Thank you, I had actually forgotten about this. Good thing I read you!!!
My *personal* view about that:
The Name of Satan is really very sacred. As much as the Jews named Satan whenever they had accomplished some shit and didn't know who to accuse of that shit, it doesn't make the Name of Satan any less sacred.
It only makes the Jews even more irreverent and unworthy of the higher things in the universe. The Name of Satan should not be abused. This is my personal opinion and I could be wrong. Observe the Yezidis, though.
They refused to even name Satan if the reason was futile, because they explained that just uttering this Name, which is the Name of God, put you directly in touch with God Himself, the Creator. Jews do not understand this concept.
But this does not go to affect Satan. Satan remains God, remains all-powerful. Whether a Jew blasphemes Satan or not, it does not change the Satya (the Truth by which the universe works). All words connected with Satan are related to Universal Powers that even we could hardly ever fully understand.
Satan is in the Temple, Satan holds the Temple, the Temple itself is Satan's. And now there is no longer any doubt about this because the Temple bears the name of the Head God, who is none other than Satanas, but in Zeus.
I myself address Satan as if he were a Father. Seeking his guidance. But only after the understanding of all its Sacredness which is really high and which a Jew can never affect no matter how many times he pronounces "Satan" while reading some disgrace like the Torah which is now so reversed that it would do less damage to Israel if they burned all these sacred books of Judaism, than if they continued to keep them and try to use them to try to save a little bit of a situation which I have no idea what makes them think it can be saved.
But I understand their survival instinct typical of how the basic "reptilian" brain works. I don't expect them to understand that at this point it is more convenient for them to throw themselves on the ground and apologize by at least trying to pretend that they understand mistakes that for the nature of their soul they will never understand. No problem. They are no longer important in themselves these beings. Now only Satan is important. In His eternal Temple. Hail Zeus!