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The Age of Kali

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Quote from the book "Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy" by Georg Feuerstein:

Regarding the Kali Yuga--

"In fact according to the Hindu computations, we are only in the opening phase of this dark world age, which is believed to have a total span of 360,000 years. Thus, from a Hindu perspective, the current talk in certain Western circles of a promising new age--the Age of Aquarius--is misguided."

He goes on to write disparagingly regarding the Age of Kali.

Again, I reiterate that 96% of all media is controlled and authored by Jews.

So sadly, too many people are too quick to believe what they read and hear. 

Lilith is Kali. She stated this Herself. Lilith is in charge of Nazism, so given how the Jews obviously hate Nazism, and how they have endlessly bashed Lilith (claiming she was created from "mud and excrement"), it's no wonder Jewish authors and related claims Her Age as "the dark age." Adolf Hitler's Party number was 555, a number the Jews refer to as "darkness."

Again, twisted lies. Always from a Jewish point of view and perspective. 

The Jews are the damnation of humanity. It is appalling how spirituality, education, science, the media just about everything else has been under their control for centuries. They are prolific liars; the deceivers of humanity.

The Christian programs and related, tortured and murdered our finest minds, our scientists, and hindered them every inch of the way. This most foul and rotten murderous institution has always done everything in its power to hinder and destroy knowledge. 

The program of Christianity is the tool of human hating ETs to enslave and destroy humanity. 
The Jews with their alien souls are here to carry this out.

The Jews have always dominated the sciences. You think they don't hold us back? Scholars, such as university professors, researchers and such are pressured to conform. Anyone who presents certain new ideas that don't conform to the Jewish agenda are first given a warning, if the warning fails, then ostracism follows. If the ostracism fails, then career ruin follows. The Jewish press also slanders many of these people. 

So...all of our sciences and education are controlled by these enemies of humanity. Deceptive lying assholes whom many have received top awards such as The Nobel Prize (disproportionately I might add).
Most people would be shocked at how far we have been held back in the sciences. Other worlds are way beyond where we're at.

I also want to add here, how enemy ETs go crazy in trying to prevent me from exposing them in regards to how THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF EVILS IN THIS WORLD. Yet, their agenda is that we damn ourselves by blaming ourselves; by being sorry. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO REMOVED KNOWLEDGE. We can't really see what we are doing in most cases, the results of our actions or the outcomes. If we could really see, and KNOW,  most people wouldn't do what they do. 

This has really been brought to my attention given how many times those goddamned bug-eyed assholes have tried to interfere with my exposing them with this, even my private correspondence never got through. My former post "Get off your knees" disappeared 3 times before I could get it posted, of which I had to keep rewriting it. 

One takes the blame for what these enemy ETs are actually responsible for and by being repentant, one damns oneself.

Adolf Hitler told me "Learn from your mistakes." Wallowing in being sorry will only result in being punished. Stupid Christian's aren't even sorry to the ones they've wronged, but to some goddamned spook.

In closing, I want to mention the science of quantum physics. Quantum physics is the science of subatomic particles. Your cellphone, computers, small devices, and much more. Extremely advanced technology.

To digress, Lilith told me that "time is not linear." We tend to regard time as linear because we are not immortal. We know of life having a beginning and an end.

Quantum physics ties in with astrology in the way of making predictions for one. Subatomic particles don't conform to the rules of classic physics and are unpredictable. Their behavior is seen after the fact, no different from how events in one's astrology chart can readily be seen after they occur, but oftentimes, predicting how the planetary energies will manifest can be extremely difficult.

I know both science and spirituality meet and complement each other. As I've written before, all of the occult can be scientifically explained. It's only that we've been dangerously held back in this area.

