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The Borg Is Approaching: Neuralink Presentation

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Make no mistake, I am no enemy to technology, futuristic advancements, and if anything, I would be the first to be excited and consider futuristic advancements, even when it comes to augmenting humans - insofar this is external and does not interfere with the human being itself. Humans are actually smart beings with a lot of spiritual and supernal capacity.

We are simply not told of the whole truth, nor this is expected to happen soon under present circumstances.

It is a shame that this truth has been submerged under lies in regards to our Gods, to our past, and to the capacities and skills we can develop in our meditation. Indeed, the only problem of humanity, if the above is discovered, would the problem of humans living small lifespans, which meditation can solve, and technology could also assist us with.

Elon Musk is using the argument that the advent of General Artificial Intelligence is going to render humanity obsolete, and that for this reason, our only "chance" for survival, is to essentially become part of a general borg and physically [through our brains] link ourselves into an AI. In order for this to happen, many steps need to be taken, with implants to human beings.

Let us also not forget, who was into the rampant research into this kind of technology? Specific agencies like DARPA. And who is the biggest investor to Elon Musk? A lot of similar types of state agencies. All of Tesla and all of Neuralink was built based on State money, and Elon Musk did not become the world's 4th richest person by coincidence.

DARPA got enough flack from people because of what it did with tampering the brain [this made it all over the web and they were scorned], and there is no way it could get out and say "Hey, we are developing a brainchip to turn you into a borg, and you must take it, alright?". Civil war would have broken the next day.

But, Elon can be used to front for this, and to try to pass this down as something cool and acceptable to the masses. The extent of how much even he knows is questionable, but probably he knows a lot.

This probably happens without the knowledge of any Presidents and without the knowledge of any actual politicians, they do not even get to have a choice on these things. Most of these things happen by other people, unbeknownst to political officials. Frequently, this can be labelled by "conspiracy theorists" as the "Deep State" which is a hot topic currently in the case of Trump and QAnon. The so called "Deep State" acts on it's own accord in ways such as the above.

A microchipping of the brain, Elon claims, is "necessary" in order for us to save ourselves or not end up as "pets" to the super intelligence, or so that we are not wiped out entirely from it. To that danger we agree, to that this is the solution, one can find numerous others solutions. One such solution is to keep it on the AI level, and not cross over to the "General" level of artificial intelligence.

However, greed, stupidity, monolithic jews, and having a race of Talmudic alien souls taking serious decisions for any civilization, on the behest of some really bad aliens, is always a bad thing to do.

Elon, in the presentation, which used pigs as candidates [which he compared to humans, and said we are similar of course], kept repeating "The pig is healthy and happy". One thing the pig is not is this: Free.

Indeed, General Artificial Intelligence will definitely render humanity obsolete in more than one ways, and displace the major number of humans into meaninglessness. For this reason, jews also argue, that humans will no longer be needed for labor [to them, humans were only slaves], and so that this dystopia to manifest, we need to throw some breadcrums to the angry masses in the form of UBI, lest they are to rise and destroy jews.

Well until the technology is so good that the UBI is not needed, then they will just casually discard people, keep some slaves, and live in what they do refer to as "The Messianic Times". The above is a theme that has been frequently been promoted in movies, partially or fully.

Effectively, the "Working class" which was the problem of the jews in the last century, is to be eliminated by "automation". It is the working class and the middle class, that causes "problems", revolutions, and all sorts of other things, in particular, because the fact that they work and the world depends on them, their word matters. For example, mistreated people by a company, can throw a strike. The wet dream of jews is for them to control a civilization where all work and labor will be done either by human slaves, or robots, that do not in anyway complain, cause issues, or dislike jews.

The other aim of our side is for us to get into a level of a very technologically developed civilization, but without interrupting human progress or throwing people into insignificance. After all, this world exists for humans to live as humans, and to advance as humans.

Our species simply disappearing and/or ending as slaves for another species is not a very good idea, but some "Enthusiasts" and other misanthropes, believe that indeed, wiping humanity out is a very "advanced" thing to do. Many of these people are filled with numerous complexes, most of which psychological. In the case of jews, the hatred is simply because they are aliens at the soul and nothing else.

In this case, Musk is also correct in that we are opening "Pandora's box" into this planet with General Artificial Intelligence, and that the overly logical nature of this technology, and its extensive ability to deal with information, will probably be for the worst for humans.

The disagreement here is however, on how we are going to get "saved" from this situation. Another question is, why are we even here in the first place? Why has out history took a turn that we are confronted with this question? Why has not our technology evolved differently, or went a different way? Was ruining the planet, the environment, and making borgs out of humans, "The only way history could go"? This is what greys and other evil beings want us to believe.

Indeed, there were, and still are, many ways for us to go. None of this is necessary for us to become better, attain immortality or longevity, or live a life that has less labor and less pain.

The enemy in general is an expert in getting people in situations where there is no escape, other than their "solution" to a problem, which in the end, only worsens the situation and becomes a new problem. The enemy created the problem of "Christian Sin", then, they come and give people all these crazy list of demands on how to "absolve themselves of sin". When one follows these demands, one becomes destroyed, and there is nowhere lower for a human being to sink, one's humanity is lost.

Those in power currently in the planet, are also like 65 to 75 years old, and they seldom understand what General AI will probably entail for mankind, Scientists do frown upon individuals who question anything [like paid scientists do right now with Covid, assuming that they are total authority on anything]. Many of these people can hardly use a smartphone. Yet, many of their millions and billions are invested in enterprizes that involve projects like G.A.I.

Be it that many of those who currently are in "Control" of this world also have limited imagination, and are very low in spiritual consciousness, they cannot see much of what this could potentially cause to humanity. Questions like, "is humanity ready for this"? In what direction this will take us? These questions are not answered.

Because of course, they do not want to open these questions up, because opening these questions will bring the collapse of their fully unstable paradigm. Some others and jews included in this level of control, are desperate to use technology in a way that will enslave the masses that highly dislike them, which was always the core of their "Teachings".

Part of their teaching was to enslave "part" of the masses entirely, and the rest of it was to "Judge them" and typically kill them and/or make sure that they suffer for all eternity.

Elon in his "presentation" mentioned something with someone that appears to be a medical personnel, in how the brainchip can be used to stop feeling pain and/or "reducing suffering". They forgot to say the other thing. What can actually be done through the brainchip to, for example, INCREASE or CAUSE suffering?

As with everything else, they only show the rainbow to everyone, and they never even mention the millions of ways this could potentially go wrong, because if they do, these ideas and advancements will cause people to literally revolt, because they are not necessary to take such risks for, or to go this way. There are other ways.

It used to be the line that people like us were "nutcases" and insane that essentially, were spreading "Conspiracy theories" that had to do with strange and lunatic things that were "impossible" to exist.

As time progresses, more and more people will understand, what HPS Maxine and us have shared, is only what is going to happen into this world, and indeed, this is not a strictly human plan. If anything this plan is not human at all, other than that some "Humans" are actually developing this plan, seldom understanding where this may end.

As it has been stated, these advances, are basically influences manifesting from the greys, in that they want to turn our civilization in either part of their borg, or abolish our civilization entirely.

Those who have meditated and have had any experience with these "Creatures", they understand these are highly telepathic alien species, that are evil, and do not want humans to spiritually advance in anyway. As such, they have been promoting to humans all things that spiritually disable them, and they have authored a lot of programs, ranging from weed and drug abuse, to christianity and islam, or supported races such as the jews to keep humanity in spiritual oblivion.

