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The Existence of Aliens Is Real - Deal With It

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It strikes as really strange how every statement made by non-jews on specific subjects, even if the same exact statements are made by jews with a mere reversal of wording, always gets through and is considered sane, but from their enemies, it's considered insane.

An example here to state is how many people are salty over the fact our Gods may influence our future once again, as they have done before, which is truly, nothing new.

Indeed, there are jews on the other side of the isle who are very aware of how their own allied aliens have affected history in manifestations clearly observable, such as how they gave them by global manipulation a literal country because of a fictitious book, and one could go hours and hours on this subject. These things however are seldom questioned because they are seldom known, and because of course, questioning such claims makes one an anti-semite.

Some people here have been getting "shocked" on the fact about the Gods influencing our history and how they are going to do such again in the close-by future. It's clever therefore to start inquiring on the alien subjects and realize that governments, officials, whole countries have been exposed to not only the existence of aliens, but also their agendas, and that this is evident even in the simplest people.

Senators Briefed On UFO's:


Trump Briefed on UFO's:


It appears at this point with all the mongrelization and forced insanity of our civilization, we are getting visited to the extent that it cannot be formally ignored anymore to the public. The public is being prepared for this as it appears it cannot be hidden anymore.

Not long ago someone posted that head military branches are literally running hundreds of millions of worth of research into these subjects including ESP and other things, all of which they pretend does not even exist. Like aliens, these do not exist to such an extent that uhm, you have to guard Area 51 and 52 more than you guard the White House, because as we can understand clearly nothing exists in there and all the claims of Roswell are all just a big fraud hoax.

There are endless speeches by reputable people, whole volumes written, and books, defectors, whistleblowers, ex-CIA agents, all of which contain at least some sort of information of experience from people of all walks of life, others more self deluded, and others not self deluded at all (Like military pilots or aircraft personnel) who are constantly under the reality of UFO's appearing in the sky without reasonable scientific or logical explanation.

The existence of aliens and their influence on our history and future is known from a simple person who does weed all the way down to the deepest parts of the CIA or the Military in Area 51 and 52, and this is something that is too well known at this point to be hidden again. We are talking people who are verified of major success, mental stability, and they are not basket cases, if one wants to get holier than thou in regards to social positions.

Yes, military commanders, leaders, reputable pilots, presidents, and all sorts of other people who are of some importance have had the "fortune" to encounter so called "Aliens".

Meditators, boozed out people, and all sorts of other more or less important individuals have seen the so called aliens for themselves, be these in altered states, or in more normal states of mind such as people who have found themselves unlucky enough to be on crash sites. Despite of all the attempts to make this whole "Alien" business sound so strange and weird, as those in power always do, the truth, even fragmented, came out, and it's well known we have company.

The same can be observed from places and paintings in Neolithic structures, but one of the most blatant manifestations was WW2 which it was impossible to be kept under blankets. If one does the correct studying, they will find out that both sides were allied with "Otherworldly" powers who were trying to impose their own view of a world - one power was holistic, natural, and was about race and societal organization in a form of natural aristocracy, the other side of the war was about multiculturalism, slavery, and essentially reducing human beings to ants, for easier exploitation and control.

Even dumb people on drugs who are literally a walking vegan, soylent, anti-nature, multicultural, new age, christianized, communist, unwashed individuals, universal love preachers, all report they are somehow in "Communication" with greys, wear shirts with them, and all the related. The infatuation here should prove that there is at least some truth to this subject.

These dumb people aside, reputable scientists, world affecting thinkers, and many other personalities have writen indepth all the way from how our evolution was manipulated and affected as a species, historically explainable phenomena for which there is no satisfying normal explanation, and many other things, which make one really wonder on if there are aliens. And the answer to any logical person would be, hmm, it's possible, and why the hell not?

Observing modern religions is also quite revealing. If one is sensible, and sees that there is clearly exploitation there and not any form of 'religion'. People strangely going around a rock by the tens of millions, if observed linearly, looks just stupid, but if you observe this from an energy standpoint, all of these people are sending energy "Somewhere", and this somewhere has clearly an alien origin and dimension, alien as in both actual aliens and also otherworldly.

