be spammed ?
I am asking because I want to do it the way it is supposed to be done.

Yes, but in Jewbook, you have to be careful, as it's a surveillance network. The Final RTR Link or the RTR general page link can be spammed around if the places where you will spam are somehow jew aware. Otherwise, go for the Joy of Satan website and the related links as presented earlier, which also works strongly as this gives people reading material instantly.
I have posted quite a few Joy of Satan articles and ebooks and videos on Facebook, and so far, I have not been effected by their officials.
jbkbmz said:
I have posted quite a few Joy of Satan articles and ebooks and videos on Facebook, and so far, I have not been effected by their officials.

Just be anonymous in it and you should be fine. If you're not, then this is a problem, and if not now, it could turn later, so be careful if you have done that.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Final RTR is the only one to be done now.

occultumlapidem said:
there's so many rtrs I just like holding onto one idea and spamming it I've been doing this one Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


i like it a lot cause it almost says thoth tho-eth. can I just put this here cause I have trouble navigating to find this. but I've got this one bookmarked
I can understand the importance of this Rtr so I do only do this one daily but I have a question:does this Rtr has the power of all the other rtr ?Even the serpent one's?And if so why Satan wanted to do both the final rtr and the Kol Nindre!Shouldn't it be only The final rtr?

Sorry if those are too much questions :roll:
All of the Facebook, Twitter, and youtube posts have my real name on them.
I personally do not have anything to hide.
And what is on this website is Legal and honest so there should be no issues for anyone from Law enforcement, unless of course, America turns communist in the extreme.
But,,,, the sources of the information are all alive and well, so,,, I should have nothing to worry about, as I am just a messenger. An average citizen at that. ( How often are messengers killed ? ha ha )
But,,,,, I do NOT talk in person to family, friends, religious people, coworkers, etc about any of this.
( Even though some of them are on Facebook,, hmmm ).
I have not heard a word about any of my occult postings from anyone.
Maybe it's just me. I can get away with posting this, for now, so I use the opportunity.
What does this conversation here mean?

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
airy heavens! I vibrate le i ru (uriel backwards) into solar chakra and get feeling of wellness buzz.

If someone tells you to jump off a cliff, promising you it will take you to the 'real world of the spirit', will you believe it too?
What do people mean whenever they say that some Satanists work with the klippoth? What kind of practices does that involve? I know that it is actually a destructive form of working but I am just curious to know how some Satanists get away with working with the klippth?
They are following the enemy kabbalah and are just being reverse xians.

ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
What do people mean whenever they say that some Satanists work with the klippoth? What kind of practices does that involve? I know that it is actually a destructive form of working but I am just curious to know how some Satanists get away with working with the klippth?
You have a personal agenda here like your thread trying to discourage people from practicing power meditations and the Magnum Opus. Which is what the enemy wants people to not do as well.

BMF said:
HP Mageson666 said:
In your case you would become immortal which means you will be asking people questions like this forever.

I understand it, I can not contribute anything on your posts so I will stop thinking about stuff.

I will not disturb your posts any more. Have a good day HP Mageson666.
JayBrandon1488666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
What does it mean when in the biblical curse they call Lucifer the son of the dawn?

Possibly Venus Rising

Venus is Satan’s planet

Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer is the convergence to singularity of divine consciousness. A singular convergence is sentient and self aware.

Each action has an equal and opposite reaction, which is the hive-mind communist reptilians. They are convergence to a singularity of the negative aspect of nature. The nordics are individual, creative and proud, which reptilians resent and despise.

In Peace Be Unto Him, Satan states ‘Verily the all-merciful has assigned unto me names, the heavenly-throne, and the seat, and the heavens, and the earth.’ I believe this means that nature is all-merciful for having the law that good is stronger than evil.

This is my belief

The Dawn, Aurorae or Aurora in Latin is an ancient title for which the goddess Astarte was known, the impression that gives me is that this biblical passage apart from cursing the body of light of the Magnum Opus has a double meaning and also curses someone specific.
Νίκος said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Final RTR is the only one to be done now.

occultumlapidem said:
there's so many rtrs I just like holding onto one idea and spamming it I've been doing this one Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


i like it a lot cause it almost says thoth tho-eth. can I just put this here cause I have trouble navigating to find this. but I've got this one bookmarked
I can understand the importance of this Rtr so I do only do this one daily but I have a question:does this Rtr has the power of all the other rtr ?Even the serpent one's?And if so why Satan wanted to do both the final rtr and the Kol Nindre!Shouldn't it be only The final rtr?

Sorry if those are too much questions :roll:

The Final RTR cleans the whole space of their crap. These RTR's are specific. Stick to the Final. I also love many of the RTR's for their specific effects, but the Final RTR is the only thing that can take the enemy down in full.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Νίκος said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Final RTR is the only one to be done now.
I can understand the importance of this Rtr so I do only do this one daily but I have a question:does this Rtr has the power of all the other rtr ?Even the serpent one's?And if so why Satan wanted to do both the final rtr and the Kol Nindre!Shouldn't it be only The final rtr?

Sorry if those are too much questions :roll:

The Final RTR cleans the whole space of their crap. These RTR's are specific. Stick to the Final. I also love many of the RTR's for their specific effects, but the Final RTR is the only thing that can take the enemy down in full.
Thank you for answering HP and be sure i will keep doing it !
Those bastards have to pay for what they have done and continue doing to the Gentiles !
A lot of these posts confuse me.

1st ive read from Jos that the stories of gods are allegories, does that mean the gods are not their own entities?

2nd is lucifer an entity?

3rd if lucifer is an entity, does he bear the title of satan and is it offensive to him?

Forgive me if any of these questions are offensive, I am still learning :)

Thank you for your knowledge in advance!

awesome article! Very easy to follow for newbies like me!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