Those who have been reading our messages and posts, have seen for themselves the manifestations and the road towards these "weird" manifestations, in the timegrid of history and the present that we are going through right now. Lots of abnormal thing happen everyday, and people only care to call other people "Conspiracy theorists".

Well goys there is no conspiracy theory here, just some people who are literally creating a brain control interface with who knows what capability and what backdoor. and want to implant this to humans for whatever reason. I cannot wait for NPC's to again be closed minded and pretend nothing strange is happening here, which is of course, in front of their very eyes.

What is important however, is to not only know, but be conscious of what is happening and why. Did the idea for people to implant microchips into their brain, come on it's own or as a result of historical development? Were there no other ways?

If so, why has not our history went the other way, for example, into development of suits or external technological means that would amplify humans but leave our inner biological core intact [for example, space suits, or think Iron Man suits that can be used in space exploration?].

This sounds like the most logical solution, arriving from the fact that humans are both easily upset by technologies, and implanting things in humans is not always a smart idea. There are many other technologies that keep people alive, and are currently inside people [for example, heart implants or palpilators], or artificial limbs, but why would someone, for any reason, want to implant something inside their brain, with capacities that in the very least could be called troublesome?

One example here is how every non biological system, or technological system, can be hacked. What happens exactly, if someone who is implanted with a brain chip, has their thoughts read, or is flashed advertisements inside their brain?

The logical conclusion with the powers that rule the world right now, is only one: This is to enslave humanity and nothing else. The excuse is always the same, that this is for the less able, the patients, the weak, and to help us in some way escape from existential misery. The same excuse always happens when someone wants to launch something that people will flip out if presented with under different circumstances.

For example, who would accept to be microchipped by a state enforced microchip for mind control and/or willingly choose to become a borg and lose all their individuality? Who would like to put a chip in their brain that could move their limbs against their will, read their thoughts, and potentially shut down their brain or knock them unconscious, or make them conduct a crime, or whatever of this sort?

Elon is clearly going to control everyone, there is nothing else to it. And control does not have to be an unpleasant thing. After all, looking at his self driving cars, one sees a nice car. But this nice car can also be controlled remotely, shut down, and potentially kill the driver for questioning the Borg Overlord pretty easily and remotely. Adding some sort of AI in the mix, colors in front of us a rather dystopian picture.

Is the above a risk to take only so that some people can listen to spotify in their brain or some other asinine thing? What is exactly so exciting about this?

The reality is humanity is very bored, very low in life force, spirituality and freedom, and therefore, every cheap offer the jews and those who want to enslave them have for "these goyim", they want to take immediately. Christianity and other mental cripples of the jews, made humans hate themselves for being humans. This hate can be subtle, and manifest in many forms of shame, self reprisal, and self destruction.

The enemy has removed spirituality, which has turned many into NPC's and dead husks. These dead husks are easy to control and manipulate, or lie to, through the absence of spiritual knowledge and life.

Another question to ask, if a government of the future, or some oligarchs, took control of a control panel where people all had chips in their brain, and literally hacked into their brains, then what? How is this exactly helping humans achieve a better state of being, to be under such dangers?

Lastly, there are fools who are very blind. There are people who cite the Bible as a reason for not taking this chip. The reality is, we are in this time continuum, only because people believed in the Bible. People collectively believed all of this was "Necessary" for the return of the "Lord", and pumped psychic energy into this by force for about 20 centuries. People were told to "Believe in the return of Jesus", all sorts of damnation is to be welcomed to take place. Fragmented manifestations therefore, are happenin into our world because of these beliefs.

What would happen if governments or other powers had literal control over people's very brains? What would happen if the "Coronavirus" happened in a civilization of microchipped borgs? Wouldn't someone, for "our safety", lock us permanently in the house? And many put to sleep all the little evil goyim that questioned everything? All for our health of course, as we are frequently told everything happens?

The trade off of risk and potential benefits in these advances is clearly very off. We could become potent, explore space, and generally do everything we meant to do to become interplanetary species without the necessity of turning people into brain borgs. Already, every considerable space exploration advancement has happened by normal people, augmented by external technology. If humans understood more about spirituality, we would be far more careful in regards to making these types of merging with technology.

Why for example, not wear a hat instead of a literal implant, to do the same work? Because of course, some specific individuals want control over the literal material brain of other people. There are not many sane answers to support the movement in that direction.

The only way to offset this, is to just burn the whole of the Hebrew root of the tree, which has been already an ongoing process with the Final RTR. This just ruins their whole basis of their whole "Manifestation".

We do not need to live in the dreams and the nightmares that the jews are creating for humanity, nor theirs nor those that the aliens they are in collaboration is are "inspiring" humanity to manifest. There are other ways, better and more clever for us to go to.

There is no need for us to abolish our humanity, turn ourselves into a collective borg without individuality, collectively enslave ourselves, ruin our earth and planet, or anything of the sort. None of this is "predetermined" and none of this is "necessary". All of this can also be avoided, and humanity can do much better than that, provided there is spirituality, willingness, and people in positions of power that want to do good.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Watching the presentation, couldn't imagine a powerful mage absurdly having this implant not rendering useless the device by sheer bioelectricity. The head has some powerful sparks with spiritual power, the device is designed for normal parameters. Bluetooth is extremely affected by the use of the head chakras too...
NakedPluto said:
Watching the presentation, couldn't imagine a powerful mage absurdly having this implant not rendering useless the device by sheer bioelectricity. The head has some powerful sparks with spiritual power, the device is designed for normal parameters. Bluetooth is extremely affected by the use of the head chakras too...

This and more could happen here, this pursuit is meaningless from their behalf, because everything in the end of the day is bound to run by electricity. Another thing that could happen, is that these "so powerful borgs", would have numerous other vulnerabilities, that natural biological humans would not have.

And also, what happens if there are portable EMP guns or who knows what else? If someone gets electrocuted and this chip blows off into their skull? The problems are many and we are told of nothing.
I prefer total biological life thank you very much.

As for Artificial Intelligence, this really can only go in the matters it has been in regards to automations and very simplified 'intelligence'. No iRobot movie is going to be coming to life any time soon with actual humanoid machines gaining advanced intelligence over time and becoming self-aware. That's entirely impossible to even so much as the human level without the machine possessing a soul in order to actually experience any kind of emotion from psychic chakras.

The enemies are nothing but fat, lazy, disgusting slobs who just want everything done for them by others who then constantly praise and worship them. They are parasites to the letter, their pathetic worthlessness is even presented in their disgustingly corrupted myths, and I strongly exemplify here the word 'myths' because this will never happen to any jew anywhere by anything:

"According to Jewish legend, Solomon used his wisdom to design a throne with mechanical animals which hailed him as king when he ascended it; upon sitting down an eagle would place a crown upon his head, and a dove would bring him a Torah scroll. It is also said that when King Solomon stepped upon the throne, a mechanism was set in motion. As soon as he stepped upon the first step, a golden ox and a golden lion each stretched out one foot to support him and help him rise to the next step. On each side, the animals helped the King up until he was comfortably seated upon the throne." [Source]

What a fucking laugh.
I hope this doesn't come off as foolish. But and I understand the insight to the Gods is higher. But why don't the Gods just come sooner rather than later.

I'm sure a lot of this stuff is gonna go through laws and modifications and whatnot over the next few years. But why do we have to sit on our hands for the next 20 years or so. Waiting for shit to manifest, it's not a problem now even though it is yet ANOTHER problem on our asses.