Now, in regards to those who are dumb and are salty over the statement of the Gods actually affecting our history once again to help us with the enemy, and also help us go through a very overburdening stage in our evolutionary scale, this is nothing new. Nasty jews in particular on these forums have been frantic about this statement because they know it holds true.

After all, their own rabbis, as early as the 15th century, have been bragging about how they receive help from out there, how "Meroz" is a code name of a planet whose inhabitants are cursed somewhere in the galaxy by the bible, how reptilians show up to help them in meditation as Rabbi Tzadok said, how the "Greys" are their friends who manage their "Ascention" and many other statements.

Rabbi Laitman who is the top authority of Kabbalistic practice and Judaism just went in the open and simply admitted that the jews as a species, is a species that was put there by "Another world" to conquer the people of this earth and take them over. The bible itself opens up in hebrew with a very obvious statement of a plural "something" saying it created "Mankind", which jews define themselves as mankind, and the rest of the people on earth as "Goyim". As to why this is the case their top and most knowledgable sources say merely that each is of another existential source, and that they are from another alien source themselves, than the inhabitants of this world.

Whether or not these are statements of insanity, which they are clearly not, for jews to believe these things and seeing the world as it is, one understands that there is something more than insanity to all of their claims. The power of these unholy and corrupt sources which they praise, is actually manifested, way past beyond the point that one can still lie to themselves that this solely the work of a few nutcases.

Of course, the above are never questioned, all while they themselves know all of this is very well true. Most jews are not only thoroughly studied on a huge array of matters and subjects, but they also do not have these goyim mental blockages that impede them from any positive understanding.

With that being stated, the above situation is only half to lesser of a concern to us, insofar we have to do what we have to do here, and on this earth. What is going to come from above will come and our efforts are going to accelerate this.

At this point all information and all observable realities are really against the people who are foolish enough to not understand that there are "other" powers at work here, and to avoid ourselves religious terminology, we call them aliens.

And yes, they are there, they work, they operate, and they have clear distinctive agendas which are manifesting on the face of the world as we speak while humanity believes in it's own solipsism in that everything is our own making. The technological jumps that have been created and those that will come as if by 'strange inspirations' are not going to be exactly a human work, but rather, a work through humans.

The people who virulently come to tell us the Goyim here that "Aliens do not exist" and call, by such bias and brain-dead closed mindedness, all people who believe in aliens, even if these people are far more studied and aware in everyway than them, by demeaning and stupid demeanor, let us say that these people are idiots and they are going to be disproved more and more as time goes.

Google the good company also decided to wage a war on alien websites to like hide their existence and/or disprove it. What is so dangerous of looking into aliens? The fact that one will understand that there is a huge agenda and game going on, and this includes otherworldly forces. One thing may lead to another, and then people may find themselves confronted with the reality that hey, we may not be alone in what is effectively...an infinite universe.

It is a fact that aliens exist, now, of course, there is huge disinformation about the subject (A thing which started a lot from the CIA after they were gradually unmasked by whistle-blowers of being in full awareness of these things, and other happenings such as Area 51).

Even to sleeper people, the mere knowledge of living in an infinite universe as it is, the odds are far more stacked for the existence of 'aliens', than for their non existence.

One has to be stupid to not even contemplate or debate the idea of them existing, and even then, this denial means nothing.

People who want to pseudo-doubt and insist that there are no aliens, then those who meditate can see a few things better. They are entitled to this. Those people so insistent that we are alone, maybe they should go preach this on the Synagogue but over there may get up Rabbi Laitman and get up in rage to tell them that he was talking to a reptilian the other night so they need to move out for the synagogue.

Another jew may also elaborate on how 'sacrifice' to some strange alien source is required of said individual, to appease this entity with death energy. Because as we know there aren't any aliens and such when goyim question or look into their origins, but there are always aliens beyond question when jews make such claims.

All of this probably because there are no aliens, lol...

