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The "dreidel" - another stolen tradition from White Gentiles

Jun 2, 2022
Oy dreidel dreidel dreidel.....we stole from the Whites! Oy dreidel dreidel dreidel....someday you'll be exposed!

Whites, and all Gentiles: it's time to take back what's ours! Well, it always has been, but at a time when the kike empire is crashing down, we go ham and nail on the coffin! They literally having NOTHING of their own!

Thing I love about no longer being a kid trapped in K-12, is I no longer have to listen to the kikes babble off about Hannukah and their so-called "proud Hannukah traditions" which we all know, is stolen and hijacked, namely from European tradition. un little story, when I was a little child - something always just felt "off" whenever I'd hear the kikes going off about their Hannukah tradition (that they stole from Germans and Slavs) when we'd "make some space" in music class to listen to Hannukah BS and give the jewish students "extra attention" out of the class time to talk about Hannukah.

Most suspicious thing of it all....was that the jewish students would never "go into detail" as to what Hannukah actually means. There's something y'all wanna hide that us Gentile students don't "deserve" to know? Yeah I bet there is....

Now, on this topic..."the dreidel", the spinner-top game where kikes imprint Yiddish-Hebrew symbols on each flat side of the polygonal body to celebrate murdering gentiles. It's something you'll hear kikes babbling and raving about NON-STOP, and everytime it's mentioned, it's always associated with the kikes.

However....thanks to research, very-likely under the guidance of the Gods themselves, the dreidel is NOT Jewish origin, and was stolen and hijacked from an ancient/medieval boardgame spinning-top piece known as the "teetotum"! Folks, I didn't (neither do you) even have to read millions of "deep" knowledge articles of conspiracy articles to find this stuff anymore, no, in the digital age, this stuff is on Wikipedia.

The medieval variants are of English-Germanic origin, and were introduced into Germany by the English. However, the ancient variants are of Greek, Roman and Middle Eastern origin - some variants too are actually of Chinese-Oriental origin as well. Nonetheless, it is CLEARLY of Gentile origins!

It's still apparently used in Spanish-speaking countries for the game Perinola, though, the results I saw are all Spanish-language results, therefore none in the English-language domain gives me results.

Here are some pictures of the original teetotum.




This is one sexy one, an ancient Middle Eastern one, looks like it has Cuneiform inscriptions on it:

This next one is a Chinese variant:

These are Spanish versions, used in the game "Perinola" -

A European boy playing with a teetotum:

Now, I'm no board-game wiz, so here's some articles on the history of the teetotum:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teetotum
Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/teetotum
HHH History: https://www.hhhistory.com/2020/11/teetotum-or-spinner.html (the author kinda looks Jewish, but don't take my word for it)
National Muesum of Play: https://www.museumofplay.org/blog/teetotums/

How to Make Your Own Teetotum:

It'd be nice if the artistic and metalsmithing SS can start making teetotum games, and push those cursed DREAD-uls BS out of the store shelves! It'd be a nice addition for Yuletide traditions!

Hail Father Odin/Satan!
Very good find. I also looked up "origins of the dreidel" after seeing this and I ran into this link. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-origin-of-the-dreidel/
Even jews admit themselves here that this is entirely of Gentile origins, AND was apparently even used as a way to hide studying the torah from the gentile populations that ruled over them at the time who outlawed the torah, namely the Greeks. I am sure they were not the only ones as jews have been kicked out of almost every country in the world throughout history. Kikes have literally stolen everything. Rekt :lol:

I very much enjoy your informative scholarly posts.

I remember when I was in elementary school I had a russian jewish music teacher that looked like a creature. She was doing a muh hollarcuhst mourning ritual one day in class and apparently I wasn't allowed to attend. I was told to go elsewhere not knowing why. Later some kids from my class told me what happened and said she told them not to tell me. oy gevault don't tell the Phoenician child, she will do like her ancestors and take me to the harbor! lmao.

I told my mom and she confronted her. She apologized to my mom and said she would acknowledge it in a meeting with my teachers. (my mom didn't like that I was lied to and especially because what she was doing wasn't even supposed to be in school this was personal) My mom brought it up again at the meeting and the kike bitch lied straight to her face. Good riddance however, I'm sure I didn't miss much. It's not my fault the lizard was repulsed by my gentile blood. My energy must have really made her uneasy because she knew I would act a fool too during her shit ceremony, and I and one other child was the only one she didn't want around. I always did in church as a child and people hated me for it.

