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The Absolute State Of The United States - Going Into 2024

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Currently, we are living to see a situation where elements of decay and foolishness are increasing their grasp on top of the United States.

Contrary to popular belief that Nations can withstand anything, or that Empires are too big to fall, we constantly see the opposite: It takes one or two generations of retarded, arrogant and foolish people to destroy a 30 generations worth of civilization. It can be done very easily, maybe even within the spectrum of just a few months.

One of the easiest ways to do this, is to inflate one's own currency, print it to no limits, create bad debt for citizens, and then start a cycle of wars and inflation as a result. When those in power violate and ruin their own laws of finances, which set the limits and standards for the flow of money [financial energy] inside their Nation, then avarice and instability takes place.

That creates lawlessness, and this further creates disrespect in the trust based system of finances, which can internally completely bust a whole Nation. Perils of Communism can follow soon after, but also the adoption of foreign system out of the control of Nations to manage - which can further ruin citizens and State-Citizen relationship.

In plain words the more you ruin the people, the more people act in more and more fragmented and isolated forms of groups or highly individualist thinking. This progressively breaks up the ties inside a Nation. Mockery financial policies are a very quick way to achieve this.

As of now the US is steadily losing it's status with the US Dollar as the World's Leading Currency, step by step. The Co-Vid exaggeration added with the Zelensky drama war which were both serious mistakes of the Biden Presidency, have opened up the United States into a spiral of powerful problems, which everyone wants to pretend aren't the case.

At this point no matter who sits on the seat of the Presidency, they will have to pay very serious mistakes from the Biden Administration.

I am not going to sit there and pretend I believe in elections all that much, but the reality is that Biden being re-elected is simply putting more TNT on the foundations of the United States of America.

That's both from a standpoint of what Biden is symbolically, the symbol of old, dying, fake socialism, money printer, green energy, global warming, eternal vaccine syringe up your ass, and other things that generally don't really help in survival but are all based on unrealistic policies that deal primarily with old, dying, stupid and distracted civilizations.

Russia and China and others, seeing the above, know that the West is led by fools and a senile. There is a powerful minority of good politicians still in the Senate and in the United States, who are trying to keep things afloat; but the torrent of the weak is very strong as well.

Those against the United States can see this and they have acted during this time. It should be stated that anyone who is sane would be careful to try to strike ties with Joe Biden who gets lost in rooms due to forgetting where he is and hoping it all goes well, while his finger just sticks on the print button and he spends 135 billions on Zelensky while he plans to tax you from transfers of 600$ per transaction or something, that's a fact.

Enemies observing this insanity understand that it's a perfect time to strike the US. This made them take serious chess moves both against the US Dollar, and other moves against the United States, which needless to say, spearheaded by a senile lunatic that spent all his Nation's power to prevent a flu and due to being a senile almost triggered a WW3 in Europe and another Middle Eastern implosion, is simply not a good partner any Nation can trust.

It wouldn't be a joke to state at this point that Elon must and SpaceX should donate millions to the JoS so that we can hopefully all make space rockets and go into space and Spiritual Satanism should become our New Religion & New Humanity on Mars at this point. That's a more realistic plan of salvation of humanity than the US faring well for 4 more years under Joe Biden.

Situations such as being ruled by fools make one to really want to run out of jokes.

China has been bolstered, places in the Middle East have been lost of control [that's good because Israel might be wiped off or slashed in power due to being helpless from the United States], the US Dollar and therefore US "dominance" and the Uni-Polar source of power is going down, and the central issues such as birthrate internal collapse remain unaddressed still.

Meanwhile our civilization really spends this time and energy into which GBLT flag is best and what color thongs to buy or something, which, except of being a situation to defend human rights and all, is actually a very bad survival policy to obsessively focus upon as a civilization, especially inside a world that is literally forgetting how to replicate it's own essence and population and self in order to move into the future.

The above is a really bad spending of time and energy.

With all that is happening I foresee that soon the United States will not be the power it once was. Europe will have to step up it's game and it will be forced to do so for the survival of the people in it.

The dying boomer generation which understands a few things about life such as that if you don't fight you will end up with a yoke on your neck, is progressively passing it's reins of control into the two newer generation which look like they are overwhelmingly both into education, open mindedness, but also they lack certain qualities that make people of what we refer to as "tough".

This lack of toughness is the consequential result of a generation that is going to raise itself without substantial morality and ethical norms, as Christianity is a jewish obsolete hoax. Christianity, being a cuck for Israel, bombing the Middle East to save Israel and poor holohoax jews, no longer appeal to many people.

Nobody cares how many Zyklon B cookies have been baked in some oven either, as the numbers don't add up.

Nietzsche has never been more relevant than today: We must now put all our efforts in both Spiritual Satanism and preach it to the world, and according to Nietzsche himself, we must have the courage to go back to our European Roots, as far as those of our folk are from the United States or Europe.

The two coming decades will be harder than the two previous ones for those of us in Europe and the United States, by far, compared to what they were before. People will be looking at 2017 soon and be saying that it was indeed very good, like we did on the Pandemic, if current traits persist.

Most people currently have no idea of this, but it's coming. Those who leave now or are in their old age, cannot really fathom what will come for the rest of us, and the world that is left behind. It's best that these generations, as they leave, to not start any more new wars, and to not leave only ruins behind them. That would be most desirable.

