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The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For Updates, Check At The End Of The Thread

Last year around November, I have warned everyone to take measures and told people who might have things, to go into "Safe Haven Assets", with whatever this entails, and to do your own research because shit was about to hit the fan.

I gave this warning at the high peak of the markets. If you listened back then, this probably saved you a lot of pain. Gasoline, commodities, everything is steadily on the rise, with Governments fighting inflation, and jews having us on the brink of WW3 [they wish it too strongly, those of you psychic, you know].

Everyone must maintain a very positive mindset. Just do what you can. Money will be lost during these times, and it's going to be really difficult.

Even for the JoS, this is going to be the case, and everyone except mega wealthy people like Klaus Schwab, is going to be affected. In fact, this is all very carefully designed to occur in such a way to financially crash the populace. The Co-Vid hoax has served many well, and pooled a lot of inflationary money in their pockets.

We are preparing for absolutely anything. If this crap continues, companies might default, and things might turn really crazy. It all depends on how deep the knife will go. And Governments are left with few decisions. They might however enforce digital coins or other things soon, it all remains to be seen. We will see things we have not seen before financially.

Do not forget the JoS during these times. As you can see, the JoS is always here and you always have a place to run to. We will be here for you. Donations are necessary now, that is why I reiterate this. For all we know, companies that for example host, could go bankrupt, and in this case, we must be reasonably prepared for anything, such as moving.

This might sound like science fiction now, unless one has been checking the Stock Markets and so on. Then you saw a real apocalypse taking place there.

The mix of the economy now is something like the 1999's with the Dot com boom, the 2008 crisis, and something entirely new which is the transition caused by Uranus. Everyone is also VERY strongly advised to go and do many money workings for security.


It is of extreme difficulty to live in this world and all these troubling times and problems hitting it, and knowing it, and having no support. Many outsiders and regular populace people will gradually go insane from these things, others will suicide and be made destitute etc, especially those crashed in the stock markets.

Regardless, none of these people will be people from here, as you are all with the Gods and strong. Even if you have taken damage, you will recover.

The average working class, have not been yet affected thankfully, and consumers have not been that much affected, except of rising prices. If Governments don't act now, and inflation keeps going rampant, we will see very negative events unfolding here. But planets in the sky don't yet show things like this.

But they show "restrictions". In the EU, there are already talks about rampant shortages. But we know this was planned way earlier. Read my post that is linked below, this is where I understood the situation was about to get really ugly.

Life must have become a little bit more expensive everywhere. But people who invest etc, have been into a bloodbath situation right now. Theoretically, these aspects of the economy are under collapse, due to artificial bubbling of them, based on fake printed imaginary money.

Well, shit did hit the fan since November. For anyone watching the markets, stocks or crypto, the whole situation screams "Semitah Year", and global collapse. We are living a 2008 of sorts all over again. Some stocks fell like 50% or 75%, bubbles have been collapsing left and right. Crypto was not exempt, with many things there collapsing as much as 90% in a few days.

Billions were lost and the lives of millions have been ruined now. All of this for what? A bullshit virus and incessant false printing. As I said also before this war began, this insanity leads Nations to fight each other and to start wars. Then, you saw Russia invade Ukraine and the rest is what we all know.

Re-Reading this post from as early as September [before the clouds of war appeared on the astral], it was predictably the case that they would start a war.


Then, in November, I have told you this. Now, in regards to what is coming next, redistribution of wealth is happening, and chaos will occur. The 2022 will be a peak of this, with 2023 being only similar. It's after these years that there could be reasonable peace in these departments.


I truly hate to be a harbinger of bad news. But for now, given also the planets, the times are definitely not easy.

All the printed money from Co-Vid, wasn't for free. It is something they will demand one way or another from the citizens. People who thought lockdowns and worldwide rape was necessary over a virus of 0.02% mortality rate, are going to experience a rude awakening that will affect their pockets now.

Everyone is advised to prepare for this.