It'd be nice if the artistic and metalsmithing SS can start making teetotum games, and push those cursed DREAD-uls BS out of the store shelves! It'd be a nice addition for Yuletide traditions!
*Grabs TIG rig, welding hood, and some stainless scrap*
Move over kikes we're bringing the real shit back :cool: How bout a badass one with the elder futhark alphabet or Sanskrit? :D
I recall a notepad with names of kikes back in Yahoo days in the files section.

No idea if this is made up or genuine there was no information other than.

Ashkenazi the sub-racial/religious group of the kosher species. The name had German origins and apparently the document said.

Ashkenazi was the original name for Germans migrating to the East: Poland, Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia(Well in those times it was mostly Poland on one end/Ukraine|Belorussia as Russ and New Russ) and Baltic Nations(Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia).

And apparently the enemy lifted the name after the Germans kinda stopped or slowed down Eastern movements but enough people left the name became obscure and they lifted the name for their own sub-racial/sub-religious categorization of their species.

I'm not saying everything kosher is stolen from Gentiles as obviously stupid things like kosher eating for example jews don't eat pig that's weird. Why? Why not eat something I bet many jews would have survived hunger if they fed on pig. But apparently they disrespect food and eat specific things. And the whole life and death meat and milk products.

I don't know what kind of stupid shit the Reptilians or jews concocted hell maybe if the Bible was written under coercion or with the information from Ancient civilizations transmogrified who knows maybe they did to fuck around with their future kikes. As we know the enemy trolls their own just as much as they are trolling Gentiles.

For example most jews don't realize the jews in Israel hate the living shit out of them. Like what was mentioned a while back and has been mentioned now for a few decades. The jews in Israel and in certain parts of the World if found are the real jews the rest of the jews need to get exterminated like the goys because they are fake poser jews. It's like they state something like 22-23-24 million jews are the real jews the rest are just posers and also the mixed race jews if jews promote the whole mix multitude those jews are going to get terminated as well.

Can someone explain in a proper way why the enemy eats in such a pathetic way. I s it just to gather up more energy to be fervently possessed by energetic negatives to vomit out that negativity. Reminds me of lent 40 days without eating or the other holidays of fasting. We Pagans eat and meditate through this and pump down this retardation. But apparently the retards like to fast and go without food to raise energies. If hungry and wanting to eat you'll make a good slave pumping the energy patterns at the place of slavish worship.

Anyways very interesting. Is there anything specific about these Gentile technologies for example they seem to be multi-sided to just a few letters or words. Is it just a game sorta like a war game or does the technology have merit on learning the alphabet or meditation. Is it a chakra technology? making Chakras into games? For example how some people consider a gun a penis?

Is this teetotum some kind of old era game that in a modern or advanced civilization or a civilization that was better off would have been transformed into a game of mass production and civilization spreading to teach and improve other civilizations?

For example War games think like Prussian military training was turned later into games for people growing up to great success and in fact war gaming can be applied to any technology. For example business war gaming or war gaming for improving financial strategies etc.etc.

People don't realize cross-technologification and believe technology is separate from each other. For example since the late-70s, early-80s touch screen bank ATM were available but it wasn't till the iPhone that commandeered the smartphone market and took the market by storm for touch screen technologies involving dialing, texting, and clicking or activating buttons.

Someone criss-crossed the technology and out popped new technologies.
Shadowcat said:
Very good find. I also looked up "origins of the dreidel" after seeing this and I ran into this link. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-origin-of-the-dreidel/
Even jews admit themselves here that this is entirely of Gentile origins, AND was apparently even used as a way to hide studying the torah from the gentile populations that ruled over them at the time who outlawed the torah, namely the Greeks. I am sure they were not the only ones as jews have been kicked out of almost every country in the world throughout history. Kikes have literally stolen everything. Rekt :lol:

I very much enjoy your informative scholarly posts.

Wow....with the kikes fully admitting it (although with a bit of "sugarcoated" language), truly at this points - ignorance and stupidity are literal choices.