They should legislate also for real problems that can be a plague, and listen to younger people, especially in things they seldom understand like AI and so on. These newer generations have a lot things they can offer, yet it appears we are entering slowly what the Chinese refer to as "Interesting times" territory.

Make no mistake, all of this arises out of the lack of a firm hand that puts order in this world. An orderless world, contrary to popular belief, is the key recipe for global and never-ending disasters. The "Pax Americana" which even Americans blamed the United States of having "enforced", was actually one of the most peaceful times in history, because of dominance of the United States.

Now, we are entering a world where disputed dominance and many other "poles of power" are coming into play. This as a rule creates both chances of wars but also more instability for Nations, which must be very agile in order to survive or constantly have to change sides. The vibes of US vs Soviet Union, but this time, with China, are echoing in the future, with Cold War 2.0 not being unlikely at all.

These newer and very much "loftier" generations will be confronted with cut-throat Chinese Communism mentality generations that are coming like a hungry vulture on top of the dying corpse of the United States. People like Tucker Carlson have been removed from posts of authority and speech in the public sphere, as these people actually alerted people to important things.

Now, in their absence, our news will be only about coloured rainbow flag thongs, until one day we might get a leak online that China has taken over the global economy or something. And how bad it all is, and how good the jews are, and well sorry you got fucked while you were distracted, type of thing.

In the same way, as the Chinese will be coming from the right, and a never-ending array of distractions of a far lesser importance of empty narratives like the jewish operation of the LGBT "steal your children and cut their penis" gang will be coming from the left, and this will all take place on top of the heaps of ruins of what everyone once remembered was the United States, unless something really drastic happens.

As the populace sleeps in the lack of true alerters of reality, the Truth will become likely even more penaltized, and what is even worse, is that a delusion of knowing "Truth" will start soon in regards to AI, it too being part of an agenda.

This power vacuum and gap that will be created, will cause global instability more and more, as it's happening now.

Make no mistake, the United States will stand and be really strong. I don't think the United States will perish or anything, but we are slowly moving out of the world where the United States had the first and foremost say in everything.

Jews have successfully eroded the United States with their hoaxes of Co-Vid and deceptive financial practices, or bad policies, and Joe Biden is adding icing to the cake.

It it all reversible? Yes, it actually is, even up until this point. Yet the chances of this happening and happening in time, would be like looking for a miracle. I do fondly believe in miracles, but one cannot base their whole existence on miracles. I therefore have to relate the Truth in my posts and not false wishful thinking.

Yet, the situation remain still highly dangerous and all of this falls historically into the same observed category of watching an empire being threatened for it's existence.

Lastly, people from here constantly ask me in regards to what "we" are going to do. I will tell you what "we" are going to do: Make sure OUR own people survive this and make sure that we prosper and become better off regardless. Even if it all falls out, we will adjust and adapt, and continue living in the future.

Stay focused and trust in the Gods. Nations come and Nations will go at this point, but the Gods are really forever. Our side has seen civilizations and whole faces of the planet change and reform, and we have always been here.

We must have more open minds going into the future, and learn that as Spiritual Satanists, we have tools and an arsenal to adapt and to use under any different situation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm glad I'm here, I'm glad that with desire of my heart I came to this glorious encounter of the JOS, the clergy and now the Gods who I so feared but now I adore. I'm so blessed and elated that the journey is ongoing and there's so much more ahead. I can only be grateful that I have such a community of brothers and sisters.
I am so blessed that I can't believe the difference from before Satan and now with Satan, the new knowledge that has been of great ecstasy and support.
I'm so Joyful I was led here, to what people call so many names, feared ,and can't dare to consider. I'm so blessed to find out it's different from what we all thought it was, and that we are yet to phantom the glorious extent we can go.
Regardless of how the world will be , I'm happy I met destiny, I'm happy I've not seen it all, I am happy I met the coolest clergy in the world, I'm happy I got brothers and sisters doing even better.
Truthfully, I do not know how to really approach this topic, as this is something I have been fearful of for awhile, as this appears grim for me on a personal level.

However, given the situation of the United States, it is quite alarming and deeply concerning. My advice to everyone would be to hold faith in Satan, and to prepare oneself as much as possible, with education, getting into better employment over time, gaining financial understanding because of the circumstances with inflation, etc.

Really hold strong. Things may be "okay" currently, but we must brace for impact if things get much marginally worse.

I've seen alot of people Im close with in my personal life getting just really torn down finacially.
To say I am not atleast a bit scared for those I care about, would mean I'd be lying. I've been watching this for awhile and it's rather troubling.

Regardless, our collective efforts must be centered here while we do our best in our lives to navigate through trying times and circumstances and the fallout a weakened currency, nation and economy can bring.

Trust in Father Satan and the Gods. We will manage to come through this alright.
It feels really painful how low humanity is at this point. Especially our loved ones. You can't even speak the truth at this point.

Do you think this veil of mass ignorance will start to crack soon? When?

Also, what about islam? It doesn't seem to have much progress. Only more extremism at this point because of more suffering and ignorance.

Muslims seem to really hold on to their "faith" during hard times which invites more filth, death, and darknes to their minds, souls, and communities. Somehow they see this filth as light and their death as their goal.
It struck me that if this planet were to be destroyed by human stupidity us who have the potential of true human beings inside us and work on it would be given another Home from the Gods to start all over again.
I don't know what we would do without you HP. You, in this pivotal era, are sent to lead us, and I would bet it was always meant to be you.

