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The Easter Parade


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2005
The Easter Parade

In the ancient world the resurrection was celebrated as the symbol of the purification of the soul and the ascension of the Kundalini power up the spine.

This is noted in the one obvious fact as I mentioned in the article on: "Primordial Buddhism." That our God's title of Budha, Wod, Woden. Denotes the serpent. To further illustrate this fact.
As Philip Gardiner states in his book: "Gnosis." The name for the Kundallini or serpentine force was called: Woden.
The title of Budha/Dionysus was the Agathodaemon or "Good Serpent."
As stated as Ptah is another spelling of the tile Budha. So is Dionysus from Hu [title of Budha].

In Egypt they would celebrate the death and resurrection of Ptah-Osiris. Same as in Greece under the title of Dionysus [as the Egyptians stated as well]. During the Dionysian processions they would carry a large python thought the streets and serpents in general. There was a sacred box within the temples to him. That contained either a serpent or a sacred cup. Which both mean the same in symbolism. The energy of the soul.

During the Dionysian processions around this time. A youth would lead the worshippers naked, painted with sacred white clay. And carrying a large wooden pole or phalli. The symbol of the reborn God and perfected soul. This same image is seen in the ancient hill carvings in Briton. The same procession is still seen in India with Sivaites. And upon the walls of the ancient India Temples.

"The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as
the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the
Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also
called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred
mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals
are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and
its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as
Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did
the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's Gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the
sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at

Mount Kailish the sacred mount of Siva [also to Bon]. From a UN report shows strong evidence of being man made on some level. And could be a vast human built pyramid. That was the central focus of a larger world wide system of such sites. Its noted to be a center of a region of a hundred smaller pyramids in total. And the Bon's mention it as being the nine-story Swastika Mountain and the seat of all spiritual power.

As I mentioned the God Kala of the Kalachakra as our God here:
Its also noted Siva is another title of the God Kala.

There is a reason ancient Sri-Lanka was called "HELA-Diva." And the Greeks under Alexander upon travelling their worshipped Dionysus as Siva. Because as the ancient Greeks knew it's the same God. With have Siva with his Gana's and Dionysus with his Bacchae. We also have the primordial image of our God in India being naked holding the sacred Phali the symbol of resurrection. Under the different titles of Siva, Visnu, etc. Of which I have written about elsewhere in detail. As Alexander's troops marched east they came upon sacred mounts dedicated to Siva. And worshipped him as Dionysus. As the Aryan's of the West where moving to their land of origin in the Aryan East.
Our God also rules over the sacred Wine which is based in Honey. Of which numerous images symbolically denote as the elixir of life and immorality. And the grape which holds the same.

As we see Hela-Diva, Hellas, Hellenic, Helios, etc. The ancient Greeks like the all the Aryans stated they came from a common Primordial homeland. In the east. Interestingly we can see the racial population of modern Lanka has changed. Dug up, Palace images from over 1500 hundred years ago. Show White people many with red hair upon the wall fresco's. And it was known Aryan populations inhabited the Mal Dives down thought the Pacific even current New Zealand was originally populated by Aryans. As the current Maori even mention, and the archeological finds show. Hela relates to Hari as well. Another spelling of Aryan. And a title of our God.

The point of the religion of our God we can see still in the Western branch of the Dionysian. It was based on the Teletate or perfections. And one brought to perfection was called the Teloumenoi . The Perfected.

As we see in the East. This is the core meaning of Yoga is Yagya. The performance of tapa's or exercises the generate inner fire that purify the soul and transform it to higher levels of light. Yagya where the fire rituals that such was done with. The outer ritual is a symbol of the inner ritual. This is the point of the Kalachakra tantra . To generate the perfected being.

Within the Siva tantra's. The God states his worship is that of the inner serpent fire.

In the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum. The Roman Priests are show standing in the fresco's dressed identical to Vedic Priests in India to this day. To the point the author could identify the exact style and name of dress. And they are engaging in a fire ritual. That the scholar could even name as it still exists in the east. And is from the Vedic Aryan period. We can understand why our God is also worshipped as Agni the purifying fire. This is why Siva [a title of Rudra, Agni]. Is the Liberator. What he destroys is the impurities in the soul with the sacred inner fire of the serpentine life force. Giving birth to the perfected or resurrected being, eternal being. The Shining One.