Although we are not financial advisors, it's recommended for people to invest in some sort of "safe haven asset" to protect themselves from losses. This does not come without risk - there will always be risk involved.

A certain risk would be to not invest, in which case if one holds 5000$ for example, the purchasing power with inflation added to it, might reach something north of 50% within 10 years. That is a devastation for the average consumer and average citizen that is not considerably wealthy. The wealthy will have to tank a lot of damage from this too.

However, if one has invested the same amount in a safe haven asset, such as for example Gold or Silver [there are other assets too, do your research], one might as well experience an increase or an adjustment in the price based on inflation.

Crypto Crash Update May 12 2022:

BlackOnyx8 said:
I have noticed the crypto market is going crazy lately, I have been wondering if this was normal, but it has been falling non stop. Doesn't look normal to me.

What is happening in Crypto is a co-ordinated attack by the likes of Rothschild and Soros, and clearly, probably also including certain Governments, but also profiteers. They are upon it's corpse and feast it out of ultimate greed.

The same goes for certain companies such as the exchanges, and they all pretend that this is absolutely normal and so on, yet it's all a co-ordinated attack.

The Luna Coin situation was also a sudden attack by the jews and an internal cable rugpull by the people who own the project themselves. But it appears to have been three players in this situation.

Yet, this seems to have come hand in hand with the fact that the US Gov is trying to assassinate all "US Dollar" alternatives that mirror the dollar in a decentralized way, so Luna was killed as part of this process. And with it, the wealth of about 65 billion of everyday people. They simply don't give a shit to do things like that.

It appears that when the developers saw it going down, they just said "fuck it, we cannot save this" and started to siphon the corpse of the coin on top of everything without remorse, the same goes for influencers and other people. This one was of the biggest scams in likely decades.

The assassination and death of crypto, possibly while milking it, has become a top priority for the enemy. It appears they have succeeded. A bubble has been popped there in Crypto. Regardless, the sector might survive but go under extended periods of damage and market brutality, where many will be squashed permanently if they say in it due to lack of understanding or experience. On the longterm horizon, let's say, 5 or 10 years, things should be fine.

Lastly, if certain people hold Crypto, do not be tempted to panic sell it and make informed decisions. Like stocks, whether or not cutting losses, is a thought of serious consideration.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am going to start a working tommorow with Jupiter on the Aries point for wealth. I suggest others do so. It has kind of a golden energy. That is good for things like this. I would guess 2023 winter to spiring btw is when we really start to see some problems. I read in school it usually takes a couple years for things to fully take effect one way or the other. The thing Maxine Mentioned about the economy still stands btw keep extra food and other things you may need.
We will probably all be affected at some point and most already are but the Gods are here for us. The opportunity for jupiter squares is coming up again later this year, and we can also supplement that with more rituals and other workings. An infection gets worse often before getting better to fight being cleansed.
Thank you very much for giving the heads-up HP Hooded Cobra. I have noted the electricity prizes for one in my country has increased a lot. It is really bad. Normal grocery items are also more expensive now, and it was very expensive before the inflation. Luckily, I manage very fine financially now thanks to several workings I have done. It has really paid off!

When we started on the Wealth Ritual, it took 1 week, and all of a sudden I was given quite the Scholarship from my job. I am positive we Satanists will get through this crisis very well, given we make spiritual effort into manifesting a good life as well.

Thank you!

Satanic Grimoire of Black Magick, can be used on those that come out of this with lots of wealth. Assuming, of course, they are known criminals. This , in addition to the RTRs. I wonder if Money Vampirism works.
The mix of the economy now is something like the 1999's with the Dot com boom, the 2008 crisis, and something entirely new which is the transition caused by Uranus. Everyone is also VERY strongly advised to go and do many money workings for security.
With the way the housing market is, it seams no one will be owning anything for a very long time unless they're willing to be in a shit ton of debt. But at this point, it's like trying to catch the handle of an erratically spinning machete. The whole thing is just screaming another dot com bubble and I wouldn't want to be there when it happens. And I also must admit, I've taken a considerable hit in other things, which is why some things are on hold, but I do keep to promises.