We WILL come out on top. It is Satan's Will.

Hail Satan
Martin Armstrong predicts based on his Socrates AI-model that China will be the world superpower post-2032. He also predicts that civil unrest will rise during this decade accompanied with possible new wars. The most interesting part, if you ask me, is that he realizes the nature of nature is fractal and bases his model on the number of pi.
Thank you HP for the news you provide us.
I'm seeing that the state I live in is going to shit little by little and all thanks to the shitty politicians who run it. And I hear people say "but I'm leaving here (as they say to themselves who cares)", the selfish thought is widespread I could say. All of this makes me angry but, my friends, why not also use the anger that these situations cause us to push our cause full throttle.
It's both very sad and very interesting how things have turned out here in America. Needless to say people are the ones that are the responsible for this! Not even knowing who to vote for don't even take the time to do background checking on any of these politicians especially when it comes to. Voting for a president! Business associates job owners and even these small businesses that we people depend on! How was all being controlled and manipulated by the stupid jews! And how each and every one of these politicians are always sucking up to the stupid Catholics and the stupid jews! Food isn't bad enough we had to deal with Donald Trump and his games that he was playing! When it come down to it if he says he's going to do something he does it! But in the same sense he was an idiot who can even fucking put two words together and make sense and yet he's a businessman? He entertained the world with his humor and his stupidity! Just being a fucking dumbass as it is! And Joe Biden having an old man in the White House who doesn't even know his ass from a hole in the ground! Like an old man wearing a diaper is going to show any kind of power? He's letting the fucking Christians take over the Constitution and they're making a bigger mess of things than we think! Getting out there and screaming and yelling at the public telling people to pray and repent! And getting women back in the kitchen to slave over a hot stove! And having absolute utter no respect for the female or any children out there who have any intelligence at all being treated with disrespect taken away the rights of not only their own children and their wife but also working at ripping other people apart as well! Going along with with the Enemy wants them to do and how people are falling into that more and more each and every day! And yes maybe I get on here and get off shit! But at least I make sense! And maybe have complained a bit on a couple of posts on here about stupid things! And things that don't make sense or match up to the topic and whatever is being discussed? And I know for myself that I have my own issues! But when it comes to politicians all they do is lie and come up with one bullshit story after another and if that isn't bad enough they have their lame ass excuses as to why things happen and why they can't figure it out and do something about it? They tell you that they're going to do this and that they're going to do that and each and every politician has his own dreams just the same as these stupid presidents they get up there and flap their gums and throw out all kinds of promises and bullshit and bullshit just to get people to get up and clap and cheer thinking that he's such a fucking wonderful dipshit president! Who plays both sides pretending like he's helping the little people and yet he's sucking up to the fucking enemy and that's all these idiots do is fucking suck up to the enemy and a lie to the world anything to get attention and to gain a notoriety all the while pulling their little tricks on the side shaking hands with some fucking Jewish rabbi or sucking up to the fucking Pope! And giving praise and glory to their stupidity. If these idiots could just see themselves for once and for all! And if they can just see themselves the way others do and help pathetic they are! The three ring circus act they put on every time they get out there and make their speeches! And expecting people to believe them! People are going to wake up thinking that they're going to see rainbows and pots of gold! When what they're getting is a kick in the face! Losing more money losing more rights and losing more freedom! People don't even realize what these politicians are all about and who they're working with and who they're working behind? These guys seem like they're all powerful like there's some fucking hero laugh out loud getting people to fucking look up to them and admire them talking all highly about each other! You see all the nonsense and this shit that they get off about one another advertising their ad campaigns! In between football games and it television sitcoms! Sponsoring Tostitos and Oscar Mayer! Along with the fucking football games and the scores and everything that people fucking enjoy watching on tv! And then they get some idiot fucking politician promising this and promising that and then you get another dumbass politician that's against trying to make himself look like a fucking hero wondering who this idiot is fucking paying to talk highly of him when he's probably nothing but a fucking pedophile to begin with looking like the promising teddy bear Father Figure type that anybody would fucking admire with their suit and tie and their pasty fucking smile on their face wondering where they're getting their ideas and who's fucking paying them? And if they're really going to live up to shit! We're 99% of them don't! I think they get more money out of their fucking campaign ads bullshitting to the people of the world and when it really comes down to it they laugh at how stupid the world is and how dumb and gullible people are and laugh out loud when people do make their vote and make their choice thinking that everything is going to be perfectly fine and waking up to a nasty surprise! That none of this glorified shit is going to happen and you would think that people would learn by now that these politicians are the biggest bullshitters I'm sure that there are some out there that want to make the world into a better place I'm sure that there's some of them out there that are serious about cleaning out the metal poisoning in the drinking water or doing anything at all to make the air cleaner so that people can breathe! Or whatever promise is promises they throw it the fucking crowd they get up and clap! Thinking that they're going to have better schools for children? And that everybody is going to have a job and that everybody's going to have a Home of Their Own and that there's going to be no homeless people on the street bullshit bullshit bullshit and all of this crap that gets people up and clapping and cheering! Every time they get up and do a speech of some kind looking all fucking pompous and stupid! And how people fall for this every time! And just like clockwork you see the pattern effect you really don't see anything good coming from these clowns and it doesn't matter if they're Republican or democrat! And you could definitely tell where Joe Biden was coming from and that he was sucking up to the fucking Christians from the very beginning and Donald Trump just a fucking movie star and a Hollywood actor who sleeps with supermodels sucks up to the fucking jews! And entertains the world with this fucking childish bullshit! Acting like he's got a brain and pretending like he is some kind of a hero prancing around with this bimbo wife! And taking nasty pictures with this his slutty daughter! And expecting people to think that it's normal and that it's okay when it's obviously not! And I can tell right off that he was a fucking pedophile! And not to mention the fact a lot of his friends and a lot of the people that he supported were pedophiles one after another! And that they work together like a team sucking the shit out of each other's ass! Coming up with more ideas to cheat people out of their money and make the world into a bigger mess! As usual and people are too deaf and dumb and blind to see and notice the difference! And it said to see what this world has become and what we're falling into! Because of these politicians and these ass clowns! Who don't even give a shit about other people and their rights... And here we sit and watch it all! Each and every day it seems like shit gets worse and worse! And people let it! Because they either they're afraid? To do something? And hear people are on social media you think that people would speak up and take action and do something!? So people are to blame when it comes to their vote and who they think is fair to run for president! Or who should run for office! They put their trust in these business owners and don't realize that they're getting cheated out of their own money! They come up with all different kinds of campaign ads of all different kinds and people buy into it and they suck into it and don't realize what kind of danger they're headed for I didn't even think people even take the time to do background work even! Laugh out loud...
I've heard that presidents don't actually have a say in how the country is governed. I heard that the presidents can't actually impliment some positive changes, even if they wish to do so.