We can see this in the ancient Kalachakra [ Kala,another title for Siva] Tantra. Kala-Agni, is the fire that rises up from below the roots of the Meru tree. And consumes all the worlds in fire. Transforming the being into the God man. Liberation. This is the kundalini and purifying fire of the Tapa's transforming the soul to the perfected state. The Gold in the work. Also the meaning behind the sacred egg.
The Easter Egg of course.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

Rituals are alchemical practices in which the outer ritual is a mandala for the inner transformation. This is why the Priest of Orpheus [ of which mysteries are symbolized by the cosmic egg] where called the Orpheotelestae. Denoting they are perfected beings. Dionysus is also called: "The First Orpheus." This relates to being perfected by the serpentine energy.

What this all amounts to is Easter is the symbolic resurrection or rebirth of the human being via perfecting their souls. By raising the serpent and perfecting the serpentine centers. Or chakra's. As the God symbolically is the serpentine life force. And the tree and later cross the human spinal column and the nadis. But note trees are of made of wood as are the crosses. And wood is related to the ether element. The subtle element that forms the soul. And the soul must be perfected on this level. To be fully transformed.
Hence why the egg relates to the ether.

This is why the serpent is Budhaya [Woden/ Dionysus, etc] this relates to the ether and this title denotes perfected life. Siva is the perfected ether or Mer-cury [perfected light of the soul] in the eastern texts. All the titles relate to this concept.

This is why Dionysus is also called the fish. The fish represents the Phali , the upright Yoni. In many images the reborn or perfected human is shown emerging out of the Yoni. It's the same symbol. The fish also represents the life force. The Mer-man, is the same as the Naga.

EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force. Oannes is the baptiser God. Oannes, comes from the Sanskrit "Oana." Meaning: "Wisdom." But meaning SERPENT. In the actual understanding of this term. OANA as Higgin's proves is the origin and same of the title Gnosis. Hence Gnosis also denotes the serpentine energy and super-conscious/ perfected state this process manifests. The original Gnostics where the Hello Gnostic's of Alexandria and their God was Serapis. Another title of Osiris hence Dionysus.
As proven the Jews created their Christianity program by corrupting and Judaizing the schools of Alexandria. And later having the Gentiles mass murdered along with the Gentiles original culture exterminated to cover the evidence over and force this program on everyone by violent terror and lies:


With Oannes, Baphomet relates to this. It means baptized in wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia. The kundalini serpent. This is why Baphomet was originally depicted as a two headed person in many images. The same image that Agni is depicted as in the east:
"The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified."

Easter represents the time to celebrate the eternal life [meaning of Sat-An]. Brought about by performing the Magnum Opus.

In Sanskirt SAT means Truth. Truth in the ancient world was another name for illumination and transformation of the soul. When the kundalini power rises it brings a person to SAT by illumination of the consciousness it brings which is what they where depicting by the title of Truth...... This is why the strength of the soul is its ability to reach levels of truth in the Egyptian texts. Levels of empowerment.

An as the prefix of Ananta Shesha which is the primordial serpent. Depicted as a serpent in a golden circle clutching its tail. The sign of the Magnum Opus. This golden serpent Is given the title of "Eternity" [Ananta]. And refers to the title of "Lord of Time." As time in this sense relates to the perfection of the soul.

SATAN translates out to a title of: "Eternal [in the context of perfected] life."
Sanat is a well known anagram of Satan:
In the Rig Veda the oldest text, the title of our religion as Sanat-ana Dharma is stated.

And Easter is another spelling of Ishtar or Isis.

Another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis.

Which gets into Osiris:
"Ptah and Osiris as mentioned before are the same God. Osiris name translates
out: "The eye of the throne of God." This Throne is Isis's. Isis is linked to
the star Sirius as is Ptah's staff. Hence Osiris is the union of the this
power and its full activation. The Throne is the illuminated or perfected
consciousness. And Isis rules the Sophia or Shakti aspect. Which what Ptah's
staff contains in symbol. The two are the same God. Just as Wod/Buddha in
Europe is symbolically depicted as being blue so is Ptah-Osiris as well."

Celebrate this ancient and eternal holiday of our Pagan ancestors for what it is. Not for what the enemy programs have tried to hide. Our soul is the one thing we have that is ours. And our destiny is to perfect it. In harmony with Satan's promise of eternal and perfected life. As perfected beings of light.
Thank you for this post HP Don! I need this for some research of mine!

Hail Satan!!
Hail Ipos!!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Don" <mageson6666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 09:40:15
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] The Easter Parade

The Easter Parade

In the ancient world the resurrection was celebrated as the symbol of the purification of the soul and the ascension of the Kundalini power up the spine.

