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The conditions of world war already exist, all it takes is a trigger.


New member
Jan 29, 2024
In Europe, Ukraine is in a critical situation, and the imminence of its defeat could lead to some thoughtless action by a NATO country that will bring the Russians and NATO into a direct confrontation.

In the Middle East, Israel's prime minister is going through serious internal crises, in addition to being accused of corruption and leniency in relation to the Hamas attacks on October 7th. There is a real possibility that Netanyahu, for personal political survival, throws Israel into an all-out war, which would involve the USA.

In Asia, the armistice between the Koreas can be undone at any time Kim Jong-un deems it opportune. The issue between China and Taiwan has not been resolved.
Internal crises in China or American interference in Asian affairs could lead Xi Jing Ping to take military action.

All it takes is a political miscalculation or a political leader thinking it's time to attack (out of stupidity or because he considers it a strategically opportune moment to do so). Or even some selfish politician throws the world into war in a selfish attempt to benefit himself. None of this is far from reality.

If a total war happens, I believe that the real beneficiaries will be the black inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa who would invariably be at an absolute demographic advantage in relation to the other people on the planet. (except if something unusual happens.)

I believe that war is inevitable, but that the conditions under which it will occur will be strongly influenced by this year's American elections.

Perhaps Trump will be able to save Europeans from an all-out confrontation with Russia through appeasement and peace agreements. A re-election of Biden, in my opinion, is more dangerous for Europe in terms of inducing it into a confrontation with Russia.

In any case, I believe that the liberal-democratic order led by the US and the state of Israel will not survive a world war.

In Germany itself, liberal democracy is not maintained on its own, the rise of the AFD party and German nationalism is only being contained by dictatorial measures...
by the traditional rules of democracy fascism would have already come to power in Europe again .

The world witnesses American cultural degeneration and its decline in general.
The decades of the world seeing the USA as a perfect political model are over, in contrast, the rise of China, Russia, and Iran in global protagonism inspires strong governments around the world.

European countries and the USA no longer have the technological, military, and industrial primacy that made them superpowers between the 15th and 21st centuries.

Israel alone is not capable of confronting even the militias led by Iran alone, let alone Iran itself.
Israel's existence is closely linked to American military and economic support. Without the USA, there is no Israel.

Jews are eager to throw the US to fight and die for them against their enemies in the Middle East.
But even that wouldn't save them. With the added bonus of if the US is too busy fighting a war against China, not much will be left to defend Israel.

The best thing for Europeans would be to hope for the fall of the USA (which implies the fall of the liberal-democratic order and the possibility of nationalism rising to power), for the destruction of israel (which implies the impediment of the realization of Jewish eschatological prophecies) and not confrontation against Russia (which implies that they will not be extinguished or nearly extinguished in a nuclear war).

What is the position and vision of Spiritual Satanism in this context?

What is your particular position and vision in this context?
What is the position and vision of Spiritual Satanism in this context?

What is your particular position and vision in this context?

Although individual members have their own views, JoS transcends politics.
The more people talking about WW3 and invision it the more likely it will happen.
So I try not to.

There is a lot of instability in the world.
Putin talking about stepping up to nuclear level, NATO stepping up to Putin, Israel stepping up to Hamas, Hamas to Israel etc.

Wars have however gone on since the beginning of time.

To meditate and visualise a peaceful world, do RTR's and other rituals is what we can do here.

Those who want to step up to WW3 can suck my tounge.
This dude is always posting downer, pessimistic, content. He seemingly doesn’t actually take anything any of us here who are serious say into consideration. It’s just the same cycle of posts talking about war and how bad things are and “oh what are ya’ll and the Gods gonna do about it? Sure looks bad…..oh no….how can I fit Satanism into my current worldview and cherry pick the parts a like and then argue about the parts i don’t.”
This dude is always posting downer, pessimistic, content. He seemingly doesn’t actually take anything any of us here who are serious say into consideration. It’s just the same cycle of posts talking about war and how bad things are and “oh what are ya’ll and the Gods gonna do about it? Sure looks bad…..oh no….how can I fit Satanism into my current worldview and cherry pick the parts a like and then argue about the parts i don’t.”
Might I just say; I think it's a bit harsh to draw this conclusion of intentional fear mongering from his side.

