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The Eur-Africa Agenda In Action - Extremely Important

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people are not aware of this, as it is beyond their wildest imaginations, and nobody sane can believe that it's actually happening, but it is.

The head of the Jewish Kalergi Bureacracy of the EU, is planning, and is creating slowly, the system through which they will push to make Africa and Europe into one, singular continent. This they consider and give the jewish excuse that will happen "As a necessity" because of African migration to Europe.

They do not secure any borders for this reason, and this is why there is all this aggression on Salvini, and so much strict control on Greece. These are the two countries that if they have safe borders, Europe cannot be racially assaulted. Likewise, both countries are treated with contempt, scruinity, and harsh judging. Both Italy and Greece almost went bankrupt twice, but in the case of Italy, they cannot take it down due to the weight of it's trillion range dollar economy.

Macron in particular is a central figure in the Eurafrica debate. The jews have turned Paris and France in an African, Muslim colony. Much of Africa speaks French, because of "Colonialism" and for other reasons. Of course for the jews what kinds of servants they have below them, or what color, it doesn't matter. So they consider to bring more and more Africans in Europe, until the plan reaches a conclusion where they will start advocating 'closer and closer' links between Africa and Europe, to the point they want to merge the continents.

The Jew are laying the legal framework on how they will try to make this happen.

I mean we all can tell that this below is really a Brazzers movie, as for the script, you can understand what it is. Macron's ass has to decide the future of Europe? I think not.


Now, on a more serious note.

The plan will be as following -> Endless "Migration" they pretend they can't control -> Kalergi browning of local European populations -> Bolstering of anything with a dark skin with socialism and free shekels, free housing, free job and work hyper-ascendance opportunities -> All of the above whilist creating an "Afro-European identity". At the end of this process, they will try to unite the two continents, and create Eurafrica.

At least this is how Rabbi Macron envisions it, so when he is 90 years old, he can finally have at least 5 young "black bulls" to do him while he praises himself for his "Political Genius".

When Hitler was talking about on how the jews want to extinct the European race with black people, they thought he was insane. Now this reality is literally in front of us. When Germany lost WW1, the Rhur territory in Germany was being infested with so called "Foreign labor" that was replacing the natives. By a huge coincidence, all of it was African labor, from the "French" imported by the French. These were put and housed there so they would marry and replace the native population. Germans back when were extremely dis-tasted for this, but now this is the reality of the whole of Europe.

In modern "European Union" thought, this is called the "Kalergi Plan". Kalergi's, a mixed person himself, half jew and half japanese crypto, and member of the Bnai'Brith lodge in Europe, and later on he became also a personal friend to Rothschild. He created the ideas to make Europe a mixed amalgamation between Black and White people, to restore a "Negroid Egyptian Hybrid". This was to be done by a central, jew ruled, megastate above Europe, which would bring the progressive assimilation of the European people.


European Bureaucrats get awarded if they act in that regard and in that direction, with the "Coudenhofe Kalergi Reward". Merkel and many others have been nominated and got this reward, for supporting and putting the political framework of imposition of these ideals.


Rabbi Macron, in is own words. Let us also say that he is the most unsuccessful and hated president that France has had in a while, and most of his country wants him gone and to disappear. He is ruling his African Gulag like a tyrant:


‘Bombshell’ population growth in Africa means Europe is entering an “unprecedented” age of mass migration, Emmanuel Macron has said, asserting that the two continents’ destinies are “bound”.

“The migratory phenomenon we are facing will be historic,” declared the French president in a television appearance Sunday night, when he announced that “great poverty”, “climate change”, and “geopolitical conflicts” will see Africans flooding into Europe “for many years to come”.

To back up his point, Macron pointed to “bombshell” population gr0wth across the third world continent, which he added has been “tremendously well described” by French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith in a recent book.

“[Africans] are mostly turning to Europe because the continent [of Europe] is not an island, because of our location, and because Europe has its destiny bound with Africa,” stated the vehemently pro-EU French figure during a two-hour long interview.

Smith, the Africa expert to whom Macron referred during his appearance on BFMTV, estimates that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.

[My note here - European population, with all these figures included, is about 320 million, without counting in as a region Russia. They plan to have 1 in 2 people as Black people by 2040. At the same time, in the USA, the jews project that the native White population will be around 50% of the total population of the country. ]

The plan to extinct White people is loud, clear, and comes from people who have noses such as this one below:


Recently, the jews passed legislation to destroy the Free Internet in Europe. This is a very important step in cutting all the flow of information in Europe for what is to follow on the next decades.