Better wake up now rather than later.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I've had my fair share of encounters, one in the waking physical world even with two ships. It's nothing short of "What the fuck?" when it happens but it's one hell of an eye-opener just how small and vulnerable the jews have made us out to be with their lies atrophying our capabilities to nil and weakening us to primarily material beings with only so much influence on the astral.

That's why it is important to empower and exercise your spiritual abilities and open your chakras, work towards raising the kundalini, because physical weapons aren't going to be enough 'out there'.
I updates the article and added two news updates for people who may be a bit skeptical here:

Senators Briefed On UFO's:


Trump Briefed on UFO's:


Its okay guys those who are cucks and cannot accept it, it is fine. Just stay sleeping though and do not send me emails questioning if the Gods or other aliens are out there, because clearly there are, or if they will do and what, as they are clearly taking strolls and the public is prepared to come to face this fact.

May take a decade or two, but it will come.

For those disbelieving they will have a rude awakening.

I doubt top US Navy officials are retards, but I have every reason to believe random overly doubting and afraid people can be purely idiotic at this point. If one thinks of this linearly, it is obvious that the words of these people have even to a sleeping NPC.

Soon the existence of aliens will become a quite casual topic that people will have to accept. The same goes for accepting the existence the reptilian jew and his alien agenda on earth.

This statement may sound on edge now but just wait another 10 years.
When someone has to brief the president for it and also for this meeting to leak to the news, it means politically that they are losing the war to keep the information contained anymore so they try now to control the narrative instead.

We are past the "whomever believes in aliens is a basket case" as information flow has discredited their attempts to just label people nutcases.

It should also be obvious that youtube being the biggest visual information platform, aside the so called "bigots" also banned a huge amount of alien investiation channels, alternative science channels, and all sorts of other sources of information.

The Goyim Know. That is final and there is no reversing that.
Ummm No HP, I tink da humanz built da ancient pyramidz and structures by dem selfs xD. Lol
With 13 I saw a UFO I can not explain the shape but it was like a fishing net with cubes in it.
It was around 20meters away from me.
Nobody believed me lol
What you guys think about the book called "Secret book of alien races" https://archive.org/details/alien_race_book-ARB
Is it legit?
NinRick said:
With 13 I saw a UFO I can not explain the shape but it was like a fishing net with cubes in it.
It was around 20meters away from me.
Nobody believed me lol
When I was at a similar age (10 - 15, not sure when it happened exactly) I was in the back of our car checking out the scenery and I saw a UFO floating over a house we drove by. It was a small one, maybe 1-2 meters in diameter. Nobody believed me either, though I'm not entirely sure if I was just imagining things or not.
Shael said:
NinRick said:
With 13 I saw a UFO I can not explain the shape but it was like a fishing net with cubes in it.
It was around 20meters away from me.
Nobody believed me lol
When I was at a similar age (10 - 15, not sure when it happened exactly) I was in the back of our car checking out the scenery and I saw a UFO floating over a house we drove by. It was a small one, maybe 1-2 meters in diameter. Nobody believed me either, though I'm not entirely sure if I was just imagining things or not.

At this point I believe many people and individuals have had at least some experience of a UFO like thing, and in particular even serious people.

What has been done a lot if purposefully degrading these experiences and playing them out as insane, or people writing a lot of lies in order to have somehow profit, but there are endless people who have no profit at all whatsoever on this. They are also considered crazy if they say this, but what happens when actually the government itself starts going out in the open about it? What is the card then? That all the Navy commanders are just dumb potheads?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At this point I believe many people and individuals have had at least some experience of a UFO like thing, and in particular even serious people.
While we are at the topic. I never shared this with anyone because it was really weird and I always thought I was just delusional or something.
About a year ago or so, I was sleeping and got woken up by very weird noises and lights outside the window (my windows have blinds, but some light shone through), and I felt heavy and sleepy so despite wanting to check it out, a mixture of weird tiredness and fear stopped me from doing so. This was in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep.
The sounds are hard to describe. It sounded like some kind of mixture of a vacuum cleaner and an AC unit, though this still doesnt describe it in full accuracy. It sounded like it was hovering around my window and then after a few minutes or so it moved towards another house.
I just wrote it off as a dream, but I'm 100% sure I was actually awake at that time. No idea what the hell that thing was doing though.
Louis Cyphre said:
What you guys think about the book called "Secret book of alien races" https://archive.org/details/alien_race_book-ARB
Is it legit?

