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The Esoteric Truth: The Nazi's Were Satanists

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The Esoteric Truth: The Nazi's Were Satanists

The Templar Order spent 100 years in the Middle East and was known to have the same gnostic religion as the Yezidhi's the Templar Green Man is the Al-Khadir [meaning Green Man] of the Yezidhi's the Templar's also wore the same sacred cord of black, red and white the Yezidhi's do. The Templar's where in close contact with these group who at this time lived across the Middle east from Syria to Persia. The Templar occult rights are recorded to be the same as the Yezidhi's. The other name of Al-Khadir is Shaitan to the Yezidhi's.

The Templar's were never disbanded in Germany only in France. In Germany they were found innocent mainly due to their power, many Templar bands of Knights just arrived armed with a war party to the proceedings and where declared innocent by the terrified Bishops. In time the Templar's just formed into different organizations from the Teutonic Order and others. Germany and Austria remained a major base of occult knowledge and Satanism. The Green Man is Satan.

The Illuminati attempts to subvert the Templar descended secret societies in Germany mainly failed at the time as the Illuminati was found out. There where books written against it, papers published against the Illuminati in the presses. Major government investigations into the Illuminati, its most important members arrested, their homes and places of meeting raided by the police and their plans confiscated, their members put on public trial, its assets confiscated by government order, the organization was banned by the government and Weishaupt was ordered arrested and a price put on his head. And made to run for his life.

"On the 11 February 1785, Weishaupt was discharged and forbidden to live in Ingolstadt and Munich. At the same time the university was informed that Weishaupt would be arrested. ….A few days later he fled from Ingolstadt to Nuremberg dressed in the working clothes of a craftsman. [Countess Sofia Tool, "The Brothers of the Night", Moscow, 2000, p.291.]

"On 20 July 1785, the courier of the Illuminati, Lanz [who worked as a priest] was hit by lighting in Regensberg and died. Weishaupt was together with him. Lanz intended to travel on to Berlin and Silesia and received his last instructions form Weishaupt before he died. He had sewn in a list of Illuminati and some comprising papers in his priest's robe. Weishaupt did not know about this and became the victim of his own conspiracy."

"The local police found other important documents at Lanz's house, including detailed instructions for the planned French revolution. Some of the papers were addressed to the Grand Master of the Lodge Grand Orient in Paris. Everything was handed over to the Bavarian government and on the 4th August 1785 a new ban on secret societies was issued. On 31 August, an order to arrest Weishaupt was issued A price was put on Adam Weishaupt's head in Bavaria."

"The police began to look for known members of the Order. .. The raid on Zwack's house, which had a direct link to the secret Illuminati documents found at Lanz's house....On the 11th-12th October 1786, they searched the house of Dr Franz Xaver Zwack [Cato] in Landut where the Illuminati kept their most important papers. In the following year Baron Bassus' [Hannibal's] castle in Sandersdorf was also searched and the police confiscated even more papers concerning the Illuminati's conspiracy against the whole world."

This Illuminati program was made known to the public:

"From 1781 on, the resistance to Adam Weishaupt's movement started to grow. The first official attack o the Illuminati was in 1783...a rejected candidate, the bookseller Johann Baptist Strobl for Munich was the fist to raise the alarm.....Others came after Stroble: Professor Wesenieder... warned about the Illuminati's true activity, according to "Vaglednigh for frimurare" /"Guidance for Freemasons", Stockholm, 1906, p. 166. The Duchess Maria Anna and professor Joseph Utzschneider at the Military Academy in Munich [who had left the Illuminati in 1783] also cameout with public warnings."

"In 1786, two remarkable books about the Illuminati were published: "Drei merkwurdige Aussagen" [in which Professors Grunberg, Cosandey and Renner testified] and "Grosse Absichten des Orderns der Illuminaten" ["Great purposes of the order of the illuminati"] with professor joseph Utzschneider's testimony."

The importance of this is simple when the decision was reached at the Masonic Congress of Wilhemsbad:

"A conference was held at Mayer Amschel Rothschild's castle in Wilhelmsbad on the 16th July 1782, where the freemasons and Illuminati forged a complete alliance. In this way, the leading secret societies began a closer co-operation with the Illuminati."

"At its beginning, the Illuminati was not a Masonic order, and Weishaupt himself did not enter a lodge until 1777, when he received induction into the Lodge Theodore de Bon Conseil in Munich. However, once inside Masonry, Weishaupt immediately saw its potential value to be a vehicle for the realization of his Illuminati dreams. To create an official union between the Illuminati and Freemasonry, Weishaupt set about organizing the Congress of Wilhelmsbad at the Castle of William IX of Hesse-Kassel, to occur on July 16, 1782. That special even, which was momentous in both size and aspirations, was attended by elite representatives of Masonic lodges from all over. It was also there that a decision was reached to allow the previously excluded Jews to be granted admittance into Freemasonry."

"When the time came for a vote on their admittance at Wilhelmsbad, the Jews were so anxious to win the day that they completely filled the hall with other Jewish supporters. It was not long afterwards that the Illuminati membership included an abundance of Jewish banking families, including the Rothschild's, the Oppenheimers, the Wertheimers, the Schusters, Speyers, and Sterns."

A lot of the members of the societies in Germany where made aware of the conspiracy by the presses and the investigations by the government. Many of the existing societies openly rejected the decision at Wilhemsbad and resisted infiltration within Germany. France was a different matter they were taken over.

This is the esoteric background in which the Vril Society came onto the world stage officially:

"The Vril Society traced its philosophical origins back to a secret Bavarian, Gnostic-Templar order styling itself as “The Lords of the Black Stone” founded in 1221."