Perhaps he has actual fears based upon his worldview and current knowledge.
I'm certainly not the most well-read on politics or world events in general,
so I for one cannot say this is about any fear mongering or so.

He seem to know stuff and I thought it was a bit interesting to read, even if it perhaps included some wrong assumptions or so.
Just my opinion.

In order for JoS to grow in numbers, we need to be understanding of other peoples opinions and assumptions.
Therefore not be too quick in assuming an agenda behind some outsiders view of things, which might differ from JoS.
Knowledge is not always there, and in those cases we should provide it and not assume the person was troll or had an agenda of minformation.

Trolls and agendas happens though, but I'm sceptic that this is the case here.
The more people talking about WW3 and invision it the more likely it will happen.
In my research on esotericism and occultism linked to geopolitics, I have heard that the "collective unconscious" is decisive in the manifestation of reality and the timeline we will experience.

This theory preached that people's unconscious has the power to shape or influence reality.

And therefore, according to this theory, for example, the film industry like Hollywood intentionally passed "predictive programming" aiming to achieve some objectives through this mechanism.

I personally have my doubts.

I am more inclined to believe in intellect and human actions in the construction of reality.

In JOS I didn't find anything related to this topic, except a ritual titled "Preventing another major war".

I personally am not knowledgeable about the occult, so I don't know about the effectiveness of these rituals or the "collective unconscious" in political issues on the planet.

But I'm skeptical to believe that these things influence the decisions of those who really have power like the Western globalists, Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei.

I, personally, believe that a war against Russia would be catastrophic for Europe.
Even because those in power today in the West do not want the good of the European people.

I disagree with you, I think that those who care about the future of Europe (European politicians and European activists) should talk about the risks of a 3rd world war and its possible tragic results to prevent this from happening. And honestly, they better hurry before it's too late.

Europe needs to get rid of the jews.
Europe needs to get rid of liberalism.
Europe needs to get rid of the USA.
Europe needs to resolve its demographic issue.
Europe does not need a war against the Russians that will worsen its problems.

JoS transcends politics.
I understood in what context HoodedCobra used this phrase.

Politics is not the infantilized discussion of "right" vs "left".
Politics is the dispute for power and the construction of human reality.

by the way, Isn't National-Socialism political Spiritual Satanism?
Doesn't the Third Reich have roots in Satanic beliefs?
Isn't the fourth Reich, which will emerge, somehow linked to your beliefs?

If so, politics and what is happening in the world cannot be ignored.
I would like to know more about these things.

Anyway, my question was rhetorical.
From the things you post, I know that you don't have the answers to these questions.
Most members of this community do not have the answers to these questions.
Maybe HodedCobra has the answers and I would like to read what he has to comment on.

He seemingly doesn’t actually take anything any of us here who are serious say into consideration.

Only a few I take into consideration.
HoodedCobra, hailourtruegod, Blitzkreig[JG] are examples.

In contrast, you, Hellenic SS, Henu_the_great, Ol argedco luciftias, EasternFireLion666 barely types anything worth reading.

I mean, EasternFireLion666 is worth reading for entertainment, but the things he believes are astonishingly dumb.
(Which is normal, I wouldn't expect something smart from a Romanian.)

In my research on esotericism and occultism linked to geopolitics, I have heard that the "collective unconscious" is decisive in the manifestation of reality and the timeline we will experience.

This theory preached that people's unconscious has the power to shape or influence reality.

And therefore, according to this theory, for example, the film industry like Hollywood intentionally passed "predictive programming" aiming to achieve some objectives through this mechanism.

I personally have my doubts.

I am more inclined to believe in intellect and human actions in the construction of reality.

In JOS I didn't find anything related to this topic, except a ritual titled "Preventing another major war".

I personally am not knowledgeable about the occult, so I don't know about the effectiveness of these rituals or the "collective unconscious" in political issues on the planet.