This is noted in the one obvious fact as I mentioned in the article on: "Primordial Buddhism." That our God's title of Budha, Wod, Woden. Denotes the serpent. To further illustrate this fact.
As Philip Gardiner states in his book: "Gnosis." The name for the Kundallini or serpentine force was called: Woden.
The title of Budha/Dionysus was the Agathodaemon or "Good Serpent."
As stated as Ptah is another spelling of the tile Budha. So is Dionysus from Hu [title of Budha].

In Egypt they would celebrate the death and resurrection of Ptah-Osiris. Same as in Greece under the title of Dionysus [as the Egyptians stated as well]. During the Dionysian processions they would carry a large python thought the streets and serpents in general. There was a sacred box within the temples to him. That contained either a serpent or a sacred cup. Which both mean the same in symbolism. The energy of the soul.

During the Dionysian processions around this time. A youth would lead the worshippers naked, painted with sacred white clay. And carrying a large wooden pole or phalli. The symbol of the reborn God and perfected soul. This same image is seen in the ancient hill carvings in Briton. The same procession is still seen in India with Sivaites. And upon the walls of the ancient India Temples.

"The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as
the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the
Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also
called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred
mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals
are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and
its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as
Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did
the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's Gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the
sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at

Mount Kailish the sacred mount of Siva [also to Bon]. From a UN report shows strong evidence of being man made on some level. And could be a vast human built pyramid. That was the central focus of a larger world wide system of such sites. Its noted to be a center of a region of a hundred smaller pyramids in total. And the Bon's mention it as being the nine-story Swastika Mountain and the seat of all spiritual power.

As I mentioned the God Kala of the Kalachakra as our God here:
Its also noted Siva is another title of the God Kala.

There is a reason ancient Sri-Lanka was called "HELA-Diva." And the Greeks under Alexander upon travelling their worshipped Dionysus as Siva. Because as the ancient Greeks knew it's the same God. With have Siva with his Gana's and Dionysus with his Bacchae. We also have the primordial image of our God in India being naked holding the sacred Phali the symbol of resurrection. Under the different titles of Siva, Visnu, etc. Of which I have written about elsewhere in detail. As Alexander's troops marched east they came upon sacred mounts dedicated to Siva. And worshipped him as Dionysus. As the Aryan's of the West where moving to their land of origin in the Aryan East.
Our God also rules over the sacred Wine which is based in Honey. Of which numerous images symbolically denote as the elixir of life and immorality. And the grape which holds the same.

As we see Hela-Diva, Hellas, Hellenic, Helios, etc. The ancient Greeks like the all the Aryans stated they came from a common Primordial homeland. In the east. Interestingly we can see the racial population of modern Lanka has changed. Dug up, Palace images from over 1500 hundred years ago. Show White people many with red hair upon the wall fresco's. And it was known Aryan populations inhabited the Mal Dives down thought the Pacific even current New Zealand was originally populated by Aryans. As the current Maori even mention, and the archeological finds show. Hela relates to Hari as well. Another spelling of Aryan. And a title of our God.

The point of the religion of our God we can see still in the Western branch of the Dionysian. It was based on the Teletate or perfections. And one brought to perfection was called the Teloumenoi . The Perfected.

As we see in the East. This is the core meaning of Yoga is Yagya. The performance of tapa's or exercises the generate inner fire that purify the soul and transform it to higher levels of light. Yagya where the fire rituals that such was done with. The outer ritual is a symbol of the inner ritual. This is the point of the Kalachakra tantra . To generate the perfected being.

Within the Siva tantra's. The God states his worship is that of the inner serpent fire.

In the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum. The Roman Priests are show standing in the fresco's dressed identical to Vedic Priests in India to this day. To the point the author could identify the exact style and name of dress. And they are engaging in a fire ritual. That the scholar could even name as it still exists in the east. And is from the Vedic Aryan period. We can understand why our God is also worshipped as Agni the purifying fire. This is why Siva [a title of Rudra, Agni]. Is the Liberator. What he destroys is the impurities in the soul with the sacred inner fire of the serpentine life force. Giving birth to the perfected or resurrected being, eternal being. The Shining One.