This post comes at a good timing, but I've already been making plans since last year, some of which on due to advice given and am ready for things to bear fruit. Hopefully.

And also the other day, someone I knew just got a follow up CERB email regarding "repayments", it definitely wasn't a freebie. Luckily, I didn't get too greedy, but for anyone else who hopefully haven't gone on a spending spree be prepared with your finances and maybe even some phone calls.

However, if one has invested the same amount in a safe haven asset, such as for example Gold or Silver [there are other assets too, do your research], one might as well experience an increase or an adjustment in the price based on inflation.

Nailed it since 2015, again, precious metals have always been our blue chip. But it's still important to diversify and not keep everything in one basket.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thanks for properly guiding this. Rest assured at the same time, other things that are happening now are opening the flood gates for better things to come. Some things that have been brought to light have been truly ugly, and rather difficult to take in. These ugly things coming forward have always been happening. Where there’s awareness, there’s a pathway. Even in regard to Russia and Ukraine, the effects this war will have may have the effect Russia and Ukraine needed, in order for those nations to advance past their previous levels. Russia as a nation and people is rather capable and fierce on very many things, and without proper channels opened, they were set to be held back to rot as the future moves forward. They are a very worthy nation. And their people need to come through as strongly as possible. I know this is rather controversial of me to say.

For our own American nation, more awareness and structure in regards to lifestyle and education as always is needed. Cheers to the forums for providing this for every person willing to take a step up to save themselves.
We will prevail. We have the Gods themselves. We have you HP.

Nothing can stop us

slyscorpion said:
I am going to start a working tommorow with Jupiter on the Aries point for wealth. I suggest others do so. It has kind of a golden energy. That is good for things like this. I would guess 2023 winter to spiring btw is when we really start to see some problems. I read in school it usually takes a couple years for things to fully take effect one way or the other. The thing Maxine Mentioned about the economy still stands btw keep extra food and other things you may need.

are you doing this one, or is there a shorter one you know?

"START: Waxing moon in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. The best times for doing this working are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies

2. Vibrate FEHU 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.

3. Affirm 9 times: “Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me.”

4. Visualize brilliant white gold energy either around your entire self and/or around whatever it is that you want. Visualize in your mind whatever it is that you wish to manifest and that it is OCCURRING. Visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.

5. Forget about the working and try to think of other things. This can be difficult in desperate situations, but do the best you can, because worry and obsessing over a working can undo the energy you put into it. Just let it go and know it is working. The only exception is this: You can also visualize energy throughout the day and state your affirmations a few times to reinforce the working. Just don't obsess over it, as this is a lack of faith in your own power and can dilute the energy or ruin the working.

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The mix of the economy now is something like the 1999's with the Dot com boom, the 2008 crisis, and something entirely new which is the transition caused by Uranus. Everyone is also VERY strongly advised to go and do many money workings for security.

I'm a bit confused, should i give priority to money working instead of other workings? Because I have many problems that I'm trying to fix.
So what would you or anyone recommend for a good starting date for money working, I usually wait til the moon goes into Taurus since that is good for money working but I can't do a working like that until November but I re-looked at the calendar again and it says the moon goes into Leo on June 8th is it best I wait until then or should I start a working asap?

Henu advised against doing workings due to my spiritual development and the feeling of energy isn't something I'm good at yet but the workings give me discipline when I do them usually without them the rest of my workings/meditations start to fall apart and they have produced results for me especially the money workings.

I remember that post you linked, "global artificial food shortages" where you mentioned on an update how the crypto market tanked backed then.
I believe back then Polygon was at around $1.50 USD, looking at it now it's at $0.57.
Some time before you posted that update, it was at around $2.40.

Seeing all this before my eyes over the course of only months is upsetting, but knowing the truth about the "hidden" hand of the jews in all of this, makes it easy to process.