Satan told me, regarding subatomic particles, He said "they aren't going about it the correct way." Regarding the subatomic particle accelerators. Our scientists should be open for intuition and new ideas.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Kali time, sounds like a time for reforming and purification. Removing all corruptions, and restoring the true natural order.
I really want to be able to be more hopeful for humanity than I am. I am hopeful we can take the enemy down but when it comes to the average person I don't have much hope that they are not going to be destroyed. In my case people just fail to understand how I see the world at all. The place humanity is stuck at is debating and worrying about stuff that doesn't even matter at all. I get a sense of sadness a lot in looking at the world cause people choose to suffer. Most people just don't want to make the effort it takes to really advance and expand their mind. They don't want to make the effort it would take to fight to change things. One thing that mystified me is one time I knew a person who I am absolutely sure knew most the truth about what was going on in the world and for awhile they entertained going with Jewsus and actually even somewhat believed it only because it bought comfort in some way to them. I don't get it things like that make me just want to give up and leave earth somehow forever.

Different Vibrations have different qualities and types of existence. I fail to think I can even understand those that are too far below me. I have failed to understand a majority of the world and those around me long before I was even in Satanism and people labeled me with all sorts of mental disorders and they pushed medications down my throat as a kid just cause I didn't know how to interact with people. For one no one was deep or reflective of things or whatever. I didn't like very many people. No one liked me that much either. Except those that interacted with me often commented that they were deeply affected in someway and never the same. I don't get it.

Sadly I realized we are only here because of a handful of people (from my past life memories me being one of them) they likely could not even fill a football stadium. The majority has failed and they have been complacent and dumb. I wish there was something I could do to change this but I don't know how. Talking to people is like talking to a brick wall. I know the enemy has placed some kind of curse on Earth that gives it a vibe that everything is perfect a fake paradise vibe I saw and felt this with my own eyes this hides a decay and black energy. This prevents many people from realizing anything is wrong at all or having any motivation to change it. Somehow we have to change things and remove that. I like being given hope if I pay too much attention to where I am on a planet that's just about doomed I don't like it and it makes me sad and alone. Anyone that truly wanted to help out was not and is not treated that nice at all. Talking to our own kind is like being at home let's try to make the whole earth home.

With that said at least 3 a day (rtrs) drives the enemy away. Do as much as you can you don't realize if we go extinct or get enslaved this isn't a game this is it. That means you too most likely unless you have done something worthy of being saved in the physical by the Gods like Hitler was but even then your planets gone all your friends and family or anyone you cared about gone. Everything you ever had in the material gone. We can't let this happen.
I honestly belive that even without meditation if the jews where not around to hold back scientists we would have been far more advanced...heck even if we did not have meditation i'm sure scientists would find out about it with time, it's really just the Jews that hold us back :roll:
"disappeared 3 times before I could get it posted, of which I had to keep rewriting it. "

Whenever I write something big here i copy the hole text before sending. If it vanishes I can just paste it into again. or sometimes I save it on a extra file. Thx for the post High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.
Fuchs said:
"disappeared 3 times before I could get it posted, of which I had to keep rewriting it. "

Whenever I write something big here i copy the hole text before sending. If it vanishes I can just paste it into again. or sometimes I save it on a extra file. Thx for the post High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.

Also, when you are on your computer, clicking Ctrl+z (Windows) or command+z (Mac) undoes the last action. If you accidentally delete your text, even if you haven't copied it, ctrl+z / command+z will undo the deletion.

And if the forum automatically logged you off, and showed you the message, "You need to login" instead of posting your comment, don't log in, but click "back" (the left arrow) on your browser to return you to the previous page, and it will show you your text. Then you can just copy it, and after that you can login to your profile, paste it, and post it. This works for me, but I'm not sure if it works on all browsers, or when you are on your mobile.
luis said:
I honestly belive that even without meditation if the jews where not around to hold back scientists we would have been far more advanced...heck even if we did not have meditation i'm sure scientists would find out about it with time, it's really just the Jews that hold us back :roll:
We would simply have discovered everything about DNA, including the soul. We would be at the top, defeating all kinds of diseases. Technology is very important, it's part of development. Genetic manipulation, genetic engineering and all sorts of machines are technology. However, meditation cannot be replaced because it is part of consciousness. Science can only help. Science cannot be called, just material thing, it would be incomplete. Technology serves both material and spiritual purposes. As we can explore and study organs, we can explore and study the soul. The electromagnetic field around us, we can begin to study this initially. It would be nice if we introduced free energy, which can only be done with quantum physics. Instead of energy sold by chronometer and fuels. We must be patient, the important thing is to win.
txg said:
technically everyone is created from mud and excrement, also i thought satans half brother was responsible for helping hitler design real politik in the early 20's

