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Sunday/Monday Race Awakening Rituals + Final RTR

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all our Warriors and Satanic Family.

We are doing the daily FINAL RTR as a scheduled thing, everyday. This is why there is no RTR Schedule currently - everyday the RTR is being done regardless. This can be found on the frontpage of the board.


This in other words changes nothing in regards to our usual RTR schedule. We follow this no matter what. It is of paramount importance to do this daily, especially now that the "Purim" of the enemy is coming up. It's a perfect opportunity to turn all this guilt tripping and brainwashing currently happening with White people into the opposite effect.

As everyone can understand, with the recent jewing on the enemy on the "New Zealand Shooting", and many other challenges that are to arise, it is mandatory to do a Race Awakening ritual, especially in the midst of the brainwashing against Whites and what is at stake from all of this brainwashing.

This type of rogue clown stuff leads nowhere. Anyone interested in the permanent conclusion of this cause has to help win the permanent spiritual and information war, and not just go ape-shit randomly. The enemy is not afraid of a chimpout, they are only afraid when the truth and permanent changes in people happen through actual inner change.

The ground is fertile for exactly that, and the enemy is trying to turn this ship the other way with the usual censorship, attacking, vilification, and all the ancient toolkit they still use.

Purim, or in plain slang, the celebration where the jews crucify innocents, drink cups of blood, and in general do defiling and merciless rituals against Gentiles and people, is in a few days. Crucifying is to add insult to injury: The dumb "Goyim" were enslaved into Christianity, so they have to be punished in the image of the jew imposed Hoax, that is, with their blood drunk, or the crucifix, same as the sickening jewish simulation of a blood ritual which is based on the jewish crucifix.

This is why they are doing all these events such as the recent "Shootings" to just raise further energy, further censor, and further disable their opposition.

A people dying and about to become a demographic minority, displaced and jobless in their own land, overtaken by foreigners, and assimilated until non exists, is not exactly a free people. Anyone is coming to an understanding of that. For many, anger grows.

For what is non constructive use of anger, that is brainless violence. How to put awakening into perspective is winning permanently the information war, and the spiritual war, leading into permanent conclusions with the enemy. Doing brainless actions leads nowhere here. People are however still attacked and brainwashed to take the largest and most dangerous war done against us as a species in our recent history, as something really light.

All of the above has to be fended and deflected spiritually and with information. People are waking up and there is nothing that can make this go back. The only thing the enemy can hope is that their brainwashing will hold this already exploding dam, which is impossible to control in anyway, shape or form.

They do not hope to 'win' the war against us, but they really hope they can maintain control mentally and with their brain games until it's too late for us to change anything. Demographics do not move backwards, and nothing will be achieved by people sitting their fat ass and changing nothing. Militarily it's of no question - the jews will never really mobilize against us, as they have lost every form of warfare against Whites and Gentiles. The only thing they are really good at and kept them up is brainwashing, mental enslavement, and subjugation through deception.

But also these are really giving in. The destruction of these does need to be accelerated.

Therefore, we will reply with the Race Awakening Ritual. Anyone who feels for this can join in.

My recommendation, is not to even waste a day. If you see this on Saturday, do the Ritual on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. You don't need to over-complexify anything. Just chant the runes given, do the affirmation, and you are set.

Below is the Ritual:

Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss


The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate eachRune while you are carving it. To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it. There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you.

The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power. To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity,Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól,Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes.

You vibrate these together, not separately.

Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss...

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!



For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.
Raising Your Energies: http://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.htm
Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah: http://web.archive.org/web/20150603001921/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf
Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah: http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zipJoS Webpage of the Runes: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Kabalah.html
Can this Ritual be done at the computer?
Hmm... good but how many times i day can i do this ritual? Like its not like the RTR where you attack the jewish letters but in this one you summon the power of hell.
Like i wont be able to do it in this weekend so i will do it monday from 2 to 2 hours.
This is the best thing I've read all day!
I'm gonna feel like a proper viking staining runes with my blood and awakening our brothers and sisters. ⛧
Weassel said:
Hmm... good but how many times i day can i do this ritual? Like its not like the RTR where you attack the jewish letters but in this one you summon the power of hell.
Like i wont be able to do it in this weekend so i will do it monday from 2 to 2 hours.

Keep it really simple.

1. Focus on the Gods
2. Do the Runes
3. And then say the affirmation. Even one time for the affirmation with proper intent is enough.

There is nothing complex here, nor time consuming.

1 time should be fine. If someone wants, they can do 2 times per day, but 1 should suffice.
Very good, thank you. I like how this came just at the right time, my vacation ends Tuesday, so I will have plenty of time to do this.