Quite a bit of it has vast information, but ultimately there is some things that need to be disregarded in it. They put greys and reptilians as always in bad light as they should be. You can ask some of the gods regarding this book. They can clarify some things up.
Louis Cyphre said:
What you guys think about the book called "Secret book of alien races" https://archive.org/details/alien_race_book-ARB
Is it legit?

This contains too many "categorizations" let alone this is definitely not the actual Russian Intel book, it would not be online.

Many of these categorizations are just not even existing.

Most "alien races" that could "potentially" exist are of no importance as most of the alien scene is a big jewish CIA circus, yet in it there is the stimulus to accept a few things for people who seek the truth to look further. That's it.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At this point I believe many people and individuals have had at least some experience of a UFO like thing, and in particular even serious people.
While we are at the topic. I never shared this with anyone because it was really weird and I always thought I was just delusional or something.
About a year ago or so, I was sleeping and got woken up by very weird noises and lights outside the window (my windows have blinds, but some light shone through), and I felt heavy and sleepy so despite wanting to check it out, a mixture of weird tiredness and fear stopped me from doing so. This was in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep.
The sounds are hard to describe. It sounded like some kind of mixture of a vacuum cleaner and an AC unit, though this still doesnt describe it in full accuracy. It sounded like it was hovering around my window and then after a few minutes or so it moved towards another house.
I just wrote it off as a dream, but I'm 100% sure I was actually awake at that time. No idea what the hell that thing was doing though.

During some dreams, rarely, one will experience something as if being awake in an astrally perceiving state. This sounds a lot like an experience of that state.

Astrally speaking the enemy does harass mass populations, on a very frequent basis.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
During some dreams, rarely, one will experience something as if being awake in an astrally perceiving state. This sounds a lot like an experience of that state.

Astrally speaking the enemy does harass mass populations, on a very frequent basis.
I see, thanks for clearing it up ^^
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
During some dreams, rarely, one will experience something as if being awake in an astrally perceiving state. This sounds a lot like an experience of that state.

Astrally speaking the enemy does harass mass populations, on a very frequent basis.
I see, thanks for clearing it up ^^
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At this point I believe many people and individuals have had at least some experience of a UFO like thing, and in particular even serious people.
While we are at the topic. I never shared this with anyone because it was really weird and I always thought I was just delusional or something.
About a year ago or so, I was sleeping and got woken up by very weird noises and lights outside the window (my windows have blinds, but some light shone through), and I felt heavy and sleepy so despite wanting to check it out, a mixture of weird tiredness and fear stopped me from doing so. This was in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep.
The sounds are hard to describe. It sounded like some kind of mixture of a vacuum cleaner and an AC unit, though this still doesnt describe it in full accuracy. It sounded like it was hovering around my window and then after a few minutes or so it moved towards another house.
I just wrote it off as a dream, but I'm 100% sure I was actually awake at that time. No idea what the hell that thing was doing though.

During some dreams, rarely, one will experience something as if being awake in an astrally perceiving state. This sounds a lot like an experience of that state.

Astrally speaking the enemy does harass mass populations, on a very frequent basis.

In every encounter I've had with the enemy, primarily greys, both dreaming and awake there is always this accompanying sound of electrical noises. I recall and have written down a lucid dream where the gods were answering a question I had asked prior to sleeping that night, at some point the enemy seemed to have pulled me away. There was this very distorted electrical noise in the air that kept growing louder and more distorted, when I looked to the source it was coming from a grey ship that was slowly approaching and lowering towards me. A beam was coming out from below the ship but as they were almost over top of me I was ripped out of the dream state and woke up in my bed.