On the dying of the internet:


Recently, the legal framework for this is also coming up, to pay "Reparations", to "Promote Black People", ascend them in positions of power etc [Below a copy of the official EU Legal Framework for this]:


"A. whereas the term ‘people of African descent’ may also be used with ‘Afro-European’, ‘African European’, ‘Black European’, ‘Afro-Caribbean’ or ‘Black-Caribbean’, and refers to people of African ancestry or descent who are born in, citizens of, or living in Europe;

B. whereas the terms ‘Afrophobia’, ‘Afri-phobia’ and ‘anti-black racism’ refer to a specific form of racism, including any act of violence or discrimination, fuelled by historical abuses and negative stereotyping, and leading to the exclusion and dehumanisation of people of African descent; whereas this correlates to historically repressive structures of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, as recognised by the Council of Europe’s High Commissioner for Human Rights;"

[... Here is how they will catapult black people in power in Europe, by so called excuses of "Participation". Get ready for a Blacker future for Europe...]

22. Calls on the Member States to address discrimination against people of African descent in the housing market and take concrete steps to address inequalities in access to housing, as well as ensuring adequate housing;

23. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure – taking into account existing legislation and practices – safe and legal avenues for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to enter the EU;

24. Calls on the Commission and the European External Action Service to effectively ensure that no EU funds are being made available, or any support or collaboration given to organisations or groups engaged in or connected to enslavement, trafficking and torture or to extortion directed at Black and African migrants;

25. Calls for the European institutions to adopt a workforce diversity and inclusion strategy that establishes a strategic plan for the participation of ethnic and racial minorities in their workforce that complements existing efforts to this end;

26. Calls on European parties and political foundations, as well as parliaments at all levels in the EU, to support and develop initiatives encouraging the political participation of people of African descent;

27. Calls on the Commission to closely liaise with international actors such as the OSCE, the UN, the African Union and the Council of Europe, as well as other international partners, in order to combat Afrophobia at international level;

28. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the parliaments and governments of the Member States and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Please distribute this message to everyone, and spread it across thinking and non-braindead Europeans.

Everyone, we must keep up the RTR's at strong pace now. The enemy will collapse. We just have to keep at it.


On power dates. As we progress they will be done more and more frequently. This is planned.
Good to know how much Salvini can get done, at least on the land migration front in keeping those types out of Europe.

To be honest, any European that is not brain-dead should know the EU's agenda is race-mixing. The Internet exists, anyone can see pictures of how many of the European countries capitals have more Muslims or Africans in them than the natives of the country. Just how brainwashed do you have to be to despise your whole existence, everything you got from your ancestors, and wish for it to all disappear? The logical extension of this would be if these people encountered vastly different aliens on other planets, who wished to move to earth in great numbers, they would then say it's ok for the abstract 'Humanity' they are attached to to vanish and be mixed away into some even more different offspring. Meanwhile, nobody even thinks about the most mundane facts, that rapid race mixing is just unsafe, all throughout nature. For all they know these mixed masses they want to produce will all go infertile and extinct. And in any case, they know at the least their own race and nation have been sustainable for a good time period, so why throw everything to the wind and let random chaos decide everything?

These people are basically in denial because they are unable to handle the fact that there is obviously a passive element to human existence, not just an active one. You do not just exist as a blank slate, you receive traits from your ancestors. Everyone already knows this is a fact, with their parents, whose personalities and traits they will somewhat inherit. So obviously when you have a population group isolated from outside mixing for a long period of time they will become substantially different from others. If the Out of Africa theory were true, it would actually prove the opposite of what liberals want, namely that evolution due to environment can be incredibly rapid and produce extremely substantial changes in the period of mere 10s of thousands of years, going from a variant similar to Homo Erectus to something as different as the different modern European Whites. The Nordic Aliens inevitably shared a common ancestor with some sort of primate species, but clearly, they are very different now from primates. But nonetheless, regardless of logic, liberals will refuse to believe in the importance of inherited traits, all the while believing in Original Sin or disbelieving in free will, full of contradictions, and too much emotional hysteria from the media to withstand thinking for a period of more than 5 Minutes.
These people are truly non violent and very very very oppressedz

Swiss-armed, US-trained: Maltese response team behind raid on migrant-hijacked ship (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

3 arrested after pizza delivery driver found shot dead

Two charged with rape over British girls' Ghana attack
Excellent sermon, as always Commander. I have two questions. 1. Why awaken the races with Othal Sowilo Ansuz and not with Othal Isa Thurisaz Hagl? 2. It is a good thing to expose and denounce the enemy and their destructive plans against us. The question is: Why don't we curse the enemy and their plans? For example, racial mixing. I mean, you don't just have to use good manners. An idea, use the enemy and fry it right. An excellent thing to do is curse the enemy to come out totally and completely in the open. It would be very funny. In short, from all the things we can do, we just do a ritual or two and report them to nausea. As for reporting them, it's best to curse them for coming out. They must be ruined and destroyed. We attack. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pan-European Union? PEU? Peughmann? Oh, it fits!