can you tell us more about Lilith's role in politics on her planet? the jobs of the gods are super interesting <3
You're right, the earth contains minerals, metals, etc. The body has all these properties and also has water, a large percentage of water. It certainly also has fire, the body temperature that comes from the energy. And all this material and information in the DNA. I don't know if the soul is an external work or if it is part of and comes from DNA? DNA is very fascinating. Speaking of DNA, how exactly were the Jews created? New and proper external DNA or did the enemy ET capture gentle samples and modify them with genetic engineering?
I don't think Kali Yuga has anything to do with Goddess Kali. These miscalculations were corrected by Sri Yukateswar in his book, 'The Holy Science '.

The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or "contention" and Kali Yuga is associated with the demon Kali (not to be confused with the goddess Kali).
(My note:The word Demon used here not related to how we use it. The word is used as a cultural mistranslation. )

According to Hindus, Kali (Devanāgari: कलि, IAST: kali, with both vowels short; from a root kad, "suffer, hurt, startle, confuse") is the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga and archenemy of Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu.

According to Puranic sources,[2] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE.[3]

Other authors, such as the revered Hindu guru Swami Sri Yukteswar[14] in his book The Holy Science, as well as the influential Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda,[15] believe that the Kali Yuga has already ended, and that we are now in an ascending Dvapara Yuga. This calculation is also supported [16]

Ankh666 said:
So these Neo-paganists and Odinists think they are smart because they finally have figured out Christianity was imposed on their people through mass-murder in the Inquisition. Great, that is correct.

But why do you think the people behind this have used this guy Satan to blame for EVERYTHING evil in the world the past couple of thousands of years? Just by coincidence? No, it doesn't work like that. THEY don't work like that.

They are extremely calculating and deliberate in how these programs are designed; Christianity, Judaism and Islam, all of which have blamed Satan for all evil in the world. Just a coincidence that "Ha Satan" literally means enemy/adversary in Hebrew? I don't think so.

Just a coincidence that Hitler was blamed for all evil in the USSR and made into a monster in the books? Just a coincidence that today the white race is blamed for all evil in the world? No. This is all deliberate. Satan, the white race and Hitler are the three scapegoats they have chosen, and it is NOT by chance. Time to wake up, people.

If Rabbi Jesus or Odin were the real threat, THEY would have ended up as the evil characters in the mainstream religions. I mean, a child could figure that out, but obviously not an adult still under mind-control.

Always look as to who is being portrayed as the bad guy in the media and in the books, and know there is a reason for this. The Aryan God (Satan), the Aryan leader (Hitler) and the Aryan people are unquestionably the three main subjects who have been deliberately demonized by all books, newspapers, computer games, movies etc. This is way, way beyond any doubt and discussion.
100% true.
Master said:
luis said:
I honestly belive that even without meditation if the jews where not around to hold back scientists we would have been far more advanced...heck even if we did not have meditation i'm sure scientists would find out about it with time, it's really just the Jews that hold us back :roll:
We would simply have discovered everything about DNA, including the soul. We would be at the top, defeating all kinds of diseases. Technology is very important, it's part of development. Genetic manipulation, genetic engineering and all sorts of machines are technology. However, meditation cannot be replaced because it is part of consciousness. Science can only help. Science cannot be called, just material thing, it would be incomplete. Technology serves both material and spiritual purposes. As we can explore and study organs, we can explore and study the soul. The electromagnetic field around us, we can begin to study this initially. It would be nice if we introduced free energy, which can only be done with quantum physics. Instead of energy sold by chronometer and fuels. We must be patient, the important thing is to win.
What i tried to say is that the influence of the Jews is so bad that even if we did not have meditation but the jews where gone we would be far more advanced. Of course meditation+jews are gone is the best and natural way that this will go.
Jack said:
I don't think Kali Yuga has anything to do with Goddess Kali. These miscalculations were corrected by Sri Yukateswar in his book, 'The Holy Science '.