But I'm skeptical to believe that these things influence the decisions of those who really have power like the Western globalists, Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei.

I, personally, believe that a war against Russia would be catastrophic for Europe.
Even because those in power today in the West do not want the good of the European people.

I disagree with you, I think that those who care about the future of Europe (European politicians and European activists) should talk about the risks of a 3rd world war and its possible tragic results to prevent this from happening. And honestly, they better hurry before it's too late.

Europe needs to get rid of the jews.
Europe needs to get rid of liberalism.
Europe needs to get rid of the USA.
Europe needs to resolve its demographic issue.
Europe does not need a war against the Russians that will worsen its problems.

I understood in what context HoodedCobra used this phrase.

Politics is not the infantilized discussion of "right" vs "left".
Politics is the dispute for power and the construction of human reality.

by the way, Isn't National-Socialism political Spiritual Satanism?
Doesn't the Third Reich have roots in Satanic beliefs?
Isn't the fourth Reich, which will emerge, somehow linked to your beliefs?

If so, politics and what is happening in the world cannot be ignored.
I would like to know more about these things.

Anyway, my question was rhetorical.
From the things you post, I know that you don't have the answers to these questions.
Most members of this community do not have the answers to these questions.
Maybe HodedCobra has the answers and I would like to read what he has to comment on.

Only a few I take into consideration.
HoodedCobra, hailourtruegod, Blitzkreig[JG] are examples.

In contrast, you, Hellenic SS, Henu_the_great, Ol argedco luciftias, EasternFireLion666 barely types anything worth reading.

I mean, EasternFireLion666 is worth reading for entertainment, but the things he believes are astonishingly dumb.
(Which is normal, I wouldn't expect something smart from a Romanian.)

We should avoid assuming in our minds that a WW3 will happen.

Politicians etc. need of course to consider such a scenario, and discuss it's preventions.

It should however though be avoided to assume it will happen, to wish it will happen, and to unecessarily bring it up and talk about it.

What we in our minds think will be reality, have a greater chance of becoming reality if constantly assumed it will be, over and over.
In my research on esotericism and occultism linked to geopolitics, I have heard that the "collective unconscious" is decisive in the manifestation of reality and the timeline we will experience.

This theory preached that people's unconscious has the power to shape or influence reality.

And therefore, according to this theory, for example, the film industry like Hollywood intentionally passed "predictive programming" aiming to achieve some objectives through this mechanism.
This is extensively talked about in JoS. It's obvious that you have not read much at all. Look into the library.
I am more inclined to believe in intellect and human actions in the construction of reality.
Both conscious and subconscious work together.
But I'm skeptical to believe that these things influence the decisions of those who really have power like the Western globalists, Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei.
That's fine since your contribution to the fight against jews is nonexistent anyway. You are all talk no walk. You also ignore the fact that leaders are figureheads and there are millions of other people who influence the outcome of our goals, starting from the very common people all the way up to very influential people.
I understood in what context HoodedCobra used this phrase.

Politics is not the infantilized discussion of "right" vs "left".
Politics is the dispute for power and the construction of human reality.

by the way, Isn't National-Socialism political Spiritual Satanism?
Doesn't the Third Reich have roots in Satanic beliefs?
Isn't the fourth Reich, which will emerge, somehow linked to your beliefs?

If so, politics and what is happening in the world cannot be ignored.
I would like to know more about these things.

Anyway, my question was rhetorical.
From the things you post, I know that you don't have the answers to these questions.
Most members of this community do not have the answers to these questions.
Maybe HodedCobra has the answers and I would like to read what he has to comment on.
The post I linked provided the answer to this question perfectly, but you are more keen on insulting and denigrating us. Hmm, I wonder why...
The more people talking about WW3 and invision it the more likely it will happen.
So I try not to.

There is a lot of instability in the world.
Putin talking about stepping up to nuclear level, NATO stepping up to Putin, Israel stepping up to Hamas, Hamas to Israel etc.

Wars have however gone on since the beginning of time.