Glad you like my posts, I hope to continue posting and reach 1000+ posts, but above all, I look for quality, perhaps things that may have not necessarily been exposed before. Like all else, I try to cite my sources, unless it's information coming directly from the Gods, and I'm nowhere near HP-level to proclaim that "for sure" my GD or a God/Goddess told me this or that. Plus, lotsa grammatical and silly errors I made (like in my Christmas post, I stated Christmas Day was on Saturday, when in fact it's on Sunday, still from the hijacked Catholic "Sabbath").

Damn I can't wait until the Bible (as well as Koran and the mother virus Torah) becomes labeled as a work and written accomplice of terrorism and dictionaries proclaim yahweh/jewhovah as synonyms to murderer/retard/terrorist and etc., a reversal of what the kikes did to our Gods, like "Nimrod" which is now used as an insult in modern-day language. During my Xian days, I used to feel bad that Gentile gov'ts in the past banned the Torah and hated anything jewish, now it's become quite clear why. But only we can make it happen through our efforts, I can wait and wait and want all I want (no pun intended) but consistent RTRs and meditations will make it happen, lotta work to be done.

It's not "violating" Constitutional rights, banning criminal movements is not a violation of Constitutional rights, speaking to the fact that what Xians are trying to manifest is as un-Constitutional and anti-Freedom as you can get (one-world gov't, ruled from Pissrael, under Rabbi Yehoshua, where police angels will surveil the world to enforce jew worship and jew culture). Constitutional rights has its "limits" like all else and doesn't mean "do whatever you want, and worship spiritual criminals".

Shadowcat said:
I remember when I was in elementary school I had a russian jewish music teacher that looked like a creature. She was doing a muh hollarcuhst mourning ritual one day in class and apparently I wasn't allowed to attend. I was told to go elsewhere not knowing why. Later some kids from my class told me what happened and said she told them not to tell me. oy gevault don't tell the Phoenician child, she will do like her ancestors and take me to the harbor! lmao.

I told my mom and she confronted her. She apologized to my mom and said she would acknowledge it in a meeting with my teachers. (my mom didn't like that I was lied to and especially because what she was doing wasn't even supposed to be in school this was personal) My mom brought it up again at the meeting and the kike bitch lied straight to her face. Good riddance however, I'm sure I didn't miss much. It's not my fault the lizard was repulsed by my gentile blood. My energy must have really made her uneasy because she knew I would act a fool too during her shit ceremony, and I and one other child was the only one she didn't want around. I always did in church as a child and people hated me for it.

Что/чо за хуйня!? What's next, she makes the entire sing the national anthem of the Soviet Union and call for the downfall of the goyim bourgeois? What she did was pretty much on-that level of stupidity (sadly, my Gentile history teacher actually played the USSR anthem as a "benign example" of Russian music during a lecture on Russian history). I wonder how Mrs. Babuchka Kikovna would have reacted if you held a counter "Romanov mourning ritual" and marched into her music class with Imperial music and picture of the Romanovs and Rurikids?

It'd be nice if the artistic and metalsmithing SS can start making teetotum games, and push those cursed DREAD-uls BS out of the store shelves! It'd be a nice addition for Yuletide traditions!
*Grabs TIG rig, welding hood, and some stainless scrap*
Move over kikes we're bringing the real shit back :cool: How bout a badass one with the elder futhark alphabet or Sanskrit? :D

I do recall you stating you work in welding, during a past conversion about Native Americans I believe (in the oriental forums)?

But Hell yeah, I'd pay big bucks for that, on each side have a Cuneiform, Sanskrit, Rune or Chinese symbol, and have an alternating blue-red (for Satan's colors) on the sides.

Too many traditions have been hijacked, with the only living forms being the "jewish variants". If it wasn't for JoS, hell....we'd all be speaking hebrew rk, and being taught that hebrew is the earliest language, or that Sanskrit was a jewish invention or some shit like that.

If/when I have kids, I will make sure to expose them to ancient traditions. Teetotum sounds like a very interesting game, a board game that interests me (a hardcore lover of video games) even more than chess or checkers, neither of which actually interest me at all.

But even within the gaming industry...my genres are limited to Pagan-influenced like Legend of Zenda, Dark Souls or Genshin Impact, not into GTA or Call of Duty bullshit, I don't revel myself in pretending to be a gang or mob leader shooting up places, or a pretend soldier (I've seen UP AND TOO MANY kids wanting to seriously join the military because of CoD, and then finding out the hard way it's apples vs. oranges).