Then a few months back I can't remember exactly what I was doing but I think I was researching and reading things in Satan's Library. I'd known for a long time that my old speakers would pick up signals and radio waves, I would always hear the faint sound of radio stations and radio talk shows whenever I wasn't listening to music or having any sounds from the internet playing. A very sharp and quite loud electrical interference went off that startled me in the late hours of the night, it was filled with very weird warbled and distorted, what I can only describe as, voices that I didn't understand the language of. It sounded like something straight out of a sci-fi horror movie. I still don't know what they said to this day, not that I really care much, it was likely some kind of threat.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
What you guys think about the book called "Secret book of alien races" https://archive.org/details/alien_race_book-ARB
Is it legit?

This contains too many "categorizations" let alone this is definitely not the actual Russian Intel book, it would not be online.

Many of these categorizations are just not even existing.

Most "alien races" that could "potentially" exist are of no importance as most of the alien scene is a big jewish CIA circus, yet in it there is the stimulus to accept a few things for people who seek the truth to look further. That's it.

Thank you for reply.
Most of info in the book is probably falsified in order to confuse people.
Ramier108666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
What you guys think about the book called "Secret book of alien races" https://archive.org/details/alien_race_book-ARB
Is it legit?

Quite a bit of it has vast information, but ultimately there is some things that need to be disregarded in it. They put greys and reptilians as always in bad light as they should be. You can ask some of the gods regarding this book. They can clarify some things up.
Thanks. I'll try.
There are people who think others want to believe in aliens coming here because these people are just bored. My response to that is if thats true that people are bored then just wait until they know the truth. The lazy fat losers are gonna freak out seeing that one side, the jews and their reptallian masters, wants them to be slaves in the worst sense of the word and the other side, our beautiful and amazing gods, promotes being the best you can be and only those types are worthy to go up in the social ladder of a spiritual society. They're probably gonna want to go back to being bored smoking weed and playing their Xbox for 16 hours straight LMAO.

Regardless anyone who's intelligent but without understands that aliens do exist as the mathematics show that it's way more possible than it's not. It'll be a while until it's shown to the whole world but until then it's up to us to provide the clear evidence of who these aliens are by providing the information we have. Which shows beyond all doubt that these aliens not only know about us but have been here as well.
Ghost in the Machine said:
In every encounter I've had with the enemy, primarily greys, both dreaming and awake there is always this accompanying sound of electrical noises. I recall and have written down a lucid dream where the gods were answering a question I had asked prior to sleeping that night, at some point the enemy seemed to have pulled me away. There was this very distorted electrical noise in the air that kept growing louder and more distorted, when I looked to the source it was coming from a grey ship that was slowly approaching and lowering towards me. A beam was coming out from below the ship but as they were almost over top of me I was ripped out of the dream state and woke up in my bed.

Then a few months back I can't remember exactly what I was doing but I think I was researching and reading things in Satan's Library. I'd known for a long time that my old speakers would pick up signals and radio waves, I would always hear the faint sound of radio stations and radio talk shows whenever I wasn't listening to music or having any sounds from the internet playing. A very sharp and quite loud electrical interference went off that startled me in the late hours of the night, it was filled with very weird warbled and distorted, what I can only describe as, voices that I didn't understand the language of. It sounded like something straight out of a sci-fi horror movie. I still don't know what they said to this day, not that I really care much, it was likely some kind of threat.
I've always been able to pick up traces of energy in many forms through hearing. This goes for both environmental energy (like if I vibrate a mantra), and also for electronical energy (from plugged-in electronical devices). In one dream I had like 2 years ago, the enemy tried to all-out kill me. I was dreaming of some kind of building, and the roof was collapsing fully in some weird way (it didn't "break" down, but rather lowered itself slowly like in some videogame autoscrolling level). In this dream I was manipulated to stay there and not move, as the ceiling was about to crush me. Once it reached my head and pushed down from there, I heard an insanely loud, high-pitched sound. Louder than anything I have ever heard before. I snapped out of the dream and woke up. I was lying there not moving a muscle, just observing this incredibly loud sound that was still going on. After about maybe 30 more seconds, it stopped. I'm assuming that my GDs took care of the enemy(s) that had attacked me.