To meditate and visualise a peaceful world, do RTR's and other rituals is what we can do here.

Those who want to step up to WW3 can suck my tounge.
Mediatate on peace sounds like a good idea. My friends aren’t ready for JOS RTRS yet.

I think I will suggest they return all religious curses in the general sense, and say this is protection rather than revenge. As they are still all very anti black magic.
But if you actually paid any attention and had any understanding of what HPHC said like you claim you do, you’d stop repeating yourself all the time. All your posts and threads are basically the same thing phrased differently.
Mediatate on peace sounds like a good idea. My friends aren’t ready for JOS RTRS yet.

I think I will suggest they return all religious curses in the general sense, and say this is protection rather than revenge. As they are still all very anti black magic.
Essentially not tuning into and psychically fueling the vortex of decay that our enemy has laid out is enough to get started. Everything else, such as personal spiritual development and spiritual warfare is added bonus as a direct counter to the vortex of decay.
What is the position and vision of Spiritual Satanism in this context?

What is your particular position and vision in this context?

As an observer, I'm perplexed about what you are trying to achieve here.

HP Hoodedcobra and others make posts about world events for 3 reasons:
1)As a call for RTRs
2)To show that the Gods are involved in a world event
3)To show that an event has been predicted by the Gods or using astrology

They are not interested in world politics just for the sake of it. So why do you complain when you do not receive the answers you need?

You have made it clear that you are not a Spiritual Satanist, you are not interested in joining Spiritual Satanism and you don't believe RTRs work, so what's the point of posting threads such as these?

Do you want to discuss world politics and events from a non-Spiritual viewpoint? If yes, this is not the best forum to do that, because the people here are interested in the spiritual aspect of world events. They are not going to join the army and fight in a physical war against Israel or US, so they don't care about discussing which enemy to fight or the way to fight physically or any vision about what to do or all the other things that you post.

You can go to Twitter or Telegram or Gab or any other platforms where non-SS people constantly talk about world events in the way you want and can give you the answers you need.
As an observer, I'm perplexed about what you are trying to achieve here.

HP Hoodedcobra and others make posts about world events for 3 reasons:
1)As a call for RTRs
2)To show that the Gods are involved in a world event
3)To show that an event has been predicted by the Gods or using astrology

They are not interested in world politics just for the sake of it. So why do you complain when you do not receive the answers you need?

You have made it clear that you are not a Spiritual Satanist, you are not interested in joining Spiritual Satanism and you don't believe RTRs work, so what's the point of posting threads such as these?

Do you want to discuss world politics and events from a non-Spiritual viewpoint? If yes, this is not the best forum to do that, because the people here are interested in the spiritual aspect of world events. They are not going to join the army and fight in a physical war against Israel or US, so they don't care about discussing which enemy to fight or the way to fight physically or any vision about what to do or all the other things that you post.

You can go to Twitter or Telegram or Gab or any other platforms where non-SS people constantly talk about world events in the way you want and can give you the answers you need.
Seriously, thank you for phrasing this so succinctly. This “the_goy_mutt” dude is annoying and wasting people’s time.
In Europe, Ukraine is in a critical situation, and the imminence of its defeat could lead to some thoughtless action by a NATO country that will bring the Russians and NATO into a direct confrontation.

In the Middle East, Israel's prime minister is going through serious internal crises, in addition to being accused of corruption and leniency in relation to the Hamas attacks on October 7th. There is a real possibility that Netanyahu, for personal political survival, throws Israel into an all-out war, which would involve the USA.

In Asia, the armistice between the Koreas can be undone at any time Kim Jong-un deems it opportune. The issue between China and Taiwan has not been resolved.
Internal crises in China or American interference in Asian affairs could lead Xi Jing Ping to take military action.

All it takes is a political miscalculation or a political leader thinking it's time to attack (out of stupidity or because he considers it a strategically opportune moment to do so). Or even some selfish politician throws the world into war in a selfish attempt to benefit himself. None of this is far from reality.

