starcannon said:
The 72 names is derived from the torah by taking certain passages from exodus and combining them.
It has nothing to do with our gods.
Now, there are 33 Sanskrit letters that correspond to parts of the spine. God names have magickal applications and develop certain parts of the soul. Whether there are exactly 72 I don't know.
The "72" are made up by jews and corrupted beyond recognition of the originals. They are derived from the hebrew torah and on top of this, they are used in the Solomonic magic. Which is a very recent corruption. And has no substantial basis in the original meaning of the meditation.
Because they wanted to give this legitimacy they used an important number. The 72, which is the half of the soul, and the other 72 which is the other half of the soul. But this has nothing to do with the original, they just created a context for their magic to work into.
Our Gods aren't only 72, they are way, way more. But they took the most important and decided to attack, banish them, and create counter-thoughforms to try to subvert their influence. Such as the Angelic names ending in Yah and El. Which is the basis of the lesser key of Solomon and the solomonic magic. To create thoughforms to assist the jews while attacking the original Pagan Gods in the mass mind.
These angelic/72 names have no importance, other than the accumulated importance they got from the jews and the retarded christians believing in them. The jews have inscribed them in their soul and spirit, they believe in them and use them, but existentially their use is nothing important. Ie, these don't have any meaning on their own, they are just pollutants.
On the other hand the Demonic (Pre-Christian God Names) has a lot of value, all 72 of them listed in the Goetia, and they are originals, but also corrupted in the jewish texts to an extent, as they existed way before jews and the jews hate them for it. For example Astarte, Astaroth, Astoreth. These little changes were made so that people who practice these and don't have insight will simply ruin their own energetic field. Which is why blasphemous pseudo-"Satanist" who try to mix the Qlippothic Kabbalah (Jewish creation) and the actual Pagan names as perverted by the jew (Such as Astoreth which means abomination in hebrew) go insane, are plagued and go from retardiation to retardiation.