And then to top it off, there was a US bipartisan aid package of an additional $40 billion approved for Ukraine's war effort (almost as much as Russia's annual military budget of 65.9 billion).

Those that are without are definitely freaking out, not knowing what we know. We can have calmness even in times like these.

Hail Satan!
Kurat said:
Get countryside home. Grow your own food. Forgot the system.
Yes goy, leave all the system to the jews, so that they will have all the financial power to themselves.
Long term effects of Covid and the Russia-Ukraina situation will be hassling everyone in the upcoming decade. Hiper-inflation is expected and I'd suggest everyone to spend now and secure yourselves while your money still worth something. You think it is not a good time to buy a home? It will get worse, far worse. If it's hard now, it'll be near impossible soon. This approach may be related to idealistic opinions about ownership of property and personal feelings about Jews infested here only a hundred or two years ago owning a good part of real estate while real owners and natives of thousands of years renting from them-- but if you don't believe me, believe my economy professor. It'll be more and more difficult to own things.

Covid and Russia aside, yes they are a hassle but not as concerning as China. If people knew what was going on they would be cuddling a teddy bear of freedom of speech and property rights at night.
VortexOfLife said:
Henu advised against doing workings due to my spiritual development and the feeling of energy isn't something I'm good at yet but the workings give me discipline when I do them usually without them the rest of my workings/meditations start to fall apart and they have produced results for me especially the money workings.
This is incorrect. I advised you to be careful since you are having trouble handling increased amounts of energy, at least that is what you said on the post.
Nimrod33 said:
I'm a bit confused, should i give priority to money working instead of other workings? Because I have many problems that I'm trying to fix.

You should ask the Gods since they know your situation better than all of us. If your wealth-related planets and houses are weak, then you should likely invest time here.
Big Dipper said:
slyscorpion said:
I am going to start a working tommorow with Jupiter on the Aries point for wealth. I suggest others do so. It has kind of a golden energy. That is good for things like this. I would guess 2023 winter to spiring btw is when we really start to see some problems. I read in school it usually takes a couple years for things to fully take effect one way or the other. The thing Maxine Mentioned about the economy still stands btw keep extra food and other things you may need.

are you doing this one, or is there a shorter one you know?

"START: Waxing moon in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. The best times for doing this working are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies

2. Vibrate FEHU 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.

3. Affirm 9 times: “Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me.”

4. Visualize brilliant white gold energy either around your entire self and/or around whatever it is that you want. Visualize in your mind whatever it is that you wish to manifest and that it is OCCURRING. Visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.

5. Forget about the working and try to think of other things. This can be difficult in desperate situations, but do the best you can, because worry and obsessing over a working can undo the energy you put into it. Just let it go and know it is working. The only exception is this: You can also visualize energy throughout the day and state your affirmations a few times to reinforce the working. Just don't obsess over it, as this is a lack of faith in your own power and can dilute the energy or ruin the working.

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days."

I was talking about Jupiter square. I probably will start just a regular money mantra one during the lunar eclipse.
Might very well just be wishful thinking... but the 3rd Reich came to power when economy hit "below 0" ;)
Henu the Great said:
This is incorrect. I advised you to be careful since you are having trouble handling increased amounts of energy, at least that is what you said on the post.

My apologies, I assumed wrong I thought you were advising against doing workings due to the square. I will try to avoid any further confusion on my side in the future.
I have noticed the crypto market is going crazy lately, I have been wondering if this was normal, but it has been falling non stop. Doesn't look normal to me.

Wealth workings are extremely important. Everyone here should be focusing a great part of their energy into manifesting large amounts of wealth and achieve financial freedom. Not only is that good for the JoS as a whole but also for the individuals who would have a way to make use of their most valuable asset, which is time.