If a total war happens, I believe that the real beneficiaries will be the black inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa who would invariably be at an absolute demographic advantage in relation to the other people on the planet. (except if something unusual happens.)

I believe that war is inevitable, but that the conditions under which it will occur will be strongly influenced by this year's American elections.

Perhaps Trump will be able to save Europeans from an all-out confrontation with Russia through appeasement and peace agreements. A re-election of Biden, in my opinion, is more dangerous for Europe in terms of inducing it into a confrontation with Russia.

In any case, I believe that the liberal-democratic order led by the US and the state of Israel will not survive a world war.

In Germany itself, liberal democracy is not maintained on its own, the rise of the AFD party and German nationalism is only being contained by dictatorial measures...
by the traditional rules of democracy fascism would have already come to power in Europe again .

The world witnesses American cultural degeneration and its decline in general.
The decades of the world seeing the USA as a perfect political model are over, in contrast, the rise of China, Russia, and Iran in global protagonism inspires strong governments around the world.

European countries and the USA no longer have the technological, military, and industrial primacy that made them superpowers between the 15th and 21st centuries.

Israel alone is not capable of confronting even the militias led by Iran alone, let alone Iran itself.
Israel's existence is closely linked to American military and economic support. Without the USA, there is no Israel.

Jews are eager to throw the US to fight and die for them against their enemies in the Middle East.
But even that wouldn't save them. With the added bonus of if the US is too busy fighting a war against China, not much will be left to defend Israel.

The best thing for Europeans would be to hope for the fall of the USA (which implies the fall of the liberal-democratic order and the possibility of nationalism rising to power), for the destruction of israel (which implies the impediment of the realization of Jewish eschatological prophecies) and not confrontation against Russia (which implies that they will not be extinguished or nearly extinguished in a nuclear war).

What is the position and vision of Spiritual Satanism in this context?

What is your particular position and vision in this context?
I will respond to your post, but not about what you want to hear. The reason why you are so interested and concerned about world events is not outside of you, but inside. In other words, your mind. The survival circuit of the psyche is accustomed to receiving information necessary for survival, this is basic knowledge and what can satisfy us in our feeling of “anxiety” from everyday things. You are watching = you are aware = the mind believes that you have more cards in your hands and your knowledge of the world around you will protect you from unexpected changes in the situation. This is a habit of mind control.

What is true is that not everyone here is like you. People are interested in practically implementing the principles of spiritual Satanism in their lives because they know that it works. If you spend a few months (perhaps a year or more) of your life practicing void meditation, you will find that the mental models you now have that control you no longer have the power to dictate to you.

In other words, you will be free from worrying about things that actually don't work the way you see them. The global political “arena” is not a place where the average Joe, watching TV news, understands everything. The news WANTS to give you that feeling. Feeling that you are aware. This flow of information exists to confuse the maps of the NPS, to direct flows of information in the right direction, and to shape public opinions. Counter-culture, cospirology and “alt-right” agendas are also agendas.

Regarding your question "what will Spiritual Satanists do", it basically addresses the point of view that people cannot "escape pressure". Those external events that are induced on the world and society by the enemy, like Fake Covid, etc. But actually it is not. Your soul creates your reality and your conditions, the objective level in all of this is not a common game board for everyone. We are limited by physical laws, but the world is multi-layered and there is a huge Power of the Gods in it to guarantee that everything will be fine with you. You may not believe me, but I literally live in a war situation and have seen this many times.
I get that the survival part of the ego, or is that just the ego? We should not let this part dominate our every day actions, it is like the lower self, it has to work for the higher self. Is that what you are saying?