But wouldn't it make sense especially with mass communication in current times for the Gods to appear sometime this decade. Rather than wait for all this racialist destructive and nation destroying aspects done by the jews in their supposed 2040 plans such as their assessment of blacks and arabs at about 300 million or so by late 2030s- early 2040s.

I know our rituals do stuff but the enemy does stuff as well. Plus the amount of retarded fools indoctrinated into a judeo-bolshevik religion who in reality probably never read the bible. I mean I'm at 6% reading the Skeptics Annotated Bible and all I can say is "God is a fucking asshole".

So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

(At HP.Cobra sorry if I sound like an asshole I'm just really been depressed these past few weeks I guess the lockdown has gotten to me. Plus you mentioned venting is perfectly fine it's gonna happen to some people.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This and more could happen here, this pursuit is meaningless from their behalf, because everything in the end of the day is bound to run by electricity. Another thing that could happen, is that these "so powerful borgs", would have numerous other vulnerabilities, that natural biological humans would not have.

And also, what happens if there are portable EMP guns or who knows what else? If someone gets electrocuted and this chip blows off into their skull? The problems are many and we are told of nothing.

Notice also the logo is an anti infinity symbol, they are changing as always the organic circle to the straight angles. No reason they wouldn't use the imagery as a form of connection. From little that I know, circular geometry is the foundation of life, and they depict exactly the augumentation of life with the superficial.
Gear88 said:
I hope this doesn't come off as foolish. But and I understand the insight to the Gods is higher. But why don't the Gods just come sooner rather than later.

I'm sure a lot of this stuff is gonna go through laws and modifications and whatnot over the next few years. But why do we have to sit on our hands for the next 20 years or so. Waiting for shit to manifest, it's not a problem now even though it is yet ANOTHER problem on our asses.

But wouldn't it make sense especially with mass communication in current times for the Gods to appear sometime this decade. Rather than wait for all this racialist destructive and nation destroying aspects done by the jews in their supposed 2040 plans such as their assessment of blacks and arabs at about 300 million or so by late 2030s- early 2040s.

I know our rituals do stuff but the enemy does stuff as well. Plus the amount of retarded fools indoctrinated into a judeo-bolshevik religion who in reality probably never read the bible. I mean I'm at 6% reading the Skeptics Annotated Bible and all I can say is "God is a fucking asshole".

So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

(At HP.Cobra sorry if I sound like an asshole I'm just really been depressed these past few weeks I guess the lockdown has gotten to me. Plus you mentioned venting is perfectly fine it's gonna happen to some people.)
You said it yourself, the God's have higher understanding. They know when to come here and that we will not be in danger. The destruction of the enemy has been said many times to be around 2024/2025. After the enemy is destroyed (in ways I honestly cannot imagine) we can advance as humans in a better world. Without jews things will be far better and then I believe we will re-discover things like spirituality and the God's will maybe comunicate with us (?) and humans will be made aware of aliens and our God's. I honestly don't know how all of this is going to happen and probabily bad things will happen before all of this (still not bad enough to where we will be in danger, we SS will not be in danger). Of course I do want this to happen right now because I can't wait for a better world but its better than nothing. The God's know what they are doing.
Yeah they are really pushing a lot of fronts behind the scenes I’ll leave links to what I’m currently aware of. But yeah this guy Elon said that dumb shit about needing a brain chip in order to coexist with A.I. because dumb ass humans would make them smarter than us obviously.

On a funny note his neurolink live demo Friday past was a Epic Fail. Even Elon knows from his facial expressions that this neurolink is a tough sell. It just sounds so unnatural. Also I would like to recommend that people start paying more attention to the crypto currency space they have a lot of projects that are meant to change the way we do everything literally. Projects like Vechain will change the food industry as a whole and it’s ran outta China like bitcoin mining stations.

I had made a post sharing some crypto info but it never got posted from the times I checked to see if it was approved. In any case here are some links to take a look at.

Congress: Banking For All Act by 1/1/2021

Congress Bill 32 Cryptocurrencies Introduced

5G Rollout
Gear88 said:
I hope this doesn't come off as foolish. But and I understand the insight to the Gods is higher. But why don't the Gods just come sooner rather than later.

I'm sure a lot of this stuff is gonna go through laws and modifications and whatnot over the next few years. But why do we have to sit on our hands for the next 20 years or so. Waiting for shit to manifest, it's not a problem now even though it is yet ANOTHER problem on our asses.

But wouldn't it make sense especially with mass communication in current times for the Gods to appear sometime this decade. Rather than wait for all this racialist destructive and nation destroying aspects done by the jews in their supposed 2040 plans such as their assessment of blacks and arabs at about 300 million or so by late 2030s- early 2040s.

I know our rituals do stuff but the enemy does stuff as well. Plus the amount of retarded fools indoctrinated into a judeo-bolshevik religion who in reality probably never read the bible. I mean I'm at 6% reading the Skeptics Annotated Bible and all I can say is "God is a fucking asshole".

So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

(At HP.Cobra sorry if I sound like an asshole I'm just really been depressed these past few weeks I guess the lockdown has gotten to me. Plus you mentioned venting is perfectly fine it's gonna happen to some people.)
Why would you sound like an arsehole for asking such a legitimate and serious question? Don't worship the HPS/HPSs. Be yourself, and if you have a very important question, then ask it. These times are coming to the point that "noarsehole" (as opposed to "nohomo") would not need to be said, because life would be much more important than people being MuH oFfEnDeD by crucial concerns.

As for reading the Sceptic's Annotated Buybull - perhaps skip to the last book, revelation, and see what that says about such things? Including the the 7 seals (being Chakras); and along with revelation, the book of daniel. I forgot where, but somewhere in that holey-with-an-E book, it mentions people living in caves; along with christians who would refuse to get the microchip and live "underground" either literally or figuratively. I expect a phrase like 'anti-chippers', similar to 'anti-vaxxers' to be coined, and in a sense, it seems we'd be living alongside at least some of those.
Gear88 said:
I hope this doesn't come off as foolish. But and I understand the insight to the Gods is higher. But why don't the Gods just come sooner rather than later.

I'm sure a lot of this stuff is gonna go through laws and modifications and whatnot over the next few years. But why do we have to sit on our hands for the next 20 years or so. Waiting for shit to manifest, it's not a problem now even though it is yet ANOTHER problem on our asses.

But wouldn't it make sense especially with mass communication in current times for the Gods to appear sometime this decade. Rather than wait for all this racialist destructive and nation destroying aspects done by the jews in their supposed 2040 plans such as their assessment of blacks and arabs at about 300 million or so by late 2030s- early 2040s.

I know our rituals do stuff but the enemy does stuff as well. Plus the amount of retarded fools indoctrinated into a judeo-bolshevik religion who in reality probably never read the bible. I mean I'm at 6% reading the Skeptics Annotated Bible and all I can say is "God is a fucking asshole".

So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

(At HP.Cobra sorry if I sound like an asshole I'm just really been depressed these past few weeks I guess the lockdown has gotten to me. Plus you mentioned venting is perfectly fine it's gonna happen to some people.)

From what I understand, humanity would not take aliens randomly coming down to Earth very well. We need time for preparation as most peoples minds would explode if Nordic beings came down and told us they were going to fix everything.

People like to talk and conspire about possibilities but the state humanity is in right now, they wouldnt be able to handle that as well as they think.