We have to survive what is coming, we are all a very important part of humanity and we can't let ourselves go extinct no matter the cost. Money plays a big role in our ability to prepare, survive and eventually thrive.
Big Dipper said:
slyscorpion said:
I am going to start a working tommorow with Jupiter on the Aries point for wealth. I suggest others do so. It has kind of a golden energy. That is good for things like this. I would guess 2023 winter to spiring btw is when we really start to see some problems. I read in school it usually takes a couple years for things to fully take effect one way or the other. The thing Maxine Mentioned about the economy still stands btw keep extra food and other things you may need.

are you doing this one, or is there a shorter one you know?

"START: Waxing moon in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. The best times for doing this working are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies

2. Vibrate FEHU 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.

3. Affirm 9 times: “Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me.”

4. Visualize brilliant white gold energy either around your entire self and/or around whatever it is that you want. Visualize in your mind whatever it is that you wish to manifest and that it is OCCURRING. Visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.

5. Forget about the working and try to think of other things. This can be difficult in desperate situations, but do the best you can, because worry and obsessing over a working can undo the energy you put into it. Just let it go and know it is working. The only exception is this: You can also visualize energy throughout the day and state your affirmations a few times to reinforce the working. Just don't obsess over it, as this is a lack of faith in your own power and can dilute the energy or ruin the working.

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days."

I thought it was a magical square for Jupiter. Over 16 days and 136 vibrations of the mantra:


It might be weird what i am going to say but i am kinda excited to see what is going on, why? because this is a necessity to get the population to turn into our direction in a whole. Even the dumbest of lambs will see that there is only death awaiting for them if they keep following the herder.
SSinHeartandSoul said:

It might be weird what i am going to say but i am kinda excited to see what is going on, why? because this is a necessity to get the population to turn into our direction in a whole. Even the dumbest of lambs will see that there is only death awaiting for them if they keep following the herder.

These are by far the most chaotic times we have seen yet for many decades. It is in a way, strange to even see this taking place.

Even more, I have to add, that I am also extremely optimistic in the long term of this global situation, but the short term [the short coming future] is going to be tough.

I hold ultimate faith and convinction in our SS and our Gods during this process.
The next Bitcoin halving cycle is in 2024, so by the end of 2023 it might be a good idea to start investing bit by bit.

As for LUNA no matter who did it, was it kikes or someone else, there was a serious flaw and that flaw was exploited and used for attack. What happened to LUNA was just a matter of time.

Stay strong, brothers and sisters in Satan. Times are hard, but we are going to survive this and come out even stronger.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I have noticed the crypto market is going crazy lately, I have been wondering if this was normal, but it has been falling non stop. Doesn't look normal to me.

Wealth workings are extremely important. Everyone here should be focusing a great part of their energy into manifesting large amounts of wealth and achieve financial freedom. Not only is that good for the JoS as a whole but also for the individuals who would have a way to make use of their most valuable asset, which is time.

We have to survive what is coming, we are all a very important part of humanity and we can't let ourselves go extinct no matter the cost. Money plays a big role in our ability to prepare, survive and eventually thrive.

It's due to manipulation. Since most people keep their crypto at third party wallets, they can print an infinite amount of crypto and decide its price.
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
This is not accurate. Money spells can manifest in multitude of ways really depending on you and your situation.

Every moment you are alive you are having opportunities, you just got to seize them.
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
When I was going to school and didn't work I would just find money on the street when doing money spells.
High Priest Hooded Cobra did you finish the Magnum Opus? Yes? Will you all update the Magnum Opus?
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.

It's fine to have assets in another currency, but what will you spend it on if there's an economic crisis in the country? Because the money will be worth nothing, but there will be no food and many other things besides money because of a crash. You have to be prepared for that too. Money alone is of no value.
Personal Growth said:
Big Dipper said:
slyscorpion said:
I am going to start a working tommorow with Jupiter on the Aries point for wealth. I suggest others do so. It has kind of a golden energy. That is good for things like this. I would guess 2023 winter to spiring btw is when we really start to see some problems. I read in school it usually takes a couple years for things to fully take effect one way or the other. The thing Maxine Mentioned about the economy still stands btw keep extra food and other things you may need.

are you doing this one, or is there a shorter one you know?

