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The danger of xian "faith"

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
I was reading a story earlier on how a little girl passed away from diabetes after her family put her through several days without medication. The reason? They insisted xian prayer could cure her. so they denied her access to her insulin resulting in her passing away. She was so young!

This is so heartbreaking and an example of xian derangement. The mindset that you can sit around doing nothing and denying yourself or others help or life saving medication because you think this fictional xian God and your faith alone can save you.

We cannot fall into the same mindset however. Just because our God, Father Satan and the Gods are real.

Throwing yourself foolishly and willingly into danger can and most likely will get you or a loved one killed.

The Gods help as much as they can but the rest is up to you. If you suddenly stop a medication or put yourself in harms way don't expect them to start running to the rescue every time.

You are responsible for you. And you must take action to take care of yourself. Don't end up crippled spiritually and mentally deranged like the xians. Don't put yourself or anyone you love in a situation of danger foolishly thinking you are immune to harm because of how much "faith" you have.

Faith means absolutely nothing without common sense and action along beside it. We aren't mindless cattle we must take care of ourselves.

We can't neglect ourselves and expect the Gods to pick up after us, feed us, shelter us. We aren't babies. We have to take care of ourselves.

If you don't want to take a certain medication then work with the Gods on bettering yourself spiritually so you can eventually find a way to cure yourself naturally. But until then you have to work with what you have and take that medicine so you can make it to that point.

You cant walk before you learn to crawl, and you'll never start crawling if you continue to lay there crying for help without taking the Initiative to do anything for yourself.

That poor child would still be alive if her parents had common sense and didn't just try to live off faith alone. What they claimed as faith was really foolishness.

Faith isn't doing something stupid thinking you'll be saved. Throwing yourself into traffic expecting not to be killed by a car, That isn't faith. It's mental and spiritual illness.

Faith is knowing that if you apply yourself if you take that first step towards bettering yourself spiritually, The Gods will be there to help you and guide you on this path.

Faith is believing in yourself, and the Gods. Faith is believing in your progress, believing in your spiritual workings and in your rituals. Faith is believing that Father Satan and the Gods will always be in your corner as long as you continue to walk this path.

Never doubt in yourself or the Gods or your rituals. That is how you keep faith truly alive in your life.

Hail Satan!!
I might have mentioned this ages ago. In the church I used to go to when I was a retard, I was told by one there about a story to try and manipulate me emotionally and illogically. A few Children, again, of course, were going somewhere cross-country, they came to a river and "had faith" that "god" would keep them safe as they crossed. They all drowned. Bodly, the person telling me this admitted that after hearing about that, some people fell from the faith, but blah, blah, blah. The... erm... "moral" of the story was to have faith but not be stupid.

Funny. Have faith but also use your Brain. Don't use your Brain but also use your Brain. Be stupid but also don't be stupid. Be stupid but also use your Brain. I have absolutely no idea if that story was true in real-life or if it was as true as the faerie tale stories in the bibles. I didn't know anything whatsoever other than this emotionally-manipulative story - no details, who they were, where they were, when it happened, etc., just that it supposedly was true. Presuming it was a lie told to me by the "better" christian, I think they were the very same one who argued once that "it's not lying; it's prophesing". No word of a... well... lie. A commandment is not to lie, but then it is not lying because it is prophesying. Such mental gymnastics and illogic and bullshit. Anything and all attempts to try and "make sense" of retardedness. Make sense or be logical and use your Brain regarding "faith"... Ignorance is bliss... except when they always cry and are depressed because they are being temped by "the Devil" to use their Brains...

As for that Girl, though (and speaking of being tempted by "the Devil" to use your Brain) -

CHRISTIAN: It's OK that my own daughter died. She's in "heaven" now! It was "god"'s "will" that I made her die!


"PRIESTS": [post-65831]
"GOD": watching [post-65831] and refusing to prevent such things happening, refusing to keep the Children and nuns safe - but still loving the Children and nuns! (being [post-65831]d); oh and watching the mum kill her own daughter, being proud that someone copied biblical stories of causing one's own offspring to die
CHRISTIANS: "god" is so effing good! xD! I am now without my daughter, but "god" is good! xD

The bibles also admit "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we can not see". Faith also means not wanting to know the truth [credit - Friedrich Nietzsche], and as we know, the word and name "Satan" means "Truth Eternal"; He who brings us knowledge; "faith" means wanting to remain ignorant. I also saw an argument that "most scientists are christians", said by a christian. I don't know about most, but of course some would be. The individual would have an interest in unlocking the secrets of the Universe; this still doesn't prove nor demonstrate that "god" exists, though... Then if we take what the cultural marxist Dawkins said - there was a christian he was arguing with, who was also a scientist who said that even if all of the Science in the World disproved "god" or contradicted the bibles, he would still choose "god" and "faith". It's a fruitless endeavour trying to argue with such a deliberately-choosing willfully-ignorant fool - including 666 being within our biology more times than I can count, and "god" putting that in there, in us, and calling it evil, ignorantly and stupidly, on purpose... So stupid beyond belief. Besides - if "jesus" "returned", christians would deny it as fraud anyway! They wouldn't believe it! Even in the face of "miracles" - and if a Spiritual Satanists also did "miracles", or actual acts that are actually possible one day when it would be safe to do so - the christian would also deny that such as frauds. Whether it is Spiritual Satanists doing things, or "jesus" "returning" and doing things, christians would deny and denounce both as fale prophets, lol. Too much faith. It's so pathetic.

The more fundamental ones are truly lost. Try as you might to help them, they just won't. While the words "fate" and "faith" might not be related directly, fate regarding predetermined events ushered by outside forces and faith regarding bringing that forwards, to trust something will happen and behaving accordingly - some of the more ignorant christians who choose to ignore everything else lock-in their own fate with faith and with their own permission, unless they escape and free themselves.

Similar to what you shared about that mother - a pastor in Cameroon removed a patient's oxygen tube and caused her to die. At the same time, breaking Worldwide news - amputees' arms and legs have regrown after 0.1 prayers by a Sunday christian who prayed out of duty, not out of love nor care, while being distracted with social media. Not! No amputee's leg nor arm ever regrew, no wheelchair-bound individual ever got up and walked, no abused Child was ever saved from a "priest", no person was ever raised from the dead...

Have faith, or have knowledge.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