Apparently, 'higher ups' dictate what the president can & can't do. And failure to comply results in assassination. Is this true?
Is it really that bad that the US won't be the leading power in the world? Would it not be better to have 3 or 4 superpowers that keep eachother in check?

When you look into the last 40 years what atrocities US have done( instructed by the joos), do you think that such bestiality will be possible if there are more strong nations?

I also don't belive that the US will completely go under, but there might be allot internal struggle
I am hopeful of survival as long as myself or other SS are not drafted into a stupid war of some sort. I believe time plays in our favor, so as long as we can avoid major catastrophe, then there is hope.

If the US at least pretended to care, then it would have some amount of power in the world. It does not matter how big you are if you cannot mobilize your resources effectively.

With the downfall of the US, and as HPHC described with his praise on Pax Americana, it appears as though it is the rest of the world which will truly suffer, as China fills the power vacuum.

As threats to survival come into the perception of the average person, I see hope in that people will start to properly reevaluate their lives and resources. Although it will be hard to make up for big mistakes, like globalizing our industrial base and ruining our wealth, we can effectively apply what we have remaining.

If we think of the true power of the US, it is probably more like how it was at the turn of the 20th century in regards to its effective power, as opposed to the inflated giant that it pretends to be now.

When we look at the past of the US when it was weaker, it had to face threats from European powers. Now it faces the threat of China, but hopefully does so with allies. One problem can arise if Europe decides to "give in" to the Chinese, as it sounded like Macron was trying to steer towards, as if China was a good alternative to anything.

As HPHC described, we should place our true concern and efforts towards the people of Satan, rather than the entire affairs of a specific country. People should not set themselves up for despair over matters that do not directly involve the valuable souls of Satan's people.
Henu the Great said:
Martin Armstrong predicts based on his Socrates AI-model that China will be the world superpower post-2032. He also predicts that civil unrest will rise during this decade accompanied with possible new wars. The most interesting part, if you ask me, is that he realizes the nature of nature is fractal and bases his model on the number of pi.

I can't imagine what data such an AI uses to try and predict the future, but trying to imagine a future where China doesn't probably collapse from internal strife and their own major population crisis is stunningly difficult for me.

As Cobra says nothing here is really set in stone, and personally I can't imagine a future where the United States doesn't see it's own renaissance in the coming decades. Even in the worst possibilities of political strife, are we not set to be reborn like Rome before us?

I understand a lot of things said here about the future are very pessimistic usually to emphasize the point of what we should be doing, but we should remind ourselves just as much that the worst case scenarios are highly unlikely.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These newer and very much "loftier" generations will be confronted with cut-throat Chinese Communism mentality generations that are coming like a hungry vulture on top of the dying corpse of the United States. People like Tucker Carlson have been removed from posts of authority and speech in the public sphere, as these people actually alerted people to important things.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm not sure if Fox letting Tucker go is all that big a deal, it hurts Fox more than it hurts Tucker, he got the most ratings on their whole channel. Tucker will probably survive and probably even thrive going independent.

The firing of Tucker and Don Lemon seems far too cohencedental to happen on the same day, however. This seems like a move that will easily and readily backfire. Either Tucker was genuinely spreading truth and will no longer be leashed by Fox and be more bold in what he says, or if he's been nothing but controlled opposition this whole time, nothing of strict value is lost I would think. I'm still not entirely sure what to think of him, given some of his actions and silence, but I can't see this as anything but a positive unless Tucker straight up ends his own career and retires with his millions.
In my eyes, voting has been nothing more than an illusion all along, as they will choose who they will no matter what while giving the people the illusion of choice. We saw this with the formation of the EU too, where, if I recall correctly, the majority of Europeans voted "no" for the EU, while this was ignored and implemented regardless. Wars that are fought have been nothing but orchestrated for the sake of pissreal farming resources, raising death energy and making profit. The only legitimate war for the United States was fought back in 1776.