"The fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus."

This is why the Vril Society was in possession of Templar manuscripts written in the German Templar script. This was a Templar originated society itself that avoided corruption of infiltration. This societies patron Goddess was Astaroth the Pagan Goddess Ostara. The constellation of Aldebaran is ruled by Arya Tara the same Goddess in the east. There is something also symbolic here the star Aldebaran represents the bull and the energy of Jupiter in the east. This relates to the opened chakra's in the head the temple's, crown, third eye and such. The symbol of Aldebaran was in the Vedic mysteries as the open crown chakra. This all rules the psychic centers in the mind. It makes sense a society of medium's might use this spiritual symbolism. The ancient images show the Gods wearing Bull Horns as crowns to symbolize this state of spiritual ascension.

Note the Austrian Satanist, Sattler was probably able to gain access to the societies he did in the east as already a fellow member of the occult Templar school of the west. How else did he know where to go and how to obtain admission into such. He was already a member in the same system in the west:

"Viennese scholar Franz Sattler who wrote under the pseudonym D. Musallam. Sattler compiled a German-Persian conversation dictionary and numerous works on language instruction in his academic work, he also published a five-volume travelogue of his sojourns in the East. But in his esoteric endeavors he was responsible for the construction of a complete magical system based on a peculiar neo-pagan pantheon, at the head of which stood Adonis. Musallam equated Adonis with Satan or the Devil and took a markedly anti-Christian stance."

Sattler from his own writings had been in the east to the region of at least Afghanistan and had studied under some type of initiated system that was probably Yezidhi. He went on trips to these regions and could speak the languages of the area's. The Yezidhi's are Persians. The region Sattler wrote about that of Afghanistan was not Islamic till it was forced on the area in 1896 and the peoples practiced a pre-Islamic, paganism which was from the ancient Indo-Iranian way which the Yezidhi's practice, this is why in all of Sattler's work there is a chief focus on the Yezidhi's specifically. The region Sattler was living in the east was full of Yezidhi's Fakir's.

"The Adonistic wisdom of the East was drawn from many cultures, but there seems to have been a special affinity for the Kurdish Yazidhi's."

Here we come to Quintscher and the truth about the Satanist 99 Lodge that Hitler was stated to be a member of this Lodge. The 99 Lodge was a Templar Lodge from its description, Sattler was probably a member. Its known Qunitscher was a member of the Lodge and the two where close and it was Quintscher who was trained by Sattler as his teacher which would make Sattler a member:

"Another active member of the Dr. Musallam's groups was Fredrich Wilhelm Quintscher. A student of Quinstscher is said to have been the Czech-German author and stage magician Frantisek [Franz] Bardon. He worked as a stage magician from the mid-1920's under the name Frabato. He came into contact with Quintscher and by all accounts became a member of his Adonistic circle. There he was known as Master Arion."

These is where Franz Bardon got the information from "Introduction Into Hermetic's" from the Satanist organization that Quintscher lead and was part of Sattler's group and Bardon was a member of. The strange book Frabato was not written by Bardon but by a fan and women who worked as the secretary for his shows. Bardon read the manuscript and was disgusted by it and forbade her from publishing it as its total nonsense and strange fan fiction. Bardon and Quintscher also where never in a German prisoner camp either this is more nonsense. Bardon was not in the 99 Lodge however he was in Quintscher's personal sub order of Sattler's group.

However the FOCG, the 99 Lodge where the hundredth member was the Demon leader and 99 of the rest where Satanic, human initiates. This is the Satanist Lodge mentioned in Frabato that it was stated Hitler was a member of, it did exist from the writings of Quintscher himself, who was part of this group. But the claims of it in Frabato are established to have been made up libelistic nonsense. The fact the members of the FOCG where also in the Thule Society and Vril Society and the Satanist Society of Sattler. These people where high ranking initiates. They were all connected in the FOCG most likely and these where the speciality groups that operated as part of such Satanist network. Astaroth was the patron Goddess of Vril and one of the high ranking Demon's of the FOCG. The Vril group was the speciality society of mediums out of the FOCG most likely, like the Thule Society was the political wing.

It was known Hitler was a member of the Thule Society which was connected to the Vril Society and Sattler's organization and the FOCG and it was the Thule Society that created the National Socialist Party. Hitler dedicated the second volume of his book "Mein Kampf" to the Grand Master of the Thule Society, Echkart:

"Dietrich Eckart (German: [ˈɛkaʁt]; 23 March 1868 – 26 December 1923) was a German journalist, playwright, poet, and politician who was one of the founders of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party, DAP), which later evolved into the Nazi Party (NSDAP). He was a key influence on Adolf Hitler in the early years of the Nazi Party and was a participant in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch.

He died shortly after the putsch, and was elevated, during the Nazi era, to the status of a major thinker and writer"

This is why Hitler banned the Illuminati [Jewish] Free Masonic Lodges and in 1937 Himmler passed a law banning all independent occult societies with Masonic connections and based on the Jewish Kabbalah. These where enemy organizations working towards the One World Order of the enemy.

The Satanist Vril Society and the Satanist Thule Society where left alone and worked as esoteric center of the National Socialist government. It was only the enemy run societies that where shut down. The Sattler and Vril connection show the Nazi leaders all knew the Demon's are the original Pagan Gods. The word Demon is the ancient Greek term for the Gods as well.

Under the sign of the Scorpion, Juri Lina
The Fraternitas Saturni, Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.
Coming Gnostic Civilization, Mark Pinkham
Wiki on Dietrich Eckart
Jim Nichols UFO Art

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