The following video is on Dropbox. You don't have to log-in to view it; just click the "no thanks" link below. You can also change the dl=0 at the end of the link to dl=1 to download the file directly.

Europe will be diverse - Frans Timmermans -

Also see this -
...and just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
~Daniel 2:43

For more regarding this and related things, visit my @Le_CRIF thread -
Gray0123456789 said:
Excellent sermon, as always Commander. I have two questions. 1. Why awaken the races with Othal Sowilo Ansuz and not with Othal Isa Thurisaz Hagl? 2. It is a good thing to expose and denounce the enemy and their destructive plans against us. The question is: Why don't we curse the enemy and their plans? For example, racial mixing. I mean, you don't just have to use good manners. An idea, use the enemy and fry it right. An excellent thing to do is curse the enemy to come out totally and completely in the open. It would be very funny. In short, from all the things we can do, we just do a ritual or two and report them to nausea. As for reporting them, it's best to curse them for coming out. They must be ruined and destroyed. We attack. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY

The enemy has hundreds or many thousands of individual and smaller curses placed on anything and anyone.

If the whole shit of theirs doesn't go down, one by one, things can't get fixed.

You either uninstall their program completely, or you can't remove shit one by one. It will take 500 years that way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
Excellent sermon, as always Commander. I have two questions. 1. Why awaken the races with Othal Sowilo Ansuz and not with Othal Isa Thurisaz Hagl? 2. It is a good thing to expose and denounce the enemy and their destructive plans against us. The question is: Why don't we curse the enemy and their plans? For example, racial mixing. I mean, you don't just have to use good manners. An idea, use the enemy and fry it right. An excellent thing to do is curse the enemy to come out totally and completely in the open. It would be very funny. In short, from all the things we can do, we just do a ritual or two and report them to nausea. As for reporting them, it's best to curse them for coming out. They must be ruined and destroyed. We attack. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY

The enemy has hundreds or many thousands of individual and smaller curses placed on anything and anyone.

If the whole shit of theirs doesn't go down, one by one, things can't get fixed.

You either uninstall their program completely, or you can't remove shit one by one. It will take 500 years that way.

Of course! Agree with HP!

Their filthy alphabet is the ROOT. It has been discussed many times that the 22 hebrew letters form their shitty YHVH. So by reversing the hebrew alphabet we are going to extirpate them actually...
It is not a coincidence that this ritual is called "Final" RTR. :)

So the answer is yes, we are fucking cursing the enemy and their plans too by our Final RTR.
Not very long time ago I've been to a city in London. I can say that is beyond any salvation. No doubt there are more africans and indians than whites, and by whites I mean also the foreign whites, like a big number of romanians and maybe polish people. Also I've been to a big clothing supermarket and I can say 90% of the staff was only africans. What was however surprising is that I've seen only a few mixed couples, maybe maximum 6 or 7. Most blacks were with their own and whites with their own. Anyway the situation there is horrible and I think over half of London is in the same condition. Everybody says that city is very notoriuous and I think even the natives tried and tries to escape from that multiculturalistic cage.
The Alchemist7 said:
Not very long time ago I've been to a city in London. I can say that is beyond any salvation. No doubt there are more africans and indians than whites, and by whites I mean also the foreign whites, like a big number of romanians and maybe polish people. Also I've been to a big clothing supermarket and I can say 90% of the staff was only africans. What was however surprising is that I've seen only a few mixed couples, maybe maximum 6 or 7. Most blacks were with their own and whites with their own. Anyway the situation there is horrible and I think over half of London is in the same condition. Everybody says that city is very notoriuous and I think even the natives tried and tries to escape from that multiculturalistic cage.

London has accelerated into this, it's too far gone of a city. The only thing that is intact is actually the buildings, from a racial perspective, London has went too far into this, and behind it follows Paris.