The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or "contention" and Kali Yuga is associated with the demon Kali (not to be confused with the goddess Kali).
(My note:The word Demon used here not related to how we use it. The word is used as a cultural mistranslation. )

According to Hindus, Kali (Devanāgari: कलि, IAST: kali, with both vowels short; from a root kad, "suffer, hurt, startle, confuse") is the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga and archenemy of Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu.

According to Puranic sources,[2] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE.[3]

Other authors, such as the revered Hindu guru Swami Sri Yukteswar[14] in his book The Holy Science, as well as the influential Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda,[15] believe that the Kali Yuga has already ended, and that we are now in an ascending Dvapara Yuga. This calculation is also supported [16]

Daemon = God; Daemoness = Goddess.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kali time, sounds like a time for reforming and purification. Removing all corruptions, and restoring the true natural order.
This makes sense!
One will be able to notice these dam ETs are programmed to interfere with ones mind and even self belief when one is deep in meditation or workings that are of significance to one with that being said its alway a confirmation one is on the correct path keep it up guys
I found this on the internet.
Kali Yuga began in 3676 BC and will end in 2025. After that, a transition period of 300 years, that is, until 2325.
txg said:
technically everyone is created from mud and excrement
That is an exerpt from the jewish bible. They say we are created from dirt because the jews are literal dirt in physical form. They are imposing jewish garbage on the gentiles with their filthy writings.

If you want to get exact, we were all created from the Aether, like the rest of the universe.
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
I don't think Kali Yuga has anything to do with Goddess Kali. These miscalculations were corrected by Sri Yukateswar in his book, 'The Holy Science '.

The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or "contention" and Kali Yuga is associated with the demon Kali (not to be confused with the goddess Kali).
(My note:The word Demon used here not related to how we use it. The word is used as a cultural mistranslation. )

According to Hindus, Kali (Devanāgari: कलि, IAST: kali, with both vowels short; from a root kad, "suffer, hurt, startle, confuse") is the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga and archenemy of Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu.

According to Puranic sources,[2] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE.[3]

Other authors, such as the revered Hindu guru Swami Sri Yukteswar[14] in his book The Holy Science, as well as the influential Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda,[15] believe that the Kali Yuga has already ended, and that we are now in an ascending Dvapara Yuga. This calculation is also supported [16]

Daemon = God; Daemoness = Goddess.
Yes but the English translation of what you'd call a monster or an evil entity in Hindu culture is mistranslated as a 'Demon' by these authors. They do this with every culture and any evil entity = demon for them. That's why I included that note.
wariorSS said:
I found this on the internet.
Kali Yuga began in 3676 BC and will end in 2025. After that, a transition period of 300 years, that is, until 2325.
The transition would include both this and the next Yuga; just the change of ages on its own will not do anything, so actual actions are necessary. In one sense, it will be less than 300 years to transit, but that is just because the jew is about to be overcome and - hopefully painfully - extinguished. If Satan and some Gods and Goddesses are to return in about 20 years, then the jew would be shitting itself and that transition would be very swift.

In real terms, from 2025 until a notable, and noticeable, change, it might be 100 years or 1000 years. That depends on how you look at it, what factors, on what scale, etc. If we consider a Human soul (as opposed to a Soul, i.e. something which hardly counts as a soul at all) which needs to reincarnate (if possible), that would have to wait for the right time to reincarnate, then get better, etc., which can take lifetimes/many centuries; if we consider general transition terms, it might count as being in a couple of centuries (regardless of a soul becoming a Soul).

Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
I don't think Kali Yuga has anything to do with Goddess Kali. These miscalculations were corrected by Sri Yukateswar in his book, 'The Holy Science '.