And also, most people I've told about this just wrote it off as "tinitus", but I disproved this already. One time where I was at my old job, we had a region-wide electricity blackout. Every single electronic device in a 10km+ radius was dead. During this time, I had an indescribable sense of relaxation and peace, because for the first time in my life there was no high-pitched sound whatsoever.
Interestingly enough, I also noticed that everyone else in the office was suddenly in a much better mood when it happened. They were usually irritated and grumpy, but during this incident they looked genuinely happy, like a switch had been flipped the second that the electricity was gone. This makes me think that perhaps the enemy has already deployed methods to affect our emotional state based on electronic devices in some way.
hailourtruegod said:
There are people who think others want to believe in aliens coming here because these people are just bored. My response to that is if thats true that people are bored then just wait until they know the truth. The lazy fat losers are gonna freak out seeing that one side, the jews and their reptallian masters, wants them to be slaves in the worst sense of the word and the other side, our beautiful and amazing gods, promotes being the best you can be and only those types are worthy to go up in the social ladder of a spiritual society. They're probably gonna want to go back to being bored smoking weed and playing their Xbox for 16 hours straight LMAO.

Regardless anyone who's intelligent but without understands that aliens do exist as the mathematics show that it's way more possible than it's not. It'll be a while until it's shown to the whole world but until then it's up to us to provide the clear evidence of who these aliens are by providing the information we have. Which shows beyond all doubt that these aliens not only know about us but have been here as well.
Even before becoming a SS i always thought that the aliens existed because it's logical to think that of there are so many planets out there then it's impossible that we are the only ones in the universe. While others always said that didn't exist but just because that was the most popular opinion...some people's are too sheeps and cannot think with their own brain.
the pentagon two weeks ago realsed to fox news that they have been studiing and watching ufo's we can think the rtrs for that
hail satan
hail to the god's of hell
hail andras
luis said:
hailourtruegod said:

Even before becoming a SS i always thought that the aliens existed because it's logical to think that of there are so many planets out there then it's impossible that we are the only ones in the universe. While others always said that didn't exist but just because that was the most popular opinion...some people's are too sheeps and cannot think with their own brain.

I had never thought of anything like aliens when I was indoctrinated into the xian lifestyle as a little kid, I was so shut in to believe that the universe wasn't big at all and existence only went as far as our solar system, all the distant dots of stars were just an image or a 'skybox' if you will. I had believed that outside of this 'skybox' was 'heaven' and 'hell' with 'heaven' above and 'hell' below and that we were watched every second of our lives by 'big brother gawd'.

As a JoS member for 8 years I still find myself extremely ecstatic to know that this shit isn't so, that there is so much endless possibilities out there. I also find myself on random days feeling emotional over the fact that we aren't actually alone, that our gods look after us and help us, and that being human isn't the loneliest thing like it's preached to be by some, that we have allies and others 'out there' that care for us as a species. Finding out that aliens exist was the best thing to ever happen to me because it opened my eyes so much to the real universe.
Ghost in the Machine said:
luis said:
hailourtruegod said:

Even before becoming a SS i always thought that the aliens existed because it's logical to think that of there are so many planets out there then it's impossible that we are the only ones in the universe. While others always said that didn't exist but just because that was the most popular opinion...some people's are too sheeps and cannot think with their own brain.

I had never thought of anything like aliens when I was indoctrinated into the xian lifestyle as a little kid, I was so shut in to believe that the universe wasn't big at all and existence only went as far as our solar system, all the distant dots of stars were just an image or a 'skybox' if you will. I had believed that outside of this 'skybox' was 'heaven' and 'hell' with 'heaven' above and 'hell' below and that we were watched every second of our lives by 'big brother gawd'.