Yeah...I'll pass on the golf clubs and the jewish football (NFL), me and my hypothetical future kids will be Dim Mak/martial arts-practicing, learning how to kick ass. Instead of a "chess room where grandparents and grandchild will bond", it will be a "teetotum room where grandparents and grandchildren will bond...in front of the Gods", along with whatever ancient games I can recover.
Gear88 said:
I recall a notepad with names of kikes back in Yahoo days in the files section.

No idea if this is made up or genuine there was no information other than.

Ashkenazi the sub-racial/religious group of the kosher species. The name had German origins and apparently the document said.

Ashkenazi was the original name for Germans migrating to the East: Poland, Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia(Well in those times it was mostly Poland on one end/Ukraine|Belorussia as Russ and New Russ) and Baltic Nations(Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia).

And apparently the enemy lifted the name after the Germans kinda stopped or slowed down Eastern movements but enough people left the name became obscure and they lifted the name for their own sub-racial/sub-religious categorization of their species.

I'm not saying everything kosher is stolen from Gentiles as obviously stupid things like kosher eating for example jews don't eat pig that's weird. Why? Why not eat something I bet many jews would have survived hunger if they fed on pig. But apparently they disrespect food and eat specific things. And the whole life and death meat and milk products.

I don't know what kind of stupid shit the Reptilians or jews concocted hell maybe if the Bible was written under coercion or with the information from Ancient civilizations transmogrified who knows maybe they did to fuck around with their future kikes. As we know the enemy trolls their own just as much as they are trolling Gentiles.

Well that doesn't surprise me, anything "Yiddish" is but malformed German, much as "Hebrew" is just malformed Aramaic. The word "Shalom" was stolen from the Ancient Canaanite God Shalim, a fact nearly-unknown today, in that same post, HPHC also explains how "Shahar" is actually what the Canaanites called Asmodeus, but is now hijacked as a "jewish" name. In that convo, he also exposed how "Israelite" in of itself never even referred to jews, and the original "Israelites" (a nation far-far-far gone from history) like all else, was a pagan civilization.

As for Eastern European-Germans. I know massive German migration to Russia started during the reign of Peter the Great, a known-hater of Christianity and probably a God incarnated himself, and skyrocketed during Catherine the Great, a full-blooded German-Aryan herself, one of the paramount leaders of the Russian Enlightenment, she too hated Christianity, and both promoted Secular Christianity, probably with Abrasax's aid (don't take my word for it, that needs confirmation). I am aware that a high number of Germans lived in Eastern Europe, in the Old Russian Empire, they lived mainly in the Baltics and Saint Petersburg, and pretty-much formed the majority of the elite classes. Baltic Germans as they refer to them, and from what I've seen, those who led some of Imperial Russia's most important naval expeditions were actually Baltic Germans, not Slav. The Romanovs themselves were a nearly all-German dynasty, save for some 15-20% Russian ancestry from Roman the Great, but "for sake" of nationalism, they adopted Russian identities and kept their German identities hush hush, also out of the misogynistic practice of not counting women's lineage (they weren't perfect and did stupid things, much as I'd prefer them over the communists anytime).

During the civil war, most of these Russo-Germans joined the monarchist camps. If you'll come to notice, most of the people in Saint Petersburg bear much more Germanic features than pre-say Moscow, which more native Slavic with a mix of Tatar and Mongol in the gene pool ancestry.

Gear88 said:
For example most jews don't realize the jews in Israel hate the living shit out of them. Like what was mentioned a while back and has been mentioned now for a few decades. The jews in Israel and in certain parts of the World if found are the real jews the rest of the jews need to get exterminated like the goys because they are fake poser jews. It's like they state something like 22-23-24 million jews are the real jews the rest are just posers and also the mixed race jews if jews promote the whole mix multitude those jews are going to get terminated as well.

Yeah, I have seen this, they fought over some dumb verse (Rev. 2:9/3:9) where one accuses the other of being "fake jews" to put on a show. Admittingly, there are something called "Messianic Jews" or "Primitive Christians", these are Gentiles who are fooled that they're "Jews" and therefore they "convert" to Judaism and adopt Jewish identities. I actually went to school with one of these, the guy claims he was "completely Jewish" but evidently, he was Greek, and no-surprise, he didn't even date any Jewish girls. I could be wrong, maybe he was "Jewish in spirit" reincarnated (as it does happen, especially with elite politicians), but he gave off Gentile vibes.