Basically these cities are like only White in architecture right now, and in what has remained off of whitey in these, and the natives who are like living in a ghetto in their own home-towns and country capitals.

In some places in both Paris and London it's simply just ghetto.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Not very long time ago I've been to a city in London. I can say that is beyond any salvation. No doubt there are more africans and indians than whites, and by whites I mean also the foreign whites, like a big number of romanians and maybe polish people. Also I've been to a big clothing supermarket and I can say 90% of the staff was only africans. What was however surprising is that I've seen only a few mixed couples, maybe maximum 6 or 7. Most blacks were with their own and whites with their own. Anyway the situation there is horrible and I think over half of London is in the same condition. Everybody says that city is very notoriuous and I think even the natives tried and tries to escape from that multiculturalistic cage.

London has accelerated into this, it's too far gone of a city. The only thing that is intact is actually the buildings, from a racial perspective, London has went too far into this, and behind it follows Paris.

Basically these cities are like only White in architecture right now, and in what has remained off of whitey in these, and the natives who are like living in a ghetto in their own home-towns and country capitals.

In some places in both Paris and London it's simply just ghetto.
I forgot about this band and song - P.O.D. - Ghetto. I used to love the album when I was an xian which this song is on, and this song has the lyrics -

The World is a ghetto

In case anyone doesn't know, "P.O.D." stands for "payable on death" and it is a christian band. Isn't "ghetto" hebrew and related to jew things? The World is jew-raped.

The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In some places in both Paris and London it's simply just ghetto.
How can this be fixed? I guess UK won't kick anybody out after they will leave EU, even if most indians and africans came illegaly in UK, and in Europe overall.
(((They)))'re trying to bring as many non-Whites in as possible before pretending to close the borders - and of course (((they))) are taking (((their))) sweet time to pretend to close the borders and Brexit from the European jewnion. That being said, there is an advert for how leaving the E-jew will affect people with a link to a site with "euexit" at the end; a quick search showed a few similar sites, including a (((government))) "prepare for E-jew exit" page.
There was an article in the Jewish presses bragging that all the migrant centers in Greece are run by Israeli Jews. The Jews brag in their own media they are behind this invasion.
When it comes to the discussion about the activities/desires of these NWO-kikes, there are 2 popular topics:
  1. Racially blurring out the world population into mongrelized "supergoyim".
  2. Depopulating the Earth of humans by ~90%(Georgia Guidestones).
I find both of these claims dubious, if not even outright canards.

The point 1 is popular among white nationalists of all kinds.
I consider it dubious/canard because this kind of enforced race-mixing program, so vividly described in this new release from Euro-parliament, is not being applied (on such systematic scale, at least) in any non-white country in the world. Further, even if you bring a lot of foreign ethnicities amidst some nation, the actual sanguinal mixing remains low for generations to come. I think that the real long-term goal is to get the kind of conditions that the present-day South Africa has, where non-whites are being goaded into assaulting the whites.
At the same time, China is being developed into a cyber-Orwellian slave state while remaining racially pure. It really seems to me that the globomasters don't care whether their slave population is black/brown/yellow, as long as it isn't white.

The point 2 is popular among non-WN conspiracy theorists.
I consider it dubious/canard simply because the current world population is roughly 15x the GGs goal.
...but then, it could still be the Stage II after completion of white genocide. Once all the nonwhite gentiles have been microchipped and under complete control, ~90% of them could be simply sterilized, making the transition a smooth, one-generation affair. With complete Biblical/Talmudic fulfillment of NWO, there should be 144.000 kikes, with each of them having 2.800 slaves, totaling in 403.200.000 goyim. According to the GGs, the Earth population should be capped at 500.000.000, so that fits well.

If we are to believe the (probably)murdered Deep State whistleblower Philip Schneider, the world government is meeting with tall grays. The hostile ETs want to get rid of the Earth people with the closest relation to their cosmic enemy, the Nordics(pretty much the only reason I can think of...).
I know the claim of hostile ET leadership is far-fetched, but it is supported by the observation on how much of long game the globalists are willing to play. The first hints of 9/11 were published in the 1970s, when these Rockefeller-built twin towers were brand new! Also, the programs of EU, Agenda21, the climate change stuff, etc. are multigenerational. This strongly suggests that whoever are in charge of this, have far longer lifespans than Earth humans.

Africa has also been heavily jewed. During the last ~50 years the conditions have been fixed in a way to facilitate as much as population growth as possible. Now, there is a reason to extract a lot of people from Africa, with Europe(instead of the Arabian oil countries, for example...) as the designated recipient. The globorats' plan is to crush the indigenous people of Europe with the raw weight of invaders.