We can see this in the ancient Kalachakra [ Kala,another title for Siva] Tantra. Kala-Agni, is the fire that rises up from below the roots of the Meru tree. And consumes all the worlds in fire. Transforming the being into the God man. Liberation. This is the kundalini and purifying fire of the Tapa's transforming the soul to the perfected state. The Gold in the work. Also the meaning behind the sacred egg.
The Easter Egg of course.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) � being the seed of gods and men � Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

Rituals are alchemical practices in which the outer ritual is a mandala for the inner transformation. This is why the Priest of Orpheus [ of which mysteries are symbolized by the cosmic egg] where called the Orpheotelestae. Denoting they are perfected beings. Dionysus is also called: "The First Orpheus." This relates to being perfected by the serpentine energy.

What this all amounts to is Easter is the symbolic resurrection or rebirth of the human being via perfecting their souls. By raising the serpent and perfecting the serpentine centers. Or chakra's. As the God symbolically is the serpentine life force. And the tree and later cross the human spinal column and the nadis. But note trees are of made of wood as are the crosses. And wood is related to the ether element. The subtle element that forms the soul. And the soul must be perfected on this level. To be fully transformed.
Hence why the egg relates to the ether.

This is why the serpent is Budhaya [Woden/ Dionysus, etc] this relates to the ether and this title denotes perfected life. Siva is the perfected ether or Mer-cury [perfected light of the soul] in the eastern texts. All the titles relate to this concept.

This is why Dionysus is also called the fish. The fish represents the Phali , the upright Yoni. In many images the reborn or perfected human is shown emerging out of the Yoni. It's the same symbol. The fish also represents the life force. The Mer-man, is the same as the Naga.

EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force. Oannes is the baptiser God. Oannes, comes from the Sanskrit "Oana." Meaning: "Wisdom." But meaning SERPENT. In the actual understanding of this term. OANA as Higgin's proves is the origin and same of the title Gnosis. Hence Gnosis also denotes the serpentine energy and super-conscious/ perfected state this process manifests. The original Gnostics where the Hello Gnostic's of Alexandria and their God was Serapis. Another title of Osiris hence Dionysus.
As proven the Jews created their Christianity program by corrupting and Judaizing the schools of Alexandria. And later having the Gentiles mass murdered along with the Gentiles original culture exterminated to cover the evidence over and force this program on everyone by violent terror and lies:


With Oannes, Baphomet relates to this. It means baptized in wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia. The kundalini serpent. This is why Baphomet was originally depicted as a two headed person in many images. The same image that Agni is depicted as in the east:
"The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified."

Easter represents the time to celebrate the eternal life [meaning of Sat-An]. Brought about by performing the Magnum Opus.

In Sanskirt SAT means Truth. Truth in the ancient world was another name for illumination and transformation of the soul. When the kundalini power rises it brings a person to SAT by illumination of the consciousness it brings which is what they where depicting by the title of Truth...... This is why the strength of the soul is its ability to reach levels of truth in the Egyptian texts. Levels of empowerment.

An as the prefix of Ananta Shesha which is the primordial serpent. Depicted as a serpent in a golden circle clutching its tail. The sign of the Magnum Opus. This golden serpent Is given the title of "Eternity" [Ananta]. And refers to the title of "Lord of Time." As time in this sense relates to the perfection of the soul.

SATAN translates out to a title of: "Eternal [in the context of perfected] life."
Sanat is a well known anagram of Satan:
In the Rig Veda the oldest text, the title of our religion as Sanat-ana Dharma is stated.

And Easter is another spelling of Ishtar or Isis.

Another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis.

Which gets into Osiris:
"Ptah and Osiris as mentioned before are the same God. Osiris name translates
out: "The eye of the throne of God." This Throne is Isis's. Isis is linked to
the star Sirius as is Ptah's staff. Hence Osiris is the union of the this
power and its full activation. The Throne is the illuminated or perfected
consciousness. And Isis rules the Sophia or Shakti aspect. Which what Ptah's
staff contains in symbol. The two are the same God. Just as Wod/Buddha in
Europe is symbolically depicted as being blue so is Ptah-Osiris as well."

Celebrate this ancient and eternal holiday of our Pagan ancestors for what it is. Not for what the enemy programs have tried to hide. Our soul is the one thing we have that is ours. And our destiny is to perfect it. In harmony with Satan's promise of eternal and perfected life. As perfected beings of light.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I found the situation with Mount Kailish, interesting. It could be a larger version of the eastern European pyramids.

From: "royalblueflame666@..." <royalblueflame666@...
To: Advanced meditation Group <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:43:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Advanced_Meditation] The Easter Parade

Thank you for this post HP Don! I need this for some research of mine!