But I’m confused, if war was literally on you door step. Wouldn’t you have to be villigent of unfolding events, so you don’t get harmed? I.e have a plan to avoid likely possibilities

What about the war tactics and strategy of Hitler? Wasn’t he being driven by survival?
Essentially not tuning into and psychically fueling the vortex of decay that our enemy has laid out is enough to get started. Everything else, such as personal spiritual development and spiritual warfare is added bonus as a direct counter to the vortex of decay.
yes, like burying your head in the sand in ignorance, turning to bad habits, or taking your frustrations out on friends and family.
You are watching = you are aware = the mind believes that you have more cards in your hands and your knowledge of the world around you will protect you from unexpected changes in the situation. This is a habit of mind control.
A habit of mind control that doubles as deception. That's new to me; it's so basic, and it has me thinking: Is there a phenomenon like the one you described that can be (has been) applied in communication?
Seriously, thank you for phrasing this so succinctly. This “the_goy_mutt” dude is annoying and wasting people’s time.
Even the greatest library with all of the information in the world, would be worth nothing more than kindling for a fire to a person who doesn't know how to read. You can't teach anything to a person who's intention is not to learn.
These are valid points aren’t they?

There are valid point aren’t they?
Isn't National-Socialism political Spiritual Satanism?
Doesn't the Third Reich have roots in Satanic beliefs?
Isn't the fourth Reich, which will emerge, somehow linked to your beliefs?
I get that the survival part of the ego, or is that just the ego? We should not let this part dominate our every day actions, it is like the lower self, it has to work for the higher self. Is that what you are saying?

But I’m confused, if war was literally on you door step. Wouldn’t you have to be villigent of unfolding events, so you don’t get harmed? I.e have a plan to avoid likely possibilities

What about the war tactics and strategy of Hitler? Wasn’t he being driven by survival?
yes, but hitler wasn't looking for other places to go to survive. He was defending his country,

but I think its ok to discuss peoples views and research, if it makes you feel good, and less worried, but if meditation makes you feel better, then do that instead.
I remember reading someone's post --- """"if you would like a peaceful life prepare for war.""""" It's not a bad idea to be prepared for the worst, then you can really relax. I have read that HP has been warning us of political and economic dangers for years.

And like some other people have mentioned, what we are really up against is the ignorance in ourselves, which surfaces when we meditate
In Europe, Ukraine is in a critical situation, and the imminence of its defeat could lead to some thoughtless action by a NATO country that will bring the Russians and NATO into a direct confrontation.
and maybe you will garnish better info from meditation anyhow, from your allies and guardians, worth a try?..... PEACE!
These are valid points aren’t they?

There are valid point aren’t they?
Isn't National-Socialism political Spiritual Satanism?
Doesn't the Third Reich have roots in Satanic beliefs?
Isn't the fourth Reich, which will emerge, somehow linked to your beliefs?
It's much deeper than that. SS is the primordial, eternal Truth. NS were a product of IT'S OWN time, with their own problems and issues to solve - a way to manifest the Eternal Truths to the world.

It's not of much use now on the political spectrum: trying (or rather thinking) to create the same NS for the sake of creating one and for the sake of nostalgia.
It's better to gain power and inspiration from the deeds of our ancestors to build something of our own to be proud of and glorify in the face of ourselves and Gods for Eons to come: by elevating yourself, fellow SS, our Community and people.
For this is true honor and nobility, not nostalgic remorse or revanchism.

In our time, another Satanic movement will arise. A movement with the same keystone of Satya-Dharma in it's foundation.
A habit of mind control that doubles as deception. That's new to me; it's so basic, and it has me thinking: Is there a phenomenon like the one you described that can be (has been) applied in communication?
It doesn’t matter at all in what area your mind controls you. You must control it, this leads to mastery of the situation. For communication. Let's imagine a situation where you are going to a difficult interview where you will need to answer questions in order to get a new job. You come and a person sits in front of you who seems to you (your primary sensations) threatening, angry and demanding. If you do not control your mind, the thoughts that this person is like this will hold you like ropes. You won't be able to say what you want to say because your mind will attach a certain label based on your own thoughts. Instead of having free flow, you are mentally limited to thinking about something in a certain way.

By analogy with the previous example, following the news is a constant attempt to satisfy the “anxiety” of the mind, to add firewood to the funnel of satisfying curiosity/awareness. In the case of communications, some of the initial thoughts about a person that you build into the communication process will shape the way you speak.