We need to wait for as many people to become more able to accept this, and more of our own to be in positions of power, or there would be total chaos and our God's would most likely be attacked by every government on Earth and slandered relentlessly over every media outlet available

One thing I've learned is most important in this path is Patients. We might not be able to see it now but the God's know exactly what theyre doing and as long as we keep up our end of the bargain they will keep theirs.

This will all most likely backfire so long as we keep reversing their curses back onto them, spreading our influence through rituals on top of that, and educating people. We've made considerable progress already doing so

All that has been predicted will happen in due time. It might seem hard to understand now but in the future we will all see the reasons behind it

Also, the future is not set in stone. I remember HP maxine stating in a sermon Satan himself was surprised at our progress and if more people worked for the God's we would progress faster and the God's would come faster, but sadly they do not. I used to be guilty of that myself but I've come to understand a lot recently.

I'm no Cobra but i hope that helped a bit
yes, I am very worried abor nrain, that being said, I don't belive it will be very wide spread.. it will fail, we cannot let them take our spiritality
Gear88 said:
I hope this doesn't come off as foolish. But and I understand the insight to the Gods is higher. But why don't the Gods just come sooner rather than later.

I'm sure a lot of this stuff is gonna go through laws and modifications and whatnot over the next few years. But why do we have to sit on our hands for the next 20 years or so. Waiting for shit to manifest, it's not a problem now even though it is yet ANOTHER problem on our asses.

But wouldn't it make sense especially with mass communication in current times for the Gods to appear sometime this decade. Rather than wait for all this racialist destructive and nation destroying aspects done by the jews in their supposed 2040 plans such as their assessment of blacks and arabs at about 300 million or so by late 2030s- early 2040s.

I know our rituals do stuff but the enemy does stuff as well. Plus the amount of retarded fools indoctrinated into a judeo-bolshevik religion who in reality probably never read the bible. I mean I'm at 6% reading the Skeptics Annotated Bible and all I can say is "God is a fucking asshole".

So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

(At HP.Cobra sorry if I sound like an asshole I'm just really been depressed these past few weeks I guess the lockdown has gotten to me. Plus you mentioned venting is perfectly fine it's gonna happen to some people.)

HP Maxine said months ago, "there is a War going on in our galaxy."

So remember, there are other planets going through similar situations and in some, enemy openly fighting in their Solar/Star systems.

In the past, Mars and Phaeton were destroyed, same could be happening somewhere in our galaxy but since Satan and the Gods have won on the Astral, they must be retaking the territories that were once occupied by Reptilians and Greys, so they must be busy with the War. Maybe they estimated that in 15 years they would reach here in the process of reoccupying. I mean they can't just pop out of nowhere, just to help us? there are other planets who need more help.
Just a few years ago that Elon guy was warning about the future of technology. Now he’s presenting some evil shit with it. :?:
FancyMancy said:
Gear88 said:
Why would you sound like an arsehole for asking such a legitimate and serious question? Don't worship the HPS/HPSs. Be yourself, and if you have a very important question, then ask it. These times are coming to the point that "noarsehole" (as opposed to "nohomo") would not need to be said, because life would be much more important than people being MuH oFfEnDeD by crucial concerns.

As for reading the Sceptic's Annotated Buybull - perhaps skip to the last book, revelation, and see what that says about such things? Including the the 7 seals (being Chakras); and along with revelation, the book of daniel. I forgot where, but somewhere in that holey-with-an-E book, it mentions people living in caves; along with christians who would refuse to get the microchip and live "underground" either literally or figuratively. I expect a phrase like 'anti-chippers', similar to 'anti-vaxxers' to be coined, and in a sense, it seems we'd be living alongside at least some of those.

This meme is just stupid. For one, worship means, lighting incense, doing rituals to us, and considering us his god. Having formal respect and being a decent person in asking a question is not a form of "worship".

The arsehole aspect of the question, as far as I can see, is a bit in the content of the question [the person posting this understands this] as it can be taken to have an insulting character and a baby catering character such as "Come when I want you to come, because humanity fucked everything up and sucks, and we demand your help right now, so that we feel better, and that you remove our chains for us because we are too stupid to do this on our own".

First of all the Gods are under no "obligation" to come [we cannot "force" them to, anymore than a crying baby can force it's parents to feed it by crying].

Secondarily, we are not really "babies", so crying and waiting for things is not going to make it happen. We have for the most part, have been running our civilization as a species for who knows how much time, and yes, we have survived and did everything and stuff, ourselves. Jews here and there have taken control and ruined things, but on the large scale of things, civilization still does exist, and we are advancing, despite the fact of that we are poisoned to some extent right now.

The Gods know this as they look at us not in the span of a hundred years but for a much longer time. Many times before, it was "The end" for our species, but we survived and rebuilt and so forth, again and again.

Unless we humans, or at least a fairly limited amount of humans, does the right thing spiritually [because many of us have sunk lower than the level of swine at this point], we are not helping the situation. This is why in occult texts and even the enemy writes, "The generation depends upon the righteous". This is an occult statement that deals with spiritually advanced individuals.

It is not like they come and they save everything like in the movies. Humanity collectively ourselves, due to our large numbers, and overwhelming influence on the earth, need to collectively change.

This may take a while, but without this, there will be no automatic 'saving' to our species. We really do have responsibility more than what we understand, all the way from throwing trash into the street instead of a trash can, all the way to the spiritual foundation of our so called civilization.

When the Gods are here it's not like human beings will be unable to throw trash in wild forests or set fires, and it's not like we will have the perfect nanny either. Gods are also already "here", the main problem is, humans are not opening up spiritually to receive their help and wisdom, and are instead collectively wasting their own time with endless negativity and stupidity, which is primarily why we need some form of at least partly physical intervention because we have become so dumb.

As we progress to the internet era, it becomes unacceptable that humans are not at least researching the roots of our problems and wanting to advance for the better, since spirituality is readily available.

Numbers until now are looking so optimistic, a striking mass of humans is definitely not asleep cattle. I believe that humanity is going to do far better in the next decade, and that we will be "saved" from much of that shit in the end. Of course this wouldn't happen without astral influence from our Gods and the "righteous of the generations" doing spiritual work for this, as it was the case in every previous generation where humanity did something good.

Every advance of the enemy is crowned as a disaster these days, and it will continue to be the case, because people have to some extent woke up to the whole thing. Plus, mass desertion of enemy religious programs is causing energetic depletion to the enemy and therefore inability to manifest their negative pipedreams.

We are doing fine and we got to continue with what we do.
hatha69 said:
What will happen if Maxine, cobra etc will die?

Maxine said she was like 40 something in a past audio sermon.

The HPs/HPSs will not die due to an attack, nor accident, as both are covered by spiritual protection. Health wise, they have plenty of energy in their body and soul due to their meditations that will sustain them. Age wise, they will complete the Magnum Opus before they get anywhere close to a "natural" death. Everyone should be aware that they spend large amounts of time on helping us and this forum. This same time could've been used for themselves.
[/quote]The destruction of the enemy has been said many times to be around 2024/2025. After the enemy is destroyed (in ways I honestly cannot imagine) we can advance as humans in a better world.[/quote]

I'm not sure about this part. I know aquarius age(Satan's age) will come at 2024. But I don't know that it will be destruction of the enemy. In my opinion, we will have to wait a bit longer for destruction of the enemy.

If there is any topic/writing/sermon about destruction of the enemy around 2024/2025. Please let me know. I couldn't find.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Saudações Infernais!!
Este assunto é muito sério.
Por favor, poderia postar o link da última agenda de guerra espiritual?