With the war in Syria winding down, the zoggies are going to need a new excuse for forced population transfers and we've already gotten a glimpse of that: "climate refugees". Their think tanks have been working on this concept most likely for many years.

I think the enemy wants to avoid outright hot war because it's such a risky/unpredictable business. In both of the world wars, Germans almost gained control of whole Europe, after all. Because of this, the general strategy for white genocide is not to do it with a bang, but a whimper.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In some places in both Paris and London it's simply just ghetto.
How can this be fixed? I guess UK won't kick anybody out after they will leave EU, even if most indians and africans came illegaly in UK, and in Europe overall.
We know how to ... incite the natives to get rid of non-natives. It's a severe and harsh thing, but it's the best thing.
HP Mageson666 said:
There was an article in the Jewish presses bragging that all the migrant centers in Greece are run by Israeli Jews. The Jews brag in their own media they are behind this invasion.

They are all there with the Yarmulke, one hand they throw Syrians in the sea and bomb them, and then they appear in Islands of another country to save them and to lift them on boats. All of the NGO's doing these are jews, most of the time, literally going over there with the Yarmulke and the star.

They also hand them prepaid cards with sometimes up to 3000 eu, which get around 300 per month to live, per person. No questions asked. These have leaked as well, but this information disappeared fast.

In Soros's mind it's 3000 to make in the future 30000 from slaving each of them, and taking down Whitey.
SS66610888 said:
I just noticed that you had already explained the situation of the French cfa in another post hp
for those who want to read it is explained in no more white saviors.
I thought France controlled those countries so obviously I was wrong.

The French people are a very good people who got swayed by the jewtalk on helping and saving other people from total starvation and damnation.

Now, the jews put this on the full extreme, to just extinct all of them through rapid demographic warfare.
TimberWolf said:
When it comes to the discussion about the activities/desires of these NWO-kikes, there are 2 popular topics:
  1. Racially blurring out the world population into mongrelized "supergoyim".
  2. Depopulating the Earth of humans by ~90%(Georgia Guidestones).
I find both of these claims dubious, if not even outright canards.

The point 1 is popular among white nationalists of all kinds.
I consider it dubious/canard because this kind of enforced race-mixing program, so vividly described in this new release from Euro-parliament, is not being applied (on such systematic scale, at least) in any non-white country in the world. Further, even if you bring a lot of foreign ethnicities amidst some nation, the actual sanguinal mixing remains low for generations to come. I think that the real long-term goal is to get the kind of conditions that the present-day South Africa has, where non-whites are being goaded into assaulting the whites.
At the same time, China is being developed into a cyber-Orwellian slave state while remaining racially pure. It really seems to me that the globomasters don't care whether their slave population is black/brown/yellow, as long as it isn't white.

The point 2 is popular among non-WN conspiracy theorists.
I consider it dubious/canard simply because the current world population is roughly 15x the GGs goal.
...but then, it could still be the Stage II after completion of white genocide. Once all the nonwhite gentiles have been microchipped and under complete control, ~90% of them could be simply sterilized, making the transition a smooth, one-generation affair. With complete Biblical/Talmudic fulfillment of NWO, there should be 144.000 kikes, with each of them having 2.800 slaves, totaling in 403.200.000 goyim. According to the GGs, the Earth population should be capped at 500.000.000, so that fits well.

Some fools are asking why the enemy doesn't do outright war. They are outnumbered more than 100 to 1 at this point, literally. Nobody starts a war during the internet time, where there are around 1.5 billion people who hold "Antisemetic sentiments" and "beliefs". This will just backfire to them and they will definitely die, even if they use Nuclear, in which case, they will get extinct and lose the planet too, aka fail on their mission completely.

It doesn't take much for the jews to go extinct under these numbers crashing on them. And who will go to fight their wars in such an example? The risks and stakes are too high. A couple nukes and the chosen people, aside anyone else, will be gone.

Others are asking why the aliens do not invade directly, to kill everyone off, but then again, this is against their purposes. They want to try to rule and take over this planet, and enslave it. One does not kill their slaves as they will become slaveless. Greys and others aren't going to waste weapons, ships, manpower, and the cost of being revealed or worse, just for a bloodbath, unless they have lost beyond repair. In this case, they will go for it, if they have power. If not, this won't happen.