As a JoS member for 8 years I still find myself extremely ecstatic to know that this shit isn't so, that there is so much endless possibilities out there. I also find myself on random days feeling emotional over the fact that we aren't actually alone, that our gods look after us and help us, and that being human isn't the loneliest thing like it's preached to be by some, that we have allies and others 'out there' that care for us as a species. Finding out that aliens exist was the best thing to ever happen to me because it opened my eyes so much to the real universe.
Well i guess it was easier for me because i never really was a xian. My parents (wich they are not xian but usualy did things because of it's tradition, like sending me to do comunion and all that stuff wich when i told them that i didn't want to do them they let me not do them) never really forced me. But in general i never like xianity and always find it disgusting.
:lol: haha haha
Those kakablah sessions must be doing their magic.
Let me guess?
Not enough attention in the synagogue?

Don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time.

Rejoin666 said:
help me :cry: rabbi shlomo shekelsteinberg doesn’t give me enough attention :cry:
Rejoin666 said:
So go crying back to your rabbi, you worthless insect, and maybe he will redo your circumcision for you, you castrated parasite. And don't forget to get your HIV and Measles from him when he sucks your mutilated genitals, you weak and diseased eunuch. But I expect you'll be happy and excited when you read this since all these things are so normal and natural for your alien worthless viral species.

Your "god" is fake. Just worthless mindless weak lizards and insects in their retarded hive mind insect action. How many tens of thousands of different genetic diseases is your species prone to having? To the point that having even a single drop of your species's DNA is the automatic cause to assume having any or all of these tens of thousands of genetic diseases? Because you are nothing more than a virus created by retarded lizards who are too worthless and stupid to be able to make a correctly functioning and healthy species.

Compare that with my species, perfect in every way and a reflection of the true gods themselves. Creators of interstellar interplanetary civilizations, technology, and scientific advancements that you could never even imagine. My species is a reflection of our creators, in the same way that your species is a reflection of your creators, so the difference between us is easy to see. My species moves upward and outward in advancement and creation, while your species moves downward and inward in degradation and destruction. All you are is from 22 cursed unnatural letters and nothing more, but my people are from universal order and nature itself. Keep crying, and we will keep erasing your 22 letters. And all your species's guilt, crimes, and evil karma throughout history is now returning to you and falling right back onto you, so have fun with that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rejoin666 said:

The jewish troll Axaru is still around here, I think you could take advantage of your nose using it as a pick to dig.
Apprentice said:
Rejoin666 a.k.a jewish rat said:
The last few days have been rough on me, too but damn! This fuck got really twisted.

Only that you are legitimate and he is just a nutcase troll that has posted a video in which his nose probably extends around 30 feet.

After this post he also begged Satan for mercy in that he said "please leave me alone and I will leave you alone".

I by mistake approved the filth's message but it's useful to know that he has been around for a while. It got purged. Thanks also for the cover and the report on his shitty worthless post.

Jews have this sickness about Satan, they have to defame and curse Him, while also kissing ass to avoid destruction. Cockroach behavior.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I by mistake approved the filth's message but it's useful to know that he has been around for a while. It got purged. Thanks also for the cover and the report on his shitty worthless post.

Jews have this sickness about Satan, they have to defame and curse Him, while also kissing ass to avoid destruction. Cockroach behavior.
Those fucking rats. Could someone please also remove that abusive quote from 6zeliris6lalibratum6 post?
I heard this mental retard for a minute on one of his videos,
Already started with hating humanity, calling us goyim
and going to ka ka land in his “astral projections”
And our fault for him losing his imagination.
There’s more retards like him in the comments.
It’s a waste of time to bother.
Gave me a good laugh and motivation for sure.

Forces of Satan's Storms said:
Rejoin666 said:
So go crying back to your rabbi, you worthless insect, and maybe he will redo your circumcision for you, you castrated parasite. And don't forget to get your HIV and Measles from him when he sucks your mutilated genitals, you weak and diseased eunuch. But I expect you'll be happy and excited when you read this since all these things are so normal and natural for your alien worthless viral species.