Hail Satan! Forever!
Questions: can non- whites participate ?, can the vibrations be shortened ?, can you give me the mp3 runic vibrations ?( the link is just the website) and do I need to use blood and as a non-white should switch some of the words around ?
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Questions: can non- whites participate ?, can the vibrations be shortened ?, can you give me the mp3 runic vibrations ?( the link is just the website) and do I need to use blood and as a non-white should switch some of the words around ?
For the non-whites quiestion, there is one for the black race as i know
For the vibration, you mean less vibration or shorter, if you mean shorter then yes
Yey I have all my weekend free!!! Quick question, what planetary hours would be more favorable for this working?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Aww Yeah. Thank you for the call to arms Commander Cobra. Time to awaken the Glorious Aryan Race and bring Hitler back.
Good ill do this today too. I really felt the last one and it felt positive. Probably am not going to use wood or paper for this right now but I still really feel it. Heil Hitler and may the white race Awaken!!!

Oh and non whites can do the black awakening ritual that is really needed wish you all luck too.

Hail Satan
Do the meditations to open the soul help raising the energies?
Everyone should be doing the Final RTR more from March to the passed the end of April the Catholic's are doing the Lent rituals for six weeks then this ends in late April which Easter beings and this is Jewish Passover. The enemy is working to raise major power.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Yey I have all my weekend free!!! Quick question, what planetary hours would be more favorable for this working?

All except Saturn. But even Saturn should be fine if one cannot find another hour.

"Just do it" is the motto.
I've been looking forward to this, my thanks HP HoodedCobra. I felt something was rotten to the core when I first heard about the shooting. Shootings which target the groups the Enemy is using against us are almost always orchestrated by them, and there are Kabbalah numbers involved to tie into disgusting Purim. I'll be putting some extra time into my AoP for the next few days and I'd advise others to do likewise if you haven't, it will prevent the enemy from trying to make you feel apathy or apprehension in regards to obliterating them.
HP Mageson666 said:
Everyone should be doing the Final RTR more from March to the passed the end of April the Catholic's are doing the Lent rituals for six weeks then this ends in late April which Easter beings and this is Jewish Passover. The enemy is working to raise major power.
Wisely put HP Mageson. I've noticed the Jewish scum do these rituals right on top of the time of year that the most spiritual growth can be achieved for Gentiles and the Magnum Opus can be started. The harder we punish them spiritually, the less they can cut off the spiritual growth of the Spring.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Yey I have all my weekend free!!! Quick question, what planetary hours would be more favorable for this working?
I plan to do the Race Awakening Rituals most particularly on the hours of the Sun, but as the HP stated, any time but the hour of Saturn is good. Use the hours of Saturn for the Final RTR.
Here is a link for the vibrations if anyone needs it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy23eT2TM-PBJTPddr_C6EIEYCOyhTu1J

Lets crush the enemy's efforts!

Hail Satan!
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Questions: can non- whites participate ?, can the vibrations be shortened ?, can you give me the mp3 runic vibrations ?( the link is just the website) and do I need to use blood and as a non-white should switch some of the words around ?

Non-whites can participate by directing empowering and protective energy towards Spiritual Satanists to aid them in performing the ritual and whites who are without but are on the road to being awakened.

What you could do is Vibrate the runes 88 times each and have the affirmation be:

This energy is going towards all Aryans who need extra power in performing the Race Awakening Ritual. (9x)

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of their White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for their White Children


Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!
I done the affirmations I will write the runes too. I will search the vedas for similar race awakening and light a candle and or butter lamp? then affirm over the runes written. the affirmations
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
MoonlessNight666 said:
Yey I have all my weekend free!!! Quick question, what planetary hours would be more favorable for this working?

All except Saturn. But even Saturn should be fine if one cannot find another hour.

"Just do it" is the motto.
I think the hour of Mercury should be the best since it has to do with the intellect!
It might be a dumb question but i want to be sure, Is it just me or the after effects from the awakening ritual are way more intense than in previous days when we have to do this ritual again ?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Do the meditations to open the soul help raising the energies?

There is no exclusive way to raise energies, though in my opinion even though vibration itself raises our energy and tunes the chakras, you might want to be sure that it's stimulating you enough to direct you will into the ritual.

Maybe add some light pranayama (breathing exercises) if you don't feel stimulated enough and don't want to overdo it.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Can non whites do it and can it be shortened ?

You can contribute on the runic vibrations, yes.
Updated Link for raising energies:

Νίκος said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
MoonlessNight666 said:
Yey I have all my weekend free!!! Quick question, what planetary hours would be more favorable for this working?

All except Saturn. But even Saturn should be fine if one cannot find another hour.

"Just do it" is the motto.
I think the hour of Mercury should be the best since it has to do with the intellect!

Family do not confuse the hours etc, try to avoid Saturn. If you can't avoid it, it's all good, its not harming anything.