The jews do in reality want to depopulate the earth, but first, overpopulation to draw in natural or artificial retaliation is a necessity. They are also overpopulating the planet on purpose, for fruitful and endless amounts of personal slaves. By manipulating and feeding off of the endless mass, they increase their power. However this comes as a double problem, but it also a necessity to the enemy, so they have power to siphon.

The depopulation is phase two of the above, and these will no longer be necessary, they will wipe them out and reduce the numbers so they can maintain control and stop the earth from being destroyed.

The earth cannot handle unending billions on it, despite technology. If people want to exist like stacked sardines and grovel in their own filth, that is another thing the jew comes to solve with "Smart" cities, which will be hyper surveilled, with people stacked like sardines in the box, and of course numbered like cattle, and so forth, just in a shiny plan on the exterior, as always with jews.

The only races that are helped to overpopulate are the races the jew will be able to use, or the races that cannot really do anything. It doesn't matter if China has approx 2 billion people, there isn't even free internet there, and there is Communism on the tightest grip. 2 billion people there mean nothing but a good number to mine people for power.

Then when these will no longer be necessary to those who mine them, they will cut them down. Humanity is only a resource for the enemy, not a goal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
Excellent sermon, as always Commander. I have two questions. 1. Why awaken the races with Othal Sowilo Ansuz and not with Othal Isa Thurisaz Hagl? 2. It is a good thing to expose and denounce the enemy and their destructive plans against us. The question is: Why don't we curse the enemy and their plans? For example, racial mixing. I mean, you don't just have to use good manners. An idea, use the enemy and fry it right. An excellent thing to do is curse the enemy to come out totally and completely in the open. It would be very funny. In short, from all the things we can do, we just do a ritual or two and report them to nausea. As for reporting them, it's best to curse them for coming out. They must be ruined and destroyed. We attack. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY

The enemy has hundreds or many thousands of individual and smaller curses placed on anything and anyone.

If the whole shit of theirs doesn't go down, one by one, things can't get fixed.

You either uninstall their program completely, or you can't remove shit one by one. It will take 500 years that way.
I completely agree with you, Commander. Both, in terms of how to attack the enemy, both in terms of awakening the races. The reason I say burning solutions is because I am a little impatient. ... They are a kind of earth element. However, when some situations are critical, I think of quick solutions. Obviously, we must always do the best thing.
TimberWolf said:
a glimpse of that: "climate refugees".
You reminded me about the fact that with weather and climate changes, Animals will be displaced, bringing/taking with them diseases and illnesses and things into new areas... "Climate refugees" are similar, either with actual diseases and illnesses or simply their presence which influences and convinces some sheeple into accepting them in place of their own White selves in their own White countries. In a sense, the invasion is a disease, a virus, an illness against Whites and White areas.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TimberWolf said:
Others are asking why the aliens do not invade directly, to kill everyone off, but then again, this is against their purposes. They want to try to rule and take over this planet, and enslave it. One does not kill their slaves as they will become slaveless. Greys and others aren't going to waste weapons, ships, manpower, and the cost of being revealed or worse, just for a bloodbath, unless they have lost beyond repair. In this case, they will go for it, if they have power. If not, this won't happen.


Humanity is only a resource for the enemy, not a goal.
As someone who plays games about conquering your enemy in battle, if I feel in an arrogant and cocky mood or just decide to, then I might decide to take my time to punish the puny enemy and make them suffer; I might not accept their surrender, either. In some ways, in some games, there are options to raze cities or destroy/obliterate entire Planets to gain a lot of resources quickly, but then those resources won't be available as a long-term cash-cow from that location, and the upgrades and improvements, etc. cost a bomb (pun not intended!). War is folly and expensive and it is not simple nor able easily to be done efficiently. Basically, it's messy - in more than one sense of the word.

The earth cannot handle unending billions on it, despite technology. If people want to exist like stacked sardines and grovel in their own filth, that is another thing the jew comes to solve with "Smart" cities, which will be hyper surveilled, with people stacked like sardines in the box, and of course numbered like cattle, and so forth, just in a shiny plan on the exterior, as always with jews.
These would be those cities which would be self-contained and cut-off from each other and elsewhere, which a member said before, wouldn't they? This member said that this plan is happening already in some areas, with transport networks and geography, if I remember correctly.

TimberWolf said:
(Georgia Guidestones)
Did you know: Typically called a cross between Stonehenge and the Rosetta Stone, no one knows the exact purpose of these granite masterpieces. 365atlantatraveler.com
Maybe some do!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