Gear88 said:
Can someone explain in a proper way why the enemy eats in such a pathetic way. I s it just to gather up more energy to be fervently possessed by energetic negatives to vomit out that negativity. Reminds me of lent 40 days without eating or the other holidays of fasting. We Pagans eat and meditate through this and pump down this retardation. But apparently the retards like to fast and go without food to raise energies. If hungry and wanting to eat you'll make a good slave pumping the energy patterns at the place of slavish worship.

Their dumb book, Leviticus likes to play armchair doctor. Claims that pork and shellfish is unclean, however.....in Leviticus 26:29...advocates cannibalism, and that's what people in kike-owned chains like McDonald's are shoving down their throats. Right...some fucking "health guide" there right? It's a literal religion of pure and total retardation and pure abomination.

I remember watching one of those retarded Primitive Christians on Yom Kippur, and he unknowingly exposed the evil origins of Yom Kippur, it was a holiday where the slaves (populace) fasted while they sacrificed animals to the priests - who were the only ones permitted to eat on that day, while sacrificed animal after animal. I can't find his video anymore, but goes to show the pure and total abomination of such a "holiday".

Gear88 said:
Anyways very interesting. Is there anything specific about these Gentile technologies for example they seem to be multi-sided to just a few letters or words. Is it just a game sorta like a war game or does the technology have merit on learning the alphabet or meditation. Is it a chakra technology? making Chakras into games? For example how some people consider a gun a penis?

Is this teetotum some kind of old era game that in a modern or advanced civilization or a civilization that was better off would have been transformed into a game of mass production and civilization spreading to teach and improve other civilizations?

For example War games think like Prussian military training was turned later into games for people growing up to great success and in fact war gaming can be applied to any technology. For example business war gaming or war gaming for improving financial strategies etc.etc.

People don't realize cross-technologification and believe technology is separate from each other. For example since the late-70s, early-80s touch screen bank ATM were available but it wasn't till the iPhone that commandeered the smartphone market and took the market by storm for touch screen technologies involving dialing, texting, and clicking or activating buttons.

Someone criss-crossed the technology and out popped new technologies.

I support technological advancements and conveniences, but not the imbalance it's created today. Admittingly, smartphones have given us the ability to record crimes/bullying incidents (this has a noted positive effect), and other conveniences like GPS, ride-sharing apps and etc., I'm all for those.

But not when people are enslaved to bullshit like Tiktok, or it's failed parent, Vine or whatever nonsensical social media the kikes coughs off. Social media in my opinion, should remain on LAPTOPS and DESKPTOPS, not phones.

I think teetotum was some kind of game used for gambling, now I understand how the SS view gambling, but if anything it wasn't as debauchery-filled as the so-called "gambling games" of today. It was very likely a civilized board game match, I mean if kids are shown playing it, teetotum probably wasn't a drunkard game.

Hope this helps!
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Very good find. I also looked up "origins of the dreidel" after seeing this and I ran into this link. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-origin-of-the-dreidel/
Even jews admit themselves here that this is entirely of Gentile origins, AND was apparently even used as a way to hide studying the torah from the gentile populations that ruled over them at the time who outlawed the torah, namely the Greeks. I am sure they were not the only ones as jews have been kicked out of almost every country in the world throughout history. Kikes have literally stolen everything. Rekt :lol:

I very much enjoy your informative scholarly posts.

Wow....with the kikes fully admitting it (although with a bit of "sugarcoated" language), truly at this points - ignorance and stupidity are literal choices.

Glad you like my posts, I hope to continue posting and reach 1000+ posts, but above all, I look for quality, perhaps things that may have not necessarily been exposed before. Like all else, I try to cite my sources, unless it's information coming directly from the Gods, and I'm nowhere near HP-level to proclaim that "for sure" my GD or a God/Goddess told me this or that. Plus, lotsa grammatical and silly errors I made (like in my Christmas post, I stated Christmas Day was on Saturday, when in fact it's on Sunday, still from the hijacked Catholic "Sabbath").

