I don't think I understand the question. The devil card can have either a Baphomet representation or an enemy one you mean?
In each tarot deck the images on the cards change, and there are decks in which the devil is represented by Baphomet, or the God Pan (which is my case). So how can you attribute negative meanings to a card that is represented by a sacred symbol? there is no way. Therefore, the meaning of this card will be something positive. (I recommend reading the mentioned book to understand better)
"What can make it difficult to consider this arcane as belonging to the enemy for most is that it is being represented in many Decks such as The Templars' Baphomet and the Horned God God Pan, one of the many sacred forms of our God Satan, so I advise against buying and use these decks otherwise you will have to completely change the meaning of this card.
So I consider it in one reading to be an arcana very linked to the Earth and material matters as well as wisdom in not being manipulated by others, but as practice makes perfect... the more readings on it the better it is identified as the better we can apply exactly and has not been positive.
It is a prison arcane where they arranged the image of our God Satan to denigrate his image and it really would not be that of our Father Satan since they called him an enemy. Because seeing the image of Baphomet or Pan for myself and considering it the enemy, I really can't, another meaning would have to be given.
So we can say so far that this arcane shows that the dedicated person is trapped by some idea or desire that he wants to fulfill at all costs and that prevents him from doing the right things and going down a path of temptation from the Jewish enemy."