Daemon = God; Daemoness = Goddess.
Yes but the English translation of what you'd call a monster or an evil entity in Hindu culture is mistranslated as a 'Demon' by these authors. They do this with every culture and any evil entity = demon for them. That's why I included that note.
Oh, yeah. I should have said, "For those who don't know" at the start of my reply.
Shael said:
txg said:
technically everyone is created from mud and excrement
That is an exerpt from the jewish bible. They say we are created from dirt because the jews are literal dirt in physical form. They are imposing jewish garbage on the gentiles with their filthy writings.

If you want to get exact, we were all created from the Aether, like the rest of the universe.
Let's put aside the worthless Jewish nonsense and offense. Speaking of important things, to be precise, we come from the ether like the rest of the universe. But there are different plans of existence and creation. Thought forms are only in the astral form, instead we are both in the astral form and in the material form. It is easy to create thought forms, to create creatures instead, which are complete and complex things is an advanced work of course. It is not my intention to go into this theme because it is not time now. I just wanted to deal with basic information and also make clarifications about it.
Kaali or Kali does represent this age this is wrote in the tantra's dedicated to Kali. Everything about Kali represents the power to overcome time. Much of Kali's imagery is based on the destruction of the power of time and liberation from time that one can go the spiritual way and escape time with the power of Kali. Kali represents the destruction at the end of an age the end of an age is the end of time. The arms Kali wears are both left and right the positive and negative actions and arm is Kara which is Karma action. Its freedom from karma and time. The heads are freedom from illusion and false ego which is the power of time. The false ego and its actions represents the samskaras that block the passage of the serpent thus destroying them is burning them away with serpent fire and the raising of the serpent.

The Yugas represent the four elements and the purification of the elements the age of Kali is the purification of the final stage of the work that takes one to the Sat Yuga. Sat is the purified essence its the finishing of the work and the spiritual gold. This was also in the west as well the four stages or three stages that lead to the fourth. Kali is the energy of Shiva and Shiva liberates from time by destroying time which is the final purification of the soul by the fire that does not burn that is why Kali is dedicated to one theme in Her wrathful nature and aggression its the psychological traits of fire the purification of the soul. She is shown with the halo of fire and her long hair is the energy body activated with the serpent of fire. Kali's imagery is all about overcoming death with the serpent of fire.

The meaning of the name Kali is serpent fire which destroys the dross the power of time. Everything about Kali is the energy of the serpent fire. Her color is deep blue the purified soul and the color of the sushumna channel purified and opened and thus the entire being purified.

Jack said:
I don't think Kali Yuga has anything to do with Goddess Kali. These miscalculations were corrected by Sri Yukateswar in his book, 'The Holy Science '.

The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or "contention" and Kali Yuga is associated with the demon Kali (not to be confused with the goddess Kali).
(My note:The word Demon used here not related to how we use it. The word is used as a cultural mistranslation. )

According to Hindus, Kali (Devanāgari: कलि, IAST: kali, with both vowels short; from a root kad, "suffer, hurt, startle, confuse") is the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga and archenemy of Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu.

According to Puranic sources,[2] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE.[3]

Other authors, such as the revered Hindu guru Swami Sri Yukteswar[14] in his book The Holy Science, as well as the influential Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda,[15] believe that the Kali Yuga has already ended, and that we are now in an ascending Dvapara Yuga. This calculation is also supported [16]

HP Mageson666 said:
Kaali or Kali does represent this age this is wrote in the tantra's dedicated to Kali. Everything about Kali represents the power to overcome time. Much of Kali's imagery is based on the destruction of the power of time and liberation from time that one can go the spiritual way and escape time with the power of Kali. Kali represents the destruction at the end of an age the end of an age is the end of time. The arms Kali wears are both left and right the positive and negative actions and arm is Kara which is Karma action. Its freedom from karma and time. The heads are freedom from illusion and false ego which is the power of time. The false ego and its actions represents the samskaras that block the passage of the serpent thus destroying them is burning them away with serpent fire and the raising of the serpent.