Salve Satan!!
It truly annoys me just how many people idolise Elon Musk and his 'robotic' philosophies. Yes he's very rich, but why do people think that means he's going to spend his time teaching others to become rich like he is? Surely he's only out for one thing: to grow his wealth even further.

Definitely a puppet.

Great sermon.
Gear88 said:
So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

Simply because the Gods know we can handle it, under their guidance. Based off Maxine's past sermon, it seems the only thing we could not easily do is fixing the earth, and for at least that reason, the Gods are willing to help us.

As others mentioned, the reason they left was because they had to fight a galactic war. It is a matter of priority. We are still standing, are we not? The jew has not yet won. This is because of interventions of the likes of Hitler, who rose to power with help from the Gods. We CAN defeat the Jews with guidance from the Gods. They don't need to be here physically.

It is important we learn to do everything ourselves. Doing someone's job for them only hurts them in the long-run. In this way, the Gods are helping us. By giving us guidance, even when we act stupid, they are continually supporting us such that we can stand on our own two feet. We shouldn't need to beg them for free gibs for eternity.

Look at our situation now: The Gods gave us the RTR and told us to do it. They monitor our progress and update the clergy. Maxine told us Azazel said we are doing good work. This means the situation will be resolved through OUR efforts. Do not worry, just do as the Gods us, and we will be fine.
A lot of people in the comment sections of various videos on this are total sheep.

Who in their right mind would get a chip implanted in their mind and think this is cool. Sadly a bunch of people it looks like that is if they sell this to the population correctly.
CharlesBenetton said:
The destruction of the enemy has been said many times to be around 2024/2025. After the enemy is destroyed (in ways I honestly cannot imagine) we can advance as humans in a better world.

I'm not sure about this part. I know aquarius age(Satan's age) will come at 2024. But I don't know that it will be destruction of the enemy. In my opinion, we will have to wait a bit longer for destruction of the enemy.

If there is any topic/writing/sermon about destruction of the enemy around 2024/2025. Please let me know. I couldn't find.

This was said nowhere, this is something you misunderstood from reading something, somewhere. Nobody has said the destruction of the enemy in full will come in 2024 or whatever like that. From this year and on, there will be major clashes between the enemy and the people.

The Age of Aquarius will have "actually" entered in 2140, but we are now on the apex of the changing of the ages. This is why some manifestations are already hitting in.
Dumb people will not stop being dumb, and this is natural selection. They may get into the borg, get some brain damage, and be liable and vulnerable to all sorts of intrusions and being overtaken by some future AI.

Dumb people always pay the price of being dumb, we cannot stop this. Also, how many of these are actual commenters? It is very hard to even find negative comments in the video, which is typical in bot deployment in jewtube.

How much of a brain does it take to actually understand how this could potentially turn? I guess a bunch of people are not cut for any thought anymore. Might be in their best interests to destroy their individuality, join the borg, and in general, disappear off of the face of the earth, and let the smarter humans actually retain individuality, and control over these drones.

These people are so dumb they believe if they get an actual brainchip [this was done by the CIA to homeless and other military personnel, robbing them all their freedom and individuality since the 60's], that it will actually all be ok for whatever reason. These people are deluded with delusions of self importance and grandiosity, that "Nothing will happen for them and that it will be ok".

Elon will one day hit the button "For the Lulz" on them, and turn them into a borg. And that's it for these people. The question remains how we will deal with these, but as the situation of the greys does show [which are also far more advanced], it will not be as hard when fat joe will be fat joe with a microchip implant.

It's the same stupid being more steps into the way of their own vanity and failure of existence. The untermensch materialized.

slyscorpion said:
A lot of people in the comment sections of various videos on this are total sheep.

Who in their right mind would get a chip implanted in their mind and think this is cool. Sadly a bunch of people it looks like that is if they sell this to the population correctly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Before getting to True Satansim, I was one of those who would pay to have an implant in his brain.

Now? Now I really hate this idea.

We can become better without any shit in our skull, we just need to meditate.

I don't believe anymore in this type of progress.
Thanks for this great sermon!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CharlesBenetton said:
The destruction of the enemy has been said many times to be around 2024/2025. After the enemy is destroyed (in ways I honestly cannot imagine) we can advance as humans in a better world.

I'm not sure about this part. I know aquarius age(Satan's age) will come at 2024. But I don't know that it will be destruction of the enemy. In my opinion, we will have to wait a bit longer for destruction of the enemy.

If there is any topic/writing/sermon about destruction of the enemy around 2024/2025. Please let me know. I couldn't find.

This was said nowhere, this is something you misunderstood from reading something, somewhere. Nobody has said the destruction of the enemy in full will come in 2024 or whatever like that. From this year and on, there will be major clashes between the enemy and the people.

The Age of Aquarius will have "actually" entered in 2140, but we are now on the apex of the changing of the ages. This is why some manifestations are already hitting in.
Maxine did say that around those years the enemy will pay. Now maybe not the full end but still after those years we can maybe expect a better world (?)
I totally understand what you mean, when we only know of materialism, and the boredom/lack of advancement that comes with it, people become fed up.

Therefore, the "logical" conclusions the enemy offers to the problem that they have caused, is for humans to become borg, which then results in them becoming enslaved.

This is like someone causing an illness to someone, withholding the means of cure, and then pushing a specific cure on someone, that will make the person a slave. The enemy works with this pattern on basically everything.

Satanic Path said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Before getting to True Satansim, I was one of those who would pay to have an implant in his brain.

Now? Now I really hate this idea.

We can become better without any shit in our skull, we just need to meditate.

I don't believe anymore in this type of progress.
Thanks for this great sermon!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I totally understand what you mean, when we only know of materialism, and the boredom/lack of advancement that comes with it, people become fed up.

Therefore, the "logical" conclusions the enemy offers to the problem that they have caused, is for humans to become borg, which then results in them becoming enslaved.

This is like someone causing an illness to someone, withholding the means of cure, and then pushing a specific cure on someone, that will make the person a slave. The enemy works with this pattern on basically everything.

Satanic Path said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Before getting to True Satansim, I was one of those who would pay to have an implant in his brain.

Now? Now I really hate this idea.

We can become better without any shit in our skull, we just need to meditate.

I don't believe anymore in this type of progress.
Thanks for this great sermon!
This is what a lot of my friends say: "I'll take a chip in my brain with 5g in it right now, at least I can have faster internet". It's quite sad, they are pretty materialistic but I do understand them. Before I was like this because I did not know about real spirituality and the danger of the jews. What works is to tell them that putting something like that inside your brain could be dangerous as evil people could use it to control us, by saying this they all agree that they would not do it but they still think its 'cool'.
Free will is a philosophical concept according to which every person has the faculty to choose the aims of his or her actions and thoughts, typically pursued by will, in the sense that his or her possibility of choice originates in the person himself or herself and not in external forces.

The arbitrary manipulation chip is a total and permanent defeat.

Xians and musulims are nothing compared to this. The former are very ignorant and deceived, so there is hope, while the latter, you can't fight their "free" choice.
NakedPluto said:
Watching the presentation, couldn't imagine a powerful mage absurdly having this implant not rendering useless the device by sheer bioelectricity. The head has some powerful sparks with spiritual power, the device is designed for normal parameters. Bluetooth is extremely affected by the use of the head chakras too...