Damn I can't wait until the Bible (as well as Koran and the mother virus Torah) becomes labeled as a work and written accomplice of terrorism and dictionaries proclaim yahweh/jewhovah as synonyms to murderer/retard/terrorist and etc., a reversal of what the kikes did to our Gods, like "Nimrod" which is now used as an insult in modern-day language. During my Xian days, I used to feel bad that Gentile gov'ts in the past banned the Torah and hated anything jewish, now it's become quite clear why. But only we can make it happen through our efforts, I can wait and wait and want all I want (no pun intended) but consistent RTRs and meditations will make it happen, lotta work to be done.

It's not "violating" Constitutional rights, banning criminal movements is not a violation of Constitutional rights, speaking to the fact that what Xians are trying to manifest is as un-Constitutional and anti-Freedom as you can get (one-world gov't, ruled from Pissrael, under Rabbi Yehoshua, where police angels will surveil the world to enforce jew worship and jew culture). Constitutional rights has its "limits" like all else and doesn't mean "do whatever you want, and worship spiritual criminals".

Shadowcat said:
I remember when I was in elementary school I had a russian jewish music teacher that looked like a creature. She was doing a muh hollarcuhst mourning ritual one day in class and apparently I wasn't allowed to attend. I was told to go elsewhere not knowing why. Later some kids from my class told me what happened and said she told them not to tell me. oy gevault don't tell the Phoenician child, she will do like her ancestors and take me to the harbor! lmao.

I told my mom and she confronted her. She apologized to my mom and said she would acknowledge it in a meeting with my teachers. (my mom didn't like that I was lied to and especially because what she was doing wasn't even supposed to be in school this was personal) My mom brought it up again at the meeting and the kike bitch lied straight to her face. Good riddance however, I'm sure I didn't miss much. It's not my fault the lizard was repulsed by my gentile blood. My energy must have really made her uneasy because she knew I would act a fool too during her shit ceremony, and I and one other child was the only one she didn't want around. I always did in church as a child and people hated me for it.

Что/чо за хуйня!? What's next, she makes the entire sing the national anthem of the Soviet Union and call for the downfall of the goyim bourgeois? What she did was pretty much on-that level of stupidity (sadly, my Gentile history teacher actually played the USSR anthem as a "benign example" of Russian music during a lecture on Russian history). I wonder how Mrs. Babuchka Kikovna would have reacted if you held a counter "Romanov mourning ritual" and marched into her music class with Imperial music and picture of the Romanovs and Rurikids?

It'd be nice if the artistic and metalsmithing SS can start making teetotum games, and push those cursed DREAD-uls BS out of the store shelves! It'd be a nice addition for Yuletide traditions!
*Grabs TIG rig, welding hood, and some stainless scrap*
Move over kikes we're bringing the real shit back :cool: How bout a badass one with the elder futhark alphabet or Sanskrit? :D

I do recall you stating you work in welding, during a past conversion about Native Americans I believe (in the oriental forums)?

But Hell yeah, I'd pay big bucks for that, on each side have a Cuneiform, Sanskrit, Rune or Chinese symbol, and have an alternating blue-red (for Satan's colors) on the sides.

Too many traditions have been hijacked, with the only living forms being the "jewish variants". If it wasn't for JoS, hell....we'd all be speaking hebrew rk, and being taught that hebrew is the earliest language, or that Sanskrit was a jewish invention or some shit like that.

If/when I have kids, I will make sure to expose them to ancient traditions. Teetotum sounds like a very interesting game, a board game that interests me (a hardcore lover of video games) even more than chess or checkers, neither of which actually interest me at all.

But even within the gaming industry...my genres are limited to Pagan-influenced like Legend of Zenda, Dark Souls or Genshin Impact, not into GTA or Call of Duty bullshit, I don't revel myself in pretending to be a gang or mob leader shooting up places, or a pretend soldier (I've seen UP AND TOO MANY kids wanting to seriously join the military because of CoD, and then finding out the hard way it's apples vs. oranges).

Yeah...I'll pass on the golf clubs and the jewish football (NFL), me and my hypothetical future kids will be Dim Mak/martial arts-practicing, learning how to kick ass. Instead of a "chess room where grandparents and grandchild will bond", it will be a "teetotum room where grandparents and grandchildren will bond...in front of the Gods", along with whatever ancient games I can recover.

:D :D . I grew up with ocarina of time. My favorite Zelda game. Breath of the wild was epic too. I remember being addicted to world of warcraft too for a time but I lost interest overtime.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