For example with girls. You see a beautiful girl on the street and your mind instantly labels her as “she’s demanding and wants a guy with a Ferrari, I don’t stand a chance.” It is this attitude that will sabotage your attempts to talk to her, and she will definitely notice it. Although in fact, in fact, this could be a good girl who would be disposed towards you in a positive sense. But your mind (if you don't control it) will protest against this and interfere with things in a bad way.
I get that the survival part of the ego, or is that just the ego? We should not let this part dominate our every day actions, it is like the lower self, it has to work for the higher self. Is that what you are saying?

But I’m confused, if war was literally on you door step. Wouldn’t you have to be villigent of unfolding events, so you don’t get harmed? I.e have a plan to avoid likely possibilities

What about the war tactics and strategy of Hitler? Wasn’t he being driven by survival?
The survival part within us is certainly important in a purely biological sense. But as Satanists we move on and subject it all to our highest aspiration and control. In other words, you can program your aura to do what you want, and rid yourself of those unwanted, overly chaotic body/mind reactions if you have them. In this sense, biology is subject to the energy of the soul. The higher controls the lower. This is one of the symbolisms of the Arcana Strength (8) in the Tarot.

I think this issue cannot be resolved universally as something common to everyone. This is in our natal charts, for people who have a strong placement of Pluto and other Yang planets, as well as aspects between them with the Moon, themes of caution/survival can be very acute and manifest themselves in life in different ways. However, this does not mean at all that we should allow our mind, no matter how positive the excuses, to control our will and what we do.

Useless panic and worry lead nowhere. Danger is an objective situation, and it certainly exists. In my experience, and this has also been confirmed by people who have gone through life-threatening situations, the best thing to do in such situations is to remain focused and as careful as possible. The habit of controlling your mind will come in handy. Reactive reactions can be a big problem.

As for me, one day I really felt what a biological survival circuit was for myself. When the body does something first, and only then do you realize how exactly it helped you avoid danger. This is a zone of pure instincts.
It doesn’t matter at all in what area your mind controls you. You must control it, this leads to mastery of the situation. For communication. Let's imagine a situation where you are going to a difficult interview where you will need to answer questions in order to get a new job. You come and a person sits in front of you who seems to you (your primary sensations) threatening, angry and demanding. If you do not control your mind, the thoughts that this person is like this will hold you like ropes. You won't be able to say what you want to say because your mind will attach a certain label based on your own thoughts. Instead of having free flow, you are mentally limited to thinking about something in a certain way.

By analogy with the previous example, following the news is a constant attempt to satisfy the “anxiety” of the mind, to add firewood to the funnel of satisfying curiosity/awareness. In the case of communications, some of the initial thoughts about a person that you build into the communication process will shape the way you speak.

For example with girls. You see a beautiful girl on the street and your mind instantly labels her as “she’s demanding and wants a guy with a Ferrari, I don’t stand a chance.” It is this attitude that will sabotage your attempts to talk to her, and she will definitely notice it. Although in fact, in fact, this could be a good girl who would be disposed towards you in a positive sense. But your mind (if you don't control it) will protest against this and interfere with things in a bad way.
If I focus too intensely on a certain idea, or, dare I say, at worst, obsess over it, I lose control of my mind to an extent and my mind is largely focused on that one idea. I'm familiar with the term autopilot, but does it seem to fit the example in your description? That said, there seems, if I'm observing this correctly, to be a similar example with the Jewish revisionism of history as far as ignorant people are concerned, but it's one that the Jews are likely trying to impose on the populace.
In Europe, Ukraine is in a critical situation, and the imminence of its defeat could lead to some thoughtless action by a NATO country that will bring the Russians and NATO into a direct confrontation.

In the Middle East, Israel's prime minister is going through serious internal crises, in addition to being accused of corruption and leniency in relation to the Hamas attacks on October 7th. There is a real possibility that Netanyahu, for personal political survival, throws Israel into an all-out war, which would involve the USA.

In Asia, the armistice between the Koreas can be undone at any time Kim Jong-un deems it opportune. The issue between China and Taiwan has not been resolved.
Internal crises in China or American interference in Asian affairs could lead Xi Jing Ping to take military action.