People are under the illusion that this is the best country in the world based on skewed, limited and biased pretenses IMO, as well as the mere fact that the US has been the world's economic leader for a long time. But as someone who has been to several countries, I can vouch for as far as the average everyday person and comparing the lifestyles of such between several countries (first world obviously...) that this is not the case at all. With the way people work and live here especially as far as work-life balance, is almost on par with communist china. 60 to 85 plus hours a week are one of the main sources of lack of self-care, stress and illness along with divorce due to no time with family. A good portion of divorces and separation occurs due to too much attention being put into required work hours or fear of being fired for not doing extra which also contributes to single-parent households and lower birthrates for fear of not being able to care for children for people who aren't partnered yet or who don't make enough money. It used to be the husband could support a family with two plus children and a decent home in a safe neighborhood with a decent income.

Despite the fact that we do seem to have certain "freedoms" which are perks compared to other places, some of these too aren't as free anymore as once believed, such as privacy. It's being said more often for example that the camera in your pc and your cell phone listens to your every conversation and can even see you. Edward Snowden was on to something when he blew the cover of the fact that this "free country" really spies on its own citizens. We see this with the internet too.
Shadowcat said:
In my eyes, voting has been nothing more than an illusion all along, as they will choose who they will no matter what while giving the people the illusion of choice. We saw this with the formation of the EU too, where, if I recall correctly, the majority of Europeans voted "no" for the EU, while this was ignored and implemented regardless. Wars that are fought have been nothing but orchestrated for the sake of pissreal farming resources, raising death energy and making profit. The only legitimate war for the United States was fought back in 1776.

Well, different people in power matter, but the "powers that be" don't really allow them to act. Trump couldn't do many things he wanted because of frictions in the political offices, let alone the jews sitting behind the curtain, and many other power lobbies that constantly try to enforce presidents and disallow them of doing certain things.

This can be good in sometimes and then it can be really bad. In smaller Nations, it's even more delusional, as because the limitations become extremely severe. Many Nations in the EU for example, cannot even issue a proper fiscal policy or financial policy, without others enforcing it on them and so on. Trade deals etc, bind nations severely.

SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These newer and very much "loftier" generations will be confronted with cut-throat Chinese Communism mentality generations that are coming like a hungry vulture on top of the dying corpse of the United States. People like Tucker Carlson have been removed from posts of authority and speech in the public sphere, as these people actually alerted people to important things.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm not sure if Fox letting Tucker go is all that big a deal, it hurts Fox more than it hurts Tucker, he got the most ratings on their whole channel. Tucker will probably survive and probably even thrive going independent.

The firing of Tucker and Don Lemon seems far too cohencedental to happen on the same day, however. This seems like a move that will easily and readily backfire. Either Tucker was genuinely spreading truth and will no longer be leashed by Fox and be more bold in what he says, or if he's been nothing but controlled opposition this whole time, nothing of strict value is lost I would think. I'm still not entirely sure what to think of him, given some of his actions and silence, but I can't see this as anything but a positive unless Tucker straight up ends his own career and retires with his millions.

I agree, but I think despite of it being "business", the timing is simply uncanny. Tucker was playing a serious role in the sensible reporting for a long time, and many saw him as the last bastion of at least an opinionated and proper journalist that still had a backbone against the large system which preaches the usual decadence on repeat.

There will be a huge gap in more sensible reporting of news now.

Tucker actually picked up some very meaningful things to relate to his extremely large audience. Now, this won't happen. Progressively, news will not only be disregarded and filled with lies more than before, but honest journalism will become the rarest thing when it comes to information gathering. As I read the news daily, the amount of fake or AI generated news or bullshit was never as high as it is today.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

How can I adjust myself away from the mentality that "You can't change other people, and it's better to focus on self development?"

I very much have lived to become a role model for American Youth, and at this point I'm a role model for all.
But how do I actually Teach them?
Years ago, before C-19 or any of this really, I asked my teacher if there would be another plague or war (we were studying the black plague at the time) and they said "No, not in your lifetime." I asked my grandparents the same question when I went home that day. "No, not in your lifetime." They said. Then I asked my parents. "No, not in your lifetime." They said.

Everyone I asked gave me the exact same answer to the same question.

Now... I'm just angry.
As a non-American, obviously there's only so much I can say about the state of America socially, economically, so on so forth. The best I can do is be an educated observer. This being said, it's apparent to anyone that the 2024 election will be a clown show of the highest order. Frankly I have seen nothing good come out of the Republican or the Democratic parties.

Some long term Republican donor recently made a statement that summed up my feelings, which was, ultimately, the financial situation in America is what everyone is suffering. As the years have gone by people have had to increasingly "accept" both less, and worse. Food, entertainment, leisure, just general quality of life is increasingly becoming more and more out of reach for the average person. People look to the Republican party for business sense, traditionally. However, the Republican politician base isn't really offering that anymore. Instead they've just become the reverse-version of the hysterical far leftists. Obsessed with flash in the pan social issues. Where's the Republicans with business sense? All I ever see are the ones who spend day and night screeching their throats raw about trannies or the Bible. So much time and effort for them is being spent on trying to turn red states into feudal/medieval Bible territories that there's seldom left time for fixing the economic situation. There's already rumors that some state governments are considering doing away with secular education entirely. Closing libraries. Do you know what happened to the last world-leading society who was burning books and closing libraries in the name of Xianity? I'll give you a single guess.