The last line was something I keep experiencing but to belive that I was causing that . Thank you for sharing this.
Now that the Gods have not yet arrived in full force this is a perfect time for us to kick the enemy harder and earn some points. I heard this story from Hinduism where a soldier was asked to make a choice between weather to go to war on a horse or with a lion. He chose the horse, when asked why, he said that despite a lion being a desirable choice, his choice would give him the opportunity to kill the enemy by his own hand. I know that the Gods have faith in us, which is awesome..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Gear88 said:
Why would you sound like an arsehole for asking such a legitimate and serious question? Don't worship the HPS/HPSs. Be yourself, and if you have a very important question, then ask it. These times are coming to the point that "noarsehole" (as opposed to "nohomo") would not need to be said, because life would be much more important than people being MuH oFfEnDeD by crucial concerns.

As for reading the Sceptic's Annotated Buybull - perhaps skip to the last book, revelation, and see what that says about such things? Including the the 7 seals (being Chakras); and along with revelation, the book of daniel. I forgot where, but somewhere in that holey-with-an-E book, it mentions people living in caves; along with christians who would refuse to get the microchip and live "underground" either literally or figuratively. I expect a phrase like 'anti-chippers', similar to 'anti-vaxxers' to be coined, and in a sense, it seems we'd be living alongside at least some of those.

This meme is just stupid. For one, worship means, lighting incense, doing rituals to us, and considering us his god. Having formal respect and being a decent person in asking a question is not a form of "worship".

The arsehole aspect of the question, as far as I can see, is a bit in the content of the question [the person posting this understands this] as it can be taken to have an insulting character and a baby catering character such as "Come when I want you to come, because humanity fucked everything up and sucks, and we demand your help right now, so that we feel better, and that you remove our chains for us because we are too stupid to do this on our own".

First of all the Gods are under no "obligation" to come [we cannot "force" them to, anymore than a crying baby can force it's parents to feed it by crying].

Secondarily, we are not really "babies", so crying and waiting for things is not going to make it happen. We have for the most part, have been running our civilization as a species for who knows how much time, and yes, we have survived and did everything and stuff, ourselves. Jews here and there have taken control and ruined things, but on the large scale of things, civilization still does exist, and we are advancing, despite the fact of that we are poisoned to some extent right now.

The Gods know this as they look at us not in the span of a hundred years but for a much longer time. Many times before, it was "The end" for our species, but we survived and rebuilt and so forth, again and again.

Unless we humans, or at least a fairly limited amount of humans, does the right thing spiritually [because many of us have sunk lower than the level of swine at this point], we are not helping the situation. This is why in occult texts and even the enemy writes, "The generation depends upon the righteous". This is an occult statement that deals with spiritually advanced individuals.

It is not like they come and they save everything like in the movies. Humanity collectively ourselves, due to our large numbers, and overwhelming influence on the earth, need to collectively change.

This may take a while, but without this, there will be no automatic 'saving' to our species. We really do have responsibility more than what we understand, all the way from throwing trash into the street instead of a trash can, all the way to the spiritual foundation of our so called civilization.

When the Gods are here it's not like human beings will be unable to throw trash in wild forests or set fires, and it's not like we will have the perfect nanny either. Gods are also already "here", the main problem is, humans are not opening up spiritually to receive their help and wisdom, and are instead collectively wasting their own time with endless negativity and stupidity, which is primarily why we need some form of at least partly physical intervention because we have become so dumb.

As we progress to the internet era, it becomes unacceptable that humans are not at least researching the roots of our problems and wanting to advance for the better, since spirituality is readily available.

Numbers until now are looking so optimistic, a striking mass of humans is definitely not asleep cattle. I believe that humanity is going to do far better in the next decade, and that we will be "saved" from much of that shit in the end. Of course this wouldn't happen without astral influence from our Gods and the "righteous of the generations" doing spiritual work for this, as it was the case in every previous generation where humanity did something good.

Every advance of the enemy is crowned as a disaster these days, and it will continue to be the case, because people have to some extent woke up to the whole thing. Plus, mass desertion of enemy religious programs is causing energetic depletion to the enemy and therefore inability to manifest their negative pipedreams.

We are doing fine and we got to continue with what we do.

People will most likely wake up from all professions too - like engineers and such, who will be able to create safety measures etc.
Like for example we have alternatives of Jewtube.
It is very likely that people from different fields can do the same not because they directly know the enemy or what goes on but the sheer hatred they feel due to being economically oppressed or oppressed in any way by the enemy. This can for the most part though not NS/SS material will contribute in this fight. Which is more than likely to help transfer the power dynamics a bit.
More the enemy loses power on the astral, more their plans are likely to fail.
Like we have all the billionaires gaining huge wealth during this lockdown phase, relentlessly buying companies , and anything that can make money. This is bound to backfire.

Also " seeking help from gods" is already here. The RTRs and other rituals. In more developed planets ( if I wrote this correct), war takes place on the astral realm. So what are technological moves to temperoarily harass people going to do?( on the scale of a 100 years).

We can talk about having very advanced technology but what actually stopped WW3? ( prevented) Spiritual realm of warfare.

You can literally fight a war with ice cream on your lap. Now the rest is dependant on how much one can contribute, in terms of knowledge or equipment like Rtr tools.

We have the comfort to fight a War, from the comfort of our houses and sing beautiful tunes to witnessing the results of such manifesting.

Fighting a war has never been this easy.

Internet is a gift from Satan. You can educate 100000s of people with a good vpn and fake info relating to your account.

What more help can one ask for on the bigger scale? Ofcourse our personal lives are different and we can require help time to time.

If anything we should fight and ensure our safety at all times, and learn ( lol something I forget to do xD ).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Gear88 said:
Why would you sound like an arsehole for asking such a legitimate and serious question? Don't worship the HPS/HPSs. Be yourself, and if you have a very important question, then ask it. These times are coming to the point that "noarsehole" (as opposed to "nohomo") would not need to be said, because life would be much more important than people being MuH oFfEnDeD by crucial concerns.

As for reading the Sceptic's Annotated Buybull - perhaps skip to the last book, revelation, and see what that says about such things? Including the the 7 seals (being Chakras); and along with revelation, the book of daniel. I forgot where, but somewhere in that holey-with-an-E book, it mentions people living in caves; along with christians who would refuse to get the microchip and live "underground" either literally or figuratively. I expect a phrase like 'anti-chippers', similar to 'anti-vaxxers' to be coined, and in a sense, it seems we'd be living alongside at least some of those.
Maybe I should have said "Don't be like a christian and worship the leaders/speakers", with having to speak with holiness and not making jewsus cry for asking something honestly and earnestly.

956GOD said:
yes, I am very worried abor nrain, that being said, I don't belive it will be very wide spread.. it will fail, we cannot let them take our spiritality
It is not safe for us to identify ourselves with pictures and other personally-identifiable information.
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Why would you sound like an arsehole for asking such a legitimate and serious question? Don't worship the HPS/HPSs. Be yourself, and if you have a very important question, then ask it. These times are coming to the point that "noarsehole" (as opposed to "nohomo") would not need to be said, because life would be much more important than people being MuH oFfEnDeD by crucial concerns.

As for reading the Sceptic's Annotated Buybull - perhaps skip to the last book, revelation, and see what that says about such things? Including the the 7 seals (being Chakras); and along with revelation, the book of daniel. I forgot where, but somewhere in that holey-with-an-E book, it mentions people living in caves; along with christians who would refuse to get the microchip and live "underground" either literally or figuratively. I expect a phrase like 'anti-chippers', similar to 'anti-vaxxers' to be coined, and in a sense, it seems we'd be living alongside at least some of those.