All it takes is a political miscalculation or a political leader thinking it's time to attack (out of stupidity or because he considers it a strategically opportune moment to do so). Or even some selfish politician throws the world into war in a selfish attempt to benefit himself. None of this is far from reality.

If a total war happens, I believe that the real beneficiaries will be the black inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa who would invariably be at an absolute demographic advantage in relation to the other people on the planet. (except if something unusual happens.)

I believe that war is inevitable, but that the conditions under which it will occur will be strongly influenced by this year's American elections.

Perhaps Trump will be able to save Europeans from an all-out confrontation with Russia through appeasement and peace agreements. A re-election of Biden, in my opinion, is more dangerous for Europe in terms of inducing it into a confrontation with Russia.

In any case, I believe that the liberal-democratic order led by the US and the state of Israel will not survive a world war.

In Germany itself, liberal democracy is not maintained on its own, the rise of the AFD party and German nationalism is only being contained by dictatorial measures...
by the traditional rules of democracy fascism would have already come to power in Europe again .

The world witnesses American cultural degeneration and its decline in general.
The decades of the world seeing the USA as a perfect political model are over, in contrast, the rise of China, Russia, and Iran in global protagonism inspires strong governments around the world.

European countries and the USA no longer have the technological, military, and industrial primacy that made them superpowers between the 15th and 21st centuries.

Israel alone is not capable of confronting even the militias led by Iran alone, let alone Iran itself.
Israel's existence is closely linked to American military and economic support. Without the USA, there is no Israel.

Jews are eager to throw the US to fight and die for them against their enemies in the Middle East.
But even that wouldn't save them. With the added bonus of if the US is too busy fighting a war against China, not much will be left to defend Israel.

The best thing for Europeans would be to hope for the fall of the USA (which implies the fall of the liberal-democratic order and the possibility of nationalism rising to power), for the destruction of israel (which implies the impediment of the realization of Jewish eschatological prophecies) and not confrontation against Russia (which implies that they will not be extinguished or nearly extinguished in a nuclear war).

What is the position and vision of Spiritual Satanism in this context?

What is your particular position and vision in this context?
Dude the jews constantly pulled that trigger but they have failed
Like the losers they are

a world war is a diversion because the economy is moving towards independence and jews are losing the slavish control they had back when xiantity was strong and islam was 10x brutal

Just follow the money and see whose loosing

It can tell you everything. With the rise of crypto and less need for finance institutions and worse yet another trade alternative in addition to more businesses and independence, they are sweating and are anxious to gather their loyal slaves and muslims to make a last stand and pushing the end of times fairytale

It was always about money and control, they attempted to kill spirituality on purpose. So when satan began touching people (who are in the jos and aren’t in the jos) human creativity started to grow and expand, (something the slave jew hates).

Notice how highly intelligent people speaking and creating devices on the cultivation of free energy are assassinated are killed

And many other innovations are brushed under the carpet

These morons even tried to say crypto currency takes too much energy!! Well guess what here’s some satanic news for you and the jews!!

It’s all over. Truth is the collective parasitic energy mass of the jews and muslims have reached high states where they’re literally living in the desert and their plague energy is causing all sorts of disasters for them as the sentient world clears itself from their parasitic nature

It is a loosing game for jews and they are wishing for a world war btw, so all the false world news is not necessary. If you enlighten yourself you will know things the politics hide

Jews and every sick representative they placed in all corners of the world are dying from dementia retardation and low energy. Plus they can’t vamp live energy like before, it’s all crumbling for them

A high level og the jewish organization even said crypto was made by satan!! Absolutely fucking it is, and guess what human potential will grow past its current point to a version where we will be intelligent animals traveling and looking for resources out own selves, have occult powers, totally abandon "the word" and ride spqceships.

The jew is angry about this because jew wants you to economically be dependent and be a stupid fruit who listen to world news and believe paid actors who think buying a lambo or getting some social status makes them somehow on the safe side of poverty (which the jew created)

But it wont

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