Hail Satan!!
Hail Ipos!!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Don" <mageson6666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 09:40:15
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] The Easter Parade

The Easter Parade

In the ancient world the resurrection was celebrated as the symbol of the purification of the soul and the ascension of the Kundalini power up the spine.

This is noted in the one obvious fact as I mentioned in the article on: "Primordial Buddhism." That our God's title of Budha, Wod, Woden. Denotes the serpent. To further illustrate this fact.
As Philip Gardiner states in his book: "Gnosis." The name for the Kundallini or serpentine  force was called: Woden.
The title of Budha/Dionysus was the Agathodaemon or "Good Serpent."
As stated as Ptah is another spelling of the tile Budha. So is Dionysus  from Hu [title of Budha].

In Egypt they would celebrate the death and resurrection of Ptah-Osiris.  Same as in Greece  under the title of Dionysus [as the Egyptians stated as well].  During the Dionysian processions they would carry a large python thought the streets and serpents in general. There was a sacred box within the temples to him. That contained either a serpent or  a sacred cup. Which both mean the same in symbolism. The energy of the soul.

During the Dionysian processions  around this time. A youth would lead the worshippers  naked, painted with sacred white clay. And carrying a large wooden pole or phalli. The symbol of the reborn  God and perfected soul. This same image is seen in the ancient hill carvings in Briton. The same procession is still seen in India with Sivaites. And upon the walls of the ancient India Temples. 

"The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as
the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the
Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also
called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred
mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals
are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and
its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as
Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did
the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's Gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the
sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at

Mount Kailish the sacred mount of Siva [also to Bon]. From a UN report shows strong evidence of being man made on some level.  And could be a vast human built pyramid. That was the central focus of a larger world wide system of such sites. Its noted to be a center of a region of a hundred smaller pyramids in total. And the Bon's mention it as being  the nine-story Swastika Mountain and the seat of all spiritual power.

As I mentioned the God Kala of the Kalachakra as our God here:
Its also noted Siva is another title of the God Kala.

There is a reason ancient Sri-Lanka was called "HELA-Diva."  And  the Greeks under Alexander upon travelling their worshipped Dionysus as Siva. Because as the ancient Greeks knew it's the same God. With have Siva with his Gana's and Dionysus with his Bacchae. We also have the primordial image of our God in India being naked holding the sacred Phali the symbol of resurrection. Under the different titles of Siva, Visnu, etc. Of which I have written about elsewhere in detail.  As Alexander's  troops marched east they came upon sacred mounts dedicated to Siva. And worshipped him as Dionysus. As the Aryan's of the West where moving to their land of origin in the Aryan East.
Our God also rules over the sacred Wine which is based in Honey. Of which numerous images symbolically denote as the elixir  of life and immorality.  And  the grape which holds the same.

As we see Hela-Diva, Hellas, Hellenic, Helios, etc. The ancient Greeks like the all the Aryans stated they came from a common Primordial homeland. In the east. Interestingly we can see the racial population of modern Lanka has changed.  Dug up, Palace images from over 1500 hundred years ago. Show White people many with red hair upon the wall fresco's.  And it was known Aryan populations inhabited the Mal Dives down thought the Pacific even current New Zealand was originally populated by Aryans. As the current Maori even mention, and the archeological finds show. Hela relates to Hari as well. Another spelling of Aryan.  And a title of our God.

The point of the religion of our God we can see still in the Western branch of the Dionysian. It was based on the Teletate or perfections. And one brought to perfection was called the  Teloumenoi . The Perfected.

As we see in the East. This is the core meaning of Yoga is Yagya. The performance of tapa's or exercises the generate inner fire that purify the soul and transform it to higher levels of light. Yagya where the fire rituals that such was done with. The outer ritual is a symbol of the inner ritual.  This is the point of the Kalachakra tantra . To generate the perfected being. 

Within the Siva tantra's. The God states his worship is that of the inner serpent fire.

In the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum. The Roman Priests are show standing in the fresco's dressed identical to Vedic Priests in India to this day. To the point the author could identify  the exact style and name of dress. And they are engaging in a fire ritual. That the scholar could even name as it still exists in the east.  And is from the Vedic Aryan period.  We can understand why our God is also worshipped as Agni the purifying  fire. This is why Siva [a title of Rudra, Agni]. Is the Liberator. What he destroys is the impurities in the soul with the sacred inner fire of the serpentine life force.  Giving birth to the perfected or resurrected being, eternal being. The Shining One.