This meme is just stupid. For one, worship means, lighting incense, doing rituals to us, and considering us his god. Having formal respect and being a decent person in asking a question is not a form of "worship".

The arsehole aspect of the question, as far as I can see, is a bit in the content of the question [the person posting this understands this] as it can be taken to have an insulting character and a baby catering character such as "Come when I want you to come, because humanity fucked everything up and sucks, and we demand your help right now, so that we feel better, and that you remove our chains for us because we are too stupid to do this on our own".

First of all the Gods are under no "obligation" to come [we cannot "force" them to, anymore than a crying baby can force it's parents to feed it by crying].

Secondarily, we are not really "babies", so crying and waiting for things is not going to make it happen. We have for the most part, have been running our civilization as a species for who knows how much time, and yes, we have survived and did everything and stuff, ourselves. Jews here and there have taken control and ruined things, but on the large scale of things, civilization still does exist, and we are advancing, despite the fact of that we are poisoned to some extent right now.

The Gods know this as they look at us not in the span of a hundred years but for a much longer time. Many times before, it was "The end" for our species, but we survived and rebuilt and so forth, again and again.

Unless we humans, or at least a fairly limited amount of humans, does the right thing spiritually [because many of us have sunk lower than the level of swine at this point], we are not helping the situation. This is why in occult texts and even the enemy writes, "The generation depends upon the righteous". This is an occult statement that deals with spiritually advanced individuals.

It is not like they come and they save everything like in the movies. Humanity collectively ourselves, due to our large numbers, and overwhelming influence on the earth, need to collectively change.

This may take a while, but without this, there will be no automatic 'saving' to our species. We really do have responsibility more than what we understand, all the way from throwing trash into the street instead of a trash can, all the way to the spiritual foundation of our so called civilization.

When the Gods are here it's not like human beings will be unable to throw trash in wild forests or set fires, and it's not like we will have the perfect nanny either. Gods are also already "here", the main problem is, humans are not opening up spiritually to receive their help and wisdom, and are instead collectively wasting their own time with endless negativity and stupidity, which is primarily why we need some form of at least partly physical intervention because we have become so dumb.

As we progress to the internet era, it becomes unacceptable that humans are not at least researching the roots of our problems and wanting to advance for the better, since spirituality is readily available.

Numbers until now are looking so optimistic, a striking mass of humans is definitely not asleep cattle. I believe that humanity is going to do far better in the next decade, and that we will be "saved" from much of that shit in the end. Of course this wouldn't happen without astral influence from our Gods and the "righteous of the generations" doing spiritual work for this, as it was the case in every previous generation where humanity did something good.

Every advance of the enemy is crowned as a disaster these days, and it will continue to be the case, because people have to some extent woke up to the whole thing. Plus, mass desertion of enemy religious programs is causing energetic depletion to the enemy and therefore inability to manifest their negative pipedreams.

We are doing fine and we got to continue with what we do.

People will most likely wake up from all professions too - like engineers and such, who will be able to create safety measures etc.
Like for example we have alternatives of Jewtube.
It is very likely that people from different fields can do the same not because they directly know the enemy or what goes on but the sheer hatred they feel due to being economically oppressed or oppressed in any way by the enemy. This can for the most part though not NS/SS material will contribute in this fight. Which is more than likely to help transfer the power dynamics a bit.
More the enemy loses power on the astral, more their plans are likely to fail.
Like we have all the billionaires gaining huge wealth during this lockdown phase, relentlessly buying companies , and anything that can make money. This is bound to backfire.

Also " seeking help from gods" is already here. The RTRs and other rituals. In more developed planets ( if I wrote this correct), war takes place on the astral realm. So what are technological moves to temperoarily harass people going to do?( on the scale of a 100 years).

We can talk about having very advanced technology but what actually stopped WW3? ( prevented) Spiritual realm of warfare.

You can literally fight a war with ice cream on your lap. Now the rest is dependant on how much one can contribute, in terms of knowledge or equipment like Rtr tools.

We have the comfort to fight a War, from the comfort of our houses and sing beautiful tunes to witnessing the results of such manifesting.

Fighting a war has never been this easy.

Internet is a gift from Satan. You can educate 100000s of people with a good vpn and fake info relating to your account.

What more help can one ask for on the bigger scale? Ofcourse our personal lives are different and we can require help time to time.

If anything we should fight and ensure our safety at all times, and learn ( lol something I forget to do xD ).

The internet is truly a gift as you say. A vpn in not enough though. VPNS are not safe to use for our purposes. If anything you should use Tor through TAILS on SAFEST setting. Everything on the forum works perfectly except for the mybb buttons which paste the mybb code for you. All you need to do is learn the mybb code here

CharlesBenetton said:

The mention of 2024 you're referring to is likely this post, on how astrologically things will likely be fucked up until then, but then start taking a turn for the better:

Gear88 said:
I hope this doesn't come off as foolish. But and I understand the insight to the Gods is higher. But why don't the Gods just come sooner rather than later.

I'm sure a lot of this stuff is gonna go through laws and modifications and whatnot over the next few years. But why do we have to sit on our hands for the next 20 years or so. Waiting for shit to manifest, it's not a problem now even though it is yet ANOTHER problem on our asses.

But wouldn't it make sense especially with mass communication in current times for the Gods to appear sometime this decade. Rather than wait for all this racialist destructive and nation destroying aspects done by the jews in their supposed 2040 plans such as their assessment of blacks and arabs at about 300 million or so by late 2030s- early 2040s.

I know our rituals do stuff but the enemy does stuff as well. Plus the amount of retarded fools indoctrinated into a judeo-bolshevik religion who in reality probably never read the bible. I mean I'm at 6% reading the Skeptics Annotated Bible and all I can say is "God is a fucking asshole".

So why do we have to sit and watch all this shit unfold and not just have the Gods terminate the situation as quickly as possible. After all they probably are gonna come with a tremendous amount of resources and manpower to quickly show off to humanity who really controls what.

(At HP.Cobra sorry if I sound like an asshole I'm just really been depressed these past few weeks I guess the lockdown has gotten to me. Plus you mentioned venting is perfectly fine it's gonna happen to some people.)
The Gods are not far they are with us its because of the conscious level most of humanity is operating at where time and space exist (physical consciousness) that's why we think they are far at a super conscious(from throat to crown chakra consciousness ) level time and space does not exist and its just a thin line that separate planets that at physical consciousness seem light years away the key here is for us to train and elevate our consciousness through power meditation and manifest the Atman/God nature within us fully in our entire being(Self-Realisation) that's why we are here its at the super conscious level that's how the JOS High Priests have gotten the RTRs....the Gods have never abandoned us we just need to restore our lost super conscious state which happened as a result of the Kundalini serpent dropping.....have a power meditation programme stick to it and do the final RTR
Shrouded said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This meme is just stupid. For one, worship means, lighting incense, doing rituals to us, and considering us his god. Having formal respect and being a decent person in asking a question is not a form of "worship".

The arsehole aspect of the question, as far as I can see, is a bit in the content of the question [the person posting this understands this] as it can be taken to have an insulting character and a baby catering character such as "Come when I want you to come, because humanity fucked everything up and sucks, and we demand your help right now, so that we feel better, and that you remove our chains for us because we are too stupid to do this on our own".

First of all the Gods are under no "obligation" to come [we cannot "force" them to, anymore than a crying baby can force it's parents to feed it by crying].