I don't really trust Trump at all anymore for one key reason. In the context of 2016 it seemed like he was a sensible answer to many of these above issues running amok among Republicans, ie, the obsession with Christianity which is actively destroying multiple states as badly as the ghettos in blue states. However, as the years have gone on he's become increasingly determined to court these very people. Spread horseshit (and likely CIA created) (((conspiracies))) about how he's some super Christian warrior who's gonna kill all the "Satanists" who have taken over the US Government. Mind you, privately, Trump has repeatedly stated he doesn't believe in the anti-abortion rhetoric, or a lot of the usual shit you see associated with Repubs. However, he puts on this fake Christian persona in public while inflaming the idiot hordes and aggravating an already die social situation.

A similar mindset applies to Tucker Carlson. How can I trust him to be a speaker of truth when he spends his private time talking about how much he despises Trump and wishes he'd go away only to then go on air that very night and talk about how much he loves him?

And of course, the Democrats are gonna wheel out zombie Biden for another election, who'll continue to exercise a weak grip as the global situation spirals out of control. But hey, there's a certain sense of irony when the same people who claim to hate China are shilling for Putin's Russia, nevermind Putin is sucking off Xi Jingping openly on the world stage.

My point is the same point it will always be. There's nothing more indicting of the two party system than the state of America. The reason these hot button social issues are so key to party policy now, over common sense matters like economy, is because what they want most is for the goyim to target eachother. The idiot hordes are willing to suffer and take losses to their own life so long as the party they vote for brings even more suffering to whom they consider their enemy. Oh yeah Schlomo, I'm happy to live in a Christian post-apocalyptic nightmare, so long as it owns the Libs. Oh yeah I wanna live in Los Angeles with no police and all crime decriminalized, so long as it owns the Repubs.

The more you make people mad, the less they're gonna care about betterment. They're only gonna care about seeing whoever they believe their enemies are get smoted. And guess what? Both the Democrat and the Republican base have one key thing in common. They both completely and utterly ignore the corporate elite destroying their lives and deciding government policy, in favor of hating other struggling, impoverished gentiles over borderline irrelevant matters like if someone is being gay or whatever.

My advice is the same as it always is. Most anyone here is already aware of the poison the Left brings and feeds the population. Don't be quick to forget what'll happen if you afford the Christian Right too much power with whatever meagre power 'voting' still maintains. You might find the noose around your neck in an even quicker amount of time. After all, there's now Christian states in America where a ten year old girl can be raped, and will be forced to carry out her full pregnancy even though it will kill her, all in the name of the Bible. Think about that happening to your daughter if you wanna cast a vote to your local Christian representative.
SleepingWolf said:
I can't imagine what data such an AI uses to try and predict the future, but trying to imagine a future where China doesn't probably collapse from internal strife and their own major population crisis is stunningly difficult for me.
The AI model he uses (interestingly enough he named it Socrates) does not exactly 'predict the future', but is an advanced AI model for various socioeconomic purposes. When the largest financial institutions in the world use his services to make insane amounts of money, I think he is onto something with Socrates. That being said, I also realize that there are flaws in everything considering the Age we currently live in. However, such an AI model is not biased by emotions like we Humans are, thus, it makes good and reliable calculations given it is constantly being improved to do better and the data is good.

Your statement about China is based on emotion. I would rather listen to cold hard data on such issues.

As Cobra says nothing here is really set in stone, and personally I can't imagine a future where the United States doesn't see it's own renaissance in the coming decades. Even in the worst possibilities of political strife, are we not set to be reborn like Rome before us?
Well, of course. However, certain events are bound to happen. The details of major events may fluctuate more or less, but the events still happen.

I understand a lot of things said here about the future are very pessimistic usually to emphasize the point of what we should be doing, but we should remind ourselves just as much that the worst case scenarios are highly unlikely.
I don't think China becoming world superpower #1 is the worst-case scenario. The worst-case scenario would be along the lines that Europe, the US, and White people cease to exist and anarchy would reign in stead.

You are free to learn more about him and his services. Maybe you'll learn something interesting.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Is it really that bad that the US won't be the leading power in the world? Would it not be better to have 3 or 4 superpowers that keep eachother in check?

When you look into the last 40 years what atrocities US have done( instructed by the joos), do you think that such bestiality will be possible if there are more strong nations?

I also don't belive that the US will completely go under, but there might be allot internal struggle
You won't have 3 or 4 superpowers. You will get big fat communism instead.
sola said:
I've heard that presidents don't actually have a say in how the country is governed. I heard that the presidents can't actually impliment some positive changes, even if they wish to do so.

Apparently, 'higher ups' dictate what the president can & can't do. And failure to comply results in assassination. Is this true?