"START: Waxing moon in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. The best times for doing this working are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies

2. Vibrate FEHU 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.

3. Affirm 9 times: “Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me.”

4. Visualize brilliant white gold energy either around your entire self and/or around whatever it is that you want. Visualize in your mind whatever it is that you wish to manifest and that it is OCCURRING. Visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.

5. Forget about the working and try to think of other things. This can be difficult in desperate situations, but do the best you can, because worry and obsessing over a working can undo the energy you put into it. Just let it go and know it is working. The only exception is this: You can also visualize energy throughout the day and state your affirmations a few times to reinforce the working. Just don't obsess over it, as this is a lack of faith in your own power and can dilute the energy or ruin the working.

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days."

I thought it was a magical square for Jupiter. Over 16 days and 136 vibrations of the mantra:


As I haven't stopped the JOS Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity from the last schedule.

I've decided I will just carry on with that instead of starting anything new.
I was previously thinking of buying silver investment coins (I can't afford gold). I may shop little by little. Depending on the exchange rate and my financial situation.
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
I know you didn't mean to, but this only causes unnecessary panic and doubt on workings, just think of the young people who can't do anything but use magic, a money working can find many ways to manifest; also, we are protected, we must do all we can to help ourselves and think and act wisely, but life goes on, we have the Gods watching over us!
Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
This is not accurate. Money spells can manifest in multitude of ways really depending on you and your situation.

Every moment you are alive you are having opportunities, you just got to seize them.

Even if nothing is there right away a working can be used to find the easiest pathway to make something manifest as far as the planets and the make up of ones chart. How quickly it can manifest can depend on several factors such as personal power, any planetary debilitation's or karma and if they have been removed.
Personal Growth said:
Big Dipper said:
slyscorpion said:
I am going to start a working tommorow with Jupiter on the Aries point for wealth. I suggest others do so. It has kind of a golden energy. That is good for things like this. I would guess 2023 winter to spiring btw is when we really start to see some problems. I read in school it usually takes a couple years for things to fully take effect one way or the other. The thing Maxine Mentioned about the economy still stands btw keep extra food and other things you may need.

are you doing this one, or is there a shorter one you know?

"START: Waxing moon in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. The best times for doing this working are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies

2. Vibrate FEHU 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.

3. Affirm 9 times: “Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me.”

4. Visualize brilliant white gold energy either around your entire self and/or around whatever it is that you want. Visualize in your mind whatever it is that you wish to manifest and that it is OCCURRING. Visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.

5. Forget about the working and try to think of other things. This can be difficult in desperate situations, but do the best you can, because worry and obsessing over a working can undo the energy you put into it. Just let it go and know it is working. The only exception is this: You can also visualize energy throughout the day and state your affirmations a few times to reinforce the working. Just don't obsess over it, as this is a lack of faith in your own power and can dilute the energy or ruin the working.

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days."

I thought it was a magical square for Jupiter. Over 16 days and 136 vibrations of the mantra:


Yeah critical degrees are good any working especially the Aries points (provided the planet is not in fall or detriment there in that case it probably makes it worse however Jupiter is neutral in this sign). Fire element is good for Jupiter in general. I just hope no one did this the last 3 or so weeks ago because it was conjunct Scheat a really bad star that gives thoughts of suicide and general hopeless feelings. That is what people were noticing the last couple weeks and commenting on in one of the threads. I started a square today so far so good material for money.
PinOcchio said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
I know you didn't mean to, but this only causes unnecessary panic and doubt on workings, just think of the young people who can't do anything but use magic, a money working can find many ways to manifest; also, we are protected, we must do all we can to help ourselves and think and act wisely, but life goes on, we have the Gods watching over us!

NEVER, EVER doubt your magickal workings. They will succeed. They just need time, effort, and for you to do the physical requirements.
A pdf about the reptiles plans sofar, an reminding others about the reptilian jews great reset, would also be a good thing to, memeing about it making their (not so great reset)public cause they are hoping that the goyim forget

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