Secondarily, we are not really "babies", so crying and waiting for things is not going to make it happen. We have for the most part, have been running our civilization as a species for who knows how much time, and yes, we have survived and did everything and stuff, ourselves. Jews here and there have taken control and ruined things, but on the large scale of things, civilization still does exist, and we are advancing, despite the fact of that we are poisoned to some extent right now.

The Gods know this as they look at us not in the span of a hundred years but for a much longer time. Many times before, it was "The end" for our species, but we survived and rebuilt and so forth, again and again.

Unless we humans, or at least a fairly limited amount of humans, does the right thing spiritually [because many of us have sunk lower than the level of swine at this point], we are not helping the situation. This is why in occult texts and even the enemy writes, "The generation depends upon the righteous". This is an occult statement that deals with spiritually advanced individuals.

It is not like they come and they save everything like in the movies. Humanity collectively ourselves, due to our large numbers, and overwhelming influence on the earth, need to collectively change.

This may take a while, but without this, there will be no automatic 'saving' to our species. We really do have responsibility more than what we understand, all the way from throwing trash into the street instead of a trash can, all the way to the spiritual foundation of our so called civilization.

When the Gods are here it's not like human beings will be unable to throw trash in wild forests or set fires, and it's not like we will have the perfect nanny either. Gods are also already "here", the main problem is, humans are not opening up spiritually to receive their help and wisdom, and are instead collectively wasting their own time with endless negativity and stupidity, which is primarily why we need some form of at least partly physical intervention because we have become so dumb.

As we progress to the internet era, it becomes unacceptable that humans are not at least researching the roots of our problems and wanting to advance for the better, since spirituality is readily available.

Numbers until now are looking so optimistic, a striking mass of humans is definitely not asleep cattle. I believe that humanity is going to do far better in the next decade, and that we will be "saved" from much of that shit in the end. Of course this wouldn't happen without astral influence from our Gods and the "righteous of the generations" doing spiritual work for this, as it was the case in every previous generation where humanity did something good.

Every advance of the enemy is crowned as a disaster these days, and it will continue to be the case, because people have to some extent woke up to the whole thing. Plus, mass desertion of enemy religious programs is causing energetic depletion to the enemy and therefore inability to manifest their negative pipedreams.

We are doing fine and we got to continue with what we do.

People will most likely wake up from all professions too - like engineers and such, who will be able to create safety measures etc.
Like for example we have alternatives of Jewtube.
It is very likely that people from different fields can do the same not because they directly know the enemy or what goes on but the sheer hatred they feel due to being economically oppressed or oppressed in any way by the enemy. This can for the most part though not NS/SS material will contribute in this fight. Which is more than likely to help transfer the power dynamics a bit.
More the enemy loses power on the astral, more their plans are likely to fail.
Like we have all the billionaires gaining huge wealth during this lockdown phase, relentlessly buying companies , and anything that can make money. This is bound to backfire.

Also " seeking help from gods" is already here. The RTRs and other rituals. In more developed planets ( if I wrote this correct), war takes place on the astral realm. So what are technological moves to temperoarily harass people going to do?( on the scale of a 100 years).

We can talk about having very advanced technology but what actually stopped WW3? ( prevented) Spiritual realm of warfare.

You can literally fight a war with ice cream on your lap. Now the rest is dependant on how much one can contribute, in terms of knowledge or equipment like Rtr tools.

We have the comfort to fight a War, from the comfort of our houses and sing beautiful tunes to witnessing the results of such manifesting.

Fighting a war has never been this easy.

Internet is a gift from Satan. You can educate 100000s of people with a good vpn and fake info relating to your account.

What more help can one ask for on the bigger scale? Ofcourse our personal lives are different and we can require help time to time.

If anything we should fight and ensure our safety at all times, and learn ( lol something I forget to do xD ).

The internet is truly a gift as you say. A vpn in not enough though. VPNS are not safe to use for our purposes. If anything you should use Tor through TAILS on SAFEST setting. Everything on the forum works perfectly except for the mybb buttons which paste the mybb code for you. All you need to do is learn the mybb code here


It was mentioned in a sermon.
Usthepeople666 said:
Shrouded said:
Usthepeople666 said:
People will most likely wake up from all professions too - like engineers and such, who will be able to create safety measures etc.
Like for example we have alternatives of Jewtube.
It is very likely that people from different fields can do the same not because they directly know the enemy or what goes on but the sheer hatred they feel due to being economically oppressed or oppressed in any way by the enemy. This can for the most part though not NS/SS material will contribute in this fight. Which is more than likely to help transfer the power dynamics a bit.
More the enemy loses power on the astral, more their plans are likely to fail.
Like we have all the billionaires gaining huge wealth during this lockdown phase, relentlessly buying companies , and anything that can make money. This is bound to backfire.

Also " seeking help from gods" is already here. The RTRs and other rituals. In more developed planets ( if I wrote this correct), war takes place on the astral realm. So what are technological moves to temperoarily harass people going to do?( on the scale of a 100 years).

We can talk about having very advanced technology but what actually stopped WW3? ( prevented) Spiritual realm of warfare.

You can literally fight a war with ice cream on your lap. Now the rest is dependant on how much one can contribute, in terms of knowledge or equipment like Rtr tools.

We have the comfort to fight a War, from the comfort of our houses and sing beautiful tunes to witnessing the results of such manifesting.

Fighting a war has never been this easy.

Internet is a gift from Satan. You can educate 100000s of people with a good vpn and fake info relating to your account.

What more help can one ask for on the bigger scale? Ofcourse our personal lives are different and we can require help time to time.

If anything we should fight and ensure our safety at all times, and learn ( lol something I forget to do xD ).

The internet is truly a gift as you say. A vpn in not enough though. VPNS are not safe to use for our purposes. If anything you should use Tor through TAILS on SAFEST setting. Everything on the forum works perfectly except for the mybb buttons which paste the mybb code for you. All you need to do is learn the mybb code here


It was mentioned in a sermon.

What was mentioned in a sermon? To use a VPN to access the forums? Just because an HP said something does not mean that it is a fact. We are all Human until we become Gods and as a result we all lack knowledge in specific key areas. Think for yourself and do your own research. When I tell you that a VPN is not SAFE to use I am telling you this based off from years of experience with IT. If you wish for me to provide you proof that VPNS should not be used then I certainly can. If you would instead take every word the HPs say as absolute fact and refuse to think that they can lack knowledge on certain subjects then you can think that as well. Tell me if you want the information or not.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CharlesBenetton said:
The destruction of the enemy has been said many times to be around 2024/2025. After the enemy is destroyed (in ways I honestly cannot imagine) we can advance as humans in a better world.

I'm not sure about this part. I know aquarius age(Satan's age) will come at 2024. But I don't know that it will be destruction of the enemy. In my opinion, we will have to wait a bit longer for destruction of the enemy.

If there is any topic/writing/sermon about destruction of the enemy around 2024/2025. Please let me know. I couldn't find.

This was said nowhere, this is something you misunderstood from reading something, somewhere. Nobody has said the destruction of the enemy in full will come in 2024 or whatever like that. From this year and on, there will be major clashes between the enemy and the people.

The Age of Aquarius will have "actually" entered in 2140, but we are now on the apex of the changing of the ages. This is why some manifestations are already hitting in.
Maxine did say that around those years the enemy will pay. Now maybe not the full end but still after those years we can maybe expect a better world (?)

So do we have to wait 120 years more to see the Golden age.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