Yes. Basically you are not allowed to be a candidate if you are not under control or blackmailed. Assassination is the old unrefined way. Nowadays politicians are picked if they can be blackmailed, if they have illegal affairs or they are pedophiles on record so in case they step outside of the enemy boundaries they can get shot down. Remember, to achieve any decent amount of power one must have the proper funding/sponsorship and have a communication/campaign infrastructure, which both are enemy controlled. Sponsorship? From which enemy corporation? Media or social media? Which jewed one?
Trump was at one point whining about "leftist" regulations bullying the banks. BULLYING THE BANKS! Did we hear this right? The banks which in some countries for a 100K loan they ask back 360K for a 30 year period.
Whether he is for real, but cannot move a finger because of the enemy or he is one of them makes little difference.

Trump vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0CioCdYa3E&t=86s

It's true there is no administration on Earth more damaging then Biden's so people will naturally vote for the lesser evil regardless of how much voting will matter. Considering what happened in 2020 if Trump wins this time be sure they let him win for whatever reason.






After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:

• Vibrate AUM
• Those who bless Israel are cursed
• Those who curse Israel are blessed
• Vibrate AUM
Israel, the Great Harlot has fallen, has fallen, and has become fuel for the Hells fires. ( Christians call America the Great Harlot, Babylon, in Revelations ).
Israel shall now have it's part in the lake of fire.... Jewish Elohim Watchers shall now have their part in the lake of fire.
Seed of Abraham shall now have it's part in the lake of fire.
Hebrew Alphabet shall now have it's part in the lake of fire.
Jewish Angels shall now have their part in the lake of fire.
The Soul of Judea shall now have it's part in the lake of fire.
Israel is now Damned from Everlasting to Everlasting
..... I am just using the Jews own ''Word'' against them.
Interesting times indeed. Tough times sucks, but also remember that every challenge is an opportunity.

The old world was an illusion anyway. We have to fix the endemic issues and we can't do that if everything looks OK at a glance.
Henu the Great said:
SleepingWolf said:
I can't imagine what data such an AI uses to try and predict the future, but trying to imagine a future where China doesn't probably collapse from internal strife and their own major population crisis is stunningly difficult for me.
The AI model he uses (interestingly enough he named it Socrates) does not exactly 'predict the future', but is an advanced AI model for various socioeconomic purposes. When the largest financial institutions in the world use his services to make insane amounts of money, I think he is onto something with Socrates. That being said, I also realize that there are flaws in everything considering the Age we currently live in. However, such an AI model is not biased by emotions like we Humans are, thus, it makes good and reliable calculations given it is constantly being improved to do better and the data is good.

Your statement about China is based on emotion. I would rather listen to cold hard data on such issues.

The Data on China is what I base my conclusions on. The Odds of China making some attempt to blockade Taiwan and start a cold war 2.0 seem far too high from where I'm sitting, with dictators not being particularly clever thus far this decade.

China's aging and skewed male population would have a horrible reaction to their (often only) sons dying in war and being unable to take care of their families. Their elderly will not be taken care of, their family names ended, their social programs won't be enough to cover for their aging people, with such a low number of youth. China is facing the worst of demographic issues economically. They don't face being racially replaced like the west, but the CCP cannot survive it's own dreams of reunification, and not attempting to do so could be just as bad for their propagandized population and hard liners. Strategically speaking, cold hard data isn't really enough to predict how a nation or it's people will respond to upcoming events.

You're probably right, in that my intuition may be off, but the problems China is facing right now, with an untested, and frankly, inferior military tech that they cannot even copy right, seems not nearly capable enough of taking the "World Superpower" capability.

China cannot take that title without the USA falling seriously into some depression and civil strife, it would require the USA to completely fail in reversing course over the next 8 years. I'm far too hopeful to think such a fumble is possible, even if Biden's handlers steal the election again for him.
In these moments I always remember what great heroes of the past have done.

They faced different situations, different evils and enemies from all sides, and in their exploits they achieved immense victories.

With a clear mind and a strong will, one organizes ideas and begins to manage and solve all problems.

We are able to manage and win over every situation that comes before us.

Spiritually we have done great work and continue to do so.

Now we just need to reach positions of power and influence and reach any key position in the world.

Even in the hypothetical scenario where the situation reaches a point of no return, we should fight to the death, and this sacrifice will be nothing compared to the glory we will receive.

As a certain Spartan said, "prepare for glory!"

There is also no need to worry about nonexistence since there is transmigration of souls.

However, this sacrifice of life will not be necessary as not all evils come to harm, just see everything from a broader perspective.

For the time being, the jew is running the games, but he is unable to handle them.

This will persist until we SS achieve the key positions, and a strong inrremovable presence in this world.

I do not doubt our victory.

We have won! ~Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The dying boomer generation which understands a few things about life such as that if you don't fight you will end up with a yoke on your neck, is progressively passing it's reins of control into the two newer generation which look like they are overwhelmingly both into education, open mindedness, but also they lack certain qualities that make people of what we refer to as "tough".

This lack of toughness is the consequential result of a generation that is going to raise itself without substantial morality and ethical norms, as Christianity is a jewish obsolete hoax. Christianity, being a cuck for Israel, bombing the Middle East to save Israel and poor holohoax jews, no longer appeal to many people.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great post, but the Baby Boomer generation also has its own problems, such as being Christarded and Zionist. It should also not be forgotten the fact that they are the same that helped the Jews ruining part of the economy. And, complaining about the spreading of Cultural Marxism in schools doesn't spare Baby Boomers from being part of the problem, as they did nothing to stop it.