The Yugas represent the four elements and the purification of the elements the age of Kali is the purification of the final stage of the work that takes one to the Sat Yuga. Sat is the purified essence its the finishing of the work and the spiritual gold. This was also in the west as well the four stages or three stages that lead to the fourth. Kali is the energy of Shiva and Shiva liberates from time by destroying time which is the final purification of the soul by the fire that does not burn that is why Kali is dedicated to one theme in Her wrathful nature and aggression its the psychological traits of fire the purification of the soul. She is shown with the halo of fire and her long hair is the energy body activated with the serpent of fire. Kali's imagery is all about overcoming death with the serpent of fire.

The meaning of the name Kali is serpent fire which destroys the dross the power of time. Everything about Kali is the energy of the serpent fire. Her color is deep blue the purified soul and the color of the sushumna channel purified and opened and thus the entire being purified.

Jack said:
I don't think Kali Yuga has anything to do with Goddess Kali. These miscalculations were corrected by Sri Yukateswar in his book, 'The Holy Science '.

The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or "contention" and Kali Yuga is associated with the demon Kali (not to be confused with the goddess Kali).
(My note:The word Demon used here not related to how we use it. The word is used as a cultural mistranslation. )

According to Hindus, Kali (Devanāgari: कलि, IAST: kali, with both vowels short; from a root kad, "suffer, hurt, startle, confuse") is the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga and archenemy of Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu.

According to Puranic sources,[2] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE.[3]

Other authors, such as the revered Hindu guru Swami Sri Yukteswar[14] in his book The Holy Science, as well as the influential Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda,[15] believe that the Kali Yuga has already ended, and that we are now in an ascending Dvapara Yuga. This calculation is also supported [16]

I didn't know that. Thank you for the wonderful information.
What Sri Yukteswar showed in his book is that the traditional cycle is the wheel of the zodiac with the division of the four elements that relate to each section of three signs. This relates to the wheel of the year and the alchemical year.
Hi, I dont know how to make a new post on this site but I found something that other forums wont allow me to discuss.

I mention this here since we're talking about the current progression of aeons and technology. I think I found evidence that Nazi germany got its hands on e.t technology that likely shown him the actual human history and lead to the instigation of wwii, this is what I found.

Thoths emerald tablet 3: “neath the earth I hid my spaceship, above erected a statue of a lion in the likeness of man” . immediately zoroastrianism comes to mind as their deity,ahriman, is the most ancient depiction of a lion headed god I could think of.
My next thought was, ok, where in the world has zoroastrianism been practiced. One modern example came to mind.

It is no secret that Nazi germany was obsessed with the occult. Their occult theme surrounded the sonnenräd, or black sun. This comes from Zoroastrianism.

Next I did some research to find whether or not the nazis found any statues or if there were any statues in Europe(since hitler stormed through europe I figured maybe he was looking for something).

What I found was that in the year 1943, germany discovered a 40000 year old statue of a lion headed man. WWII started later this year.

For those who dont know, the emerald tablets were written in 36000 b.c. meaning the time of this scripture lines up with the date of this sculptures erection.

And now we have theories, with a good amount of evidence, suggesting Nazi germany had a scientific breakthrough that propelled the modern era. Theorists have been theorizing Nazi germanies involvment with the study of a UFO during the early times of thr war.

What if there was a spaceship? And what if it was buried.

The history lines up with a claim written 40000 years ago. That is a HUGE coincidence.
And for the war to start the same year he found it. And the scientific breakthroughs that happened during the war, seemingly out of nowhere we began creating all this new technology. Computers, lasers, high frequency sonar weapons, new means of aerodynamics. This all sounds like shit youd see in a spaceship

I've been saying for a long time time was a spiral. Always moving forward but always repeating at the same time. Photons even spiral as they move in space, hense the wave myth.

You said Satan pointed out we're going about quantom physics wrong. It seems plasma cosmology fixes that issue and is being more widely accepted. Electron flood theory also debunks pretty much all mainstream physics

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