We can see this in the ancient Kalachakra [ Kala,another title for Siva] Tantra.  Kala-Agni, is the fire that rises up from below the roots of the Meru tree. And consumes all the worlds in fire. Transforming the being into the God man. Liberation.  This is the kundalini and purifying fire of the Tapa's transforming the soul to the perfected state. The Gold in the work. Also the meaning behind the sacred egg.
The Easter Egg of course.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg.  From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the  Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

Rituals are alchemical practices in which the outer ritual is a mandala for the inner transformation.  This is why the  Priest of Orpheus [ of which mysteries are symbolized by the cosmic egg] where called the Orpheotelestae.  Denoting they are perfected beings.  Dionysus is also called: "The First Orpheus." This relates to being perfected by the serpentine energy.

What this all amounts to is Easter is the symbolic resurrection or rebirth of the human being  via perfecting their souls.  By raising the serpent and perfecting the serpentine centers. Or chakra's.  As the God symbolically is  the serpentine  life force.  And the tree and later cross the human spinal column and the nadis. But note trees are  of made of wood as are the crosses. And wood is related to the ether element. The subtle element that forms the soul. And the soul must be perfected on this level. To be fully transformed.
Hence why the egg relates to the ether.

This is why the serpent is Budhaya  [Woden/ Dionysus, etc]  this relates to the ether and this title denotes perfected life. Siva is the perfected ether or Mer-cury [perfected light of the soul] in the eastern texts. All the titles relate to this concept.

This is why Dionysus is also called the fish. The fish represents the Phali , the upright Yoni.  In many images the reborn or perfected human is shown emerging out of the Yoni.  It's the same symbol.  The fish also represents the life force.  The Mer-man,  is the same as the Naga.

EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force. Oannes is the baptiser God.  Oannes, comes from the Sanskrit  "Oana." Meaning: "Wisdom." But meaning  SERPENT. In the actual understanding of this term.  OANA as Higgin's proves is the origin and same of the title Gnosis. Hence Gnosis also denotes the serpentine energy and super-conscious/ perfected state this process manifests. The original  Gnostics where the Hello Gnostic's of Alexandria  and their God was Serapis.  Another title of Osiris hence Dionysus.
As proven the Jews created their  Christianity  program by corrupting and Judaizing  the schools of Alexandria. And later having the Gentiles mass murdered along with the  Gentiles original culture exterminated to cover the evidence over and force this program on everyone by violent terror and lies:


With Oannes, Baphomet  relates to this.  It means baptized in wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia. The kundalini serpent.  This is why Baphomet was originally depicted as a two headed person in many images. The same image that Agni is depicted as in the east:
"The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified."

Easter represents the time to celebrate the eternal life [meaning of Sat-An].  Brought about by performing the Magnum Opus.

In Sanskirt SAT means Truth. Truth in the ancient world was another name for illumination and transformation of the soul. When the kundalini power rises it brings a person to SAT by illumination of the consciousness it brings which is what they where depicting by the title of Truth...... This is why the strength of the soul is its ability to reach levels of truth in the Egyptian texts. Levels of empowerment.

An as the prefix of Ananta Shesha which is the primordial serpent. Depicted as a serpent in a golden circle clutching its tail. The sign of the Magnum Opus. This golden serpent Is given the title of "Eternity" [Ananta]. And refers to the title of "Lord of Time." As time in this sense relates to the perfection of the soul.

SATAN translates out to a title of: "Eternal [in the context of perfected] life."
Sanat is a well known anagram of Satan:
In  the Rig Veda the oldest text, the title of our religion as Sanat-ana Dharma is stated.

And Easter is another spelling of Ishtar or Isis.

Another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis.

Which gets into Osiris:
"Ptah and Osiris as mentioned before are the same God. Osiris name translates
out: "The eye of the throne of God." This Throne is Isis's. Isis is linked to
the star Sirius as is Ptah's staff. Hence Osiris is the union of the this
power and its full activation. The Throne is the illuminated or perfected
consciousness. And Isis rules the Sophia or Shakti aspect. Which what Ptah's
staff contains in symbol. The two are the same God. Just as Wod/Buddha in
Europe is symbolically depicted as being blue so is Ptah-Osiris as well."

Celebrate this ancient and eternal holiday of our Pagan ancestors for what it is. Not for what the enemy programs  have tried to hide. Our soul is the one thing we have that is ours. And our destiny is to perfect it.  In harmony with Satan's promise of eternal  and perfected life. As perfected  beings of  light.

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