Your "god" is fake. Just worthless mindless weak lizards and insects in their retarded hive mind insect action. How many tens of thousands of different genetic diseases is your species prone to having? To the point that having even a single drop of your species's DNA is the automatic cause to assume having any or all of these tens of thousands of genetic diseases? Because you are nothing more than a virus created by retarded lizards who are too worthless and stupid to be able to make a correctly functioning and healthy species.

Compare that with my species, perfect in every way and a reflection of the true gods themselves. Creators of interstellar interplanetary civilizations, technology, and scientific advancements that you could never even imagine. My species is a reflection of our creators, in the same way that your species is a reflection of your creators, so the difference between us is easy to see. My species moves upward and outward in advancement and creation, while your species moves downward and inward in degradation and destruction. All you are is from 22 cursed unnatural letters and nothing more, but my people are from universal order and nature itself. Keep crying, and we will keep erasing your 22 letters. And all your species's guilt, crimes, and evil karma throughout history is now returning to you and falling right back onto you, so have fun with that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apprentice said:
Rejoin666 a.k.a jewish rat said:
The last few days have been rough on me, too but damn! This fuck got really twisted.

Only that you are legitimate and he is just a nutcase troll that has posted a video in which his nose probably extends around 30 feet.

After this post he also begged Satan for mercy in that he said "please leave me alone and I will leave you alone".

I by mistake approved the filth's message but it's useful to know that he has been around for a while. It got purged. Thanks also for the cover and the report on his shitty worthless post.

Jews have this sickness about Satan, they have to defame and curse Him, while also kissing ass to avoid destruction. Cockroach behavior.
I began to spread this forum on popular alien videos or videos about ancient civilization, yeah, there are scums who accessed this forum, well maybe we will have some good people too.
LightAlgur said:
Motherfucker has a picture of a grey/human hybrid on jewtube.
Go figure. :lol:

These things are good for lolz but spending more time is irrelevant, as the enemy is deal with so these minions will also.

Clear cut insanity is a symptom of this.
Forces of Satan's Storms said:
Rejoin666 said:
So go crying back to your rabbi, you worthless insect, and maybe he will redo your circumcision for you, you castrated parasite. And don't forget to get your HIV and Measles from him when he sucks your mutilated genitals, you weak and diseased eunuch. But I expect you'll be happy and excited when you read this since all these things are so normal and natural for your alien worthless viral species.

Your "god" is fake. Just worthless mindless weak lizards and insects in their retarded hive mind insect action. How many tens of thousands of different genetic diseases is your species prone to having? To the point that having even a single drop of your species's DNA is the automatic cause to assume having any or all of these tens of thousands of genetic diseases? Because you are nothing more than a virus created by retarded lizards who are too worthless and stupid to be able to make a correctly functioning and healthy species.

Compare that with my species, perfect in every way and a reflection of the true gods themselves. Creators of interstellar interplanetary civilizations, technology, and scientific advancements that you could never even imagine. My species is a reflection of our creators, in the same way that your species is a reflection of your creators, so the difference between us is easy to see. My species moves upward and outward in advancement and creation, while your species moves downward and inward in degradation and destruction. All you are is from 22 cursed unnatural letters and nothing more, but my people are from universal order and nature itself. Keep crying, and we will keep erasing your 22 letters. And all your species's guilt, crimes, and evil karma throughout history is now returning to you and falling right back onto you, so have fun with that! :lol: :lol: :lol:

beauteous… summary
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For those disbelieving they will have a rude awakening.
I'm quite interested to hear about this. What exactly will happen with those braindead people after the Gods will come? Why will it be a "rude" awakening?
I guess we will have also major roles in restoring the ancient order on the planet.
If one studies history people in Europe knew about ET's openly and talked about sky ships and such. It was the Catholic Church by order to all Bishops, that all mention of ET's was removed and repressed in European society. That still did not work as numerous painting attest to and the amount of UFO activity reported was major. The event in Nuremburg in 1561, the entire city stated it witnessed a battle in the air between UFO's:

The ancient cultures that are still in existence in the America's, the Amerindians talk about different races of Star People and different interactions with them for thousands of years.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