Keep it simple.

Let's get it!
Donovandal said:
It might be a dumb question but i want to be sure, Is it just me or the after effects from the awakening ritual are way more intense than in previous days when we have to do this ritual again ?

They are intense and they will keep getting stronger, so keep up strong until Monday, hammer these in today and tomorrow.
(((occultumlapidem))) said:
I done the affirmations I will write the runes too. I will search the vedas for similar race awakening and light a candle and or butter lamp? then affirm over the runes written. the affirmations

This is perfect considering I've been seeing a lot of white hate online as of late. "KILL ALL WHITES", "Asian>White" and all that other garbage. The enemy has been hitting them all hard with the inferiority bullshit so it fuels their hatred more and more. It's such a childish thing to see, like a bunch of kids screaming and bawling just because they want the power of authority to abuse and push people around as if that's something we even do to begin with.
Just finished! Amazing!

I have a question, can I save these for the next time, or do I need to make new every time? I didn't carve these, I drew them on paper, and then stained with blood.

Thank you in advance.

Hail Satan! Hail the White Race! Forever!
in title it says "sunday/monday" , is this only to be done on sunday and monday or everyday?

also would it be alright to do this shorten reps if one is low on time?
For some reason, I want to share this experience

A few hours ago, I did a ritual

Everything went well .. and well.. that's why I wanna share this.., after I finished the ritual, I returned to my daily activities

I am quite new to practicing communicative spirituality in the sense that I've studied for a year on everything that can be studied at joyofsatan.org and other sites that are branch of main site.

I opened all my chakras a few months ago and I'm not very experienced. I've studied a lot and all my days starts from reading joyofsatan site to reading posts here on forum.

I can say that I am experienced in the terms of energy manipulation, self-control, and spiritual stability, but the main point is that I am not experienced in terms of astral communication or astral vision.

And I always imagined that I will experience it just randomly, while meditating

The situation is the next, during the ritual I felt a very positive energy and for the first time in my spiritual journey I heard something inexplicable that could not come anywhere from the room. I was happy and felt that positive energy even more. But after the ritual I had that gut feeling that was so negative and instantly I got some kind of depression and anxiety which shocked me.

I tried to get rid of that feeling, so I watched some old youtube videos to get me distracted from that feeling

But, that's where real anxiety and depression came. I even started to feel fear without a reason. I was scared of a sound that came out from PC, it wasn't loud at all but I FEARED the simple sound, then I suddenly saw something that was white-greyish and I immediately knew that I was under attack. The video freezed and one monotone sound threw me out of my control. Without a reason I shouted Satan almost immediately when I was at the peak of most horrible experience ever till now and said "There is No God but You, Hail to Satan and His Victory".

It stopped.

I have only anger left inside of me. I began to hate myself and feel huge anxiety since that. I was unable to do anything. It was the most powerful fear I've ever experienced. Anger made me do Final RTR 8 times in a row, and I would probably continue to spam it but I just can't get it out of my head. That fear was so strong that I FELT my Heart was hurting me and .. it's most horrible thing I've ever experienced during my spiritual journey. It made me feel miserable and very very weak.

But guess what, I now feel more and more hunger to FUCK those who I CAN fuck. Maybe greys and other shits of angelic beings are far away from me, but I CAN AND I WILL screw their bastards called jews, xians and fuckslims as much as I can, not just by doing spiritual warfare.

I said to myself that I am very big coward, but that and any other thought WON'T stop me to do what I must do to eliminate those who installed that fear

I'm not gonna even change the words around, looks like I'm apart of the white race tonight. Heil Hitler and OUR white race l ;) :) :lol: :p ol. :D
Larissa666 said:
Just finished! Amazing!

I have a question, can I save these for the next time, or do I need to make new every time? I didn't carve these, I drew them on paper, and then stained with blood.

Thank you in advance.

Hail Satan! Hail the White Race! Forever!

Yes, you can definitely keep this. When you will re-do this, you can just vibrate on top of this already created.
hiddenmantis666 said:
in title it says "sunday/monday" , is this only to be done on sunday and monday or everyday?

also would it be alright to do this shorten reps if one is low on time?

This is for the 17th, 18th of March. Today is the last day to participate, so do it. It's not for every Sunday or Monday.

If you are to shorten go for 40, or 36.
TalGonDon said:
The only thing they can do to you is scaring you. That's it. Knowing this i never feared them at all because i knew that by calling Father Satan their attack would end right away. We are protected by the God's plus our own protection and plus the Rtr that weaken them more day after day. To do something physical it will require huge amount of energy that they are not going to waste on you or anyone, so don't be scared because they can't do shit.
TalGonDon said:


They just try to stop you, that's all there is to it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