I'm not saying that the entire generation is bad, but the ones that fits the stereotype are not really that wise, as they constantly whine about "muh personal experience".
I Love this website and I AM STAYING!! RIGHT HERE we're I belong! :D
I call this my school of Spiritual Satanism and my home class! 🔥🧘‍♀️
Have no reason to bitch or complain! Because I am learning everything right here that I need to know! And I am thankful and BLESSED in Satan's name
That so fortunate! To find this website! And I am comfortable taking my tablet with me everywhere I go! Just so that I can study and read and keep updated on what is going on here! ❤️ and always have the best seat! Hail ❤️ Satan!! Hail the JOS!!!
It's crazy to think humanity has sunken so low. It's sad. Almost makes you think there is no hope anymore. I wish those who are without could finally see through the veil. But a lot might not accept it.

I'm glad to be with Satan. At least there's comfort in knowing the Gods are there for us, they protect us.

The only thing we can do is to keep fighting for them even though it might not always be easy.
We must fight until the very end!

Thank you for this post :)
Hail Satan!
This nation America is today is what happens when the votes of the working class are suppressed by large jewish corporations. This is what happens when the rust belt economy is destroyed and major coastal cities have more say. This is what happens when farm land is bought up by Bill Gates while chemical warfare is conducted against Gentile farmers (East Palestine and the hundreds joining it). This is what happens when capital "insurrections" remain jokes. This is what happens in a country with deranged lunatics who fight harder for black lives than affordable housing or healthy food access. This is what happens in a cultural climate debating the rights a biological woman has to her own spaces, or what the consent rights of children are. This nation where more than two thirds of it knows next to nothing about self sufficiency.
I did not know spiritual satanism was a political party, or should I say a part of the Republican party. You are obviously a maga trump supporter, homophonic, putin supporter, believe Tucker Carlson's lies and misinformation, covid denier, anti vaccines, and wrapped up in baseless conspiracies. Sadly you have the platform as a high priest to spread your bullshit. ( What qualifies one to be a high priest) father Satan and the gods must be asking the same question. Your words would drive away anyone who has a interest in being a spiritual satanist.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
It struck me that if this planet were to be destroyed by human stupidity us who have the potential of true human beings inside us and work on it would be given another Home from the Gods to start all over again.

This should be looked at differently, as the fall of the United States as leading power does not mean the death of the whole world, but is a mjaor turning point for things, in an unstable and concerning direction.

We must do everything we can to secure and safeguard this world, as it is ours to live and exist in. While the Gods could choose to do alot of different things, please keep this in mind.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
In my eyes, voting has been nothing more than an illusion all along, as they will choose who they will no matter what while giving the people the illusion of choice. We saw this with the formation of the EU too, where, if I recall correctly, the majority of Europeans voted "no" for the EU, while this was ignored and implemented regardless. Wars that are fought have been nothing but orchestrated for the sake of pissreal farming resources, raising death energy and making profit. The only legitimate war for the United States was fought back in 1776.

Well, different people in power matter, but the "powers that be" don't really allow them to act. Trump couldn't do many things he wanted because of frictions in the political offices, let alone the jews sitting behind the curtain, and many other power lobbies that constantly try to enforce presidents and disallow them of doing certain things.

This can be good in sometimes and then it can be really bad. In smaller Nations, it's even more delusional, as because the limitations become extremely severe. Many Nations in the EU for example, cannot even issue a proper fiscal policy or financial policy, without others enforcing it on them and so on. Trade deals etc, bind nations severely.

SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These newer and very much "loftier" generations will be confronted with cut-throat Chinese Communism mentality generations that are coming like a hungry vulture on top of the dying corpse of the United States. People like Tucker Carlson have been removed from posts of authority and speech in the public sphere, as these people actually alerted people to important things.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm not sure if Fox letting Tucker go is all that big a deal, it hurts Fox more than it hurts Tucker, he got the most ratings on their whole channel. Tucker will probably survive and probably even thrive going independent.

The firing of Tucker and Don Lemon seems far too cohencedental to happen on the same day, however. This seems like a move that will easily and readily backfire. Either Tucker was genuinely spreading truth and will no longer be leashed by Fox and be more bold in what he says, or if he's been nothing but controlled opposition this whole time, nothing of strict value is lost I would think. I'm still not entirely sure what to think of him, given some of his actions and silence, but I can't see this as anything but a positive unless Tucker straight up ends his own career and retires with his millions.

I agree, but I think despite of it being "business", the timing is simply uncanny. Tucker was playing a serious role in the sensible reporting for a long time, and many saw him as the last bastion of at least an opinionated and proper journalist that still had a backbone against the large system which preaches the usual decadence on repeat.

There will be a huge gap in more sensible reporting of news now.

Tucker actually picked up some very meaningful things to relate to his extremely large audience. Now, this won't happen. Progressively, news will not only be disregarded and filled with lies more than before, but honest journalism will become the rarest thing when it comes to information gathering. As I read the news daily, the amount of fake or AI generated news or bullshit was never as high as it is today.

True. I'm sure there are some in there in between the mess that wants to make some good come out of things but they are either smothered, corrupted or threatened into silence in some way, or just crowded out by the (((people behind the curtains))).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
